

So the machine I'm going to talk you about is what I call the greatest machine that never was. 我马上要给你们介绍的机器呢 是被我称之为有史以来最伟大的机器
It was a machine that was never built, and yet, it will be built. 它是一个从来没有被制造出来的机器 不过呢,它将来会被造出来的
It was a machine that was designed long before anyone thought about computers. 它是一个早在人们对电脑没有概念的时候 设计出来的一种机器
If you know anything about the history of computers, you will know that in the '30s and the '40s, simple computers were created that started the computer revolution we have today, and you would be correct, except for you'd have the wrong century. 如果你对电脑的历史有一些了解的话 你知道在30和40年代的时候, 出现了一些简单的电脑 标志着我们今天所看到的电脑革命的开端 你这样想是对的 不过你把世纪搞错了
The first computer was really designed in the 1830s and 1840s, not the 1930s and 1940s. 第一台电脑其实是在19世纪 30,40年代设计的,而不是20世纪的30,40年代
It was designed, and parts of it were prototyped , and the bits of it that were built are here in South Kensington . 它的设计和一部分原型 还有部分制造都发生在这里 南肯辛顿
prototyped:n.原型; (prototype的过去分词) Kensington:n.肯辛顿(英格兰伦敦肯辛顿和切尔西区的一个地名);
That machine was built by this guy, Charles Babbage. 这台机器是这个叫查尔斯·巴贝奇的人建造出来的
Now, I have a great affinity for Charles Babbage because his hair is always completely unkempt like this in every single picture. (Laughter) 我这个人对查尔斯·巴贝奇有种清切感 因为他所有照片里的头发都 乱成这个样.
affinity:n.密切关系;吸引力;姻亲关系;类同; unkempt:adj.蓬乱的,不整洁的;(言语等)粗野的;
He was a very wealthy man, and a sort of, part of the aristocracy of Britain, and on a Saturday night in Marylebone, were you part of the intelligentsia of that period, you would have been invited round to his house for a soiree 〞 and he invited everybody: 他非常的富有 而且可以说是英国的贵族成员 在马斯伯恩的一个周六的晚上 假如你是当时的一名知识分子 你会被邀请到他的房子去 一个社交晚会--他会邀请每一个人
aristocracy:n.贵族;贵族统治;上层社会;贵族政治; intelligentsia:n.知识分子;知识界; soiree:n.社交晚会;
kings, the Duke of Wellington, many, many famous people 〞 and he would have shown you one of his mechanical machines. 国王,惠灵顿的公爵,很多很多有名的人--- 然后他就会给你们看他的一个机械
Duke:n.公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃; mechanical:adj.机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的;
I really miss that era , you know, where you could go around for a soiree and see a mechanical computer get demonstrated to you. (Laughter) 我非常想念那个时代,那时候你可以 去一个社交晚会,然后看到 一台机械电脑的演示. (笑声)
era:n.新时期;纪元;年代;新时代; demonstrated:v.证明;证实;论证;说明;表达;(demonstrate的过去分词和过去式)
But Babbage, Babbage himself was born at the end of the 18th century, and was a fairly famous mathematician . 不过巴贝奇是在18世纪末 出生的 还是个比较有名的数学家
fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直; mathematician:n.数学家;善作数字计算的人;
He held the post that Newton held at Cambridge , and that was recently held by Stephen Hawking . 他担当了当时牛顿在剑桥的职位 最近又由史蒂芬霍金担当
Newton:n.牛顿(英国科学家);牛顿(力的单位); Cambridge:n.剑桥(英国城市);坎布里奇(美国马萨诸塞州城市); recently:adv.最近;新近; Hawking:n.利用鹰行猎;v.袭击;翱翔;攫取(hawk的现在分词);
He's less well known than either of them because he got this idea to make mechanical computing devices and never made any of them. 他没这些人那么有名,因为 他只有创造这台机器的想法 但却从未真正制造出来
well known:adj.著名的;众所周知的;清楚明白的; computing:n.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术;v.计算;求出;(compute的现在分词) devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
The reason he never made any of them, he's a classic nerd . 原因就是他是个典型的书呆子
classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的; nerd:n.呆子;讨厌的人;
Every time he had a good idea, he'd think, "That's brilliant, I'm going to start building that one. 每回他有一个很好的想法 他就会想, 太棒了,我准备去把它造出来.
I'll spend a fortune on it. I've got a better idea. 我会投入一大笔钱。但我又有个更好的主意
I'm going to work on this one. (Laughter) And I'm going to do this one." 那我就造这个吧.(笑声) 不对,我应该造这个.
He did this until Sir Robert Peel, then Prime Minister , basically kicked him out of Number 10 Downing Street , and kicking him out, in those days, that meant saying, "I bid you good day, sir." (Laughter) 他一直都是这么干,直到罗伯特·皮尔(后来成为首相) 把他从唐宁街10号开除 当时开除就意会着对他说 祝你有个愉快的一天.(笑声)
Prime Minister:n.首相;总理; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; Downing Street:n.英国政府(英国首相官邸所在街道的名称);
The thing he designed was this monstrosity here, the analytical engine. Now, just to give you an idea of this, this is a view from above. 他设计的东西就是这个巨大的玩意儿, 分析引擎.现在为了让你解释一下 这是一个俯视图
monstrosity:n.畸形;可怕的东西;残暴; analytical:adj.分析的;解析的;善于分析的;
Every one of these circles is a cog, a stack of cogs , and this thing is as big as a steam locomotive . 每个圈圈都是一个齿轮,一叠齿轮 因此这东西就跟一个蒸汽火车头一样大
stack:n.堆栈;一摞;大量;许多;v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞,一堆); cogs:n.轮齿; v.(在…上)装齿轮; (cog的复数) locomotive:adj.火车头的;运动的;移动的;n.机车;火车头;
So as I go through this talk, I want you to imagine this gigantic machine. We heard those wonderful sounds of what this thing would have sounded like. 在我说的时候,我想让你想象一下 这个巨大的机器.我们可以听到这些由这个机器发出的 美妙的声音
And I'm going to take you through the architecture of the machine 〞 that's why it's computer architecture 〞 and tell you about this machine, which is a computer. 现在呢我准备给你介绍一下机器的构造 这就是为什么这是电脑的构造 然后告诉你这台机器其实是个电脑
So let's talk about the memory. The memory is very like the memory of a computer today, except it was all made out of metal, stacks and stacks of cogs, 30 cogs high. 我们先讨论下内存 它的内存就跟现在的电脑一样 只不过它当时是用金属做的 一叠又一叠的齿轮,有30个齿轮那么高
Imagine a thing this high of cogs, hundreds and hundreds of them, and they've got numbers on them. 想象一下这个高度 有几百个那么多 然后它们上面都有编号
It's a decimal machine. Everything's done in decimal. 这个机器是个十进制的.所有东西都是十进制
And he thought about using binary . The problem with using binary is that the machine would have been so tall, it would have been ridiculous . As it is, it's enormous . 他想过用二进制.不过问题是 那样的话机器会高得离谱 而且还会变得极其巨大
binary:adj.[数]二进制的;二元的,二态的; ridiculous:adj.可笑的;荒谬的; enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的;
So he's got memory. 所以它是有内存的
The memory is this bit over here. 这部分就是它的内存
You see it all like this. 它们都是这个样子
This monstrosity over here is the CPU, the chip, if you like. 这个巨大的东西就是CPU(中央处理器)或者说是芯片
Of course, it's this big. 没错,就这么大
Completely mechanical. This whole machine is mechanical. 完全是机械化.整个机器都是如此
This is a picture of a prototype for part of the CPU which is in the Science Museum. 这是一张展示CPU的一部分的原型照片 来自科学博物馆
The CPU could do the four fundamental functions of arithmetic -- so addition , multiplication , subtraction , division -- which already is a bit of a feat in metal, CPU可以做4种基本的运算 加减乘除 这对于金属来说已经很不错了
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; arithmetic:n.算术,算法; addition:n.添加;[数]加法;增加物; multiplication:n.[数]乘法;增加; subtraction:n.[数]减法;减少;差集; division:n.师;分配;分开;分歧; feat:n.功绩,壮举;技艺表演;adj.合适的;灵巧的;
but it could also do something that a computer does and a calculator doesn't: this machine could look at its own internal memory and make a decision. 不过它还可以做一些电脑能做的事情 但是计算器做不了的 这个机器可以通过内存的数据来做决定
calculator:n.计算器; internal:n.内脏;本质;adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的;
It could do the "if then" for basic programmers, and that fundamentally made it into a computer. 它可以为程序员做条件判断 而这样一来它其实就成了一台电脑
It could compute . It couldn't just calculate. It could do more. 可以计算.不光是计算,还可以做更多
Now, if we look at this, and we stop for a minute , and we think about chips today, we can't look inside a silicon chip . It's just so tiny. 现在,让我们看着这个,停下来想想 我们当今的芯片,我们甚至都看不到 里面是什么.实在太小了
for a minute:一会儿; chips:炸土豆条(chip的复数) silicon chip:n.硅片;
Yet if you did, you would see something very, very similar to this. 不过你如果真看到了,你可以看到跟这个(机械电脑) 很相似的东西
There's this incredible complexity in the CPU, and this incredible regularity in the memory. 这就是CPU里难以置信的复杂性 以及内存中难以置信的规律性
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势 regularity:n.规则性;整齐;正规;匀称;
If you've ever seen an electron microscope picture, you'll see this. This all looks the same, then there's this bit over here which is incredibly complicated . 如果你曾经看到一个电子显微镜的照片 你就会看到这个.看起来都会是一样的 然后这部分就会十分的复杂
electron microscope:n.电子显微镜; incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式)
All this cog wheel mechanism here is doing is what a computer does, but of course you need to program this thing, and of course, 所有这些齿轮运作都在做一个电脑所做的事情 不过当然你得给这个编程,
wheel:车轮,转动 mechanism:n.机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧;
Babbage used the technology of the day and the technology that would reappear in the '50s, '60s and '70s, which is punch cards. This thing over here is one of three punch card readers in here, and this is a program in the Science Museum, just not far from here, created by Charles Babbage, that is sitting there 〞 you can go see it 〞 waiting for the machine to be built. 巴贝奇当时使用了 一种将在20世纪50,60,70年代又会重新出现的技术 那就是打孔卡片.这个东西 就是三个中其中一个读卡机 而这是一个在科学博物馆里的程序 离这儿不远,是由巴贝奇写的 就在那儿,你可以去看看 然后等待人们把机器制造出来
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; reappear:vi.再出现; punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
And there's not just one of these, there's many of them. 不过那其实还有好多
He prepared programs anticipating this would happen. 他设计了一些程序,期待着它可以实现
Now, the reason they used punch cards was that Jacquard , in France, had created the Jacquard loom, which was weaving these incred ible patterns co ntrolle d by punch cards, 之所以用那么多打孔卡片是因为有提花机 法国创造了提花机 受打孔卡片所控制,可以织出这些的不可思议的图案
so he was just repurposing the technology of the day, and like everything else he did, he's using the technology of his era, so 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, cogs, steam, mechanical devices. Ironically , born the same year as Charles Babbage was Michael Faraday , who would completely revolutionize everything with the dynamo , transformers , all these sorts of things. 而他当时就在为今天的科技在准备 跟所有他所做的其他事情一样 他在用他当时19世纪30,40,50年代的科技,齿轮,蒸汽机器什么的 具有讽刺意味的是,跟他在同一年出生的 还有迈克尔 法拉第 法拉第最后彻底地将所有东西都改进了 通过发电机,变压器以及各种东西
repurposing:n.再利用;v.为…改变用途(repurpose的ing形式); Ironically:adv.讽刺地;说反话地; Faraday:n.法拉第(电量单位); revolutionize:vt.发动革命;彻底改革;宣传革命;vi.革命化;从事革命; dynamo:n.发电机;精力充沛的人; transformers:n.[电]变压器;促使变化的人或物;(transformer的复数)
Babbage, of course, wanted to use proven technology, so steam and things. 巴贝奇想要用久经考验的科技 因此就是蒸汽之类的东西
Now, he needed accessories . 他需要一些配件
Obviously, you've got a computer now. 显然你已经有个电脑了
You've got punch cards, a CPU and memory. 还有很多卡片,CPU,以及内存
You need accessories you're going to come with. 你还是需要一些配件
You're not just going to have that, 没有的那些配件
So, first of all , you had sound. You had a bell, so if anything went wrong 〞 (Laughter) 〞 or the machine needed the attendant to come to it, there was a bell it could ring. (Laughter) 首先呢,要有声音。你可以用个铃铛 如果有事情出错了的话----(笑声) 或者机器需要一个人工干预的时候 就可以摇铃铛.(笑声)
first of all:adv.首先; attendant:adj.伴随的;侍候的;n.服务员,侍者;随员,陪从;
And there's actually an instruction on the punch card which says "Ring the bell." So you can imagine this "Ting!" 在打孔卡片上实际有个说明 上面写着: 摇铃铛. 然后你就可以想象 叮! 的一声
You know, just stop for a moment, imagine all those noises, this thing, "Click, clack click click click," 你可以想象一下所有这些噪音 这玩意儿,咔嗒咔嚓咔嗒咔嚓
steam engine, " Ding ," right? (Laughter) 还有蒸汽引擎. 叮, 没错吧?(笑声)
You also need a printer, obviously, and everyone needs a printer. 你还需要一个打印机,当然,每个人都需要
This is actually a picture of the printing mechanism for another machine of his, called the Difference Engine No. 2, which he never built, but which the Science Museum did build in the '80s and '90s. 这是一幅关于另外一个机器的打印原理的图片 名叫“差分机2号” 他从没建造出来,不过科学博物馆 在80和90年代造出来了
It's completely mechanical, again, a printer. 还是个纯机械打印机
It prints just numbers, because he was obsessed with numbers, but it does print onto paper, and it even does word wrapping , so if you get to the end of the line , it goes around like that. 它只打印数字,因为他对数字很着迷 不过它可以在纸上打印,甚至可以自动换行 因此当你到了一行的最后时,就会自动换行
obsessed:v.使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷;(obsess的过去式和过去分词) wrapping:n.包装材料;包装纸;v.包,裹(礼物等);用…包裹;(wrap的现在分词) the end of the line:尽头,极限;
You also need graphics , right? 你还需要图像,对吧?
I mean, if you're going to do anything with graphics, so he said, "Well, I need a plotter . I've got a big piece of paper and an ink pen and I'll make it plot." 如果你要对图像做点什么的话 因此他说: 嗯..我需要个绘图机,我有一大张纸, 还有个钢笔,这样它就可以作图了.
So he designed a plotter as well, and, you know, at that point, I think he got pretty much a pretty good machine. 因此他也设计了一个绘图机 在那个时候呢,他拥有一个 很好的机器了
Along comes this woman, Ada Lovelace. 当然还有这个女人,艾达 勒夫蕾丝
Now, imagine these soirees , all these great and good comes along. 现在,想象一下这样的社交聚会,所有这样有名利的人都来了
This lady is the daughter of the mad, bad and dangerous-to-know Lord Byron, and her mother, being a bit worried that she might have inherited some of Lord Byron's madness and badness , thought, "I know the solution : Mathematics is the solution. 这位女士就是疯狂,阴险和危险的拜伦王 的女儿 她妈担心她的女儿会继承一些 她爸的疯狂和阴险 她想到: 我知道怎么解决了.数学就可以解决.
Lord:n.(英国)贵族,大人,大臣;v.使成贵族;作威作福; inherited:v.继承(金钱、财产等);接替(责任等);继任;(inherit的过去式和过去分词) badness:n.坏,恶;不良;恶劣状态; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; Mathematics:n.数学;数学运算;
We'll teach her mathematics. That'll calm her down." 我们会教她数学.这样她就安静下来了.
(Laughter) Because of course, there's never been a mathematician that's gone crazy, so, you know, that'll be fine. (Laughter) (笑声)因为 从来没有一个数学家最后给疯掉的 因此呢,那个主意还不错.(笑声)
Everything'll be fine. So she's got this mathematical training, and she goes to one of these soirees with her mother, and Charles Babbage, you know, gets out his machine. 一切都会变好的.因此她开始了对数学的学习 然后跟她妈妈去了一个社交聚会 然后巴贝奇拿出了他的机器
The Duke of Wellington is there, you know, get out the machine, obviously demonstrates it, and she gets it. She's the only person in his lifetime, really, who said, "I understand what this does, and I understand the future of this machine." 威灵顿的公爵在那儿呢, 巴贝奇示范了他的机器, 然后艾达就理解了.她是在他一生中的唯一个人,真正能理解的 她说: 我知道这个机器是干嘛的 我也理解这个机器的未来会怎么样.
And we owe to her an enormous amount because we know a lot about the machine that Babbage was intending to build because of her. 她对我们的帮助十分大,因为之所以 很多巴贝奇想要制造的机器 都是因为她
owe:v.归功于;欠(债);欠(账);欠(情) intending:adj.预期的;未来的;v.打算;计划;想要(intend的现在分词)
Now, some people call her the first programmer. 现在呢,一些人把她叫第一个程序员
This is actually from one of -- the paper that she translated. 这其实是从她当初翻译的文章得出来的
This is a program written in a particular style. 这是一个特定格式下的程序
It's not, historically , totally accurate that she's the first programmer, and actually, she did something more amazing. 不过历史上讲,她并不仅仅真正的第一个程序员 实际上,她做了一些更惊人的事
historically:adv.历史上地;从历史观点上说; accurate:adj.精确的;
Rather than just being a programmer, she saw something that Babbage didn't. 不光是一个编程员 她还看到了一些巴贝奇没有看到的东西
Babbage was totally obsessed with mathematics. 他对数学太着迷了
He was building a machine to do mathematics, and Lovelace said, "You could do more than mathematics on this machine." And just as you do, everyone in this room already's got a computer on them right now, because they've got a phone. 他想建造一个能做数学的机器 然后勒夫蕾丝说: 你在这台机器上不光可以做数学. 其实在这个房间里都每一个人 身上都有个电脑 因为他们都有手机
If you go into that phone, every single thing in that phone or computer or any other computing device is mathematics. It's all numbers at the bottom. 如果你打开你的手机,上面的每个东西 或者电脑,或者其他任何计算设备 那都是数学.在底下全部都是数字
Whether it's video or text or music or voice, it's all numbers, it's all, underlying it, mathematical functions happening, and Lovelace said, "Just because you're doing mathematical functions and symbols doesn't mean these things can't represent other things in the real world, such as music." 不管是视频或者短信或者音乐,都是数字 从头到尾都是数学函数 勒夫蕾丝说: 仅仅因为你在 使用数学函数和符号 并不代表这些东西不能呈现 其他东西,比如说音乐.
underlying:adj.根本的; v.构成…的基础; (underlie的现在分词) symbols:n.符号;象征;标志;符号表(symbol的复数); represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送;
This was a huge leap , because Babbage is there saying, "We could compute these amazing functions and print out tables of numbers and draw graphs," 〞 (Laughter) 〞 and Lovelace is there and she says, "Look, this thing could even compose music if you told it a representation of music numerically ." 这是个巨大的飞跃,因为巴贝奇说 我们可以计算出这些神奇的函数然后 把数学表格和图像打印出来. ---(笑声) 然而勒夫蕾丝则说: 你看, 只要你给它以数字的形式呈现音乐 它就可以用来作曲.
leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲; compose:v.组成;作曲;创作(音乐);撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等); representation:n.表现;代表;描述;陈述 numerically:adv.数字上;用数字表示;
So this is what I call Lovelace's Leap. 这就是我说的勒夫蕾丝的飞越
When you say she's a programmer, she did do some, but the real thing is to have said the future is going to be much, much more than this. 当你说她是个程序员的时候,她的确是 不过真正的重要是说出了未来会为变成什么样 这比作为第一个程序员要有价值多了
Now, a hundred years later, this guy comes along, 现在,一百多年后,有个人出现了
Alan Turing , and in 1936, and invents the computer all over again. 艾兰图林。在1936年,他重新发明了电脑
Now, of course, Babbage's machine was entirely mechanical. 当然,巴贝奇的机器是纯机械的
Turing's machine was entirely theoretical . 图林的机器是纯理论的
Both of these guys were coming from a mathematical perspective , but Turing told us something very important. 这些人都是从数学角度的观点来考虑的 不过图林告诉我们一些很重要的事情
He laid down the mathematical foundations for computer science , and said, "It doesn't matter how you make a computer." 他在计算机科学奠定了数学的基础 他说 “你怎么制造电脑并不重要.
foundations:n.基础;地基;基金会;粉底;(foundations是foundation的复数) computer science:n.计算机科学;
It doesn't matter if your computer's mechanical, like Babbage's was, or electronic , like computers are today, or perhaps in the future, cells, or, again, mechanical again, once we get into nanotechnology . 就像是机械电脑,像巴贝奇那种, 或者电子的,跟今天一样的,也不重要 再抑或将来是细胞构成的, 或者又是机械的,一旦我们进入纳米技术
electronic:adj.电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的; nanotechnology:n.纳米技术;
We could go back to Babbage's machine and just make it tiny. All those things are computers. 我们可以回到巴贝奇的机器,使它变得很小。 所有这些东西都是计算机
There is in a sense a computing essence . 在这之中有一个计算的本质
in a sense:在某种意义上; essence:n.本质;实质;精髓;香精;
And so suddenly, you get this link where you say this thing Babbage had built really was a computer. 所以突然之间,你知道了其中的联系 巴贝奇当年造的那东西确实是台电脑
In fact, it was capable of doing everything we do today with computers, only really slowly. (Laughter) 实际上,它可以做任何我们现在用电脑能 做的事情,只不过极其的慢而已.(笑声)
To give you an idea of how slowly, it had about 1k of memory. 你要是想知道多慢的话, 它有1k的内存
It used punch cards, which were being fed in, and it ran about 10,000 times slower the first ZX81. 它使用打孔卡片作为输入 比第一个ZX81(1981生产的家用电脑)要慢1万倍
It did have a RAM pack. 不过呢,它的确有个RAM组
You could add on a lot of extra memory if you wanted to. 你可以扩大它的容量
(Laughter) So, where does that bring us today? (笑声)嗯,那么这个东西给我们今天带来什么呢?
So there are plans. 我们有计划
Over in Swindon, the Science Museum archives , there are hundreds of plans and thousands of pages of notes written by Charles Babbage about this analytical engine. 在斯文顿的科学博物馆档案中 有成百个计划和上千页巴贝奇写的关于 这个分析引擎的笔记
One of those is a set of plans that we call Plan 28, and that is also the name of a charity that I started with Doron Swade, who was the curator of computing 其中一个我们把它叫“计划28” 这还是个我与多伦斯韦德(Doron Swade)创建的一个 慈善机构的名字,他是科学博物馆计算项目的
charity:n.慈善;施舍;慈善团体;宽容;施舍物; curator:n.馆长;监护人;管理者;
at the Science Museum, and also the person who drove the project to build a difference engine, and our plan is to build it. 管理人,并且是他将起草了 建造差分机的计划 我们的计划就是把它造出来
Here in South Kensington, we will build the analytical engine. 在这里南肯辛顿,我们还会造分析引擎
The project has a number of parts to it. 这个工程有很多部分
One was the scanning of Babbage's archive. 一部分就是扫描巴贝奇的档案
That's been done. The second is now the study of all of those plans to determine what to build. 这个已经做完了.第二个是现在 学习所有这些计划去决定应该建造什么
The third part is a computer simulation of that machine, and the last part is to physically build it at the Science Museum. 第三部分是那个机器的一个电脑模拟系统 最后一部就是在科学博物馆真正把机器造出来
When it's built, you'll finally be able to understand how a computer works, because rather than having a tiny chip in front of you, you've got to look at this humongous thing and say, "Ah, 当它造出来的时候,你就会真正理解电脑是怎么工作的 因为与其有一个极小的芯片在你面前 你可以看看这个巨大的东西然后说; 噢,
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; humongous:adj.巨大无比的,极大的;
I see the memory operating, I see the CPU operating, 我看到内存在工作,CPU在工作
I hear it operating. I probably smell it operating." (Laughter) 我还能听见它在工作.我说不定还闻到了. (笑声)
But in between that we're going to do a simulation. 在这之间呢我们会做一个模拟
Babbage himself wrote, he said, as soon as the analytical engine exists, it will surely guide the future course of science. 巴贝奇写到 一旦分析引擎存在后 它一定会对于未来的科学有所指导作用
as soon as:一…就;
Of course, he never built it, because he was always fiddling with new plans, but when it did get built, of course, in the 1940s, everything changed. 当然,他从未成功造出来,因为他总是在他新计划 上浪费时间,不过当真有东西建造出来的时候, 在20世纪40年代,所有事情都被改变了
fiddling:adj.琐碎的; v.摆弄; (fiddle的现在分词)
Now, I'll just give you a little taste of what it looks like in motion with a video which shows just one part of the CPU mechanism working. 现在,我会给你看下它大概会长成什么样子 一个视频来展示 CPU的一部分是怎么工作的
So this is just three sets of cogs, and it's going to add. This is the adding mechanism in action, so you imagine this gigantic machine. 这是三组齿轮 它准备做加法.这是加法的工作原理 这样你可以想象到这个巨大的机器
So, give me five years. 给我五年时间
Before the 2030s happen, we'll have it. 在2030之前,我们就会有了
Thank you very much. (Applause) 非常感谢.(鼓掌)