

It is a thrill to be here at a conference that's devoted to " Inspired by Nature" -- you can imagine. 各位可以想象 , 我今天有多高兴,能够在这里参加这个 探究“自然之奥秘”的会议。
thrill:n.兴奋感;兴奋;激动;v.使非常兴奋;使非常激动; conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) devoted:adj.专心致志; v.献身; (devote的过去分词和过去式) Inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
And I'm also thrilled to be in the foreplay section. 我也很开心被安排在“前戏”这一节。
thrilled:adj.非常兴奋; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的过去分词和过去式) foreplay:n.前戏;性交前的爱抚;
Did you notice this section is foreplay? 你们有没有注意到这一节演说是前戏?
Because I get to talk about one of my favorite critters , which is the Western Grebe . You haven't lived until you've seen these guys do their courtship dance. 因为我可以谈谈我最喜欢的生物之一, 那就是北美鹓鷉。 那就是北美鹓鷉。 你一辈子一定要看看这些傢伙跳过求偶舞之后,你才算没白活。
critters:n.生物;小动物(critter的复数形式); Grebe:n.水鸟(一种鸟);壁虎; courtship:n.求爱;求婚;求爱期;
I was on Bowman Lake in Glacier National Park , which is a long, skinny lake with sort of mountains upside down in it, and my partner and I have a rowing shell . 我当时在蒙大拿冰河国家公园的波曼湖上, 那是一个狭长的湖,湖面上有群峰的倒影, 我和我的同伴划一艘小船。
Bowman:n.弓箭手;(划船)头桨手; Glacier:n.冰河,冰川; National Park:n.国家公园; skinny:adj.极瘦的;干瘦的;皮包骨的;紧身的;n.(不公开的)信息;内幕消息; upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的; shell:n.壳;炮弹;壳层;骨架;v.脱壳;剥壳;采集贝壳;用壳体包被;short.shewill;
And so we were rowing, and one of these Western Grebes came along. 当我们在划船的时候,来了一只北美鹓鷉。
And what they do for their courtship dance is, they go together, the two of them, the two mates , and they begin to run underwater . 他们的求偶舞就是,两只北美鹓鷉, 两只这样并排在一起,开始在水面下奔跑。
mates:n.朋友; v.交配; underwater:adj.在水中的;水面下的;adv.在水下;n.水下;
They paddle faster, and faster, and faster, until they're going so fast that they literally lift up out of the water, and they're standing upright , sort of paddling the top of the water. 它们的双蹼愈划愈快,愈划愈快, 快到最后身体从水中腾起, 身体直立,就像是轻功水上飘一般,在水面上奔跑。
paddle:n.划桨;明轮翼;vt.拌;搅;用桨划;vi.划桨;戏水;涉水; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: upright:n.立柱;adj.直立的;挺直的;竖直的;垂直的;adv.竖立着;垂直着; paddling:n.[皮革]划动;v.用桨划;在水中行进(paddle的现在分词);
And one of these Grebes came along while we were rowing. 我们划船的时候,来了一只北美鹓鷉。
And so we're in a skull , and we're moving really, really quickly. 我们划着小船,划得非常非常快。
And this Grebe, I think, sort of, mistaked us for a prospect , and started to run along the water next to us, in a courtship dance -- for miles. 而这只鹓鷉,我猜,大概是把我们误认为可能的对象, 开始在我们旁边的水域跑了起来, 跳着求偶舞,跑了好几英里。
prospect:n.展望;前景;希望;前途;v.勘探;探矿; run along:离开;
It would stop, and then start, and then stop, and then start. 它会停下来,又开始,停下来,又开始。
Now that is foreplay. 这,就叫前戏吧!
(Laughter) (笑声)
OK. I almost -- I came this close to changing species at that moment. 好,我承认,我当时差一点就要改当鹓鷉了。
Obviously, life can teach us something in the entertainment section, OK. Life has a lot to teach us. 在娱乐方面,生命显然可以教导我们一些事情 生命其实可以教导我们的很多。
But what I'd like to talk about today is what life might teach us in technology and in design. 但是,今天我所要谈的 是在科技与设计领域,生命可以教我们什么。
What's happened since the book came out -- the book was mainly about research in biomimicry . 我写了一本讲仿生学的书 自从我的书出版以后
mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; biomimicry:仿生学;生物模拟;生物仿生;
And what's happened since then is architects , designers, engineers -- people who make our world -- have started to call and say, we want a biologist to sit at the design table to help us, in real time , become inspired. 建筑师、设计师、工程师 那些打造我们这个世界的人,开始打电话给我说, “我们想要一个生物学家跟我们一起坐在设计桌旁, 即时帮助我们启发灵感。”
architects:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;(architect的复数); biologist:n.生物学家; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
Or -- and this is the fun part for me -- we want you to take us out into the natural world. We'll come with a design challenge and we find the champion adapters in the natural world, who might inspire us. 或者,这是我喜欢的部份,“我们希望你带我们 到自然界中探险。我们会带着设计上的难题 然后在自然界中找到可以给我们提供灵感的那些适存者。”
So this is a picture from a Galapagos trip that we took with some wastewater treatment engineers; they purify wastewater. 这张照片是我们去加拉巴哥旅行时拍的。 同行的是一群废水处理工程师;他们的工作是纯化废水。
wastewater:n.废水,污水; treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; purify:v.使(某物)洁净;净化(心灵);提纯;精炼;
And some of them were very resistant , actually, to being there. 他们当中有些人其实很不想去。
What they said to us at first was, you know, we already do biomimicry. 一开始他们跟我们说, 我们已经在应用彷生学了。
We use bacteria to clean our water. And we said, well, it's not exactly -- that's not exactly being inspired by nature. “我们用细菌来处理废水。” 我们说,嗯,这并不算是从大自然中找灵感。
That's bio-processing, you know; That's bio-assisted technology: using an organism to do your wastewater treatment is an old, old technology called " domestication ." 那是生物处理, 是生物辅助技术: 使用生物来处理废水 是一种非常、非常古老的技术,叫做 驯养。
organism:n.生物;有机体;有机组织;(尤指)微生物; domestication:n.驯养;教化;
This is learning something, learning an idea, from an organism and then applying it. 彷生学是从生物上学习,得到灵感并加以应用。
And so they still weren't getting it. 然而他们还是不懂。
So we went for a walk on the beach and I said, well, give me one of your big problems. Give me a design challenge, sustainability speed bump , that's keeping you from being sustainable . 所以我们在海滩上走着,我说, 提出一个你们最大的困难给我。给我一个你们在设计上遇到的难题, 在可持续性方面的绊脚石,一个让你们的设计达不到可持续性的问题。
on the beach:adj.在海滩上;失业的;潦倒的;退休的; sustainability:n.持续性;永续性;能维持性; bump:n.肿块,隆起物;撞击;v.碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行;adv.突然地,猛烈地; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的;
And they said scaling , which is the build up of minerals inside of pipes. 他们回答:水垢,也就是矿物质在水管里沉积。
scaling:n.缩放比例; v.剥落; minerals:n.矿物;矿产,矿产品(mineral的复数);矿物质;
And they said, you know what happens is, mineral -- just like at your house -- mineral builds up. 大家知道,就跟家里的水垢一样,矿物质会沉积。 大家知道,就跟家里的水垢一样,矿物质会沉积。
And then the aperture closes, and we have to flush the pipes with toxins , or we have to dig them up. 然后水管会被阻塞,我们就必须用有毒的溶剂去冲洗水管, 或是使用物理方法把它们挖出来。
aperture:n.孔,穴;(照相机,望远镜等的)光圈,孔径;缝隙; flush:n.激动,洋溢; v.使齐平; adj.大量的; toxins:n.[毒物]毒素,毒质;毒素类(toxin的复数);
So if we had some way to stop this scaling -- and so I picked up some shells on the beach. And I asked them, 所以如果能够阻止水垢沉积... 听完以后我捡起海滩上的一 些贝壳。我问他们,
What is scaling? What's inside your pipes? 水垢是什麽?水管里的东西是什么?
And they said, calcium carbonate . 他们说,碳酸钙。
calcium carbonate:n.[化]碳酸钙;
And I said, that's what this is; this is calcium carbonate. 然后我就说,这就是了; 贝壳也是碳酸钙。
And they didn't know that. 他们本来不知道这件事。
They didn't know that what a seashell is, it's templated by proteins , and then ions from the seawater crystallize in place, OK, to create a shell. 他们不知道贝壳其实是, 由蛋白质组成的模板, 然后海水中的离子在模板上结晶,就这样形成贝壳。
seashell:n.海贝,贝壳;海贝壳; proteins:n.[生化]蛋白质(protein复数); ions:n.[化学]离子(ion复数); seawater:n.海水; crystallize:vt.使结晶;明确;使具体化;做成蜜饯;vi.结晶,形成结晶;明确;具体化;
So the same sort of a process , without the proteins, is happening on the inside of their pipes. They didn't know. 所以类似的程序,只是少了蛋白质, 也在他们的水管中发生,但他们并不知道。
This is not for lack of information; it's a lack of integration . 这并不是缺少信息,而是缺乏整合 。
You know, it's a silo, people in silos . They didn't know that the same thing was happening. So one of them thought about it and said, OK, well, if this is just crystallization 是隔行如隔山,彼此缺乏交流。 他们不知道同样的事情也在其他领域发生。 他们当中有个人想了想说,好,
silos:n.筒仓;粮仓;贮仓(silo的复数); crystallization:n.结晶化;具体化;
that happens automatically out of seawater -- self-assembly -- then why aren't shells infinite in size? What stops the scaling? 如果这只是结晶现象在海水中自然产生,自我组装, 为什么贝壳不会长到无限大?是什么停止了沉积过程?
automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的; self-assembly:adj.自己组装的;n.自装配; infinite:adj.无限的,无穷的; n.无限;
Why don't they just keep on going? 贝壳为什么不会一直生长下去?
And I said, well, in the same way that they let go of pro -- that they exude a protein and it starts the crystallization -- and then they all sort of leaned in -- they let go of protein that stops the crystallization. 我说,就像它们释放蛋白质,并且启动结晶现象... 我说,就像它们释放蛋白质,并且启动结晶现象... 这时工程师们都靠了过来, 贝壳也会释放蛋白质来中止结晶现象。
exude:v.流露,显露;显现;流出,渗出(液体);散发出(气味); leaned:v.前俯后仰;倾斜;倚靠;使斜靠;(lean的过去分词和过去式)
It literally adheres to the growing face of the crystal. 蛋白质会吸附在结晶生长的那一面。
And, in fact, there is a product called TPA that's mimicked that protein -- that stop protein -- and it's an environmentally friendly way to stop scaling in pipes. 事实上,有一种叫做 TPA 的产品 它模彷了这个终止蛋白 这是一个环保的方法,可以避免水管长水垢。
mimicked:v.模仿(活象); environmentally friendly:adj.对环境无害的;保护生态环境的;
That changed everything. From then on , you could not get these engineers back in the boat. 这改变了一切。在那之后, 这些工程师都舍不得回到船上。
From then on:从那时起
The first day they would take a hike , and it was, click, click, click, click. Five minutes later they were back in the boat. 行程第一天他们会走一小段路, 喀嚓、喀嚓、喀嚓,拍个五分钟后就回到船上。
take a hike:走路;滚开;哪凉快那歇着去;
We're done. You know, I've seen that island. “好了,这个岛看过了。”
After this, they were crawling all over. They would not get -- they would snorkel for as long as we would let them snorkel. 但在这之后, 但在这之后, 他们到处爬来爬去。 他们一直浮潜,潜到最后一刻非走不可才起来。
crawling:v.爬行;匍匐行进;(crawl的现在分词) snorkel:n.通气管;潜艇换气装置;vi.用水下通气管潜航; as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
What had happened was that they realized that there were organisms out there that had already solved the problems that they had spent their careers trying to solve. 因为他们体会到自然界中已经有生物体, 解决了 他们一辈子努力想解决的难题
organisms:n.[生物]生物体(organism的复数);[生物]有机体; careers:n.职业(career的复数);事业;职业生涯;v.全速前进(career的三单形式);
Learning about the natural world is one thing, learning from the natural world -- that's the switch. 认识自然界是一回事, 向自然界学习,这才是转变的开始。
That's the profound switch. 这是一个意义深刻的转变。
What they realized was that the answers to their questions are everywhere; they just needed to change the lenses with which they saw the world. 他们了解到,问题的答案处处皆是; 只需要改变观察这个世界的视角。
3.8 billion years of field testing. 自然界的生物是38 亿年的实地测验。
10 to 30 -- Craig Venter will probably tell you; 克莱格?凡特可能会跟你说有 1千万-3千万,
I think there's a lot more than 30 million -- well-adapted solutions. 我却认为自然界里有远远超过3千万种适应良好的解决方案。
The important thing for me is that these are solutions solved in context . 对我来说重点在于,这些解决方案考虑了整体环境。
And the context is the Earth -- the same context that we're trying to solve our problems in. 这个整体环境就是地球。 我们要解决的问题,也存在同样的整体环境里。
So it's the conscious emulation of life's genius . 我们要有意识地向自然界的天才学习,
conscious:adj.意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的; emulation:n.[计]仿真;竞争;效法; genius:n.天才;天资;才能,本领;
It's not slavishly mimicking -- although Al is trying to get the hairdo going -- it's not a slavish mimicry. It's taking the design principles , the genius of the natural world, and learning something from it. 而不是全盘照抄。 虽说爱因斯坦的发型是想要模彷... 不是全盘照抄,而是找出设计原则, 找出自然界的天才,从中学习。
slavishly:adv.奴隶般地; mimicking:v.模仿人的言行举止;做滑稽模仿;像,似;(mimic的现在分词) hairdo:n.发型;发式; principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数)
Now, in a group with so many IT people, I do have to mention that -- one I'm not going to talk about, and that is that your field is one that has learned an enormous amount from living things, 在场有许多IT行业的人士,我必须提一下 演讲正文不会提到的, IT行业向生物界借鉴,在软件方面已经学到很多。
on the software side. So there's computers that protect themselves, like an immune system , and we're learning from gene regulation and biological development. And we're learning from neural nets, genetic algorithms, evolutionary computing . 所以有能自我保护的电脑, 就像免疫系统一样。 其他效法的实例还有基因调控、 生物发展、神经网路 基因演算法、演化计算
immune system:n.免疫系统; regulation:n.规则;法规;控制;规章制度;adj.规定的;必须穿戴的;必须使用的; biological:adj.生物学的;生物的;与生命过程有关的;加酶的;n.[药]生物制品; neural:adj.神经的;神经系统的;背的;神经中枢的; genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的; evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的; computing:n.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术;v.计算;求出;(compute的现在分词)
That's on the software side. But what's interesting to me is that we haven't looked at this, as much. I mean, these machines are really not very high tech in my estimation 那是在软件的层面。但令我感兴趣的是 我们还没有开始考虑,这些机器(硬件部份) 这些机器在我看来不算高科技
in the sense that there's dozens and dozens of carcinogens in the water in Silicon Valley . 因为硅谷的水里 有好几十种致癌物
carcinogens:n.[肿瘤]致癌物(质)(carcinogen的复数); Silicon Valley:n.硅谷(美国加利福尼亚州一处计算机和电子公司聚集地,有时用以指任何计算机公司聚集地);
So the hardware is not at all up to snuff in terms of what life would call a success. 因此在硬件方面 以生命的观点来看根本称不上成功的设计。
hardware:n.计算机硬件;五金器具; not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢; snuff:vt.剪烛花;掐灭;消灭;嗅出;n.鼻烟;烛花;灯花;vi.扑灭;断气;嗅;
So what can we learn about making -- not just computers, but everything? 在制造方面,我们可以学到什么?不只针对电脑,我指所有东西的制造。
The plane you came in, cars, the seats that you're sitting on. 大家搭的飞机、汽车、坐的椅子
How do we redesign the world that we make, the human-made world? 我们如何重新设计我们所制造的世界,这个人造世界?
More importantly, what should we ask in the next 10 years? 更重要的是,未来十年,我们的目标应该是什么?
And there's a lot of cool technologies out there that life has. 自然界的生命有数不清的有趣科技。
What's the syllabus ? 我们的课程大纲该是什麽?
Three questions, for me, are key. 对我来说,有三个问题是关键。
How does life make things? 生命如何制造东西?
This is the opposite; this is how we make things. 我们制造东西的方法与自然恰是两个极端。
It's called heat, beat and treat -- that's what material scientists call it. 我们的方法是加热、加压、化学处理, 这是材料科学家的说法。
And it's carving things down from the top, with 96 percent waste left over and only 4 percent product. You heat it up, you beat it with high pressures, you use chemicals . OK. Heat, beat and treat. 这个方法从开始到结束,产生了 96% 的废物 只有 4% 是成品。加热,施加高压, 再用化学药物处理。加热、加压、化学处理。
carving:n.雕刻品;雕刻图案;雕像;雕刻术;v.雕刻;把(熟肉)切成块;(carve的现在分词) chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数)
Life can't afford to do that. How does life make things? 生命没办法这么制造。
How does life make the most of things? 那生命如何制造东西?
make the most of:尽量利用;十分重视;
That's a geranium pollen . 这是天竺葵花粉。
geranium:n.天竺葵; pollen:v.传授花粉给;n.[植]花粉;
And its shape is what gives it the function of being able to tumble through air so easily, OK. Look at that shape. 它的形状让使得能轻易地在空中漂浮 你看看它的形状
what gives:出了什么事; tumble:v.摔倒;倒塌;滚动;打滚;仓惶地行动;n.跌倒;翻筋斗;跌跤;
Life adds information to matter. 生命在物质上加入信息
In other words: structure . 换言之就是结构
It gives it information. By adding information to matter, it gives it a function that's different than without that structure. 结构包含信息。物质加上信息 就有了功能,如果没有结构就会有不同的功能。
different than:不同于;
And thirdly, how does life make things disappear into systems? 第三,生命如何让东西消失到系统裡?
Because life doesn't really deal in things; there are no things in the natural world divorced from their systems. 因为生命处理的并不是东西 自然界中没有什么东西是与系统脱节的。 自然界中没有什么东西是与系统脱节的。
Really quick syllabus. 一个很简短的课程大纲。
As I'm reading more and more now, and following the story, there are some amazing things coming up in the biological sciences. 当我顺着这个题材,阅读愈来愈多相关资料的同时, 生物科学界有了一些惊奇的发现。
And at the same time , I'm listening to a lot of businesses and finding what their sort of grand challenges are. 在此同时,我倾听许多企业的声音 了解他们面临怎样的大挑战。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
The two groups are not talking to each other. 这两个团体缺乏对话。
At all. 完全没有。
What in the world of biology might be helpful at this juncture , to get us through this sort of evolutionary knothole that we're in? 此时此刻,生物学的世界也许能帮上忙, 帮助我们在这演化的节骨眼渡过难关。
biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学; juncture:n.接缝;连接;接合;
I'm going to try to go through 12, really quickly. 下面我会很快地带过 12 个重点。
OK, one that's exciting to me is self-assembly. 好,我很有兴趣的是自我组装。
Now, you've heard about this in terms of nanotechnology . 大家在纳米科技的领域裡面听过这个名词。
Back to that shell: the shell is a self-assembling material. 回到贝壳:贝壳本身就是一个自我组装的材料。
On the lower left there is a picture of mother of pearl forming out of sea water. It's a layered structure that's mineral and then polymer , and it makes it very, very tough. 左下方是珠母贝的照片。 它在海水中成形,是一个矿物质 和聚合物相间的层状结构 所以非常非常坚硬
pearl:n.珍珠; v.使成小圆粒; adj.珍珠(制)的; layered:adj.分层的;层状的;v.分层堆积;用压条法培植(layer的过去分词); polymer:n.[高分子]聚合物;
It's twice as tough as our high-tech ceramics . 硬度是高科技陶瓷的两倍
high-tech:adj.高科技的,高技术的;仿真技术的;n.高科技; ceramics:n.制陶术,制陶业(ceramic的复数);
But what's really interesting: unlike our ceramics that are in kilns , it happens in sea water. It happens near, in and near, the organism's body. 但是有趣的是:我们的陶瓷要在高温窑炉中烧制 贝壳却是在海水中产生,在非常靠近生物体的地方产生
OK, people are starting -- this is Sandia National Labs; a guy named Jeff Brinker has found a way to have a self-assembling coding process. 现在大家开始尝试... Sandia 国家实验室中有一位 Jeff Brinker, 他找到一个方法,做出自我组装的编码程序。
Sandia:n.西瓜; coding:n.译码;v.把…编码;(code的现在分词)
Imagine being able to make ceramics at room temperature by simply dipping something into a liquid, lifting it out of the liquid, and having evaporation force the molecules in the liquid together, so that they jigsaw together in the same way as this crystallization works. 想像一下,在室温下就能制造陶瓷, 只要把某个东西浸入一种液体中, 再从液体中移出,蒸发干, 强迫液体中的分子紧密排列, 像拼图一样结合在一起, 就跟结晶生成的方式一样。
room temperature:室温; dipping:v.蘸;浸;(使)下降,下沉;(dip的现在分词) evaporation:n.蒸发;消失; molecules:n.[化学]分子,微粒;[化学]摩尔(molecule的复数); jigsaw:拼图玩具
Imagine making all of our hard materials that way. 想像有一天,所有坚硬材质都能这样被制造出。
Imagine spraying the precursors to a PV cell, to a solar cell , onto a roof, and having it self-assemble into a layered structure that harvests light. 或是喷洒前驱波到硒电池,太阳能板上, 放到屋顶上面,让它自我组装成可以转换光能的层状结构。
spraying:v.喷;喷洒;向…扫射(或抛洒);撒尿(以示领地占有);(spray的现在分词) precursors:n.前体细胞(precursor的复数);先驱者(precursor的复数); solar cell:光电管; self-assemble:vi.自组装;
Here's an interesting one for the IT world: bio-silicon. This is a diatom , which is made of silicates . 下面这个是IT行业会有兴趣的: 生物硅。这是硅藻,它是由硅酸盐所组成的。
diatom:n.[植]硅藻; silicates:n.硅盐酸;(silicate的复数)
And so silicon, which we make right now -- it's part of our carcinogenic problem in the manufacture of our chips -- this is a bio-mineralization process that's now being mimicked. 我们现在制造硅元素... 也就是制造晶片时,会产生致癌物的问题。 现在有人开始尝试模彷这个生物矿化的过程。
carcinogenic:adj.致癌的;致癌物的; manufacture:v.(用机器)大量生产; n.大量制造; chips:炸土豆条(chip的复数)
This is at UC Santa Barbara. Look at these diatoms; this is from Ernst Haeckel's work. 这是加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校。看看这些硅藻。 这是 Ernst Haeckel 的研究。
Imagine being able to -- and, again, it's a templated process, and it solidifies out of a liquid process -- imagine being able to have that sort of structure coming out at room temperature. 想像我们能够... 同样的,这个过程也需要一块模板起头 再从液体中固化产生 想像有一天
Imagine being able to make perfect lenses. 我们能制造完美的镜片
On the left, this is a brittle star; it's covered with lenses that the people at Lucent Technologies have found have no distortion whatsoever . 左边是一只阳燧足,它全身都是镜片。 朗讯科技的研究人员发现 这些镜片完全没有成像变形的问题
brittle:adj.易碎的,脆弱的;易生气的; Lucent:adj.透明的,光亮的;美国朗讯科技公司(原AT&T实验室); distortion:n.变形;[物]失真;扭曲;曲解; whatsoever:pron.无论什么;
It's one of the most distortion-free lenses we know of. 这是据我们所知最没有成像变形的一种镜片。
And there's many of them, all over its entire body. 阳隧足全身布满了这些镜片。
What's interesting, again, is that it self-assembles. 有趣的是,这也是自我组装的产物。
A woman named Joanna Aizenberg, at Lucent, is now learning to do this in a low-temperature process to create these sort of lenses. She's also looking at fiber optics . 朗讯科技有一位叫做 Joanna Aizenberg 的女研究员, 她正在学习如何以低温过程来做出这种镜片。 她同样也研究光纤。
low-temperature:低温的; fiber:n.纤维;光纤(等于fibre); optics:n.[光]光学;
That's a sea sponge that has a fiber optic. 这是一种海绵,
Down at the very base of it, there's fiber optics that work better than ours, actually, to move light. 它身体最底部有光纤,这些就是光纤。 这种光纤传播光线的效果比人造光纤还要好。
but you can tie them in a knot; they're incredibly flexible . 而且还可以打结;这种光纤弹性相当好。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; flexible:adj.灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的;
Here's another big idea: CO2 as a feedstock . 这是另外一个重要的概念:以二氧化碳当原料。
A guy named Geoff Coates, at Cornell, said to himself, you know, plants do not see CO2 as the biggest poison of our time. 康乃尔大学有一位 Geoff Coates,他心想 植物不像我们,把二氧化碳当成这世代最严重的毒害
We see it that way. Plants are busy making long chains of starches and glucose , right, out of CO2. He's found a way -- he's found a catalyst , and he's found a way to take CO2 那是我们的看法 植物则忙着用二氧化碳合成出长链的淀粉和葡萄糖 他发现了一种催化剂,
starches:n.淀粉质食品;v.给…上浆;使浆硬(starch的单三形式); glucose:n.葡萄糖;葡糖(等于dextrose); catalyst:n.[物化]催化剂;刺激因素;
and make it into polycarbonates. Biodegradable plastics out of CO2 -- how plant-like. 也找到方法能将二氧化碳变成聚碳酸酯。 用二氧化碳做出生物分解性塑胶 — 这多像植物啊。
Solar transformations : the most exciting one. 太阳能转换:这是最令人兴奋的一个。
There are people who are mimicking the energy-harvesting device inside of purple bacterium , the people at ASU. Even more interesting, lately, in the last couple of weeks, people have seen 现在有些人在模彷紫色细菌体内 能源采集装置 这些人来自亚力桑那州立大学 更有趣的是, 不久以前,有人发现 一种叫做氢化酵素的东西,
device:n.装置;策略;图案; purple:n.紫色;紫袍;v.变紫;使成紫色;adj.紫色的;华丽的文辞; bacterium:n.[微]细菌;杆菌属;
that there's an enzyme called hydrogenase that's able to evolve hydrogen from proton and electrons . And is able to take hydrogen up -- basically what's happening in a fuel cell, in the anode of a fuel cell and in a reversible fuel cell. 它能够利用质子跟电子来产生氢气 也能够分解氢气 基本上说这就是燃料电池内部的反应:在燃料电池的阳极 以及在可转换的燃料电池的反应。
enzyme:n.[生化]酶; hydrogenase:n.[生化]氢化酶; evolve:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成; proton:n.[物]质子; electrons:n.[物]电子(electron的复数形式); basically:adv.主要地,基本上; anode:n.[电子]阳极,[电]正极; reversible:adj.可逆的;可撤消的;可反转的;n.双面布料;
In our fuel cells, we do it with platinum . 人造燃料电池用的是白金。
platinum:n.[化学]铂; adj.唱片集已售出100万张的;
Life does it with a very, very common iron. 但是生物用的是很常见的铁。
And a team has now just been able to mimic that hydrogen-juggling hydrogenase. 有个研究团队最近刚刚模拟出 这种能操弄氢气的氢化酵素
That's very exciting for fuel cells -- to be able to do that without platinum. 这是非常令人振奋的 因为它意味着可以做出不需要白金的燃料电池
Power of shape: here's a whale. We've seen that the fins of this whale have tubercles on them. And those little bumps actually increase efficiency in, for instance , the edge of an airplane -- increase efficiency by about 32 percent. 形状的威力:这是一只鲸鱼 我们看到这只鲸鱼的鳍上有许多圆形瘤状突起 这些小突起其实能提高效率, 例如说, 设置在机翼的边缘,效率能提高 32%。
tubercles:n.结节;[植]小瘤,[植]小块茎; bumps:碰撞(bump的第三人称单数);碰撞(bump的复数); efficiency:n.效率;效能;功效; instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; airplane:n.飞机;
Which is an amazing fossil fuel savings , if we were to just put that on the edge of a wing. 这是相当可观的节约—— 只要在机翼上加上这种突起就能节省大量的石化燃料即可
fossil fuel:n.化石燃料(如煤或石油); savings:n.节省物;节省;节约;储蓄金;存款;(saving的复数) on the edge of:adv.几乎;濒于;在…边缘;
Color without pigments : this peacock is creating color with shape. 不用颜料就能呈现颜色:这隻孔雀羽毛的颜色来自形状。
pigments:n.[颜料]颜料,染料;[物][生化]色素(pigment的复数形式); peacock:n.孔雀;雄孔雀;爱虚荣的人;vi.炫耀;神气活现地走;
Light comes through, it bounces back off the layers; it's called thin-film interference . Imagine being able to self-assemble products with the last few layers playing with light to create color. 光线透进来,被好几层反弹回去。 这叫做薄膜干涉。 想像有一天可以做出自我组装的产品 产品最外面的几层操作光线来产生颜色
interference:n.干扰,冲突;干涉; layers:n.层;表层;层次;阶层;v.把…分层堆放;(layer的第三人称单数和复数)
Imagine being able to create a shape on the outside of a surface, so that it's self-cleaning with just water. That's what a leaf does. 想像能够在物体表面上加上结构 让它只要有水就能自我清洁,跟叶子一样
See that up-close picture? 看到这张特写照片了吗?
It's a ball of water, and those are dirt particles . 这是一个水滴,这些是灰尘颗粒。
dirt:n.污垢;尘土;下流话; particles:n.微粒,粒子;粒子系统;碎木料(particle的复数形式);
And that's an up-close picture of a lotus leaf. 这是一张莲叶的特写照片。
There's a company making a product called Lotusan, which mimics -- when the building facade paint dries, it mimics the bumps in a self-cleaning leaf, and rainwater cleans the building. 有一家公司生产一种叫做 Lotusan 的产品,它模彷了... 当建筑物外牆的粉刷干了之后,会有像叶子上能够自我清洁的突起, 然后雨水就能够将建筑物洗淨。
mimics:v.模仿; n.会模仿的人(或动物); (mimic的第三人称单数和复数) facade:n.正面;表面;外观; rainwater:n.雨水;软水;
Water is going to be our big, grand challenge: quenching thirst. 水将会是我们最重大,严峻的挑战: 如何解决全球的饮水问题。
Here are two organisms that pull water. 这里有两种生物能够收集水。
The one on the left is the Namibian beetle pulling water out of fog. 左边是那米比亚金龟,它能从雾中收集水分。
The one on the right is a pill bug -- pulls water out of air. 右边的是球潮虫,能从空气中收集水。
pill:n.[医]药丸;药品; bug:n.臭虫,小虫;故障;窃听器;v.烦扰,打扰;装窃听器;
Does not drink fresh water. 它不喝干净的水。
Pulling water out of Monterey fog and out of the sweaty air in Atlanta , before it gets into a building, are key technologies. 在水气进入建筑物之前,从蒙特瑞的雾中, 和亚特兰大的潮湿空气中 把水份分离出来,这是很重要的科技
Monterey:n.蒙特利(美国一座城市); sweaty:adj.出汗的;吃力的;使人出汗的; Atlanta:n.亚特兰大(美国城市);
Separation technologies are going to be extremely important. 分离科技将会变得非常重要。
Separation:n.分离;分开;分割;隔离; extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地;
What if we were to say, no more hard rock mining? 如果有一天,我们不必再挖掘採矿?
What if:如果…怎么办? hard rock:n.硬摇滚乐(用电吉他演奏,节奏强劲);
What if we were to separate out metals from waste streams -- small amounts of metals in water? That's what microbes do, they chelate metals out of water. 如果我们可以从废水分离出微量金属? 如果我们可以从废水分离出微量金属?不过,微生物已经能做到了。 它们将金属从水中螯合出来。
microbes:n.细菌,[微]微生物;微生物类(microbe的复数形式); chelate:n.螯合物;adj.螯合的;有螯的;vt.与(金属)结合成螯合物;
There's a company here in San Francisco called MR3 that is embedding mimics of the microbes' molecules on filters to mine waste streams. 旧金山有一家公司叫做 MR3, 他们在过滤器上嵌入模彷自微生物的分子 来采集废水中的矿物
embedding:v.把…牢牢地嵌入(或插入、埋入); (embed的现在分词) filters:n.过滤器; v.过滤; (filter的第三人称单数和复数)
Green chemistry is chemistry in water. 绿色化学是在水中进行的
We do chemistry in organic solvents . 而我们的化学反应却是在有机溶剂中进行的
organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体; solvents:n.[化学]溶剂;解决方法(solvent的复数形式);
This is a picture of the spinnerets coming out of a spider , OK, and the silk being formed from a spider. Isn't that beautiful? 这张照片是蜘蛛的纺丝器 丝从蜘蛛体内产生。很漂亮吧?
spinnerets:n.喷丝板;纺嘴;[昆]吐丝器(spinneret的复数); spider:n.蜘蛛;
Green chemistry is replacing our industrial chemistry with nature's recipe book. 环保化学是用自然的处方来取代我们的工业化学。
industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; recipe:n.食谱;方法;诀窍;烹饪法;
It's not easy, because life uses only a subset of the elements in the periodic table . 这不容易, 因为生命只使用元素周期表上一小部份的元素。
subset:n.[数]子集;子设备;小团体; elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) periodic table:n.元素周期表;
And we use all of them, even the toxic ones. 而我们则是全部都用,有毒的也用。
To figure out the elegant recipes that would take the small subset of the periodic table, and create miracle materials like that cell, is the task of green chemistry. 这些高级配方只需用到周期表的一小部份, 就能制造出像那个细胞一样神奇的材料。 把这些配方研究明白是环保化学的任务。
elegant:adj.高雅的,优雅的;讲究的;简炼的;简洁的; recipes:n.烹饪法;食谱;方法;秘诀;诀窍;(recipe的复数) miracle:n.奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例;
Timed degradation : packaging that is good until you don't want it to be good any more, and dissolves on cue . 定时分解:一种包装材料, 在你需要时很好用, 不需要时,又能马上分解。
degradation:n.退化;降格,降级;堕落; dissolves:v.溶解;分解(dissolve的单三式);溶接; cue:n.暗示;提示;信号;(戏剧的)提示;v.给(某人)暗示(或提示);
That's a mussel you can find in the waters out here. 在这一带水域里你会看到淡菜。
And the threads holding it to a rock are timed -- at exactly two years, they begin to dissolve. 这些将它们固定在石头上的足丝线是有时效的,不多不少正好两年, 时间到了就开始分解。
threads:n.线; v.穿(针); (thread的第三人称单数和复数)
Healing : this is a good one. 治疗:这个很有趣。
Healing:n.康复; adj.痊愈中的; v.(使)康复,复原; (heal的现在分词)
That little guy over there is a tardigrade . 那边那个小傢伙属于缓步动物门(水熊虫)。
There is a problem with vaccines around the world not getting to patients . And the reason is that the refrigeration somehow gets broken; what's called the "cold chain" gets broken. 现在有一个难题 使得很多疫苗无法送到病人手中 原因是没办法保持持续冷藏的状态 这是所谓的 低温链 中断
vaccines:n.[药][计]疫苗; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) refrigeration:n.制冷;冷藏;[热]冷却; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
A guy named Bruce Rosner looked at the tardigrade -- which dries out completely, and yet stays alive for months and months and months, and is able to regenerate itself. 一位叫做 Bruce Rosner 的人研究了水熊虫 水熊虫能够在完全脱水的状态下,存活好几个月 之后又能够再生
And he found a way to dry out vaccines -- encase them in the same sort of sugar capsules as the tardigrade has within its cells -- meaning that vaccines no longer need to be refrigerated . 因此他发现了干燥疫苗的方法: 将疫苗包在一种糖制胶囊里, 就像水熊虫细胞内的胶囊构造。 也就是说,疫苗不再需要冷藏。
encase:vt.包住;围绕;包装; capsules:n.[药]胶囊(capsule的复数); v.压缩; refrigerated:v.使冷却;使变冷;冷藏;(refrigerate的过去式和过去分词)
They can be put in a glove compartment , OK. 放在汽车前座的置物箱也没问题。
glove compartment:n.(汽车前排座位前放小物件的)杂物箱;
Learning from organisms. This is a session about water -- learning about organisms that can do without water, in order to create a vaccine that lasts and lasts and lasts without refrigeration. 向生物学习。这一小节跟水有关, 为了创造出可以长时间储存而不需冷藏的疫苗 我们要向没有水也能生存的生物学习
I'm not going to get to 12. 我没办法讲完 12 点,
But what I am going to do is tell you that the most important thing, besides all of these adaptations , is the fact that these organisms have figured out a way to do the amazing things they do while taking care of the place that's going to take care of their offspring . 但是我要告诉大家,除了这些演化适应, 最重要的是, 这些生物都想出了办法, 它们一方面能做到这些神奇的事情, 同时又能善待环境, 让环境能善待牠们的子孙。
I am going to:我将要做什么事情 besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; adaptations:n.适应;改编(adaptation的复数); offspring:n.后代,子孙;产物;
When they're involved in foreplay, they're thinking about something very, very important, and that's having their genetic material remain, 10,000 generations from now. 当它们进行前戏的时候, 心里想的是非常重要的事情, 也就是把它们的遗传物质万世流传下去。 也就是把它们的遗传物质万世流传下去。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
And that means finding a way to do what they do without destroying the place that'll take care of their offspring. 这也就意味着,它们找到一种方法, 不会破坏它们下一代赖以为生的环境。
That's the biggest design challenge. 这才是最大的设计难题。
Luckily, there are millions and millions of geniuses willing to gift us with their best ideas. 幸运的是,有百万千万的天才们 愿意提供他们伟大的想法
Good luck having a conversation with them. 祝各位跟他们谈得愉快。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)
Chris Anderson: Talk about foreplay, I -- we need to get to 12, but really quickly. 讲到前戏,我们得讲完 12 点,但是请尽快。
Janine Benyus: Oh really? 真得吗?
CA: Yeah. Just like, you know, like the 10-second version of 10, 11 and 12. Because we just -- your slides are so gorgeous , and the ideas are so big, I can't stand to let you go down without seeing 10, 11 and 12. 对,像是 10, 11, 12 点的十秒钟精简版。 因为我们实在...你的幻灯片实在是太精彩了, 这些想法是这么的伟大 没看到 10, 11, 12 点 我不能让你离开
JB: OK, put this -- OK, I'll just hold this thing. OK, great. 好,戴上 — 好,我拿着就好。
OK, so that's the healing one. 好,太棒了。 好,刚刚讲到医疗。
Sensing and responding : feedback is a huge thing. 感知与反应:回馈是很重要的。
responding:v.响应;作出反应;反应灵敏;(respond的现在分词) feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈;
This is a locust . There can be 80 million of them in a square kilometer, and yet they don't collide with one another. 这是蝗虫。一平方公里内可以有八千万只蝗虫, 但是他们不会撞到彼此。
locust:n.[植保]蝗虫,[昆]蚱蜢; collide:vi.碰撞;抵触,冲突;vt.使碰撞;使相撞;
And yet we have 3.6 million car collisions a year. 但是我们人类一年有三百六十万起车祸。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Right. There's a person at Newcastle who has figured out that it's a very large neuron . 没错。纽卡斯尔有个人 她发现这跟一个巨大的神经元有关
Newcastle:n.纽卡斯尔(英国港市); neuron:n.[解剖]神经元,神经单位;
And she's actually figuring out how to make a collision-avoidance circuitry based on this very large neuron in the locust. 她正在研究 如何做出一种防撞电路 设计原理就是根据蝗虫体内的巨大神经元。
This is a huge and important one, number 11. 第 11 点影响深远,非常重要。
And that's the growing fertility . 也就是让环境更加丰饶。
That means, you know, net fertility farming. 这意味着,能增加土地富饶的农业。
We should be growing fertility. And, oh yes -- we get food, too. 我们应该增加土地的富饶,当然我们同时也会得到食物。
Because we have to grow the capacity of this planet to create more and more opportunities for life. 因为我们不得不增加这个星球的负载能力, 才能为生命制造愈来愈多的机会。
And really, that's what other organisms do as well. 这其实也是其他生物在做的事。
In ensemble , that's what whole ecosystems do: they create more and more opportunities for life. 整体而言,这也是整个生态系在做的事: 为生命制造愈来愈多的机会。
ensemble:n.全体;总效果;全套服装;全套家具;合奏组;adv.同时; ecosystems:n.生态系统(ecosystem的复数);
Our farming has done the opposite. 但是我们的农业却是逆道而行。
So, farming based on how a prairie builds soil, ranching based on how a native ungulate herd actually increases the health of the range. 因此,农业要彷效大草原如何滋养土壤, 畜牧业要彷效原生有蹄类动物 如何促进栖地的健康
prairie:n.大草原;牧场; ranching:n.经营大牧场;v.经营牧场(ranch的ing形式); native:adj.本国的;土著的;天然的;与生俱来的;天赋的;n.本地人;土产;当地居民; ungulate:adj.有蹄的;像蹄子的;n.有蹄类动物; herd:n.兽群,畜群;放牧人;vi.成群,聚在一起;vt.放牧;使成群;
Even wastewater treatment based on how a marsh not only cleans the water, but creates incredibly sparkling productivity . 甚至废水处理也可以彷效 沼泽不仅仅有淨水的功能 同时也创造数不清令人目眩的生命力
marsh:n.沼泽;湿地;adj.沼泽的;生长在沼泽地的; sparkling:adj.闪亮的; v.闪耀; (sparkle的现在分词) productivity:n.生产力;生产率;生产能力;
This is the simple design brief. I mean, it looks simple because the system, over 3.8 billion years, has worked this out. 这是一个简单的设计简报。 我是说,它看起来简单 因为整个生态系,过去 38 亿年来,已经找出答案。
That is, those organisms that have not been able to figure out how to enhance or sweeten their places, are not around to tell us about it. 那些没找出方法,无法改善环境、优化环境的生物 都活不到今天 为我们带来它们的故事
enhance:v.提高;增强;增进; sweeten:vt.减轻;使变甜;使温和;使悦耳;vi.变甜;
That's the twelfth one. 这就是第 12 点。
Life -- and this is the secret trick; this is the magic trick -- life creates conditions conducive to life. 生命… 这是一种神秘又神奇的把戏: 生命创造对生命有益的环境。
it builds soil, it cleans air, it cleans water, it mixes the cocktail of gases that you and I need to live. 生命产生土壤,清新空气,纯淨水源; 生命混合出你我赖以为生的空气组成。
mixes:n.混淆;调拌料(mix的复数);v.混合(mix的第三人称单数); cocktail:n.鸡尾酒;开味食品;n.混合物;adj.鸡尾酒的;
And it does that in the middle of having great foreplay and meeting their needs. So it's not mutually exclusive . 在此同时,生命也一边享受美好前戏 满足了自己的需求。两者不是互相排斥的
mutually:adv.互相地;互助; exclusive:adj.独有的;排外的;专一的;n.独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者;
We have to find a way to meet our needs, while making of this place an Eden. 我们必须找到方法,既能够满足我们的需求 又能把我们的环境打造成伊甸园
CA: Janine, thank you so much. Janine,非常谢谢你。
(Applause) (掌声)