

The universe is teeming with planets. 宇宙富含了星球。
I want us, in the next decade, to build a space telescope that'll be able to image an Earth about another star and figure out whether it can harbor life. 我想要我们,在下一个十年 建造一个宇宙望远镜,那样就可以看见 围绕另外星球的一个地球 并且弄清楚它是否能存活生命。
telescope:n.望远镜;v.(使)叠套缩短;精简; harbor:n.港口;港湾;(比喻)避难所;[军]坦克掩蔽场;v.停泊;包含;隐匿;怀抱(恶意);
My colleagues at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Princeton and I are working on technology that will be able to do just that in the coming years. 我在NASA普林斯顿喷射动力实验室 的同事们和我正在致力于一项技术 在即将来到的年月里,将能够达到那个目的。
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); Jet Propulsion:n.喷气推进; Laboratory:n.实验室,研究室; Princeton:n.普林斯顿(美国新泽西州中部的自治市镇); technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
Astronomers now believe that every star in the galaxy has a planet, and they speculate that up to one fifth of them have an Earth-like planet that might be able to harbor life, but we haven't seen any of them. 宇航员现在相信银河系的每个星球 都有一个行星, 并且他们推测他们中间的五分之一 有着一个类似地球的行星 可能会存在生命, 但是我们还没有看见他们中的任何一个
Astronomers:天文学家; galaxy:n.银河;[天]星系;银河系;一群显赫的人; speculate:v.推测;猜测;推断;投机;做投机买卖;
We've only detected them indirectly . 我们只是间接地测试到了它们。
detected:v.发现;查明;侦察出;(detect的过去分词和过去式) indirectly:adv.间接地;不诚实;迂回地;
This is NASA's famous picture of the pale blue dot. 这是NASA 着名的淡蓝色点的图像。
It was taken by the Voyager spacecraft in 1990, when they turned it around as it was exiting the solar system to take a picture of the Earth from six billion kilometers away. 是1990年由航天宇宙飞船摄制的, 当它们飞出地球作为太阳系的一个存在 给地球照照片 从六千万千米以外
Voyager:n.航海者,航行者; spacecraft:n.[宇]宇宙飞船;航天器; solar system:[天]太阳系;
I want to take that of an Earth-like planet about another star. 我想要 给围绕另外一个星球的像地球模样的行星照相
Why haven't we done that? Why is that hard? 我们为什么还没有那样做呢?那为什么很难呢?
Well to see, let's imagine we take the Hubble Space Telescope and we turn it around and we move it out to the orbit of Mars . 好吧,来看看,让我们想像我们带着 哈勃宇宙望远镜 我们掉转方向,并且把它从 火星的轨道中挪出来
orbit:n.轨道;眼眶;势力范围;生活常规;vi.盘旋;绕轨道运行;vt.绕…轨道而行; Mars:n.火星
We'll see something like that, a slightly blurry picture of the Earth, because we're a fairly small telescope out at the orbit of Mars. 我们会看到有些东西像那样, 一个很轻微的模糊的地球的照片, 因为我们是相对很小的望远镜 在火星的轨道上。
slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地; blurry:adj.模糊的;污脏的;不清楚的; fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直;
Now let's move ten times further away. 现在让我们把它移到十倍遥远的地方。
Here we are at the orbit of Uranus . 现在我们在天王星的轨道上。
It's gotten smaller, it's got less detail, less resolve . 它变小了,细节更少,分辨率更低。
resolve:vt.决定; vi.解决; n.坚决;
We can still see the little moon, but let's go ten times further away again. 我们还是能看到小小的月亮, 但现在让我们再次行进到十倍遥远
Here we are at the edge of the solar system, out at the Kuiper Belt . 这儿是我们在银河系的边界, 在柯伊伯带之外。
Now it's not resolved at all. 现在完全不能分辨了。
resolved:adj.下定决心; v.解决; (resolve的过去分词和过去式)
It's that pale blue dot of Carl Sagan's. 它是那个是凯尔.赛甘的淡蓝点
But let's move yet again ten times further away. 但是,让我们再移到又一个十倍遥远的距离
Here we are out at the Oort Cloud, outside the solar system, and we're starting to see the sun move into the field of view and get into where the planet is. 这时我们在奥尔特云以外, 在银河系以外了, 我们开始见到太阳 移动到可见的地方 照进行星所在处
One more time, ten times further away. 再一次,十倍更远的距离
Now we're at Alpha Centauri , our nearest neighbor star, and the planet is gone. 现在我们在阿尔法半人马座, 靠我们最近的星球, 行星不见了,
Alpha:n.希腊字母表的第1个字母; Centauri:半人马座;
All we're seeing is the big beaming image of the star that's ten billion times brighter than the planet, which should be in that little red circle. 我们所看见的是一个星球的巨大光柱。 那比行星耀眼一百亿倍, 应该是在那个小小的红色圈子里。
That's what we want to see. That's why it's hard. 那就是我们想看见的。那就是它为什么这么艰难的缘故。
The light from the star is diffracting . 在望远镜内分散,
It's scattering inside the telescope, creating that very bright image that washes out the planet. 造成了很明亮的图像 冲淡了行星的光亮
So to see the planet, we have to do something about all of that light. 那样的话,要看到行星, 我们不得不对那些光做些事情。
We have to get rid of it. 我们必须消除它。
I have a lot of colleagues working on really amazing technologies to do that, but I want to tell you about one today that I think is the coolest, and probably the most likely to get us an Earth in the next decade. 我有很多同事们正在致力于 用真正的神奇的技术处理那个, 最可能的给我们一个地球 可能在下一个十年。
It was first suggested by Lyman Spitzer , the father of the space telescope, in 1962, and he took his inspiration from an eclipse . 它最先由莱曼.思庇哲提议 他带着他从一次日食而来的灵感
Spitzer:n.尖头式弹头; eclipse:v.使黯然失色;形成蚀;n.日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色;
You've all seen that. That's a solar eclipse. 你们已经看到,那是太阳系的日食。
The moon has moved in front of the sun. 月亮已经移到太阳的前面。
It blocks out most of the light so we can see that dim corona around it. 它挡住了大部分的光 所以我们能看到的是那种微弱的围绕它的光晕
dim:adj.暗淡的,昏暗的; v.使暗淡,使失去光泽; n.笨蛋,傻子; corona:n.[物]电晕;日冕;冠状物;
It would be the same thing if I put my thumb up and blocked that spotlight that's getting right in my eye, 如果我把我的大拇指竖起来也会是同样的 而且封锁了将要射进我眼里的光点
thumb:v.翻阅;以拇指拨弄;作搭车手势;笨拙地摆弄;n.拇指; spotlight:n.聚光灯;反光灯;公众注意的中心;v.聚光照明;使公众注意;
I can see you in the back row. 我能看见你在最后一排。
Well, what's going on? 好了,怎么一回事呢?
Well the moon is casting a shadow down on the Earth. 好吧,是月亮
We put a telescope or a camera in that shadow, we look back at the sun, and most of the light's been removed and we can see that dim, fine structure in the corona. 我们在那个阴影里放了一座望远镜或者一架照相机 我们回看着太阳, 大部分的光被挡住了 而且我们能看到那个微弱的,细致的结构
Spitzer's suggestion was we do this in space. 思庇哲建议的是我们在宇宙里这样做
We build a big screen , we fly it in space, we put it up in front of the star, we block out most of the light, we fly a space telescope in that shadow that's created, and boom , we get to see planets. 我们要飞进宇宙,我们要建立一个大屏幕, 我们把它放在星球之前, 我们把大部分光都挡住 我们带着一架望远镜在人为的阴影中飞翔在宇宙, 妙极了,我们就看见了行星。
big screen:n.大银幕;电影; block out:封闭;概略画出; boom:n.繁荣;吊杆;v.激增;繁荣昌盛;轰鸣;轰响;adj.(美)猛涨起来的;
Well that would look something like this. 好吧,那就像看见了这样的东西。
So there's that big screen, and there's no planets, because unfortunately it doesn't actually work very well, because the light waves of the light and waves diffracts around that screen the same way it did in the telescope. 这儿是那个大荧幕, 也没有什么行星, 因为很不幸地它并不怎么起作用, 因为光波的光和波 在荧幕周围衍射
It's like water bending around a rock in a stream, and all that light just destroys the shadow. 所有的光只是毁掉了阴影。
It's a terrible shadow. And we can't see planets. 它是一个可怕的阴霾,我们看不见行星。
But Spitzer actually knew the answer. 但思庇哲实际上知道这个答案。
If we can feather the edges, soften those edges so we can control diffraction , well then we can see a planet, and in the last 10 years or so we've come up with optimal solutions for doing that. 如果我们能把边缘弄成羽毛状,把边缘变成柔软的 那么我们就能看到行星,
soften:vt.使温和;使缓和;使变柔软;vi.减轻;变柔和;变柔软; diffraction:n.(光,声等的)衍射,绕射; come up with:提出;想出;赶上; optimal:adj.最佳的;最理想的;
It looks something like that.
We call that our flower petal starshade. 我们叫它做我们的花瓣星翳。
If we make the edges of those petals exactly right, if we control their shape, we can control diffraction, and now we have a great shadow.
It's about 10 billion times dimmer than it was before, and we can see the planets beam out just like that. 接下来,我们能看见行星的光柱就像那个样子。
That, of course, has to be bigger than my thumb. 那,当然,一定要比我的拇指大。
That starshade is about the size of half a football field and it has to fly 50,000 kilometers away from the telescope that has to be held right in its shadow, and then we can see those planets. 那个星翳的尺寸大约 半个足球场那么大 并且它必须飞到望远镜以外的5万千米 在那儿它必须停在它的阴影中间, 然后我们就能看到那些行星。
This sounds formidable , but brilliant engineers, colleagues of mine at JPL, came up with a fabulous design for how to do that and it looks like this. 这个听起来艰巨 想出了制作那个的极好的设计 它看起来就像这个样子。
formidable:adj.强大的;可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的; fabulous:adj.难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的;
It starts wrapped around a hub .
wrapped:adj.极高兴的;十分满意的;v.用…包裹;用…缠绕;(wrap的过去分词和过去式) hub:n.中心;毂;木片;
It separates from the telescope.
The petals unfurl , they open up, the telescope turns around. 花瓣撑着,全部打开, 望远镜旋转过来,
Then you'll see it flip and fly out that 50,000 kilometers away from the telescope. 然后你会看到它翻转并且飞出 到离开望远镜5万千米以外
It's going to move in front of the star just like that, creates a wonderful shadow. 它会移动到星球前面 就像那样,营造一个神奇的阴影。
Boom, we get planets orbiting about it.
Thank you. 谢谢你们。
That's not science fiction .
science fiction:科幻小说;
We've been working on this for the last five or six years. 我们已经工作了五六年
Last summer, we did a really cool test out in California at Northrop Grumman. 在加州的诺斯洛浦.格鲁门公司。
So those are four petals. 那是四个花瓣,
This is a sub-scale star shade . 这是一个亚尺寸的星翳
It's about half the size of the one you just saw. 是你才看到的一半大小。
You'll see the petals unfurl. 你会看见撑开的花瓣。
Those four petals were built by four undergraduates doing a summer internship at JPL. 这四个花瓣由四个大学生组建 他们在JPL做夏天的实习。
undergraduates:n.本科生,大学生; internship:n.实习生;(美)实习期;实习医师职位;
Now you're seeing it deploy . 现在你看到它的配置。
Those petals have to rotate into place. 这些花瓣必须旋转到位。
The base of those petals has to go to the same place every time to within a tenth of a millimeter . 这些花瓣的底部 每次必须走到同一个地方 在十分之一毫米之间
We ran this test 16 times, and 16 times it went into the exact same place to a tenth of a millimeter. 我们试验了十六次, 十六次它都进入了的的确确的同一个地方 在十分之一毫米处。
This has to be done very precisely, but if we can do this, if we can build this technology, if we can get it into space, you might see something like this. 这必须做得非常精确, 但如果我们能做到这个,如果我们能建造这个技术, 如果我们能把它带入宇宙,
That's a picture of one our nearest neighbor stars taken with the Hubble Space Telescope.
If we can take a similar space telescope, slightly larger, put it out there, fly an occulter in front of it, what we might see is something like that -- that's a family portrait of our solar system -- but not ours. 如果我们能带着类似的望远镜, 稍微大一些的 把它发放到那里, 在它前面飞起一个遮光体, 我们有可能看到像那样的东西- 那是我们太阳系的家庭合照-但不是我们的,
We're hoping it'll be someone else's solar system as seen through an occulter, through a starshade like that. 我们希望它会是其他人的太阳系 通过遮光体看到的,
You can see Jupiter , you can see Saturn , 通过那样一个星翳。
Jupiter:n.[天]木星;朱庇特(罗马神话中的宙斯神); Saturn:n.[天]土星;农业之神(罗马神话中的一个形象);
Uranus, Neptune , and right there in the center, next to the residual light is that pale blue dot. That's Earth. 天王星,海王星,并且在正中间这儿 挨着这点儿余光 是那个淡蓝的圆点。那就是地球。
Neptune:n.海王星;海神; residual:n.剩余;残渣;adj.剩余的;残留的;
We want to see that, see if there's water, oxygen, ozone , the things that might tell us that it could harbor life. 氧气,大气层, 这些东西可以告诉我们它是否能让生命存活。
I think this is the coolest possible science. 我以为这是最酷的有可能实现的科学
That's why I got into doing this, because I think that will change the world. 那就是我为什么专注于此, 因为我认为那会改变世界。
That will change everything when we see that. 那会改变每一件事,当我们看见那个行星的时候
Thank you. 感谢你们
(Applause) 鼓掌