

[Countdown] 〔倒数〕
The core of the Earth is 6,000 degrees Celsius . 地核的温度是摄氏六千度。
It's the same temperature as the surface of the Sun, but it's not 94 million miles away, like the extra terrestrial sun is. 和太阳表面的温度相同, 但不像太阳距离地球有 九千四百万哩。
It is right here beneath our feet. 地核就在我们的脚下。
Really, literally right there. 真的就在那里。
core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; Celsius:adj.摄氏的;n.摄氏度; extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: terrestrial:adj.地球的;陆地的,[生物]陆生的;人间的;n.陆地生物;地球上的人; beneath:prep.在…之下;adv.在下方; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
But we don't think about this, right? 但我们不会想到,对吧?
I mean, when you go outside, you walk barefoot , you don't burn your feet. 你光着脚到外面去走路, 脚也不会烫伤。
The Earth's crust is an incredible insulator , and it keeps this massive , inexhaustible heat source beneath us invisible . 地壳的隔热效果很棒,能让这个 巨大、用之不竭的 地底热能来源不被注意到。
But if you've ever visited Iceland or an active volcano , you've got geysers and steam vents and lava . 但,如果你曾经造访过冰岛 或活火山,有间歇泉、 蒸气噴发口、熔岩。
barefoot:adj.赤脚的;adv.赤着脚地; crust:n.壳;表面;厚颜无耻;[美国]雪壳;v.用外皮覆盖;结成硬皮;生痂儿;形成硬壳; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; insulator:n.[物]绝缘体;从事绝缘工作的工人; massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; inexhaustible:adj.用不完的;不知疲倦的; invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物; volcano:n.火山; geysers:n.[水文]间歇泉;[水文]间歇喷泉(geyser的复数形式); vents:n.[矿业]通风孔(vent的复数);排空(气)阀;通风管;管乐类; lava:n.火山岩浆;火山所喷出的熔岩;
These are surface manifestations of the incredible amount of heat that lies beneath us. 这些就是我们脚下 大量热能在地表的呈现形式。
Anywhere and everywhere in the world. 在世界上的任何地方,所有地方。
And we don't have to drill very far to reach temperatures that far exceed what we would need to power the world thousands of times over for all of civilization . 我们不用钻太深,达到的温度 所能产生的电力就够所有文明使用,而且还超过需求量数千倍。
manifestations:n.临床表现(manifestion的复数);显示;证明; exceed:v.超过(数量);超越(法律、命令等)的限制; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
Pretty cool, right? 很酷吧?
So we got to get to it. 所以,我们得运用它。
How do we do that? 我们要怎么做?
Let's tap it. Let's tap it fast. 咱们来开采它,尽快开采它。
I'm a climate activist . 我是气候活动家。
I am very worried about climate change. 我非常担心气候变迁。
It keeps me up at night. 它让我晚上睡不着觉。
So we need to make this happen, right? 我们得实现它,对吧?
So how? 那要怎么做?[01:39]
So I'm here with good news about that and also a proposition . 今天我带来这里的是相关的好消息及一个提案,
Let's do the good news first. 咱们先从好消息开始。
There are teams of innovators right now in the field that are working on figuring out how to most efficiently and effectively tap this enormous heat source beneath us. 现在有些创新团队在实地 努力想办法用最有效率和效益的方式 开采我们脚下这个巨大的热能来源。
proposition:n.提议;待处理的问题;任务;(美国)法律修正议案;见解;命题;v.向...提议; innovators:n.创新者;发明家签证;革新消费者(innovator的复数形式); efficiently:adv.有效地;效率高地(efficient的副词形式); enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的;
And they are running sprints , and I'm not talking about the type of geothermal that you find in Iceland. 他们在全力冲刺, 我在谈的并不是在冰岛 能找到的那种地热。
That's easy to get to. 那种地热很容易取得,
It's shallow, it's close to the surface, and in those places in the world, we already have geothermal energy. 因为很浅,很接近地面, 世界上的这类地方 已经在用地热能了。
I'm talking about making geothermal energy accessible anywhere and everywhere in the world that energy is needed. 我在谈的是:要让全世界任何地方、 所有地方,只要有需要 都能取得地热能。
sprints:n.短跑(sprint的复数);冲刺跑;v.奋力而跑(sprint的第三人称单数形式); geothermal:adj.[地物]地热的;[地物]地温的; accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
But in order to do that, we've got to figure out how to mimic the conditions that occur in places like Iceland, right, that make geothermal easy to tap and extract and harvest. 但,要做到这一点, 我们得要想办法模仿 冰岛这种地方的条件, 有了这些条件,就很容易 开采、提炼、取得地热。
And those conditions are hot rocks, pore space in the rocks and water filling those pores . 这些条件就是: 岩石中要有孔隙空间, 还要有水填满那些孔隙。
Those conditions seem simple, but they actually occur naturally in very, very few places in the world, right? 那些条件看似简单, 但世界上没有几个地方天生就具有这些条件。
mimic:vt.模仿,摹拟;n.效颦者,模仿者;仿制品;小丑;adj.模仿的,模拟的;假装的; occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在; extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹; pores:n.[陶瓷]气孔;毛穴(pore的复数);v.注视;熟读;沉思(pore的第三人称单数); naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地;
And that's why we don't have geothermal energy everywhere. 因此我们才无法处处皆有地热能。
We have it in just a few places. 只有少数几个地方才有。
But the past couple of decades, there have been really disruptive and breakthrough technological innovations that enable us to engineer the subsurface to mimic Mother Nature's geothermal. 但,过去几十年中有了 非常具顛覆性及突破性的科技创新, 让我们可以在地下动手脚,来模仿 大地之母的地热。
So technological innovations like high-pressure and temperature-drilling technologies that were developed for offshore oil and gas exploration . 所以,科技的创新, 比如高压高温钻掘技术, 原本是用在近海探戡石油和天然气。
Technologies like directional drilling, where no longer we can just drill straight down, but instead we can actually turn and steer drill bits to reach very precise and specific locations in the subsurface, miles underground. 像导向钻掘这种技术, 当我们无法直直向下 钻掘时,我们可以改换成 转动并控制钻头, 非常精确地到达 地下数哩的确切位置。
disruptive:adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的; breakthrough:n.突破;开始取得成功之时;adj.突破性的; technological:adj.技术[工程](上)的;因工艺技术高度发展而引起的; innovations:n.创新(innovation的复数);改革; enable:v.使能够;使有机会;使成为可能;使可行; subsurface:adj.地下的;表面下的;n.地表下岩石; high-pressure:adj.高压的;高气压的;强行的;v.对…施加压力;强制; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); offshore:adj.离岸的;[海洋]近海的;吹向海面的;adv.向海面,向海; exploration:n.探索;勘探;探险;[医]探查术; directional:adj.方向的;定向型的; steer:v.引导;控制;操纵;驾驶(船、汽车等);n.建议;劝告;忠告;阉公牛; precise:adj.准确的;确切的;精确的;明确的; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; locations:n.地方;地点;位置;定位(location的复数)
And we can also fracture rock now, which means that we can create pore space where pore space does not exist naturally. 现在我们还可以压裂岩石了, 意即,我们可以在原本 没有孔隙空间的地方 制造出孔隙空间来。
So if you take these innovations that I just listed and you put them all together, you end up enabling an entirely new breed of scalable geothermal concepts. 所以,如果把我刚才列出的 这些创新通通结合起来, 就能创造出全新型
Geothermal concepts can be done anywhere in the world. 在世界上任何地方 都能运用的地热概念。
fracture:n.(指事实)骨折;(指状态)断裂;破裂;v.(使)断裂;破裂;(使)分裂; enabling:adj.授权的;v.使能够;授权给(enable的现在分词); breed:v.繁殖;孕育;培育(动植物);导致;以…方式教育;n.品种; scalable:adj.可攀登的;可去鳞的;可称量的;
So, for instance now, we have engineered geothermal systems or EGS. 所以,举例来说, 我们已经设计出了 地热系统(EGS)。
In this concept, several wells are drilled, at the bottom of the well the rock is fractured . 这个概念就是钻掘许多个井, 并把井底的岩石击裂,
It creates a reservoir under the surface. 在表面底下创造出一个储藏槽。
Think of it as a pot where you boil your water underground, right? 可以把它想成是个壶, 让你可以在地底下煮水。
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; fractured:v.(使)断裂,折断,破裂;(使)分裂;(fracture的过去式和过去分词) reservoir:n.水库;蓄水池;
You send a fluid down, it percolates through the fractures . 把一种液体送下去, 液体渗到裂缝中。
It comes back up really hot, and we use it for all sorts of interesting and important things like heating buildings directly . 回来时变得非常热, 便能把它用在许多 有趣且重要的用途上, 比如直接供热给建筑物,
Or we can run it through a turbine to produce electricity . 或者让透过涡轮来发电。
fluid:adj.流动的;流畅的;不固定的;n.流体;液体; percolates:vi.过滤;渗出;浸透;vt.使渗出;使过滤;n.滤过液;渗出液; fractures:v.(使)断裂,折断,破裂;(使)分裂;(fracture的第三人称单数) directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; turbine:n.汽轮机;涡轮机; electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪;
Now, EGS can take a lot of forms. EGS 有很多不同的形式。
This is an area of intense innovation right now. 它是目前创新非常密集的领域。
You can engineer these systems in a variety of ways, but the basic concepts stay the same. 可以用各种方式来设计这类系统, 但其基本概念都一样。
Then we have closed-loop systems. 接着,还有闭路系统。
Closed loops are pretty new. 闭路是很新的东西,
It's another really hot area of innovation. 这个领域也很热衷创新。[04:37]
intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; variety:n.多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化; closed-loop:封闭环,闭合回路; loops:n.[计]循环(loop复数); v.使...成环,以圈结,以环连结(loop的第三人称单数形式);
Same concept, basic is EGS, you have one or more wells drilled, you create a reservoir underground, but in closed loops, instead of fracturing to create that reservoir underground, it's entirely drilled, like a radiator in the rock. 同样的概念,以 EGS 为基础。 要钻掘一座或多座井, 在地底下创造出储藏槽, 但在闭路系统中, 不用压裂的方式来创造 地底下的储藏槽, 完全用钻掘,
And they take many forms too, just like EGS, check it out. 它们的形式也很多, 和 EGS 类似,看看吧。
You can see in closed-loop systems how useful it is to be able to turn and steer that drill bit right? 可以看到,在闭路系统中, 若能转动、控制钻头就会很有幫助。
fracturing:n.水力压裂;破碎;龟裂;v.使破裂;粉碎(fracture的ing形式); radiator:n.散热器;暖气片;辐射体;
Totally enabling in terms of getting these concepts to work. 若能办到,就能让这些概念成真。
Another really cool aspect of closed-loop systems, another fierce area of innovation right now, is what we're putting in these systems as the working fluid to harvest the heat. 闭路系统还有一个很酷的面向, 目前另一个热烈创新的领域, 就是研究要在这些系统中 放入什么样的液体
Most of the time it's water. 通常是用水。
But what if we could optimize a fluid to perform better than water? 但若我们能把一种液体最佳化,
So it heats up faster than water at lower temperatures than water. 相较于水,它能在较低的温度 以较快的速度加热。
And the really cool thing about closed loops is the going candidate, right, one everybody loves right now to put in these systems to most efficiently harvest heat is actually a substance that's the center of our climate angst right now. 闭路系统很酷的一点就是 候选的材料, 现在大家最想用来 放到系统中来有效取得热能的物质, 正是我们担心的气候问题 最核心的物质。[05:29]
aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位; fierce:adj.凶猛的;猛烈的;暴躁的; what if:如果…怎么办? optimize:vt.使最优化,使完善;vi.优化;持乐观态度; perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好); substance:n.物质;实质;主旨;物品; angst:n.焦虑;担心;
It's around us in excess in abundance . 就在我们周遭且已经过量。
It's CO2. 就是二氧化碳。
Super cool. 超酷的。
So then there's hybrids , not the cars, geothermal hybrids. 接着还有混合,不是指汽车,
You take the best of both worlds , right? 把两个领域最好的东西结合。[05:56]
excess:n.超过,超额;过度,过量;无节制;adj.额外的,过量的;附加的; abundance:n.丰度;丰富;大量;富足; hybrids:n.杂交(hybrid的复数形式);混血;混合物; the best of both worlds:两全其美;两个世界一样美好;最好的两个世界;
You get the increased surface area and heat that you get from fracturing rock. 更大的表面面积和热能 可以从压裂岩石来达成。
You combine that with a closed-loop well design so you can use that optimized fluid. 把它和闭路井设计结合, 就可以使用最佳化的液体。
The goal of hybrid systems is to extract the most heat, minimize drilling costs. 混合系统的目标是要 萃炼出最大量的热能, 并把钻掘成本压到最低。
So that's what's happening right now. 这就是目前的现况。
A lot of innovation. 大量的创新。
It's really, really cool. 非常非常酷。[06:16]
optimized:adj.最佳化的;尽量充分利用; minimize:v.使减少到最低限度;降低;贬低;使显得不重要;
But these concepts, none of them are without their technology challenges. 但这些概念, 每个都有其技术困难。
But y'all, these are not moonshots . 但,各位,这不是要登月。
They are not moonshots. 这些不是登月计画。
We are talking about making very incremental changes to existing technologies, methods and techniques with an eye on more hotter and deeper geothermal development. 我们在谈的是一步一步 循序渐进做改变, 改变既有的科技、方法、技术, 着眼在开发更多、更高温、更深层的地热。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; moonshots:n.月球探测器;对月球发射; incremental:adj.增加的,增值的; techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数)
And these also aren't just ideas. 这些不只是点子。
There are teams right now in the field demonstrating these concepts. 现在已经有团队 在实地实做这些概念。
Teams like Sage Geosystems, a team that I mentor . 包括我指导的团队 Sage Geosystems。
This is a well that they are demonstrating this summer in -- get this -- Texas. 这是他们今年夏天做出来的井, 地点在——注意了——德州。
Not in Iceland, not on the side of a volcano, not in the ring of fire. 不是在冰岛, 这是德州的牧地,
demonstrating:n.演示;v.证明;示威;显示;(demonstrate的现在分词) Sage:n.圣人;贤人;哲人;adj.明智的;贤明的;审慎的; mentor:n.指导者,良师益友;vt.指导; on the side of:拥护…;站在…一边;赞助;
This is a Texas pasture where you would never suspect the enormous geothermal resources that lie below. 这是德州的牧地, 你绝对不会想到这里有大量的地热源藏在底下。
And this well is an existing abandoned oil and gas well that they have repurposed for this geothermal demonstration . 这座井 他们将这座井改为地热展示用。
If all goes well with this demonstration, by 2022, that is next year, they will have a geothermal power plant in Texas. 如果这次展示一切顺利, 到了 2022 年,也就是明年, 德州就会有一座地热电厂。
pasture:n.草地;牧场;牧草;v.放牧;吃草; suspect:n.犯罪嫌疑人;v.怀疑;不信任;adj.可疑的; geothermal resources:地热资源; abandoned:adj.被抛弃的放纵的;v.抛弃;丢弃,离开;放弃;(abandon的过去分词和过去式) repurposed:vt.改换意图;重新目的化; demonstration:n.示范;演示;论证;证明; power plant:n.发电厂;发电站;
There are dozens of examples like this, right now in the field. 还有数十个像这样的实做例子。
These are all start-ups . 这些都是新创公司。
They're out there proving geothermal concepts, new technologies, new drilling, the concepts that I showed you in the slides. 它们在实地证明地热的概念, 新科技,新的钻掘技术, 我刚才用投影片给各位看的概念。
We are in the midst of a geothermal renaissance . 我们正处在地热的复兴期。
start-ups:起动;新兴公司(start-up的名词复数); midst:n.当中,中间;prep.在…中间(等于amidst); renaissance:n.文艺复兴(欧洲14至17世纪);
In the past 18 months, more geothermal start-ups have launched than in the past 10 years combined. 在过去十八个月间, 地热新创公司的数目 就超越了过去十年加总。
If even one of these start-ups is successful at proving a scalable geothermal concept, we are literally off to the races in developing this massive, reliable 24/7 clean energy source anywhere in the world. 就算只有一个新创公司成功 证明一个可以扩大规模的地热概念, 我们就是真的进入比赛, 可以在世界上任何地方 开发这种巨大、可靠、 日夜不息的能量来源。
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) reliable:adj.可信赖的;可依靠的;真实可信的;可靠的;
And by off to the races, I mean that, right? 我说进入比赛,是说真的。
Like, we got to go. 我们得动起来了。
The clock is ticking, we need scale . 时间不等人, 我们得把规模做大。
It's going to be cute if it works, but we've got to have global scale. 若计画行得通,很好, 但我们得扩大到全球规模。
So how do we do that? 要怎么做?
It brings me to my proposition. 这就要带出我的提议了。
So it turns out that there is an industry that is perfectly positioned to take us from the few geothermal power plants we have today to the hundreds of thousands that we need to meet demand. 结果发现,有一个产业,定位非常理想, 可以把我们从仅有 几座地热电厂的现况 带到我们满足需求 所需要的数十万座电厂。[08:27]
scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
The industry that everyone loves to hate, who cares about the environment and climate, is that industry. 每个人都想要去恨这个产業, 在乎环境和气候的每个人, 就是那个产業。
To scale geothermal, what do we need to do? 要把地热的规模做大, 我们得做什么?
We need to efficiently, effectively and safely drill below the surface over and over and over and over again . 我们得要用有效率、 有效益,且安全的方式 在表面底下一而再再而三地钻掘。
And who does that now? 现在有谁会做这种事?
The oil and gas industry does that now. 石油及天然气产業。
The oil and gas industry is a global specialized workforce of millions, backed by almost 200 years of breakthrough technological innovation, all aimed at exploring for, drilling for and producing energy from deep underground. 石油及天然气产業 是个全球性的专業劳动力, 背后还有近两百年的突破性科技创新基础, 目标都是探戡、 钻掘、制造来自地底的能源。
over and over again:adv.一再地;反复不断地; specialized:adj.专业的; v.专门研究(或从事); (specialize的过去式和过去分词) workforce:n.劳动大军;全体员工; exploring:v.探索:考察:探查;(explore的现在分词)
You flip the switch and you have green drilling. 把开关打开,就有绿色钻掘了。
And oil and gas keeps its current business model, the business model that keeps them firmly rooted in hydrocarbons now. 石油和天然气产業仍然保有 其目前的商業模式, 让它们现在能稳固深根 在碳氢化合物的商業模式。
They're doing what they know how to do, which is exploring for, drilling for and producing a subsurface energy asset . 它们在做的是它们熟知的事, 也就是探戡、 钻掘、生产地底的能源资产。
flip:n.浏览;空翻;轻抛;捻掷;v.迅速翻动;按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等); hydrocarbons:n.烃类(hydrocarbon的复数);[有化]碳氢化合物; asset:n.资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物;
But what we're talking about here is a pivot from hydrocarbons to heat. 但,我们这里在谈的是转移, 从碳氢化合物转移到热能。
A global workforce of millions, highly skilled and trained doesn't need to be retrained . 这全球劳动力有着数百万成员, 不需要重新受训练。
They can keep doing what they already know how to do. 他们可以继续做他们熟知的事。
But this time around for clean energy. 但这次是为了干净能源而做。
pivot:n.枢轴; vt.以…为中心旋转; vi.在枢轴上转动; adj.枢轴的; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; skilled:adj.熟练的;有技能的;需要技能的; retrained:vt.重新教育;再教育;vi.再训练;再教育;
If we're able to pull this off and team up to do it, we are talking about the ability to meet world energy demand. 如果我们能成功,合作来进行, 那么我们可以做到 满足世界的能源需求。
We are talking about the ability over the next few decades to put more geothermal energy on the grid than we currently have in dirty energy. 我们便能在接下来的几十年间 让更多地热能源加入电网, 且还多于我们目前的骯脏能源。
Geothermal energy at oil and gas scale. 石油及天然气规模的地热能源。
So I bet I know what some of you are thinking because I was that person to like, I used to think it. 我敢说我知道在座有些人 正在想什么,因为我曾…… 我以前也会这样想。
And so I will tell you how I got from there to here. 让我告诉各位,我是如何 从那里到这里的。
grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网; currently:adv.当前;一般地; bet:n.打赌;赌注;预计;估计;v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;八成儿;
I used to feel that we just needed to let the oil and gas industry go away. 我以前觉得 我们得让石油及天然气产業消失。
So I'm a climate activist and a lifelong environmentalist , the kind that would have chained myself to a tree if I needed to, of that flavor . 我是气候活动家, 也当了一辈子的环境人士, 必要时会把我自己 绑在树上,我是那款的。 我长大后找了份工作,成了 能源律师,然后是能源企業家,
I grew up and got a job, became an energy lawyer and then an energy entrepreneur, and entrepreneurship took me out into the field for product deployments , and I ended up living on drill rigs . 我长大后找了份工作,成了 能源律师, 然后是能源企業家, 企業家身分让我进入了 产品部署领域, 最后我住在钻塔上。
environmentalist:n.环保人士;环境论者;研究环境问题的专家; flavor:n.情味,风味;香料;滋味;v.加味于; entrepreneurship:n.企业家精神; deployments:部署; rigs:abbr.无线电惯性制导系统(RadioInertialGuidanceSystem);
And I had a complete epiphany , it was a total mind shift , bias out the door. 而我完全顿悟了, 思维整个大转变, 把偏见丢掉。
Because I got to know many individuals in the oil and gas workforce. 因为我得以认识了
And y'all that grit . 那很要胆量。
I mean, it is incredible grit. 那是很大的胆量。
Those people are there for it. 那些人是真的去做的人。[11:35]
epiphany:对事物真谛的顿悟; shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; bias:adv.使有偏见;n.偏见;偏心;偏爱;v.使有偏见;使偏向;adj.斜的;[电]偏动的; individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); grit:v.研磨;在…上铺砂砾;咬紧牙关;摩擦作声;n.粗砂,粗砂石;勇气;决心;
But I also got to know the amazing technological innovations of that industry. 但我也了解了那个产業中很了不起的科技创新。
And what I've come to believe is those are assets . 我渐渐开始相信,那些是资产。
The workforce, the technologies, they are assets that we can leverage now to solve climate change. 那些劳动力,那些科技, 都是我们现在能运用 来解决气候变迁的资产。
So what I do for my job is I recruit oil and gas veterans to the cause of geothermal. 所以,我做的工作就是招募 石油和天然气产業的老鸟 来为地热的理想努力。
assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) leverage:n.影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效力;v.举债经营;借贷收购; recruit:n.新兵; v.吸收(新成员); (通过招募)组成; veterans:n.老兵;退伍军人(veteran的复数形式);
If we want to turn the ship, we recruit the sailors. 如果我们想要让船转向, 我们就招募水手。
And it's working. 这方法有用。
So there's good news. 所以,有好消息。
Do you remember that slide I showed you with all the start-ups, the geothermal start-ups that are in the field? 还记得我刚才有放一张投影片 列出在实做的地热新创公司?
A good many of those teams are actually oil and gas veterans. 那些团队当中有很多都是 石油和天然气产業的老鸟。
Sage Geosystems with their Texas well. Sage Geosystems 及他们在德州的井。
That is an all-oil-and-gas team with almost 300 years of collective experience at entities like Shell , BP, Halliburton and Weatherford. 这整个团队都来自 石油和天然气产業, 大家的经验加起来接近三百年, 包括在 Shell、BP、Halliburton、 Weatherford 等实体的经验。
A good many:许多,很多; collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; entities:n.实体;存在(entity的复数形式);字符实体; Shell:n.壳;炮弹;壳层;骨架;v.脱壳;剥壳;采集贝壳;用壳体包被;short.shewill;
Y'all, that is really interesting, right? 那很有趣,对吧?
I mean, that world take notice because what this is is oil and gas brains actively reinventing themselves, using everything they know that they learned in their entire oil and gas experience to solve climate change. 这个世界引起注意, 因为这其实是石油和天然气产業的智囊 主动在重新发明他们自己, 用上了他们所知的一切, 在石油和天然气产業的 经历中学到的一切, 来解决气候变迁。
But it's also interesting because this new flourish of entrepreneur, you know, oil and gas veteran turned geothermal entrepreneur is helping the oil and gas industry engage actively with this problem set. 另一个有趣的原因, 是因为企業家的新热潮, 石油及天然气老鸟 转型成地热企業家的热潮, 在协助石油及天然气产業
reinventing:v.以新形象示人;以新形式出现;(reinvent的现在分词) flourish:n.兴旺; vt.夸耀; vi.繁荣,兴旺; engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;
They speak the language of oil and gas. 他们说的是石油及天然气的语言,
They understand the business models of oil and gas. 了解石油及天然气的商業模式。
They are out building partnerships and relationships with oil and gas entities that are based on decades of trust and experience they have with one another. 他们能和石油及天然气实体 建立合作和关系, 因为他们彼此之间有数十年的 信任和经验当作基础。
In the past six months, geothermal start-ups have closed more than 100 million dollars in funding deals with oil and gas entities as funding partners. 在过去六个月中, 地热新创公司达成了超过一亿美金的资助协议, 资助的合作伙伴就是 石油和天然气实体。
We are at the beginning of a huge and exciting shift here. 巨大、让人兴奋的转变 即将发生,现在只是开端。
partnerships:n.伙伴关系;合伙;(partnership的复数) funding:n.基金;资金;提供资金;v.为…提供资金;拨款给;(fund的现在分词) at the beginning of:在…的开始;
If it's the best and brightest minds in oil and gas who are off launching geothermal companies, then y'all, this very well may be the future of the oil and gas industry itself. 如果是石油和天然气产業中 最优秀最聪明的人才 跳出来开设地热公司, 那么,各位,这很可能 根本就是石油及天然气 产業本身的未来。
But here's my worry. 但我担心的如下:
So say oil and gas grabs the reins here, takes us to global scale fast, exponential growth. 假设石油及天然气产業来主导, 很快把规模扩大到全球, 指数成长。
We put terawatts of geothermal energy on the grid. 我们将数兆兆瓦的 地热能源纳入到电网中。
launching:n.发射;开办;起飞;v.开始从事,发起,发动;(launch的现在分词) grabs:n.链钩(grab的复数);v.抓取;捕获(grab的第三人称单数); reins:n.肾脏;腰部;感情;肺腑; exponential:adj.指数的;n.指数; terawatts:n.太(拉)[物]瓦;兆兆瓦;
Are we going to fight about this? 我们会为此争吵吗?
The thing that I love about geothermal is that it gives us all a way around ourselves, right? 我很爱地热的一点, 就是它能让大家皆大欢喜,
A way around extreme polarization . 可以避开极端的两极化。
Environmentalists and drillers , dogs and cats, right and left, we all get what we want. 环保人士和钻井者、 狗和猫、右派和左派、 大家各取所需。
Clean energy where we need it, climate change solved, energy poverty solved and drillers keep drilling. 满足干净能源的需求, 解决气候变迁问题, 解决能源穷困问题, 钻井者还能继续钻井。
extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物; polarization:n.极化;偏振;两极分化; Environmentalists:n.环保人士;环保主义者;(environmentalist的复数形式) drillers:n.钻孔机(driller的复数);钻井工人; poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣;
If we build the right collaborations here and unite behind a shared vision , we solve energy in the next 30 years. 如果我们能建立对的合作方式, 在共同的远景之下团结起来, 就能解决接下来三十年的能源问题。
We change the conversation from worrying about whether we're going to meet 2050 climate goals to how they look kind of lazy. 我们就能改变谈话, 从担心是否能达成 2050 气候目标, 变成目标似乎有点缓慢。
We can do this. 我们能做到的。
We've just got to drill the limit. 我们只需要钻越极限。
collaborations:n.协作(collaboration的复数); unite:v.联合;团结;统一;n.由奈特; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)