

I have to say that I'm very glad to be here.
I understand we have over 80 countries here, so that's a whole new paradigm for me to speak to all of these countries. 在来自于这么多国家的人面前发言,
In each country, I'm sure you have this thing called the parent-teacher conference .
Do you know about the parent-teacher conference? 你们知道什么是家长会吗?
Not the ones for your kids, but the one you had as a child, where your parents come to school and your teacher talks to your parents, and it's a little bit awkward . 你的父母来到学校,
Well, I remember in third grade, I had this moment where my father, who never takes off from work, he's a classical blue collar , a working-class immigrant person, going to school to see his son, how he's doing, and the teacher said to him, he said, "You know, 我的父亲,一个从来不请假休息的人, 一个典型的蓝领,移民工薪阶层, 我的老师告诉他,“你知道吗,
classical:adj.古典的;经典的;传统的;第一流的;n.古典音乐; blue collar:adj.穿蓝领工装的;体力劳动的;蓝领阶级; working-class:adj.工人阶级的;劳动阶级的; immigrant:n.(外来)移民;外侨;adj.侨民的;
John is good at math and art." John擅长数学和艺术 。
And he kind of nodded, you know?
The next day I saw him talking to a customer at our tofu store, and he said, "You know, John's good at math." 第二天,我看到他在跟我们家豆腐店的客人聊天,
And that always stuck with me all my life. 这个事情一直都让我困惑不解。
Why didn't Dad say art? Why wasn't it okay?
Why? It became a question my entire life, and that's all right, because being good at math meant he bought me a computer, and some of you remember this computer, this was my first computer. 这也没什么的,因为擅长数学, 这是我的第一台计算机。
Who had an Apple II? Apple II users, very cool. (Applause)
As you remember, the Apple II did nothing at all. (Laughter)
You'd plug it in, you'd type in it and green text would come out.
It would say you're wrong most of the time.
That was the computer we knew. 这就是我们以前所接触的计算机。
That computer is a computer that I learned about going to MIT, my father's dream. And at MIT, however,
I learned about the computer at all levels, and after, I went to art school to get away from computers, and I began to think about the computer as more of a spiritual space of thinking. 在麻省理工,我学习了各个层次的计算机知识,
And I was influenced by performance art -- so this is 20 years ago. I made a computer out of people. 我深受表演艺术的影响,
influenced:v.影响;对…起作用;支配;左右;(influence的过去分词和过去式) performance art:n.行为艺术;
It was called the Human Powered Computer Experiment. 我将其命名为人类动力计算机实验。
I have a power manager, mouse driver, memory, etc., and I built this in Kyoto , the old capital of Japan.
It's a room broken in two halves.
I've turned the computer on, and these assistants are placing a giant floppy disk built out of cardboard , and it's put into the computer. 我开启计算机后,
giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 floppy disk:n.软盘;软磁盘; cardboard:n.[纸]硬纸板;纸板箱;卡纸板;adj.不真实的;硬纸板制的;
And the floppy disk drive person wears it. (Laughter)
disk drive:n.磁盘驱动器;
She finds the first sector on the disk, and takes data off the disk and passes it off to, of course, the bus. 她访问磁盘上的第一个扇区, 提取数据,然后传递给电脑的主线。
So the bus diligently carries the data into the computer to the memory, to the CPU, the VRAM, etc., and it's an actual working computer. That's a bus, really. (Laughter) 到内存,到CPU,再到VRAM等。
And it looks kind of fast. That's a mouse driver, where it's XY. (Laughter) 它看起来很快。那是鼠标驱动人员 写着XY。(笑声)
It looks like it's happening kind of quickly, but it's actually a very slow computer, and when I realized how slow this computer was compared to how fast a computer is, it made me wonder about computers and technology in general . 我对计算机和科技从总体上有了新的思考。
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词) technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
And so I'm going to talk today about four things, really. 所以,我今天真正要谈论的有四件事。
The first three things are about how I've been curious about technology, design and art, and how they intersect , how they overlap , and also a topic that I've taken on since four years ago I became the President of Rhode Island School of Design: leadership. 前三件事是关于我是如何一直以来 以及这三者是如何重叠、相互影响的。另一个主题 是我成为罗德岛设计学校校长这四年以来 一直在思考的问题:领导力。
curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的; intersect:v.相交,交叉;横断,横切;贯穿; overlap:n.重叠;重复;v.部分重叠;与…同时发生; Rhode:n.罗德岛;
And I'll talk about how I've looked to combine these four areas into a kind of a synthesis , a kind of experiment. 我会讲一下我是如何尝试着
So starting from technology, technology is a wonderful thing. 从科技开始说, 科技是很美好的事物。
When that Apple II came out, it really could do nothing.
It could show text and after we waited a bit, we had these things called images .
Remember when images were first possible with a computer, those gorgeous , full-color images? 还记得当计算机第一次显示图像, 显示那些华丽、 全彩图像的时候吗?
gorgeous:adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的; full-color:彩色的;
And then after a few years, we got CD-quality sound. 几年后,CD 音质问世了。
It was incredible . You could listen to sound on the computer. 你可以在计算机上听到声音了,这令人难以置信。
And then movies, via CD-ROM. It was amazing.
Remember that excitement ? 还记得当时那种兴奋的感觉吗?
And then the browser appeared. The browser was great, but the browser was very primitive , very narrow bandwidth .
browser:n.[计]浏览器;吃嫩叶的动物;浏览书本的人; primitive:adj.原始的,远古的;简单的,粗糙的;n.原始人; narrow:adj.狭窄的; v.使窄小; n.峡谷; (场所,物品等的)狭窄部分; bandwidth:n.[电子][物]带宽;[通信]频带宽度;
Text first, then images, we waited,
CD-quality sound over the Net, then movies over the Internet. Kind of incredible. 一段时间的等待之后,又有了通过网络播放的 CD音质, 然后是出现在互联网上的电影,有点儿难以置信。
And then the mobile phone occurred , text, images, audio , video. And now we have iPhone, iPad, Android , with text, video, audio , etc. 然后,手机诞生了,
mobile phone:移动电话 occurred:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在;(occur的过去分词和过去式) audio:adj.声音的;录音的; Android:n.机器人;安卓操作系统;
You see this little pattern here?
We're kind of stuck in a loop , perhaps, and this sense of possibility from computing is something I've been questioning for the last 10 or so years, and have looked to design, as we understand most things, and to understand design with our technology has been a passion of mine. 这种由计算机带来的种种可能性 是我过去10多年以来一直在质疑的。 因为我通过设计来理解大多数事情,所以我们也研究了设计, 通过科技来领会设计也成为了我的一个爱好。
loop:n.循环;回路;环路;圈;v.使成环;使绕成圈;成环形移动; computing:n.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术;v.计算;求出;(compute的现在分词) passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒;
And I have a small experiment to give you a quick design lesson. 我这里有一个小实验来让你快速了解设计。
Designers talk about the relationship between form and content , content and form. Now what does that mean? 内容与形式之间的关系。这是什么意思呢?
Well, content is the word up there: fear. 内容是屏幕上的字: 恐惧。
It's a four-letter word . It's a kind of a bad feeling word, fear. 一个由四个字母组成的词,是一个描述一种不好的感觉的词。
four-letter word:n.(字母少的)粗俗下流词;
Fear is set in Light Helvetica , so it's not too stressful , and if you set it in Ultra Light Helvetica , it's like, "Oh, fear, who cares?" Right? (Laughter)
Helvetica:赫维提卡体(字体的名称) stressful:adj.紧张的;有压力的; Ultra:adj.极端的;过分的;n.极端主义者;过激论者;急进论者;
You take the same Ultra Light Helvetica and make it big , and like, whoa, that hurts. Fear. 就像,天哪,真吓人!恐惧!
make it big:炒热它;天降横财;成名;
So you can see how you change the scale , you change the form. Content is the same, but you feel differently.
You change the typeface to, like, this typeface, and it's kind of funny. It's like pirate typeface, like Captain Jack S parrow typeface. Arr! Fear!
Like, aww, that's not fearful . That's actually funny.
Or fear like this, kind of a nightclub typeface. (Laughter) 而这种字体,感觉像夜店。(笑声)
Like, we gotta go to Fear. (Laughter)
It's, like, amazing, right? (Laughter) (Applause) 很神奇,对吗?(笑声)(掌声)
It just changes the same content.
Or you make it -- The letters are separated apart, they're huddled together like on the deck of the Titanic , and you feel sorry for the letters, like, I feel the fear. 像是在泰坦尼克号的甲板上, 你就会为这些字母感到难过,似乎是”我感到惧怕“。
huddled:v.挤成一团;胡乱堆积(huddle的过去式及过去分词形式); deck:n.甲板;舱面;层面;一副(为52张);v.装饰;打扮;布置;用力击倒; Titanic:adj.巨大的;强大的;极端重要的;四价钛的; feel sorry for:为感到难过;
You feel for them.
Or you change the typeface to something like this.
It's very classy . It's like that expensive restaurant, Fear. 它非常优雅,就像一家昂贵的叫做”恐惧“餐馆。
I can never get in there. (Laughter)
It's just amazing, Fear. But that's form, content.
If you just change one letter in that content, you get a much better word, much better content: free.
'"Free" is a great word. You can serve it almost any way. 自由 是一个很好的词,你可以用任何的方式感受它。
Free bold feels like Mandela free.
It's like, yes, I can be free. 就像”耶,我自由了“。
Free even light feels kind of like, ah, I can breathe in free. 变浅之后,感觉就像,啊!我可以自由呼吸了。
It feels great. Or even free spread out , it's like, ah, I can breathe in free, so easily. 那感觉真棒。或者把这些字母分开,
spread out:冒火;喷火;
And I can add in a blue gradient and a dove , and I have, like, Don Draper free. (Laughter) 我可以添加蓝色渐变和一只鸽子,
gradient:n.[数][物]梯度;坡度;倾斜度;adj.倾斜的;步行的; dove:n.鸽子;鸽派人士;v.潜水(dive的过去式); Draper:n.布商;服装商;
So you see that -- form, content, design, it works that way.
It's a powerful thing. It's like magic, almost, like the magicians we've seen at TED. It's magic. 这很强大,跟魔术差不多, 就像我们在 TED看到的魔术师一样。
Design does that.
And I've been curious about how design and technology intersect, and I'm going to show you some old work I never really show anymore, to give you a sense of what I used to do.
So -- yeah. -
So I made a lot of work in the '90s. 我在90 年代有很多作品。
This was a square that responds to sound.
People ask me why I made that. It's not clear. (Laughter) 人们问我,为什么做这个东西,我也不知道。(笑声)
But I thought it'd be neat for the square to respond to me, and my kids were small then, and my kids would play with these things, like, "Aaah," 他们会玩这些东西,
you know, they would say, "Daddy, aaah, aaah." You know, like that. 他们会对着方块喊, 啊!爸爸,啊,啊。”
We'd go to a computer store, and they'd do the same thing. 我们去买电脑的地方时,他们也会这样。
And they'd say, "Daddy, why doesn't the computer respond to sound?"
And it was really at the time I was wondering why doesn't the computer respond to sound? 正是从那时候起,我便开始想,为什么计算机对声音没有反应呢?
So I made this as a kind of an experiment at the time. 所以我当时就做了一些这种类型的实验。
And then I spent a lot of time in the space of interactive graphics and things like this, and I stopped doing it because my students at MIT got so much better than myself, so I had to hang up my mouse. 我也花了很多时间 所以我不得不“金盆洗手”。
interactive:adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的;交互式的;n.交互式视频设备; graphics:n.[测]制图学;制图法;图表算法;
But in '96, I made my last piece. It was in black and white , monochrome , fully monochrome , all in integer mathematics . 但在 96年,我制作了我最后一件作品:它是黑白的,
in black and white:白纸黑字; monochrome:n.单色;单色画;adj.单色的;黑白的; integer:n.[数]整数;整体;完整的事物; mathematics:n.数学;数学运算;
It's called "Tap, Type, Write."
It's paying a tribute to the wonderful typewriter that my mother used to type on all the time as a legal secretary.
tribute:n.礼物;[税收]贡物;颂词;(尤指对死者的)致敬,悼念,吊唁礼物; legal:adj.法律的;合法的;法定的;
It has 10 variations . (Typing noise)
(Typing noise) (打字声)
There's a shift .
Ten variations. This is, like, spin the letter around. 十种变化,这种是左右转动字母。
(Typing noises) (打字声)
This is, like, a ring of letters. (Typing noises)
This is 20 years old, so it's kind of a -- 这台打字机有20多年的历史了,所以它有点儿 — —
Let's see, this is ?? 看,这是 — —
I love the French film "The Red Balloon."
Great movie, right? I love that movie. So, this is sort of like a play on that. (Typing noises) (Typewriter bell) 很棒的电影,对吧?我非常喜欢那部电影。
It's peaceful, like that. (Laughter) 很平静,就像这样。(笑声)
I'll show this last one. This is about balance, you know. 最后一种作品,是有关平衡的。
It's kind of stressful typing out, so if you type on this keyboard, you can, like, balance it out.
(Laughter) (笑声)
If you hit G, life's okay, so I always say, "Hit G, and it's going to be all right.
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)
Thank you.
So that was 20 years ago, and
I was always on the periphery of art.
By being President of RISD I've gone deep into art, and art is a wonderful thing, fine art, pure art. 在担任了罗德岛艺术学院的校长之后,我更加深入地了解了艺术, 艺术是非常美妙的,精美艺术,纯艺术。
You know, when people say, "I don't get art. 当有人说 我不懂艺术,我一点儿也不明白 时,
I don't get it at all." That means art is working, you know? 那就意味着艺术影响到你了,知道吗?
It's like, art is supposed to be enigmatic , so when you say, like, "I don't get it," like, oh, that's great. (Laughter) 其实是在说“哦,太棒了。”(笑声)
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) enigmatic:adj.神秘的;高深莫测的;谜一般的;
Art does that, because art is about asking questions, questions that may not be answerable . 提那些可能无法解答的问题。
At RISD, we have this amazing facility called the Edna Lawrence Nature Lab. It has 80,000 samples of animal, bone, mineral , plants. 在罗德岛设计学院,我们有一个十分出色的实验室 叫埃德娜 · 劳伦斯自然实验室,在那里我们有
facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资; mineral:n.矿物;矿物质;汽水;adj.矿物(性)的;含矿物的;无机的;
You know, in Rhode Island, if an animal gets hit on the road, they call us up and we pick it up and stuff it. 就会有人打电话过来,我们会把尸体运过来,填充成标本。
And why do we have this facility? 我们为什么要有这样的实验室?
Because at RISD, you have to look at the actual animal, the object, to understand its volume , to perceive it. 因为在罗德岛设计学院,你需要看到真实的动物,
volume:n.体积;容积;音量;响度;一册;合订本 perceive:v.注意到;意识到;将…理解为;认为;
At RISD, you're not allowed to draw from an image. 在罗德岛设计学院,我们是不允许根据图像来画图的。
And many people ask me, John, couldn't you just digitize all this? Make it all digital ? Wouldn't it be better?
digitize:vt.[计]数字化; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键;
And I often say, well, there's something good to how things used to be done. There's something very different about it, something we should figure out what is good about how we did it, even in this new era. 我常说,我们以前做事的方法是有可取之处的。 即使是在新时代, 我们仍然要弄清楚它们好在哪里。
And I have a good friend, he's a new media artist named 我有一个好朋友,是一位新媒体艺术家
Tota Hasegawa. He's based in London, no, actually it's in Tokyo, but when he was based in London, he had a game with his wife. He would go to antique shops, and the game was as such: 叫做长谷川值,他住在伦敦,不,实际上是在东京,
antique:adj.古老的; n.古董; vi.觅购古玩;
When we look at an antique we want, we'll ask the shopkeeper for the story behind the antique, and if it's a good story, we'll buy it. 当他们看见一件想要的古董的时候, 会问问老板这件古董背后的故事, 如果是一个很好的故事,他们才会买这件古董。
So they'd go to an antique shop, and they'd look at this cup, and they'd say, "Tell us about this cup." 所以当他们去古董店时,他们会看着这个杯子, 然后问: 跟我们讲讲这个杯子。
And the shopkeeper would say, "It's old." (Laughter) 老板会说: 它是旧的。 (笑声)
'"Tell us more.""Oh, it's really old." (Laughter) 还有呢。 哦,它非常旧。 (笑声)
And he saw, over and over , the antique's value was all about it being old. 他反反复复地了解到, 古董的价值便在于它是旧的。
over and over:反复;再三;
And as a new media artist, he reflected , and said, you know, I've spent my whole career making new media art.
reflected:adj.反射的;得自他人的;v.反射;思考;(reflect的过去式和过去分词) career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
People say, "Wow, your art, what is it?"It's new media.
And he realized, it isn't about old or new. 他意识到,新媒体无关乎旧或新。
It's about something in between. 它介于这两者之间。
It isn't about "old," the dirt , "new," the cloud. It's about what is good. 它不是关于 旧“的泥土,或是 新 的云。它要寻找什么是好的。
A combination of the cloud and the dirt is where the action is at. 云和泥土的组合才是新媒体。
You see it in all interesting art today, in all interesting businesses today. How we combine those two together to make good is very interesting. 你会在所有有趣的艺术中, 如何将这两者结合产生好的东西,是非常有意思的。
So art makes questions, and leadership is something that is asking a lot of questions. 所以艺术创造问题, 领导力则意味着提出很多问题。
We aren't functioning so easily anymore.
We aren't a simple authoritarian regime anymore. 现在再也不是简单的独裁政权。
authoritarian:adj.独裁主义的;权力主义的;n.权力主义者;独裁主义者; regime:n.政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制;
As an example of authoritarianism , I was in Russia one time traveling in St. Petersburg, at a national monument , and I saw this sign that says, "Do Not Walk On The Grass," 举个独裁主义的例子,
authoritarianism:n.独裁主义;权力主义; monument:n.丰碑;纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹;有历史价值的建筑;
and I thought, oh, I mean, I speak English, and you're trying to single me out. That's not fair.
But I found a sign for Russian-speaking people, and it was the best sign ever to say no.
It was like, "No swimming, no hiking, no anything." 禁止游泳,禁止远足,禁止任何事情。
My favorite ones are "no plants." Why would you bring a plant to a national monument? I'm not sure.
And also "no love." (Laughter) 还有 禁止谈情说爱 。(笑声)
So that is authoritarianism.
And what is that, structurally ?
It's a hierarchy . We all know that a hierarchy is how we run many systems today, but as we know, it's been disrupted. 它是一个等级制度。大家都知道,
It is now a network instead of a perfect tree. 现在它是一个网结构,而不是一个完美的树结构。
It's a heterarchy instead of a hierarchy. And that's kind of awkward.
And so today, leaders are faced with how to lead differently, I believe. 因此,我认为如今的领导者们面临着
This is work I did with my colleague Becky Bermont on creative leadership. What can we learn from artists and designers for how to lead? 研究了创意领导学。
colleague:n.同事,同僚; Becky:n.上挂钩; creative:adj.创造性的;
Because in many senses, a regular leader loves to avoid mistakes. 许多的情况下,一般的领导都希望避免错误,
Someone who's creative actually loves to learn from mistakes. 而有创意的人其实喜欢从错误中学习。
A traditional leader is always wanting to be right, whereas a creative leader hopes to be right. 传统的领导者总是想要正确, 而创意领导者则只是希望能正确。
traditional:传统的,惯例的, whereas:conj.然而;鉴于;反之;
And this frame is important today, in this complex , ambiguous space, and artists and designers have a lot to teach us, I believe. 这个框架如今很重要,在现在这个复杂,捉摸不透的世界,
frame:n.框架; v.设计; adj.有木架的; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; ambiguous:adj.模糊不清的;引起歧义的;
And I had a show in London recently where my friends invited me to come to London for four days to sit in a sandbox , and I said great. 我的朋友邀请我在伦敦呆四天,
recently:adv.最近;新近; sandbox:n.沙箱;沙盒;
And so I sat in a sandbox for four days straight, six hours every day, six-minute appointments with anyone in London, and that was really bad. 于是那四天我一直坐在沙坑里, 那可真是杯具。
But I would listen to people, hear their issues , draw in the sand, try to figure things out, and it was kind of hard to figure out what I was doing. 但是,我可以听见人们聊他们的问题,
You know? It's all these one-on-one meetings for like four days. 这样一对一的会议,持续了四天。
And it felt kind of like being president, actually.
I was like, "Oh, this my job. President. I do a lot of meetings, you know?"
And by the end of the experience, 到最后,
I realized why I was doing this.
It's because leaders, what we do is we connect improbable connections and hope something will happen, and in that room I found so many connections between people across all of London, and so leadership, connecting people, is the great question today. 这是因为作为领导者, 而在那个房间里, 我发现了很多伦敦人之间的联系, 所以用领导力来连接不同的人,是如今的大问题。
Whether you're in the hierarchy or the heterarchy, it's a wonderful design challenge.
And one thing I've been doing is doing some research on systems that can combine technology and leadership with an art and design perspective . 一种透过艺术与设计的视角, 来结合技术与领导力的系统。
Let me show you something I haven't shown anywhere, actually.
So what this is, is a kind of a sketch , an application sketch 这是一个草图,
sketch:n.素描;草图;速写;概述;v.概述;简述;画素描;画速写; application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;
I wrote in Python . You know how there's Photoshop?
This is called Powershop, and the way it works is imagine an organization . You know, the CEO isn't ever at the top. The CEO's at the center of the organization . 这个叫Powershop,而它运作的方式是这样的, 在这个组织中,CEO任何时候都不是在最高层。CEO 总是在这个组织的中心。
There may be different subdivisions in the organization, and you might want to look into different areas. For instance , green are areas doing well, red are areas doing poorly. 组织中也许还有更小的分支机构,
subdivisions:n.细分;再分成的部分;住宅小区(subdivision的复数); instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例;
You know, how do you, as the leader, scan, connect, make things happen? So for instance, you might open up a distribution here and find the different subdivisions in there, and know that you know someone in Eco, over here, and these people here are in Eco, the people you might engage with as CEO, people going across the hierarchy. 让事情变得可能? 例如,你可以点开这个分支,再找到其中不同的分支, 你认识在生态部门的某个人,在这里, 这些在生态部门的人, 可能是你作为 CEO或者管理者想要加强联系的人,
distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销; engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;
And part of the challenge of the CEO is to find connections across areas, and so you might look in R&D, and here you see one person who crosses the two areas of interest, and it's a person important to engage. 对于CEO而言, 在这里,你看到一个跨越两个领域的人。 那么这个人就是一个非常重要的人。
So you might want to, for instance, get a heads-up display on how you're interacting with them. 因此,你可能想要仔细地看看 你是如何与他们互动的。
heads-up:adj.足智多谋的;思维敏捷的;警觉的;n.警告,警告信息; display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的; interacting:v.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;(interact的现在分词)
How many coffees do you have? 你跟他们喝了多少杯咖啡?
How often are you calling them, emailing them? 你多久给他们打一次电话,发一封邮件?
What is the tenor of their email? How is it working out?
Leaders might be able to use these systems to better regulate how they work inside the heterarchy. 更好地规范被领导者在分层体系中的工作。
You can also imagine using technology like from Luminoso, the guys from Cambridge who were looking at deep text analysis . What is the tenor of your communications?
Cambridge:n.剑桥(英国城市);坎布里奇(美国马萨诸塞州城市); analysis:n.分析;分解;验定;
So these kind of systems, I believe, are important.
They're targeted social media systems around leaders. 它们关注于领导人的社交圈。
And I believe that this kind of perspective will only begin to grow as more leaders enter the space of art and design, because art and design lets you think like this, find different systems like this, and I've just begun thinking like this, so I'm glad to share that with you. 需要更多的领导人介入艺术和设计领域, 因为艺术和设计让你像这样思考, 找到像这样的不同的系统, 而我才刚开始像这样思考, 很高兴能与你们分享。
So in closing, I want to thank all of you for your attention. Thanks very much. (Applause) 谢谢你们的关注。非常感谢。(掌声)