

How many times have you used the word " awesome " today? 你今天总共说了几次 “厉害”?
Once? Twice? Seventeen times? 一次?两次?十七次?
Do you remember what you were describing when you used the word? 你还记得当时是在描述甚么 而用了那个词吗?
No, I didn't think so, because it's come down to this, people: 不,我不这么认为。
You're using the word incorrectly, and tonight I hope to show you how to put the "awe" back in "awesome." 各位,你用它的方式是错误的。 而我今晚希望教你 该如何重拾 “厉害” 中,“厉” 的含意 (Awesome)。
Recently , I was dining at an outdoor cafe, and the server came up to our table, and asked us if we had dined there before, and I said, "Yes, yes, we have." 最近我去了间露天餐厅, 有位服务生来到了我们用餐的桌子, 问我们是否来过。 我回答,“是,是,我们曾经来过”
Recently:adv.最近;新近; dining:n.吃饭;v.吃饭;进餐;用饭;(dine的现在分词) outdoor:adj.户外的;露天的; dined:v.进餐:用饭(dine的过去分词和过去式)
And she said, "Awesome." 他回答我,“厉害”。
And I thought, "Really? 我心想 “真的吗?
Awesome or just merely good that we decided to visit your restaurant again?" 厉害?还是只是很好 我们决定再次光顾你的餐厅?”
The other day , one of my coworkers asked me if I could save that file as a PDF, and I said, "Well, of course," and he said, "Awesome." 另一天,一个同事问我, 我能不能把那个资料存为PDF檔。 我说 “那当然了”,他也说 “厉害”。
The other day:不久前某一天;几天以前; coworkers:n.同事;合作人;(coworker的复数形式)
Seriously, can saving anything as a PDF be awesome? 说真的,存檔这样的事 真的值得说 “厉害” 吗?
Sadly, the frequent overuse of the word "awesome" 可惜,由于我们经常滥用 “厉害”
frequent:adj.频繁的;经常发生的;v.常到(某处); overuse:n.过度使用;vt.把…使用过度;
has now replaced words like "great" and "thank you."
So Webster's dictionary defines the word "awesome" 韦氏字典将 “厉害” (awesome) 解释为
as fear mingled with admiration or reverence , a feeling produced by something majestic . 恐惧夹杂着爱慕或敬畏的感觉, 一种宏伟事物所产生出来的感觉。
mingled:v.融合,联合(mingle的过去分词形式); admiration:n.钦佩;赞赏;羡慕;赞美; reverence:n.崇敬;尊严;敬礼;vt.敬畏;尊敬; majestic:adj.庄严的;宏伟的;
Now, with that in mind, was your Quiznos sandwich awesome? 现在,想想看, 你的 Quiznos 三明治厉害吗?
Quiznos:奎兹诺斯(连锁快餐店); sandwich:n.三明治;夹心面包片;
How about that parking space? Was that awesome? 那个停车位呢?它厉害吗?
Or that game the other day? Was that awesome? 还是前几天的那场球赛?它厉害吗?
The answer is no, no and no. 答案是不是,不是,和不是。
A sandwich can be delicious, that parking space can be nearby , and that game can be a blowout , but not everything can be awesome. 一份三明治可以很美味, 停车位能是很靠近, 球赛可以是很激烈, 但不是所有的事都很厉害。
nearby:adj.附近的,邻近的;adv.在附近;prep.在…附近; blowout:n.爆裂;喷出;[电]保险丝烧断;井中喷水或油等;
So when you use the word "awesome" 所以当你使用“厉害”
to describe the most mundane of things, you're taking away the very power of the word. 去描述生活中的琐事 你便是在带走这词的力量。
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; mundane:adj.世俗的,平凡的;世界的,宇宙的;
This author says, "Snowy days or finding money in your pants is awesome." 这位作家说 “下雪天 或是在你的裤袋里找到钱是厉害。”
Um, no, it is not, and we need to raise the bar for this poor schmuck . (Laughter) 呃,不,并不是, 我们要幫这个蠢材提高标准(笑声)
So in other words, if you have everything, you value nothing. 换句话说,当你拥有所有,
It's a lot like drinking from a firehose like this jackass right here. 这个道理就像是喝消防带的水, 跟这个白痴一样。
firehose:n.消防带; jackass:n.公驴;愚蠢的人;
There's no dynamic , there's no highs or lows, if everything is awesome. 没有激情,亦没有高低起伏之分, 如果所有的事情都很厉害。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的;
Ladies and gentlemen, here are 10 things that are truly awesome. 女士先生们,这里有十样 真正厉害的事情。
Imagine, if you will, having to schlep everything on your back. 所有的东西背在身上,
schlep:vt.搬运; n.笨蛋; vi.拖曳;
Wouldn't this be easier for me if I could roll this home? 如果我能将这些东西滚回家 不是更加容易吗?
Yes, so I think I'll invent the wheel . 是阿,所以我要发明轮子,
The wheel, ladies and gentlemen. 轮子啊,各位女士先生。
Is the wheel awesome? Say it with me. 轮子是否厉害呢?跟我一起说
Yes, the wheel is awesome! 是的,轮子真的很厉害!
The Great Pyramids were the tallest man-made structure in the world for 4,000 years. 胡夫金字塔是 世界上最高的人为建筑, 这个纪录维持了四千年。
man-made:adj.人造的;人工的;合成的; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造;
Pharaoh had his slaves move millions of blocks just to this site to erect a big freaking headstone . 法老王命奴隶搬动上百万颗石头 全为了立起一个巨大基石。
Pharaoh:n.法老;暴君; site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; erect:vt.使竖立;建造;安装;adj.竖立的;笔直的;因性刺激而勃起的;vi.直立;勃起; freaking:adj.该死的,他妈的;v.(使)强烈反应,畏惧;(freak的现在分词) headstone:n.基石;墓石;
Were the Great Pyramids awesome? 这些金字塔厉害吗?
Yes, the pyramids were awesome. 是,这些金字塔非常厉害。
The Grand Canyon . Come on. 大峡谷。拜托。
It's almost 80 million years old. 它已将近八千万岁了。
Is the Grand Canyon awesome? 大峡谷厉害吗?
Yes, the Grand Canyon is. 是的,大峡谷是。
Louis Daguerre invented photography in 1829, and earlier today, when you whipped out your smartphone and you took a shot of your awesome sandwich, and you know who you are — wasn't that easier than exposing the image to copper plates coated with iodized silver ? 路易·达盖尔在1892年发明摄影, 今天稍早, 当你拿出智慧型手机 你知道你是谁 — 是否比将照片暴露于铺着银的铜板 要来的简单很多?
photography:n.摄影;摄影术; whipped:v.鞭打;鞭策;除去,抽出(whip的过去分词和过去式) smartphone:n.智能手机; exposing:v.暴露;显露;揭露;揭穿;使面临;(expose的现在分词) copper:n.铜;铜币;警察;adj.铜(制)的;(紫)铜色的;v.用铜板[铜皮]盖[包]; iodized:碘化了的; silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的;
I mean, come on. Is photography awesome? 我是说,拜托。摄影厉害吗?
Yes, photography is awesome. 是的,摄影很厉害。
D-Day , June 6, 1944, the Allied invasion of Normandy , the largest amphibious invasion in world history. 1944年6月6日,诺曼底登陆日 盟军联合袭击法国诺曼底 迄今为规模最大的战役。
D-Day:n.(第二次世界大战中)盟国在西欧登陆日;诺曼底登陆日; Allied:adj.联合的;同盟的;与…同属一系;v.联合(ally的过去分词); invasion:n.武装入侵;侵略;侵犯;涌入;干预; Normandy:n.诺曼底(法国一地区); amphibious:adj.[生物]两栖的,水陆两用的;具有双重性的;
Was D-Day awesome? Yes, it was awesome. 登陆日厉害吗?是的,它非常厉害。
Did you eat food today? Did you eat? 你今天吃过了吗?
Then you can thank the honeybee , that's the one, because if crops aren't pollinated , we can't grow food, and then we're all going to die. 你可以感谢蜜蜂,就是它, 要不是牠们传播花粉,我们也就不能农耕, 我们便会全数阵亡。
honeybee:n.[蜂]蜜蜂; pollinated:vt.对...授粉;
It's just like that. 就是这样,
But it's not like a flower can just get up and have sex with another flower, although that would be awesome. 花朵不能自行起来 和另一朵花性交, 虽然那样会是很厉害。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Bees are awesome. Are you kidding me? 蜜蜂很厉害。你开玩笑吗?
Landing on the moon! Come on! 在月球上登陆!拜托!
Apollo 11. Are you kidding me? 阿波罗十一号。你在开我的玩笑吗?
Sixty-six years after the Wright Brothers took off from Kitty Hawk , North Carolina , 莱特兄弟在北卡罗莱纳州的基蒂·霍克 飞行的六十六年后,
Wright:n.制作者;工人; Hawk:v.兜售,沿街叫卖;捕捉;咳出;n.鹰;鹰派成员;掠夺他人的人; Carolina:n.卡罗莱纳州(在美国东南部);
Neil Armstrong was 240,000 miles away. 尼尔·阿姆斯壮已经离地球二十四万里远了。
That's like from here to the moon. 这就好似这里和月球间的距离。
(Laughter) (笑声)
That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for awesome! 一个男人的一小步, 是厉害的一大步!
giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲;
You're damn right, it was. 没有错,就是它。
Woodstock , 1969: Rolling Stone Magazine said this changed the history of rock and roll . 1969年滚石杂志说胡士托音乐节 改变了摇滚史。
Woodstock:n.伍德斯托克音乐节(每年8月在纽约州东南部Woodstock举行的摇滚音乐节); rock and roll:n.摇滚乐;摇滚舞;adj.摇滚乐的;
Tickets were only 24 dollars back then. 当时门票一张才仅仅二十四元。
You can't even buy a freaking t-shirt for that now. 现在你根本连一件T恤也买不到。
Jimi Hendrix's version of "The Star-Spangled Banner " 其中吉米·罕醉克斯所翻唱的《星条旗》
Star-Spangled Banner:n.《星条旗永不落》(美国国歌);
was the most iconic . 最具代表性。
Was Woodstock awesome? Yes, it was awesome. 胡士托音乐节厉害吗?是的,它很厉害。
Sharks! They're at the top of the food chain . 鲨鱼!牠们在食物链的最顶端。
food chain:n.食物链;
Sharks have multiple rows of teeth that grow in their jaw and they move forward like a conveyor belt . 鲨鱼有好几排生长在 下颚的牙齿 像输送带一样向前推进。
multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; conveyor:n.输送机,[机]传送机;传送带;运送者,传播者; belt:n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带;v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰;
Some sharks can lose 30,000 teeth in their lifetime. 有些鲨鱼一生能掉三万颗牙。
Does awesome inspire fear? 这样“厉害”是否就有了“厉”?
Oh, hell yeah, sharks are awesome! 喔,对极了,鲨鱼是很厉害!
The Internet was born in 1982 and it instantly took over global communication, and later tonight, when all these PowerPoints are uplifted to the Internet so that a guy in Siberia can get drunk and watch this crap , the Internet is awesome. 网路始于1982年, 当下它改变了全球沟通系统, 今天晚间,当这些简报 被上传到网路时, 这样某个西伯利亚人就能喝醉, 看这一堆废话。 网路真的非常厉害。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; uplifted:adj.上升的;举起的;v.提高;抬起(uplift的过去分词形式); Siberia:n.西伯利亚; crap:n.废话;废物;屎;拉屎;vi.掷骰子;拉屎;
And finally , finally some of you can't wait to come up and tell me how awesome my PowerPoint was. 还有,还有,你们裏面有些人 正等不及想跟我说我的简报是有多么的厉害。
I will save you the time. 不过免了,
It was not awesome, but it was true, and I hope it was entertaining, and out of all the audiences I've ever had, y'all are the most recent. Thank you and good night. 因爲这并不厉害,而是真实。 而我希望它给你欢乐, 在我所拥有的观衆当中, 你们是最近期的,谢谢,晚安。
(Applause) (掌声)