

When my first children's book was published in 2001, 当我的第一本童书 在 2001 年出版时,
I returned to my old elementary school to talk to the students about being an author and an illustrator , and when I was setting up my slide projector in the cafetorium, 我回到我的小学 和学生交流,谈论了身为作家和插画家的经历。 当我正在准备我的投影机时, 就在学校餐厅大礼堂,
elementary school:小学; illustrator:n.插图画家;说明者;图解者; slide projector:n.幻灯机;
I looked across the room, and there she was: my old lunch lady . 我望了一下礼堂内, 我看到了她, 我小时候的午餐阿姨。
lunch lady:n.(学校里照顾孩子吃饭的)女膳食服务员;
She was still there at the school and she was busily preparing lunches for the day. 那时候,她仍然在学校服务。 她当时正忙着准备着当天的午餐。
So I approached her to say hello, and I said, "Hi, Jeannie! How are you?" 我走向她,并向她打声招呼。 我对她说:「嗨,金妮!你好吗?」
And she looked at me, and I could tell that she recognized me, but she couldn't quite place me, and she looked at me and she said, "Stephen Krosoczka?" 然后她望着我, 我知道她大概认出我来, 但她好像不太确定。 「史蒂芬?古莎斯卡?」
And I was amazed that she knew I was a Krosoczka, but Stephen is my uncle who is 20 years older than I am, and she had been his lunch lady when he was a kid. 然后,我很惊讶 但是,史蒂芬是我叔叔, 他还小的时候,她也是他的午餐阿姨。
And she started telling me about her grandkids , and that blew my mind. 她开始告诉我她孙子们的事, 这一切实在太震撼了!
My lunch lady had grandkids, and therefore kids, and therefore left school at the end of the day? 我的午餐阿姨竟然有孙子, 这表示她有儿女,也表示 她每晚都会下班离开学校?
I thought she lived in the cafeteria with the serving spoons. 我一直以为她住在学校餐厅和汤匙当室友,
I had never thought about any of that before. 我以前从来没想过有这些事情。
Well, that chance encounter inspired my imagination , and I created the Lunch Lady graphic novel series , a series of comics about a lunch lady who uses her fish stick nunchucks to fight off evil cyborg substitutes , a school bus monster , and mutant mathletes, and the end of eve ry boo k, they get the bad guy with their hairnet , and they proclaim , " Justice is served!" 所以,那一次的机缘 我创作了一系列漫画小说:午餐侠女。 这一系列的漫画 是关于一位午餐阿姨, 打击邪恶的机器人、 一个校车怪兽以及变种数学家。 每本书的结局都是, 她们会用厨娘网帽,逮捕犯人。 然后,她们会大声高呼:「正义上菜!」
(Laughter) (Applause) ( 笑声和掌声 )
And it's been amazing, because the series was so welcomed into the reading lives of children, and they sent me the most amazing letters and cards and artwork. 这一切实在太酷了! 在孩子的阅读世界里很受欢迎。 孩子们寄给我看过最棒的信件、 卡片以及画作。
And I would notice as I would visit schools, the lunch staff would be involved in the programming in a very meaningful way. 然后,当我参访学校时我会注意到 餐厅员工会一同参与活动, 以一种很有意义的方式参与。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的;
And coast to coast, all of the lunch ladies told me the same thing: "Thank you for making a superhero in our likeness ." 从东岸到西岸, 所有的午餐阿姨都告诉我一样的事情。 感谢你以我们的形象,打造一个超级英雄。
Because the lunch lady has not been treated very kindly in popular culture over time. 因为,午餐阿姨们在过去都没有 被主流社会好好对待过。
But it meant the most to Jeannie. 但对于金妮最为特别,
When the books were first published, 当漫画第一次出版时,
I invited her to the book launch party, and in front of everyone there, everyone she had fed over the years, 我邀请她参加新书出版派对。 当时在众人的面前, 所有她所服务过的人们,
launch:v.发射(导弹,火箭等); n.发射;
I gave her a piece of artwork and some books. 我送给她一幅画作和一些书籍。
And two years after this photo was taken, she passed away, and I attended her wake, and nothing could have prepared me for what I saw there, because next to her casket was this painting, and her husband told me it meant so much to her that I had acknowledged her hard work, 拍完这张照片的两年后, 她过世了。 我参加了她的告别式。 我完全没想到会在告别式看到一样东西, 因为,在她的棺木旁边 她先生告诉我, 因为我看到她的工作表现。
I had validated what she did. 我肯定她所付出的一切。
And that inspired me to create a day where we could recreate that feeling in cafeterias across the country: 这件事启发我打造一个纪念日, 让我们大家可以重温那份感觉, 就在全国各地的学校餐厅里:
School Lunch Hero Day, a day where kids can make creative projects for their lunch staff. 「校园午餐英雄日」。 这一天,小朋友们会做一些创意作品
And I partnered with the School Nutrition Association , and did you know that a little over 30 million kids participate in school lunch programs every day. 我也与「校园营养协会」合作。 你们是否知道有超过 30 万个儿童, 每天参加学校的营养午餐。
Nutrition:n.营养,营养学;营养品; Association:n.协会;关联;联想;交往; participate:v.参加;参与;
That equals up to a little over five billion lunches made every school year. 每一年大约超过 50 亿份午餐, 来自全美各校。
And the stories of heroism go well beyond just a kid getting a few extra chicken nuggets on their lunch tray . 这些英雄故事不仅仅只是 小朋友在午餐盘上多拿到一些鸡块。
heroism:n.英勇,英雄气概;英雄行为;勇敢的事迹; extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: nuggets:n.丹佛掘金(nugget的复数);金砖; tray:n.盘;托盘;碟;(各种用途的)浅塑料盒;
There is Ms. Brenda in California, who keeps a close eye on every student that comes through her line and then reports back to the guidance counselor if anything is amiss . 有一位在加州的布兰达女士, 她会注意每一个她所服务的学生, 然后回报给辅导员 学生有任何不对劲的地方。
counselor:n.顾问;法律顾问;参事(等于counsellor); amiss:adj.有毛病的,有缺陷的;出差错的;adv.错误地;
There are the lunch ladies in Kentucky who realized that 67 percent of their students relied on those meals every day, and they were going without food over the summer, so they retrofitted a school bus to create a mobile feeding unit, and they traveled around the neighborhoods feedings 500 kids a day during the summer. 有一群位于肯塔基州的午餐阿姨们, 她们发现 67% 的学生 每天必须依靠这一顿午餐。 而这些学生在暑假时,没东西吃。 所以,她们改装了一台校车, 打造了一个移动供应站 在周围社区穿行, 在暑假时,她们一天喂养 500 个小朋友。
Kentucky:n.肯塔基州; relied:v.依赖;依靠;信赖;信任;(rely的过去分词和过去式) retrofitted:翻新(retrofit的过去式和过去分词); mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; feedings:n.饲养;吃;输送;adj.供给饲料的;摄取食物的;v.饲养(feed的ing形式);
And kids made the most amazing projects. 小朋友做了全世界最棒的劳作,
I knew they would. 我早就知道,他们很棒的。
Kids made hamburger cards that were made out of construction paper . 小朋友制作了汉堡卡片, 用劳作纸制作而成。
construction paper:n.(做设计、模型等的)彩色美术纸;
They took photos of their lunch lady's head and plastered it onto my cartoon lunch lady and fixed that to a milk carton and presented them with flowers. 他们拍了一张张午餐阿姨的大头照, 接上我漫画「午餐侠女」的身体, 然后贴在牛奶盒上 和花朵一起展示。
plastered:adj.醉醺醺的; v.使平; carton:n.纸板箱;靶心白点;v.用盒包装;
And they made their own comics, starring the cartoon lunch lady alongside their actual lunch ladies. 他们自创自己的漫画, 主要演员为「午餐侠女」, 以及他们现实生活中的午餐阿姨。
And they made thank you pizzas, where every kid signed a different topping of a construction paper pizza. 他们制作了「感恩比萨」, 小朋友为每一个不同的配料上签名, 在一个个劳作纸做成的比萨上面。
For me, I was so moved by the response that came from the lunch ladies, because one woman said to me, she said, "Before this day, I felt like I was at the end of the planet at this school. 对我而言,我好感动地 看到午餐阿姨们的反应。 因为,有一位女士跟我说, 在今天以前,我总觉得 自己置身于学校的边缘角落。
I didn't think that anyone noticed us down here." 我不觉得会有人注意到我们。
Another woman said to me, "You know, what I got out of this is that what I do is important." 另一位女士则告诉我, 你知道吗,我透过这个活动, 了解到我的工作如此重要。
And of course what she does is important. 她的工作当然很重要,
What they all do is important. 她们所从事的一切如此有意义。
They're feeding our children every single day, and before a child can learn, their belly needs to be full, and these women and men are working on the front lines to create an educated society. 每一天,她们为我们的孩子提供食物。 在孩子开始学习之前, 他们的肚子需要填饱。 而这些工作人员, 就在最前线工作, 并打造一个深具教育意义的社会。
So I hope that you don't wait for School Lunch Hero Day to say thank you to your lunch staff, and I hope that you remember how powerful a thank you can be. 因此,我希望 大家不必等到校园午餐英雄日, 才对餐厅员工表达你的谢意。 我也希望您会记得, 一份感谢是多么有力量。
A thank you can change a life. 一份感谢可以改变一个人生。
It changes the life of the person who receives it, and it changes the life of the person who expresses it. 感谢不只改变接受方的人生, 也能改变致谢方的人生。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。