

Throughout the history of computers we've been striving to shorten the gap between us and digital information, the gap between our physical world and the world in the screen where our imagination can go wild. 在整个电脑的发展历程中 我们不断地尝试缩短 我们与数位资讯之间的距离 也就是实体世界 与萤幕中虚拟世界的距离 在虚拟世界裡我们总是可以尽情发挥想像力
Throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; striving:n.努力;奋斗;v.努力;奋斗;力争;力求;(strive的现在分词) shorten:vt.缩短;减少;变短;vi.缩短;变短; gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
And this gap has become shorter, shorter, and even shorter, and now this gap is shortened down to less than a millimeter , the thickness of a touch-screen glass, and the power of computing has become accessible to everyone. 这两者之间的距离也确实缩短了 比较近还更再更近 现在这个距离已经缩短到 不到一毫米了 也就是触控式萤幕厚度的距离 任何人 都可以使用电脑
shortened:v.(使)变短,缩短;(shorten的过去式和过去分词) millimeter:n.毫米; thickness:n.厚度;层;浓度;含混不清; touch-screen:触摸屏; computing:n.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术;v.计算;求出;(compute的现在分词) accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
But I wondered, what if there could be no boundary at all? 但我在想 有没有可能我们跟电脑之间变成完全零距离
what if:如果…怎么办? boundary:n.边界;范围;分界线;
I started to imagine what this would look like. 我开始想像那会是什麼样子
First, I created this tool which penetrates into the digital space, so when you press it hard on the screen, it transfers its physical body into pixels . 首先 我做出了这个工具 它可以穿入到数位空间裡 所以当你用力地压萤幕时 这个工具可以把你的身体转换成為萤幕上的像素
penetrates:穿透;进入;打入; transfers:n.[电子][计]传输(tansfer的复数); v.[计]转移; pixels:n.像素(组成屏幕图像的最小独立元素);(pixel的复数)
Designers can materialize their ideas directly in 3D, and surgeons can practice on virtual organs underneath the screen. 做设计的人可以 把他们的想法直接3D实体化 外科医生也可以在 萤幕中的虚拟器官上做练习
materialize:vt.使具体化,使有形;使突然出现;使重物质而轻精神;vi.实现,成形;突然出现; directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; surgeons:n.外科医生;(surgeon的复数) virtual:adj.[计]虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认); organs:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴(organ的复数); underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的;
So with this tool, this boundary has been broken. 我们跟电脑之间的距离便随着这个工具的发明而被打破了
But our two hands still remain outside the screen. 即使如此我们的手还是停留在萤幕外
How can you reach inside and interact with the digital information using the full dexterity of our hands? 有没有可能直接把手伸进电脑 透过我们灵巧的双手 直接使用这些数位资讯呢?
interact:v.互相影响;互相作用;n.幕间剧;幕间休息; dexterity:n.灵巧;敏捷;机敏;
At Microsoft Applied Sciences, along with my mentor Cati Boulanger, 我在微软的应用科学部门裡 和着我的指导教授 Cati Boulanger
Applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) mentor:n.指导者,良师益友;vt.指导;
I redesigned the computer and turned a little space above the keyboard into a digital workspace . 重新设计出这台电脑 把键盘上面这个小小的空间 转变成為一个数位化工作区
redesigned:adj.重新设计的;修订的;v.重新设计;重新制订(redesign的过去式); workspace:n.工作空间;
By combining a transparent display and depth cameras for sensing your fingers and face, now you can lift up your hands from the keyboard and reach inside this 3D space and grab pixels with your bare hands. 是透过一个透明显示器跟3D距离相机的组合 去感应你的手指跟脸 於是你就可以将你的手从键盘上抬起来 并且就此进入3D的空间 并且可以直接用你的手来抓住像素
transparent:adj.透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的; display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的; grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物; bare:adj.空的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的;v.露出,使赤裸;
(Applause) (鼓掌声)
Because windows and files have a position in the real space, selecting them is as easy as grabbing a book off your shelf. 因為视窗跟档案都在真实地存在这个空间裡 选取它们就好像从书架上拿一本书一样容易
Then you can flip through this book while highlighting the lines, words on the virtual touch pad below each floating window. 你也可以这样翻阅这本书 当要在某句话或某些字上画重点的时候 就萤幕下方的触控板上划过去即可
flip:n.浏览;空翻;轻抛;捻掷;v.迅速翻动;按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等); highlighting:n.增强亮度;突出性,醒目性;v.使…显著;以强光照射(highlight的ing形式); touch pad:n.(操作程序的)触摸板;
Architects can stretch or rotate the models with their two hands directly. 建筑师可以直接用他们的双手 来伸展或把模型转过来
Architects:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;(architect的复数); stretch:v.伸展;延伸;伸出;舒展;n.伸展;弹性;舒展;一片;adj.有弹力的; rotate:v.旋转;转动;轮换;使…轮流;
So in these examples, we are reaching into the digital world. 所以在这些例子裡面 我们是真的进入了数位的世界
But how about reversing its role and having the digital information reach us instead? 还有没有可能是相反过来 让数位资讯直接跑到我们面前呢
I'm sure many of us have had the experience of buying and returning items online. 我相信我们当中许多人 都有过在网上购物或退货的经验
But now you don't have to worry about it. 现在你不需要再担心了
What I got here is an online augmented fitting room . 你所看到的是一个网路实境试衣间
augmented:adj.增广的;增音的;扩张的; fitting room:n.(商店的)试衣室;
This is a view that you get from head-mounted or see-through display when the system understands the geometry of your body. 当系统辨识出你的身型之后 这个影像就会 透过头戴式或透明显示器穿戴在你身上
head-mounted:头盔式;头戴式; see-through:adj.透明的;穿透的; geometry:n.几何学;几何结构;
Taking this idea further, I started to think, instead of just seeing these pixels in our space, how can we make it physical so that we can touch and feel it? 延伸这个想法,我开始想 有没有可能不光是在叁度空间裡用肉眼看到像素 而是让像素具体化 让我们可以摸得到跟感觉得到它呢
What would such a future look like? 这样的未来会是什麼样子?
At MIT Media Lab, along with my advisor Hiroshi Ishii and my collaborator Rehmi Post, we created this one physical pixel. 在麻省理工学院的媒体实验室裡我跟我的指导教授 Hiroshi Ishii 以及我的合作伙伴 Rehmi Post 一起研发出这一个具像化的画素
Media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; collaborator:n.[劳经]合作者;勾结者;通敌者;
Well, in this case, this spherical magnet acts like a 3D pixel in our space, which means that both computers and people can move this object to anywhere within this little 3D space. 这组模组中的球状磁铁 就好像是现实生活中的3D像素 也就是说无论是使用电脑或人用手 都可以在这个小小的叁度空间裡 自由且同步地移动它
spherical:adj.球形的,球面的;天体的; magnet:n.磁体;磁铁;磁石;吸铁石;
What we did was essentially canceling gravity and controlling the movement by combining magnetic levitation and mechanical actuation and sensing technologies . 基本上我们所做的就是拿掉重力这个因素 透过结合磁浮 及力学效应 再加上感应技术来让它动起来
essentially:adv.本质上;本来; magnetic:adj.像磁铁的;有磁性的;磁的;富有吸引力的; levitation:n.升空;飘浮; mechanical:adj.机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的; actuation:n.冲动,驱使;刺激;行动; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数);
And by digitally programming the object, we are liberating the object from constraints of time and space, which means that now, human motions can be recorded and played back and left permanently in the physical world. 并透过程式来将物件数位化 就让它脱离了时间空间的限制 也就是说现在 人的动作可以被纪录并重新播放 并且在现实生活中被永久保存下来
digitally:adv.数位; liberating:v.解放;使自由;使摆脱约束(或限制);(liberate的现在分词) constraints:n.[数]约束;限制;约束条件(constraint的复数形式); permanently:adv.永久地,长期不变地;
So choreography can be taught physically over distance and Michael Jordan's famous shooting can be replicated over and over as a physical reality. 所以现在芭蕾舞也可以进行远距教学 麦可乔丹的传奇飞人之姿 也可以真实地一再重现
choreography:n.编舞;舞蹈艺术;舞艺; replicated:重复的; over and over:反复;再三;
Students can use this as a tool to learn about the complex concepts such as planetary motion , physics, and unlike computer screens or textbooks, this is a real, tangible experience that you can touch and feel, and it's very powerful. 学生也可以使用它 来学习像行星运动或物理学 这类比较复杂的概念 相较於一般的电脑萤幕或教科书 这是个有形有体的真实经验 你可以触摸跟实际感受这会令人印象深刻
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; planetary:adj.行星的; motion:n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;v.运动;打手势; tangible:adj.有形的;切实的;可触摸的;n.有形资产;
And what's more exciting than just turning what's currently in the computer physical is to start imagining how programming the world will alter even our daily physical activities. 更令人兴奋的是 不是只是将电脑裡的东西实体化 而是当我们生活週遭很多东西开始被程式化之后 我们的日常生活也将会随之改变
currently:adv.当前;一般地; alter:v.更改;修改(衣服使更合身);
(Laughter) (笑声)
As you can see , the digital information will not just show us something but it will start directly acting upon us as a part of our physical surroundings without disconnecting ourselves from our world. 就如各位所看到的 数位资讯将不只提供知识或想法 而是直接在我们面前活生生地呈现出来 就好像是我们生活週遭的一部份 我们不再需要将自己从这个世界中抽离出来
As you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; surroundings:n.周围的环境;环境;(surrounding的复数) disconnecting:n.拆开;分离;解脱;v.断开(disconnect的ing形式);拆开;
Today, we started by talking about the boundary, but if we remove this boundary, the only boundary left is our imagination. 我们今天是从这层隔阂开始讲起 但如果这层隔阂不再复存 那唯一会限制我们的就只剩下自己的想像力了
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (鼓掌声)