

I'm very fortunate to be here. 很荣幸我能来到这里
I feel so fortunate. 我感到很荣幸
I've been so impressed by the kindness expressed to me. 人们的友善几乎让我印象深刻
impressed:adj.印象深刻; v.使钦佩; (impress的过去分词和过去式) expressed:v.表示;表达;显而易见;不言自明;(express的过去分词和过去式)
I called my wife Leslie, and I said, "You know, there's so many good people trying to do so much good. 我打电话给我太太雷思里 我说,“你知道吗,这里有好多好人 要一起做好多好事
It feels like I've landed in a colony of angels." 我感觉我仿佛落到了一群天使之中。 ”
It's a true feeling. 我真的这样感觉
But let me get to the talk -- I see the clock is running. 但让我开始吧 -- 时钟开始跑了
I'm a public school teacher, and I just want to share a story of my superintendent . 我是个公立学校的老师 我想要和你们分享我的主管的故事
public school:(美国和苏格兰的初等或中等的)公立中小学;寄宿学校; superintendent:n.监督人;负责人;主管;指挥者;
Her name is Pam Moran in Albemarle County , Virginia , the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. 她的名字是潘·莫然 住在维吉尼亚州 蓝岭山脉中的的山麓小丘上
County:n.郡,县; Virginia:adj.弗吉尼亚州的; foothills:n.山麓丘陵;前陆; Ridge:n.山脊;山脉;屋脊;vt.使成脊状;作垄;vi.成脊状;
And she's a very high-tech superintendent. 她是个很高科技的主管
She uses smart boards, she blogs , she Tweets , she does Facebook, she does all this sort of high-tech stuff . 她用智慧型黑板,她写博客 她用Twitter,上Facebook, 所有高科技的东西她都有做
blogs:n.网志;博客;v.写网志;写博客;(blog的第三人称单数和复数) Tweets:n.啾啾声,小鸟叫声(tweet的复数形式);v.鸣叫(tweet的三单形式); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
She's a technology leader and instructional leader. 她是技术领导者和教学领导者
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; instructional:adj.教学的;指导的,教育的;
But in her office, there's this old wooden , weather-worn table, kitchen table -- peeling green paint, it's kind of rickety . 但在她的办公室里 有一张历经沧桑的旧木头桌子,餐桌 -- 上面的油漆都掉了,还摇摇晃晃的
wooden:adj.木制的;木头的;木头似的;死板的 rickety:adj.摇晃的;虚弱的;患佝偻病的;
And I said, "Pam, you're such a modern, cutting-edge person. 我说“潘,你是个这么摩登、这么先进的人
Why is this old table in your office?" 你的办公室里怎么放了一张这么老的桌子? ”
And she told me, she said, "You know, I grew up in Southwestern Virginia, in the coal mines and the farmlands of rural Virginia, and this table was in my grandfather's kitchen. 她对我说 “我在维吉尼亚西南部的煤矿 还有维吉尼亚乡下的农场长大 这张桌子原本在我爷爷的厨房
farmlands:n.农田; rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的;
And we'd come in from playing, he'd come in from plowing and working, and we'd sit around that table every night. 我们都在那里玩,他工作完以后会加入我们 我们每个晚上围绕着那张桌子
plowing:v.犁;耕;开路;犁;耕地;(plow的现在分词) sit around:无所事事;
And as I grew up, I heard so much knowledge and so many insights and so much wisdom come out around this table, 在我的成长过程中,我在那张桌上 学到许多知识、智慧 洞悉人世
insights:n.洞察力;眼力;深刻见解(insight的复数); wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问;
I began to call it the wisdom table. 我开始叫它智慧桌
And when he passed on, I took this table with me and brought it to my office, and it reminds me of him. 当他离开人世,我把这张桌子带进我办公室 它让我想起他
It reminds me of what goes on around an empty space sometimes." 它提醒我那些空白空间里都发生了些什么”
The project I'm going to tell you about is called the World Peace Game, and essentially it is also an empty space. 我今天所要介绍的这个计划 叫世界和平游戏 本质上,它也是个空白的空间
And I'd like to think of it as a 21st century wisdom table, really. 我喜欢把它想做是 21世纪的智慧桌
It all started back in 1977. 这一切都从77年开始
I was a young man, and I had been dropping in and out of college. 当时我很年轻 在大学里进进出出
And my parents were very patient , but I had been doing intermittent sojourns to India on a mystical quest . 我的父母很有耐心 我在印度断断续续地逗留 一个神秘的旅程
patient:adj.有耐心的,能容忍的;n.病人;患者; intermittent:adj.间歇的;断断续续的;间歇性; mystical:adj.神秘的;神秘主义的; quest:n.追求;寻找;vi.追求;寻找;vt.探索;
And I remember the last time I came back from India -- in my long white flowing robes and my big beard and my John Lennon glasses -- and I said to my father, "Dad, I think I've just about found spiritual enlightenment ." 我记得最后一次我从印度回来 穿着我飘飘然的白长衫 大胡子和约翰蓝侬式的眼镜 我告诉我父亲 “爸,我想我就快得道了“
robes:n.长袍;礼服;v.(使)穿上长袍,礼服等(robe的第三人称单数); spiritual:n.圣歌(尤指美国南部黑人的);adj.精神的,心灵的; enlightenment:n.启迪;启蒙运动;教化;
He said, "Well there's one more thing you need to find." 他说”除了得道你还需要得到另一个东西“
I said, "What is that, dad?" "A job." 我说”是什么?“ ”工作“
(Laughter) (笑声)
And so they pleaded with me to get a degree in something. 于是他们请求我完成某个大学学位
So I got a degree and it turned out to be education. 于是我毕业了 读的是教育
It was an experimental education program. 那是个实验性的教育课程
It could have been dentistry , but the word "experimental" was in it, and so that's what I had to go for. 我也可以读牙医,但“实验性”这几个字 让我选择了它
And I went in for a job interview in the Richmond Public Schools in Virginia, the capital city, bought a three-piece suit -- my concession to convention -- kept my long beard and my afro 我去维吉尼亚州的 列治文公立小学面试 穿着我的三件式西装- 作为我对现实的让步 但保留了我的大胡子和爆炸头
interview:n.接见,采访;面试,面谈;v.采访;接见;对…进行面谈; Richmond:n.里士满(美国弗吉尼亚首府); three-piece suit:三件套; concession:n.让步;特许(权);承认;退位; convention:n.习俗;惯例;协定;常规; afro:n.圆蓬式发型;非洲式发型;adj.(美国)黑人的;圆蓬式的;
and my platform shoes -- at the time it was the '70s -- and I walked in, and I sat down and had an interview. 和我的厚底鞋 - 那是70年代 我走进去,我坐下,接受面试
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
And I guess they were hard up for teachers because the supervisor , her name was Anna Aro, said I had the job teaching gifted children. 我想他们很缺老师 当时的主管,她叫安尔若 她说我可以去教特殊教育
supervisor:n.监督人,[管理]管理人;检查员; gifted:adj.有天赋的;有才华的;
And I was so shocked, so stunned , 我大吃一惊
stunned:adj.震惊的; v.使昏迷; (stun的过去分词和过去式)
I got up and said, "Well, thank you, but what do I do?" 站起来说“好的,谢谢你,但我该怎么做?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Gifted education hadn't really taken hold too much. 当时并没有什么有关特殊教育的教材
There weren't really many materials or things to use. 特殊教育才刚起步
And I said, "What do I do?" 我说“我该怎么做?”
And her answer shocked me. It stunned me. 她的回答令我大吃一惊
Her answer set the template for the entire career I was to have after that. 她的回答为之后我的整个事业 设定了方向。
template:n.模板,样板; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
She said, "What do you want to do?" 她说“你想怎么做?”
And that question cleared the space. 这个问题让我有很大空间
There was no program directive , no manual to follow, no standards in gifted education in that way. 当时的特殊教育没有教材方向,没有教学手册 也没有任何标准 就这样
directive:n.指示;指令;adj.指导的;管理的; manual:n.说明书;指南;使用手册;adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手动的; standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数)
And she cleared such a space that I endeavored from then on to clear a space for my students, an empty space, whereby they could create and make meaning out of their own understanding. 她提供了很大的空间 就像我一直努力 为我学生所做的一样,给他们空间 让他们用自己的理解力 创造意义
endeavored:n.努力; vi.努力; vt.努力; from then on:从那时起 whereby:adv.凭借;通过…;借以;与…一致;
So this happened in 1978, and I was teaching many years later, and a friend of mine introduced me to a young filmmaker . 这发生在1978年 多年后我仍然在教书 一个朋友介绍我认识一个电影人
His name is Chris Farina . 他的名字是克里斯法林那
Chris Farina is here today at his own cost. 他今天自费来到这里
Chris, could you stand up and let them see you -- a young, visionary filmmaker who's made a film. 克里斯,你可以站起来让大家看看你吗 一个年轻的,有远见的电影工作者拍了这部电影
(Applause) (掌声)
This film is called "World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements." 电影的名字叫”世界和平和其它四年级生的成就“
He proposed the film to me -- it's a great title. 他向我提出拍摄计划 - 很棒的名字
He proposed the film to me, and I said, "Yeah, maybe it'll be on local TV, and we can say hi to our friends." 他向我提出拍摄计划 我说”嗯,说不定可以上当地的地方台 我们能向我们的朋友打个招呼。 “
But the film has really gone places. 但这电影远远超过我的想像
Now it's still in debt , but Chris has managed, through his own sacrifice , to get this film out. 虽然仍然在亏损,但克里斯做出许多牺牲 尝试让更多人看到
debt:n.债务;借款;罪过; sacrifice:n.牺牲;舍弃;祭献;祭祀;祭品;v.牺牲;献出;作祭献
So we made a film and it turns out to be more than a story about me, more than a story about one teacher. 我们拍了这一部电影 不只是有关我 身为一个老师的故事
It's a story that's a testament to teaching and teachers. 这是有关教学的成功见证和其它老师
And it's a beautiful thing. 非常美好
And the strange thing is, when I watch the film -- 奇怪的是,当我看电影的时候
I have the eerie sensation of seeing it -- 有一种很奇怪的感觉
eerie:adj.可怕的;怪异的; sensation:n.感觉;轰动;感动;
I saw myself literally disappear . 我仿佛看到自己消失了
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: disappear:v.消失;失踪;不复存在;
What I saw was my teachers coming through me. 我在自己身上看到 我的老师们的身影
I saw my geometry teacher in high school, Mr. Rucell's wry smile under his handlebar mustache. 我看到高中的几何老师,鲁瑟先生 在他的小胡子下微笑
geometry:n.几何学;几何结构; wry:adj.歪斜的,扭歪的;歪曲的;vt.扭曲;扭歪;vi.扭曲;扭歪; handlebar:n.手把;(美)八字胡(等于handlebarmustache);
That's the smile I use -- that's his smile. 我的微笑 - 就是他的微笑
I saw Jan Polo's flashing eyes. 我看到珍保罗发亮的双眼
flashing:n.防雨板,盖片; v.闪光; (flash的现在分词)
And they weren't flashing in anger, they were flashing in love, intense love for her students. 它们不是因为愤怒而发亮 而是因为深刻的,对学生的爱而发亮
And I have that kind of flash sometimes. 我有时也会这样
And I saw Miss Ethel J. Banks who wore pearls and high-heels to elementary school every day. 我看见班克小姐 每天戴着珍珠穿着高跟鞋到小学
pearls:n.珍珠;像珍珠之物;(pearl的复数) elementary school:小学;
And you know, she had that old-school teacher stare . 你知道那种老派的老师
old-school:adj.古老的;古旧的;传统的; stare:v.凝视;盯着看;注视;n.凝视;
You know the one. 都这样看你
(Laughter) (笑声)
'"And I'm not even talking about you behind me, because I've got eyes in the back of my head." ”我可不是在讲你,我背后的那位仁兄 因为我背后长着眼。 “
(Laughter) (笑声)
You know that teacher? 你认识他吗?
I didn't use that stare very often, but I do have it in my repertoire . 我很少用到这个眼神 但我要的话是可以的
And Miss Banks was there as a great mentor for me. 班克小姐是我的良师益友
And then I saw my own parents, my first teachers. 然后我看到 我自己的父母,我的第一个老师
My father, very inventive , spatial thinker. 我爸爸,一个非常有创造性的思想家
inventive:adj.发明的;有发明才能的;独出心裁的; spatial:adj.空间的;存在于空间的;受空间条件限制的;
That's my brother Malcolm there on the right. 坐在右边的是我兄弟马尔康
And my mother, who taught me in fourth grade in segregated schools in Virginia, who was my inspiration. 还有我妈 我在维吉尼亚上种族分隔学校时 的四年级导师 我的灵感来源
And really, I feel as though, when I see the film -- 真的,在我看电影的时候 我感觉到
I have a gesture she does, like this -- 我有和她一样的姿态,像这样
I feel like I am a continuation of her gesture. 我觉得我延续了这个姿态
I am one of her teaching gestures . 我是她教学??姿态的??一部分
gestures:n.手势; v.做手势; (gesture的第三人称单数和复数)
And the beautiful thing was, 美妙的是
I got to teach my daughter in elementary school, Madeline. 我在小学里教到我自己的女儿玛德莲
And so that gesture of my mother's continues through many generations. 于是我母亲的这个姿态 会持续好多代
It's an amazing feeling to have that lineage . 那种传承的感觉 真的好棒
And so I'm here standing on the shoulders of many people. 于是我在这里,站在这么多人的肩膀上
I'm not here alone. 这里不只有我一人
There are many people on this stage right now. 台上有许多人和我在一起
stage right:adv.(演员面对观众时的)舞台右侧;
And so this World Peace Game I'd like to tell you about. 我想和你们谈谈的这个世界和平游戏
It started out like this: it's just a four-foot by five-foot plywood board in an inner-city urban school, 1978. 是这样开始的: 它本来只是1978年在都市贫民区的一张 四英尺乘五英尺的板子
plywood:n.夹板,胶合板; inner-city:n.(居民拥挤,住屋破旧的)市中心平民区;adj.市中心的; urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的;
I was creating a lesson for students on Africa. 我正在为学生准备一个有关非洲的教材
We put all the problems of the world there, and I thought, let's let them solve it. 我们把世界上所有问题放在板子上 我想,让他们解决这些问题吧
I didn't want to lecture or have just book reading. 我不想只是讲课或是朗读
I wanted to have them be immersed and learn the feeling of learning through their bodies. 我想要他们学会 全心全意的投入学习
immersed:adj.沉入的; v.浸没; (immerse的过去分词和过去式)
So I thought, well they like to play games. 我想,嗯他们喜欢玩游戏
I'll make something -- I didn't say interactive; we didn't have that term in 1978 -- but something interactive . 我可以 - 我不是说互动 1978年根本还没有这个字 但一些可以让他们互动的游戏
And so we made the game, and it has since evolved to a four-foot by four-foot by four-foot 于是我们做了这个游戏 从那时候开始 它慢慢演变成四英尺立方
Plexiglass structure . 的耐热玻璃结构
Plexiglass:n.树脂玻璃;塑胶玻璃; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造;
And it has four Plexiglass layers . 里面有四层
There's an outer space layer with black holes and satellites and research satellites and asteroid mining. 外太空是一层 里头有黑洞和卫星 研究卫星和行星研究
outer:adj.外面的,外部的;远离中心的;n.环外命中; asteroid:n.[天]小行星;[无脊椎]海盘车;小游星;adj.星状的;
There's an air and space level with clouds that are big puffs of cotton we push around and territorial air spaces and air forces, a ground and sea level with thousands of game pieces on it -- even an undersea level with submarines and undersea mining. 再来是大气层 被我们推来推去的这些蓬蓬棉花球是云朵 有不同国家的领空和空军 还有平底和海平面,上面有几千种不同游戏块 还有海底世界 有潜水艇和深海矿区
puffs:v.吸,抽;使喷出;气喘吁吁;n.少量;千层酥;泡芙;(puff的第三人称单数和复数) push around:v.摆布;欺负;把…推来推去; territorial:adj.领土的;区域的;土地的;地方的;n.地方自卫队士兵; sea level:海平面; undersea:adj.水下的;海面下的; submarines:n.潜艇;(submarine的第三人称单数和复数)
There are four countries around the board. 板子上面有四个国家
The kids make up the names of the countries -- some are rich; some are poor. 孩子们可以为自己的国家取名字- 有些富有有些贫穷
They have different assets , commercial and military . 他们有不同的资产,商业或军师上的
assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) commercial:adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;n.(电台或电视播放的)广告; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人;
And each country has a cabinet . 每个国家都有个内阁
There's a Prime Minister , Secretary of State , Minister of Defense and a CFO, or Comptroller . 有总理,国务卿,国防部长 和财政部长
Prime Minister:n.首相;总理; Secretary of State:n.(英国)大臣;(美国)国务卿; Comptroller:n.审计官;监查官;
I choose the Prime Minister based on my relationship with them. 我依照我和他们的关系选择总理
I offer them the job, they can turn it down , and then they choose their own cabinet. 我提出邀请,他们可以拒绝 然后他们可以自己选择内阁
turn it down:调低;开小声一点;拒绝;将它下;
There's a World Bank , arms dealers and a United Nations . 里头有世界银行、军火商和联合国
World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构); United Nations:n.联合国;
There's also a weather goddess who controls a random stock market and random weather. 还有天气女神 她控制阴晴不定的股票市场和天气
random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; stock market:股票市场;证券市场;股票交易;
(Laughter) (笑声)
That's not all. 这还不是全部
And then there's a 13-page crisis document with 50 interlocking problems. 里头有13页的危机文件 还有50个连锁问题
crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; interlocking:adj.连锁的;n.连锁;咬合作用;
So that, if one thing changes, everything else changes. 如果一件事改变了,其它事也会跟着变
I throw them into this complex matrix , and they trust me because we have a deep, rich relationship together. 我把他们扔进这个复杂的世界 他们信任我,因为我们和他们关系很好
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; matrix:n.[数]矩阵;模型;[生物][地质]基质;母体;子宫;[地质]脉石;
And so with all these crises , we have -- let's see -- ethnic and minority tensions; we have chemical and nuclear spills , nuclear proliferation . 这些危机 像是 -- 民族和少数民族的冲突 化学和核子外泄 核子武器的增产扩散
crises:n.危机,紧要关头;危险期(crisis的复数形式); ethnic:adj.种族的;人种的; minority:n.少数民族;少数派;未成年;adj.少数的;属于少数派的; chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的; nuclear:adj.原子能的;[细胞]细胞核的;中心的;原子核的; spills:v.(使)洒出; n.洒出(量); (spill的第三人称单数和复数) proliferation:n.增殖,扩散;分芽繁殖;
There's oil spills, environmental disasters , water rights disputes , breakaway republics, famine , endangered species and global warming . 石油外泄,环境灾害 海域纷争,政体分裂 饥荒,动物绝种和温室效应
disasters:n.灾难(disaster的复数); disputes:n.争论(dispute的复数);v.争论(dispute的单数第三人称); breakaway:n.分离;脱逃; famine:n.饥荒; endangered:v.使遭危险;危及;危害;(endanger的过去分词和过去式) species:n.[生物]物种;种类; global warming:n.全球(气候)变暖;地球大气层变暖;
If Al Gore is here, 如果高尔在这
I'm going to send my fourth-graders from Agnor-Hurt and Venable schools to you because they solved global warming in a week. 我会派出我两个小学的四年级学生 因为他们可以在一个礼拜内解决全球变暖问题
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
And they've done it several times too. 而且他们已经解决好几次了
(Laughter) (笑声)
So I also have in the game a saboteur -- some child -- it's basically a troublemaker -- and I have my troublemaker put to use because they, on the surface, are trying to save the world and their position in the game. 游戏里还有个破坏家 基本上就是个捣蛋鬼 这个麻烦制造者 表面上看起来 是要在游戏里拯救世界和自己的权利
saboteur:n.怠工者,破坏者;从事破坏活动者; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; troublemaker:n.捣乱者,闹事者;惹麻烦的人; put to use:使用;利用;
But they're also trying to undermine everything in the game. 但事实上他们是要暗中破坏游戏中的所有一切
And they do it secretly through misinformation and ambiguities and irrelevancies, trying to cause everyone to think more deeply. 他们散发错误情报 含混不清,和毫无关联的事物 让游戏中的每个人仔细思考
misinformation:n.误报;错误的消息; ambiguities:歧义;模棱两可;
The saboteur is there, and we also read from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War." 那就是游戏中的破坏家 我们也读孙子兵法
Fourth-graders understand it -- nine years old -- and they handle that and use that to understand how to, not follow -- at first they do -- the paths to power and destruction , the path to war. 四年级,9岁的孩子可以理解 可以学习如何灵活应用 刚开始他们只是照着做 刚开始他们 走上争权夺利和毁灭性的 战争之道
They learn to overlook short-sighted reactions and impulsive thinking, to think in a long-term , more consequential way. 然后慢慢学会不要短视近利 不要因冲动做出决定 以长期的利弊来检视,思考可能的后果
overlook:v.忽略;俯视;视而不见;眺望; short-sighted:adj.目光短浅的;近视的; reactions:n.反应;回应;抗拒;生理反应;副作用(reaction的复数) impulsive:adj.冲动的;受感情驱使的;任性的; long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; consequential:adj.间接的;结果的;重要的;随之发生的;自傲的;
Stewart Brand is here, and one of the ideas for this game came from him with a CoEvolution Quarterly article on a peace force. 在我们之中的Stewart Brand,其中的一个想法从他而来 从他在共通演化季刊里的 谈论的和平组织而来
Brand:v.铭刻于,铭记;打烙印于;印…商标于;n.商标,牌子;烙印; CoEvolution:n.共同进化(指两个以上相互依存的物种共同进化); Quarterly:adj.季度的,按季度的; v.按季度,[农]一季一次地; n.季刊;
And in the game, sometimes students actually form a peace force. 在这个游戏里,有时候学生们会组成一个和平小组
I'm just a clock watcher . 我只负责算时间
I'm just a clarifier. I'm just a facilitator . 解释问题,促进游戏进行顺利
The students run the game. 学生们控制游戏里的所有细节
I have no chance to make any policy whatsoever once they start playing. 一旦游戏开始 我没有机会可以制定任何政策
policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; whatsoever:pron.无论什么;
So I'll just share with you ... 我在这里和你分享 -
(Video) Boy: The World Peace Game is serious. (视频)男孩:世界和平游戏是很严肃的
You're actually getting taught something like how to take care of the world. 在其中你可以学习如何解决世界问题
See, Mr. Hunter is doing that because he says his time has messed up a lot, and he's trying to tell us how to fix that problem. 亨特老师说 他这么做是因为他的时代做错很多事情 他想要告诉我们 如何解决这些问题
John Hunter: I offered them a -- 约翰·亨特:我给他们一个
(Applause) (掌声)
Actually, I can't tell them anything because I don't know the answer. 事实上,我没办法告诉他们任何事,因为我也没有答案
And I admit the truth to them right up front: I don't know. 我一开始就告诉他们事实:我不知道
And because I don't know, they've got to dig up the answer. 正因为我不知道,他们必须自己找出解答
And so I apologize to them as well. 于是我向他们道歉
I say, "I'm so sorry, boys and girls, but the truth is we have left this world to you in such a sad and terrible shape, and we hope you can fix it for us, and maybe this game will help you learn how to do it." 我说“小朋友们,我很抱歉 事实是 我们把世界交给你的时候,它是这么混乱 我们希望你可以帮助我们解决问题 说不定这个游戏可以教你们如何解决。 ”
It's a sincere apology, and they take it very seriously. 这是个很诚恳的道歉 他们非常认真地接受了
Now you may be wondering what all this complexity looks like. 现在你可能会想看看这个复杂的游戏看起来是什么样子
Well when we have the game start, here's what you see. 游戏开始的时候,它是这个样子
(Video) JH: All right, we're going into negotiations as of now. Go. (视频)好的,我们现在开始谈判,开始
(Chatter) (讨论声)
JH: My question to you is, who's in charge of that classroom? 约翰·亨特:我想问你们,谁在带领这个教室
in charge of:负责;主管;
It's a serious question: who is really in charge? 我很认真的问:是谁在带头?
I've learned to cede control of the classroom over to the students over time. 这么久以来,我总算学会 把课堂还给学生
There's a trust and an understanding and a dedication to an ideal that I simply don't have to do what I thought I had to do as a beginning teacher: control every conversation and response in the classroom. 这里头的信任,理解 和对理想的投入 让我根本不用 做那些我刚开始做老师时所以为我该做的 控制课堂里的的每个讨论和回应
dedication:n.奉献;献身;(建筑物等的)落成典礼;(书、音乐或演出前部的)献词; response:n.响应;反应;回答;
It's impossible. Their collective wisdom is much greater than mine, and I admit it to them openly. 这是不可能的 他们的集体智慧远远超过我 我直接向他们承认这点
So I'll just share with you some stories very quickly of some magical things that have happened. 我现在很快地和你们分享一些故事 一些神奇的事
In this game we had a little girl, and she was the Defense Minister of the poorest nation. 在游戏里有个小女孩 她是穷国的国防部长
And the Defense Minister -- she had the tank corps and Air Force and so forth. 身为国防部长- 她握有坦克队、空军等等
corps:n.兵团;(陆军)特种部队;(从事某工作或活动的)一群人; Air Force:n.空军;
And she was next door to a very wealthy, oil-rich neighbor. 她的国家在一个非常富有的、充满石油的国家旁边
next door to:几乎;与…相邻; oil-rich:石油藏量丰富的;
Without provocation , suddenly she attacked, against her Prime Minister's orders, the next-door neighbor's oil fields. 在无人发起的状况下 她突然违反总理的命令 突击邻国的油田
provocation:n.挑衅;激怒;挑拨; next-door:adj.隔壁的;邻家的;adv.邻家;
She marched into the oil field reserves , surrounded it, without firing a shot, and secured it and held it. 她把坦克开进对方的油田 围绕它,却不射击 只是占领并掩护它
reserves:n.[油气]储量; v.储备;
And that neighbor was unable to conduct any military operations because their fuel supply was locked up. 邻国无法做出任何反击 因为他们的油田被封住了
We were all upset with her, "Why are you doing this? 我们都很生气,对她说“你干嘛这样?
upset:adj.沮丧; v.打乱; n.苦恼; (意外的)混乱;
This is the World Peace Game. What is wrong with you?" 这可是世界和平游戏哎,你有什么问题啊? “
(Laughter) (笑声)
This was a little girl and, at nine years old, she held her pieces and said, "I know what I'm doing." 这个小女孩,只有九岁 她只是握着她的棋子,对她的朋友说
To her girlfriends she said that. ”我知道我自己在做什么“
That's a breach there. 于是产生了冲突
And we learned in this, you don't really ever want to cross a nine year-old girl with tanks. 于是我们学到,绝对不要惹火 一个拥有坦克的九岁小女孩
(Laughter) (笑声)
They are the toughest opponents . 她们是竞争激烈的对手
And we were very upset. 我们都很愤怒
I thought I was failing as a teacher. Why would she do this? 我想这是我身为教师的失败:她为什么会这么做?
But come to find out, a few game days later -- and there are turns where we take negotiation from a team -- actually there's a negotiation period with all teams, and each team takes a turn, then we go back in negotiation, around and around, so each turn around is one game day. 但随着游戏发展,我逐渐发现原因 每个队伍都有谈判的时候 所有队伍都有一个谈判时间 每一组轮流 我们回到谈判桌,一轮又一轮 一轮就是一天份的游戏
So a few game days later it came to light that we found out this major country was planning a military offensive to dominate the entire world. 几轮谈判以后总算真相大白 我们发现这个大国 正在计划一个大型军事行动 要征服整个世界
offensive:n.进攻;攻势;攻击;侵犯;adj.冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的; dominate:vt.控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位;vi.占优势;处于支配地位;
Had they had their fuel supplies, they would have done it. 如果它们握有石油,就可以达成计划
She was able to see the vectors and trend lines and intentions long before any of us and understand what was going to happen and made a philosophical decision to attack in a peace game. 她比我们先看到这个这个趋势 对方的意图 理解即将发生的事态 做出一个哲学性的决定 在和平游戏里攻击。
vectors:n.[数]向量(vector的复数); v.推动…前进; trend:n.趋势;动向;趋向;动态;v.走向;趋向; intentions:n.目的,意向,意图;打算;(intention的复数) philosophical:adj.哲学的(等于philosophic);冷静的;
Now she used a small war to avert a larger war, so we stopped and had a very good philosophical discussion about whether that was right, conditional good, or not right. 她用一个小的战争来避免一个大的战争 于是我们暂停游戏,一起参与这个哲学讨论 讨论这究竟是对的 在某些状况下是好的,或是错的
avert:vt.避免,防止;转移; conditional:adj.有条件的;假定的;n.条件句;条件语;
That's the kind of thinking that we put them in, the situations. 这就是我们在这种状况下所思考的
I could not have designed that in teaching it. 我无法设计出这种教材
It came about spontaneously through their collective wisdom. 这必须出自自发,出自他们自己的集体智慧
(Applause) (掌声)
Another example, a beautiful thing happened. 另外一件美好的事发生了
We have a letter in the game. 游戏里有一封信
If you're a military commander and you wage troops -- the little plastic toys on the board -- and you lose them, 你是个将军,你增兵 板子上的一块塑胶玩具- 然后你失去了它
commander:n.指挥官;司令官; wage:v.发动;n.(通常指按周领的)工资; on the board:在董事会,将在会上讨论;在那块木板上;
I put in a letter. 我放在信里
You have to write a letter to their parents -- the fictional parents of your fictional troops -- explaining what happened and offering your condolences . 你必须写一封信给他们的家长 你那虚构士兵的虚构家长 解释事情发生的经过,并献上悼词
fictional:adj.虚构的;小说的; condolences:n.吊唁;慰唁;(condolence的复数)
So you have a little bit more thought before you commit to combat . 于是在你准备开战的时候 你会三思而行
commit:v.犯(罪等);干(坏事等);[法]提(审);判处; combat:v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;n.战斗;搏斗;打仗;
And so we had this situation come up -- last summer actually, at Agnor-Hurt School in Albemarle County -- and one of our military commanders got up to read that letter and one of the other kids said, "Mr. Hunter, let's ask -- there's a parent over there." 我们遇见这个状况 上一个夏天 在 Albemarle 区的 Agnor-Hurt 小学 其中一个将军起来朗诵这封信 另外一个学生起来说“亨特先生 那里有个家长”
There was a parent visiting that day, just sitting in the back of the room. 那天是家长访问学校的日子,他们都坐在教室后面
'"Let's ask that mom to read the letter. “我们让那个妈妈来读这封信,
It'll be more realer if she reads it." 她读会更有真实感。 ”
So we did, we asked her, and she gamely picked up the letter. 于是我们问了她,她很配合地拿起信
'"Sure." She started reading. She read one sentence. “好的。”她开始读,她读了一句
She read two sentences. 两句
By the third sentence, she was in tears. 到了第三句,她泪眼盈框
I was in tears. 我也流泪了
Everybody understood that when we lose somebody, the winners are not gloating . 在场的每个人都懂了 当有人失去性命,胜利的一方并没有什么好得意的
We all lose. 我们都是输家
And it was an amazing occurrence and an amazing understanding. 这件事的发生和众人的理解都很神奇
I'll show you what my friend David says about this. 你们可以看看我朋友大卫怎么说
He's been in many battles. 他经历许多战役
(Video) David: We've really had enough of people attacking. (影片)大卫:我们真的受够了攻击
I mean, we've been lucky [most of] the time. 虽然大部分时候我们都很幸运
But now I'm feeling really weird because I'm living what Sun Tzu said one week. 但现在我感觉很怪 我现在正经历孙子说的
One week he said, "Those who go into battle and win will want to go back, and those who lose in battle will want to go back and win." 他说 “那些投身战争并胜利的人 会想回到战场上 那些战役的输家 会想再回去获得胜利。 ”
And so I've been winning battles, so I'm going into battles, more battles. 我在许多战役中获得胜利 于是我一次又一次加入他们
And I think it's sort of weird to be living what Sun Tzu said. 我的感觉,很奇异的 就像孙子所描述的
JH: I get chills every time I see that. 每次我看那个影片,我就打冷颤
chills:n.寒冷; v.使变冷;
That's the kind of engagement you want to have happen. 这就是你想要的投入程度
And I can't design that, I can't plan that, and I can't even test that. 是我所不能计划或设计出来的 我甚至不能试验
But it's self-evident assessment . 但结果很明确
self-evident:adj.不言而喻的;不证自明的; assessment:n.评定;估价;
We know that's an authentic assessment of learning. 我们都知道有一些教育成果是不言而喻的
We have a lot of data, but I think sometimes we go beyond data with the real truth of what's going on. 我们有很多数据,但我认为有时我们应该用真实的例子 超越这些数据
So I'll just share a third story. 让我分享第三个故事
This is about my friend Brennan. 和我朋友贝南有关
We had played the game one session after school for many weeks, about seven weeks, and we had essentially solved all 50 of the interlocking crises. 有一天我们在下课后玩游戏 几个礼拜,似乎是七个礼拜 我们基本上解决了50个连锁危机
The way the game is won is all 50 problems have to be solved and every country's asset value has to be increased above its starting point . 赢得游戏的方法就是把50个问题全解决 而且每个国家的资产 都要比游戏开始时更多
starting point:n.出发点;基础;
Some are poor, some are wealthy. There are billions. 有些贫穷,有些富有。有好几亿。
The World Bank president was a third-grader one time. 有一次,世界银行总裁是个三年级的学生
He says, "How many zeros in a trillion ? I've got to calculate that right away ." 他说“兆里面有几个零?我需要把这个算对。”
trillion:n.[数]万亿;adj.万亿的;num.[数]万亿; right away:立刻;
But he was setting fiscal policy in that game for high school players who were playing with him. 他在为其它高中玩家 设立财政政策
So the team that was the poorest had gotten even poorer. 于是穷国 变得更穷
There was no way they could win. 他们是不可能赢的
And we were approaching four o'clock, our cut-off time -- there was about a minute left -- and despair just settled over the room. 我们越来越接近下午四点的期限 只剩下一分钟 绝望充满了整个课堂
approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词) cut-off:n.截止;定点;界限;adj.毛边短裤的; despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望; settled:adj.稳定的; v.结束; (settle的过去分词和过去式)
I thought, I'm failing as a teacher. 我想,身为教师,我失败了
I should have gotten it so they could have won. 我应该想办法让他们赢的
They shouldn't be failing like this. 他们不应该这样就失败了
I've failed them. 我让他们失望了
And I was just feeling so sad and dejected . 正在我感觉失望和沮丧时
And suddenly, Brennan walked over to my chair and he grabbed the bell, the bell I ring to signal a change or a reconvening of cabinets , and he ran back to his seat, rang the bell. 贝南走到我身边来 他拿走我手上的响钟 原本是用在内阁重组的时候 他跑回座位,打响它
grabbed:v.抓住;攫取;抓住,夺得;(grab的过去分词和过去式) reconvening:vi.再聚会;再集会;vt.再召集;再召开; cabinets:n.陈列柜;内阁;匣子;小房间(cabinet的复数);
Everybody ran to his chair: there was screaming; there was yelling, waving of their dossiers . 每个人都跑到他座位那里,闹成一团 叫着,挥舞着他们的档案
They get these dossiers full of secret documents. 这些档案里充满秘密文件
They were gesticulating; they were running around. 他们打着手势,满教室乱跑
I didn't know what they were doing. I'd lost control of my classroom. 我不知道他们在做什么,整个教室失控了
Principal walks in, I'm out of a job. 要是校长在那时候走进来,我就失业了
The parents were looking in the window. 家长从窗子外看進来
And Brennan runs back to his seat. Everybody runs back to their seat. 贝南跑回他的座位,每个人都回到原座
He rings the bell again. He says, "We have" -- and there's 12 seconds left on the clock -- "we have, all nations, pooled all our funds together. 他重新敲响钟。他说 - 那时还剩下12秒 “我们集合了所有国家的所有资金
And we've got 600 billion dollars. 我们有600亿
We're going to offer it as a donation to this poor country. 我们要把这些捐给穷国
And if they accept it, it'll raise their asset value and we can win the game. 如果他们接受,他们就可以提升资本,我们就赢得了游戏
Will you accept it?" 你们接受吗?
And there are three seconds left on the clock. 那时只剩下三秒
Everybody looks at this prime minister of that country, and he says, "Yes." 每个人都盯着那个国家的总理 他回答“好的。”
And the game is won. 于是大家赢得游戏
Spontaneous compassion that could not be planned for, that was unexpected and unpredictable . 自发的仁爱 不能计划的 无法想像预测的
compassion:n.同情;怜悯; unexpected:adj.意外的,想不到的; unpredictable:adj.不可预知的;不定的;出乎意料的;n.不可预言的事;
Every game we play is different. 每次的游戏都不同
Some games are more about social issues , some are more about economic issues. 某些游戏有关社会议题 某些有关经济议题
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的;
Some games are more about warfare . 有些有关战争
But I don't try to deny them that reality of being human. 但我从不剥夺他们身为人的真实状态
I allow them to go there and, through their own experience, learn, in a bloodless way, how not to do what they consider to be the wrong thing. 我让他们去探索 以一种不流血的方式,自己去经历 如何不去做那些自己认为错误的事
And they find out what is right their own way, their own selves. 让他们找到什么是对的 用他们自己的方法,自己找
And so in this game, 在这个游戏里
I've learned so much from it, but I would say that if only they could pick up a critical thinking tool or creative thinking tool from this game and leverage something good for the world, they may save us all. 我学了很多 我必须说 倘若 他们可以从游戏里 找到批判性思考 和创意思考的方式 把那变成真正可以解决世界问题的方法 来拯救我们所有人
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; creative:adj.创造性的; leverage:n.影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效力;v.举债经营;借贷收购;
If only. 如果。
And on behalf of all of my teachers on whose shoulders I'm standing, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 感谢我所有的老师 他们的经验传承 谢谢,谢谢,谢谢
on behalf of:代表;为了;
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