

Good morning everyone. And I feel -- first of all , it's been fantastic being here over these past few days. 各位上午好。首先,我觉得,太棒了 这几天在这儿太棒了
first of all:adv.首先; fantastic:奇异的,空想的
And secondly, I feel it's a great honor to kind of wind up this extraordinary gathering of people -- these amazing talks that we've had. 其次,我觉得能最后出场是我莫大的荣耀 面对这么一群了不起的人 和这些精彩的谈话。
I feel that I've fitted in, in many ways, to some of the things that I've heard. 我发现,在很多方面, 我很赞同我所听到的一些事。
I started off -- I came directly here from the deep, deep tropical rainforest in Ecuador , where I was out -- you could only get there by a plane -- with indigenous people with paint on their faces and parrot feathers on their headdresses . 我从厄瓜尔多热带雨林的最深处 直接来到这里, 我工作的那个地方,只有乘飞机才能到达 那儿的土著人脸上涂着颜料 戴着鹦鹉羽毛的头饰。
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; tropical:adj.热带的;热情的;酷热的; rainforest:n.(热带)雨林; Ecuador:n.厄瓜多尔(位于拉丁美洲); indigenous:adj.本土的;土著的;国产的;固有的; headdresses:n.头发编梳的式样;饰头巾;
Where these people are fighting to try and keep the oil companies, and keep the roads, out of their forests. 在那里,他们竭力阻止石油公司进入森林 不让他们在森林里铺路
They're fighting to develop their own way of living within the forest in a world that's clean, a world that isn't contaminated , a world that isn't polluted. 他们在斗争,想要保持自己在森林里的生活方式 要保持他们的世界洁净,那个世界未曾被毒害 未曾被污染。
And what was so amazing to me, and what fits right in with what we're all talking about here at TED, is that there, right in the middle of this rainforest, 我觉得很奇妙的是 与TED的话题相一致, 在那里,就在这片雨林的正中央,
was some solar panels -- the first in that part of Ecuador -- and that was mainly to bring water up by pump so that the women wouldn't have to go down. 有一片太阳能电蓄电池板——这是厄瓜多尔这个地区的第一块太阳能电池 这些电池主要用于带动水泵,将水运到山上 这样妇女们就不用再下山挑水
panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式); mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; pump:n.抽水机;泵;打气筒;v.用泵输送;涌出;奔流;快速摇动;
The water was cleaned, but because they got a lot of batteries , they were able to store a lot of electricity . 这些水都经过净化,很干净。但是因为他们有很多电池, 能储备足够的电。
batteries:n.电池;炮组;炮列;[法]殴打;(batteries是battery的复数) electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪;
So every house -- and there were, I think, eight houses in this little community -- could have light for, I think it was about half an hour each evening. 所以每一家,我想,总共有八家人 在这个小社区里,能够用上电灯 我觉得每晚能维持半小时的照明。
And there is the Chief, in all his regal finery , with a laptop computer. 他们的酋长,除了酋长的服饰,还有一个电脑笔记本。
regal:adj.帝王的;王室的;豪华的;庄严的; finery:n.服饰;华丽的服饰,鲜艳服装;装饰; laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this man, he has been outside, but he's gone back, and he was saying, "You know, we have suddenly jumped into a whole new era , and we didn't even know about the white man 这个人曾经走出过他们的村庄,但是最终他回来了 他曾说: 我们好像一瞬间就进入了一个全新的时代 五十年前,我们甚至不知道还有白种人
50 years ago, and now here we are with laptop computers, and there are some things we want to learn from the modern world. 可如今,在这儿,我们有了笔记本电脑 我们想要从现代社会中学习一些事。
We want to know about health care . 我们想要了解卫生保健。
health care:n.卫生保健;
We want to know about what other people do -- we're interested in it. 想知道其他地方的人在做什么——我们对这些感兴趣。
And we want to learn other languages. 我们想学其他语言。
We want to know English and French and perhaps Chinese, and we're good at languages." 我们想学英语、法语,或许中文。 我们有语言天赋。”
So there he is with his little laptop computer, but fighting against the might of the pressures -- because of the debt , the foreign debt of Ecuador -- fighting the pressure of World Bank , IMF, and of course the people who want to exploit the forests and take out the oil. 他就是这样,用一台小小的笔记本电脑, 跟强大的外在压力做斗争 —— 这压力都来自于厄瓜多尔的巨额外债—— 对抗来自世界银行,国际货币基金组织的压力, 当然,还要对抗那些想要开发森林和开采石油的人。
debt:n.债务;借款;罪过; World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构); exploit:v.利用…为自己谋利;剥削;压榨;运用;发挥;
And so, coming directly from there to here. 因此,我从那里直接飞到这里,来告诉大家这些。
But, of course, my real field of expertise lies in an even different kind of civilization -- 但是,当然我的专业 是关于另一种领域的文明——
expertise:n.专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
I can't really call it a civilization. 也许我不能称之为文明。
A different way of life, a different being. 而是另一种生活方式,另一种生存。
We've talked earlier -- this wonderful talk by Wade Davis about the different cultures of the humans around the world -- but the world is not composed only of human beings, there are also other animal beings. 我们早先谈过——在韦德·戴维斯的精彩演讲中, 谈到了世界上不同种族的文化。 但这个世界,不仅仅是由人类组成的, 还有其他动物的存在。
Wade:vi.跋涉;vt.涉水;费力行走;n.跋涉;可涉水而过的地方; composed:adj.由…组成的; v.组成; (compose的过去分词和过去式)
And I propose to bring into this TED conference , as I always do around the world, the voice of the animal kingdom. 正如我在世界各地所做的一样,我想要带给TED 来自动物王国的声音。
propose:v.建议;提议;求婚;打算; conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会)
Too often we just see a few slides, or a bit of film, but these beings have voices that mean something. 通常我们只是在几张幻灯片中,或是一小段影片里看到这些, 但是,这些生命也有能表达某种意义的声音。
And so, I want to give you a greeting, as from a chimpanzee in the forests of Tanzania -- 因此,我用坦桑尼亚森林里的黑猩猩的方式 向大家问好——
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! 呜~~呜~~~呜~~~~~呜呜呜~~~呜~~呜~~~(学猩猩叫)
(Applause) (掌声)
I've been studying chimpanzees in Tanzania since 1960. 我从1960年开始在坦桑尼亚研究黑猩猩。
During that time, there have been modern technologies that have really transformed the way that field biologists do their work. 从那时起,现代科技手段 大大改变了 野外生物学家的工作方式。
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式) biologists:n.生物学家(biologist的复数);
For example, for the first time, a few years ago, by simply collecting little fecal samples we were able to have them analyzed -- to have DNA profiling done -- 比如,几年前,我们第一次 只需取粪便样本 就可以分析动物——比如检查DNA——
fecal:adj.排泄物的;残渣的;糟粕的; analyzed:v.分析(analyze的过去式和过去分词);检讨; profiling:n.资料搜集;v.扼要介绍;概述;写简介;(profile的现在分词)
so for the first time, we actually know which male chimps are the fathers of each individual infant . 所以,也是从那时起,我们才开始真正的知道 每只小黑猩猩的父亲是谁。
chimps:n.(非洲的)黑猩猩; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; infant:n.婴儿;幼儿;未成年人;adj.婴儿的;幼稚的;初期的;未成年的;
Because the chimps have a very promiscuous mating society. 因为黑猩猩是混杂交配的,
promiscuous:adj.混杂的;杂乱的;adv.偶然地;胡乱地; mating:n.交尾;交配;v.交配;交尾;使交配;(mate的现在分词)
So this opens up a whole new avenue of research. 所以,这个技术帮助我们开创了新的研究领域。
And we use GSI -- geographic whatever it is, GSI -- to determine the range of the chimps. 我们用GIS来——代表的是地理什么的,GSI—— 来确定黑猩猩的活动范围。
geographic:adj.地理的;地理学的; determine:v.决定;确定;测定;查明;形成;影响;裁决;安排;
And we're using -- you can see that I'm not really into this kind of stuff -- but we're using satellite imagery to look at the deforestation in the area. 我们还——你们看,我这方面不太在行, 不过我们用卫星影像技术 来观察这个区域的森林破坏程度。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: imagery:n.像;意象;比喻;形象化; deforestation:n.采伐森林;森林开伐;
And of course, there's developments in infrared , so you can watch animals at night, and equipment for recording by video, and tape recording is getting lighter and better. 当然,还有红外线夜视技术 可以在夜间观察动物。 而且录音、录像的机器 越来越轻便、好用,
infrared:n.红外线;adj.红外线的; tape recording:n.磁带录音;v.用磁带录音(tape-record的ing形式);
So in many, many ways, we can do things today that we couldn't do when I began in 1960. 所以,我们今天可以做的更多, 这在1960年,我刚开始工作时都是不可能的。
Especially when chimpanzees, and other animals with large brains, are studied in captivity , modern technology is helping us to search for the upper levels of cognition in some of these non-human animals. 特别是研究圈养的黑猩猩和其他 脑容量大的动物时, 现代技术有助于我们探索 除人类之外,拥有高级认知能力的动物。
Especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; captivity:n.囚禁;被关; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; upper:adj.上面的;内陆的;n.靴面;兴奋剂; cognition:n.认识;知识;认识能力; non-human:adj.非人类的;非人工的;
So that we know today, they're capable of performances that would have been thought absolutely impossible by science when I began. 使我们今天了解到,他们能够完成 之前我们认为不可能的事 这都是因为当时科学手段有限。
capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的; performances:n.演出;[法]履行(performance的复数形式); absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地;
I think the chimpanzee in captivity who is the most skilled in intellectual performance is one called Ai in Japan -- her name means love -- and she has a wonderfully sensitive partner working with her. 我觉得,圈养黑猩猩中能完成最复杂的智力行为的 是一只在日本的黑猩猩,叫做Ai 意思是“爱”, 她有个聪明敏感的伙伴。
skilled:adj.熟练的;有技能的;需要技能的; intellectual:n.知识分子;脑力劳动者;adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的; wonderfully:adv.精彩地;惊人地;极好地; sensitive:adj.敏感的;感觉的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人;
She loves her computer -- she'll leave her big group, and her running water, and her trees and everything. 她喜欢她的电脑,为了电脑 她宁愿离开群体,离开流动的水源, 离开她的树林,离开一切。
And she'll come in to sit at this computer -- it's like a video game for a kid, she's hooked . 她会来到这台电脑跟前坐下, 她爱玩游戏,一种类似小孩子玩的游戏,她着了迷。
video game:n.电子游戏; hooked:adj.弯曲的; v.(使)钩住,挂住; (hook的过去分词和过去式)
She's 28, by the way , and she does things with her computer screen and a touch pad that she can do faster than most humans. 顺便说一下,她28岁了,她通过屏幕 和触摸屏,动作比大多数人还要快。
by the way:顺便说一下; touch pad:n.(操作程序的)触摸板;
She does very complex tasks, and I haven't got time to go into them, but the amazing thing about this female is she doesn't like making mistakes. 她可以使用电脑完成非常复杂的任务,我没有时间细说了。 有一点令人惊异: 她不喜欢犯错误。
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物;
If she has a bad run, and her score isn't good, she'll come and reach up and tap on the glass -- because she can't see the experimenter -- which is asking to have another go. 要是她这轮没玩好,得分太低, 她就会走过去,拍实验室的玻璃, ——因为她看不见实验员—— 她这是在要求再玩一轮。
And her concentration -- she's already concentrated hard for 20 minutes or so, and now she wants to do it all over again, just for the satisfaction of having done it better. 她已经精神高度集中了二十分钟, 还要求再重新玩一轮, 只是为了要玩得更好,到自己满意为止。
concentration:n.浓度;含量;集中;专心; concentrated:adj.决心要做的; v.集中(注意力); (concentrate的过去式和过去分词) satisfaction:n.满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪;
And the food is not important -- she does get a tiny reward , like one raisin for a correct response -- but she will do it for nothing, if you tell her beforehand . 而且食物对她并不重要——她确实会得到一丁点儿的奖励, 比如每一次正确的反应,她会得到一颗葡萄干—— 但是你要是跟她事先讲明,没有食物她也心甘情愿。
reward:n.[劳经]报酬;报答;酬谢;v.[劳经]奖励;奖赏; raisin:n.葡萄干; response:n.响应;反应;回答; beforehand:adv.事先;预先;adj.提前的;预先准备好的;
So here we are, a chimpanzee using a computer. 你看,黑猩猩也可以操作电脑。
Chimpanzees, gorillas , orangutans also learn human sign language . 黑猩猩、大猩猩、红毛猩猩还能学会人的手语。
gorillas:n.[脊椎]大猩猩;暴徒(gorilla的复数); orangutans:n.[脊椎]猩猩(orangutan的复数); sign language:n.手势语;
But the point is that when I was first in Gombe in 1960 -- 重要的是,当我1960年第一次来到贡贝——
I remember so well, so vividly , as though it was yesterday -- the first time, when I was going through the vegetation , the chimpanzees were still running away from me, for the most part , although some were a little bit acclimatized -- 那时的印象仍然十分鲜明,一切好像就在昨天—— 第一次,穿过整片的丛林, 大多数黑猩猩见了我,还是会逃开, 虽然还是有一些对人类有点习惯了。
vividly:adv.生动地;强烈地; vegetation:n.植被;植物,草木;呆板单调的生活; for the most part:adv.在极大程度上,多半;
and I saw this dark shape, hunched over a termite mound , and I peered with my binoculars . 我看见一个黑影,爬伏在蚁丘上, 我从望远镜里看出去。
hunched:adj.缩成一团的;v.弯腰驼背(hunch的过去分词); termite:n.[昆]白蚁; mound:n.小丘;小山岗;一堆;许多;大量; peered:v.仔细看;端详(peer的过去分词和过去式) binoculars:n.双筒望远镜;
It was, fortunately , one adult male who I'd named David Greybeard -- and by the way, science at that time was telling me that I shouldn't name the chimps they should all have numbers, that was more scientific . 那是只成年的雄猩猩,我给它起名叫灰胡子大卫。 要知道,当时的科学界还不兴这样给动物起名字, 好像动物只能标号码,那样才科学。
fortunately:adv.幸运地; Greybeard:n.老人; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的;
Anyway, David Greybeard -- and I saw that he was picking little pieces of grass and using them to fish termites from their underground nest. 无论如何,我看见这个灰胡子大卫 捡起细小的草叶,用它们 把白蚁从地下的蚁穴钓出来。
And not only that -- he would sometimes pick a leafy twig and strip the leaves. 不仅如此,他还会捡一根树枝, 把叶子捋净。
only that:只是;要不是; leafy:adj.多叶的;叶状的;叶茂盛的; twig:v.理解;n.小枝;嫩枝;末梢; strip:n.带; v.夺; adj.脱衣舞的;
Modifying an object to make it suitable for a specific purpose -- the beginning of tool making. 修整物体以适于某种特殊用途, ——这就是制造工具的开始。
Modifying:修饰; suitable:adj.合适的;适宜的;适当的;适用的; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药;
The reason this was so exciting and such a breakthrough is at that time, it was thought that humans, and only humans, used and made tools. 这个发现令人兴奋,是一个突破, 因为当时认为,只有人 才会使用和制造的工具。
When I was at school, we were defined as man, the tool-maker. 我还在读书的时候,我们定义人类为工具的制造者。
defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确;
So that when Louis Leakey, my mentor , heard this news, he said, "Ah, we must now redefine man, redefine tool, or accept chimpanzees as humans." 所以,当我的导师路易斯·李基听到这个消息, 他说:“噢,我们需要重新定义人和工具了, 不然就得承认黑猩猩也属于人类。”
mentor:n.指导者,良师益友;vt.指导; redefine:vt.重新定义;
(Laughter) (笑)
We now know that at Gombe alone, there are nine different ways in which chimpanzees use different objects for different purposes. 仅贡贝一地的黑猩猩,就拥有九种不同的方法, 把物体做成工具,有不同的目的,用于不同的对象。
Moreover , we know that in different parts of Africa, wherever chimps have been studied, there are completely different tool-using behaviors. 此外,我们知道非洲其他地方, 研究大猩猩的每一个地方, 都存在截然不同的使用工具的行为。
And because it seems that these patterns are passed from one generation to the next, through observation , imitation and practice -- that is a definition of human culture. 这些方式方法一代一代传承着, 通过观察、模仿、和实践, ——人类文化就是如此定义的。
observation:n.观察;观测;监视;(尤指据所见、所闻、所读而作的)评论; imitation:n.模仿;仿制品;赝品;效仿; definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释;
What we find is that over these 40-odd years that I and others have been studying chimpanzees and the other great apes , and, as I say, other mammals with complex brains and social systems, 这四十多年来, 我和其他人一直在研究黑猩猩 和其他的大型猿类,还有, 其他的拥有复杂大脑和社会结构的哺乳类动物,
apes:n.[脊椎]猿;猩猩;类人猿(ape的复数);v.模仿;仿效(ape的三单形式); mammals:n.哺乳动物;(mammal的复数)
we have found that after all, there isn't a sharp line dividing humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. 我们最后发现,没有一条很清晰的界线, 来区分人类和其他动物。
It's a very wuzzy line. 这条界线非常模糊。
It's getting wuzzier all the time as we find animals doing things that we, in our arrogance , used to think was just human. 这条界线越来越模糊,随着我们发现动物可以做许多事 我们曾经自大地认为,这些事只有人才会做。
The chimps -- there's no time to discuss their fascinating lives -- but they have this long childhood , five years of suckling and sleeping with the mother, and then another three, four, or five years of emotional dependence on her, even when the next child is born. 现在没有时间来谈论黑猩猩的奇妙生活, 不过,他们的童年也很长, 有五年的时间,它们吸吮母乳,跟母亲睡在一起, 之后大约有三到五年的时间 小黑猩猩都对母亲有情感依靠,即使有新生儿的出现,也是如此。
fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词) childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 suckling:n.乳儿; adj.尚未断奶的,哺乳的; v.哺乳; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; dependence:n.依赖;依靠;信任;信赖;
The importance of learning in that time, when behavior is flexible -- and there's an awful lot to learn in chimpanzee society. 这段时间对于它们是关键的学习时间,行为可以塑造, 在黑猩猩群体里,有很多东西要学。
The long-term affectionate supportive bonds that develop throughout this long childhood with the mother, with the brothers and sisters, and which can last through a lifetime, which may be up to 60 years. 长期的爱和支持的纽带 将在漫长的童年时期建立在小猩猩与母亲 和其他兄弟姐妹之间, 这种联系可以维持一生, 长达60年之久。
long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; affectionate:adj.深情的;充满深情的; supportive:adj.支持的;支援的;赞助的; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
They can actually live longer than 60 in captivity, so we've only done 40 years in the wild so far. 在圈养环境下,他们实际上不止活60年, 而目前我们对野外黑猩猩只做了40年的研究。
And we find chimps are capable of true compassion and altruism . 我们发现黑猩猩有诚挚的情感,懂得同情和关心。
compassion:n.同情;怜悯; altruism:n.利他;利他主义;
We find in their non-verbal communication -- this is very rich -- they have a lot of sounds, which they use in different circumstances , but they also use touch, posture , gesture , and what do they do? 我们还发现,他们的非语言交流非常丰富, 它们会发出各种声音,用于各种不同的场合。 同时,它们也触摸、做姿势,打手势, 那它们是怎么做的呢?
non-verbal:adj.非语言的;非用言语的; circumstances:n.情况;环境;情形;(circumstance的复数) posture:n.姿势;态度;看法;立场;处理方式;v.故作姿态;装样子 gesture:n.手势;姿势;示意动作;表示;v.做手势;用手势表示;
They kiss, they embrace , they hold hands. 它们亲吻、拥抱、握手。
They pat one another on the back, they swagger , they shake their fist -- the kind of things that we do -- and they do them in the same kind of context . 它们互相拍击后背、昂首阔步、摇晃拳头—— 就像我们所做的一样—— 它们也用在同样的场合。
pat:v.合适; n.拍打; adj.过于简易的; v.(喜爱地)轻拍; swagger:v.大摇大摆;大摇大摆地走;n.大摇大摆;神气十足;adj.漂亮的 context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉;
They have very sophisticated cooperation . 它们有非常复杂的协作。
sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的; cooperation:n.合作;配合;
Sometimes they hunt -- not that often, but when they hunt they show sophisticated cooperation, and they share the prey . 它们有时打猎——这并不常发生, 但当它们打猎时,它们分工合作、互相协助, 之后,它们还分配猎物。
We find that they show emotions , similar to -- maybe sometimes the same -- as those that we describe in ourselves as happiness, sadness, fear, despair . 我们发现,黑猩猩也会表达感情,像是幸福、悲伤、恐惧、绝望, 类似于人类的情感,有时甚至是一样的。
emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数) describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望;
They know mental as well as physical suffering. 它们知道身体上的疼痛,也知道精神上的痛楚。
mental:adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者; as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查;
And I don't have time to go into the information that will prove some of these things to you, save to say that there are very bright students, in the best universities, studying emotions in animals, studying personalities in animals. 现在我没有足够的时间,告诉你们更多的细节 来证明我所说的这些, 更没有时间详细介绍在一些顶尖的大学里,有些非常聪明的学生, 正在研究动物的情绪和个性。
We know that chimpanzees and some other creatures can recognize themselves in mirrors -- self as opposed to other. 我们知道,黑猩猩跟一些其他的动物 可以从镜子中认出自己——它们可以区别自己和其他个体。
creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数) recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式)
They have a sense of humor , and these are the kind of things which traditionally have been thought of as human prerogatives . 它们也有幽默感,而正是这一类感知 我们传统上认为,是人类的“特权”。
humor:n.幽默;心情;情绪;脾气;v.迎合;迁就; traditionally:adv.传统上;习惯上;传说上; prerogatives:n.特权;优先权;(prerogative的复数)
But this teaches us a new respect -- and it's a new respect not only for the chimpanzees, I suggest, but some of the other amazing animals with whom we share this planet. 因此,这教给我们一种新的尊重 我认为,这不仅仅是对黑猩猩的尊重 更是对与我们共享这个地球的其他动物的尊重
Once we're prepared to admit that after all, we're not the only beings with personalities, minds and above all feelings, and then we start to think about ways we use and abuse 归根结底,只有当我们能够承认 我们人类并不是唯一拥有个性、精神、甚至情感的生灵时 我们才能够反思 我们是如何利用和虐待
so many other sentient , sapient creatures on this planet, it really gives cause for deep shame, at least for me. 这个星球上其他拥有智慧和感知的生物, 至少对我来说,这是非常让人内疚的。
sentient:adj.有感情的;有感觉力的;意识到的;n.有知觉的人; sapient:adj.聪明的;伶俐的;装聪明样的;有见识的;n.(史前的)智人;
So, the sad thing is that these chimpanzees -- who've perhaps taught us, more than any other creature, a little humility -- are in the wild, disappearing very fast. 所以,让人难过的是,这些黑猩猩—— 它们比任何其他生物更能让我们懂得一点羞耻心—— 却在野外快速的消失。
humility:n.谦卑,谦逊; disappearing:v.消失;不复存在;灭绝;丢失(disappear的现在分词)
They're disappearing for the reasons that all of you in this room know only too well. 导致它们消失的原因 在场所有人都心知肚明。
The deforestation, the growth of human populations needing more land. 森林砍伐,人口增加需要更多土地。
They're disappearing because some timber companies go in with clear-cutting . 因为伐木公司进入森林,大面积砍伐树木, 摧毁整片的树林,所以黑猩猩正在消失。
timber:n.木材;木料; clear-cutting:皆伐(clear-cut的现在分词);
They're disappearing in the heart of their range in Africa because the big multinational logging companies have come in and made roads -- as they want to do in Ecuador 在非洲黑猩猩活动区域的中心,它们正在消失 因为跨国伐木公司巨头进入森林,修建道路—— 而他们也想在厄瓜多尔
multinational:adj.跨国公司的;多国的;n.跨国公司; logging:n.伐木作业;v.把…载入正式记录;记录;采伐;(log的现在分词)
and other parts where the forests remain untouched -- to take out oil or timber. 以及其他森林未被开发的地区做同样的事情—— 他们要而开采大量的石油或木材。
And this has led in Congo basin , and other parts of the world, to what is known as the bush-meat trade. 这导致刚果盆地和世界其他地区兴起了 所谓的“丛林肉”(野味)交易。
This means that although for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, people have lived in those forests, or whatever habitat it is, in harmony with their world, just killing the animals they need for themselves and their families -- now, suddenly, because of the roads, the hunters can go in from the towns. 这意味这,虽然几百年,也许是几千年以来, 生活在那些森林里,或者是其他栖息地的人们, 与大自然和谐共处,只捕杀所需的动物 只为自己及家人所需—— 而现在,一瞬间,新筑的道路, 使猎人能够从城里进入森林。
habitat:n.[生态]栖息地,产地; harmony:n.协调;和睦;融洽;调和;
They shoot everything, every single thing that moves that's bigger than a small rat, they sun-dry it or smoke it. 这些人射杀一切,射杀每一个活动的物体 只要比老鼠大,他们都会捕来晒干或是熏烤。
And now they've got transport , they take it on the logging trucks or the mining trucks into the towns where they sell it. 他们还有交通工具,他们可以乘着伐木卡车或是采矿卡车 把猎物带进城,再卖掉。
And people will pay more for bush-meat, as it's called, than for domestic meat -- it's culturally preferred . 在某些文化中,人们愿意高价购买这些“野味”, 而不喜欢养殖动物的肉。
domestic:n.佣人;家佣;家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾;adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的; culturally:adv.从文化角度,文化意义上;在人文学方面; preferred:v.较喜欢;喜欢…多于…;(prefer的过去式和过去分词)
And it's not sustainable , and the huge logging camps in the forest are now demanding meat, so the Pygmy hunters in the Congo basin who've lived there with their wonderful way of living for so many hundreds of years are now corrupted . 这不是可持续的,而那些驻扎在森林里的大型伐木营 也需要大量的肉类,所以刚果盆地里的俾格米猎人们 他们原本上百年来在森林里和谐安居 现在这种生活也遭到了破坏。
sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; Pygmy:n.[内科]侏儒; adj.矮小的; corrupted:v.使腐化;使堕落;破坏;损坏;(corrupt的过去分词和过去式)
They're given weapons, they shoot for the logging camps, they get money. 有人给他们武器,他们为伐木营射杀动物,获得金钱。
Their culture is being destroyed, along with the animals upon whom they depend. 他们的文化正遭受破坏, 他们生存所依赖的动物也同样遭到毁灭。
So, when the logging camp moves, there's nothing left. 所以,当伐木营离开时,当地往往被洗劫一空。
We talked already about the loss of human cultural diversity , and I've seen it happening with my own eyes. 我们之前已经讨论过,人类文化的多样性正在不断地丧失, 而我本人亲眼目睹了这一切的发生。
And the grim picture in Africa -- I love Africa, and what do we see in Africa? 虽然我爱非洲,但当我们将目光投向非洲严酷的现实, 我们又看到了什么呢?
We see deforestation, we see the desert spreading, we see massive hunger, we see disease and we see population growth in areas where there are more people living on a certain piece of land than the land can possibly support, and they're too poor to buy food from elsewhere . 我们看到森林被砍伐, 沙漠扩大,饥荒肆虐, 我们看到疾病蔓延,人口增长 使得有限土地上所居住的人越来越多 超出了土地所能供养的极限, 而他们又极端贫穷,无力从其他地方购买食物。
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; elsewhere:adv.在别处;到别处;
Were the people that we heard about yesterday, on the Easter Island, who cut down their last tree -- were they stupid? 我们昨天所讨论的复活节岛上的人, 他们砍掉了岛上最后的一棵树——他们真的愚蠢吗?
Didn't they know what was happening? 他们真的不知道当时即将发生什么事情吗?
Of course, but if you've seen the crippling poverty in some of these parts of the world it isn't a question of -- let's leave the tree for tomorrow. 他们清楚得很,可是,要是你看到在世界的某些角落 人们所过的赤贫的生活 那么,所谓为明天留下一棵树也就不是问题了。
crippling:adj.残废的; v.使残废; (cripple的现在分词) poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣;
How am I going to feed my family today? 你想的是:“今天我要怎么养活家人?
Maybe I can get just a few dollars from this last tree which will keep us going a little bit longer, and then we'll pray that something will happen to save us from the inevitable end." 也许,砍掉最后这棵树,我还能换来几块钱 这样我们还能稍微多活几天, 之后,再祈祷是否有奇迹 把我们从死亡中拯救出来。”
So, this is a pretty grim picture. 瞧,这就是严酷的现实。
The one thing we have, which makes us so different from chimpanzees or other living creatures, is this sophisticated spoken language -- a language with which we can tell children about things that aren't here. 将我们与黑猩猩及其他生物区分开的, 最重要的因素之一, 就是我们复杂的口头语言—— 我们用这种语言,可以告诉我们的孩子 那些尚未发生的事情。
We can talk about the distant past, plan for the distant future, discuss ideas with each other, so that the ideas can grow from the accumulated wisdom of a group. 我们告诉他们遥远的历史,或是未来的计划, 还可以讨论彼此的想法, 让这些思想在一群人累积起来的智慧中不断发展。
distant:adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的; accumulated:v.积累;积聚;(数量)逐渐增加;(accumulate的过去式和过去分词) wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问;
We can do it by talking to each other, we can do it through video, we can do it through the written word. 我们可以通过相互交谈做到这一点, 还可以通过视频或文字。
And we are abusing this great power we have to be wise stewards , and we're destroying the world. 而如今,我们正在滥用语言的能力,没有当好地球聪明的管家, 我们正在摧毁地球。
abusing:v.滥用(以致危害健康);妄用;虐待;伤害;(abuse的现在分词) stewards:n.干事; v.管理;
In the developed world in a way, it's worse, because we have so much access to knowledge of the stupidity of what we're doing. 从某种角度来说,发达国家做得更糟糕, 这是因为,我们可以更便捷地得到知识 更了解我们所做的事是多么的愚蠢。
Do you know, we're bringing little babies into a world where, in many places, the water is poisoning them. 大家知道吗,在很多地方, 新生儿喝的水都是有毒的。
And the air is harming them, and the food that's grown from the contaminated land is poisoning them. 空气也在伤害他们, 食物也生长在受污染的土地上,毒害他们。
And that's not just in the far-away developing world, that's everywhere. 而这并不只是发生在遥远的发展中国家,世界各地都是如此。
Do you know we all have about 50 chemicals in our bodies we didn't have about 50 years ago? 大家知道吗,我们现在体内有50余种化学元素 50年前在我们体内是不存在的。
And so many of these diseases , like asthma and certain kinds of cancers , are on the increase around places where our filthy toxic waste is dumped . 很多疾病,像是哮喘 以及某些癌症, 在有毒垃圾堆放的地方这些疾病的发生率都在增加。
diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; asthma:n.[内科][中医]哮喘,气喘; cancers:n.癌; (Cancers是cancer的复数) on the increase:正在增加,正在增长; filthy:adj.肮脏的;污秽的;下流的;淫秽的;adv.极其肮脏的;富得流油的; toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的; dumped:v.丢弃,扔掉;丢下;抛弃;倾销,抛售;(dump的过去分词和过去式)
We're harming ourselves around the world, as well as harming the animals, as well as harming nature herself. 世界各地,人们都在伤害自己, 伤害动物,伤害大自然。
Mother Nature , that brought us into being. 大自然母亲,赋予我们生命的自然。
Mother Nature:n.大自然;自然界;
Mother Nature, where I believe we need to spend time, where there's trees and flowers and birds for our good psychological development. 大自然,我们要长于斯乐于斯的大自然, 草长莺飞,花香鸟语 令我们怡情的大自然。
And yet, there are hundreds and hundreds of children in the developed world who never see nature, because they're growing up in concrete and all they know is virtual reality , with no opportunity to go and lie in the sun, or in the forest, with the dappled sun-specks coming down from the canopy above. 然而,在发达国家, 成千上万的孩子都没有见过大自然, 因为他们在混凝土的世界里长大 他们所知了解的都是虚拟现实, 他们没有机会躺在太阳下, 走进森林,躺在大树下 让斑驳的阳光洒满全身。
concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖 virtual reality:n.(计算机创造的)虚拟现实; dappled:adj.斑纹的;有斑点的;花的;v.起斑纹(dapple的过去式和过去分词); canopy:n.天篷;华盖;遮篷;苍穹;vt.用天蓬遮盖;遮盖;
As I was traveling around the world, you know, 当我环游世界时,
I had to leave the forest -- that's where I love to be. 我就得离开森林——那里是我心爱的的地方。
I had to leave these fascinating chimpanzees for my students and field staff to continue studying because, finding they dwindled from about two million 100 years ago to about 150,000 now, 我就必须告别这些神奇的黑猩猩 我的学生和研究基地的工作人员留下,继续研究 因为,了解到这些黑猩猩的数量 从100年前的200万只减少到如今的15万只,
I knew I had to leave the forest to do what I could to raise awareness around the world. 我知道,我必须离开丛林, 尽我所能,提高全世界对这一切的意识程度。
And the more I talked about the chimpanzees' plight , the more I realized the fact that everything's interconnected , and the problems of the developing world 对于黑猩猩的困境介绍得越多, 我就越发觉,世界万物都相互依存, 发展中国家的问题
plight:n.困境;境况;誓约;vt.保证;约定; interconnected:adj.连通的;有联系的;v.互相连接(interconnect的过去式);
so often stem from the greed of the developed world, and everything was joining together, and making -- not sense, hope lies in sense, you said -- it's making a nonsense . 常常是源于发达国家的贪婪, 所有的事都纠缠在一起,到头来却毫无理性, 大家说希望是建立在理性的基础上——但这一切却毫无理性。
stem:n.花草的茎或梗;高脚酒杯的脚;烟斗柄;词干;v.阻止;封堵;遏止; greed:n.贪婪,贪心; nonsense:n.胡说;废话;adj.荒谬的;int.胡说;
How can we do it? 我们怎么来面对呢?
Somebody said that yesterday, and as I was traveling around, I kept meeting young people who'd lost hope. 昨天有人说到这一点, 我所到之处,也经常见到对未来不存希望的年轻人。
They were feeling despair, they were feeling, "Well, it doesn't matter what we do, eat, drink and be merry , for tomorrow we die. 他们绝望, 他们说:“不管我们做什么都无所谓。 吃喝玩乐就好,反正总有一死。
Everything is hopeless -- we're always being told so by the media ." 一切都没有希望——媒体一直这样向我们灌输。”
And then I met some who were angry, and anger that can turn to violence , and we're all familiar with that. 我也遇到一些愤怒的人, 这些愤怒会转为暴力, 我们对此也很熟悉。
violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友;
And I have three little grandchildren, and when some of these students would say to me at high school or university, they'd say, "We're angry," 我自己有三个小孙子, 每当有些高中生或大学生跟我聊, 他们说:“我们很愤怒,”
or "We're filled with despair, because we feel you've compromised our future, and there's nothing we can do about it." 或者是,“我们很绝望, 因为你们霸占了我们的未来,而我们对此无能为力。”
compromised:v.妥协,折中,让步; (compromise的过去分词和过去式)
And I looked in the eyes of my little grandchildren, and think how much we've harmed this planet since I was their age. 我会看着我的孙儿的眼睛, 想当我像他们那么小,一直到现在,人类对地球造成了多少伤害
I feel this deep shame, and that's why in 1991 in Tanzania, 我非常惭愧,所以1991年在坦桑尼亚,
I started a program that's called Roots and Shoots. 我启动了“根与芽”这个项目。
There's little brochures all around outside, and if any of you have anything to do with children and care about their future, 外面有我们的小宣传册, 如果大家关心孩子们的未来,想与孩子们一起做些什么,
I beg that you pick up that brochure. 请大家拿一本宣传册看看。
And Roots and Shoots is a program for hope. “根与芽”是一个希望工程。
Roots make a firm foundation . “根”是坚实的基础。
Shoots seem tiny, but to reach the sun they can break through brick walls. “芽”看上去虽小, 但是,为了阳光它可以钻透砖墙。
break through:突破;突围;有重要创见;
See the brick walls as all the problems that we've inflicted on this planet. 把砖墙看作我们 给地球带来的问题。
Then, you see, it is a message of hope. 这样一来,瞧,这就是希望的讯息。
Hundreds and thousands of young people around the world can break through, and can make this a better world. 世界上,成千上万的年轻人 能够取得突破,让世界变得更好。
Hundreds and thousands:n.着色珠子糖(装饰糕点等用);
And the most important message of Roots and Shoots is that every single individual makes a difference. “根与芽”要传递的信息中,最重要的是 每一个人都可以做出贡献。
Every individual has a role to play. 每一个人在此都有自己的角色。
Every one of us impacts the world around us every day, and you scientists know that you can't actually -- even if you stay in bed all day, you're breathing oxygen and giving out CO2, and probably going to the loo, and things like that. 每天我们中的每个人都在影响着世界, 在座的科学家们都知道,不可能有人对世界没有影响—— 即使你天天躺在床上,你也在吸入氧气 呼出二氧化碳,你也会去上厕所, 还有其他类似的事情。
impacts:n.影响; v.有影响,有作用;
You're making a difference in the world. 每一个人都在影响着我们的世界。
So, the Roots and Shoots program involves youth in three kinds of projects. 所以,“根与芽”组织 召集青年人,致力于三种项目。
And these are projects to make the world around them a better place. 这些项目目的是改变世界,让世界变得更好。
One project to show care and concern for your own human community. 一个项目是关怀自己所属的社区。
One for animals, including domestic animals -- and I have to say, 另一个是关爱动物,包括家养动物——我必须要说,
I learned everything I know about animal behavior even before I got to Gombe and the chimps from my dog, Rusty, who was my childhood companion . 我早就对动物行为谙熟于心 早在我去贡贝前,我的狗鲁斯比就教给我这些知识, 它是我童年的伙伴。
And the third kind of project, something for the local environment. 第三类项目,是关心当地环境
So what the kids do depends first of all, how old are they -- and we go now from pre-school right through university. 孩子们具体做些什么,是根据他们的年纪而定—— 小的有学前班的孩子,大的有大学生。
It's going to depend whether they're inner-city or rural . 还要看他们住在哪里,是城市还是乡村。
inner-city:n.(居民拥挤,住屋破旧的)市中心平民区;adj.市中心的; rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的;
It's going to depend if they're wealthy, or impoverished . 此外还依据他们的家庭状况是富裕还是贫穷。
It's going to depend which part, say, of America they're in. 还要根据他们住在美国的哪部分。
We're in every state now, and the problems in Florida are different from the problems in New York. 美国的每个州都有我们的分支机构 弗罗里达的问题就跟纽约的不同。
It's going to depend on which country they're in -- and we're already in 60-plus countries, with about 5,000 active groups -- and there are groups all over the place that I keep hearing about 我们还要依照不同国家,制定不同的具体任务—— 至今,我们拥有5000个活跃的团队,覆盖了60余个国家—— 有些团队的所在地的地名我以前从来没听说过
that I've never even heard of, because the kids are taking the program and spreading it themselves. 正是因为有了这些孩子的积极参与, 推广项目,我才听说这些地方。
Why? 他们为什么参与?
Because they're buying into it, and they're the ones who get to decide what they're going to do. 因为他们接受这种信念, 他们要自己决定自己的未来。
It isn't something that their parents tell them, or their teachers tell them. 这并不是父母,亦或是老师 要他们去做的事。
That's effective , but if they decide themselves, "We want to clean this river and put the fish back that used to be there. 听师长的话,也许会更方便,但是如果由孩子们自己来做决定, “我们要清洁这条河, 让原本居住在这儿的鱼回来。
We want to clear away the toxic soil from this area and have an organic garden. 我们要将这个地区的有毒土壤清理干净, 使它变成有机花园。
clear away:清除;收拾;消失; organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体;
We want to go and spend time with the old people and hear their stories and record their oral histories. 我们要多花些时间陪老年人, 听他们讲故事,记录下他们口述的历史。
oral:adj.口头的; n.(尤指外语考试中的)口试; (大学里的)口试;
We want to go and work in a dog shelter. 我们要去犬类收养中心工作,
We want to learn about animals. We want ... " 我们要了解各种动物。我们还要...”
You know, it goes on and on , and this is very hopeful for me. 各位,我无法历数所有这些。在我看来,这就是希望。
on and on:继续不停地;
As I travel around the world 300 days a year, everywhere there's a group of Roots and Shoots of different ages. 一年中有300天我都在世界的某一个角落旅行, 那些地方都有不同年龄的人参与的“根与芽”项目。
Everywhere there are children with shining eyes saying, "Look at the difference we've made." 所到之处,都有孩子睁着闪亮的眼睛,告诉我: “看看我们做出的变化。”
And now comes the technology into it, because with this new way of communicating electronically these kids can communicate with each other around the world. 现在我们有了高科技的帮助, 因为有了这种新的电子交流方式 孩子们可以跨越大洋相互交流。
And if anyone is interested to help us, we've got so many ideas but we need help -- we need help to create the right kind of system that will help these young people to communicate their excitement . 如果任何人有兴趣给我们帮助,而且我们的确有很多的想法 需要帮助才能得以实现。 我们需要创造更适合年轻人交流心声的平台。
But also -- and this is so important -- to communicate their despair, to say, "We've tried this and it doesn't work, and what shall we do?" 但同样重要的是,让他们倾诉自己的失望,让他们可以说出: “我们试过了,可这样行不通,该怎么办?”
And then, lo and behold , there's another group answering these kids who may be in America, or maybe this is a group in Israel , saying "Yeah, you did it a little bit wrong. This is how you should do it." 马上,就会有另一个小组给这些孩子提供解答 他们可能在美国,也许是在以色列, 说:“是的,你这里做错了一点。你应该这么做。”
behold:v.看;注视;把...视为;int.瞧;看呀; Israel:n.以色列(亚洲国家);犹太人,以色列人;
The philosophy is very simple. 其中的哲学其实很简单。
We do not believe in violence. 我们反对暴力。
No violence, no bombs, no guns. 不需要暴力,不要炸弹,不要枪支。
That's not the way to solve problems. 这不是解决问题的方法。
Violence leads to violence, at least in my view. 至少在我看来,暴力只能导致暴力。
So how do we solve? 那我们要怎样解决问题呢?
The tools for solving the problems are knowledge and understanding. 知识和理解,就是我们解决问题的工具。
Know the facts, but see how they fit in the big picture. 了解真相,同时了解真相在全局中的位置。
Hard work and persistence --don't give up -- and love and compassion leading to respect for all life. 努力和坚持——不要放弃—— 爱和同情心能引导我们尊重所有的生命。
How many more minutes? Two, one? 我还有几分钟?两分钟,一分钟?
Chris Anderson: One -- one to two. 克里斯?安得森:一到两分钟。
Jane Goodall: Two, two, I'm going to take two. 珍妮?古道尔:两分钟,我需要两分钟。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Are you going to come and drag me off? 你们会冲上了把我拉下去吗?
(Laughter) (笑声)
Anyway -- so basically , Roots and Shoots is beginning to change young people's lives. 总而言之,“根与芽”正在 改变年轻人的生活。
It's what I'm devoting most of my energy to. 这正是我倾注大部分精力的工作。
And I believe that a group like this can have a very major impact, not just because you can share technology with us, but because so many of you have children. 我相信TED可以有非常重要的影响, 这不是因为我们可以分享技术, 而是因为你们中的许多人都有孩子。
And if you take this program out, and give it to your children, they have such a good opportunity to go out and do good, because they've got parents like you. 如果你愿意回家后,将我们的项目告诉你们的孩子, 那么他们就可以有一个极好的机会走出家门,做一些有意义的事, 因为他们有像你们这样的父母。
And it's been so clear how much you all care about trying to make this world a better place. 而且一切也都证明,大家都十分关注这个问题 关注如何让这个世界变得更好。
It's very encouraging. 这让人深受鼓舞。
But the kids do ask me -- and this won't take more than two minutes, I promise -- the kids say, "Dr. Jane, do you really have hope for the future? 但是孩子们的确会问我—— 我保证,我不会超过两分钟了—— 有孩子会说:“珍妮博士,你对未来真的抱有希望?
You travel, you see all these horrible things happening." 你去过很多地方,见过那么多可怕的事。”
Firstly , the human brain -- I don't need to say anything about that. 第一,人类的大脑——关于此我不必说什么。
Now that we know what the problems are around the world, human brains like yours are rising to solve those problems. 如今我们了解了世界各地存在的问题, 拥有诸位这样的大脑的人都会开始思考如何解决那些问题。
And we've talked a lot about that. 对此,我们已经说过了很多。
Secondly, the resilience of nature. 第二,大自然可以自我修复。
We can destroy a river, and we can bring it back to life. 我们可以摧毁一条河, 我们也可以使它恢复生机。
We can see a whole area desolated , and it can be brought back to bloom again, with time or a little help. 一片土地变为荒芜, 但只要有时间和一点帮助,它也可以重新变得生机盎然。
desolated:adj.荒凉的;无人烟的;vt.使荒凉;使孤寂; bloom:v.盛开;开花;繁殖;繁盛;n.水华;风华正茂;霜;青春;
And thirdly, the last speaker talked about -- or the speaker before last, talked about the indomitable human spirit. 第三,上一个发言者,也许往前数第二个, 提及了人类不屈不挠的精神。
We are surrounded by the most amazing people who do things that seem to be absolutely impossible. 我们周围有许多从不气馁的人们, 他们做成了许多看似不可能的工作。
Nelson Mandela -- I take a little piece of limestone from Robben Island Prison, where he labored for 27 years, and came out with so little bitterness , he could lead his people from the horror of apartheid without a bloodbath . 比如说尼尔森·曼得拉——我从罗本岛监狱拿了一块石灰石 在那儿,曼得拉被监禁并劳作了27年, 他出狱后并不是心怀怨恨,而是领导人民, 用和平的方式走出了可怕的种族隔离。
limestone:n.[岩]石灰岩; labored:adj.吃力的;费劲的;不自然的;v.工作;劳动;分娩(labor的过去分词); bitterness:n.苦味;苦难;怨恨; horror:n.恐惧;厌恶;震惊;对某事物的强烈畏惧(或憎恨); apartheid:n.种族隔离; bloodbath:n.大屠杀;
Even after the 11th of September -- and I was in New York and I felt the fear -- nevertheless , there was so much human courage, so much love and so much compassion. 即使在911之后——那时我在纽约,非常害怕—— 我也感受到了恐慌——但是仍有那么多人,充满了勇气, 充满了爱和同情心。
And then as I went around the country after that and felt the fear -- the fear that was leading to people feeling they couldn't worry about the environment any more, in case they seemed not to be patriotic -- and I was trying to encourage them, 在那之后,我去了美国的其他地区,感受到了人们的恐惧—— 这样的恐惧让人们觉得 他们不应再去担心自然环境, 只关注恐怖主义,不然他们会看上去不爱国,—— 当时我尝试着鼓励他们,
somebody came up with a little quotation from Mahatma Gandhi , "If you look back through human history, you see that every evil regime has been overcome by good." 有人走来告诉我一句圣雄甘地的话, “回顾人类历史, 一切恶势力终究被正义战胜。”
quotation:n.报价;引用;引文;引语; Mahatma:n.大圣;超人; Gandhi:n.甘地(印度政府,社会和宗教领袖); evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸; regime:n.政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制; overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜;
And just after that a woman brought me this little bell, and I want to end on this note. 然后,一个女士给了我这个小铃铛, 我想以这作为结束。
She said, "If you're talking about hope and peace, ring this. 她告诉我,“每当你说到希望和和平,就摇摇它。
This bell is made from metal from a defused landmine , from the killing fields of Pol Pot -- one of the most evil regimes in human history -- where people are now beginning to put their lives back together after the regime has crumbled . 这个铃铛是由一个拆除引信的地雷造的, 它来自波尔布特的屠杀战场—— 那人类历史中最为罪恶的政权之一—— 现在,这个政权已经垮台, 那里的人们正恢复正常生活。
defused:vt.平息;去掉…的雷管;使除去危险性; landmine:n.地雷(等于landmine); killing fields:n.大屠杀之地;杀戮战场; regimes:n.政治制度,政权,政体(regime的名词复数); crumbled:破碎;
So, yes, there is hope, and where is the hope? 所以,是的,希望是有的,那希望在哪儿呢?
Is it out there with the politicians ? 希望在政治家那儿吗?
It's in our hands. 希望在我们的手中。
It's in your hands and my hands and those of our children. 希望在你手中,在我手中, 在孩子们的手中。
It's really up to us. 一切的确由我们决定。
We're the ones who can make a difference . 只有我们,才能带来改变。
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
If we lead lives where we consciously leave the lightest possible ecological footprints , if we buy the things that are ethical for us to buy and don't buy the things that are not, we can change the world overnight . 如果我们在日常生活中, 尽量留下最轻的生态足迹, 如果我们只购买该买的东西 不买不该买的东西, 我们可以一夜之间改变世界。
consciously:adv.自觉地;有意识地; ecological:adj.生态的,生态学的; footprints:n.脚印;足迹;空间量,面积;(通信卫星)覆盖区;(footprint的复数) ethical:adj.伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的;n.处方药; overnight:adj.夜间的; v.在夜间; n.(美)前一天的晚上;
Thank you. 谢谢