

The AlloSphere. It's a three-story metal sphere in an echo-free chamber . 全息投影球。是在一个无回声的隔间里 的三层的金属球。
sphere:n.球;领域;球体;球形;v.使成球形;包围;把…放在球内;使处于天体之间; chamber:n.(身体或器官内的)室,膛; adj.室内的; vt.把…关在室内;
Think of the AlloSphere as a large, dynamically varying digital microscope that's connected to a supercomputer . 你可以把全息投影球想象为 一个连有超级电脑的 动态数码显微镜。
dynamically:adv.动态地;充满活力地;不断变化地; varying:adj.不同的;变化的;v.变化,改变(vary的现在分词); digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; microscope:n.显微镜; supercomputer:n.[计]巨型计算机,超级计算机;
20 researchers can stand on a bridge suspended inside of the sphere, and be completely immersed in their data. 20个研究员可以站在球体内 悬置的桥上,而且完全和他们的 数据融为一体。
suspended:v.悬;挂;吊;暂停;中止;(suspend的过去式和过去分词) immersed:adj.沉入的; v.浸没; (immerse的过去分词和过去式)
Imagine if a team of physicists could stand inside of an atom and watch and hear electrons spin . 想象一下如果一组物理学家 可以站在原子的里面 并且可以看到、听到电子的转动。
physicists:n.物理学家;机械唯物论者(physicist的复数); atom:n.原子; electrons:n.[物]电子(electron的复数形式); spin:v.旋转;纺纱;吐丝;纺线;n.头晕;(快速)旋转;常用于英式英语;晕头转向;
Imagine if a group of sculptors could be inside of a lattice of atoms and sculpt with their material. 想象一下如果一组雕塑家 可以站在原子的矩阵内 并用他们的材料进行雕塑。
sculptors:n.雕刻家; lattice:n.[晶体]晶格;格子;格架;vt.使成格子状; atoms:n.[物]原子(atom的复数);
Imagine if a team of surgeons could fly into the brain, as though it was a world, and see tissues as landscapes , and hear blood density levels as music. 想象一下如果一组外科医生可以 在大脑里飞翔,就像在大脑是一个世界一样, 大脑组织就像世界的景观一样, 并且想听音乐一样来听血流的密度水平。
surgeons:n.外科医生;(surgeon的复数) tissues:n.纸巾,手巾纸;(人、动植物细胞的)组织;(tissue的复数) landscapes:n.风景; v.从事庭园设计; density:n.密度;
This is some of the research that you're going to see that we're undertaking at the AlloSphere. 这就是你们将要看到的一部分研究, 在全息投影球里进行的研究。
But first a little bit about this group of artists, scientists, and engineers, that are working together. 但是先让我介绍一下 我们一起工作的艺术家,科学家和工程师 的小组。
I'm a composer , orchestrally-trained, and the inventor of the AlloSphere. 我是一个交响乐团的作曲家, 也是全息投影球的发明者。
With my visual artist colleagues , we map complex mathematical algorithms that unfold in time and space, visually and sonically . 和我的视觉艺术家同事,我们利用 声音与图象组建了各种 在时间与空间中拓展的数学模型。
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; mathematical:adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的; unfold:v.(使)展开;打开;展示;透露; visually:adv.形象化地;外表上;看得见地; sonically:用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。;
Our scientist colleagues are finding new patterns in the information. 我们的科学家同时正在 信息里寻找新的图案。
And our engineering colleagues are making one of the largest dynamically varying computers in the world for this kind of data exploration . 而且我们的工程师同时在制造一个 世界上最大的动态计算机, 用来探索这种数据。
engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词) exploration:n.探索;勘探;探险;[医]探查术;
I'm going to fly you into five research projects in the AlloSphere that are going to take you from biological macroscopic data all the way down to electron spin. 我将要带你们游览在全息投影球 里的5个研究项目,那将带领你们从 宏观生物学数据 一直到电子的环绕。
biological:adj.生物学的;生物的;与生命过程有关的;加酶的;n.[药]生物制品; macroscopic:adj.宏观的;肉眼可见的;
This first project is called the AlloBrain. 这第一个项目叫做全息大脑。
And it's our attempt to quantify beauty by finding which regions of the brain are interactive while witnessing something beautiful. 这是我们试图通过 感应大脑部分区域和美丽互动时 去量化美丽。
attempt:n.企图,试图;攻击;v.企图,试图;尝试; quantify:vt.量化;为…定量;确定数量;vi.量化;定量; regions:n.地区;地域;行政区;左近;(region的复数) interactive:adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的;交互式的;n.交互式视频设备; witnessing:v.当场看到,目击;是发生…的地点;见证;(witness的现在分词)
You're flying through the cortex of my colleague's brain. 你将会飞跃我一个同事的大脑皮层。
Our narrative here is real FMRI data that's mapped visually and sonically. 我们的数据是可以 映射视觉和听觉的fMRI数据。
The brain now a world that we can fly through and interact with. 现在大脑就像一个我们可以在内飞翔和与其互动的世界。
You see 12 intelligent computer agents , the little rectangles that are flying in the brain with you. 你看到了12个智能电脑代表, 就是那些和你一起在大脑飞翔的长方形。
intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 agents:n.代理人,经纪人;原动力;(agent的复数) rectangles:n.[数]矩形;长方形(rectangle的复数形式);
They're mining blood density levels. 他们在探测血液的密度水平。
And they're reporting them back to you sonically. 然后他们将通过声音给你汇报。
Higher density levels mean more activity in that point of the brain. 密度高的层次表示着 大脑里更为活跃的地方。
They're actually singing these densities to you with higher pitches mapped to higher densities. 他们实际上在用高音映射高密度 将这些密度唱给你听。
densities:n.密度(density的复数); pitches:pitch的变形;
We're now going to move from real biological data to biogenerative algorithms that create artificial nature in our next artistic and scientific installation . 我们现在将要从真正的生物数据 移到可以创造人工自然的生物合成数据, 我将在下一个艺术和科学的装置中展现给你们。
artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的; artistic:adj.艺术的;风雅的;有美感的; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; installation:n.安装;设施;设置;安装的设备(或机器);
In this artistic and scientific installation, biogenerative algorithms are helping us to understand self generation and growth. 在这个艺术和科学的装置中,生物合成数据 将要帮我们去了解 自我衍化和生长。
Very important for simulation in the nanoscaled sciences. 这对是在纳米科学内十分重要的一个模拟。
For artists, we're making new worlds that we can uncover and explore . 对艺术家而言,我们将要去创造一个 我们可以开阔和探索的新世界。
uncover:v.揭开盖子;发现;揭露;揭发; explore:v.探索:探测:探险:
As these generative algorithms grow over time, they interact and communicate as a swarm of insects. 就在这些自我生长数据在成长的同时, 他们就像昆虫的种群一样在互动和交流。
generative:adj.生殖的;生产的;有生殖力的;有生产力的; swarm:n.一大群(蜜蜂等昆虫); vi.成群地来回移动;
Our researchers are interacting with this data by injecting bacterial code, which are computer programs, that allow these creatures to grow over time. 我们的研究员通过注入细菌代码 去和这个数据互动, 那些都是允许让生物 不停成长的电脑程序。
interacting:v.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;(interact的现在分词) injecting:v.(给…)注射(药物等);(给…)添加,增加(某品质);(inject的现在分词) bacterial:adj.[微]细菌的; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
We're going to move now from the biological and the macroscopic world, down into the atomic world, as we fly into a lattice of atoms. 我们现在要从这个生物 宏观世界领域, 深入到原子世界, 我们会飞到原子的矩阵中。
This is real AFM, Atomic Force Microscope data from my colleagues in the Solid State Lighting and Energy Center. 这是真正的AFM,原子力显微镜数据 这些数据来自于我同事提取固态照明和能源中心。
They've discovered a new bond, a new material for transparent solar cells. 他们已经发现了一个新的化学键, 一种透明的太阳能电池的新材料。
We're flying through 2,000 lattice of atoms -- oxygen, hydrogen and zinc . 我们将飞跃2000个原子的矩阵 -- 氧,氢,和锌。
hydrogen:n.氢;氢气; zinc:v.镀锌…;涂锌于…;用锌处理;n.锌;
You view the bond in the triangle . 你看到了这个三角形的化学键。
It's four blue zinc atoms bonding with one white hydrogen atom. 这是4个蓝色锌原子 和一个氢原子绑在一起。
You see the electron flow with the streamlines we as artists have generated for the scientists. 你看到了流线型滑动的电子 这是我们作为艺术家为科学家所生成的。
streamlines:n.[流]流线(streamline的复数); v.使成流线型; generated:v.产生;引起;(generate的过去式和过去分词)
This is allowing them to find the bonding nodes in any lattice of atoms. 这可以让他们在任何原子矩阵中去寻找连接的节点。
We think it makes a beautiful structural art. 我们认为这创造了美丽的结构艺术。
The sound that you're hearing are the actual emission spectrums of these atoms. 你现在听到的声音实际上是 这些原子的发射光谱。
emission:n.(光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射;发行; spectrums:n.光谱;范围(spectrum的复数);
We've mapped them into the audio domain . 我们将他们映射到一个声音的结构上。
audio:adj.声音的;录音的; domain:n.领域;域名;产业;地产;
So they're singing to you. 所以他们就在和你们唱歌。
Oxygen, hydrogen and zinc have their own signature . 氧,氢和锌有他们自己的特征。
We're going to actually move even further down as we go from this lattice of atoms to one single hydrogen atom. 我们甚至将要更深入一点 从这个原子矩阵 到一个单独的氢原子。
We're working with our physicist colleagues that have given us the mathematical calculations of the [time-dependent Schr? dinger equation in 3D]. 我们和我们的物理学同事一起工作 得出含时间的三维薛定谔方程 的数学算法。
dinger:n.全垒打; equation:n.方程式,等式;相等;[化学]反应式;
What you're seeing here right now is a superposition of an electron in the lower three orbitals of a hydrogen atom. 我们将要看到的是,在氢原子里 3个低位环绕的电子的叠加.
superposition:n.[数]叠加,重合; orbitals:adj.轨道的;眼窝的;
You're actually hearing and seeing the electron flow with the lines. 你可以听到和看到沿这些线所环绕的电子。
The white dots are the probability wave that will show you where the electron is in any given point of time and space in this particular three orbital configuration . 白色的点是概率波 那将在任何时间和空间内的 这3个低位环绕中 告诉你电子在哪
probability:n.可能性;机率;[数]或然率; configuration:n.配置;结构;外形;
In a minute we're going to move to a two orbital configuration. 一分钟后我们将要移去两个环绕。
And you're going to notice a pulsing . 然后你将注意到一个脉冲。
And you're going to hear an undulation between the sound. 然后你将会听到一个波形的声音。
This is actually a light emitter . 这实际上是一个光发射器。
As the sound starts to pulse and contract , our physicists can tell when a photon is going to be emitted . 就当这声音开始脉冲和对比的同时, 我们的物理学家可以知道什么时候一个光子被发射了。
pulse:n.脉冲;脉搏;脉率;强劲的音乐节拍;v.搏动;跳动;震动;洋溢着; contract:v.收缩;感染;订约;n.合同;婚约; photon:n.[物]光子;辐射量子;见光度(等于lightquantum); emitted:adj.射出的;v.排放(emit的过去分词);发散;
They're starting to find new mathematical structures in these calculations. 他们将在这些计算中找到 新的数学结构。
structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式);
And they're understanding more about quantum mathematics . 然后他们就会更加了解量子数学。
quantum:n.量子论;额;美国昆腾公司(世界领先的硬盘生产商); mathematics:n.数学;数学运算;
We're going to move even further down, and go to one single electron spin. 我们要继续深入, 去看看单个电子的环绕。
This will be the final project that I show you. 这将是我给你们展示的最后一个项目。
Our colleagues in the Center for Quantum Computation and Spintronics, are actually measuring with their lasers decoherence in a single electron spin. 我们在量子计算研究中心和自旋电子学 的同事,通过激光去 测量电子的环绕。
Computation:n.估计,计算; decoherence:n.脱散;
We've taken this information and we've made a mathematical model out of it. 我们取得这个数据,然后 我们用它做出了一个数学模型。
You're actually seeing and hearing quantum information flow. 你将要看到和听到 量子数据的流动。
This is very important for the next step in simulating quantum computers and information technology . 这是为接下来的模拟量子电脑和信息技术 十分重要的一步。
simulating:n.模拟;假装; information technology:n.信息技术;
So these brief examples that I've shown you give you an idea of the kind of work that we're doing at the University of California, Santa Barbara, to bring together, arts, science, and engineering, into a new age of math, science, and art. 好了,这些我给你们展示的小例子 会让你们大概了解我们在圣巴巴拉加利福尼亚大学 在做什么, 是将艺术,科学 和工程学放在一起 去到一个数学,科学和艺术的新领域。
We hope that all of you will come to see the AlloSphere. 我们希望你们都能来参观全息投影球。
Inspire us to think of new ways that we can use this unique instrument that we've created at Santa Barbara. 来启发我们在圣巴巴拉所创造的这个新仪器 有什么新的用法。
Inspire:v.激发;鼓舞;启示;产生;使生灵感; unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; instrument:n.仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械;
Thank you very much. 十分感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)