

Everybody has that one friend -- you know, the single-minded one, the one who, no matter what the question is, always finds a way to make the answer whatever it is she's single-minded about. 每個人都有一位這樣的朋友 —— 對某件事極其專注的朋友, 不論問他什麼問題, 都有辦法把答案和他 念念不忘的那件事拉上關係。
single-minded:adj.专心的;纯真的;真诚的;率直的; no matter what:不管什么…;
I'm that friend. 我就是那個朋友。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
And the thing that I'm single-minded about is racism . 而我一心一意專注的事, 是種族主義。
If someone were to ask me, "So, Janet, got any plans for the 4th of July?" 如果有人問我:「那麽,珍妮特, 你七月四日有什麼計畫嗎?」
I'm subject to answer, "Yeah, I'm going to binge-watch 'Roots.'" 我會回:「我要刷劇,狂看 《尋根》(關於黑奴的影集)。」
(Laughter) (笑聲)
Or if they said, "Janet, I've got a joke for you: 或者,如果有人說: 「珍妮特,我跟你說個笑話:
Why'd the chicken cross the road?" 雞為什麼要過馬路?」
'"Uh, was it a black chicken? 「呃,這隻雞是黑色的嗎?
Probably gentrification ." 可能是因為仕紳化(貧窮地區因 富人遷來居住,環境得以改善)。」
(Applause) (掌聲)
But for me, single-mindedness is not just caring about something. 但對我來說,專注在一件事上 並不僅僅只是去關心它,
It's caring about something enough to do something about it. 而是為這份心意做出實際行動。
It's not just thinking, it's doing. 不止是「想」,還要去「做」。
It's not just praying, it is moving your feet. 不止是禱告,還要行動起來。 (「祈禱時也做出行動」非洲諺語。)
And the reason I'm single-minded about racism is because I know single-mindedness can destroy it. 我之所以對於種族主義 如此專注,是因為我知道: 專注能夠摧毀它。
I learned that many, many years ago. 我是在許多年前學到這一點的。
Back in 1984, I was a junior at Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina . 1984 年,我在 戴維森學院讀三年級, 它位於北卡羅萊納州的戴維森鎮。
junior:n.青少年;职位较低者;adj.青少年的;地位低下的; Carolina:n.卡罗莱纳州(在美国东南部);
Now, Davidson is a little-bitty town, 戴維森是個丁點兒大的鎮,
Southern town, split by railroad tracks , with white Davidson on one side, black Davidson on the other side , and, as black students lived on the white side of the tracks , 南方的小鎮,以火車鐵軌為界限, 一邊是白人區,另一邊是黑人區。 作為居住在白人區的黑人學生,
split:v.分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解;n.劈开;裂缝;adj.劈开的; tracks:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;(track的第三人称单数和复数) on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
we got used to being stopped in downtown and asked for ID, until the police memorized our faces. 在市區被攔下並被要求 出示身分證件,是司空見慣的事, 直到警方記住我們的面孔, 才不再這麼做。
downtown:n.市区;闹市区;adv.在市区;在热闹街上;到闹市区;adj.闹市区的; memorized:v.记忆;记住(memorize的过去分词和过去式)
But fortunately , that didn't take too long, because out of 1,200 students, only 52 of us were black. 但幸運的是, 這花不了多少時間, 因為,在 1200 名學生中, 只有 52 名黑人。
There was on black professor and one black assistant dean . 還有一名黑人教授, 和一名黑人副院長。
Things weren't a lot better on campus . 在校園裡,狀況也沒有好多少。
Well, I wasn't OK with this. 嗯,我對此頗有微詞。
And so, I started writing things. 所以,我開始為此寫作。
And then I started yelling things. 接著,我開始為此呼喊。
And after about three years of that, 大約這樣做了三年之後,
I got tired. 我累了。
So I decided to write one more thing; 所以我決定要再寫一樣東西:
I wrote something called "Project '87." 我寫了「87 專案」。
Project '87 was really just a challenge to Davidson: in three years, by 1987, enroll 100 black students, hire 10 black professors, create five Black Studies classes and hire one black dean. 「87 專案」其實只是個 給戴維森學院的挑戰: 用三年的時間,到 1987 年時, 要招收 100 名黑人學生, 僱用 10 名黑人教授, 並開設 5 堂黑人研究課程, 及僱用 1 名黑人院長。
It didn't seem particularly revolutionary , but what was different about it was, we also challenged Davidson to say that if you don't do this, we will question your commitment to diversity . 這似乎並不是什麽 革命性的專案, 但它有個特別的地方, 我們也挑戰校方, 我們說,如果你們不這麼做, 我們將會質疑你們 對於群體多樣性的承諾。
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; revolutionary:adj.革命性的;革命的;彻底变革的;n.改革者;革命者; commitment:n.承诺;投入;保证;许诺; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化:
It was a real problem. 那是個實實在在的問題。
We put some real numbers to it. 那些數字是動真格的。
We gave them some real consequences . 我們要給他們點顔色看看。
Well, the campus went absolutely nuts. 隨之,整個校園陷入瘋狂。
But fortunately, in the middle of this, 但幸運的是,在這過程中,
Davidson got a new president, and that president was single-minded about racism, too. 戴維森學院有位新校長上任, 那位新校長也同樣 專注於種族主義。
And so, he created a task force to address the issues in Project '87. 所以,他成立了一個專案小組, 來處理「87 專案」的議題。
task force:工作小组; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
And several months after that, we produced a 77-page report. 幾個月之後, 我們撰寫了一份 77 頁的報告。
That report was the foundation for all the change that came after it. 該報告是後續所有變革的基礎。
Now, I wasn't there to see that change, because, actually, in 1985, 當時我沒能親歷那場變革, 因為,其實,在 1985 年,
I graduated. 我就畢業了。
(Applause) (掌聲)
You are looking at the three happiest people on the planet that day, because I am leaving. 你們現在看到的,是那一天 地球上最快樂的三個人, 因為我要走人了。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
However, the change did happen, and today, there are 185 black students, there are 16 black or multiracial professors, there are four black deans , and there's an entire degree-granting Africana Studies Department. 然而,改變確實發生了, 現今,學校有 185 名黑人學生, 16 名黑人或多種族的教授, 4 名黑人院長, 還有一整個能夠授予 學位的非洲文化研究系。
multiracial:adj.多民族的; deans:院长; Africana:非洲文献,非洲艺术品(与非洲各民族的历史或文化有关的书籍、文件、艺术品等材料);
(Applause) (掌聲)
Project '87 changed Davidson. 「87 專案」改變了戴維森學院。
But it also changed me, because what it taught me was there's a lot of power in single-mindedness. 但它也改變了我, 因為它教會我一件事, 那就是:專注投入一件事 會有很強大的力量。
Well, today, I'm an executive speechwriter for one of the biggest companies in the world. 如今我擔任高階主管講稿撰寫人, 隸屬於世界上最大的公司之一。
executive:n.管理人员; adj.经营管理的; speechwriter:n.演讲稿撰写人;
It's a profession that is 92 percent white and predominantly male, which makes me a little bit of a unicorn . 從事這職業的 92% 是白人, 絕大部分是男性。 讓我顯得有點像是 珍稀的獨角獸。
profession:n.行业,职业;业内人士;同行; predominantly:adv.主要地;显著地; a little bit of a:一点点了; unicorn:n.独角兽;麒麟;
But I'm a single-minded unicorn. 但我是隻專注的獨角獸。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
So the thing about speech writing is, it's very personal . 撰寫演講稿有一個特點, 它很個人化,因人而異。
So I spend a lot of time in deep conversation with the CEO and senior executives , and a lot of times those conversations turn to diversity and inclusion , which, of course, I'm always happy to talk about. 所以我花了很多時間和執行長 以及高階主管進行深度對談, 大部分的時候,那些對談的主題 都會轉向群體多樣性及包容性, 我當然對此津津樂道。
senior:adj.大;级别(或地位)高的;成人的;高级水平的;n.上级;上司;较…年长的人; executives:n.经理,主管领导,管理人员;领导层;行政部门(executive的复数) inclusion:n.包含;内含物;
But after quite a few of these conversations, 但在多次這樣的對談之後,
quite a few:不少,相当多;
I've come to a conclusion : 我得到了一個結論:
I believe that business is in a position to do something that no other entity can do. 我相信:企業,是特殊的 存在,它能夠做到一些 其他社會實體都無法做到的事。
Business can dismantle racism. 企業能夠破除種族主義。
Now, colleges can't do it. 大學沒辦法做到這一點。
There aren't but 5,000 of them in the United States and only 20 million students enrolled . 在美國,大學不過就五千所, 只招收兩千萬名學生。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) enrolled:v.(使)加入;注册;登记;(enroll的过去分词和过去式)
Church can't do it, either -- only 35 percent of us go on a regular basis, and when we do, eleven o'clock Sunday morning is "the most segregated hour" in America. 教堂也做不到 —— 只有 35% 的人會定期去教堂, 且當我們去教堂時, 在美國,星期日早上 11 點 是「最種族隔離的一小時」。
But business? 但企業呢?
There are a 162 million people in the US workforce alone -- people of all races, united in the spirit of wanting a paycheck and having to show up to get it. 單單是美國的勞動人口 就有 1 億 6 千 2 百萬人 —— 包含了所有種族的人, 他們團結起來,因為他們想要 領到薪水,還一定得出面才能領取。
workforce:n.劳动大军;全体员工; paycheck:n.工资;薪金;工资支票;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
Now, I'm aware that diversity is bigger than race, and racism is bigger than America. 我知道群體多樣性並不 侷限於種族,它更大、更廣泛, 而種族主義也同樣不侷限於美國。
But racial discrimination is the most prominent form, and Lord knows America is the absolute best at it. 但種族歧視是最為突出的表現, 地球人都知道, 在美國,種族歧視最為嚴重。
discrimination:n.歧视;区别,辨别;识别力; prominent:adj.突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的; Lord:n.(英国)贵族,大人,大臣;v.使成贵族;作威作福;
So what if , though, what if we worked in diverse and inclusive environments t hat we had s omething to do something with? 所以,如果這樣會如何: 我們在一個多樣性 且包容性的環境下工作, 能夠讓我們藉助一些 東西來做些什麼?
what if:如果…怎么办?
And since we spend one-third of our lives at work, what if we did that with people who didn't look like us? 既然我們把人生三分之一的 時間花在工作上, 如果我們和擁有不同外觀 特徵的人一起工作,會如何?
I think the world would be a totally different place outside of work. 我想,在工作以外的世界 會變成一個全然不同的地方。
That can happen if business gets single-minded about racism. 如果企業也能專注在 種族主義上,就有可能辦到。
But the question is: How is that supposed to happen? 但問題是:要如何讓它發生?
Well, I think there are three things that business can borrow from Project '87: real problems, real numbers, real consequences. 我認為,企業能從 「87 專案」中借鑒三樣東西: 實實在在的問題, 實實在在的數字, 實實在在的後果。
Like it or not, diversity is not really a problem for business -- yet. 不論喜歡或不喜歡, 對企業來說,多樣性並不是 什麽問題 —— 目前不是。
I mean, it's a nice thing to have, it's the right thing to do, but for decades, we've been trying to make the case that diversity fuels innovation and customer insight . 我的意思是,它能 錦上添花,且師出有名, 但數十年來,我們 一直在努力提出論據 來證明多樣性能夠 促進創新和市場洞察力。
innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法; insight:n.洞察力;洞悉;
I mean, at this point, it's kind of a no-brainer , a little bit like hearing a smoke alarm going off and standing with your hand on the hot door, waiting for some data to tell you that your house is on fire. 我是指,在此時此刻, 它是毫無疑問的, 有一點像是聽到煙霧警報器響起, 把手支在高溫的門上站著, 然後等著某些資料來告訴你, 你的房子失火了。
no-brainer:不需对其动脑筋的事物; smoke alarm:n.烟雾报警器(用于预防火灾);
Because the data is already there. 然而資料已經在那裡了。
Forbes's best workplaces for diversity enjoy 24 percent higher revenue growth. 富比士公佈的群體多樣性上的最佳工作 場所,在收益成長上高出 24%。
workplaces:n.[管理]工作场所(workplace的复数); revenue:n.收益;营业额;税务署;
And yet, here we are in 2018, and there are only three black CEOs in the Fortune 500. 但,已經到了 2018 年, 在「財富美國五百強」當中 只有三名執行長是黑人。
And if your name is Molly or Connor, you've got a 14 percent better chance of getting a callback on your resume than if your name is Shanice or DeShawn. 如果你的名字叫莫利或康納, 在寄出履歷後得到回電的機會, 比叫做珊妮絲或 迪尚恩的人要高出 14%。
callback:n.回收;回叫信号; resume:n.简历;v.继续;重返;
And all of this, despite the fact that by 2045, 所有這一切,儘管到 2045 年,
America is projected to be a minority-majority country. 預期美國將成為 少數民族合起來佔多數的國家。
Here's the thing: the business case for diversity, as it stands today, doesn't really speak to any problem. 重點是: 企業現今的多樣性狀況 其實並沒有表明任何問題。
And the only way business is going to get single-minded about racial diversity is if it has a problem that is urgent and relative to somebody other than people of color. 若要讓企業專注在種族多樣性上, 唯一的方式就是: 種族多樣性有個問題很急迫, 而且還跟非有色人種有關。
urgent:adj.紧急的;急迫的; relative:adj.相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n.亲戚;相关物;[语]关系词;亲缘植物;
I got one: 我有想到一個:
How about employees and customers? 想想看員工與客戶?
Because no matter what business you're in, you're going to need those, right? 因為不論你從事哪一行, 都需要員工和客戶,對吧?
Well, let's talk about some real numbers. 咱們來談一些實實在在的數字。
If you have employees and customers, wouldn't it make sense if they looked a little bit like the people that work for you? 如果你有員工和客戶, 如果他們在外貌上 和你的員工們有點相似, 這不是相當合理的嗎?
make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理;
So if that's the case, maybe your employee base should be 13 percent Black and 18 percent Hispanic , because that's what the population looks like. 若是這樣的話,也許 你的員工應該有 13% 是黑人, 18% 是西班牙裔, 因為那就是他們人口中的分佈比率。
Maybe that's what your customer base looks like. 也許你客戶的人種分佈 也是像這樣的。
customer base:n.(统称某种产品或服务的)客户;
But let's be clear: diversity and inclusion are not the same things. 但咱們把話說清楚: 多樣性和包容性並不是同一件事。
Diversity is a numbers game. 多樣性是個數字遊戲,
Inclusion is about impact . 而包容性關乎影響。
Companies can mandate diversity, but they have to cultivate inclusion. 公司能夠強制要求以達成多樣性, 但得要慢慢培養包容性。
mandate:n.授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作;vt.授权;托管; cultivate:vt.培养;陶冶;耕作;
And if inclusion is what you're after, you've got to calculate some slightly different numbers. 如果你追求的是包容性, 你得要計算一些較為不同的數字。
How about 30 percent? 30% 如何?
Because that's the point that research shows at which the voices of minorities actually begin to be heard. 因為研究顯示,當少數民族 在所有人中的比例達到 30% 時, 他們的聲音才開始被聽到。
If you want a real problem, you're going to need real numbers to fix it, and if you're not willing to set real numbers, then maybe you're not real serious about diversity and inclusion. 如果你想要有個實實在在的問題, 你就需要有實實在在的 數字來解決它, 如果你不願意設定那些數字, 那麼,也許你其實沒有 認真看待多樣性和包容性。
That brings me to my third point: real consequences. 這就導向了第三點: 實實在在的後果。
Think about this: when salespeople forget what they're doing and don't come up with their numbers, what do we do? 想想看: 當業務人員忘了他們在做什麼, 且沒有達成業務目標, 我們怎麼做?
salespeople:n.推销员;[贸易]售货员;店员; come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
We give them a little time, maybe we give them some training. 我們會給他們一點時間, 也許會給他們一些訓練。
But then if they don't hit those numbers eventually , we fire them. 但接著,如果最終, 他們仍然沒有達標, 我們就會開除他們。
However, when you start talking about diversity and inclusion, we use terms like " accountability ." 然而,當你開始談論 多樣性和包容性時, 我們會用到像 「責任性」這樣的詞。
And maybe we scold , and maybe we hold back an incentive or two. 也許我們會叱責,也許我們 保留一兩份獎勵不發。
scold:v.责骂;训斥(孩子);n.高声骂人的人[妇女]; hold back:n.滞留; incentive:n.动机;刺激;adj.激励的;刺激的;
But you know what the best incentive is? 但你們知道最好的獎勵是什麼嗎?
A job. 一份工作。
And you know what the best disincentive is? 你們知道最好的遏制因素是什麼嗎?
Losing it. 失去工作。
So if companies really want accountability, they should assume that that is a given. 所以,如果公司真的想要責任性, 他們應該要假設那是已有的事實。
Consequences are what happen when you don't do what you're accountable for. 「後果」起因於敷衍塞責。
Imagine this: imagine a place where people of all colors and all races are on and climbing every rung of the corporate ladder; where those people feel safe -- indeed, expected -- 想像一下: 想像一個地方,在那裡, 有各種膚色、各種種族的人, 分佈在企業各階層 且還在向上攀登; 在那裡,那些人覺得很安心—— 這是可預期的——
rung:n.横档,脚蹬横木;地位;v.给…打电话(ring的过去式和过去分词); corporate:adj.公司的;组成公司(或团体)的;法人的;社团的;
to bring their unassimilated, authentic selves to work every day, because the difference that they bring is both recognized and respected. 每天都可以放心地以沒有被同化、 最真實的自我面對工作, 因為他們帶來的差異 是被認可也被尊重的。
authentic:adj.真正的,真实的;可信的; recognized:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;(recognize的过去分词和过去式)
And imagine a place where the lessons we learn about diversity at work actually transform the things we do, think and say outside of work. 想像一個地方,在那裡, 我們在工作中學到的多樣性經歷 能真正轉變我們在工作之外的 行為、思想和言辭。
That is what happens if we all work together to fix what's broken. 如果我們能夠同心協力
That is what happens if we stop praying for change to happen and actually start moving our feet to making it. 如果我們盼望改變的發生, 卻不再寄希望於神明, 而是真正行動起來、 開始去做,就能實現它。
That is the power of single-mindedness. 那就是專注的力量。
Thank you. 謝謝。
(Applause) (掌聲)