

I've actually been waiting by the phone for a call from TED for years. 其实我一直在电话旁边等着 TED给我打电话,这么多年
And in fact, in 2000, I was ready to talk about eBay ... but no call. 2000年我准备好讲eBay......但是没有电话
In 2003 I was ready to do a talk about the Skoll Foundation and social entrepreneurship . No call. 2003年我准备了一个讲演 关于“Skoll基金会”和“社会创业”。没有电话。
Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; entrepreneurship:n.企业家精神;
In 2004 I started Participant Productions and we had a really good first year, and no call. 2004年我创立了“参与者制作公司” 而且第一年我们成绩卓著,还是没有电话
And finally I get a call last year, and then I have to go up after J.J. Abrams . 到了去年我终于接到了一个电话 可是我又得排在J.J. Abrams 后面
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; Abrams:n.艾布拉姆斯(公司名称);
(Laughter) (笑声)
You've got a cruel sense of humor , TED. TED的幽默感很残酷
(Laughter) (笑声)
When I first moved to Hollywood from Silicon Valley , 我最初从硅谷来到好莱坞时
Silicon Valley:n.硅谷(美国加利福尼亚州一处计算机和电子公司聚集地,有时用以指任何计算机公司聚集地);
I had some misgivings . 心理面又很多疑惑 15 00:00:44,000 --> 00:00:47,000 但我发现在好莱坞有很多好处
But I found that there were some advantages to being in Hollywood. 但我发现在好莱坞有很多好处
advantages:n.有利条件; v.有利于;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And, in fact, some advantages to owning your own media company. 拥有自己的传媒公司也有其好处
And I also found that Hollywood and Silicon Valley have a lot more in common than I would have dreamed. 我还发现好莱坞和硅谷 比我想象的具备更多相通之处
Hollywood has its sex symbols , and the Valley has its sex symbols. 好莱坞有它的性感标志,硅谷也有它的性感标志
(Laughter) (笑声)
Hollywood has its rivalries , and the Valley has its rivalries. 好莱坞有它的对手们,硅谷也有自己的对手们
Hollywood gathers around power tables, and the Valley gathers around power tables. 好莱坞有自己的“权力圆桌” 硅谷有“桌面足球”
So it turned out there was a lot more in common, than I -- than I would have dreamed. 所以这两者有很多共同之处 比我想象的多很多
But I'm actually here today to tell a story. 但我今天在这里要讲述一个故事
And part of it is a personal story. When Chris invited me to speak, he said people think of you as a -- a bit of an enigma , and they want to know what drives you a bit. 一部分是关于我个人的故事。当Chris邀请我演讲的时候, 他说人们觉得我--有点捉摸不透 他们想知道我的动力是什么
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; enigma:n.谜,不可思议的东西;
And what really drives me is -- is a vision of the future that I think we all share. 我真正的动力是--一个关于未来的设想 对我们所有人都有意义
It's a world of peace and prosperity and sustainability . 一个和平繁荣和可持续的世界
prosperity:n.繁荣,成功; sustainability:n.持续性;永续性;能维持性;
And when we -- when we heard a lot of the presentations , over the last couple of days, 我们听过那么多演讲 在过去的几天里
Ed Wilson and the pictures of James Nachtwey, 有艾德·威尔逊和詹姆斯·那希维的照片
I think we all realized how far we have to go to get to this new version of humanity that I like to call "Humanity 2.0." 大家都看到了 去实现人类的下一次“飞跃”的距离 我把它称为 “人类2.0”
And it's also something that resides in each of us, to close what I think are the are the two big calamities in the world today. 这是存在于我们每个人内心的愿望 去纠正 当今世界上两个最大的错误
resides:居住;存在; calamities:灾害;
One is the gap in opportunity -- this gap that President Clinton last night called uneven , unfair and unsustainable -- and out of that comes poverty and illiteracy and disease and all these evils that we see around us. 一是“机会鸿沟” 这也是昨晚克林顿总统 所说的“不平等,不公正和不可持续”的鸿沟 这又滋生了贫穷,文盲,疾病 和我们身边的一切罪恶
gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开; uneven:adj.不均匀的;不平坦的;[数]奇数的; unsustainable:adj.无法支撑的;不可证实的;不能成立的; poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; illiteracy:n.文盲;无知; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
But perhaps the other bigger gap is what we call the hope gap. 然而更大的那个鸿沟也许是我们所谓的“希望鸿沟”
And someone at some point came up with this very bad idea that an ordinary individual couldn't make a difference in the world. 不知道哪里出来的这种坏思想 说普通人不可能对世界产生任何影响
individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; make a difference:有影响,有关系;
And I think that's just a horrible thing. 我觉这种想法很可怕
And so Chapter One really begins today, with all of us, because within each of us is the power to equal those opportunity gaps and to close the hope gaps. 所以第一章从今天开始,从我们开始 因为我们每个人都有能力 填平“机会鸿沟”和“希望鸿沟”
And if the men and women of TED can't make a difference in the world, I don't know who can. 如果连TED的人们 都无法改变这世界,不知还有谁能
And for me, a lot of this started when I was younger and my family used to go camping in upstate New York. 对于我,这一切始于幼年时代 家人常常去纽约州北部露营
And there really wasn't much to do there for the summer, except get beaten up by my sister or read books. 那儿的夏天实在是无所事事, 除了被我姐姐暴打,或者读书
And so I used to read authors like James Michener and James Clavell and Ayn Rand . 我那时阅读的作者有詹姆斯·米切内 詹姆斯·克拉维尔和安·兰顿
And their stories made the world seem a very small and interconnected place. 在他们的故事里世界是一个狭小的 而又相互关联的地方
And it struck me that if I could write stories that were about this world as being small and interconnected, that maybe I could get people interested in the issues that affected us all. And maybe engage them to make a difference. 我当时想如果我能写点儿东西 描述这个世界的狭小与相互关联 也许能激发人们对那些影响我们的事情感兴趣 一起行动起来促进变革
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;
I didn't think that was necessarily the best way to make a living , so I decided to go on a path to become financially independent , so I could write these stories as quickly as I could. 我知道那并非谋生的最佳手段 因此我决定先走上寻求财务自由之路 以便能尽早写出这些故事
necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地; make a living:谋生,维持生活; financially:adv.财政上;金融上; independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等);
I then had a bit of a wake-up call when I was 14. 到了14岁的时候有件事对我影响很大
wake-up call:叫醒电话;叫醒服务;警钟;唤醒服务;
And my dad came home one day and announced that he had cancer and it looked pretty bad. 一天我父亲回到家 跟我说他患了癌症,情况很糟
And what he said was, he wasn't so much afraid that he might die, but that he hadn't done the things that he wanted to with his life. 他说他害怕的不是死亡 而是他还没有完成那些他想做的事情
And knock on wood , he's still alive today, many years later. 老天保佑,许多年后的今天他仍然活着
knock on wood:敲木头,企求好运;吉人天相;
But for a young man that made a real impression on me: that one never knows how much time one really has. 但对一个年轻人来说那是个刻骨铭心的经历 一个人永远都无法知道你还有多少时间
So I set out in a hurry. I studied engineering . 因此我有了很强烈的紧迫感,我学了工程专业
I started a couple of businesses that I thought would be the ticket to financial freedom. 我创立了几家个公司 我想那会给我带来财务上的自由
One of those businesses was a computer rental business called Micros on the Move , which is very well-named, because people kept stealing the computers. 其中有一个公司做的是电脑租赁生意 名叫移动微米 这是个很贴切的名字 因为有人不断地偷电脑
rental:n.租金收入,租金;租赁;adj.租赁的;收取租金的; Micros:n.[计]微指令(micro复数形式); on the Move:在活动中,在进行中;四处奔波;
(Laughter) (大笑)
So I figured I needed to learn a little bit more about business, so I went to Stanford Business School and studied there. 我想我得多学学怎么做生意 我就去了斯坦福商学院
Business School:n.(大学里针对毕业生的)工商学院;
And while I was there I made friends with a fellow named Pierre Omidyar, who is here today. And Pierre, I apologize for this -- this is a photo from the old days. 在那儿我结识了一个朋友 名叫皮埃尔·欧米得亚,他今天到场了。皮埃尔,我向你致歉 这是一张很久以前的照片
And just after I'd graduated, Pierre came to me and -- with this idea to help people buy and sell things online with each other. 就在我刚刚毕业的时候,皮埃尔来找我 他有一个想法 可以帮助人们在网上买卖东西
And with the wisdom of my Stanford degree, 带着斯坦福学位赋予我的智慧
I said, "Pierre, what a stupid idea." 我说:“皮埃尔,这是一个多么愚蠢的主意!”
(Laughter) (大笑)
And needless to say I was right. 不用说我是对的
(Laughter) (大笑)
But right after that, Pierre -- in '96, Pierre and I left our full-time jobs to build eBay as a company. And the rest of that story, you know. 但那之后不久,1996年,皮埃尔和我就辞去了我们的全职工作 创立了eBay, 剩下的故事,你们都知道了。
The company went public two years later and is today one of the best known companies in the world. 公司两年后上市 今天它是全球最知名的企业之一
Hundreds of millions of people use it in hundreds of countries, and so on. 几百个国家上亿人在使用它……
But for me personally , it was a real change. 但对我个人而言,这是个真正的变化。
I went from living in a house with five guys in Palo Alto and living off their leftovers , to all of a sudden having all kinds of resources . 我从在Palo Alto 和五个男人合租一套房子 靠他们的剩菜剩饭过活 后来,突然之间我拥有了一切资源
Alto:n.女低音;男声最高音;中音乐器;adj.中音部的; leftovers:n.吃剩的食物;遗留物;(leftover的复数) all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
And I wanted to figure out how I could take the blessing of these resources and share it with the world. 于是就想如何能将 这些财富带来的恩赐与全世界分享
And around that time I met John Gardner , who is a remarkable man. 就在那会儿我认识了约翰·加德纳 他是一个很了不起的男人
Gardner:n.加德纳; remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的;
He was the architect of the Great Society programs under Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s. 他曾是“大社会”计划的建筑师 在1960年代林登·约翰逊总统的领导下
And I asked him what he felt was the best thing I could do, or anyone could do, to make a difference in the long-term issues facing humanity. 我问他,我能做的最好的事是什么 或者是任何人能做的最好的事情 去改变世界上长期困扰人类的问题
And John said, " Bet on good people doing good things. 约翰说:“去帮助好人做好事
Bet on good people doing good things." 帮助好人做好事”
And that really resonated with me. 他的话让我产生了强烈的共鸣
I started a foundation to bet on these good people doing good things. 结果我创立了一个基金会 来帮助那些好人们做好事情
These leading, innovative , nonprofit folks, who are using business skills in a very leveraged way to solve social problems. 那些具有创新精神,不求名利的领导者 用他们的商业智慧和各种有力方式 解决社会问题
innovative:adj.革新的,创新的; nonprofit:adj.非赢利的;不以赢利为目的的; leveraged:adj.杠杆的; v.举债经营; (leverage的过去式和过去分词);
People today we call social entrepreneurs. 现在被我们称为“社会企业家”
And to put a face on it, people like Mohammed Yunus, who started the Grameen Bank, has lifted 100 million people plus out of poverty around the world, won the Nobel Peace Prize. 举几个例子,比如像Mohammed Yunus 建立了格莱珉银行 使世界上一亿多人口摆脱了贫困 获得了诺贝尔和平奖。
But there's also a lot of people that you don't know. 还有许多像他这样奉献却不为人知的人
Folks like Ann Cotton, who started a group called CAMFED in Africa because she felt girls' education was lagging . 比如安·克顿在非洲创立了女性教育组织, 因为她觉得非洲女性教育十分落后。
And she started it about 10 years ago and today, she educates over a quarter of a million African girls. 她在大约10年前创办了这个组织, 到今天,她已经为超过25万的非洲女性提供了教育
And somebody like Dr. Victoria Hale , who started the world's first nonprofit pharmaceutical company. 还有,像维多利亚·黑尔博士 她创办了世界上第一个非盈利的制药公司
Hale:adj.矍铄的(尤指老人);强壮的;adv.完全地;vt.迫使;猛拉;vi.不断流出; pharmaceutical:adj.制药(学)的;n.药物;
And whose first drug will be fighting visceral leishmaniasis , also known as black fever. 他生产的第一批药用来治愈内脏利什曼病 这种病也被称为“黑热病”
visceral:adj.内脏的;出于本能的;发自肺腑的;粗俗的; leishmaniasis:n.[内科]利什曼病;
And by 2010 she hopes to eliminate this disease, which is really a scourge in the developing world. 她希望在2010年能完全消灭这种 在发展中国家造成灾难的疾病
eliminate:v.消除;排除; scourge:vt.鞭打;蹂躏;严斥;痛斥;n.鞭;灾祸;鞭子;苦难的根源;
And so this -- this is one way to bet on good people doing good things. 而这些都是 帮助好人做好事的例子
And a lot of this comes together in a philosophy of change that I find really is powerful. 这些事情组成了“变革”的哲学 它们具有很大的影响力
It's what we call, " Invest , connect and celebrate." 这就是“投入,联络,庆祝”
And invest -- if you see good people doing good things, invest in them. Invest in their organizations . 投入,就是说,当你发现别人在做好事情的时候 给他们投入,帮助壮大他们的组织
Or in business, invest in these folks. 或是在商业世界中,给予他们资金支持
Connecting them together through conferences , like a TED, brings so many powerful connections, or through the World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship that my foundation does at Oxford every year. 通过会议和他们相识,产生联系 就像TED一样把大家联系起来 或者是“社会企业家世界论坛” 它是我在牛津大学的基金会每年的活动之一
conferences:n.会议(conference的复数形式); Forum:n.论坛,讨论会;法庭;公开讨论的广场;
And celebrate them, tell their stories, because not only are there good people doing good work, but their stories can help close these gaps of hope. 庆祝他们的成功,给别人讲述他们的事迹 这不仅是庆祝他们做的好事情 而是他们的所作所为能够帮助填平“希望的鸿沟”
And it was this last part of the mission , the celebrate part, that really got me back to thinking when I was a kid and wanted to tell stories to get people involved in the issues that affect us all. 这就是这个任务中最后的部分“庆祝” 它使我想起我小时候的事情, 我想把这件事说给大家能听, 让所有人都能参与到这些与我们休戚相关的事情中来
mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
And a light bulb went off, which was first, that I didn't actually have to do the writing myself, I could find writers. 我想第一盏灯是写作 事实上我并不需要亲自动笔,我只要找一个代笔
light bulb:n.灯泡;
And then the next light bulb was, better than just writing, what about film and TV, to get out to people in a big way? 下一盏灯是比写作更好的东西 比如说,电影、电视可以在更大程度上影响人们
And I thought about the films that inspired me, films like " Gandhi " and "Schindler's List." 我可以想到那些给我力量的电影 如《甘地》和《辛德勒名单》
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) Gandhi:n.甘地(印度政府,社会和宗教领袖);
And I wondered who was doing these kind of films today. 我开始思考现在还有谁在做这样的电影
And there really wasn't a specific company that was focused on the public interest. 事实上,并没有哪家公司 是专注于公共事业的
So in 2003, I started to make my way around Los Angeles to talk about the idea of a pro-social media company and I was met with a lot of encouragement. 所以在2003年,我在洛杉矶 开始建立一个专注社会利益的媒体公司 并得到了很多 鼓励
One of the lines of encouragement that I heard over and over was, "The streets of Hollywood are littered with carcasses of people like you, who think you're going to come to this town and make movies." 其中一句 鼓励 激励过我很多次 是:“好莱坞的大街上到处都是你们这种 自以为来了就会拍电影的失败者。”
over and over:反复;再三; carcasses:n.尸体;兽体(carcass的复数形式);
And then of course, there was the other adage , "The surest way to become a millionaire is to start by being a billionaire and go into the movie business." 当然了,还有另外的说法, “要成为一个百万富翁的最保险的办法 就是让一个亿万富翁做电影行业。”
adage:n.格言,谚语;箴言; billionaire:n.亿万富翁;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Undeterred , in January of 2004 I started Participant Productions with the vision to be a global media company focused on the public interest. 虽然危言耸听,在2004年1月,我还是创立了“参与者制作公司” 希望他能成为一个全球性的媒体公司 并专注于公共利益。
Undeterred:adj.未受阻的;未被吓住的; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
And our mission is to produce entertainment that creates and inspires social change. 我们的任务是通过拍摄电影, 来激发和促进社会变革
And we don't just want people to see our movies and say that was fun, and forget about it. 我们不想让人们看到我们的电影 之后一笑而过,
We want them to actually get involved in the issues. 我们是想让大家参与到这些社会问题中来
In 2005 we launched our, our first slate of films, "Murder Ball," "North Country," "Syriana" 2005年,我们发行了第一批纪录影片, 《轮椅上的竞技》《北方风云》《辛瑞那》
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) slate:n.石板;板岩;候选人名单;v.批评;抨击;预定;计划;安排;选定;
and "Good Night and Good Luck." 和《晚安, 好运》,
And much to my surprise, they were noticed. 出乎我的意料,它们被公众注意到了,
We ended up with 11 Oscar nominations for these films. 我们最终因为这些影片获得了11项奥斯卡奖的提名
And it turned out to be a pretty good year for this guy. 那一年对我们来说真是意义重大
Perhaps more importantly, tens of thousands of people joined the advocacy programs and the activism programs that we created to go around the movies. 但更重要的是 千千万万的人们加入到了我们的倡议活动 和积极的实践中来, 这些活动都是围绕着我们的电影来的
advocacy:n.主张;拥护;辩护; activism:n.行动主义;激进主义;
And we had an online component of that, our community sect called Participate .net. 然后我们成立了网站, 我们的网络社区域名是Participate.net
component:n.成分;部件;组成部分;adj.构成的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; sect:n.宗派; Participate:v.参加;参与;
But with our social sector partners, like the ACLU and PBS and the 我们社会领域的搭档,比如说ACLU, PBS,
Sierra Club and the NRDC, once people saw the film, there was actually something they could do, to make a difference. Sierra俱乐部和NRDC,一旦人们看了电影, 就会知道他们可以去做些事情,改变世界
One of these films in particular called "North Country," was actually kind of a box office disaster . 这其中有一部叫做《决不让步》 这部电影可以说是票房灾难
in particular:尤其,特别; box office:adj.票房的;受欢迎的; disaster:n.灾难,灾祸;不幸;
But it was a film that starred Charlize Theron and it was about women's rights, women's empowerment , domestic violence and so on. 但这部由查理兹·塞隆主演的电影 内容包括了女人的权力,权力的赋予 家庭暴力等
empowerment:n.许可,授权; domestic:n.佣人;家佣;家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾;adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的; violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲;
And we released the film at the same time that the Congress was debating the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act. 在我们发行这部电影的同时 国会正在讨论延续防止对妇女施暴法案
released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交; debating:v.讨论,辩论;仔细考虑;思考;盘算;(debate的现在分词) renewal:n.更新,恢复;复兴;补充;革新;续借;重申;
And with screenings on the Hill and discussions, and with our social sector partners, like the National Organization of Women, the film was widely credited with influencing the successful renewal of the Act. 随着电影走上银屏,被观众所谈论 并且通过我们的社会领域的搭档 比如“世界妇女组织” 这部电影有了广泛的影响力 并影响到了该法案的修正
screenings:n.筛后残余的物;[建]筛屑;残渣; influencing:v.影响;对…起作用;支配;左右(influence的现在分词)
And that to me, spoke volumes , because it's the -- the film started about a true life story . 这对我来说,是很有分量的事情,因为它是 一部讲述真实生活的电影
volumes:n.卷;体积;容积;大量;(volumes是volume的复数) life story:n.生平事迹;
About a woman who was harassed , sued her employer , led to a landmark case that led to the Equal Opportunity Act, and the Violence Against Women Act and others. 关于一个被性骚扰的女人,起诉她的老板, 成为了一个标志性的案件,催生了《机会均等法》 《反对妇女暴力法》等法律的诞生
harassed:adj.疲惫焦虑的;v.侵扰;骚扰;不断攻击(敌人);(harass的过去分词和过去式) sued:v.控告;提起诉讼;提出请求;(sue的过去分词和过去式) employer:n.雇主,老板; landmark:n.[航]陆标; adj.有重大意义或影响的;
And then the movie about this person doing these things, then led to this greater renewal. 因为这部电影讲述的这个故事 促成了这些伟大法律的修正
And so again, it goes back to betting on good people doing good things. 那我们再次回到 帮助好做好事的主题上
Speaking of which, our fellow TEDster, Al, 说到了TED的同志们,我想提一下戈尔
I first saw Al do his slide show presentation on global warming in May of 2005. 我第一次看见戈尔做演讲 是在2005年5月,主题是全球变暖
global warming:n.全球(气候)变暖;地球大气层变暖;
At that point I thought I knew something about global warming. 那时,我想自己对全球变暖了解一些
I thought it was a 30 to 50 year problem. 认为这只是30--50年左右的问题
And after we saw his slide show, it became clear that it was much more urgent . 但是看了他的演讲之后 我才知道,事态紧急
And so right afterwards, I met backstage with Al and with Lawrence Bender who was there, and Laurie David and Davis Guggenheim, who was running documentaries for Participant at the time. 当时我赶紧去后台找到戈尔先生 当时在场的还有劳伦斯·班德,劳里·大卫, 和戴维斯·古根海姆, 戴维斯当时就在Participant执导纪录片
backstage:adv.在后台;向后台; Bender:n.饮酒作乐;扭弯物体的人;六便士银币;
And with Al's blessing, we decided on the spot to turn it into a film, because we felt that we could get the message out there far more quickly than having Al go around the world, speaking to audiences of 100 or 200 at a time. 在戈尔的大力支持之下,我们当场决定把他的演讲拍成电影 我们觉得,这样就可以把戈尔的信息传达给全世界 而比他去世界各地演讲 一次面对100或200个观众要快很多
on the spot:adj.现场的; get the message:领会,明白;
And you know, there's another adage in Hollywood, that nobody knows nothing about anything. 大家知道,在好莱坞还有一句名言 “人们多少都会了解一些东西”
And I really thought this was going to be a straight-to-PBS charitable initiative . 我想这真的是 对于慈善事业最好的宣传。
charitable:adj.慈善事业的;慷慨的,仁慈的;宽恕的; initiative:n.倡议;主动性;积极性;主动权;adj.起始的;
And so it was a great shock to all of us when the film really captured the public interest, and today is mandatory viewing in schools in England and Scotland, and most of Scandinavia. 它也让我们很震惊 当电影真正抓住了公众的兴趣 现在它是英格兰,苏格兰的学生们必看的电影 在斯堪的纳维亚地区也广泛流传
captured:adj.捕获的;被俘的;v.捕获;占领;引起;(capture的过去式和过去分词) mandatory:adj.强制的;托管的;命令的;n.受托者(等于mandatary);
We've sent 50,000 DVDs to high school teachers in the US and it's really changed the debate on global warming. 我们给美国的高中老师送出了五万张DVD 它改变了人们对全球变暖的讨论
It was also a pretty good year for this guy. 这一年对戈尔来说也是非常有意义的
We now call Al the George Clooney of global warming. 戈尔现在被称为全球变暖方面的乔治克鲁尼
(Laughter) (笑声)
And for Participant, this is just the start. 然而对“参与者制造”来说,这只是一个开始
Everything we do looks at the major issues in the world. 我们关注着世界上重大的问题
And we have 10 films in production right now and dozens others in development. 现在有10部电影正在拍摄过程中 还有很多正在筹划中
I'll quickly talk about a few coming up. 我想快速地介绍几部即将上映的电影
One is "Charlie Wilson's War," with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. 一个是《查理·威尔逊的战争》,由汤姆汉克斯和茱莉亚罗伯茨主演
And it's the true story of Congressman Charlie Wilson and how he funded the Taliban , to fight the Russians in Afghanistan . 讲的是关于议员查理·威尔逊 如何资助塔利班在阿富汗抵抗俄罗斯的真实的故事
Congressman:n.国会议员;众议院议员; funded:adj.提供资金的;v.提供资金;积存;提供资金偿付的本息;(fund的过去式); Taliban:塔利班; Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲);
And we're also doing a movie called "The Kite Runner," 另外一部电影是《追风筝的人》
based on the book "The Kite Runner," also about Afghanistan. 它是根据小说《追风筝的人》翻拍的,另一个关于阿富汗的故事
And we think once people see these films they'll have a much better understanding of that part of the world and the Middle East in general . 我们认为当人们看这些电影时 会对世界上某些地区有更深刻的了解 主要是中东地区
Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部); in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
We premiered a film called "The Chicago 10" at Sundance this year. 《芝加哥10 》今年会首先在Sundance(怀俄明州)公映。
It's based on the protesters at the Democratic Convention in 1968, 它讲述了1968年民主会议的抗议者
protesters:n.(公开)抗议者,反对者;(protester的复数) Democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的; Convention:n.习俗;惯例;协定;常规;
Abby Hoffman and crew. 安比霍夫曼和他的追随者们
And again, a story about a small group of individuals who did make change in the world. 这个故事再次证明,这些由个人组成的小团体 的确对世界产生了重大影响
And a documentary that we're doing on Jimmy Carter and his Mid-East peace efforts over the years. 另一个关于吉米·卡特的纪录片 讲述了他多年来对于中东的和平做出的努力
And in particular, we've been following him on his recent book tour which as many of you know, has been very non-controversial -- 特别地,我们一直在跟随他最近的售书活动 大家都知道,这本书是没有任何争议的
(Laughter) (笑声)
- which is really bad for getting people to come see a movie. 这对我们的电影发行可不是一个好预兆
In closing, I'd like to say that everybody has the opportunity to make change in their own way. 最后,我想说,每个人都有机会, 用自己的方式做出一些改变
And all of the people in this room have done so through their business lives, or their philanthropic work or their other interests. 现场的每一个人 都可以通过事业上的成绩 通过慈善,或其它方面的兴趣做好事
And one thing that I've learned is that there's never one right way to make change. 我的一个经验是 通过很多途径都可以有所作为
One can do it as a tech person or as a finance person or a nonprofit person or as an entertainment person, but every one of us is all of those things and more. 无论你是技术人员还是金融家 非盈利机构的人,或是娱乐圈的人都能有所作为 我们在一起可以成就更多
And I believe if we do these things we can close the opportunity gaps. We can close the hope gaps. 我相信,如果我们付出努力 我们可以填平机会、希望的鸿沟
And I can imagine if we do this, the headlines in 10 years might read something like these: "New AIDS Cases in Africa Fall to Zero," 我也可以想像,如果我们这样做了 10年之后报纸头条应该是这样的: “非洲的新艾滋病感染率降为0”
'"US Imports its Last Barrel of Oil" -- “美国进口了最后一桶石油”
(Applause) (鼓掌)
- " Israelis and Palestinians Celebrate 10 Years of Peaceful Coexistence ." “以色列人和巴勒斯坦人共庆 10年和平共处”
Israelis:以色列人,以色列国民(Israeli的名词复数); Coexistence:n.共存;和平共处;并立;
(Applause) (鼓掌)
And I like this one, "Snow Has Returned to Kilimanjaro ." 我最喜欢这条“冰雪再次覆盖乞力马扎罗山”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And finally, an eBay listing for one well-traveled slide show, now obsolete , museum piece -- please contact Al Gore. 最后,eBay清单上一个流传最广的幻灯片, 现在已经过时了,可以放到博物馆里,更新请联系AI Gore
well-traveled:adj.游历甚广的;交通繁忙的; obsolete:adj.废弃的;老式的;n.废词;陈腐的人;vt.淘汰;废弃; museum piece:n.珍藏品;足以收入博物馆的物品;老古董;过时的物(或人); contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系;
And I believe that working together, we can make all of these things happen. 我相信所有的努力汇集在一起, 就可以让这一切发生
And I want to thank you all for having me here today, 谢谢你们今天来听我的演讲
It's been a real honor. Thank you. 我感到非常荣幸,谢谢你们。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Oh, thank you. 哦,谢谢!