

I can't help but with this wish to think about when you're a little kid and you -- all your friends ask you if a genie could ask -- give you one wish in the world, what would it be? 我禁不住会想起在我小时候 我的朋友们问我,如果神仙 给你一个愿望,你的愿望会是什么。
And I always answered, "Well, I'd want the wish to know -- have the wisdom to know exactly what to wish for." 我回答道:“好吧,我希望 可以准确的知道该许什么愿。”
Well, then you'd be screwed because you'd know what to wish for and you'd use up your wish. 然后你就搞砸了,因为你知道你想要什么的同时 也用掉了唯一一个愿望。
And now, since we only have one wish -- unlike last year they had three wishes -- 那么现在,因为我们只有一个愿望可以实现而并非像去年那样有三个,
I'm not going to wish for that. 所以我不会这么许愿的。
So let's get to what I would like, which is world peace. 我要告诉大家我希望世界和平。
And I know what you're thinking. 我知道你们在想什么。
You're thinking, the poor girl up there -- she thinks she's at a beauty pageant . 你们在想,台上那个可怜的女孩 她以为她在选美大赛啊。
She's not. She's at the TED Prize. 她不是,她在TED大会上。
But I -- so -- but I really do think it makes sense, and I think that the first step to world peace is for people to meet each other. 但是我-这个愿望-但是我真的认为这依然有意义, 我认为迈向世界和平的第一步就是大家应该相见。
I've met a lot of different people over the years and I've filmed some of them -- from a dot-com executive in New York that wanted to take over the world to a military press officer in Qatar that would rather not take over the world. 这些年我见了许多各色各样的人, 而且我也拍摄了其中一部分 一个在纽约的网络行政部门想要接管世界 而在卡塔尔的军方发言人 却不愿意这么做
dot-com:n.网络公司;商业域名; executive:n.管理人员; adj.经营管理的; take over:接管;继承;接收;接任;接替; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; press officer:n.新闻发言人;新闻发布官;新闻局长; would rather:宁愿,宁可;
If you've seen the film "Control Room" that was sent out, you'd understand a little bit why. Thank you. 如果你看过《控制室》这部电影的话 你就会对它有些了解。谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Wow! Some of you watched it. 哇!有人看过它。
That's great. That's great. 太棒了,真是太棒了。
So basically what I'd like to talk about today is a way for people to travel, to meet people in a different way than -- because you can't travel all over the world at the same time . 所以从根本上来说我今天要谈的是 用一种独特的办法让人们去旅行 去从其它途径了解别人 因为你不可能在很短的时间内游遍整个世界。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
And a long time ago -- well, about 40 years ago, my mom had an exchange student. 在很久以前--呃,大概是四十年前吧 我妈妈有一个交换学生
And I'm going to show you slides of the exchange student. 我来给大家看看这几张名交换学生的照片
This is Donna. 这是唐娜
This is Donna at the Statue of Liberty . 这是她在自由女神像旁
Statue of Liberty:n.(美国纽约港的)自由女神像;
This is my mother and aunt teaching Donna how to ride a bike. 这是我妈妈与我姑母在教唐娜如何骑自行车
This is Donna eating ice cream. 这是唐娜在吃冰激凌
And this is Donna teaching my aunt how to do a Filipino dance. 这是唐纳在教我姑母跳菲律宾舞蹈
Now I really think as the world is getting smaller, it becomes more and more important that we learn each other's dance moves, that we meet each other, we get to know each other, we are able to figure out a way to cross borders, 现在我真的认为世界越来越小 而且越来越重要的是要学习他人的舞蹈步伐 这样我们彼此相见时更容易相互了解 我们要能找出一种方法来跨越边界
to understand each other, to understand people's hopes and dreams, what makes them laugh and cry. 来互相了解,来理解人们的希望与梦想 什么让他们哭,什么让他们笑
And I know that we can't all do exchange programs, and I can't force everybody to travel. 我知道我们不可能都参与交换计划 而且我也不能强制让每个人都去旅行
I've already talked about that to Chris and Amy, and they said that there's a problem with this. 这些我都跟克里斯和艾米说过 他们说有一个问题
You can't force people of free will , and I totally support that. 就是你不能强迫别人违背自己的自由意愿,我完全同意这点
free will:n.自由意志;
So we're not forcing people to travel. 所以我们不是要强迫别人去旅行
But I'd like to talk about another way to travel that doesn't require a ship or an airplane , and just requires a movie camera, a projector and a screen. 但是我想说说另外一种 不需要飞机或轮船的旅行 这仅仅需要一个摄像机,一个放映机和一个屏幕
airplane:n.飞机; projector:n.[仪]投影仪;放映机;探照灯;设计者;
And that's what I'm going to talk to you about today. 这就是我今天要谈的
I was asked that I speak a little bit about where I personally come from, and Cameron, I don't know how you managed to get out of that one, but I think that building bridges is important to me because of where I come from. 有人要求我谈一下 我的出身 卡梅隆,我不知道你是怎么过来的 但我认为构建桥梁对我来说很重要 因为我的出身
I'm the daughter of an American mother and an Egyptian Lebanese Syrian father. 我的母亲是美国人 而我父亲具有埃及、黎巴嫩和叙利亚的混合血统
Lebanese:adj.黎巴嫩的;n.黎巴嫩人; Syrian:adj.叙利亚的;叙利亚人的;叙利亚语的;n.叙利亚人;叙利亚语;
So I'm the living product of two cultures coming together. 所以我是两种不同文化的混合产物
No pun intended . 并非刻意的双关
pun:n.双关语;v.使用双关语 intended:adj.预定的;计划的;v.打算;计划;想要;(intend的过去分词和过去式)
And I've also been called -- as an Egyptian Lebanese Syrian American with a Persian name -- the Middle East Peace Crisis . 我被称作是 拥有伊朗名字而带有埃及、黎巴嫩和叙利亚混合血统的美国人 (戏称)中东和平危机
Persian:n.波斯人;波斯语;adj.波斯的;波斯人的;波斯语的; Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部); Crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
So maybe me starting to take pictures was some kind of way to bring both sides of my family together, a way to take the worlds with me, a way to tell stories visually . 所以可能我开始拍电影就是 为了将我的家庭结合在一起 让我可以与世界相伴,让我可以通过视觉告诉人们一些故事
It all kind of started that way, but I think that I really realized the power of the image when I first went to the garbage-collecting village in Egypt. 大概就是这么开始的吧 但我真正认识到画面的力量 那是我第一次去埃及的一个垃圾回收村
When I was about 16, my mother took me there. 那是我大概16岁,我妈妈带我去那里
She's somebody that believes strongly in community service and decided that this was something that I needed to do and so I went there and I met some amazing women there. 她特别相信社区服务带来的好处 所以她决定让我也去做一些需要的事 所以我去了那里,我见到了一些令人惊讶的女人
community service:n.社区服务(自愿或因受法庭惩罚的无偿劳动);
There were people who -- there was a center there where they were teaching people how to read and write and get vaccinations against the many diseases you can get from sorting through garbage . 那群人是--那里有一个中心 她们在那儿教人们读书与写字 并给他们接种疫苗来预防 捡垃圾带来的疾病
vaccinations:n.接种疫苗;种痘; diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; garbage:n.垃圾;废物;
And I began to start teaching there. 然后我也开始在那里教书
I taught English, and I met some incredible women there. 我教他们英语,同时我也见到了一些令人敬佩的女人
I met people that live seven people to a room, barely can afford their evening meal, yet live with this strength of spirit and sense of humor . 他们七个人拥挤在一间房子里 仅仅能吃上一顿晚饭 他们能够生存下来不只是因为她们坚强的精神和幽默感
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; humor:n.幽默;心情;情绪;脾气;v.迎合;迁就;
And just incredible qualities. 还因为她们崇高的品格
I got drawn into this community and I began to take pictures there. 我被这里所吸引,我开始拍摄这里
I took pictures of weddings and older family members, things that they wanted memories of. 我拍摄他们的婚礼,老人们 一些他们想记忆的事物
About two years after I started taking these pictures, the Cairo Conference on -- UN Conference on Population and Development asked me to show them at the conference. 大概在我开始拍摄的两年后 开罗会议,就是联合国关于人口与发展的大会上 他们请求我在会议上展示这些画面
Cairo:开罗(埃及首都) Conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会)
So I was 18, I was very excited. 那时我18岁,我很激动
It was my first exhibit of photographs and they were all put up there, and after about two days, they all came down except for three. 那是我的处女摄影展,照片都被摆在了那里 两天后只有三张保留了下来
People were very upset , very angry that I was showing these dirty sides of Cairo, and why didn't I cut the dead donkey out of the frame ? 人们看到我展示的开罗肮脏的另一面 感到非常不安与生气 同时疑问为什么不能去掉照片中的死驴?
upset:adj.沮丧; v.打乱; n.苦恼; (意外的)混乱; donkey:n.毛驴;傻瓜;[动]驴;(非正式)笨蛋; frame:n.框架; v.设计; adj.有木架的;
And as I sat there, I got very depressed . 而我坐在那里,感到非常沮丧
depressed:adj.沮丧的; v.使抑郁; (depress的过去式和过去分词)
I looked at this big empty wall with, you know, three lonely photographs that were, you know, very pretty photographs and I was like, I failed at this. 我看着这个显得很空荡的大墙上,你知道的 仅仅有三张照片 我也喜欢美丽的照片,但我做不到
But I was looking at this intense emotion and intense feeling that had come out of people just seeing these photographs. 但是我看到了人们看到照片后 所表现出来的真切的表情与感觉
intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; emotion:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;
I mean, here I was, this 18-year-old pipsqueak that nobody listened to, and all of a sudden I put these photographs on the wall and there were arguments, and they had to be taken down. 我的意思是,我,一个十八岁的小屁孩,没人会在乎我说什么 但是突然间,我把所有照片放在墙上 就引来了争议,而且他们一定会记住了这一切
pipsqueak:n.矮小的人;小人物; all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
And I just saw the power of the image. 我看到了影像的力量
And it was incredible. 这力量让人难以置信
And I think the most important reaction that I saw there was actually people that would never have gone to the garbage village themselves, that would never have seen that the human spirit could thrive in such difficult circumstances . 我认为我得到的最重要的启示是 人们确实不会亲自去垃圾回收村看一看 见证在如此恶劣的环境下 人性依然辉煌
reaction:n.反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用; thrive:v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达; circumstances:n.情况;环境;情形;(circumstance的复数)
And I think it was at that point that I decided that I wanted to use photography and film to somehow bridge gaps , to bridge cultures, bring people together, cross borders. 我想这就是我决定用影像 记录的意义所在 消除代沟,文化交流,人们彼此沟通,跨越国境
photography:n.摄影;摄影术; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; gaps:n.差异,缺口;缝隙(gap的复数形式);v.裂开;使豁裂(gap的第三人称单数形式);
And so that's what really kind of started me off. 所以这可能才是我开始用影像记录的缘由吧
Did a stint at MTV, made a film called Startup.com, and then in about 2000 and -- I've done a couple of music films -- but in 2003, when the war in Iraq was about to start, 我在MTV工作过一段时间,拍了一部叫做“Startup.com”电影 然后大概是在2000年,我做了一些音乐电影 但是在2003年,伊拉克战争爆发后
stint:n.节约;定额,定量;v.节省;限制;紧缩,节省; was about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将;
I felt -- it was a very surreal feeling for me because before the war started, there was kind of this media war that was going on. 我感到,有一些异样 因为在战争开始前媒体大战已经开始了
surreal:adj.超现实主义的;离奇的;不真实的; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
And I was watching television in New York and there seemed to be just one point of view that was coming across, and it went from -- the coverage went from the U.S. State Department to embedded troops 我在纽约看电视报道 好像关于这件事只有一个观点 它到处传播 这些关于美国出兵伊拉克而人们会怎么样的新闻
point of view:观点;见地;立场; coverage:n.覆盖,覆盖范围; State Department:n.(美国)国务院; embedded:adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式);
and what people were -- what was coming across on the news was that there was going to be this clean war and precision bombings , and the Iraqis would be greeting the Americans as liberators and throwing flowers at their feet in the streets of Baghdad . 从新闻中获得的消息都在说 这是一场正义的战争,有精确制导武器 而伊拉克人民会夹道欢迎,把美国人当做解放者 在巴格达的街道旁向他们送上鲜花
precision:n.精度,[数]精密度;精确;adj.精密的,精确的; bombings:n.[军]轰炸,[军]投弹;v.轰击;引爆炸弹(bomb的ing形式); Iraqis:adj.伊拉克的;伊拉克人的;n.伊拉克人; liberators:n.解放者;释放者; Baghdad:n.巴格达(伊拉克首都);
And I knew that there was a completely other story that was taking place in the Middle East where my parents were. 而我知道在我父母所处的中东 却有一个完全不同的版本
I knew that there was a completely other story being told, and I was thinking, how are people supposed to communicate with each other when they're getting completely different messages and nobody knows what the other's being told? 我就会想,接受了完全不同的信息的人们 如何沟通 而且是在没人知道他人获得的是 什么信息的情况下?
How are people supposed to have any kind of common understanding or know how to move together into the future? 在将来人们如何拥有共识 或者是怎样友好相处?
So I knew that I had to go there. 所以我觉得我必须去那里
I just wanted to be in the center. 我只想去事件发生地去亲临体验
I had no plan. I had no funding . 我没有计划,没有资金支持
I didn't even have a camera at the time. 那时我甚至没有一台摄影机
I had somebody bring it there because I wanted to get access to Al Jazeera, 必须有人带我去 因为我想去半岛电视台
George Bush's favorite channel and a place which I was very curious about because it's disliked by many governments across the Arab world and also called the mouthpiece of Osama Bin Laden by some people in the U.S. government. 那是乔治·布什最喜爱的频道 我对那里很好奇 因为许多阿拉伯国家的政府很不喜欢他们 同时它也被许多美国政府官员称为 是奥萨马本拉登的发言人
curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的; mouthpiece:n.喉舌;代言人;送话口; Laden:adj.负载的; vt.装载(等于lade); vi.装载(等于lade); v.装载(lade的过去分词);
So I was thinking, you know, this station that's hated by so many people has to be doing something right. 所以我在想,你知道,这个被许多人厌恶的电视台 或多或少会做一些正确的事
I've got to go see what this is all about. 我要去看看那是什么
And I also wanted to go see Central Command, which was 10 minutes away, and that way 同时我也想看看中央司令部 距离电视台仅有十分钟路程
I could get access to how this news was being created on the Arab side reaching the Arab world, and on the U.S. and Western side reaching the U.S. 通过这段路我也可以了解到 新闻是如何在阿拉伯世界制造并传播 而在美国和西方又是怎样制造与传播的
And when I went there and sat there, and met these people that were in the center of it and sat with these characters, 当我到了那里并坐下时 我见到了电视台的核心工作人员 跟他们座谈时
I met some surprising, very complex people. 我遇到了一些令人惊讶并且很复杂的人们
And I'd like to share with you a little bit of that experience of when you sit with somebody and you film them, and you listen to them, and you allow them more than a five-second sound bite , the amazing complexity of people emerge . 在这里我跟你们分享一下我的经历 当你坐下与他们交谈,拍摄他们,倾听他们 并且允许他们不必用一些短小精辟的语言来谈话时 那么他们令人惊讶的复杂的一面就会显现出来
sound bite:(新闻采访的)原声摘要播出; complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势 emerge:v.浮现;显现;暴露;露出真相;
Sameer Khader: Business as usual . 萨摩尔克哈德(半岛电视台记者);跟平常一样
Business as usual:na.照常营业;
Iraq, and then Iraq, and then Iraq. 伊拉克,我在伊拉克呆过
But between us, if I'm offered a job with Fox, I'll take it. 但是在我们当中,如果福克斯给了我一份工作我一定会接受的
To change the Arab nightmare into the American dream . 将阿拉伯噩梦名为美国梦
nightmare:n.恶梦;梦魇般的经历;adj.可怕的;噩梦似的; American dream:n.美国梦(美国人传统的价值观和社会标准,如民主、权利平等和财富);
I still have that dream. 我现在仍然有这个想法
Maybe I will never be able to do it. 或许我永远也没有机会去实现它
But I have plans for my children. 但我为我的孩子设计好了将来
When they finish their high school I will send them to America to study there. 当他们完成高中学业后我就会把他们送往美国
I will pay for their study. 我会为他们支付学费
And they will stay there. 他们将会留在那里
Josh Rushing: The night they showed the POWs and the dead soldiers -- 约什拉辛(美国新闻发言官):那晚他们公开了战俘与死去的士兵
Al Jazeera showed them -- it was powerful because America doesn't show those kinds of images . 半岛电视台公开的 太震惊了
Most of the news in America won't show really gory images and this showed American soldiers in uniform strewn about a floor, a cold tile floor. 因为美国从未展示过这些影像。许多美国新闻不会展示这些血腥的影像 这次展示了美国士兵穿着军装散布在地上 冰冷的瓷砖地板
gory:adj.血淋淋的;残酷的; uniform:adj.统一的;一致的;相同的;始终如一的;n.制服;v.使穿制服;使成一样; strewn:v.撒;散播(strew的过去分词);adj.撒满的;散播的; tile:n.地砖;瓦片;(棋盘游戏的)棋子;v.铺瓦;铺地砖;贴瓷砖;平铺显示;
And it was revolting . 这种做法很令人厌恶
It was absolutely revolting. 绝对令人厌恶
It made me sick to my stomach. 让我感到反胃
And then what hit me was, the night before, there had been some kind of bombing in Basra , and Al Jazeera had shown images of the people. 然后更让我吃惊的是,在前一夜 巴斯拉发生了几起爆炸事件 半岛电视台展示了那些影像
And they were equally if not more horrifying than the images were. 其令人震惊之程度并不逊于美军士兵的影像
And I remember having seen it in the Al Jazeera office and thought to myself, "Wow, that's gross . 我记得在半岛电视台办公室看完后 我心中想到,“哇,那真粗野
That's bad." 真是太坏了
And then going away, and probably eating dinner or something. 然后我就走了,或许还吃了顿晚饭或者其它什么
And it didn't affect me as much. 这并没有影响我太多
So -- the impact it had on me, me realizing that 所以--这件事对我最大的影响就是
I just saw people on the other side , and those people in the Al Jazeera office must have felt the way I was feeling that night. 我意识到当我看到另一对立面上 或者是半岛电视台的人们时 我的内心感受一定和那天晚上一样
on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
And it upset me on a profound level that I wasn't bothered as much the night before. 在一个更高的层次上看,我很沮丧 前夜的事并没有让我不能释怀
profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; bothered:adj.烦(恼)的; v.使(某人)烦恼;
It makes me hate war. 这让我憎恶战争
But it doesn't make me believe that we're in world that can live without war yet. 但这也并不能让我相信我们可以生活在一个没有战争的世界里
Jehane Noujaim: I was overwhelmed by the response of the film, for we didn't know whether it would be able to be able to get out there. 杰哈恩诺加伊姆:我对从这部影片得到的反馈无所适从 我们甚至不知道我们是否能离开那里
overwhelmed:v.受打击,压倒;淹没;(overwhelm的过去分词和过去式) response:n.响应;反应;回答;
We had no funding for it. 我们并没有专门的资金
We were incredibly lucky that it got picked up, and when we showed the film in both the United States and the Arab world we had such incredible reactions . 我们的好运气让我们得以继续 我们的电影在阿拉伯世界与美国上映后都获得了好评 看人们因为这部电影而感动
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) reactions:n.反应;回应;抗拒;生理反应;副作用(reaction的复数)
It was amazing to see how people were moved by this film. 感觉很棒
In the Arab world -- and it's not really by the film, it's by the characters. 在阿拉伯世界--并不是这部电影 而是电影中的人物感动了他们
I mean, Josh Rushing was this incredibly complex person who was thinking about things. 我的意思是,约什拉辛是个很复杂的人 他会去认真的想问题
And when I showed the film in the Middle East people said -- people wanted to meet Josh. 当我在中东放映这部电影时 人们都想见见约什本人
He kind of redefined us as an American population. 他从某种意义上重新定义了美国人
He -- people started to, you know, ask me, where is this guy now? 他--人们开始,你知道,问我,这小子现在在哪里?
Al Jazeera offered him a job. 半岛电视台给了他一份工作
And Sameer, you know, on the other hand , was also quite an interesting character for the Arab world to see, because it brought out the complexities of this love/hate relationship that the Arab world has with the West. 而萨莫尔,你知道的,另一方面 在阿拉伯世界看来也是很有趣的一个人物 因为他带出了阿拉伯世界与西方世界 爱恨交织的复杂关系
on the other hand:另一方面; complexities:n.复杂性(complexity的复数);错综复杂的事物;
In the United States, I was blown away by the motivations , the positive motivations of the American people when they'd see this film. 在美国,我对人们观看电影的动机印象深刻 美国人观看这部电影 的积极动机
blown away:轻轻吹走(歌曲名);零点爆破(电影名); motivations:n.动机(motivation的复数);表明动机; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
You know, we're criticized abroad for feeling like we're -- believing we're the saviors of the world in some way, but the flip side of it is that actually, when people do see what is happening abroad 众所周知,我们在国外饱受批评 我们感觉好像---相信我们是世界的拯救者 但另一面的真实情况却是 我们看到我们在国外的所作所为
criticized:v.批评;挑剔;指责;评论;评价;(criticize的过去式和过去分词) abroad:adv.在国外;到海外;adj.往国外的;n.海外;异国; saviors:n.救世主(电视剧名); the flip side:反面;
and people's reactions to some of our policy abroad, we feel this power that we need to -- we feel like we have to get the power to change things. 以及人们对我们国外政策的反应 我们就会感觉到需要一种力量 去改变
And I saw this with audiences. 我看到了观众的这一面
This woman came up to me after the screening and said, "You know, 一个女人在放映结束后找到我对我说:“你知道
I know this is crazy, I saw the bombs being loaded on the planes, 我知道这很疯狂,我看到了飞机上安置的炸弹
I saw the military going out to war. 我看到了部队参与战争
But you don't understand people's anger towards us until you see the people in the hospitals and the victims of the war, and how do we get out of this bubble ? 但你不会理解人们的愤怒 直到你看到医院中的人们和战争的受害者 我们怎样才能打破眼前的虚假泡沫?
How do we understand what the other person is thinking?" 我们怎么理解别人的想法?
Now, I don't know whether a film can change the world, but I know that it starts -- I know the power of it -- 现在我不知道是否真的可以用一部电影去改变世界 但是我知道它已经开始了
I know that it starts people thinking about how to change the world. 我知道它已经开始让人们思考如何改变世界了。
Now, I'm not a philosopher , so I feel like I shouldn't go into great depth on this but show you -- let film speak for itself and take you to this other world. 现在,我不是一个哲学家 所以我不认为我可以在一个更深刻的层次上来讲但我可以展示给你 让电影自己来叙述吧
philosopher:n.哲学家;深思的人;善于思考的人; speak for:要求得到;代表…讲话;
Because I believe that film has the ability to take you across borders. 带你走进那个世界。因为我相信电影可以跨越边界
I'd like you to just sit back and experience for a couple of minutes being taken into another world. 我想请大家坐好,开始体验一下 另一个世界
And these couple of clips take you inside of two of the most difficult conflicts that we are faced with today. 这些影像可以让你进入到 我们现今面临的两个最激烈的冲突之中去。
clips:n.夹子; v.夹住; conflicts:n.冲突; v.抵触;
Man 1: As long as there is injustice , someone must make a sacrifice ! 男人:忍受太长时间的不公平,现在必须有人牺牲。
As long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; injustice:n.不公正;不讲道义; sacrifice:n.牺牲;舍弃;祭献;祭祀;祭品;v.牺牲;献出;作祭献
Woman 1: That's no sacrifice, that's revenge ! 女人:这不是牺牲,这是复仇!
If you kill, there's no difference between victim and occupier . 女人:这不是牺牲,这是复仇!
victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者; occupier:n.居住人;占有者;占用者;
Man 1: If we had airplanes , we wouldn't need martyrs , that's the difference. 男人:如果我们有飞机,那我们就不需要殉道者,这就是区别。
airplanes:n.(美)[航]飞机(airplane的复数); martyrs:n.烈士;殉道者(martyr的复数);v.使殉难(martyr的第三人称单数形式);
Woman: The difference is that the Israeli military is still stronger. 女人:区别就是以色列军队还是更强。
Man: Then let us be equal in death. 男人:那就让我们在死亡面前平等些吧,
We still have Paradise . 男人:那就让我们在死亡面前平等些吧,
Woman: There is no Paradise! It only exists in your head! 女人:根本没有天堂!天堂只存在于你脑子之中。
Man: God forbid , God forbid! 男人:不要对上帝不敬,不要对上帝不敬!
May God forgive you. 愿上帝原谅你
If you were not Abu Azzam's daughter ... 愿上帝原谅你
Anyway, I'd rather have Paradise in my head than live in this hell! 无论如何,我宁愿在我心中有个天堂也不愿意生活在这个地狱
In this life, we're dead anyway. 这种生活,我们总会死的。
Man: One only chooses bitterness when the alternative is even bitterer. 男人:区别只是选择痛苦还是选择更痛苦而已。
bitterness:n.苦味;苦难;怨恨; alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择;
Woman: And what about us? The ones who remain? 女人:那我们怎么办?最后谁还活着?
Will we win that way? 我们这样会胜利吗?
Don't you see what you're doing is destroying us? 你还没意识到你所做的只会毁了我们大家吗?
And that you give Israel an alibi to carry on? 我们这样会胜利吗?
Man: So with no alibi, Israel will stop? 男人:难道没有借口,以色列就会停止战争吗?
Woman: Perhaps. We have to turn it into a moral war. 女人:或许会。我们必须将它转变为道义上的战争。
Man: How, if Israel has no morals ? 男人:怎么做?如果以色列没有道义呢?
Woman: Be careful! 女人:小心!
George: My wife Ayelet called me and said, "There was a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv." 乔治:我的妻子爱利特叫住我跟我说 特拉维夫发生了一起自杀炸弹爆炸事件。
Ayelet: What do you know about the casualties ? 爱利特:你了解那些受害人员的情况吗?
We're looking for three girls. 我们在寻找三个女孩。
George: We have no information 乔治:我们没有任何消息。
Ayelet: One is wounded here, but we haven't heard from the other three. 爱利特:有一个受伤了,但我们还没有受到另外三个女孩的消息。
wounded:adj.受伤的; n.伤员; v.使受伤; (wound的过去分词和过去式)
George: I said, "OK, that's Bat-Chen, that's my daughter." 乔治:我说“是的,那是拜辰,那是我女儿”
'"Are you sure she is dead?" 她死了吗?
They said yes. 他们说是的
Tzvika: On that day, at around 6:30 兹维卡:那天早上六点半左右
I was driving with my wife and daughters to the supermarket. 我开着车带着我的妻女去超市。
When we got to here ... 当我们到达那里时……
we saw three Israeli military jeeps parked on the side of the road. 我们看到三辆以色列军用吉普停在路边。
jeeps:n.吉普车; on the side of:拥护…;站在…一边;赞助;
When we passed by the first jeep ... 当我们经过第一辆吉普时……
they opened fire on us. 他们向我们开火了
And my 12-year-old daughter Christine was killed in the shooting. 我的女儿克里斯汀 被他们射杀了。
Tzvika: I am the headmaster for all parts. 被他们射杀了。
George: But there is a teacher that is in charge? 乔治:但是那里应该有一个教师负责的啊?
Tzvika: Yes, I have assistants. 兹维卡::是的,我有助手帮我
I deal with children all the time. 我一直在处理孩子的事情。
Tzvika: At first, I thought it was a strange idea. 我一直在处理孩子的事情。
But after thinking logically about it, 但是我冷静的思考之后
I didn't find any reason why not to meet them and let them know of our suffering. 但是我冷静的思考之后 让他们了解一下我们所遭受的
George: There were many things that touched me. 乔治:有许多事触动了我。
We see that there are Palestinians who suffered a lot, who lost children, and still believe in the peace process and in reconciliation . 我看到巴勒斯坦人也遭受了太多不幸,他们失去了孩子们 但仍然坚信和平进程,相信和解的希望。
peace process:n.和平进程; reconciliation:n.和解;调和;和谐;甘愿;
If we who lost what is most precious can talk to each other, and look forward to a better future, then everyone else must do so, too. 如果我们失去了生命中最珍贵的东西 我们仍要期盼一个更好的未来 然后我们所有人也要这么做
precious:adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的; look forward to:盼望,期待;
Man: Song is something that we communicated with people who otherwise would not have understood where we're coming from. 男人:歌曲是一个可以让别人不需要 了解我们的出身便可以交流的东西
You could give them a long political speech they would still not understand. 可以给他讲一篇没人能理解的 政治演讲
But I tell you, when you finish that song, people will be like, " Damn , I know where you niggaz are coming from. 但是我告诉你,当你唱完一首歌 人们会喜欢上,“该死,我知道你们这些黑鬼来自哪里。
I know where you guys are coming from. 我知道你们这些小子来自哪里
Death unto apartheid !" 到死都被种族隔离
unto:prep.到,直到;向(等于to); apartheid:n.种族隔离;
Narrator : It's about the liberation struggle ... 那若特:这是关于解放抗争……
Narrator:n.讲述者;(电视节目中的)幕后解说员;旁白员; liberation:n.释放,解放;
It's about those children who took to the streets, fighting, screaming, "Free Nelson Mandela!" 是孩子们走上街头抗争 呐喊,“释放尼尔森曼德拉
It's about those unions who put down their tools and demanded freedom. 是他们结成联盟进行罢工并 要求自由
Yes. Yes! 是的,是的
Freedom! 自由
Jehane Noujaim: I think everybody's had that feeling of sitting in a theater, in a dark room with other strangers, watching a very powerful film, and they felt that feeling of transformation . 杰哈恩诺加伊姆:我认为每个人在剧院都有这样一种感觉,在黑漆漆的 充满陌生人的空间中,观看一部极具震撼力的电影, 心灵得到升华
And what I'm talking about is -- what I'd like to talk about is how can we use that feeling to actually create a movement through film? 这就是我要谈论的-- 我们如何通过电影感染人们 并使其真正行动起来?
There's a -- I mean, I've been listening to the talks in some of the conference, and Robert Wright said yesterday that if we have an appreciation for another person's humanity , then they will have an appreciation for ours. 我这些天在听演讲 昨天罗伯特·莱特说 如果我们曾对另一些人的品性表示感激与欣赏 那么他们也会感激与欣赏我们自己的
Wright:n.制作者;工人; appreciation:n.升值;欣赏;感谢;增值; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
And that's what this is about. 这就是今天演讲的核心所在
It's about connecting people through film, getting these independent voices out there. 告诉大家我们可以通过电影将人们联系起来 帮助这些人发出他们的声音
independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等);
Now Josh Rushing actually ended up leaving the military and taking a job with Al Jazeera, so his feeling is that he's on Al Jazeera International because he feels like he can actually use media to bridge the gap between East and West. 现在约什拉辛已经结束了军队生涯 开始在半岛电视台工作 所以他的感受可以在半岛电视台展示 因为他确实在用媒体来 沟通东方与西方
And that's an amazing thing. 这是一件伟大的事
But I've been trying to think about ways to give power to these independent voices, to give power to the filmmakers , to give power to people who are trying to use film for change. 但是我在想如何放大那些 孤立个体的声音 为制片人带来力量 给那些希望用电影来改变的人们以帮助
And there are incredible organizations that are out there doing this already. 而现在也确实有一些令人敬佩的组织 正在尝试这些的努力
There's Witness , that you heard from earlier. 较早的有“见证者”
There's Just Vision , that are working with Palestinians and Israelis who are working together for peace, and documenting that process and getting interviews out there and using this film 还有让巴勒斯坦人与以色列人一起为了和平而工作的 正义视觉 巴以人在一起为了和平而努力,他们用影像记录这过程 他们一起记录,进行采访
Vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见; Israelis:以色列人,以色列国民(Israeli的名词复数); interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);
to take to Congress to show that it's a powerful tool, to show that this is a woman who's had her daughter killed in an attack, and she believes that there are peaceful ways to solve this. 并且要拿到议会去,展现影像的力量 一名母亲在冲突中失去一个女儿 她相信有别的办法可以解决这个问题
There's Working Films and there's Current TV, which is an incredible platform for people around the world to be able to put their -- yes, I mean, it's amazing. 还有“工作电影”与“现在电视” 这些不可思议的平台为全世界的人们 提供的舞台--是的,我的意思是,这很令人惊讶。
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
I watched it and I'm just -- I'm blown away by it and its potential to bring voices from around the world, independent voices from around the world, and create a truly democratic , global television. 我关注着这些,而且我被这些震撼住了 它有向全世界宣传的潜力 让全世界孤立个体的声音可以被人们听到 并最终创建一个真正的全球的民主电视。
potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
So what can we do to create a platform for these organizations, to create some momentum , to get everybody in the world involved in this movement? 所以为了给这些组织创造一个平台 一些动力 让全世界的人们参与到这项活动中来,我们可以做些什么呢?
momentum:n.势头;[物]动量;动力;冲力; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
I'd like for us to imagine for a second -- imagine a day when you have everyone coming together from around the world. 大家不妨想象一下--想象有一天 你可以聚集全世界的人们
You have towns and villages and theaters all from around the world getting together, and sitting in the dark, and sharing a communal experience of watching a film, or a couple of films, together. 在所有的村庄、城镇和剧院里 坐在一片黑暗中 在一部或几部影片中 一起产生共鸣
theaters:n.影剧院,剧院(theater复数); communal:adj.公共的;公社的;
Watching a film which maybe highlights a character that is fighting to live, or just a character that defies stereotypes , makes a joke, sings a song. 大家在看同一部电影 电影可能是描述一个主人翁为了求生存的斗争 或者是记录了一位破除刻板印象的人物 逗笑大家,唱首歌
highlights:n.拔萃,集锦; v.使突出(highlight的三单形式); defies:vt.藐视;公然反抗;挑衅;使落空;n.挑战;对抗; stereotypes:n.模式化观念(或形象); v.对…形成模式化(或类型化)的看法; (stereotype的第三人称单数和复数)
Comedies , documentaries, shorts. 喜剧,纪录片,短片
This amazing power can be used to change people and to bond people together, to cross borders and have people feel like they're having a communal experience. 这份力量可以让人们改变 和连结大家,跨越边界 让人们拥有一些共同的体验
So if you imagine this day when all around the world you have theaters from around the world and places where we project films. 所以如果你想象到了世界各地 处处都有电影院并且在上映我们的电影的那一天
If you imagine from -- projecting from Times Square to Tahir Square in Cairo, the same film in Ramallah, the same film in Jerusalem . 想象一下 从时代广场到开罗的泰尔广场 在拉马尔哈,在耶路撒冷,同样的电影在上映
You know, we could even use -- we've been talking to a friend of mine about using the side of the Great Pyramid and the Great Wall of China. 你们都知道,我们甚至可以使用--我们甚至与一些朋友讨论 可以在金字塔与 长城上放映
There's -- it's endless what you can imagine, in terms of where you can project films and where you can have this communal experience. 有太多你可以想象的东西 只要是你放映电影的地方 可以引起共鸣
And I believe that this one day, if we can create it, this one day can create momentum for all of these independent voices. 相信总有那么一天,如果我们可以创造的话 那一天可以赋予所有孤立个体以话语权
There isn't a place -- there isn't an organization which is connecting the independent voices of the world to get out there, and yet I'm hearing throughout this conference 但是现在还没有一个地方-- 没有一个组织来连结 世界各地的这些个体的声音 但我从这个会上听到的是
that the biggest danger in our future is [lack of] understanding the other and having mutual respect for the other and crossing borders. 未来最大的威胁就是理解别国的人们的想法 并且互相尊重
And if film can do that, and if we can get all of these different locations in the world to watch these films together, this could be an incredible day. 如果电影可以做到这些的话 如果我们可以让世界各地的人们 一起来观看这些电影的话,那将是多么伟大的一天啊
So we've already made a partnership actually, set up through a TED -- somebody from the TED community, 所以我们已经开始有了一些合作伙伴,通过TED 来自TED社区的一些人
John Camen, introduced me to 约翰卡门,把我介绍给了
Steven Apkon, from the Jacob Burns Film Center. 史蒂夫阿普康,他来自雅克布伯恩电影中心
And we started calling up everybody. 然后我们开始召集人员
And in the last week, there have been so many people that have responded to us from as close as Palo Alto to Mongolia and to India. 就在上个星期,非常多的人对我们的行动表示支持 帕尔奥多到蒙古到印度我们收到了许多积极的反馈
responded:v.回答,回应;作出反应;响应;反应灵敏;(respond的过去式和过去分词) Alto:n.女低音;男声最高音;中音乐器;adj.中音部的;
There are people that want to be a part of this global day of film, to be able to provide a platform for independent voices and independent films to get out there. 许多人都想参与到电影全球日来 去为独立个体表达意见和独立电影发布 而提供一个平台
Now, we've thought about a name for this day and I'd like to share this with you. 现在,我们在为这一天起了一个名字 在这里我与大家分享
Now, the most amazing part of this whole process has been sharing ideas and wishes, and so I invite you to give brainstorms onto how do the -- how does this day echo into the future? 现在,这个计划最激动人心的部分 就是分享点子与愿望 我邀请大家来一起做头脑风暴,想一想该如何 如何让这一天在未来产生长久影响力
brainstorms:n.集思广益; vt.集体讨论; vi.集体讨论; echo:vt.反射;重复;vi.随声附和;发出回声;n.回音;效仿;
How do we use technology to make this day echo into the future, so that we can build community and have these communities working together, through the Internet? 我们该怎样用技术来让这一天影响未来 建设相关的社区 让他们借由网络通力合作?
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
There was a day -- there was a time, many many years ago, when all of the continents were stuck together. 曾经有一天--有一段时间,许多年以前 大陆仍然在一起
And we called that landmass Pangea. 我们叫它盘古大陆
So what we'd like to call this day of film is Pangea Cinema Day. 所以我们命名这一天为盘古电影日
And if you just imagine that all of these people in these towns would be watching, then I think that we can actually really make a movement towards people understanding each other better. 如果你能想象到 人们在各地都会观看的话 那么我认为我们确实可以制造这么一场运动 让人们更好的理解彼此
I know that it's very intangible , touching people's hearts and souls, but the only way that I know how to do it, the only way that I know how to reach out to somebody's heart and soul all across the world is by showing them a film. 我知道去触动人们的心灵与灵魂存在太多的不确定性 但是我知道的完成这个任务的 唯一方法就是 去给他们放映一部电影以触动他们的心灵与灵魂
intangible:adj.无形的,触摸不到的;难以理解的; heart and soul:全心全意地;
And I know that there are independent filmmakers and films out there that can really make this happen. 我知道有许多独立电影工作者在放映电影 并且确实可以做到这些
And that's my wish. 这就是我的愿望
So I guess I'm supposed to give you my one sentence wish, but we're way out of time. 所以我猜你们已经了解到我的这个愿望了 但是我们现在时间不多了。
Chris Anderson: That is an incredible wish. 克里斯安德森:真是一个伟大的愿望
Pangea Cinema -- the day the world comes together. 盘古电影--全世界聚在一起的那一天
JN: It's more tangible than world peace, and it's certainly more immediate. 这个比世界和平更为具体,而且会更快实现。
But it would be the day that the world comes together through film, the power of film. 那将会是世界通过电影聚集在一起的一天 共同感受电影的力量
CA: Ladies and gentlemen, Jehane Noujaim. 女士们,先生们,感谢耶菡·妮珍儿