

At Free America, we've done a listening and learning tour. “自由美国”刚刚完成了一次倾听和学习之旅。
We visited not only with prosecutors but with legislators , with inmates in our state and local prisons. 我们不仅拜访了检察官 以及立法委员, 还有在我们州立和地方监狱中的被收容者。
prosecutors:n.检查官;告发者(prosecutor的复数); legislators:n.立法委员;(legislator的复数) inmates:n.被收容者;居民(inmate的名词复数);
We've gone to immigration detention centers. 我们去了移民拘留中心。
immigration:n.外来移民;移居; detention:n.拘留;延迟;挽留;
We've met a lot of people. 我们见了很多人。
And we've seen that redemption and transformation can happen in our prisons, our jails and our immigration detention centers, giving hope to those who want to create a better life after serving their time. 我们看到如果我们给正在监狱、 拘留所和移民署看守所中,想在结束服役后 创造更好生活的人以希望, 救赎和变革会在此发生。
redemption:n.赎回;拯救;偿还;实践; transformation:n.转变;(用于南非)民主改革; jails:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;vt.监禁;下狱;
Imagine if we also considered the front end of this prison pipeline. 让我们再想想这条监狱输送线的前端。
What would it look like if we intervened , with rehabilitation as a core value -- with love and compassion as core values? 如果我们将改过自新作为核心价值, 将爱与热情作为核心价值入手, 那一切又将变成什么样子?
intervened:干涉;介入(intervene的过去式和过去分词); rehabilitation:n.康复;恢复;善后;平反;复权; core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; compassion:n.同情;怜悯;
We would have a society that is safer, healthier and worthy of raising our children in. 我们将拥有一个更安全、 更健康, 值得让我们的孩子在其中成长的社会。
worthy:adj.值得的; n.杰出人物;
I want to introduce you to James Cavitt. 下面我想介绍詹姆斯·卡维特。
James served 12 years in the San Quentin State Prison and is being released in 18 months. 詹姆斯在圣昆廷州立监狱服刑了12年, 18个月后将刑满释放。
Now James, like you and me, is more than the worst thing he's done. 詹姆斯就像你我一样, 不再被他所做过的最大恶事所定义人生。
He is a father, a husband, a son, a poet. 他是一个父亲,一个丈夫,一个儿子,一个诗人。
He committed a crime; he's paying his debt , and working hard to build the skills to make the transition back to a productive life when he enters the civilian population again. 他犯过罪; 但他正在偿还他的债务, 正在努力学习技能 好让生活在他重返文明社会时 重回正轨。
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式) debt:n.债务;借款;罪过; transition:n.过渡;转变;变革;变迁;v.经历转变过程;过渡; productive:adj.能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的; civilian:adj.民用的;百姓的,平民的;n.平民,百姓;
Now James, like millions of people behind bars , is an example of what happens if we believe that our failings don't define who we are, that we are all worthy of redemption 詹姆斯正如全国上百万囚犯一样, 成为了“如果我们坚信我们的错误不会一直定义我们的人生, 相信我们都值得被救赎, 那么一切将会有什么不同”的范例。
behind bars:坐牢;在狱中;在监狱服刑;铁窗之后; failings:n.失败; prep.如果没有…; adj.失败的; v.失败; define:v.定义;使明确;规定;
and if we support those impacted by mass incarceration , we can all heal together. 而如果我们给予这些被囚禁者以支持, 我们也能随他们一起得到治愈。
impacted:adj.压紧的;结实的;嵌入的;(人口)稠密的;v.装紧;挤满(impact的过去分词); mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; incarceration:n.监禁;下狱;禁闭; heal:v.复原;治疗(病人);使又愉快起来;(使)结束
I'd like to introduce you to James right now, and he's going to share his journey of redemption through spoken word . 现在我就将向你们介绍詹姆斯, 他将通过演讲, 与你们分享他的救赎之旅。
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; spoken word:n.口头说的话;
James Cavitt: Thanks, John. 詹姆斯·卡维特:谢谢,约翰!
TED, welcome to San Quentin. TED,欢迎来到圣昆廷。
The talent is abundant behind prison walls. 在狱墙之后隐藏着丰富的天赋才华,
Future software engineers, entrepreneurs , craftsmen , musicians and artists. 未来的软件工程师、 企业家、 工匠、 音乐家 和艺术家。
entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数) craftsmen:n.工匠;手艺人(craftsman的复数形式);
This piece is inspired by all of the hard work that men and women are doing on the inside to create better lives and futures for themselves after they serve their time. 而这些才华正是男人们女人们在狱中, 所有的辛勤工作所激发产生的。 为了让他们在结束服役后, 能够为他们自己创造更好的生活。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
This piece is entitled , "Where I Live." 这一部分我的演讲叫做“我所居住的地方”。
I live in a world where most people are too afraid to go. 我住在一个大多数人极其恐惧来到的地方。
Surrounded by tall, concrete walls, steel bars, where razor wire have a way of cutting away at the hopes for a brighter tomorrow. 被高高的混凝土墙、 铁窗所包围, 这里的铁丝网 能切断人们对于更光明未来的希望。
concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖 razor wire:n.尖利铁丝网;
I live in a world that kill people who kill people in order to teach people that killing people is wrong. 我住在一个 通过杀死杀死别人的人 来教导人们 杀人不对的世界。
Imagine that. 请想象一下。
Better yet, imagine a world where healed people helped hurt people heal and become strong. 那么更好的是, 如果我们想象有一个被治愈者帮助受到伤害的人恢复, 从而变得更加强大的世界。
Maybe then we would all be singin' "Redemption Song." 也许这样的世界里每个人都在高唱着“救赎之歌”。
I live in a world that has been called "hell on Earth" 我住在一个被关押在其中的人称为
by those trapped inside. “地球上的地狱”的地方。
But I've come to the stark realization that prison -- it really is what you make it. 但我逐渐明显地意识到 监狱—— 到底是什么景象其实取决于你的内心。
You see, in spite of the harshness of my reality, there is a silver lining. 你看,尽管现实严酷, 生活仍有美好幸福的一面。
in spite of:尽管;不管,不顾; harshness:n.严肃;刺耳;粗糙的事物; silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的;
I knew that my freedom was gonna come, it was just a matter of time. 我知道我的自由即将到来, 这只是时间问题。
And so I treated my first steps as if they were my last mile, and I realized that you don't have to be free in order to experience freedom. 而因此我就像人生最后一英里一样对待我的第一步, 而我也意识到想要经历自由, 未必需要人身自由。
And just because you're free, doesn't mean that you have freedom. 而你似乎拥有着人身自由时, 也不意味着你拥有真正的自由。
Many of us, for years, have been battling our inner demons . 我们中的许多人,多年以来,一直在与心中的恶魔战斗。
inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的; demons:n.恶魔;魔鬼;心魔;邪念;(demon的复数)
We walk around smiling when inside we're really screamin': freedom! 我们四顾微笑而内心却在疾呼: 自由!
Don't you get it? 你懂吗?
We're all serving time; we're just in different places. 你我都是为了自由的服刑人员; 我们只是处在不同的地方而已。
As for me, 对我而言,
I choose to be free from the prisons I've created. 我选择从我自己所创造的监狱中获得自由。
The key: forgiveness . 关键, 是原谅。
Action's my witness . 行动是我的见证者
If we want freedom, then we gotta think different. 如果我想要得到自由, 思想要有所不同。
Because freedom ... 因为自由……
it isn't a place. 它不是一个地方。
It's a mind setting. 它是一种思想境界。
Thank you. 谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)
(Piano) (钢琴)
John Legend : Old pirates, yes, they rob I. 约翰·传奇:老海盗们,对,他们抢劫了我。
Sold I to the merchant ships. 把我卖到了商船。
Minutes after they took I from the bottomless pit. 过了没多久他们把我 从无尽的深渊中救了出来。
My hands were made strong by the hand of the almighty . 然而我有一双 上帝赋予坚强的双手。
We forward in this generation triumphantly . 我们朝向这个世代, 胜利地。
Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom? 你不帮忙唱吗? 这首自由之歌。
'Cause all I ever had -- redemption songs. 因为我全部拥有的—— 救赎之歌。
Redemption songs. 救赎之歌。
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery . 把你自己从被奴役的心灵中解放出来。
Emancipate:vt.解放;释放; mental:adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者; slavery:n.奴隶制;奴隶身份;蓄奴;adj.流口水的;被口水弄脏的;
None but ourselves can free our minds. 只有自己能解放自己的心。
Have no fear for atomic energy 'cause none of them can stop the time. 不要畏惧强权, 因为没有任何人能暂停时间。
atomic energy:[核]原子能,核能;
How long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look? 他们还要抹煞我们的先知多久, 而我们只能晾在一旁看着?
prophets:n.先知;提倡者(prophet的复数形式); stand aside:站开;躲开,避开;
Some say it's just a part of it, we've got to fulfill the book. 有人说那只不过是一小部分, 我们得说出全部实情。
Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom? 你不帮忙唱吗? 这首自由之歌。
'Cause all I ever had -- redemption songs. 因为我全部拥有的—— 救赎之歌。
Redemption songs. 救赎之歌。
(Piano) (钢琴)
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. 把你自己从被奴役的心灵中解放出来。
None but ourselves can free our minds. 只有自己能解放自己的心。
Have no fear for atomic energy 'cause none of them can stop the time. 不要畏惧强权, 因为任何人都不能暂停时间。
How long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look? 他们还要抹煞我们的先知多久, 而我们只能晾在一旁看着?
Some say it's just a part of it, we've got to fulfill the book. 有人说那只不过是一小部分, 我们得说出全部实情。
Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom? 你不帮忙唱吗? 这首自由之歌。
'Cause all I ever had -- redemption songs. 因为我全部拥有的—— 救赎之歌。
Redemption songs. 救赎之歌。
These songs of freedom. 这些自由之歌。
'Cause all I ever had -- redemption songs. 因为我全部拥有的—— 救赎之歌。
Redemption songs. 救赎之歌。
Redemption songs. 救赎之歌。
(Piano) (钢琴)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢!
Thank you. 谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)