

Malaria is still one of the biggest killers on the planet. 疟疾仍然是人类在 地球上最大的杀手之一。
Despite us making significant progress in the last 20 years, half the world's population is still at risk from this disease . 尽管在过去20年里,我们在 疟疾研究领域取得了卓越的进步, 全球仍然有近一半的人 正面临疟疾的威胁。
Despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
In fact, every two minutes, a child under the age of two dies from malaria. 事实上,每2分钟 就有一名小于2岁的儿童死于疟疾。
under the age of:在年龄之下;16岁以下;
Our progress has undoubtedly stalled . 我们的进展停滞不前。
undoubtedly:adv.确实地,毋庸置疑的; stalled:失速的;
Now we face many challenges when it comes to tackling malaria, but one of the problems that we have is actually finding people who are infected with malaria in the first place . 在应对疟疾方面, 我们依然面临很多挑战。 其中一个难题是 要第一时间找到疟疾病原 携带者很不容易。
tackling:n.装备,用具;扭住;v.处理;抓住;(tackle的现在分词); infected:adj.带菌的; v.传染; (infect的过去分词和过去式) in the first place:首先;起初;
So, for example, if people have some level of immunity to the disease, then they can develop an infection and become infectious and still pass it on but not actually develop any symptoms , and that can be a big problem, because how do you find those people? 比如,如果有人对疟疾 有一定程度的免疫力, 他们会被疟疾感染, 在感染后把病毒传给其他人, 但是他们本身并不会 表现出疟疾感染征兆。 这会造成很大的问题, 因为,要怎样才能找到这群人呢?
immunity:n.免疫力;豁免权;免除; infection:n.感染;传染;(身体某部位的)感染;传染病; infectious:adj.传染的;传染性的;易传染的; symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数)
It's like looking for a needle in a haystack . 这就好像大海捞针那么难。
a needle in a haystack:大海捞针啊;海底捞针;被忽略的人;
Now scientists have been trying to solve this problem for some years, but what I want to talk to you about today is that the solution to this problem may have been right under our noses this whole time. 这些年,科学家一直致力于 寻找解决这个问题的方法, 但是我今天要告诉大家, 解决问题的办法可能一直就在 我们眼皮底下。
Now that was a bit of a heavy start, with lots of really important statistics , so I want us all to just relax a little bit and that'll help me to relax a little bit as well. 这个开头有些沉重, 有很多非常重要的数据, 下面我希望大家放松一下, 也帮我稍微放松一下。
statistics:n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(statistic的复数) relax:v.放松,休息;松懈,松弛;变从容;休养;
So why don't we just all take a nice deep breath in ... 让我们一起深呼吸...
Wow. (Laughs) 哇 。(笑声)
And sigh, and, whoo, going to get blown away there. 然后呼气。 接下来要讲的可能会 让大家大吃一惊。
blown away:轻轻吹走(歌曲名);零点爆破(电影名);
OK, now I want you to do it again, but this time, I want you to do it just through your nose, and I want you to really sense the environment around you. 好,现在我要大家再配合我一次, 不过这次,我要让你只用你的鼻子, 我希望各位用鼻子 好好感知一下周围的环境。
And in fact, I want you to really smell the person who's sitting next to you. 事实上, 我希望各位用鼻子 闻闻坐在你身边的那位,
Even if you don't know them, I don't care. 尽管你们互不认识,没关系。
Lean in, get your nose right into their armpit , come on, stop being so British about it, get your nose into the armpit , have a good old sniff , see what you can smell. 凑过身子去闻闻他们的腋下 来吧,别像英国人(那么死板), 把鼻子凑到腋窝下,好好闻闻, 看你闻到了什么。
Lean:v.前俯(或后仰):倾斜:adj.肉少的:难以赚钱的:贫乏的:n.瘦肉: armpit:n.腋窝; nose into:查探,探听; sniff:v.嗅;闻;用力吸;发觉;n.吸,闻;气味;以鼻吸气;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now each and every one of us would have had a very different sensory experience there. 我们每一个人 都有不同的感官体验。
Some of us would have smelled something rather pleasant, perhaps somebody's perfume . 有些人可能闻到了令人愉快的气味, 可能是某人的香水味道。
But some of us might have smelled something a little bit less pleasant, perhaps somebody's bad breath or body odor . 但是我们中有些人可能 闻到的不是那么令人愉快的气味, 也许是某人的口臭或是身体异味。
bad breath:n.口臭;难闻的呼气; odor:n.气味;名声;
Maybe you even smelled your own body odor. 也许你闻到了自己的味道。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But, you know, there's probably a good reason that some of us don't like certain body smells. 但是,可能由于某个原因, 我们中的一些人不喜欢某种体味。
Throughout history, there have been many examples of diseases being associated with a smell. 纵观历史, 诸多例子证明许多疾病 和某种气味有紧密联系。
Throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式)
So, for example, typhoid apparently smells like baked brown bread, and that's quite a nice smell, isn't it, but it starts to get a little bit worse. 比如,伤寒闻起来明显 像靠烤黑面包的味道。 这个味道还不错,是吧? 但是接下来的味道就没那么好了。
typhoid:adj.伤寒的;斑疹伤寒症的;n.伤寒; apparently:adv.显然地;似乎,表面上; baked:v.烘烤;焙;烤硬;灼热;(bake的过去分词和过去式)
TB smells like stale beer, and yellow fever smells like the inside of a butcher shop, like raw meat. 结核病闻起来像不新鲜的啤酒, 黄热病闻起来像肉铺里生肉的味道。
stale:v.走味; adj.不新鲜的; n.囮子; yellow fever:n.黄热病(热带疾病,可导致死亡); butcher:n.屠夫;肉贩;肉店;肉铺;v.屠杀;杀戮;屠宰;宰杀;adj."butch"的比较级;
And in fact, when you look at the sort of words that are used to describe diseases, you tend to find these words: "rotting," " foul ," " putrid " or " pungent ." 实际上, 当你看到各种 用来描述疾病的文字, 你往往会看到这些字眼: “霉烂,” 恶臭“,”腐烂“,或”刺鼻“。
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; foul:adj.犯规的; v.犯规; n.犯规; v.违反规则地,不正当地; putrid:adj.腐败的;腐烂的;令人厌恶的; pungent:adj.辛辣的;刺激性的;苦痛的;尖刻的;
So it's no surprise, then, that smell and body odor gets a bit of bad reputation. 所以也难怪, 这些气味和体臭有不好的名声。
If I was to say to you, "You smell," 如果我说 ”你闻起来有股味道“,
now, you're going to take that not exactly as a compliment , are you. 你们不会把这当成表扬, 是吧?
But you do smell. 但是你们闻起来确实有股味道。
You've just found that out. You do smell. 你们刚才也发现了这点。
It's a scientific fact. 这是一个科学事实。
And I'd quite like to turn that on its head. 我很愿意颠覆这一切。
What if we could actually think about smell in a positive way, put it to good use? 假如我们能对气味持有正面的态度, 好好利用它呢?
What if:如果…怎么办? positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
What if we could detect the chemicals that are given off by our bodies when we're ill, and use that to diagnose people? 如果我们能发现 生病时身体释放的化学物质, 并且用它来诊断病情会如何?
detect:vt.察觉;发现;探测; chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数) diagnose:vt.诊断;断定;vi.诊断;判断;
Now we'd need to develop good sensors that would allow us to do this, but it turns out that the world's best sensors actually already exist, and they're called animals. 我们需要去开发有用的传感器, 帮我们来做这个工作, 然而事实上,最好的传感器 早已存在于这个世界, 它们就是动物。
Now animals are built to smell. 动物天生嗅觉灵敏,
They live their everyday lives according to their nose. 它们每天靠鼻子过日子。
according to:根据,据说;
They sense the environment, which tells them really important information about how to stay alive, essentially . 它们能感知周围的环境, 环境提供给它们重要的信息, 告诉它们生存的基本原理。
Just imagine you're a mosquito and you've just flown in from outside and you've entered this room. 想象一下如果你是一只蚊子, 你刚刚从外面飞进这间屋子。
Now you're going to be entering a really complex world. 现在你进入了一个很复杂的世界,
You're going to be bombarded with smells from everywhere. 你被周围各种味道包围。
bombarded:v.轰炸(bombard的过去分词); adj.被轰击的;
We've just found out that we're really smelly beasts. 我们刚刚已经发现我们 是一群有异味的家伙。
Each one of us is producing different volatile chemicals. 我们每个人都在产生 不同的易挥发化学物质。
It's not just one chemical, like BO -- lots and lots of chemicals. 不只是一种化学物质,像体味—— 其中包含大量化学物质。
But it's not just you, it's the seats you're sitting on, the carpet , the glue that holds the carpet to the floor, the paint on the walls, the trees outside. 不仅仅是你,还有你坐的椅子, 地毯,把地毯粘到地上的胶水, 墙上的油漆,外面的树。
carpet:n.地毯;v.用地毯铺(房间的)地板; glue:n.胶;胶水;v.粘贴;
Everything around you is producing an odor, and it's a really complex world that the mosquito has to fly through, and it has to find you within that really complex world. 你周围的一切都在产生气味, 蚊子要飞过的是 一个非常复杂的世界, 并且蚊子要在 这复杂的世界里找到你。
And each and every one of you will know -- 你们每一位都会知道...
Come on, hands up, who always gets bitten by mosquitoes ? 来,请举手,谁总被蚊子叮?
And who never gets bitten? 还有谁从没被蚊子叮过?
There's always one or two really annoying people that never get bitten. 总有一两个讨厌的家伙 从没有被蚊子咬过。
But the mosquito has a really hard job to find you, and that's all to do with the way you smell. 可蚊子找到你可不是一件容易的事, 这都和你散发出的气味有关。
People who don't attract mosquitoes smell repellent , and what we know is that -- 不招蚊子叮咬的人闻起来很讨厌, 我们知道的是——
(Laughter) (笑声)
I should clarify , repellent to mosquitoes, not to people. 我应该澄清一下, 我是说蚊子讨厌的味道, 不是我们人类讨厌的味道。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And what we know now is that that is actually controlled by our genes . 我们现在知道, 这是由我们的基因决定的。
But mosquitoes are able to do that because they have a highly sophisticated sense of smell, and they're able to see through all the, sort of, odor sludge to find you, that individual , and bite you as a blood meal. 但是蚊子能够辨别这些气味, 因为它们有高度灵敏的嗅觉, 它们能穿过各种臭气污泥, 找到你并且吸食你的血。
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的; see through:adj.透明的;穿透的; sludge:n.烂泥;泥泞;泥状雪;沉淀物;(海上)小浮冰; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
But what would happen if one of you was infected with malaria? 但是如果我们中有一个人 感染了疟疾,那会发生什么呢?
Well, let's just have a quick look at the malaria life cycle . 让我们快速看看疟疾的生命周期。
life cycle:n.生命周期;寿命(产品等从开发到使用完毕的一段时间);
So it's quite complex, but basically , what happens is a mosquito has to bite somebody to become infected. 这挺复杂的, 基本上是这样:蚊子要 通过叮咬人导致感染。
Once it bites an infected person, the parasite travels through the mouth part into the gut and then bursts through the gut, creates cysts , and then the parasites replicate , 一旦它叮咬了感染疟疾的人, 寄生虫会通过它的嘴进入肠道, 然后冲破肠道并产生囊肿, 接着寄生虫完成自我复制,
gut:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;adj.非理性的;本能的 bursts:[天]爆发;破裂(burst的第三人称单数); cysts:n.[生物]囊;[肿瘤]囊肿(cyst的复数形式); parasites:n.[基医]寄生虫;[生物]寄生生物(parasite的复数); replicate:vt.复制; vi.重复; adj.复制的; n.复制品;
and then they make a journey from the gut all the way to the salivary glands , where they are then injected back into another person when the mosquito bites, because it injects saliva as it bites. 然后从肠胃进入唾液腺, 当蚊子叮咬人类时, 会从唾液腺通过唾液 把疟原虫注入人体。
make a journey:旅行; salivary:adj.唾液的;分泌唾液的; glands:n.腺体(gland的复数);气封; injected:v.(给…)注射(药物等); (inject的过去分词和过去式) injects:vt.注入;注射;
Then, inside the human, it goes through a whole other cycle, a whole other part of the life cycle, so it goes through a liver stage, changes shape, and then comes out into the bloodstream again, and eventually , that person will become infectious. 在人体,疟原虫开始了另一个周期, 一个全新的生命周期。 病原经过肝脏, 发育变化, 然后再进入血液循环, 最终这个人开始具有传染性。
liver:n.肝;(动物供食用的)肝; bloodstream:n.[生理]血流,血液的流动; eventually:adv.最后,终于;
Now, one thing we know about the parasite world is that they are incredibly good at manipulating their hosts to enhance their own transmission , to make sure that they get passed onwards . 关于寄生虫的世界, 有一点我们是知道的, 那就是它们非常善于 通过操纵它们的宿主 来增加疾病的传播, 以确保疟原虫继续传播下去。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; manipulating:v.(暗中)控制,操纵,影响;正骨;治疗脱臼;(manipulate的现在分词) hosts:n.主人; v.主办,主持(活动); (host的第三人称单数和复数) enhance:v.提高;增强;增进; transmission:n.传输;传染;播送;发射;广播;传动装置; onwards:adv.向前;在前面;
If this was to happen in the malaria system, it might make sense that it would be something to do with odor that they manipulate , because odor is the key. 如果这发生在疟疾传播的体系, 不难理解, 这和它们操作的气味有关, 因为气味是关键。
make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理; manipulate:vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改;
Odor is the thing that links us between mosquitoes. 气味把蚊子和我们连接在了一起,
That's how they find us. 蚊子通过气味找到我们。
This is what we call the malaria manipulation hypothesis , and it's something that we've been working on over the last few years. 这就是我们所说的蚊子操纵假设, 也是我们近些年致力研究的课题。
manipulation:n.操作;管理措施;处理;操纵证券市场;变换; hypothesis:n.假设;
So one of the first things that we wanted to do in our study was to find out whether an infection with malaria actually makes you more attractive to mosquitoes or not. 我们研究的第一个课题 是去发现是否感染疟疾 会让你更加吸引蚊子。
So in Kenya, with our colleagues , we designed an experiment where we had participants , children in Kenya, sleep inside tents. 于是在肯尼亚, 我和同事们设计了个实验, 我们让实验参与者, 肯尼亚的孩子在帐篷里睡觉。
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); participants:n.参与者(participant的复数形式);
The odor from the tent was blown into a chamber which contained mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes would behaviorally respond . 帐篷里的味道被吹到 装有蚊子的实验间, 蚊子做出相应的行为反应。
chamber:n.(身体或器官内的)室,膛; adj.室内的; vt.把…关在室内; behaviorally:adv.行为;举止; respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和;
They would fly towards or fly away from the odors , depending on whether they liked them or not. 它们要么飞向气味,要么远离气味, 基于蚊子对气味喜欢与否。
Now some of the participants were infected with malaria, and some of them were uninfected , but importantly, none of the children had any symptoms whatsoever . 这些参与者中 有的是疟疾病毒感染者, 有的是非感染者, 但重要的是, 这些参与实验的孩子 都丝毫没有疟疾症状。
uninfected:未感染; whatsoever:pron.无论什么;
Now when we found and saw the results, it was really quite staggering . 我们发现,实验的结果 是相当令人震惊的。
staggering:adj.惊人的; v.蹒跚; (stagger的现在分词)
People who were infected with malaria were significantly more attractive than people who were uninfected. 被疟疾病毒感染的人 明显比没有被感染的人更吸引蚊虫。
So let me explain this graph. 我来解析一下这个统计图。
We have "number of mosquitoes attracted to the child," 纵轴是 被孩子吸引的蚊子数量 。
and we have two sets of data: before treatment and after treatment. 我们有两套数据, 接受治疗之前和之后的数据。
On the far left-hand side, that bar represents a group of people who are uninfected, and as we move towards the right-hand side, these people have become infected and they're moving towards the stage that they're infectious. 在图上最左边, 直条代表没有被感染的孩子 沿着右边, 这些代表被病毒感染的孩子, 按照被疟疾病毒感染的阶段排列。
left-hand:adj.左手的;左侧的; represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数) right-hand:adj.得力的;右手的,用右手的;
So right at the stage when people are infectious is when they are significantly more attractive. 当孩子正处于被感染阶段时, 他们对蚊虫有相对显著的吸引力。
In this study, then, what we did is we obviously gave the children treatment to clear the parasites, and then we tested them again, and what we found was that highly attractive trait that was there disappeared after they had cleared the infection. 在这个实验中, 我们做的 显然是给孩子进行治疗, 去除寄生虫, 然后我们再给他们做检查, 我们发现曾高度吸引蚊虫的特征 在孩子接受治疗后消失了。
trait:n.特性,特点;品质;少许; disappeared:adj.消失的;消失了的;v.消失,失踪;(disappear的过去式和过去分词)
So it wasn't just that the people were more attractive, it was that the parasite was manipulating its host in some way to make it more attractive to mosquitoes, 原来不是这些人吸引蚊虫, 而是寄生在他们身体里的 疟原虫通过操纵宿主 而吸引蚊虫,
standing out like a beacon to attract more mosquitoes so that it could continue its life cycle. 它们像信号灯一样吸引更多的蚊虫, 于是病毒可以继续循环传播下去。
beacon:n.灯塔; v.像灯塔般照耀;
The next thing we wanted to do was find out what it was the mosquito was actually smelling. 接下来我们要去找的是 蚊子到底闻到了什么。
What was it detecting ? 它们察觉到了什么?
So to do that, we had to collect the body odor from the participants, and we did this by wrapping bags around their feet, which allowed us to collect the volatile odors from their feet, and feet are really important to mosquitoes. 于是我们从实验参与者 身上搜集体味, 用袋子裹在他们脚上 来采集他们的脚散发的气味, 脚对蚊子很重要。
They really love the smell of feet. 它们非常喜欢脚的气味。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Especially cheesy feet. Anybody got cheesy feet back there? 特别是干酪味脚气, 你们中有谁有这种脚气吗?
Especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; cheesy:adj.干酪质的;下等的;漂亮的;
Mosquitoes love that smell. 蚊子喜欢这个气味。
So we focused on the feet, and we collected the body odor. 除了采集脚的气味, 我们还采集了体味。
Now when it comes to mosquitoes and olfaction , their sense of smell, it's very complex. 蚊子和它们的嗅觉 是比较复杂的。
It would be really nice if there was just one chemical that they detected , but it's not that simple. 如果它们只是分辨一种 化学物质,问题就简单多了, 但是事实并非如此。
They have to detect a number of chemicals in the right concentration , the right ratios , the right combinations of chemicals. 它们需要分辨出好几种化学物质, 这些物质有着正确的 化学浓度,适当的比例 和正确的化学成分组合。
concentration:n.浓度;含量;集中;专心; ratios:n.比率(ratio的复数); v.以比率表示; combinations:n.[数]组合;制品(combination的复数);合谱;
So you can sort of think about it like a musical composition . 在某种程度上, 你可以把这想象成一份乐谱。
So, you know, if you get the note wrong or you play it too loud or too soft, it doesn't sound right. 如果一个音符出错, 或者你演奏得太大声或者太小声, 听起来就不对劲。
Or a recipe : if you get an ingredient wrong or you cook it too long or too little, it doesn't taste right. 或者像菜谱,如果放错一个原料, 或者煮得时间太长或太短, 味道就不对了。
recipe:n.食谱;方法;诀窍;烹饪法; ingredient:n.原料;要素;组成部分;adj.构成组成部分的;
Well, smell is the same. 气味是同样的道理。
It's made up of a suite of chemicals in the right combination. 它是各种化学物质恰当混合产生的。
made up of:由…组成,由…构成; suite:n.套房;一套家具;组曲(由三个或更多相关部分组成);套装软件;
Now our machines in the lab are not particularly good at picking out this sort of signal -- it's quite complex. 我们实验室里的机器 在识别气味发出的信号方面 表现还不够—— 这个过程挺复杂的。
But animals can, and what we do in my laboratory is we connect microelectrodes to the antennae of a mosquito. 但是动物能做到, 在实验室里, 我们将电极连接到蚊子的触角,
laboratory:n.实验室,研究室; microelectrodes:微电极技术;微小电极;微型电极; antennae:n.[电讯]天线(等于aerial);[昆]触须;[植]蕊喙;直觉;
Imagine how fiddly that is. 想象一下这有多么不容易。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But what we also do is connect them to individual cells within the antennae, which is incredible . 我们把电极和蚊子触角里 的细胞连接在一起, 这很难以置信。
You don't want to sneeze when you're doing this, that's for sure. 你可不想在 做这个实验的时候打喷嚏, 这是毫无疑问的。
But what this does is it allows us to measure the electrical response of the smell receptors in the antennae, and so we can see what a mosquito is smelling. 这个办法能够能让我们 测量蚊子触角上的 嗅觉感受器的回应, 于是我们就能看见它们正在嗅什么。
electrical:adj.有关电的;电气科学的; response:n.响应;反应;回答; receptors:n.[生化]受体;接受器;神经末梢(receptor的复数);
So I'm going to show you what this looks like. 让我给大家展示一下 这是怎么回事。
Here's an insect's cell, and it will respond in a second when I press this button, and you'll see it sort of taking over with this response. 这是昆虫的一个细胞, 我一按按钮,它马上回应, 你们要看到的是蚊子的反应。
in a second:立刻,很快;
An odor will be blown over the cell, and it will go a bit crazy, sort of blow a raspberry , and then it will go back to its resting potential when we stop the odor. 一股气味被吹向细胞, 有点像朝一颗覆盆子果实吹气, 当我们停止释放气味时, 就不会再出现任何回应。
raspberry:n.覆盆子;山莓;悬钩子;嘘声 potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的;
(Rapid crackling) (发出咔嗒声)
(Low-pitch crackling) (低沉的噼啪作响声)
(Rapid crackling) (快速的噼啪作响声)
OK, there we go, so you can go home now and say that you've seen an insect smelling and even hearing an insect smelling -- it's a weird concept, isn't it? 好了, 你们回家之后可以说 亲眼看见了昆虫闻气味的过程, 甚至听见了昆虫闻气味的过程—— 挺奇怪的概念,不是吗?
But this works really well, and this allows us to see what the insect is detecting. 这个方法很不错, 能让我们看见昆虫闻到了什么。
Now using this method with our malaria samples, we were able to find out what the mosquito was detecting, and we found the malaria-associated compounds , mainly aldehydes , a group of compounds that smelled, that signified the malaria signal here. 用同样的方法来处理疟疾样本 能让我们知道蚊子侦测到了什么。 我们发现和疟疾相关的一些 化学成分,主要是醛类化合物, 这些化合物发出气味, 传达了疟疾在这里的信号。
compounds:n.混合物,化合物;大院(compound的复数形式); mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; aldehydes:n.醛;[有化]醛类;乙醛(aldehyde的复数); signified:n.所指;意指;受指;v.表明;预示(signify的过去分词);
So now we know what the smell of malaria is, and we've used the mosquito as a biosensor to tell us what the smell of malaria actually is. 于是现在我们知道疟疾的气味了, 并且我们用蚊子作生物传感器 告诉我们疟疾闻起来是什么味道。
Now I'd like to imagine that you could, I don't know, put a harness on a little mosquito and put it on a lead and take it out and see if we can sniff people in a community -- that goes on in my head -- 想象一下, 如果你能够给小小的蚊子带上挽具, 把它放出去,给我们带路,在社区里的 居民身上嗅来嗅去—— 这时我脑子里出现的想法——
harness:vt.治理; n.马具; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
and see whether we could actually find people with malaria, but, of course, that's not really possible. 看看它是否能找出疟疾感染者, 当然这是做不到的。
But there is an animal that we can do that with. 可是有一种动物可以 帮我们完成这样的任务。
Now dogs have an incredible sense of smell, but there's something more special about them: they have an ability to learn. 狗有高度灵敏的嗅觉, 更神奇的是, 它们有学习的能力。
And most of you people will be familiar with this concept at airports , where dogs will go down a line and sniff out your luggage or yourself for drugs and explosives or even food as well. 你们大多数在机场 对这一幕比较熟悉, 狗走过一排人群去闻 你的行李箱或你, 看你有没有携带毒品, 易爆物或者食物。
familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; airports:n.[航]机场;[航]航空港(airport的复数形式); luggage:n.行李;皮箱; explosives:n.爆炸物,[化工]炸药;爆炸品(explosive的复数);
So we wanted to know, could we actually train dogs to learn the smell of malaria? 于是我们想知道是否可以训练狗 去学会识别疟疾的味道。
And so we've been working with a charity called Medical Detection Dogs to see whether we can train them to learn the smell of malaria. 于是,我们和医疗侦测犬 慈善组织进行了合作, 想知道是否能训练狗 识别疟疾的气味。
charity:n.慈善;施舍;慈善团体;宽容;施舍物; Detection:n.侦查,探测;发觉,发现;察觉;
And we went out to the Gambia and did some more odor collection on children that were infected and uninfected, but this time, we collected their odor by making them wear socks, nylon stockings , to collect their body odor. 我们去冈比亚采集了 更多的气味样本,其中一部分 来自被疟疾感染的儿童, 而另一部分是未感染的儿童。 但是这次我们采集气味是通过 让孩子们穿尼龙袜 来采集他们的体味。
nylon:n.尼龙,[纺]聚酰胺纤维;尼龙袜; stockings:n.长筒女袜;(stocking的复数)
And we brought them back to the UK and then we handed them to this charity to run the experiment. 我们把袜子带回英国, 送到医疗侦测犬机构去做实验。
Now I could show you a graph and tell you about that experiment works, but that'd be a bit dull , wouldn't it. 现在我可以给大家展示一个图, 看看实验是怎样进行的, 不过这样比较枯燥,是吧?
dull:v.减轻; adj.枯燥无味的;
Now, they do say never work with children or animals live, but we're going to break that rule today. 人们经常说,别在现场 和小孩或者动物打交道, 可是今天我们要破一下例。
So please welcome onto the stage Freya ... 下面有请,芙蕾雅...
(Applause) (掌声)
and her trainers Mark and Sarah. 以及它的训练师,马克和莎拉。
(Applause) (掌声)
Of course, this is the real star of the show. 当然这才是今天的明星。
(Laughter) (笑声)
OK, so now what I'm going to ask is if you can all just be a little bit quiet, not move around too much. 希望大家稍微保持安静, 不要过多走动。
move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转;
This is a very, very strange environment for Freya. 因为这个环境对芙蕾雅很陌生,
She's having a good look at you guys now. 它现在正在观察各位。
So let's stay as calm as possible. That would be great. 请各位配合一下,尽量保持安静。
So what we're going to do here is basically, we're going to ask Freya to move down this line of contraptions here, and in each one of these contraptions, we have a pot, and in the pot is a sock that has been worn by a child in the Gambia. 接下来,我们要叫芙蕾雅 到这排奇怪的装置前, 每一个装置有一个小容器, 里面装的是一只 冈比亚小孩子穿过的袜子。
Now three of the socks have been worn by children who were uninfected, and just one of the socks was worn by a child who was infected with malaria. 其中有三只袜子是 未被疟疾感染的孩子穿过的, 只有一只被疟疾感染的小孩穿过。
So just as you would see an airport, imagine these were people, and the dog is going to go down and have a good sniff. 正如你们在飞机场看到的一样, 想象这些装置就是人群, 狗会走到那排装置前好好闻一闻。
And let's see if you can see when she senses the malaria, and if she senses the malaria. 让我们看看它什么时候能嗅出疟疾, 如果它能嗅出疟疾的话。
This is a really tough test for her in this very strange environment, so I'm going to hand it over now to Mark. 这是个非常有挑战性的任务, 因为环境对它而言是很陌生的。 现在我们把舞台交给马克。
(Laughs) Number three. OK. (笑声)第三号,好的。
(Applause) (掌声)
There we go. 找到了。
I didn't know which pot that was in. Mark didn't know. 连我都不知道感染了疟疾病原 的袜子在哪个容器里。
This was a blind test , genuinely . Sarah, was that correct? 这是个名副其实的盲测。 莎拉,它找对了吗?
blind test:n.盲测(比较产品质量或受欢迎程度,参加者不知道产品名称); genuinely:adv.真诚地;诚实地;
Sarah: Yes. 莎拉:找对了。
JL: That was correct. Well done , Freya. That is fantastic . Whew . 正确,干得漂亮, 芙蕾雅 ,太精彩了!
Well done:好样的,干得好; fantastic:奇异的,空想的 Whew:int.哟!;唷!(表示惊讶,失望,厌恶等);
(Applause) (掌声)
That is really wonderful. 太棒了。
Now Sarah is going to actually change the pots around a little bit, and she's going to take the one with malaria away, and we're just going to have four pots that are containing socks from children that had no malaria, so in theory, Freya should go down the line and not stop at all. 现在莎拉要把容器位置稍作调整, 她要把装有疟疾病原袜子 的容器拿走, 那么四个罐子里装的袜子 都没有疟疾病原。 理论上,芙蕾雅应该 走过那一排而不会停留。
And this is really important, because we also need to know people who are not infected, she needs to be able to do that. 这非常重要, 因为我们也需要知道 谁没有感染病毒, 芙蕾雅需要做到这点。
And this is a tough test. 这个实验非常具有挑战性,
These socks have been in the freezer for a couple of years now, and this is a tiny bit of a sock as well. 因为这些袜子已经 在冰箱里保存了好几年, 而且袜子非常小。
So imagine if this was a whole person, giving off a big signal. 想象一下如果是一个人, 他发出的信号会较强。
So this is really incredible. 所以这真的不可思议。
OK, over to you, Mark. 好,交给你了,马克。
(Laughs) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Brilliant. Fantastic. 太精彩了!太棒了!
(Applause) (掌声)
Really super. Thank you so much, guys. 超棒 !非常感谢!
Big round of applause for Freya, Mark and Sarah. 让我们把热烈的掌声 送给芙蕾雅,莎拉和马克。
Well done, guys. 干得漂亮!
(Applause) (掌声)
What a good girl. She's going to get a treat later. 多好的小家伙, 待会儿它会得到奖励。
Fantastic. 太棒了。
So you've just seen that for your own eyes. 各位刚才亲眼目睹了这一切,
That was a real live demonstration . I was quite nervous about it. 这个现场演示货真价实, 我刚才其实挺紧张的。
I'm so glad that it worked. 很高兴一切顺利。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But it is really incredible, and when we do this, what we find is that these dogs can correctly tell us when somebody is infected with malaria 81 percent of the time. 但这真的不可思议, 我们发现这些狗能准确告诉我们 谁是疟疾感染者, 正确率高达81%。
It's incredible. 难以置信。
92 percent of the time, they can tell us correctly when somebody does not have an infection. 92% 的几率, 狗能准确告诉我们 谁没有被疟疾感染。
And those numbers are actually above the criteria set by the World Health Organization for a diagnostic . 实际上这些数字高于 世界卫生组织设定的疾病诊断标准。
criteria:n.标准,条件(criterion的复数); Organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; diagnostic:adj.诊断的;特征的;n.诊断法;诊断结论;
So we really are looking at deploying dogs in countries, and particularly at ports of entry, to detect people who have malaria. 我们期待有一天能用狗在各国, 特别是入境处, 辨别出疟疾感染者。
This could be a reality. 这是可以实现的。
But we can't deploy dogs everywhere, and so what we're also looking to do and working on at the moment is the development of technology , wearable tech that would empower the individual to allow them to self-diagnose . 但是我们不能随处使用狗。 所以目前我们在着手 研发一种技术, 一种便携的技术,它能赋予 人们自我诊断的能力。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; wearable:adj.可穿用的,可佩带的;耐用的;n.衣服; empower:vt.授权,允许;使能够; self-diagnose:自诊断;
Imagine a patch that you wear on the skin that would detect in your sweat when you're infected with malaria and change color. 想象在你的皮肤上贴一块东西, 如果你被感染疟疾, 它可以从你的汗水中测出病毒, 并随之变换颜色。
Or something a little more technical , perhaps: a smartwatch that would alert you when you're infected with malaria. 或者技术性更强一些, 一款可以提醒你 感染了疟疾病毒的智能表。
technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; smartwatch:n.智能手表; alert:n.警报; adj.警觉的; v.向…报警;
And if we can do this digitally , and we can collect data, imagine the amount of data that we can collect on a global scale . 如果这项技术可以数码化, 我们还可以从手机提取数据, 想象一下全球范围内 采集的数据量有多大。
digitally:adv.数位; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
This could completely revolutionize the way that we track the spread of diseases, the way that we target our control efforts and respond to disease outbreaks , 这将是一场革新, 将彻底改变我们 追踪疾病传播的方法, 改变我们锁定控制病毒的方法, 以及回应疾病爆发的方式,
revolutionize:vt.发动革命;彻底改革;宣传革命;vi.革命化;从事革命; track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪; outbreaks:n.(战争的)爆发;(疾病的)发作;vi.爆发;
ultimately helping to lead to the eradication of malaria, and even beyond malaria, for other diseases that we already know have a smell. 最终彻底消灭疟疾。 而且还不局限于疟疾, 如果我们还知道 其他一些疾病也带有味道,
ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; eradication:n.消灭,扑灭;根除;
If we can harness the power of nature to find out what those smells are, we could do this and make this a reality. 如果我们能利用大自然的力量 发现那些气味是什么, 就可以让这些疾病的诊断变为现实。
Now, as scientists, we're tasked with coming up with new ideas, new concepts, new technologies to tackle some of the world's greatest problems, but what never ceases to amaze me is that often nature has already done this for us, and the answer ... 作为科学家,我们的任务 是想出新的主意, 新的概念和新的科技 去解决世界上的难题。 始终让我惊讶不已的是, 大自然通常已经赋予了我们答案, 而且这答案
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); tackle:v.处理; n.用具; ceases:n.停止(cease的复数形式);v.停止(cease的第三人称单数);终了; amaze:v.使惊奇;使惊愕;使惊诧;n.(诗)同"amazement";
is right under our nose. 就在我们眼前。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)