

Pat Mitchell: It's so great to see you, my friend. 帕特·米切尔: 我的朋友,见到你真好。
Pat:v.合适; n.拍打; adj.过于简易的; v.(喜爱地)轻拍;
Jane Fonda : Hi Pat. It's great to be with you. 简·方达: 你好,帕特,很高兴和你见面。
PM: Jane, for the ones who may not have seen the extraordinary coverage around the world of Fire Drill Fridays and the impact that they have already had, talk to us about the origin of this idea, this particular response to the climate crisis . 帕特:简,很多人也许 还没见过“消防演习星期五” 在全世界 超凡的新闻报道, 和它们带来的影响, 你能为这些人讲讲这个回应 气候危机的想法的由来吗?
extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; coverage:n.覆盖,覆盖范围; Fire Drill:n.消防演习; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; origin:n.起源;起因;源头;出身; response:n.响应;反应;回答; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
JF: I was very inspired by Greta Thunberg, the Swedish student, and by the young school climate strikers . 简:我受到了一位瑞典的学生, 格蕾塔·通贝里, 和一些年轻的 气候罢工者们的启发。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) Swedish:adj.瑞典的;瑞典语的;瑞典人的;n.瑞典语;瑞典人; strikers:罢工者(striker的名词复数);(足球的)前锋;魔法少女奈叶(日本电视剧名);
Greta says we've got to get out of our comfort zone . 格雷塔说我们要 走出我们的舒适圈。
comfort zone:n.舒适区;最佳状态;
We have to behave like our house is burning, because it is. 我们需要像自己的房子着火了 一样行动起来。 因为事实就是如此。
And so she really struck a chord in me. 她的话引起了我的共鸣。
And then, learning that just about 100 percent of climate scientists agree. 我们知道百分之百的 气候科学家们都同意,
They agree that a drastic emergency is upon us, that it is human-caused. 我们正面临一个人类造成的 紧急危机。
drastic:adj.激烈的;猛烈的;n.烈性泻药; emergency:n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的;
But they said we can do something about it. 但是他们说, 我们可以解决这个危机,
We have the time, the technology , the tools. 我们有时间,科技, 和工具。
We have everything we need except political will to meet the challenge, and it's an enormous challenge. 我们有除了政治愿望的一切 去面对挑战, 这是一个 无比巨大的挑战。
We have 11 years, many say, a decade, and I thought, "Oh, I'm so lucky that I am healthy and living in a decade where we who are alive can actually make the difference. 很多人说我们有 10 年左右的时间, 我想: “在我们这些所有活着的人 还能做出改变的十年, 我还能健康地生活下去 真是太幸运了。
We can make the difference as to whether there's going to be a livable future or not. 我们可以做出改变, 不论有没有一个人类宜居的未来。
What a glorious responsibility we have. 我们肩上有着多么 光荣的使命啊。
We have to step up to the plate ." 我们必须开始行动。”
step up to the plate:开始行动;
And when you're famous, there's a lot of things that you can do. 当你已经很出名时, 你就能办到很多事情。
You have a bigger platform . 你有了更宽广的平台。
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
So I decided that, like Greta, 所以我决定像格雷塔一样,
I was going to put my body on the line and move to the center of American power, Washington, DC, and have a rally every Friday like the students do. 踏入那条战线, 并向着美国权力中心—— 华盛顿——前进, 和学生们一样, 每周五有一个集会。
on the line:处于危险中;模棱两可;在电话线上; rally:v.团结;重整;恢复;(网球等)连续对打;n.集会;回复;公路赛车会;
And we work with the students. 我们和他们合作。
They speak at my rallies , and I speak at their rallies. 他们在我的集会上宣讲, 我也在他们的集会上发言。
rallies:v.恢复; n.集会; (rally的复数)
And then after we speak, we engage in civil disobedience and risk getting arrested. 在结束讲话之后, 我们冒着被逮捕的风险, 参与非暴力反抗。
engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定; civil disobedience:n.非暴力反抗;温和抵抗;不合作主义;
Civil disobedience is a powerful tool that has changed history many times, both in the United States in the '60s during the civil rights movement , of course in India with Mahatma Gandhi . 非暴力反抗是 非常强大的工具, 它已经多次改变了历史。 它在美国六十年代的平权运动 和由甘地领导的印度民权运动中 都发挥了作用。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) civil rights movement:n.(美国)民权运动(20世纪50年代和60年代非裔美国人争取平等权利的运动); Mahatma:n.大圣;超人; Gandhi:n.甘地(印度政府,社会和宗教领袖);
And I didn't know in the beginning if it was going to work or not, but it's made me very happy to see what's happening. 我在一开始并不知道 这场运动能不能成功, 但是我很高兴见证了 现在正在发生的事。
PM: It's also led to your being arrested -- multiple times, actually, spending at least a night or two in Washington, DC jails . 帕特: 事实上,这场运动还导致了 您多次被逮捕, 至少有一两个晚上是 在华盛顿的监狱里度过的。
multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; jails:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;vt.监禁;下狱;
And while all of us, I think, recognize the emergency and the actions that you so kindly mentioned others have taken, 但虽然几乎所有人 都认识到事情的紧急 和您善意提到的 别人已采取的行动。
I'm not sure that we would put our bodies at risk, our lives, our careers and our lives on hold, as you have done. 我不太确定 大家是否都愿意 像您一样, 冒着生命或职业的风险 去奉献。
Do you have any concerns about that at this point? 请问您在这点上有什么担忧吗?
concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
JF: Well, I realize that not everybody can leave work and go and do what I'm doing. 简:我意识到不是每个人 都可以放下工作, 参与进来。
But I must say that requests are pouring in, not only from around the United States but from other countries, people who want to start Fire Drill Fridays. 但是申请在 源源不断地发送过来, 不仅仅是从美国, 还有来自别的国家的申请。 人们都想开展“消防演习星期五”。
And the people who are coming and getting arrested with me and engaging with civil disobedience, many of them have never done it before, and they find it to be transformative . 在那些来了并 和我一起被逮捕, 还有那些和我一起参与 非暴力反抗的人们之中, 很多人以前从未 做过类似的事, 他们很多人都认为这是 一件有改革意义的事。
engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词) transformative:adj.变化的,变形的;有改革能力的;
But the fact is that there are so many things that people can do, starting with talking about it, expressing how you feel about it and talking about it, even when it's uncomfortable. 但事实上还有很多事 我们可以去做, 我们可以积极谈论这个话题, 表达对这件事的感受, 谈论自己的想法, 即便是在不太合适的场合。
At a holiday dinner table and maybe Uncle Bob doesn't agree, but, you know, maybe Uncle Bob is worried about his grandkids , maybe he loves birds. 在一个假期聚会的餐桌上, 也许某个舅舅会 不同意这个想法, 但是也许你舅舅 比较担心他的孙子 或者是他很喜欢小鸟。
dinner table:n.餐桌;同一桌进餐; grandkids:n.(外)孙;(外)孙女;(grandkid的复数)
There's always a way in with people to get them to feel concerned about the climate crisis. 世界上总有一种方式, 能够让人们产生 对气候危机的忧虑。
Of course, voting is very, very important, and we have to vote for the people that are the bravest, the boldest of our elected officials, because the task ahead of us -- 当然,投票很重要。 我们必须投票给最勇敢、 最有担当的官员们。 因为这是我们面临的责任——
all over the world, but certainly here in the United States -- we have to get rid of this current administration, and we have to elect people that are really brave, that will step up -- 对于全世界来说, 当然也对于美国来说—— 我们要摆脱现在的行政机构, 选举出那些足够勇敢、 会行动起来的人们——
(Applause) (掌声)
and do the bold actions that are needed, the way Franklin Delano Roosevelt did during the 1930s, during the Great Depression , when he really changed a great deal about American society. 去采取我们需要的大胆行动, 就像富兰克林·罗斯福 在 30 年代经济大萧条时做的那样, 他实施的新政改变了美国社会。
And that's what is needed now. 这就是这个社会现在需要的。
PM: So Jane, we should also explain, because many people who are here are thinking, what can they do? 帕特: 简,我们也需要解释一件事。 很多人现在都在思考, 我们到底能做什么?
Can they come to Washington and join you in this action? 他们是不是也能去华盛顿 加入你的这场行动中呢?
We should explain, not everyone who participates in Fire Drill Fridays is under threat of being arrested. 我们需要声明,不是每个 参与了“消防演习星期五”的人 都是冒着被逮捕的风险的。
There are other parts of what you're doing, like you are currently in the Greenpeace offices in Washington. 你正在做的事还有很多方面, 比如你所在的华盛顿绿色和平组织。
currently:adv.当前;一般地; Greenpeace:n.绿色和平组织(保护动物不遭捕猎等);
So explain what else is a part of Fire Drill Fridays and how we could participate in civil disobedience without the risk of getting arrested. 你能解释一下“消防演习星期五” 其他方面的工作, 和我们怎么能不冒着 被逮捕的风险 参加非暴力反抗吗?
JF: First of all , you want to try not do anything as a lone individual . 简:首先,不要试着 独自做任何事情。
First of all:adv.首先; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
You know, it's by our powers combined. 我们的力量是 可以结合起来的。
There's strength in numbers. 团结就是力量,
There's also color= "Black"> community in numbers, and one of the hardest things about what we're facing now is: this is a color= "Black"> collective crisis, coming at a time when the whole color= "Black"> notion of the collective, of the commons, of the public sphere, is being eroded quite color= "Black"> color= "Black"> delib erately by color= "Black"> neoliberalism and color= "Black"> conservatism . 众人拾柴火焰高, 我们现在面对的最难的事之一 是一场集体危机, 在集体主义、平民和公共领域的概念 正被新自由主义 和保守主义蓄意侵蚀的时候来临了。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; notion:n.观念;信念;理解; neoliberalism:n.新自由主义;新自由主义经济学派;
And so reconnecting with groups of people, like-minded people in a common action, is solace to the soul. 因此,和群众们、 志趣相投的人们 重新联系起来 是一种灵魂的慰藉。
reconnecting:n.重新连线中;正在重新连接;v.再接合(reconnect的现在分词); like-minded:adj.志趣相投的;具有相似意向或目的的; solace:n.安慰;慰藉;安慰之物;vt.安慰;抚慰;使快乐;
It gives you such strength. It's a great antidote to depression. 它能给你强大的力量, 就像是抑郁症最好的解药。
So find out what organizations that are concerned about the climate crisis are in your area. 所以请去了解一些 在你身边的、 担忧气候危机的组织。
Of course, Greenpeace has chapters all around the world. 当然,绿色和平组织 在全世界都有分会,
And even if you just start yourself, have house parties, invite people over to talk about what's happening. 你可以自己开办一个, 首先举办一个聚会, 邀请人们前来, 谈谈当下发生的事情,
Find an article that you can all read and discuss together. 找到一篇你们可以 一起阅读讨论的文章。
Obviously, if there's a climate action where you live, try to join it. 如果在你居住的地方 有一个保护气候的行动, 尝试着去加入。
It's not necessary to engage in civil disobedience and risk getting arrested, but it is going to become the new normal, I think. 加入非暴力反抗, 冒着被逮捕的风险 并不是必需的, 但是这将成为一种新的常态。
It feels like it is here in DC with Fire Drill Fridays. 至少华盛顿的 “消防演习星期五”是这样的。
People seem to want to come back and do it again. 即便是在被逮捕后, 人们都愿意回来继续参加。
My grandkids just got arrested last weekend. 我的孙辈上周末刚被逮捕,
It was a transformative experience. 那是一次改变人生的经历。
(Laughter) (笑声)
My fellow actor Sam Waterston, who is a self-described centrist , he had never spoken at a rally or risked getting arrested, and he was arrested with me. 我一个自认是中立派的朋友, 演员萨姆·沃特斯顿, 他从来没有在任何集会讲话 并且冒过被逮捕的风险, 但是,他和我一起被逮捕了。
self-described:adj.自我描述的; centrist:n.中立派议员;中间派议员;
Last week, I see that he was arrested at the Harvard-Yale game. 上周,我看见他在哈佛和耶鲁 的一场比赛上被逮捕了。
He sent me a picture of himself in handcuffs , saying, "Now look what you started!" 他给我发了一张他带手铐的照片, 然后说:“看看你干了什么!”
(Laughter) (笑声)
You know, we're at a point, I think, in this crisis where people are looking to take the next step. 我们现在正处在一场危机中, 大家都想采取下一步措施。
They want to put their bodies on the line, as Greta Thunberg has exhorted us to do. 他们都想加入这场战斗中, 就像格蕾塔·通贝里 告诫我们去做的一样。
And they find it very rewarding , and they want to do it again. 然后他们发现这是 一件非常有益的事, 他们还想继续。
So I think that this is good, what we're doing. 我认为我们现在做的 是一件非常好的事。
I met with the Senate [Climate Change Task Force] a few weeks ago, and I asked the senators , "Is there something else we should be doing? 我几周前和参议院的气候变化 专责小组成员们见了面, 然后我问那些参议员, “我们要做点别的什么吗?
Senate:n.参议院,上院;(古罗马的)元老院; senators:n.参议员(senator的复数);
Should we be doing more?" 我们是不是应该做更多的事?”
And Senator Ed Markey said to me, "You're building an army. That's what we need. 参议员埃德·马基告诉我: “你正在建立一支军队, 这正是我们现在需要的。
Make it bigger. 让它更壮大,
We need pressure from the outside." 我们需要外界的压力。”
And I think that's true all over the world. 我认为这在全世界 都是可行的。
People need to be amassing armies for the climate, armies for the environment, in the streets, shutting down governments if necessary. 人们需要为气候召集战士, 为环境号召战士, 在街上, 而且在必要的时候关闭政府。
I'm thinking of Brazil right now. 我想到了巴西,
You know, we can't allow the burning of our precious rainforests . 我们不能再 让珍贵的雨林继续燃烧了。
precious:adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的; rainforests:n.(热带)雨林;
PM: And as you have done so many times in the past, Jane, you are leading these changes. 帕特:简,就像你已经 做过很多次一样, 你在引导这些变化。
Eventually , one assumes , especially the fans of " Grace and Frankie ," 有人猜测,特别是《格蕾丝与弗兰基》 (简主演的电视剧)的粉丝们,
Eventually:adv.最后,终于; assumes:v.假定;采用;承担;呈;(assumes是assume的第三人称单数) especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; Grace:n.优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲;v.使优美; Frankie:n.弗兰基(姓名);
that you will go back to your life and resume that program. 他们认为最终你会 回归你的生活, 并且继续这项行动。
But will Fire Drill Fridays continue? 那么请问“周五消防演习”会继续吗?
JF: Well, there's been such an interest in it, as I said , from all around the country, people asking if they can start one. 简:确实存在这样一种声音, 就像我刚刚说的, 整个国家的人们都在问, 他们是否能开展 一个类似的行动。
as I said:正如我所说的
And, you know, I have a lot of celebrity friends who haven't, for scheduling reasons, been able to come to DC, so we're thinking about maybe doing it in Los Angeles. 并且我有很多名人朋友们, 因为时间安排的原因, 还没有机会来到华盛顿。 因此我们在考虑能否 在洛杉矶开展一个。
But I just want to correct one thing: 不过我想更正一下:
I'm not leading. 不是我在领导,
It's the young people, it's the students that are leading. 是那些年轻人们, 那些学生们在领导。
It's always the young people that step up with the courage, and it's pretty amazing, because they're risking a lot. 有勇气站起来的 一直都是年轻人, 这是非常惊人的, 因为他们冒着很大的风险。
It's pretty brave to take a Friday off from school. 选择每周五不去学校 是一件非常勇敢的事。
You could get bad grades. You could make your teachers mad. 他们的成绩可能会下降, 他们的老师可能会生气,
But they're doing it anyway. 但尽管如此, 他们都做出了这个选择。
There have been millions of them at a time, all around the world. 在同一时间,全世界 有数百万的年轻人,
And they're saying, "Don't let us have to deal with this by ourselves. 他们在说: 他们在说:
We didn't create this problem. Come and help us." 不是我们导致的问题, 过来帮助我们吧。 ”
So, Grandmas unite! 所以奶奶们团结起来了!
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
PM: And you are in a city that is probably more divided than it has been in a very long time. 帕特:并且你正处在 一个比有史以来
The polarities that exist there and in many other places around the world have kept our collective strength from being unified and used, and in that way, you have been leading us. 那里两极分化, 并且在全世界的很多地方, 反对意见阻止了我们的 集体力量被整合,被使用。 在那个方面, 是你在引导我们。
polarities:n.[物]极性;两极;对立; unified:adj.统一的;一致标准的;v.统一;使一致(unify的过去分词);
What would success look like to you from Fire Drill Fridays? 你觉得“消防演习星期五” 怎样才算成功呢?
JF: Well, I can just speak as a citizen of the United States. 简:作为一个美国公民,
Success would look like every state stops all new fossil fuel expansion , because if they keep drilling and fracking and mining, the problem will just get worse, so that no matter what we do with windmills and solar collectors and so forth, we'll never be able to catch up. 我认为成功会是 每个州都停止 新的化石燃料扩张, 因为如果他们继续开采石油, 压裂页岩气和挖掘矿产的话, 情况会变得很糟。 到时不管我们 怎么用风力发电 和太阳能这类技术, 都不可能追上 能源消耗的速度了。
fossil fuel:n.化石燃料(如煤或石油); expansion:n.扩张;膨胀;扩展;扩大; fracking:n.水力压裂; no matter what:不管什么…; windmills:n.[动力]风车(windmill的复数); v.作风车般的传动; collectors:n.收藏家;收集者;聚集剂;[电子]集电极(collector的复数);
We have to stop all new expansion. 我们必须停止所有新的扩张。
The other thing is, they would phase out fossil fuel emissions gradually , making sure that the workers who would be impacted would be retrained at union wages and get good new union jobs. 成功的另一方面是: 我们要逐步淘汰 化石燃料的排放, 确保那些被影响的工人们 在有不低于标准工资 的情况下被重新培训, 并得到新的工作。
phase out:逐步淘汰;停止; emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数) gradually:adv.渐渐地;逐步地; impacted:adj.压紧的;结实的;嵌入的;(人口)稠密的;v.装紧;挤满(impact的过去分词); retrained:vt.重新教育;再教育;vi.再训练;再教育; wages:n.[劳经]工资; v.开展(运动等)(wage的第三人称单数形式);
There are going to be so many good jobs with the Green New Deal, building windmills and solar collectors, retrofitting all the houses in this country, for example, laying a new energy grid . 在《绿色新政》实施后, 会出现很多很好的工作, 例如建造发电风车 和太阳能板, 翻新整个国家的房子, 装置一个新的能源网。
retrofitting:n.改装;v.改装;对…翻新改进(retrofit的ing形式); grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网;
There's tens of millions of jobs waiting to be unleashed , and that's the other thing that has gotten me mobilized . 那时会有上千万的工作, 等待着人们去做, 那是另一件让我充满动力的事。
unleashed:v.发泄;突然释放;使爆发(unleash的过去分词和过去式) mobilized:v.组织;动员;调动;调用;(mobilize的过去式和过去分词)
A Green New Deal is a framework for how to take ourselves into the future in a way that's sustainable and equitable . 《绿色新政》是一个 把我们带入未来的框架, 它是公平,可持续的。
sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; equitable:adj.公平的,公正的;平衡法的;
So that just gives you such hope, because if we do it right, it's going to be a win-win for everyone. 所以它带给了我们希望,
And that has to be the case, or it won't work, because to make this work, everybody's going to have to be involved . 正确地去实施是必要的, 不然它根本没有用。 如果我们要让它实施, 每个人都需要参与其中,
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
And in order for everybody to be involved, they have to see something in it for themselves, and that's what a Green New Deal does. 为了让每个人都参与进来, 他们必须看见 对他们有利的东西, 这就是《绿色新政》的目的。
PM: Jane, you, as always -- 帕特:简,就像——
(Applause) (掌声)
as you have done so many times in your life, you have taken risk, and you have stepped up to the front lines. 就像你在人生中 完成过很多次一样, 你冒过险, 你去过前线。
Do you leave this experience with any new learning or a new level of commitment , hope or optimism ? 这些经历是否使你获得了新的经验, 或新的承诺,希望 或者乐观态度呢?
commitment:n.承诺;投入;保证;许诺; optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义;
JF: Yeah, I am optimistic . 简: 是的,我很乐观。
People in this country are really scared about the climate crisis, and they want to do something, but nobody has asked them. 这个国家的人们 都很害怕气候危机, 他们想要做些什么, 但是没有人要求他们去做。
We just have to ask them. 我们只需要提出要求。
We have to get organized , you know? 我们需要被组织起来,
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式)
And we can do that. 我们是可以做到的。
So I feel very hopeful. 所以我抱有很大的希望。
I must say that I am going to go back to work on "Grace and Frankie," 我马上将要回去制作 《格蕾丝与弗兰基》了,
I am going to:我将要做什么事情
but part of my heart is going to be with Fire Drill Fridays, and I hope I can continue with that. 但我的心有一部分和 “消防演习星期五”在一起, 我希望我能继续参与。
I just think that we do have to build an army. 我认为我们确实需要 建立一支军队。
This coming year is the critical year. 明年是很关键的一年,
What happens is going to be so important. 一切即将发生的事都很重要。
So we have to be sure , especially someone who's healthy, who feels relatively young, who has a platform -- we have to use it in every possible way we can. 所以我们必须确保, 特别对于那些很健康, 觉得自己还很年轻, 并且有一个平台的人来说, 我们要把那个平台 用在所有可能的地方。
to be sure:诚然;的确;哎呀(表惊奇); relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地;
And if I didn't have that, then I would find other little ways that I could do it: talk to my neighbors, talk to my friends, talk to my family, join an organization. 并且如果我没有一个平台, 我会以别的方式去做: 和我的邻居,朋友, 家人都谈谈, 加入一个组织。
That's how, also, as I've said, to stave off depression, is to do something active. 正如我说过的, 避免抑郁的方法 就是去做一些积极的事。
PM: Jane, at 81, you are modeling what that can be like for sure, and I think we just recruited a new army. 帕特:简,你正为我们展现 一个 81 岁的人可以成为的样子。 并且我认为我们刚刚 建立起了一支军队。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you very much, my friend. 真的很感谢你, 我的朋友。
Stay safe. 保重。
Thank you for all that you have done for the planet and so much else. 感谢你为这个星球所做的一切。 (简:谢谢你,帕特。)
for all that:尽管;虽然如此;
JF: Thank you, Pat.
PM: Join me in thanking Jane. 帕特: 请大家和我一起感谢简。
(Applause) (掌声)