

I'm going to talk about consciousness . 下面我来谈谈意识
Why consciousness? 为什么是意识呢?
Well, it's a curiously neglected subject, both in our scientific and our philosophical culture. 恩,说来也怪,无论是在科学还是哲学领域 它都是一个被忽视的学科
curiously:adv.好奇地;奇妙地; neglected:adj.被忽略的; v.忽略; (neglect的过去分词和过去式) scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; philosophical:adj.哲学的(等于philosophic);冷静的;
Now why is that curious? 为什么说这很奇怪呢?
Well, it is the most important aspect of our lives for a very simple, logical reason, namely , it's a necessary condition on anything being important in our lives that we're conscious. 它在我们的生活中是及其重要的部分 原因很简单,也很好理解 那就是:我们生命里一切重要事物存在的必要条件 就是我们拥有意识
aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位; logical:adj.合逻辑的,合理的;逻辑学的; namely:adv.也就是;即是;换句话说;
You care about science, philosophy , music, art, whatever -- it's no good if you're a zombie or in a coma , right? 比如,你研究科学、哲学、音乐、艺术等等 但如果你是僵尸或植物人,那些东西对你就没有意义了吧?
philosophy:n.哲学;哲理;人生观; zombie:n.行尸走肉;蛇神;木讷呆板的人; coma:n.[医]昏迷;[天]彗形像差;
So consciousness is number one. 所以说意识是最为重要的
The second reason is that when people do get interested in it, as I think they should, they tend to say the most appalling things. 第二个原因:当人们对意识感兴趣时 我认为他们应该对它感兴趣 他们就会说出一些非常惊人的话
And then, even when they're not saying appalling things and they're really trying to do serious research, well, it's been slow. Progress has been slow. 然后,即使他们没有说那么惊人的东西 他们也会尝试去正儿八经地研究它
When I first got interested in this, I thought, well, it's a straightforward problem in biology . 我最开始对此感兴趣时,我认为 这纯粹就是一个生物学难题
straightforward:adj.简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的;adv.直截了当地;坦率地; biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学;
Let's get these brain stabbers to get busy and figure out how it works in the brain. 那我们就打开脑子 看看它是怎样在大脑中运作的
So I went over to UCSF and I talked to all the heavy-duty neurobiologists there, and they showed some impatience , as scientists often do when you ask them embarrassing questions. 于是我去了加州大学旧金山分校 和知名的神经生物学专家们谈了谈 他们都不大耐烦 当别人问很难回答的问题时,科学家都这样
heavy-duty:adj.耐用的;重型的,重负荷的; neurobiologists:神经生物学家; impatience:n.急躁;无耐心; embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词)
But the thing that struck me is, one guy said in exasperation , a very famous neurobiologist, he said, "Look, in my discipline it's okay to be interested in consciousness, but get tenure first. Get tenure first." 但出乎我意料的是,一个很有名的 神经生物学家恼怒地说:“听着 干这一行,你对意识感兴趣没关系 但先拿到终身职位再说。要先拿到终身职位!”
exasperation:n.恼怒;恶化;惹人恼怒的事; discipline:n.纪律;训练;自制力;风纪;v.训练;管教;惩罚;处罚; tenure:n.任期;占有;vt.授予…终身职位;
Now I've been working on this for a long time. 我对意识已经研究了很长时间了
I think now you might actually get tenure by working on consciousness. 我想,说不定人们能通过研究意识 得到终身职位呢
If so, that's a real step forward. 如果真那样,那可是个一大进步啊
Okay, now why then is this curious reluctance and curious hostility to consciousness? 好,现在我们说说为什么这些人不愿意 甚至反对研究意识?
reluctance:n.[电磁]磁阻;勉强;不情愿; hostility:n.敌意;战争行动;
Well, I think it's a combination of two features of our intellectual culture that like to think they're opposing each other but in fact they share a common set of assumptions . 嗯,我觉得这与知识文化的 两大特点有关 表面上,它们互相矛盾 但实际上两者却有一系列相同的前提假设
combination:n.结合;组合;联合;[化学]化合; intellectual:n.知识分子;脑力劳动者;adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的; opposing:adj.对立的; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的现在分词) assumptions:n.假定;假设;承担;获得;(assumption的复数)
One feature is the tradition of religious dualism : 一个特征是带有宗教二元论的传统色彩
religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑; dualism:n.二元论;双重性;二神教;
Consciousness is not a part of the physical world. 意识不是物质世界的组成部分
It's a part of the spiritual world. 而是精神世界的组成部分
It belongs to the soul, and the soul is not a part of the physical world. 它属于灵魂层面 而灵魂并不是物质世界的组成部分
That's the tradition of God, the soul and immortality . 这就是从“上帝”,”灵魂“和“永生”的角度,提出的一种观点
There's another tradition that thinks it's opposed to this but accepts the worst assumption. 还有一种说法,正好与此相悖 但却能接受最坏的假设
opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式)
That tradition thinks that we are heavy-duty scientific materialists : 这种观点认为:我们是责任重大的科学唯物主义者
Consciousness is not a part of the physical world. 意识不是物质世界的组成部分
Either it doesn't exist at all, or it's something else, a computer program or some damn fool thing, but in any case it's not part of science. 要么它完全不存在,要么它就是其它什么东西 比如说电脑程序或其他什么玩意儿 但绝不是科学的一部分
damn:v.谴责;该死;n.诅咒;adj.可恶的; in any case:无论如何;
And I used to get in an argument that really gave me a stomachache. 过去我常常和别人争论一个问题,争得我都胃疼
Here's how it went. 这个命题是这样的
Science is objective , consciousness is subjective , therefore there cannot be a science of consciousness. 科学是客观的,意识是主观的 所以不可能有研究意识的科学
objective:n.目标; adj.客观的; subjective:adj.主观的;个人的;自觉的;
Okay, so these twin traditions are paralyzing us. 好吧,这俩观点实在困住了我们
It's very hard to get out of these twin traditions. 真的很难跳脱出这俩说法
And I have only one real message in this lecture , and that is, consciousness is a biological phenomenon like photosynthesis , digestion , mitosis -- you know all the biological phenomena -- and once you accept that, most, though not all, of the hard problems about consciousness simply evaporate . 这次演讲我只有一个主旨想要传达 即:意识是一种生物现象 就像光合作用、消化作用、有丝分裂一样 你们知道这些生物学现象,而且一旦你承认它是生物现象 大多数关于意识的疑难问题 就自然而然就迎刃而解了
lecture:n.演讲;讲座;讲课;谴责;v.开讲座;讲授;讲课;指责;告诫 biological:adj.生物学的;生物的;与生命过程有关的;加酶的;n.[药]生物制品; phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物); photosynthesis:n.光合作用; digestion:n.消化;领悟; mitosis:n.间接核分裂,[细胞]有丝分裂; phenomena:n.现象(phenomenon的复数); evaporate:vt.使…蒸发;使…脱水;使…消失;vi.蒸发,挥发;消失,失踪;
And I'm going to go through some of them. 其中的一些问题,我一会就给大家作相关解释
Okay, now I promised you to tell you some of the outrageous things said about consciousness. 好了,我说过给你们讲些 关于意识的过分言论
One: Consciousness does not exist. 一:意识不存在
It's an illusion , like sunsets . 意识是幻觉,像太阳落山一样
illusion:n.幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰; sunsets:n.落日(sunset的复数);
Science has shown sunsets and rainbows are illusions . 科学已经表明日落和彩虹都是幻觉
rainbows:n.虹;彩虹;(rainbow的复数) illusions:n.幻想;错觉;幻觉;幻影(illusion的复数)
So consciousness is an illusion. 所以意识也是一种幻觉
Two: Well, maybe it exists, but it's really something else. 二:好吧,也许意识存在,但它一定是其它什么东西
It's a computer program running in the brain. 它是在大脑里运转的电脑程序
Three: No, the only thing that exists is really behavior. 三:意识不存在,真正存在的只是行为
It's embarrassing how influential behaviorism was, but I'll get back to that. 行为主义的影响力有多让人尴尬 我等会儿再说
influential:adj.有影响的;有势力的;n.有影响力的人物; behaviorism:n.行为主义;
And four: Maybe consciousness exists, but it can't make any difference to the world. 四:也许意识存在 但它不会对世界有什么影响
How could spirituality move anything? 如何靠意志挪动任何东西呢?
Now, whenever somebody tells me that, I think, you want to see spirituality move something? 现在,不管谁对我这样说的时候,我就想 你想看看意志能挪动东西吗?
Watch. I decide consciously to raise my arm, and the damn thing goes up. (Laughter) 看着,我有意识的决定抬起我的手臂 这玩意儿就抬起来了(笑声)
Furthermore , notice this: 而且,请注意
We do not say, "Well, it's a bit like the weather in Geneva. 我们并没说:“嗯,有点像日内瓦的天气
Some days it goes up and some days it doesn't go up." 有些天儿好,有些天儿不好。”
No. It goes up whenever I damn well want it to. 并不是这样我想抬手的时候,它就会抬起来
Okay. I'm going to tell you how that's possible. 好吧,我告诉你们怎么回事
Now, I haven't yet given you a definition . 到现在,我还没有给你们一个具体的定义
You can't do this if you don't give a definition. 如果没有明确定义,就讲不清楚
People always say consciousness is very hard to define . 人们老说很难给意识下定义
I think it's rather easy to define if you're not trying to give a scientific definition. 我倒觉得很容易 如果你不是要给它一个科学的定义的话
We're not ready for a scientific definition, but here's a common-sense definition. 我们现在还没准备好给它一个科学的定义 但有一个常识性的定义:
Consciousness consists of all those states of feeling or sentience or awareness . 意识由感觉、知觉、认知 等各种心理过程组成
consists:v.由…构成;由…组成(consist的三单形式); sentience:n.感觉性;感觉能力;知觉; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道;
It begins in the morning when you wake up from a dreamless sleep, and it goes on all day until you fall asleep or die or otherwise become unconscious . 它开始于你从无梦睡眠中醒来的清晨 并持续一整天,直到你睡着 或死亡,或处于无意识状态
dreamless:adj.无梦的,不做梦的; unconscious:adj.无意识的;失去知觉的;未发觉的;
Dreams are a form of consciousness on this definition. 在这一定义下,梦是意识的一种形式
Now, that's the common-sense definition. That's our target. 以上就是那个常识性的定义,也就是我们的目标
If you're not talking about that, you're not talking about consciousness. 如果你们不是在说这个定义,你们就不是在谈意识
But they think, "Well, if that's it, that's an awful problem. 但他们觉得:“好啊如果那样的话,这可就难了
How can such a thing exist as part of the real world?" 那样一个东西怎么会是真实世界的组成部分呢?”
And this, if you've ever had a philosophy course, this is known as the famous mind-body problem. 如果你们上过哲学课的话 这就是那个有名的精神与肉体关系的难题
I think that has a simple solution too. I'm going to give it to you. 我觉得那个问题也有个简单的解决办法
And here it is: All of our conscious states, without exception , are caused by lower-level neurobiological processes in the brain, and they are realized in the brain as higher-level or system features. 那就是:所有的意识状态,没有例外 都是由大脑中低层次神经生物学进程引起的 接着在大脑中,作为高层次神经进程 或者系统特征得以实现
exception:n.例外;异议; lower-level:低级别的; neurobiological:adj.神经生物学的; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);
It's about as mysterious as the liquidity of water. 它就像水的流动性一样神秘
mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; liquidity:n.流动性;流动资产;[金融]偿债能力;
Right? The liquidity is not an extra juice squirted out by the H2O molecules . 对吧,水的流动特性并不是 由水分子喷射出来引起的
extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: squirted:v.(使)喷射;喷;(用…)向…喷射;(squirt的过去分词和过去式) molecules:n.[化学]分子,微粒;[化学]摩尔(molecule的复数);
It's a condition that the system is in. 它只是一个状态,包含了这个系统
And just as the jar full of water can go from liquid to solid depending on the behavior of the molecules, so your brain can go from a state of being conscious to a state of being unconscious, depending on the behavior of the molecules. 就像一个装满水的罐子能从液体到固体 这取决于水分子的行为 所以大脑可以从有意识状态 到无意识状态 这取决于分子的行为
The famous mind-body problem is that simple. 著名的精神与肉体关系难题就这么简单
All right? But now we get into some harder questions. 好了,但我们现在要深入到更难的问题上去
Let's specify the exact features of consciousness, so that we can then answer those four objections that I made to it. 我们现在指定意识的准确特征 好让我们能够反驳我刚才说的 那四个异议
specify:v.具体说明;明确规定;详述;详列; objections:n.反对,异议(objection的复数形式);反对意见;
Well, the first feature is, it's real and irreducible . 第一个,它是真实的,不可削减的
You can't get rid of it. 你摆脱不了它
You see, the distinction between reality and illusion is the distinction between how things consciously seem to us and how they really are. 你们知道,现实与幻觉的区别 就是事物之于我们与 事物本身的区别
It consciously seems like there's -- 之于我们,看起来像…...
I like the French "arc-en-ciel" — it seems like there's an arch in the sky, or it seems like the sun is setting over the mountains. 我喜欢用这个法语词arc-en-ciel(虹) 看起来像一个arch(拱门)在空中 或者说像太阳横亘在群山之上
It consciously seems to us, but that's not really happening. 那只是我们自己的认知,但不是它真实的样子
But for that distinction between how things consciously seem and how they really are, you can't make that distinction for the very existence of consciousness, 但是,对于事物之于我们 和事物本质之间的区别 你不能把那个区别加诸到意识存在这个问题上
because where the very existence of consciousness is concerned , if it consciously seems to you that you are conscious, you are conscious. 因为意识存在的具体地方还亟待讨论 如果你清楚的意识到你是清醒的 你就是清醒的
I mean, if a bunch of experts come to me and say, "We are heavy-duty neurobiologists and we've done a study of you, Searle, and we're convinced you are not conscious, you are a very cleverly constructed robot," 我是说,如果一堆专家跑来对我说 “我们是尽职尽责的神经生物学家,而且做了一个 关于你的研究,赛尔,我们一致认为你没有意识 你只是一个构造精良的聪明机器人”
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式) cleverly:adv.聪明地; constructed:v.修建;建造;组成;编制,绘制;(construct的过去分词和过去式)
I don't think, "Well, maybe these guys are right, you know?" 我不会说:“嗯,可能他们说对啦”
I don't think that for a moment, because, I mean, 我完全不会那样想,
Descartes may have made a lot of mistakes, but he was right about this. 笛卡尔也许犯过很多错误,但有一点他是对的:
You cannot doubt the existence of your own consciousness. 你不能怀疑自身意识的存在
Okay, that's the first feature of consciousness. 好了,这是意识的第一个特征
It's real and irreducible. 它是真实的、不可简化的
You cannot get rid of it by showing that it's an illusion in a way that you can with other standard illusions. 你不能像对待其它幻觉那样 通过说明它是幻觉的方式来摆脱它
Okay, the second feature is this one that has been such a source of trouble to us, and that is, all of our conscious states have this qualitative character to them. 第二个特征 一直以来都是我们的烦恼来源 即,所有的意识状态 都存在这个定性的特点
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; qualitative:adj.定性的;质的,性质上的;
There's something that it feels like to drink beer which is not what it feels like to do your income tax or listen to music, and this qualitative feel automatically generates a third feature, 你喝啤酒的感觉 并不像你付所得税 或听音乐时的感觉,这个定性感受 自然就引出了第三个特征:
income tax:所得税; automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的; generates:[计]生成;发生;
namely, conscious states are by definition subjective in the sense that they only exist as experienced by some human or animal subject, some self that experiences them. 意识状态明显是主观的 它们只以人类或动物的经验状态存在 它们只以人类或动物的经验状态存在 本体体验到了它们
Maybe we'll be able to build a conscious machine. 或许我们能建造一台意识机器
Since we don't know how our brains do it, we're not in a position, so far, to build a conscious machine. 既然我们不清楚大脑是怎么做到的 我们现在就无法建造意识机器
Okay. Another feature of consciousness is that it comes in unified conscious fields. 好了,意识的另外一个特征就是 它以统一的意识域方式出现
So I don't just have the sight of the people in front of me and the sound of my voice and the weight of my shoes against the floor, but they occur to me as part of one single great conscious field that stretches forward and backward . 所以,我不仅能看到我眼前的人 还能听到自己的声音,感受到地板上鞋的重量 但他们以单一的 意识域部分出现 而且还能前后移动
occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在; stretches:v.拉长; n.一片; (stretch的第三人称单数和复数) backward:adj.向后的;反向的;发展迟缓的;adv.向后地;相反地;
That is the key to understanding the enormous power of consciousness. 这是理解意识的力量的关键 这就是理解意识的力量的关键
And we have not been able to do that in a robot. 现在我们还没法在机器人里做到这一点
The disappointment of robotics derives from the fact that we don't know how to make a conscious robot, so we don't have a machine that can do this kind of thing. 机器人学令人失望之处就是 我们不知道如何制造一台有意识的机器人 所以我们便没有一台能这样做的的机器
robotics:n.机器人学; derives:源于;得自(derive的第三人称单数);
Okay, the next feature of consciousness, after this marvelous unified conscious field, is that it functions causally in our behavior. 好了,在统一的意识域这个特征后 意识的另一个特征是 它在我们的行为中随意运行
marvelous:adj.了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的; causally:adv.有原因地;
I gave you a scientific demonstration by raising my hand, but how is that possible? 我刚给你们了一个科学的演示:举手 但是这是怎么回事呢?
How can it be that this thought in my brain can move material objects? 我脑袋里的想法怎么能 让一个实质物体运动呢
Well, I'll tell you the answer. 恩,我来给你们说明吧
I mean, we don't know the detailed answer, but we know the basic part of the answer, and that is, there is a sequence of neuron firings , and they terminate where the acetylcholine is secreted at the axon end-plates of the motor neurons. 我是说,我们并不知道具体的答案 但我们知道答案的基本部分,即 有那么一系列的神经元兴奋存在 它们会在分泌了乙酰胆碱的 运动神经元的轴突终板处终止
sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列; neuron:n.[解剖]神经元,神经单位; firings:n.开火;烧制;解雇;生火;v.开火;烧制;解雇(fire的ing形式);点燃;激励; terminate:vt.使终止;使结束;解雇;vi.结束,终止;结果;adj.结束的; acetylcholine:n.[有化]乙酰胆碱; secreted:v.分泌;隐藏,藏匿(小物件);(secrete的过去分词和过去式) axon:n.轴索,[解剖]轴突(神经细胞); end-plates:端板;终板;
Sorry to use philosophical terminology here, but when it's secreted at the axon end-plates of the motor neurons, a whole lot of wonderful things happen in the ion channels and the damned arm goes up. 抱歉这儿用了一些难懂的术语 但当运动神经元轴突终板分泌的时候 离子通道内会发生许多奇妙的事 然后手臂这玩意儿就抬起来了
terminology:n.术语,术语学;用辞; damned:adj.该死的; v.该死,混账; (damn的过去分词和过去式)
Now, think of what I told you. 现在想想我给你们讲的
One and the same event, my conscious decision to raise my arm has a level of description where it has all of these touchy-feely spiritual qualities. 完全相同的一件事 我举起手臂的有意识决定 有一定的描述性,这个描述性包括了这些 情感化的精神特点
One and the same:同一个;完全一回事; description:n.说明;形容;描写(文字);类型; touchy-feely:adj.过于情感化的;过于卿卿我我的;
It's a thought in my brain, but at the same time , it's busy secreting acetylcholine and doing all sorts of other things as it makes its way from the motor cortex down through the nerve fibers in the arm. 它是我脑袋里的想法,但同时 它也忙着分泌乙酰胆碱 和做所有其它各种事情 当它顺着手臂内的运动皮质到神经纤维运动时 当它顺着手臂内的运动皮质到神经纤维运动时
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; secreting:vt.藏匿;私下侵吞;分泌; cortex:n.[解剖]皮质;树皮;果皮; nerve:n.神经;勇气;神经质;神经紧张;v.鼓足勇气;振作精神; fibers:n.纤维(fiber的复数);
Now, what that tells us is that our traditional vocabularies for discussing these issues are totally obsolete . 这个现象告诉我们,用来讨论 这些问题的传统的词汇都过时了
traditional:传统的,惯例的, issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) obsolete:adj.废弃的;老式的;n.废词;陈腐的人;vt.淘汰;废弃;
One and the same event has a level of description where it's neurobiological, and another level of description where it's mental , and that's a single event, 完全相同的一件事,既含有一定的神经生物学的描述性 又有一定程度的精神描述性 后者就是一个单一事件
and that's how nature works. That's how it's possible for consciousness to function causally. 大自然就是这样运作的这也是意识能够随意运行的原因 大自然就是这样运作的这也是意识能够随意运行的原因
Okay, now with that in mind, with going through these various features of consciousness, let's go back and answer some of those early objections. 好了,有了上述概念 了解了意识的不同特征 我们倒回去回答那些异议
Well, the first one I said was, consciousness doesn't exist, it's an illusion. Well, I've already answered that. 首先,第一个异议是意识并不存在 它是幻觉,好吧,我已经反驳过这个异议了
I don't think we need to worry about that. 我觉得我们没必要再啰嗦它了
But the second one had an incredible influence , and may still be around, and that is, "Well, if consciousness exists, it's really something else. 或许现在还存在呢 quot;恩,如果意识存在,它一定是其它什么东西
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变;
It's really a digital computer program running in your brain and that's what we need to do to create consciousness is get the right program. 就是在你脑子里运作的电脑程序 来创造意识,我们要做的就是 找到正确的程序quot;
Yeah, forget about the hardware . Any hardware will do provided it's rich enough and stable enough to carry the program." 是啊,别管硬件了,随便什么硬件都行 只要它足够丰富和稳定,能承载程序
hardware:n.计算机硬件;五金器具; enough:充足,充足的,足够地
Now, we know that that's wrong.
I mean, anybody who's thought about computers at all can see that that's wrong, because computation is defined as symbol manipulation , usually thought of as zeros as ones, but any symbols will do. 只要对电脑有点兴趣的人 谁都知道那不对 因为计算被定义为符号处理 通常看作是许多0和1,但是什么符号都行
computation:n.估计,计算; defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; manipulation:n.操作;管理措施;处理;操纵证券市场;变换; symbols:n.符号;象征;标志;符号表(symbol的复数);
You get an algorithm that you can program in a binary code, and that's the defining trait of the computer program. 你可以通过二进制代码编程得到算法 这就是计算机程序的典型特征 这就是计算机程序的典型特征
binary:adj.[数]二进制的;二元的,二态的; defining:v.解释(词语)的含义;给(词语)下定义;阐明;界定;(define的现在分词) trait:n.特性,特点;品质;少许;
But we know that that's purely syntactical . That's symbolic . 但是这纯粹是依据句法规则而来,有象征性
purely:adv.完全;仅仅; syntactical:adj.句法的;依照句法的(等于syntactic); symbolic:adj.象征的;符号的;使用符号的;
We know that actual human consciousness has something more than that. 我们知道人类意识却远不止如此
It's got a content in addition to the syntax . 除句法外,意识还有其他内容
content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足; in addition to:除…之外; syntax:n.语法;句法;有秩序的排列;
It's got a semantics . 它还有语义
Now that argument, I made that argument 30 -- oh my God, I don't want to think about it — more than 30 years ago, but there's a deeper argument implicit in what I've told you, 说到那个论据,30年前我就提出了—— 天啊,我不愿去想都过去这么多年了—— 是30多年前才对 但是我刚才告诉你们的论据里还有更深的含义
and I want to tell you that argument briefly , and that is, consciousness creates an observer-independent reality. 我就简单给你们说说那个论据: 意识创造了“观察者独立”的现实
It creates a reality of money, property, government, marriage, CERN conferences , cocktail parties and summer vacations, and all of those are creations of consciousness. 它创造了金钱、财产、政府、 婚姻、CERN会议(欧洲核子研究委员会)、 鸡尾酒聚会、夏日旅行等存在的现实 这些都是意识的产物
conferences:n.会议(conference的复数形式); cocktail:n.鸡尾酒;开味食品;n.混合物;adj.鸡尾酒的; creations:n.创作;创造物(creation的复数形式);
Their existence is observer-relative. 它们的存在都是“观察者相关的”
It's only relative to conscious agents that a piece of paper is money or that a bunch of buildings is a university. 它只跟有意识的对象相关(对这些对象而言)一张纸就是钱 或者一群建筑就成了一所大学
relative:adj.相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n.亲戚;相关物;[语]关系词;亲缘植物; agents:n.代理人,经纪人;原动力;(agent的复数)
Now, ask yourself about computation. 现在,你们自问一下“计算”
Is that absolute, like force and mass and gravitational attraction? 它绝对吗?就像力、质量和万有引力一样?
mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; gravitational:adj.[力]重力的,[力]引力的;
Or is it observer-relative? 还是说,它是“观察者相关”的?
Well, some computations are intrinsic . 是的,有些计算是固定的
computations:n.[数]计算;计算指令(computation的复数形式); intrinsic:adj.本质的,固有的;
I add two plus two to get four. 二加二等于四
That's going on no matter what anybody thinks. 不管别人怎么想,结果始终是这样
no matter what:不管什么…;
But when I haul out my pocket calculator and do the calculation, the only intrinsic phenomenon is the electronic circuit and its behavior. 但是我把便携计算器掏出来 算个数,这一本质现象 其实就是电子电路及其行为
haul:v.拉; n.大批赃物; calculator:n.计算器; electronic:adj.电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的; circuit:n.环行路线;电路;线路;巡回赛;v.巡回;周游;
That's the only absolute phenomenon. 这就是唯一的绝对现象
All the rest is interpreted by us. 其他的都是人为制造的
All the rest:其他所有相关信息; interpreted:v.诠释;说明;把…理解为;领会;口译;(interpret的过去式和过去分词)
Computation only exists relative to consciousness. 计算只跟意识的存在相关
Either a conscious agent is carrying out the computation, or he's got a piece of machinery that admits of a computational interpretation . 要么“意识对象”自己实现了计算 要么“意识对象”用了一个机器由机器承载了计算性阐释
machinery:n.机械;机器;机构;机械装置; computational:adj.计算的; interpretation:n.解释;翻译;演出;
Now that doesn't mean computation is arbitrary . 那并不表示计算就是任意的
I spent a lot of money on this hardware. 我在这个硬件上可是花了大钱
But we have this persistent confusion between objectivity and subjectivity as features of reality and objectivity and subjectivity as features of claims . 但我们在“现实”和“要求”的 主观性和客观性上 一直存在混淆
persistent:adj.固执的,坚持的;持久稳固的; confusion:n.困惑;混淆;混同;困窘; objectivity:n.客观;客观性; subjectivity:n.主观性,主观; claims:v.宣称; n.声明; (claim的第三人称单数和复数)
And the bottom line of this part of my talk is this: 我这部分的演说的主旨就是:
the bottom line:底线;本质内容;最底线;
You can have a completely objective science, a science where you make objectively true claims, about a domain whose existence is subjective, whose existence is in the human brain consisting of subjective states of sentience or feeling or awareness. 你可以有完全客观的学科 你可在这个学科上进行客观的真实要求 该领域的存在可以是主观的 存在于由知觉、感觉和意识组成的人脑中 存在于由知觉、感觉和意识组成的人脑中 存在于由知觉、感觉和意识组成的人脑中
objectively:adv.客观地; domain:n.领域;域名;产业;地产; consisting:v.由…组成;由…构成;在于;存在于(consist的现在分词)
So the objection that you can't have an objective science of consciousness because it's subjective and science is objective, that's a pun . 所以别听那些人说:因为意识是主观的,科学是客观的, 所以不能有客观的意识科学。——瞧这是个双关语啊
That's a bad pun on objectivity and subjectivity. 是个关于客观性与主观性的劣质双关
You can make objective claims about a domain that is subjective in its mode of existence, and indeed that's what neurologists do. 你可以进行对这些领域进行客观要求 (即使)这些领域的存在模式是主观的 神经科学家也的确是这么做的
I mean, you have patients that actually suffer pains, and you try to get an objective science of that. 我是说,现在有病人正忍受疼痛呢 你却要搞出一个疼痛的客观科学出来
Okay, I promised to refute all these guys, and I don't have an awful lot of time left, but let me refute a couple more of them. 好吧,我承认说要把这些家伙全驳倒 既然现在又没多少演讲时间 就让我再多反驳两三个
I said that behaviorism ought to be one of the great embarrassments of our intellectual culture, because it's refuted the moment you think about it. 我说过行为主义应该是 我们智育文化中的一大窘境 因为它在你思考它时就被反驳了
embarrassments:n.窘迫,难堪;使人为难的人或事物;拮据; refuted:vt.反驳,驳斥;驳倒;
Your mental states are identical with your behavior? 你的精神和行为能完全一致吗?
Well, think about the distinction between feeling a pain and engaging in pain behavior. 想想“感受痛楚”与“制造痛感”的区别 想想“感受痛楚”与“制造痛感”的区别
engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词)
I won't demonstrate pain behavior, but I can tell you 我就不演示痛感行为了,但我可以告诉大家
I'm not having any pains right now. 我现在并没有感觉到任何痛楚
So it's an obvious mistake. Why did they make the mistake? 所以说它是个明显的失误,为什么他们犯这个错误?
The mistake was — and you can go back and read the literature on this, you can see this over and over — they think if you accept the irreducible existence of consciousness, you're giving up on science. 你们可以回去读读这方面的文献 可以看到很多很多 他们的失误在于,如果你认可了意识的不存在性 你就放弃了这个学科
literature:n.文学;文献;文艺;著作; over and over:反复;再三;
You're giving up on 300 years of human progress and human hope and all the rest of it. 放弃了300年来的人类进步 人类的希望及其它一切
And the message I want to leave you with is, consciousness has to become accepted as a genuine biological phenomenon, as much subject to scientific analysis as any other phenomenon in biology, or, for that matter, the rest of science. 我想告诉大家的是 意识一定会被认可为一个真正的生物学现象 意识一定会被认可为一个真正的生物学现象 像科学分析里的其它主题一样 像生物学里的其它现象一样 或者像其它所有科学一样
genuine:adj.真实的,真正的;诚恳的; analysis:n.分析;分解;验定;
Thank you very much. 非常感谢大家!
(Applause) (掌声)