

Rosa Howard: IKEA has over 500 locations worldwide and is committed to being climate positive by 2030. 旁白:宜家在全球 拥有 500 多家门店, 并承诺到 2030 年, 成为对气候产生积极影响的企业。
That involves everything from the raw materials to the end of a product's life. 由于公司规模庞大, 这涉及到从原材料
Because of the company's scale ... 到产品寿命终结之间的 一切环节。
Jesper Brodin: The carbon footprint of IKEA is about 0.1 percent of the global emission of carbon. 耶斯珀·布罗丁(Jesper Brodin): 宜家的碳足迹 约占全球碳排放量的 0.1%。
locations:n.地方;地点;位置;定位(location的复数) worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式) positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; involves:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加,加入(involve的第三人称单数) scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; footprint:n.足迹;脚印; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; emission:n.(光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射;发行;
RH: ... that's a lot of carbon. 旁白:这是个很大的数字。
And that was Jesper Brodin, 说话的这位是 Ingka Group 的 CEO 耶斯珀·布罗丁,
CEO of Ingka Group, which operates IKEA Retail . 该集团负责经营宜家零售门店。
And this is Pia Heidenmark Cook, their head of sustainability . 右边这位是皮亚 · 海顿马克 · 库克 (Pia HeidenMark Cook), 可持续发展部门的负责人。
Pia Heidenmark Cook: We know that we need to change, and we are really looking forward to the opportunities that we can, by transforming our business into a new kind of business 皮亚:我们知道我们需要改变, 而且我们真的很期待这样的机会, 通过将我们的业务转变为 一种全新的业务,
Retail:vt.零售;转述;vi.零售;n.零售;adv.以零售方式;adj.零售的; sustainability:n.持续性;永续性;能维持性; transforming:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);使改观;(transform的现在分词)
where we look at our entire value chain in new ways, where we look at how we meet with customers in a new way and how we engage with coworkers . 以全新的方式看待 我们的整个价值链, 如何与客户会谈, 以及如何与同事合作。
We will look at price and low price, because our vision is to be for the many people, it needs to be affordable . 我们会考虑一个比较低的价格, 因为我们的愿景 是希望更多的人 都能负担得起我们的产品。
But it's also about form, function, sustainability and quality. 但这一切也关乎形式、功能、 可持续性和质量。
engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定; coworkers:n.同事;合作人;(coworker的复数形式) vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见; affordable:adj.负担得起的;
RH: How does IKEA balance sustainability and persuading buyers to consume things during the climate crisis ? 旁白:在气候危机期间, 宜家如何平衡可持续发展, 并说服消费者消费的?
PHC: It really means looking at the entirety of our business. 皮亚:这就意味着 要审视我们的整个业务。
We committed to only use renewable and recycled materials by 2030. 我们承诺到 2030 年, 只使用可再生以及可回收材料。
We have, for example, already all our cotton in the products, like this sofa, to be sustainable cotton. 例如,我们已经在我们的产品, 比如这套沙发中, 使用了有机棉花。
persuading:v.劝说;说服;使信服;使相信;(persuade的现在分词) buyers:n.[贸易]买主;买方市场;采购者;购货者(buyer的复数); consume:v.消耗;吃;毁灭;烧毁; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; entirety:n.全部;完全; renewable:adj.可再生的;可更新的;可继续的;n.再生性能源; recycled:n.再生纸;回收站;adj.[环境]回收利用的;可循环再造的; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的;
We are well on our way to have all of our wood being from sustainable sources by 2020. 我们正在朝着到 2020 年 实现所有木材都来自可持续资源的目标迈进。
And it's also looking at: How do we design the products so that they can be repurposed , reused, recycled, etc? 这同时也涉及到 我们如何设计产品, 以实现重新利用、 再利用和回收,等等。
So it's really looking at: How do we build circular design metrics into our products? 所以关键着眼点就在于, 我们如何在产品中 打造循环设计指标。
sources:n.来源;出处;起源;根源;原因;v.(从…)获得(source的第三人称单数和复数) repurposed:vt.改换意图;重新目的化; circular:adj.圆形的; n.(同时送达很多人的)印刷信函(或通知、广告); metrics:n.度量;作诗法;韵律学;
But then also, how do we engage and reach out to customers, so, looking at new service models like furniture as a service, starting now testing with business-to-business. 但同样重要的是, 如何吸引和寻找客户? 针对这一点,我们也在寻找一种 新的服务模式,比如家具即服务(FaaS), 现在已经进入了 B2B 测试。
RH: In 2019, IKEA's business grew by 6.5 percent. 旁白:2019 年, 宜家的业务增长了 6.5%,
But the company decreased its global carbon footprint by 4.3 percent, beginning to decouple growth and emissions . 但公司的全球碳足迹 却下降了 4.3%, 实现了发展和排放的脱钩。
furniture:n.家具;设备;储藏物; decreased:v.减少,减小,降低;(decrease的过去分词和过去式) decouple:vt.减弱震波;n.[电]去耦; emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数)
JB: That step for us was -- it gave a lot of confidence and optimism , to be honest, showing that it's possible to grow and at the same time , move in the right direction when it comes to carbon. 耶斯珀: 这一步给了我们 相当大的信心, 我们对未来也更加乐观。 坦率的说,这表明, 在发展业务的同时 减少碳排放是有可能的。
RH: Yes, fine, but how can you make that shift durable and expand that decoupling ? 旁白:是的,这很不错。但如何才能让这种转变持续下去, 并进一步实现发展和排放的脱钩?
JB: There are some myths that we need to rid ourselves from. 耶斯珀: 首先要走出自身的一些误区。
confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的; optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; durable:adj.耐用的;耐久的;长期的;长久的;n.耐久品; expand:v.扩张;使膨胀;详述;发展;张开,展开; decoupling:n.去耦;v.去耦(decouple的现在分词); myths:神话;谬见;
The consumption myth is one. 消费误区就是其中一个。
That sustainability should come at a premium is a very dangerous myth, that purpose and profit couldn't go hand in hand -- it's the opposite. “可持续发展需要付出相应的代价” 就是一个非常危险的误区, 即目标和利润不可能同时实现, 但事实却恰恰相反。
RH: Why should people trust you? 旁白:人们为什么要相信你呢?
consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨; premium:n.额外费用;奖金;保险费;(商)溢价;adj.高价的;优质的; profit:n.利润;利益;v.获利;有益; hand in hand:adj.并进的;手拉手的;亲密的;
JB: Trust is maybe the most important thing to get into the system and into the conversation. 耶斯珀:信任可能是 让人们进入体系和对话中的最重要的因素。
I think to start with, you have to look at intentions . 我认为,首先你要 了解公司背后的动机,
And scrutinize is, of course, one part of the equation here. 其次就是认真的考量。
But when you look at the reasons why it's important for us to move in this topic, it makes business sense, from the point that coworkers and customers will expect us to be -- and already today expect us to be -- a leader. 但是当你认真思考为什么 朝这个方向努力 对我们来说很重要, 从同事和客户将会,
intentions:n.目的,意向,意图;打算;(intention的复数) scrutinize:vi.细阅;作详细检查;vt.详细检查;细看;n.仔细或彻底检查; equation:n.方程式,等式;相等;[化学]反应式;
And thereby , it would be dangerous for your brand if you wouldn't take the lead in your segment . 因此,如果你不能在 你的领域里成为领导者, 这对你的品牌来说 就非常不乐观了。
But last, I think, which is most intriguing for me, is that sustainability is the new low cost, it is the new model of the world. 不过最后, 也是最吸引我的, 那就是可持续性 带来了新的低成本效益, 也是世界需要遵循的新模式。
It's not in contrast to doing good business, but the opposite. 这不是量变,而是一种质变。
thereby:adv.从而,因此;在那附近;在那方面; brand:v.铭刻于,铭记;打烙印于;印…商标于;n.商标,牌子;烙印; segment:n.段;部分;片;弓形;v.分割;划分; intriguing:adj.有趣的;迷人的;v.引起…的兴趣;策划阴谋;私通;(intrigue的现在分词) contrast:n.对比;对照;反差;明显的差异;v.对比;对照;形成对比;
RH: What response are you getting from coworkers and from partners? 旁白:你的同事和合作伙伴 对此持什么态度?
PHC: Super positive response from our coworkers, and sustainability, in our internal survey I share, is actually the number two reason why people choose to work for IKEA and stay at IKEA. 皮亚:我分享的一项内部调查显示, 同事们对可持续发展的反馈相当积极, 这也是人们 为什么选择在宜家工作, 并继续留在宜家的 第二个原因。
response:n.响应;反应;回答; internal:n.内脏;本质;adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的; survey:n.调查;测量;审视;纵览;vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;vi.测量土地;
And the number one reason is all the lovely colleagues that we have. 第一个原因就是 我们拥有一群出色的同事。
RH: The climate crisis is also a crisis of justice and fairness. 旁白:气候危机也是 正义与公平的危机,
How is IKEA thinking about that? 宜家对此是怎么看的呢?
PHC: We definitely see that climate change is a human rights issue , and we know that those with thin wallets or even no wallets are the most impacted by climate change. 皮亚:我们很清楚, 气候变化是一个人权问题, 我们也知道低收入群体 受到气候变化的影响最大。
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判; definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; rights issue:n.有购股权的证券发行(公司以优惠价格向现有股东发售新股); impacted:adj.压紧的;结实的;嵌入的;(人口)稠密的;v.装紧;挤满(impact的过去分词);
So what we do is, both through the IKEA Foundation , which is our philanthropic arm, we're working through various climate activities in developing countries and have put aside about 150 million euro in the last two years. 因此,通过宜家基金会, 也就是我们的慈善机构, 我们正在发展中国家 开展各种气候保护活动, 并在过去的两年里 拨出了 1.5 亿欧元专项基金。
Then, in Ingka, where we have shopping centers and stores and fulfillment centers, we're working with refugees and looking at how can we create skills for employment programs, where we do skills training and language training. 在 Ingka,我们设立了 购物中心、商店 以及订单履行中心, 我们与难民合作, 研究如何为就业项目 打造各类技能, 并进行技能和语言培训。
Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; philanthropic:adj.博爱的;仁慈的; euro:n.欧元(欧盟的统一货币单位); fulfillment:n.履行;实行; refugees:n.避难者;逃亡者;难民;(refugee的复数) employment:n.使用;职业;雇用;
RH: Companies generally think quarter by quarter. 旁白:公司通常 以季度为周期进行规划,
Climate is a long-term challenge that needs immediate action. 而气候是一项长期挑战, 需要立即采取行动。
How do you square that? 你们的策略是什么呢?
JB: We are actually foundation-owned, so we have less of the quarterly pressure. 耶斯珀:我们是由基金会运营的, 所以季度性规划的压力要小一些。
generally:adv.通常;普遍地,一般地; long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; quarterly:adj.季度的,按季度的; v.按季度,[农]一季一次地; n.季刊;
And our founder was amazing in thinking and planning long-term. 而且我们创始人 非常善于进行长远规划。
And I actually recall one of the last meetings I had with him a few years ago, before he passed away. 我还记得几年前,在他去世之前, 我们进行的一次会面。
We asked him how we should think and plan, and he said, "You should think long-term." 我们问他我们应该 如何思考和计划, 他说,“你们应该目光长远一些。”
founder:vi.失败;沉没;倒塌;变跛;vt.破坏;使摔倒;垮掉;n.创始人;建立者;翻沙工; recall:v.记起;回想起;使想到;勾起;召回;n.记忆力;记性;回归请求;回收令;
And when we asked him, "How long-term?" he said, "Yeah, well, 200 years." 我们问,“长远是多远?” 他说,“大概 200 年吧。”
So I think that is possibly a bit too long, we don't have that time, but 10 years is a good horizon for all of us. 虽然我觉得这可能有点太长了, 我们没有那么长的时间, 但 10 年对我们所有人来说 都是一个不错的规划周期。