

In an age of global strife and climate change, ?在一个全球冲突和气候变化的时代,
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; strife:n.冲突;争吵;不和;
I'm here to answer the all important question: 我在此回答这个十分重要的问题:
Why is sex so damn good? 为什么性爱这么好?
If you're laughing, you know what I mean. 如果你在笑,说明你知道我的意思。
Now, before we get to that answer, let me tell you about Chris Hosmer. 好,我们得到这个问题的答案之前, 我给你们讲一下Chris Hosmer 的故事。
Chris is a great friend of mine from my university days, but secretly, I hate him. Chris 是我上大学时的好朋友, 但我却暗地里恨他。
Here's why. Back in university, we had a quick project to design some solar-powered clocks. 原因是上大学时,我们有一个短期专案 要设计一些太阳能供电的时钟。
Here's my clock. 这是我当时设计的时钟,
It uses something called the dwarf sunflower , which grows to about 12 inches in height. 使用是一种叫矮向日葵的东西, 它长了大约12英寸那么高。
dwarf:v.变矮小;n.侏儒,矮子;adj.矮小的; sunflower:n.向日葵;
Now, as you know, sunflowers track the sun during the course of the day. 而你们知道的,向日葵 在一天中跟踪太阳。
sunflowers:n.[作物]向日葵;葵花(sunflower的复数); track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;
So in the morning, you see which direction the sunflower is facing, and you mark it on the blank area in the base. 因此,早上你看到向日葵正朝向哪个方向, 就在底座上的空白区域做个记号。
At noon, you mark the changed position of the sunflower, and in the evening again, and that's your clock. 中午,你记上向日葵变化的位置, 晚上也一样,那就是当时设计的时钟。
Now, I know my clock doesn't tell you the exact time, but it does give you a general idea using a flower. 现在,我知道我的时钟不能准确地报时, 但它确实给你一个使用花卉的完整灵感。
So, in my completely unbiased , subjective opinion, it's brilliant. 所以,以我完全公正、主观的意见, 我设计的时钟是绝妙的。
unbiased:adj.公正的;无偏见的; subjective:adj.主观的;个人的;自觉的;
However, here's Chris' clock. 然而,这是Chris设计的时钟,
It's five magnifying glasses with a shot glass under each one. 用的是五个放大镜,每一个放大镜下边有一个小玻璃杯。
In each shot glass is a different scented oil. 每一个小玻璃杯里盛的是一种不同香味的油。
In the morning, the sunlight will shine down on the first magnifying glass , focusing a beam of light on the shot glass underneath . 早晨阳光从第一个放大镜 照下来, 光束聚焦到下面的小玻璃杯上,
sunlight:n.日光; magnifying glass:n.放大镜; beam:n.光线; v.发射(电波); underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的;
This will warm up the scented oil inside, and a particular smell will be emitted . 能把里面带香味的油晒热, 散发出一股香味。
A couple of hours later, the sun will shine on the next magnifying glass, and a different smell will be emitted. 一两个小时后太阳就照在 下一个放大镜上, 发出另一股香味。
So during the course of the day, five different smells are dispersed throughout that environment. 这样一天里五种不同的香味 弥漫在周围的环境里。
dispersed:adj.散布的;被分散的;被驱散的;v.分散;传播(disperse的过去分词); throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
Anyone living in that house can tell the time just by the smell. 住在那房子里的任何一个人仅仅根据闻到的香味 就能知道时间。
You can see why I hate Chris. 你可以明白我为什么恨Chris了。
I thought my idea was pretty good, but his idea is genius , and at the time, I knew his idea was better than mine, but I just couldn't explain why. 我觉得我的主意够不错了, 但他的点子实在是天才。 在当时我知道他的点子比我的好, 但我就是解释不清为什么。
One thing you have to know about me is I hate to lose. 有件事你必须了解的是我不愿意输。
This problem's been bugging me for well over a decade. 这毛病缠着我有十来年。
All right, let's get back to the question of why sex is so good. 好吧,让我们回到为什么性爱这么好这个问题。
Many years after the solar powered clocks project, a young lady I knew suggested maybe sex is so good because of the five senses. 在太阳能时钟事件过了许多年后, 我认识的一位年轻女士提议 或许因为人有五感 性爱才那么好。
And when she said this, I had an epiphany . 她说这话让我有种顿悟。
So I decided to evaluate different experiences I had in my life from the point of view of the five senses. 所以我决定从五感的角度 评估我生活中的不同体验。
evaluate:v.评价;评估;估计; point of view:观点;见地;立场;
To do this, I devised something called the five senses graph. 为做到这一点,我设计了一个叫五感图的东西。
Along the y-axis , you have a scale from zero to 10, and along the x-axis , you have, of course, the five senses. 沿y-轴从0到10来打分, 沿x-轴当然是五种感觉。
y-axis:n.Y轴;纵坐标轴; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; x-axis:n.X轴;横坐标轴;
Anytime I had a memorable experience in my life, 每当生活中有了难忘的体验,
I would record it on this graph like a five senses diary. 我会像记五感日记一样,在这张图表上记下来。
Here's a quick video to show you how it works. 这里有一小段录像向你们展示这张图是怎样用的。
(Video) Jinsop Lee: Hey, my name's Jinsop, and today, I'm going to show you what riding motorbikes is like from the point of view of the five senses. Hey! (录像)Jinsop Lee:嘿,我是Jinsop。 今天我要从五种感觉的角度 给你们演示骑摩托车。嘿!
Bike designer: This is [unclear], custom bike designer. 自行车设计者:这是[不清楚],定制自行车设计师。
(Motorcyle revving) (摩托车发动马达)
[Sound] [听觉]
[Touch] [触觉]
[Sight] [视觉]
[Smell] [嗅觉]
[Taste] [味觉]
JL: And that's how the five senses graph works. JL:这就是五感图的工作方式。
Now, for a period of three years, I gathered data, not just me but also some of my friends, and I used to teach in university, so I forced my -- 到现在我收集数据有三年时间了, 不仅我自己还有我的一些朋友。 我曾在大学教过书,所以我强迫-
I mean, I asked my students to do this as well. 我的意思是叫我的学生也帮我收集数据。
So here are some other results. 因此这里还有一些其它的结果。
The first is for instant noodles. 第一个是吃方便面的。
instant:n.瞬间; adj.立即的; conj.同"assoonas";
Now obviously, taste and smell are quite high, but notice sound is at three. 现在显然味觉和嗅觉的打分相当高, 但注意听觉给的是3。
Many people told me a big part of the noodle-eating experience is the slurping noise. 许多人告诉我 吃面条的体验主要是吸溜面条的声音。
You know. (Slurps) 你知道。(吸溜声)
Needless to say, I no longer dine with these people. 不用说,我不再和这些人一起吃饭。
Needless:adj.不必要的,不需要的;多余的,无用的; dine:v.进餐;用饭;
Okay, next, clubbing. 好啦,接下来,泡吧。
Okay, here what I found interesting was that taste is at four, and many respondents told me it's because of the taste of drinks, but also, in some cases, kissing is a big part of the clubbing experience. 好啦,这里我发现有趣的是 味觉给的是4。许多受访者告诉我 由于饮料的味道, 而且在某些情况下,接吻是泡吧体验的重要组成部分。
These people I still do hang out with . 我还一直和这些人在一起。
hang out with:与…出去玩;与…闲逛;
All right, and smoking. 好,接着是吸烟。
Here I found touch is at [six], and one of the reasons is that smokers told me the sensation of holding a cigarette and bringing it up to your lips is a big part of the smoking experience, which shows, it's kind of scary to think how well cigarettes are designed by the manufacturers . 这里我发现触觉给的是6,原因之一是 吸烟的人告诉我手指夹着香烟并送到嘴唇上的感觉 是吸烟体验的重要组成部分。 这让人想想有点害怕的是 香烟由厂家设计得多么好。
sensation:n.感觉;轰动;感动; manufacturers:n.生产者;制造者;生产商;(manufacturer的复数)
Okay. Now, what would the perfect experience look like on the five senses graph? 好,现在这种完美体验 在五感图上会是什么样?
It would, of course, be a horizontal line along the top. 当然会是沿顶端的一条水平线。
Now you can see, not even as intense an experience as riding a motorbike comes close. 现在你会看出甚至连 骑摩托车那么强烈的体验都没接近这条完美的水平线。
In fact, in the years that I gathered data, only one experience came close to being the perfect one. 事实上,在我收集数据的那几年里, 只有一种体验接近那个完美体验。
That is, of course, sex. Great sex. 当然那是性爱,伟大的性爱。
Respondents said that great sex hits all of the five senses at an extreme level. 受访者说伟大的性爱 触发了所有五种感觉达到一个极至。
Here I'll quote one of my students who said, "Sex is so good, it's good even when it's bad." 这里我要引用我的一个学生说过的话, “性爱这么好,好到甚至过程不理想的时候也是好。“
So the five senses theory does help explain why sex is so good. 所以五感理论确实有助于解释 性爱这么好的原因。
Now in the middle of all this five senses work, 现在在所有五种感官的工作中,
I suddenly remembered the solar-powered clocks project from my youth. 我突然想起了那个青年时代的 太阳能供电时钟项目。
And I realized this theory also explains why Chris' clock is so much better than mine. 太阳能供电时钟项目。 比我设计的要好的多。
You see, my clock only focuses on sight, and a little bit of touch. 你看,我设计的时钟只集中在视觉上, 触觉只涉及了一点儿。
Here's Chris' clock. 这是Chris设计的时钟。
It's the first clock ever that uses smell to tell the time. 它是有史以来第一个用气味来报时的时钟。
In fact, in terms of the five senses, 事实上,根据五种感觉
Chris' clock is a revolution . Chris设计的时钟是一场革命。
And that's what this theory taught me about my field. 这就是在我的领域这个理论教会我的东西。
You see, up till now, us designers, we've mainly focused on making things look very pretty, and a little bit of touch, which means we've ignored the other three senses. 你看,到目前为止,我们设计者们 主要集中在让东西看起来很好看, 只涉及到一点儿触觉, 意味着我们忽略了其它三种感觉。
mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; ignored:v.忽视;对…不予理会;佯装未见;不予理睬;(ignore的过去分词和过去式)
Chris' clock shows us that even raising just one of those other senses can make for a brilliant product. Chris设计的时钟向我们显示了甚至只提高其它感觉里的一种 就能够生产出优秀的产品。
So what if we started using the five senses theory in all of our designs? 因此要是在所有我们的设计中 开始用五感理论呢?
what if:如果…怎么办?
Here's three quick ideas I came up with. 下面是我想出的三个小点子。
This is an iron, you know, for your clothes, to which I added a spraying mechanism , so you fill up the vial with your favorite scent, and your clothes will smell nicer, but hopefully it should also make the ironing experience more enjoyable . 你知道这是一个熨衣服的熨斗, 我给它添加了一个喷雾机制, 所以用你最喜欢的香味填满这个小瓶, 你的衣服就会更好闻。 但愿它也会使 熨衣体验更加愉快。
spraying:v.喷;喷洒;向…扫射(或抛洒);撒尿(以示领地占有);(spray的现在分词) mechanism:n.机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧; vial:n.(用于盛装香水、药物等的)小瓶; enjoyable:adj.快乐的;令人愉快的;
We could call this "the perfumator." 我们可以叫这个“香味制造器“。
All right, next. 好, 下一个。
So I brush my teeth twice a day, and what if we had a toothbrush that tastes like candy, and when the taste of candy ran out, you'd know it's time to change your toothbrush? 我一天刷两次牙。 要是我们用的牙刷 味道像糖, 当糖的味道没有时, 你就知道是换牙刷的时候了。
Finally , I have a thing for the keys on a flute or a clarinet . 最后,我有个用在长笛或单簧管上的按键。
Finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; flute:n.长笛;细长香槟杯;v.吹笛子;给(衣服)加褶边,加荷叶边 clarinet:n.单簧管;竖笛,黑管;
It's not just the way they look, but I love the way they feel when you press down on them. 并不是我喜欢它们的外观,而是我喜欢 把它们按下去时的感觉。
Now, I don't play the flute or the clarinet, so I decided to combine these keys with an instrument I do play: the television remote control . 现在我不吹长笛或单簧管了, 所以我决定把这些按键和我的 电视遥控器组合起来。
instrument:n.仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械; remote control:遥控;
Now, when we look at these three ideas together, you'll notice that the five senses theory doesn't only change the way we use these products but also the way they look. 现在我们把这三个想法合起来看, 你会注意到五感理论 不只改变了我们用这些产品的方式, 也改变了它们外形设计的方式。
So in conclusion , I've found the five senses theory to be a very useful tool in evaluating different experiences in my life, and then taking those best experiences and hopefully incorporating them into my designs. 因此得出的结论是,我已发现五感理论 是一个很有用的工具, 来评估我生活中不同的体验, 记下那些最好的体验, 并希望把它们纳入到我的设计中。
in conclusion:总之;最后; evaluating:v.估计;评价;评估;(evaluate的现在分词) incorporating:v.将…包括在内;包含;吸收;使并入;注册成立;(incorporate的现在分词)
Now, I realize the five senses isn't the only thing that makes life interesting. 现在我意识到这五种感觉不仅是 使生活有趣的唯一的东西。
There's also the six emotions and that elusive x-factor . 还有六种情感 和难以捉摸的未知因素。
emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数) elusive:adj.难懂的;易忘的;逃避的;难捉摸的; x-factor:未知因素(尤指获得成功所必需又难以描述的素质);
Maybe that could be the topic of my next talk. 或许那将是我下一次演讲的话题。
Until then, please have fun using the five senses in your own lives and your own designs. 在那之前,请把利用五种感觉的乐趣 用在你的生活 和你的设计中。
Oh, one last thing before I leave. 哦,我结束前,最后还有一件事。
Here's the experience you all had while listening to the TED Talks. 在听TED演讲时 你们大家都有的体验。
However, it would be better if we could boost up a couple of the other senses like smell and taste. 但要是我们能提高 一两个像嗅觉和味觉一样的感觉会更好。
And the best way to do that is with free candy. 要做到这一点,最好的方式 是发免费糖果.
You guys ready? 你们准备好了吗?
All right. 好的。
(Applause) (掌声)