

(Beeps) [倒计时]
(Clapboard claps) (打板声)
Ten years is a long time for us humans on earth. 十年对我们地球上的人类来说很长,
Ten turns around the sun. 相当于绕太阳公转十圈。
When I was on the TED stage a decade ago, 十年前,当我站在 TED 讲台上时,
I talked about planetary boundaries that keep our planet in a state that allowed humanity to prosper . 我谈到了地球上的边界, 它们能使我们的地球 保持在一种让人类繁荣的状态。
The main point is that once you transgress one, the risks start multiplying . 重点是一旦你越界, 风险就会开始倍增。
The planetary boundaries are all deeply connected, but climate, alongside biodiversity , are core boundaries. 地球的边界都是紧密相连的, 但是气候和生物多样性是边界之核心,
planetary:adj.行星的; boundaries:n.边界;分界线;(boundary的复数) humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; prosper:v.繁荣;成功;发达;兴旺; transgress:vt.违反;侵犯;犯罪;vi.违反;违法;越界; multiplying:n.繁殖;adj.乘法的;v.乘;繁殖;增加(multiply的ing形式); biodiversity:n.生物多样性; core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;
They impact on all others. 它们会影响到其余一切。
Back then we really thought we had more time. 当时,我们真的以为我们有更多的时间,
The warning lights were on, absolutely , but no unstoppable change had been triggered . 警示灯的确是亮着, 但没有引发不可阻挡的变化。
Since my talk, we have increasing evidence that we are rapidly moving away from the safe operating space for humanity on earth. 自从我的演讲以来, 我们有越来越多的证据表明, 我们正迅速远离地球上 人类的安全活动空间。
impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; unstoppable:adj.无法阻碍的;无法停止的(副词unstoppably); triggered:v.发动;引起;触发;开动;起动;(trigger的过去分词和过去式) evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
Climate has reached a global crisis point. 气候已经到了全球危机的地步。
We have now had 10 years of record-breaking climate extremes : fires blaze in Australia, Siberia , California and the Amazon , floods in China, Bangladesh and India. 十年来,极端气候的纪录不断被打破。 肆虐于澳大利亚、西伯利亚、 加利福尼亚和亚马逊的大火, 以及中国、孟加拉国 和印度的洪水。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; record-breaking:adj.破纪录的;n.破纪录; extremes:n.极端不同的感情;极端;极度;极限;(extreme的复数) blaze:vt.在树皮上刻路标; n.火焰,烈火; vi.燃烧; Siberia:n.西伯利亚; Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士;
We're now enduring heat waves across the entire northern hemisphere . 我们现在正经历着
We risk crossing tipping points that shift the planet from being our best resilient friend, dampening our impacts , to start working against us, amplifying the heat. 我们冒着跨越临界点的风险, 将地球从我们最好的朋友—— 它能抵御冲击, 转变为开始与我们作对的朋友—— 它加剧升温。
enduring:adj.持久的;耐久的;v.忍耐;忍受;持续;持久;(endure的现在分词) hemisphere:n.半球; tipping:n.倾卸台;adj.倾翻的;倾卸的;v.使倾斜;轻拍;踮起脚走(tip的现在分词); shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; resilient:adj.弹回的,有弹力的; dampening:n.回潮,润湿;v.抑制(dampen的ing形式);弄湿;消沉; impacts:n.影响; v.有影响,有作用; amplifying:adj.放大的;
For the first time, we are forced to consider the real risk of destabilizing the entire planet. 我们第一次被迫考虑 破坏整个地球稳定的真正风险。
Our children can see this. 我们的孩子可以看到这一点。
They are walking out of school to demand action, looking with disbelief at our inability to deviate away from potentially catastrophic risks. 他们罢课要求采取行动, 怀疑我们无法摆脱 潜在的灾难性风险。
destabilizing:v.使动摇;使不稳定;(destabilize的现在分词) disbelief:n.怀疑,不信; inability:n.无能力;无才能; deviate:vi.脱离;越轨;vt.使偏离; potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; catastrophic:adj.灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的;
The next 10 years, to 2030, must see the most profound transformation the world has ever known. 直至 2030 年的未来十年, 必须发生世界有史以来
This is our mission . 这是我们的使命。
This is the countdown . 这就是倒计时。
(Clock ticks)
When my scientific colleagues summarized , about a decade ago, for the first time, the state of knowledge on climate tipping points, just one place had strong evidence that it was on a serious downward spiral . 大约十年前,当我的科学家同事 第一次 总结关于 气候临界点的知识状况时, 只有一个地方有确凿证据表明[02:10]
profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; transformation:n.转变;(用于南非)民主改革; mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教; countdown:n.倒数计秒; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); summarized:v.总结,概括;概述(summarize的过去式及过去分词形式); downward:adj.下降的;向下的;adv.同"downwards"; spiral:n.螺旋;旋涡;螺旋形之物;adj.螺旋形的;v.使成螺旋形;vi.盘旋;螺旋形上升;
Arctic sea ice. (Water sounds) 北极海冰 (船机轰鸣)
Other tipping points were long way off -- 50 or 100 turns around the sun. 我们离其他的临界点还很远, 至少还要等公绕太阳转 50 或 100 圈。
Just last year we revisited these systems, and I got the shock of my career . 就在去年,我们重新查看了这些系统, 我受到了我职业生涯最大的冲击。
Arctic:adj.北极的;北极地区的;极冷的;严寒的;n.北极;北极地区; revisited:vt.重游;再访;重临;n.再访问; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
We are only a few decades away from an Arctic without sea ice in summer. 我们离夏天没有海冰的北极
In Siberia, permafrost is now thawing at dramatic scales . 在西伯利亚, 永久冻土正以惊人的规模消融;
Greenland is losing trillions of tons of ice and may be approaching a tipping point . 格陵兰岛正在失去数万亿吨的冰, 并可能接近临界点;
The great forests of the North are burning with plumes of smoke the size of Europe. 北方的大森林燃烧着 相当于欧洲大小的烟雾;
permafrost:n.永久冻土,永久冻地;永久冻结带;永久冰冻; thawing:n.融化;熔化;v.融化(thaw的ing形式); dramatic:adj.突然的;巨大的;令人吃惊的;激动人心的; scales:n.规模范围; v.攀登; (scale的第三人称单数和复数) trillions:n.[数]万亿;adj.万亿的;num.[数]万亿; approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词) tipping point:n.(个案积累终成大趋势的)引爆点; plumes:羽状物;
The Atlantic ocean circulation is slowing. 大西洋环流正在放缓;
The Amazon rainforest is weakening and may start emitting carbon within 15 years. 亚马逊雨林正在减弱, 可能在 15 年内开始排放碳;
Half of the coral of the Great Barrier Reef has died. 大堡礁一半的珊瑚已经死亡了。
West Antarctica may have crossed the tipping point already today. 今天,南极洲西部可能已经
Atlantic:adj.大西洋的;巨人阿特拉斯的;n.大西洋; circulation:n.流通,传播;循环;发行量; rainforest:n.(热带)雨林; weakening:v.(使)虚弱;减弱;动摇;犹豫;(weaken的现在分词) emitting:v.发出,射出,散发(光、热、声音、气等);(emit的现在分词) carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; coral:n.珊瑚;珊瑚虫;adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚色的; Barrier Reef:n.堡礁(近海岸的珊瑚礁);
And now, the most solid of glaciers on earth, East Antarctica, parts of it are becoming unstable . 现在,地球上最坚固的冰川 南极洲东部的部分冰川 正在变得不稳定。
Nine out of the 15 big biophysical systems that regulate climate are now on the move , showing worrying signs of decline and potentially approaching tipping points. 调节气候的 15 大生物物理系统中 显示出令人担忧的下降迹象, 并可能接近临界点。
Tipping points bring three threats. 临界点会带来三个威胁。
glaciers:n.[地理][水文]冰川(glacier的复数);[地理][水文]冰河; unstable:adj.不稳定的;变化莫测的;(行为、情绪)反复无常的 biophysical:生物物理学的; regulate:v.调节;控制; on the move:在活动中,在进行中;四处奔波; decline:v.下降;衰退;减少;谢绝;n.下降;
First, sea level rise. 第一,海平面上升。
We can already expect up to one meter this century. 本世纪我们已经可以预计到一米,
This will endanger the homes of 200 million people. 这将危及两亿人的家园。
But when we add the melting ice from Antarctica and Greenland into the equation , this might lead to a two meter rise. 但是,当我们把南极洲 和格陵兰岛融化的冰加入方程时, 这可能会导致两米的上升,
sea level:海平面; endanger:v.使遭危险;危及;危害; melting:adj.感人的;v.(使)熔化,融化;(melt的现在分词) equation:n.方程式,等式;相等;[化学]反应式;
But it won't stop there, it will keep on getting worse. 但不会就此停止,它会继续恶化。
Second, if our carbon stores like permafrost and forest flip to belching carbon, then this makes the job of stabilizing temperatures so much harder. 第二,如果我们的碳储存, 如永久冻土和森林转变为排放碳, 那么稳定气温的工作
And third, these systems are all linked like dominoes : 第三,这些系统都像 多米诺骨牌一样息息相关。
If you cross one tipping point, you lurch closer to others. 如果你越过了一个临界点, 你就会向其他临界点靠拢。
Let's stop for a moment and look at where we are. 让我们停一会儿,看看我们在哪里。
flip:n.浏览;空翻;轻抛;捻掷;v.迅速翻动;按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等); belching:n.[内科]嗳气;v.喷射(belch的现在分词); dominoes:n.多米诺骨牌(效应);牙齿;骰子(domino的复数); lurch:n.突然倾斜;蹒跚;挫折;vi.倾斜;蹒跚;vt.击败;
The foundation of our civilization is a stable climate and a rich diversity of life. 我们文明的基础是稳定的气候 和丰富多样的生活。
Everything, I mean everything, is based on this. 一切,所有一切都是基于此。
Civilization has thrived in a Goldilocks zone: not too hot, not too cold. 文明在一个宜居带蓬勃发展, 不能太热,也不能太冷。
This is what we have had for 10,000 years since we left the last ice age. 这就是我们距离上一个
foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明; thrived:v.兴盛,繁荣(thrive的过去式和过去分词形式); Goldilocks:n.金发姑娘,金凤花;
Let's zoom out a little here. 让我们把这里放大一点。
Three million years -- temperatures have never broken through the two degrees Celsius limit. 300 万年来, 气温从未突破 两摄氏度的极限。
Earth has self-regulated within a very narrow range of plus two degrees in a warm interglacial , minus four degrees, deep ice age. 地球在一个非常狭窄的 范围内进行自我调节, 即在温暖的间冰期加两度, 深冰期减四度。
Now, we are following a path that would take us to a three to four degree world in just three generations. 我们而今正沿着一条道路前进, 这条道路将在仅三代人的时间里 把我们带到一个三到四度的世界。
Celsius:adj.摄氏的;n.摄氏度; narrow:adj.狭窄的; v.使窄小; n.峡谷; (场所,物品等的)狭窄部分; interglacial:adj.间冰期的; minus:prep.减,减去;n.负号,减号;不足;负数;adj.减的;负的;
We would be rewinding the climate clock, not one million, not two million, but five to 10 million years. 我们倒转的气候时钟,不是 100 万年, 不是 200 万年, 而是 500 万到 1000 万年。
We are drifting towards hot-house earth. 我们正朝着温室地球漂移。
For each one degree rise, one billion people will be forced to live in conditions that we today largely consider uninhabitable . 每上升一度, 就会有十亿人被迫生活在 我们今天认为不适宜居住的环境中,
rewinding:v.重绕(磁带等);倒带;倒片;(rewind的现在分词) drifting:v.漂流;漂移;缓慢行走;顺其自然地做;(drift的现在分词) largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; uninhabitable:adj.不适宜居住的;
This is not a climate emergency , it is a planetary emergency. 这不是气候紧急情况。
My fear is not that Earth will fall over a cliff on the 1st of January, 2030. 我担心的不是 2030 年 1 月 1 日 地球会掉下悬崖。
My fear is that we press unstoppable buttons in the Earth system. 我担心的是我们按下了
What happens in the next 10 years will likely determine the state of the planet we hand over for future generations. 未来十年发生的事情 可能会决定我们留给后代的 地球状况。
emergency:n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的; cliff:n.悬崖;绝壁; determine:v.决定;确定;测定;查明;形成;影响;裁决;安排;
Our children have every reason to be alarmed. 我们的孩子完全有理由感到震惊。
We need to get serious about stabilizing our planet. 我们需要将稳定地球的使命认真对待,
Two frontiers will guide this transformation. 两条战线将引领这一转变。
The first one is in science. 第一条是在于科学。
Here's a new equation for a sustainable planet: planetary boundaries plus global commons equals planetary stewardship . 这里有一个可持续地球的新等式, 地球边界,加上全球公域, 等于地球管理。
We need to a safe corridor for humanity to allow us all to become stewards of the entire planet, not to save the planet but to provide a good future for all people. 我们需要为人类建立一个安全的走廊, 让我们都成为整个地球的管理者, 不是为了拯救地球,
And the second frontier is in society. 第二条战线是在社会。
sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; stewardship:n.管理工作;管事人的职位及职责; corridor:n.通道;过道;走廊(一国领土通过他国境内的狭长地带);
We need a new economic logic based on well-being . 我们需要一种 基于福祉的新经济逻辑。
We are now in a position to provide science-based targets for all global commons for all companies and cities in the world. 我们现在有能力为全球, 为所有企业和城市
First task, we need to cut global emissions by half by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050 or sooner. 第一项任务,我们需要 在 2030 年前将全球排放量减半, 在 2050 年或更早达到净零排放。
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; logic:n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性;adj.逻辑的; well-being:n.幸福;康乐; emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数)
This means decarbonizing the big systems that run our lives: energy, industry, transport , buildings. 这意味着让我们生活、能源、 工业、交通和建筑的大系统去碳化,
The fossil fuel era is over. 化石燃料时代已经结束。
We need to transform agriculture from a source of emissions to a store of carbon, and critically , we must protect our oceans and land, the natural ecosystems that absorb half of our emissions. 我们需要将农业从排放源 转变为碳储存源,关键是我们必须 保护我们的海洋和土地, 它们是能吸收我们 一半排放量的自然生态系统。
decarbonizing:v.使脱碳;(decarbonize的现在分词) transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放; fossil fuel:n.化石燃料(如煤或石油); era:n.新时期;纪元;年代;新时代; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; critically:adv.精密地;危急地;批评性地;用钻研眼光地; ecosystems:n.生态系统(ecosystem的复数); absorb:v.吸收;使并入;吞并;同化;理解;吸收;耗费;承受;
The good news is, we can do this. 好消息是我们可以做到。
We have the knowledge. We have the technology . 我们有知识,我们有技术。
We know it makes social and economic sense. 我们知道它有社会和经济意义。
And when we succeed, we can all take lungfuls of fresh air. 当我们成功时, 我们都能呼吸到新鲜的空气,
We will be saying hello to healthy lifestyles and resilient economies in livable cities. 我们将向宜居城市的健康生活方式 和弹性经济招手。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; lungfuls:n.两肺的容量; lifestyles:n.生活方式(lifestyle的复数); economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数) livable:adj.适于居住的;生活过得有价值的;
We are all on this journey around the sun together. 我们都在一起绕着太阳旅行,
This is our only home. 这是我们唯一的家,
This is our mission: to protect our children's future. 这是我们保护孩子未来的使命。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Lights click off) [07:40]