

So this is Anna Hazare, and Anna Hazare may well be the most cutting-edge digital activist in the world today. 这是安纳?哈扎尔, 哈扎尔或许是当今世界上走在最前沿的 线上行动主义者。
cutting-edge:n.(刀片的)刃口;尖端;前沿;adj.先进的,尖端的; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; activist:n.积极分子;激进主义分子;
And you wouldn't know it by looking at him. 从外表是看不出来的。
Hazare is a 77-year-old Indian anticorruption and social justice activist. 印度人哈扎尔现已77岁,是致力于反腐和司法公正的积极分子。
anticorruption:反腐败,反贪污; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
And in 2011, he was running a big campaign to address everyday corruption in India, a topic that Indian elites love to ignore . 在2011年,他发动了一场宏大的运动, 挑战印度的日常腐败作风, 这是印度精英阶层长期有意忽视的问题。
elites:n.精英(elite的复数); ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬;
So as part of this campaign, he was using all of the traditional tactics that a good Gandhian organizer would use. 作为这场运动的一部分, 他采取了任何一位甘地式运动组织者 都会运用的策略,
traditional:传统的,惯例的, tactics:n.战术:策略:手段:兵法(tactic的复数) organizer:n.组织者;承办单位;[生物]组织导体;
So he was on a hunger strike , and Hazare realized through his hunger that actually maybe this time, in the 21st century, a hunger strike wouldn't be enough. 即进行绝食抗议, 绝食经历让哈扎尔意识到, 在二十一世纪的今天, 绝食抗议 或许无法实现全部的目的。
hunger strike:n.绝食(抗议);v.举行绝食抗议;
So he started playing around with mobile activism . 他进而尝试借助手机开展运动。
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; activism:n.行动主义;激进主义;
So the first thing he did is he said to people, "Okay, why don't you send me a text message if you support my campaign against corruption?" 他做的第一件事是号召民众, 「如果你们支持我的反腐运动, 为什么不发给我 一条短信呢?」
text message:n.文本信息;短信息;
So he does this, he gives people a short code, and about 80,000 people do it. 因此他这样做了,他给人们一个短码, 大约有8万人响应号召。
Okay, that's pretty respectable . 这的确令人敬畏。
But then he decides, "Let me tweak my tactics a little bit." 他因而决定, 「我要更进一步。」
He says, "Why don't you leave me a missed call?" 他鼓动民众,「你们为何不给我留一个未接来电呢?」
Now, for those of you who have lived in the global South, you'll know that missed calls are a really critical part of global mobile culture. 如果你生活在南半球, 那就会知道未接来电 已成为世界手机文化的重要组成部分,
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的;
I see people nodding. 我看到有人点头了。
People leave missed calls all the time: 人们时时刻刻都在利用未接来电:
If you're running late for a meeting and you just want to let them know that you're on the way, you leave them a missed call. 如果你要参加一场会议,眼看着就要迟到了, 想让他们知道你在路上, 给他们一个未接来电就好了。
If you're dating someone and you just want to say "I miss you" 如果你在跟某人谈恋爱,想表达一下思念之情,
you leave them a missed call. 震他(她)手机一下就好了。
So a note for a dating tip here, in some cultures, if you want to please your lover , you call them and hang up. (Laughter) 在某些文化中, 这是个约会小技巧, 如果你想取悦另一半, 拨通号码,立即挂掉。(笑声)
tip:n.小窍门,小费;v.给…小费;使倾斜; lover:n.爱好者;情侣;热爱者;
So why do people leave missed calls? 话说回来,人们为什么会利用未接来电?
Well, the reason of course is that they're trying to avoid charges associated with making calls and sending texts. 原因当然是 省去打电话或发短信的费用。 因此,当哈扎尔号召民众为他留一个未接来电时
associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式)
So when Hazare asked people to leave him a missed call, let's have a little guess how many people actually did this? 为他留一个未接来电时 我们猜一下,有多少人响应号召?
Thirty-five million. 三千五百万人
So this is one of the largest coordinated actions in human history. 这是人类历史上参与人数最多的运动之一。
It's remarkable . 很了不起。
And this reflects the extraordinary strength of the emerging Indian middle class and the power that their mobile phones bring. 蓬勃发展的印度中产阶级由此展现了其无比雄厚的实力, 也展现了利用手机所能积聚的力量。
reflects:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达;(reflect的第三人称单数) extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; emerging:adj.新兴的;v.出现,浮现,露出;暴露;(emerge的现在分词) middle class:adj.中产阶级的;中层社会的;
But he used that, 哈扎尔采用这种方法,
Hazare ended up with this massive CSV file of mobile phone numbers, and he used that to deploy real people power on the ground to get hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets in Delhi to make a national point of everyday corruption in India. 最终得到了存储大量电话号码的CSV文件。 他利用这个方法, 汇聚众人的力量, 成千上万的民众走向新德里街头, 举国上下因此对日常腐败恶习投以关注。
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; mobile phone:移动电话 deploy:v.部署;利用;[军事]展开;(使)张开; Delhi:n.德里(印度城市名);
It's a really striking story. 这真是个振奋人心的故事。
So this is me when I was 12 years old. 这是12岁的我,
I hope you see the resemblance . 希望你们能看出些相似之处。
And I was also an activist, and I have been an activist all my life. 我也是个行动主义者, 从小到大,这一点未曾改变过。
I had this really funny childhood where I traipsed around the world meeting world leaders and Noble prize winners, talking about Third World debt , as it was then called, and demilitarization . 我的童年过得相当有趣, 周游各国, 与全球领导者和诺贝尔奖获得者 当面讨论第三世界债务问题, 后来这个问题演变为 非军事化问题。
childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 traipsed:vi.疲惫地走;闲荡;拖曳;n.闲荡;漫步;无精打采者;vt.在…游荡;走过; Noble:adj.高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的;n.贵族; Third World:n.第三世界; debt:n.债务;借款;罪过; demilitarization:n.非军事化;废除军备;解除武装;
I was a very, very serious child. (Laughter) 自小我就忧国忧民。(笑声)
And back then, in the early '90s, 后来, 在90年代初期,
I had a very cutting-edge tech tool of my own: the fax. 我拥有了最先进的武器, 传真。
And the fax was the tool of my activism. 传真是我践行行动主义的工具。
And at that time, it was the best way to get a message to a lot of people all at once. 那时, 一次性将信息传达给众人 传真无疑是最好的办法。
I'll give you one example of a fax campaign that I ran. 我给你们举个例子吧
It was the eve of the Gulf War and I organized a global campaign to flood the hotel, the Intercontinental in Geneva, where James Baker and Tariq Aziz were meeting on the eve of the war, and I thought if I could flood them with faxes, we'll stop the war. 在海湾战争前夕, 我组织了一起运动,号召民众「淹没」, 日内瓦的洲际酒店, 詹姆斯?贝克与塔里克?阿齐兹 将于战前在此会晤, 我当时想,如果我能用传真号召民众,「淹没酒店」, 就能阻止这场战争了
Gulf:n.海湾;深渊;分歧;漩涡;vt.吞没; organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) Intercontinental:adj.洲际的;大陆间的; Baker:n.面包(糕饼)师傅;面包店老板; on the eve of:在…的前夜;
Well, unsurprisingly , that campaign was wholly unsuccessful . 然而,不出所料, 这场运动彻彻底底地失败了。
unsurprisingly:adv.不出所料的;不出奇的;意料中的; wholly:adv.完全地;全部;统统; unsuccessful:adj.不成功的;失败的;
There are lots of reasons for that, but there's no doubt that one sputtering fax machine in Geneva was a little bit of a bandwidth constraint in terms of the ability to get a message to lots of people. 失败的原因很多, 但毫无疑问的是, 当时在日内瓦,传真机受宽带限制, 无法有效地将信息传递给大量民众。
sputtering:v.(引擎、灯或火)发噼啪声;气急败坏地说;(sputter的现在分词) a little bit of a:一点点了; bandwidth:n.[电子][物]带宽;[通信]频带宽度; constraint:n.[数]约束;局促,态度不自然;强制;
And so, I went on to discover some better tools. 因此,我开始寻找更好的工具。
I cofounded Avaaz, which uses the Internet to mobilize people and now has almost 40 million members, and I now run Purpose, which is a home for these kinds of technology-powered movements. 其后我与他人共同成立了Avaaz,利用互联网来号召民众, 目前约有4千万名成员, 如今我在运营Purpose, Purpose孕育了那些借助技术力量的运动。
So what's the moral of this story? 这个故事的寓意是什么?
Is the moral of this story, you know what, the fax is kind of eclipsed by the mobile phone? 我讲这个故事是为了说明 传真逐步被手机取代这一事实吗?
This is another story of tech-determinism? 又是一个技术决定论的故事吗?
Well, I would argue that there's actually more to it than that. 我想说,其寓意远不止于此。
I'd argue that in the last 20 years, something more fundamental has changed than just new tech. 我敢断言,在过去的20年里, 一些事情发生了根本性的改变, 而不仅是新技术。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
I would argue that there has been a fundamental shift in the balance of power in the world. 我敢断言, 势力的平衡点在世界范围内 从根本上发生了转变。
shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; balance of power:n.(国际政治或军事的)均势;
You ask any activist how to understand the world, and they'll say, "Look at where the power is, who has it, how it's shifting ." 你问任何一位行动主义者,如何看清世界的局势? 他会说,「看看势力集中在何处, 谁拥有势力,势力如何转移。」
And I think we all sense that something big is happening. 我认为,我们都能感觉到,世界在发生某种巨大的改变。
So Henry Timms and I — 因此,某一天,在亨利?蒂姆斯
Henry's a fellow movement builder — got talking one day and we started to think, how can we make sense of this new world? ——我开展运动的一位同伴—— 与我聊天的时候,我们想到, 如何理解这个新世界?
builder:n.建筑者;建立者; make sense of:搞清…的意思;
How can we describe it and give it a framework that makes it more useful? 如何描述这个世界? 新世界的格局是什么?如何在这个格局下有所作为?
Because we realized that many of the lessons that we were discovering in movements actually applied all over the world in many sectors of our society. 因为我们意识到, 我们在运动中习得的经验教训, 适用于全世界范围内的 社会的方方面面。
applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) sectors:n.部门; v.把…划成扇形;
So I want to introduce you to this framework: 因此我想向你们介绍这个格局:
Old power, meet new power. 新旧势力的相遇。
And I want to talk to you about what new power is today. 我想跟你们谈谈如今的新兴势力。
New power is the deployment of mass participation and peer coordination — these are the two key elements — to create change and shift outcomes . 新势力的发展基于 大众参与和对等协调 这两个关键因素, 新势力促进变革,影响结果的走向。
deployment:n.调度,部署; participation:n.参与;分享;参股; peer:n.同辈;同龄人;身份(或地位)相同的人;(英国)贵族成员;v.仔细看;端详; coordination:n.协调,调和;对等,同等; elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) outcomes:n.结果;成果;后果;出路;(outcome的复数)
And we see new power all around us. 新势力无处不在。
This is Beppe Grillo he was a populist Italian blogger who, with a minimal political apparatus and only some online tools, won more than 25 percent of the vote in recent Italian elections. 这是贝佩?格里洛, 一位意大利博主,宣扬平民主义, 他只有最有限的政治工具,却凭借网络手段, 在最近意大利的选举中 赢得了超过25%的选票。
populist:n.平民主义者; adj.民粹主义的(等于populistic); blogger:n.写博客的人;博客使用者; minimal:adj.最低的;最小限度的; apparatus:n.装置,设备;仪器;器官;
This is Airbnb , which in just a few years has radically disrupted the hotel industry without owning a single square foot of real estate . 这是Airbnb, 旗下不曾拥有任何房产, 却在短短几年内, 震撼了整个酒店行业。
Airbnb:寻找奇居;爱本卜(一个网站); radically:adv.根本上;彻底地;以激进的方式; disrupted:破坏;使瓦解;使分裂;使中断;使陷于混乱(disrupt的过去分词形式); real estate:n.房地产;不动产;
This is Kickstarter, which we know has raised over a billion dollars from more than five million people. 这是 Kickstarter, 从五百多万人手里 筹集到十亿多美金。
Now, we're familiar with all of these models. 我们对这些运营模式耳熟能详,
But what's striking is the commonalities , the structural features of these new models and how they differ from old power. 引入注目的地方在于这些模式的共性, 它们的结构特点, 以及跟旧势力与众不同的地方。
commonalities:n.公共;共性;老百姓;平民; structural:adj.结构的;建筑的;
Let's look a little bit at this. 让我们进一步看这个问题。
Old power is held like a currency . 旧势力运作如同货币流通,
New power works like a current. 新势力运作如同波涛涌动。
Old power is held by a few. 旧势力掌握在少数人手里,
New power isn't held by a few, it's made by many. 新势力并非如此,而是分散在众多人手中。
Old power is all about download, and new power uploads . 旧势力完完全全是自上而下, 而新势力是自下而上。
And you see a whole set of characteristics that you can trace , whether it's in media or politics or education. 你看到新势力所有的特征都是有迹可寻的, 无论是在媒体,政治还是教育领域。
characteristics:n.特征;特点;品质;(characteristic的复数) trace:追溯,追踪 media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数)
So we've talked a little bit about what new power is. 好,我们刚才谈了谈新势力是什么,
Let's, for a second, talk about what new power isn't. 现在,我们花点时间聊聊新势力不是什么。
New power is not your Facebook page. 新势力不是你的Facebook主页。
I assure you that having a social media strategy can enable you to do just as much download as you used to do when you had the radio. 我向你保证,你采用的社交媒体战略, 是自上而下的,你的所获所得, 跟过去用广播的策略没什么两样。
assure:vt.保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚; strategy:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略; enable:v.使能够;使有机会;使成为可能;使可行;
Just ask Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, 问一下叙利亚独裁者巴沙尔?阿萨德吧,
Syrian:adj.叙利亚的;叙利亚人的;叙利亚语的;n.叙利亚人;叙利亚语; dictator:n.独裁者;命令者;
I assure you that his Facebook page has not embraced the power of participation. 我向你保证,他的Facebook主页 并没有实现势力的共同参与。
New power is not inherently positive . 新势力并非是固有的正面力量。
inherently:adv.内在地;固有地;天性地; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
In fact, this isn't an normative argument that we're making, there are many good things about new power, but it can produce bad outcomes. 事实上,我们所做的并不是一种规范性论证。 新势力有其积极的一面, 但也会带来负面影响。
More participation, more peer coordination, sometimes distorts outcomes and there are some things, like things, for example, in the medical profession that we want new power to get nowhere near. 更广泛的参与,更深入的对等协调, 有时会带来意想不到的结果。 有一些事情, 比如,新势力涉足医疗领域, 这绝不是我们希望看到的。
distorts:v.使变形;扭曲;使失真;歪曲;(distort的第三人称单数) profession:n.行业,职业;业内人士;同行; nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
And thirdly, new power is not the inevitable victor . 第三,新势力不是永远的赢家,
inevitable:adj.必然的,不可避免的; victor:n.胜利者;获胜者;adj.胜利(者)的;
In fact, unsurprisingly, as many of these new power models get to scale , what you see is this massive pushback from the forces of old power. 事实上,不出所料的是, 随着诸多新势力影响力逐步扩大, 来自旧势力的阻力 越发强大
scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; pushback:n.飞机推迟起飞;
Just look at this really interesting epic struggle going on right now between Edward Snowden and the NSA. 就看一下仍在持续的 爱德华斯诺登和美国国家安全局
epic:adj.史诗的,叙事诗的;n.史诗;叙事诗;史诗般的作品; Snowden:n.斯诺登(姓氏);
You'll note that only one of the two people on this slide is currently in exile . 你要注意的是,两方中只有一方 远走他乡,寻求避难。
currently:adv.当前;一般地; exile:n.流放,充军;放逐,被放逐者;流犯;v.放逐,流放;使背井离乡;
And so, it's not at all clear that new power will be the inevitable victor. 因此,新势力是永远的赢家的说法
not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢;
That said, keep one thing in mind: 这就意味着,有句话你要记在心里:
We're at the beginning of a very steep curve . 我们正处在这个陡峭的曲线的起点。
at the beginning of:在…的开始; steep:adj.陡峭的;不合理的;夸大的;急剧升降的;v.泡;浸;使…充满;n.峭壁;浸渍; curve:n.曲线;弯曲;曲面;弧线;v.(使)沿曲线移动;呈曲线形;
So you think about some of these new power models, right? 你在考虑某些新势力的模式,没错吧?
These were just like someone's garage idea a few years ago, and now they're disrupting entire industries. 这些模式在几年前还是某些人 在车库里的灵感, 如今正颠覆着整个行业。
garage:n.车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库;v.把…送入车库;把(汽车)开进车库; disrupting:v.扰乱;使中断;打乱;(disrupt的现在分词)
And so, what's interesting about new power, is the way it feeds on itself. 因此,新势力有趣之处在于 其自我发展的方式。
Once you have an experience of new power, you tend to expect and want more of it. 一旦你体验过新势力, 你就会期望享受更多。
So let's say you've used a peer-to-peer lending platform like Lending Tree or Prosper , then you've figured out that you don't need the bank, and who wants the bank, right? 打个比方,你使用过Lending Tree或Prosper 对等借贷平台, 你会发现你不需要银行了, 谁还想用银行服务呢?
peer-to-peer:n.对等;对等网络; platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; Prosper:v.繁荣;成功;发达;兴旺;
And so, that experience tends to embolden you it tends to make you want more participation across more aspects of your life. 因此,这种体验会促使你, 让你希望这种体验能 融入生活的其他方面。
embolden:v.使增加勇气;使更有信心;将(文本)变成粗体; aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数);
And what this gives rise to is a set of values. 一系列价值观 因此而产生
We talked about the models that new power has engendered — the Airbnbs, the Kickstarters. 我们讨论了新势力 我们讨论了新势力 造就的模式——
What about the values? 价值观呢?
And this is an early sketch at what new power values look like. 这是对新势力 值观的初步认识
New power values prize transparency above all else. 信息透明是最重要的价值观。
It's almost a religious belief in transparency, a belief that if you shine a light on something, it will be better. 新势力对信息透明秉持着几近虔诚的信仰。 给它一束光, 它就绽放。
And remember that in the 20th century, this was not at all true. 要知道,在20世纪时,这并不是完全能实现的。
People thought that gentlemen should sit behind closed doors and make comfortable agreements. 过去,人们认为绅士们应紧闭大门, 暗中达成彼此都满意的协议。
behind closed doors:秘密;秘密地;紧闭的门后;与外界隔绝地;
New power values of informal , networked governance . 新势力看重的是非正式的、网络化管理。
informal:adj.非正式的;不拘礼节的;通俗的;日常使用的; governance:n.管理;统治;支配;
New power folks would never have invented the U.N. today, for better or worse. 今天,新势力时代的人永远不会建立什么联合国, 连边都沾不上。
New power values participation, and new power is all about do-it-yourself . 新势力重视参与度, 新势力完全是自己动手做事。
In fact, what's interesting about new power is that it eschews some of the professionalization and specialization that was all the rage in the 20th century. 事实上,新势力有趣的地方在于, 它在一定程度上避免了 20世纪时风行 的职业化和专业化
eschews:vt.避免;避开;远避; professionalization:n.专业化;职业化; specialization:n.专门化;特殊化;特化作用; all the rage:非常流行;风靡一时的东西;
So what's interesting about these new power values and these new power models is what they mean for organizations . 这些新势力模式和价值观 有趣之处就在于 它们对于组织的意义。
So we've spent a bit of time thinking, how can we plot organizations on a two-by-two where, essentially , we look at new power values and new power models and see where different people sit? 我们已花了些时间考虑 该如何在二维坐标上 标明各组织所处的位置, 在这个坐标上, 我们能看到新势力价值观和模式, 并能看到不同人所处的位置。
plot:n.情节;阴谋;布局;小块土地;v.密谋;暗中策划;(在地图上)标出;绘制(图表); essentially:adv.本质上;本来;
We started with a U.S. analysis , and let me show you some interesting findings . 我们以发生在美国的例子做分析, 我给你们展示一些有趣的发现。
analysis:n.分析;分解;验定; findings:n.调查发现;判决;裁决;(finding的复数)
So the first is Apple. 首先是苹果公司,
In this framework, we actually described Apple as an old power company. 在这个坐标上,我们事实上将苹果公司 定位于旧势力公司。
That's because the ideology , the governing ideology of Apple is the ideology of the perfectionist product designer in Cupertino. 原因是其企业意识形态, 在苹果公司,盛行的是 库比蒂诺完美主义 产品设计师的意识形态。
ideology:n.意识形态;思想意识;观念学; perfectionist:n.完美主义者,追求完美的人;至善论者;
It's absolutely about that beautiful, perfect thing descending upon us in perfection. 这完全是经典无暇的产品 完美地闯入我们的世界。
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; descending:adj.下降的,递减的;v.下来;下去;下降;降临;来临(descend的现在分词)
And it does not value, as a company, transparency. 而且苹果公司并没有信息透明的价值观。
In fact, it's very secretive . 事实上,苹果公司很重视信息保密。
Now, Apple is one of the most succesful companies in the world. 如今,苹果公司是世界上最成功的公司之一。
So this shows that you can still pursue a successful old power strategy. 这意味着, 你仍然可以成功追求旧势力策略。
But one can argue that there's real vulnerabilites in that model. 有人会说,这个模式有其脆弱的一面。
I think another interesting comparison is that of the Obama campaign versus the Obama presidency . 我想,还有另一个有趣的例子, 即奥巴马竞选 与奥巴马执政的对比
comparison:n.比较;对比;相比; versus:prep.对;与...相对;对抗; presidency:n.总统(或董事长,会长,大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配;
Now, I like President Obama, but he ran with new power at his back, right? 我喜欢奥巴马总统, 但他总在暗中行使新势力,没错吧?
And he said to people, we are the ones we've been waiting for. 他曾对我们说, 我们在等的那个人就是我们自己。
And he used crowdfunding to power a campaign. 他采用群众募资的方式 来壮大运动
But when he got into office, he governed like more or less all the other presidents did. 但当他登台后, 他的表现就或多或少与其他总统别无二致了。
more or less:或多或少;
And this is a really interesting trend , is when new power gets powerful, what happens? 这真是个有趣的趋势, 当新势力变得强大后, 会发生什么?
So this is a framework you should look at and think about where your own organization sits on it. 因此,你应当考虑一下 你的组织在这个坐标上 所处的位置
And think about where it should be in five or 10 years. 并考虑一下五年或十年后 你期望它所处的位置。
So what do you do if you're old power? 如果你的组织是旧势力,该怎么做?
Well, if you're there thinking, in old power, this won't happen to us. 假设你身为旧势力,如果你这么想, 这不会发生在我们身上
Then just look at the Wikipedia entry for Encyclop?dia Britannica. 那么就在维基百科上搜一下大英百科全书这个词条吧。
Let me tell you, it's a very sad read. 我来告诉你,这个词条的内容会让人感到伤感
But if you are old power, the most important thing you can do is to occupy yourself before others occupy you, before you are occupied . 如果你的组织是旧势力, 对你而言最重要的就是 在别人占领你的地盘前, 牢牢守好自己的地盘。
occupy:v.占据,占领;居住;使忙碌; occupied:adj.被占领的; v.占用; (occupy的过去分词和过去式)
Imagine that a group of your biggest skeptics are camped in the heart of your organization asking the toughest questions and they can see everything inside of your organization. 设想一下,让最质疑你的组织的一群人 驻扎在你的组织核心之处, 提出最尖锐的问题, 而且他们可以看到你的组织中的一切。
And ask them, would they like what they see and should our model change? 随后问问他们是否喜欢眼前的事实, 你的模式需不需要做出改变?
What about if you're new power? 如果你的组织是新势力,该做些什么?
Is new power kind of just riding the wave to glory? 新势力就会一帆风顺,直奔光明吗?
I would argue no. 我会说,不是的。
I would argue that there are some very real challenges to new power in this nascent phase . 我认为,现实中,在新势力初期阶段 存在一些真正的挑战。
nascent:adj.初期的;开始存在的,发生中的; phase:n.阶段;时期;月相;(月亮的)盈亏;v.分阶段进行;逐步做;
Let's stick with the Occupy Wall Street example for a moment. 让我们花些时间关注在「占领华尔街」运动上。
Wall Street:n.华尔街(美国纽约金融中心和证券交易所所在地);
Occupy was this incredible example of new power, the purest example of new power. 这个运动是经典的新势力的例子, 且极具代表性。
And yet, it failed to consolidate . 然而,其成果没能得到巩固,
So the energy that it created was great for the meme phase, but they were so committed to participation, that they never got anything done. 因此,该运动所激发出的能量, 对最初的模仿阶段来说是难能可贵的。 但他们太过专注于参与度, 而没有将任何事情落于实处。
meme:n.大脑模仿病毒;文化基因;弥母; committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
And in fact that model means that the challenge for new power is: how do you use institutional power without being institutionalized ? 事实上,这个模式意味着, 对新势力的挑战在于: 在未制度化的前提下, 如何发挥制度的优势?
institutionalized:adj.使成惯例的; v.使成为惯例(institutionalize的过去式和过去分词);
One the other end of the spectra is Uber . 坐标轴另一端的例子是Uber。
spectra:n.光谱;范围(spectrum的复数形式); Uber:adj.最好的;?超级的;n.Uber(公司品牌名)优步;
Uber is an amazing, highly scalable new power model. Uber很不可思议, 拥有强大的新势力模式,
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; scalable:adj.可攀登的;可去鳞的;可称量的;
That network is getting denser and denser by the day . 且影响范围极易扩张, 网络覆盖率变得越来越密集
denser:adj.密集的; (dense的比较级) by the day:按日;按日计算;
But what's really interesting about Uber is it hasn't really adopted new power values. 但Uber真正有趣的地方在于 它并没有秉持新势力价值观。
This is a real quote from the Uber CEO recently : 下面这句话引自Uber的首席执行官,
quote:v.引用;报价;举例说明;开价;为(企业的股份)上市;n.引用; recently:adv.最近;新近;
He says, "Once we get rid of the dude in the car" — he means drivers — "Uber will be cheaper." 「一旦我们摆脱出租车里的这位老兄」——他指司机—— 「Uber就会便宜了。」
Now, new power models live and die by the strength of their networks. 如今,这些新势力模式生死取决于 关系网络是否强大,
By whether the drivers and the consumers who use the service actually believe in it. 也取决于司机和消费者 ——这些接受这项服务的人——是否相信它。
Because they're not an exercise of top-down perfectionism , they are about the network. 因为它们并不是自上而下的完美主义成果, 而是关于关系网络的。
top-down:adj.[计]自顶向下;组织管理严密的; perfectionism:n.至善论;十全十美主义;
And so, the challenge, and this is why it's in no way surprising, is that Uber's drivers are now unionizing . 因此,这个挑战, 这就是为什么Uber的司机 正着手成立工会,这真的一点儿都不让人感觉奇怪
in no way:决不; unionizing:vt.使…加入工会;使…成立工会;vi.加入工会;成立工会;
It's extraordinary. 这真的不同寻常
Uber's drivers are turning on Uber. Uber的司机正在对抗Uber,
And the challenge for Uber — this isn't an easy situation for them — is that they are locked into a broader superstrcuture that is really old power. Uber面临的挑战—— 对他们而言不是好形势—— 是他们已被困在更宽泛的上层结构中, 而这无疑是旧势力。
They've raised more than a billion dollars in the capital markets. 他们已在资本市场募集超过十亿美金,
Those markets expect a financial return, and they way you get a financial return is by squeezing and squeezing your users and your drivers for more and more value and giving that value to your investors. 市场期望获得经济回报, 而获得经济回报的方式, 就是不断不断地压榨 你的用户和司机, 获取更多的利润, 转移到投资者手中。
financial:adj.金融的;财政的,财务的; squeezing:v.挤压;捏;榨出,挤出,拧出;(squeeze的现在分词)
So the big question about the future of new power, in my view, is: 未来新势力的关键问题,在我看来,即:
Will that old power just emerge ? 旧势力会出现吗?
So will new power elites just become old power and squeeze ? 新势力的精英们
Or will that new power base bite back? 或者,新势力的基础会走回头路吗?
power base:n.(政治人物或政党的)权力基础;
Will the next big Uber be co-owned by Uber drivers? 下一个Uber 会由Uber的司机共同拥有吗?
And I think this going to be a very interesting structural question. 我认为,这会是一个很有趣的 结构层面上的问题。
Finally , think about new power being more than just an entity that scales things that make us have slightly better consumer experiences. 最后,新势力不只是 扩大事物的影响范围 让我们 拥有了更好的用户体验。
Finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; entity:n.实体;存在;本质; scales:n.规模范围; v.攀登; (scale的第三人称单数和复数) slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地;
My call to action for new power is to not be an island. 我对于新势力的呼吁是, 不要孤立。
We have major structural problems in the world today that could benefit enormously from the kinds of mass participation and peer coordination that these new power players know so well how to generate . 今天我们面临严重的结构性问题, 我们能从广泛参与和对等协调中 获益良多, 而广泛参与和对等协调对于 这些新势力的弄潮者来说 可谓轻车熟路。
enormously:adv.巨大地,庞大地;非常地,在极大程度上; generate:v.产生;引起;
And we badly need them to turn their energies and their power to big, what economists might call public goods problems, that are often beyond markets where investors can easily be found. 我们急需他们将能量和势力 转移到这些严重的问题上, 经济学家或许会称其为公共财产问题, 这些问题通常远在市场之外, 投资者不会轻易发现。
And I think if we can do that, we might be able to fundamentally change not only human beings' sense of their own agency and power — because I think that's the most wonderful thing about new power, is that people feel more powerful — but we might also be able to change the way we relate to each other and the way we relate to authority and institutions . 我认为,如果我们能做到这一点, 我们或许不仅能从根本上改变 人们对于其自身能力的看法—— 因为,我认为这是对于新势力而言最美好的事情, 即人们感觉自身势力更强大—— 或许还能改变 我们与他人之间相处的方式, 与权贵和机构来往的方式。
fundamentally:adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地 agency:n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处; authority:n.权威;权力;当局; institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数)
And to me, that's absolutely worth trying for. 对于我而言, 这完全值得努力去争取。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢你们。
(Applause) (掌声)