

The immersive ugliness of our everyday environments in America is entropy made visible . 我们每日的生活环境 正因为僵硬的标准 而日益沦为丑陋的世界
immersive:n.沉浸式;沉浸感;增加沉浸感; ugliness:n.丑陋,丑陋之物; entropy:n.[热]熵(热力学函数); visible:adj.明显的;看得见的;现有的;可得到的;n.可见物;进出口贸易中的有形项目;
We can't overestimate the amount of despair that we are generating with places like this. 我们不能低估这样的地方 给我们带来的绝望
overestimate:v.高估;n.过高的评估; despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望; generating:v.产生;引起;(generate的现在分词)
And mostly, I want to persuade you that we have to do better if we're going to continue the project of civilization in America. 我在这儿最想传达的是:如果我们还想继续在美国这片土地上 延续文明,我们必须做得更好
persuade:v.说服;劝说;使信服;使相信; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
By the way , this doesn't help. 顺便说一句,这个不管用
By the way:顺便说一下;
Nobody's having a better day down here because of that. 它可不会让下面经过的人更愉快
There are a lot of ways you can describe this, you know, I like to call it "the national automobile slum ." 有很多定义这个现状的方法, 我喜欢把它叫做“国家机动车陋街”
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; automobile:n.汽车;v.开汽车;坐汽车;adj.自动的; slum:vi.(为猎奇或救济等)去贫民窟;n.贫民窟;陋巷;脏乱的地方;
You can call it suburban sprawl . 还可以管它叫“蔓延的市郊”
suburban:adj.郊区的,城郊的;土气的;见闻不广的;n.郊区居民; sprawl:vi.蔓延; vt.懒散地伸开; n.蔓生;
I think it's appropriate to call it the greatest misallocation of resources in the history of the world. 我觉得它还可以被确切的称作 世界史上最烂的资源分配效果
appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出; misallocation:n.错误的分配,分配不当;不合理分配; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
You can call it a technosis externality clusterfuck. 也可以把它叫做露馅的垃圾技术聚会
And it's a tremendous problem for us. 它是我们面临一大难题
The outstanding -- the salient problem about this for us is that these are places that are not worth caring about. 最明显的——这带来的最突出的问题在于 这些地方已经沦为了不值得关注的地方
outstanding:adj.优秀的;杰出的;出色的;v.突出;离港;向海上;停留(outstand的现在分词) salient:adj.显著的;突出的;跳跃的;n.凸角;突出部分;
We're gonna talk about that some more. 就这点我们可以再多说几句
A sense of place. “感知空间”
Your ability to create places that are meaningful and places of quality and character depends entirely on your ability to define space with buildings, and to employ the vocabularies, grammars, syntaxes, rhythms , and patterns of architecture in order to inform us who we are. 创造有意义、高质量的个性空间的能力 完全取决于你心中建筑物之于空间的定义 并选择建筑领域中合适的词汇、语法、 语序、韵律以及建筑模式 以此向我们传达“我们是谁”
meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的; employ:vt.使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于;n.使用;雇用; rhythms:韵律; architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构; inform:v.通知;告诉;报告;告发;告密;
The public realm in America has two roles: 美国的公共空间有两个用途:
It is the dwelling place of our civilization and our civic life, and it is the physical manifestation of the common good. 社会文明在那儿继续,市民生活在那里进行, 那儿同样也是大众利益的集中体现
dwelling place:n.住处; civic:adj.市的;公民的,市民的; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; manifestation:n.表现;显示;示威运动;
And when you degrade the public realm, you will automatically degrade the quality of your civic life, and the character of all the enactments of your public life and communal life that take place there. 当公共空间的级别降低时, 市民生活的质量,以及公共、社会生活 的所有内容就自然而然的降级了
degrade:v.降低…身份;使受屈辱;(使)退化,降解;分解;降低; automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的; communal:adj.公共的;公社的; take place:发生;举行;
The public realm comes mostly in the form of the street in America, because we don't have the 1,000-year-old cathedral plazas and market squares of older cultures. 在美国,最常见的公共空间就是街道, 因为我们没有那些古老文明所有的千年大教堂广场 以及露天市场
cathedral:n.大教堂; plazas:n.广场;市场,购物中心;
And your ability to define space and to create places that are worth caring about all comes from a body of culture that we call the culture of civic design. 我们定义空间、并创造出值得关注的地方的能力 都来自我们称作“城市环境设计”这个领域
This is a body of knowledge, method, skill and principle that we threw in the garbage after World War II, and decided we don't need that anymore; we're not going to use it. 这是一个集知识、方法、技能、原则为一体的整体, 而二战之后,我们把它打入了冷宫 决定我们再也不需要它了,我们不会再用到它
principle:n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉; garbage:n.垃圾;废物;
And consequently , we can see the result all around us. 这带来的后果,我们在周围就可以看到
The public realm has to inform us not only where we are geographically , but it has to inform us where we are in our culture. 公共空间不仅有提示我们所处地理位置的职能, 同时也提醒我们,我们的文化所处的位置
Where we've come from, what kind of people we are, and it needs to -- 我们文化的源头在哪儿,我们是怎样的民族——公共空间
- by doing that, it needs to afford us a glimpse to where we're going in order to allow us to dwell in a hopeful present. 需要以这种方式使得我们窥见一丝未来的方向, 给当下的我们带来一线希望
afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; glimpse:v.瞥见;[诗]闪现;n.领悟;概况;见识;一睹;
And if there is one tremendous -- if there is one great catastrophe about the places that we've built, the human environments we've made for ourselves in the last 50 years, it is that it has deprived us of the ability to live in a hopeful present. 如果说有巨大的灾难—— 如果说我们已建的东西带来了什么灾难的话 那就是我们近50年来给自己营造的居住环境 剥夺了我们对在希望中生活的能力
catastrophe:n.大灾难;大祸;惨败; deprived:adj.缺少食物的;缺乏足够教育的;
The environments we are living in, more typically , are like these. 我们比较典型的生活环境是这样的:
You know, this happens to be the asteroid belt of architectural garbage two miles north of my town. 这正巧是我住的地方以北两英里处的垃圾建筑行星带
asteroid:n.[天]小行星;[无脊椎]海盘车;小游星;adj.星状的; belt:n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带;v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰; architectural:adj.建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的;
And remember, to create a place of character and quality, you have to be able to define space. 还记得吗,创造一个有个性和质量的空间 你首先需要有定义空间的能力
So how is that being accomplished here? 看看这是如何在这个国家实现的
If you stand on the apron of the Wal-Mart over here and try to look at the Target store over here, you can't see it because of the curvature of the Earth. (Laughter) 如果你站在这边沃尔玛的停车场上 试着看那边儿的Target商店 由于地球的曲率,你根本看不着(笑)
apron:n.围裙;[航]停机坪;舞台口;v.着围裙于;围绕; Wal-Mart:n.沃尔玛; curvature:n.弯曲,[数]曲率;
That's nature's way of telling you that you're doing a poor job of defining space. 那是大自然告诉你“你干得很烂”的方式
Consequently, these will be places that nobody wants to be in. 结果是,人们渐渐地再也不想到这些地方来
These will be places that are not worth caring about. 这些地方将要成为不值得关注爱护的地方
We have about, you know, 38,000 places that are not worth caring about in the United States today. 在美国,大概有38000个类似的地方 不值得我们爱护
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
When we have enough of them, we're gonna have a nation that's not worth defending. 等我们有足够多的这样的地方,我们就将要拥有一个不值得保卫的国家了!
And I want you to think about that when you think about those young men and women who are over in places like Iraq, spilling their blood in the sand. 我希望你们在想到这个的时候, 想想还在伊拉克之类地方的那些青年男女们, 他们的血正洒在沙子里
And ask yourself what is their last thought of home? 问问自己他们对家的最后的记忆的什么?
I hope it's not the curb cut between the Chuck E. Cheese and the Target store! 我可不希望是查克芝士店和Target商店间的路牙子!
curb:vt.遏制;控制,限定,约束;n.起控制(或限制)作用的事物 Chuck:n.卡盘;夹头;辞退;(牛等的)颈肉;v.放弃;[机]用卡盘夹紧;(口语)抛出,逐出;
Because that's not good enough for Americans to be spilling their blood for. (Applause) 因为那不值得美国人为之洒热血(掌声)
We need better places in this country. 这个国家必须有更好的公共空间
Public space. This is a good public space. 公共空间,这就是个不错的例子
It's a place worth caring about. It's well defined . 它值得我们爱护,有意义,
well defined:adj.定义明确的;界限清楚的;
It is emphatically an outdoor public room. 它是一个强有力的室外房间
emphatically:adv.着重地;强调地;断然地; outdoor:adj.户外的;露天的;
It has something that is terribly important -- it has what's called an active and permeable membrane around the edge. 最重要的是—— 它包着一层所谓的活跃的、可渗透的薄膜
permeable:adj.能透过的;有渗透性的; membrane:n.膜;薄膜;羊皮纸;
That's a fancy way of saying it's got shops, bars, bistros , destinations -- 就是说,周围有商店、酒吧、小酒馆、各种去处——
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象; bistros:小酒馆,酒吧,小餐馆(bistro的名词复数);
- things go in and out of it. It's permeable. ——人们进进出出。随时可以融入
The beer goes in and out, the waitresses go in and out, and that activates the center of this place and makes it a place that people want to hang out in. 啤酒端进端出,服务生进进出出, 这些将这个地方激活,让人们喜欢上那儿待着
waitresses:n.女服务员;女侍者;v.做女服务生; activates:v.[电子][物]激活;活化(activate的三单形式);
You know, in these places in other cultures, people just go there voluntarily because they like them. 在其他文明中的这类地方, 人们自愿去那儿,因为他们喜欢这些地方
We don't have to have a craft fair here to get people to come here. (Laughter) 我们不需要在这儿办个手工艺品展览吸引人们来(笑)
You know, you don't have to have a Kwanzaa festival. 也不必举行宽扎节
People just go because it's pleasurable to be there. 人们自然回去,因为待在那儿是种享受
But this is how we do it in the United States. 这个是在我们美国的公共空间
Probably the most significant public space failure in America, designed by the leading architects of the day, Harry Cobb and I.M. Pei: 可能是美国最著名的失败的公共空间典型, 由当代著名设计师设计,哈里·考铂和贝聿铭:
significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; architects:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;(architect的复数);
Boston City Hall Plaza. 波士顿市政大厅广场
Boston:n.波士顿(美国城市); City Hall:n.市政府;市政厅;
A public place so dismal that the winos don't even want to go there. (Laughter) 这样阴沉的地方连酒鬼都不想去(笑)
dismal:adj.凄凉的,忧郁的;阴沉的,沉闷的;n.低落的情绪; winos:喜爱葡萄酒者;酒鬼(wino的名词复数);
And we can't fix it because I.M. Pei's still alive, and every year Harvard and M.I.T. have a joint committee to repair it. 我们不能改进它,因为贝聿铭还活着呢 每年哈弗和麻省理工组织一个联合委员会试图修整它
Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生; joint:n.关节; adj.共同的; v.连接,贴合; committee:n.委员会; repair:v.修理;修补;修缮;补救;n.修理;修补;修缮;
And every year they fail to, because they don't want to hurt I.M. Pei's feelings. 而每年他们都失败了,因为他们不想伤了贝聿铭的心
This is the other side of the building. 这是建筑的另一边
This was the winner of an international design award in, I think, 1966, something like that. 这是一个国际设计比赛的获奖作品,我想,好像是1966年
It wasn't Pei and Cobb, another firm designed this. 并不是贝和考铂,而是另一间公司的设计
But there's not enough Prozac in the world to make people feel OK about going down this block. 但是世界上没有足够的百忧解(治疗抑郁症的药物)能化解走过这个街区的沉重
This is the back of Boston City Hall, the most important, you know, significant civic building in Albany -- excuse me -- in Boston. 这是波士顿市政厅的背面 最著名的,奥尔巴尼——不好意思——波士顿最重要的城市建筑
And what is the message that is coming -- what are the vocabularies and grammars that are coming from this building and how is it informing us about who we are? 它传递了什么信息? 什么样的词汇、语法? 它在怎样告诉我们“我们是谁?”
This, in fact, would be a better building if we put mosaic portraits of Josef Stalin , Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, and all the other great despots of the 20th century on the side of the building, because then we'd honestly be saying what the building is really communicating to us. 事实上,还不如挂上约瑟夫·斯大林,波尔布特和萨达姆·侯赛因 以及所有二十世纪暴君的马赛克肖像 挂在外墙上 因为那样我们至少能真正感觉它对我们说些什么
mosaic:adj.摩西的;拼成的;嵌花式的;n.马赛克;镶嵌;镶嵌细工; portraits:n.肖像;半身照;详细的描述;描绘;(portrait的复数) Stalin:n.斯大林(前苏联领导人); Saddam:n.萨达姆(伊拉克前总统); despots:n.专制君主,暴君;独裁者; on the side of:拥护…;站在…一边;赞助;
You know, that it's a despotic building; it wants us to feel like termites . (Laughter) 你看,那真是一栋独裁者大楼 它想让我们觉得自己都是小白蚁(笑)
despotic:adj.暴虐的,暴君的;专横的; termites:n.白蚁;(termite的复数)
This is it on a smaller scale . 这里规模小点儿
The back of the civic center in my town, Saratoga Springs, New York. 这是我住的地方,纽约州萨拉托加矿泉城的市政厅背面
By the way, when I showed this slide to a group of Kiwanians in my town, they all rose in indignation from their creamed chicken. (Laughter) 顺便说一下,我把幻灯片给城里的一伙基瓦尼成员看过 他们都愤然地将注意力从奶油鸡肉上转移了过来(笑)
And they shouted at me and said, "It was raining that day when you took that picture!" 对我大叫说: “你拍照那天肯定下着雨!”
Because this was perceived to be a weather problem. (Laughter) 因为这竟然能被理解成了天气问题(笑)
You know, this is a building designed like a DVD player. (Laughter) 这座建筑被设计得像台DVD机(笑)
Audio jack, power supply -- and look, you know these things are important architectural jobs for firms, right? 音频插口,电源—— 我们都认为这些对于建筑事务所来说是很重要的项目,对不?
You know, we hire firms to design these things. 我们雇佣一个公司来专门设计这些
You can see exactly what went on, three o'clock in the morning at the design meeting. 我们可以追踪工程进度:凌晨三点,设计讨论会上
You know, eight hours before deadline , four architects trying to get this building in on time, right? 还有八个小时就要交工 四位建筑师努力地在赶工期
And they're sitting there at the long boardroom table with all the drawings, and the renderings , and all the Chinese food caskets are lying on the table, and -- 坐在那儿,大长会议桌边上 到处都是草图和效果图 中餐外卖盒堆在桌上——
boardroom:n.会议室;交换场所; renderings:n.演奏;扮演;表演;翻译作品;(rendering的复数) caskets:n.棺材;骨灰盒;小箱;vt.把…装进小箱;入殓;
I mean, what was the conversation that was going on there? (Laughter) 我很好奇,那儿在进行着什么样的对话呢?(笑)
Because you know what the last word was, what the last sentence was of that meeting. 因为你知道最后一个词儿是什么
It was: "Fuck it". (Laughter) (Applause) 那个会议的最后一句话是:“去他妈的”。(笑+鼓掌??)
That -- that is the message of this form of architecture. 那就是这个建筑外观传达的讯息
The message is: We don't give a fuck! We don't give a fuck. 那条讯息是:去他妈的,我们也烦不了那么多了
So I went back on the nicest day of the year, just to -- you know, just some reality testing. 我在天气特别不错的一天回去,只是想—— 你知道的,来点现状核实。
And in fact, he will not even go down there because -- it's not interesting enough for his clients , you know, the burglars , the muggers . 事实上,他根本不会去那儿,因为—— 因为对于他的客户来说那个地方太无趣了 你知道的,小偷啦,强盗啦
clients:n.委托人;当事人;客户机;(client的复数) burglars:n.破门盗贼;入室窃贼;(burglar的复数) muggers:n.行凶抢劫者,偷袭抢劫者;泽鳄(产于非洲);
It's not civically rich enough for them to go down there. 那儿太冷清了,他们没兴趣
OK. 好的
The pattern of Main Street USA -- in fact, this pattern of building downtown blocks, all over the world, is fairly universal . 美国中心大街的模式 实际上,建造市中心街区的模式是相当全球性的
Main Street:n.大街(城镇的主要商业街道);典型的美国中产阶级; downtown:n.市区;闹市区;adv.在市区;在热闹街上;到闹市区;adj.闹市区的; fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的;
It's not that complicated -- buildings more than one story high, built out to the sidewalk edge, so that people who are -- you know, all kinds of people can get into the building. 并不是那么复杂—— 多层、高层建筑建在人行道边上 所以人们——各种人都可以自由进出
complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) sidewalk:n.人行道;
Other activities are allowed to occur upstairs, you know, apartments, offices, and so on. 其它活动可以在楼上进行 也就是办公室、公寓等等
You make provision for this activity called shopping on the ground floor . 在一层为一种叫“购物”的活动提供条件
provision:n.规定;条款;准备;[经]供应品;vt.供给…食物及必需品; ground floor:n.底层;
They haven't learned that in Monterey . 蒙特里没有采用这一模式
If you go out to the corner right at the main intersection right in front of this conference center, you'll see an intersection with four blank walls on every corner. 如果你走到这个会议中心前的主路口处的那个拐角, 你就会发现路口的每个角上都有四面空白墙
intersection:n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点; conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会)
It's really incredible . 真是神奇
Anyway, this is how you compose and assemble a downtown business building, and this is what happened when in Glens Falls, New York, when we tried to do it again, where it was missing, right? 总之,这就是如何构造和展示市中心商业楼的方法 这也是纽约洲格伦斯福尔斯的做法 我们想要复制它,因为它很不错,对吗?
compose:v.组成;作曲;创作(音乐);撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等); assemble:vt.集合,聚集;装配;收集;vi.集合,聚集; Glens:n.峡谷;幽谷;
So the first thing they do is they pop up the retail a half a story above grade to make it sporty . 他们首先把零售店台高了半层,上去还要费神儿
pop up:v.突然出现; retail:vt.零售;转述;vi.零售;n.零售;adv.以零售方式;adj.零售的; sporty:adj.运动比赛的;像运动家一样的;轻便的,花哨的;
OK. That completely destroys the relationship between the business and the sidewalk, where the theoretical pedestrians are. (Laughter) 好,那完全毁掉了商店和虚拟行人走的 人行道的关系(笑)
theoretical:adj.理论的;理论上的;假设的;推理的; pedestrians:n.行人(pedestrian的复数);
Of course, they'll never be there, as long as this is in that condition. 当然,只要保持这个状况,行人是永远也不会来的
as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
Then because the relationship between the retail is destroyed, we pop a handicapped ramp on that, and then to make ourselves feel better, we put a nature Band-Aid in front of it 行人和商店的关系被毁了, 我们就建一条方便残疾人的斜坡 为了让自己感觉好点儿,我们再在前面贴上一条天然创口贴
handicapped:adj.残疾的; v.妨碍; n.残疾人; (handicap的过去分词和过去式) ramp:n.斜坡,坡道;敲诈;vi.蔓延;狂跳乱撞;敲诈;vt.敲诈;使有斜面; Band-Aid:n.创可贴;adj.补缀的;
And that's how we do it. 就是那么干的。
I call them "nature Band-Aids " because there's a general idea in America that the remedy for mutilated urbanism is nature. 我把它们叫做“天然创口贴”因为在美国,普遍看法是 补救失败城市的良方是自然。
Band-Aids:n.创可贴;护创膏布(Band-Aid的复数); remedy:vt.补救;治疗;纠正;n.补救;治疗;赔偿; mutilated:adj.残缺的;破坏的;v.切断;使残废(mutilate的过去分词); urbanism:n.都市生活;都市集中;
And in fact, the remedy for wounded and mutilated urbanism is good urbanism, good buildings. 事实上,真正的良方应该是好的城市设计,好的建筑
wounded:adj.受伤的; n.伤员; v.使受伤; (wound的过去分词和过去式)
Not just flower beds, not just cartoons of the Sierra Nevada mountains. 而不只是花坛,不只是内华达山脉的卡通画
You know, that's not good enough. 因为那些不够好
We have to do good buildings. 我们得建好的建筑
The street trees have really four jobs to do and that's it. 行道树有四项职能,仅此而已:
To spatially denote the pedestrian realm, to protect the pedestrians from the vehicles in the carriageway , to filter the sunlight onto the sidewalk, and to soften the hardscape of the buildings and to create a ceiling -- a vaulted ceiling -- over the street, at its best. 空间上划出人行道区域 保护好行人不受机动车道上车的影响 过滤照到人行道上的阳光 以及柔化建筑的人造生硬感 最好的话,形成一片天顶——一条街道上方的拱顶
spatially:adv.空间地;存在于空间地; denote:vt.表示,指示; vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数) carriageway:n.车道;马路; filter:n.滤波器;过滤器;滤光器;滤声器;v.过滤;渗入;(用程序)筛选;缓行; sunlight:n.日光; soften:vt.使温和;使缓和;使变柔软;vi.减轻;变柔和;变柔软; vaulted:adj.拱形的;圆顶的;v.做成拱形;撑杆跳跃(vault的过去分词形式);
And that's it. Those are the four jobs of the street trees. 就是这样,这是行道树的四项作用
They're not supposed to be a cartoon of the North Woods; they're not supposed to be a set for "The Last of the Mohicans ." 它们不应该是北部森林的漫画; 也不是《最后的莫希干人》的布景
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) Mohicans:n.莫希干人(电影名);莫希干精神;莫希干人(Mahican的复数);
You know, one of the problems with the fiasco of suburbia is that it destroyed our understanding of the distinction between the country and the town, between the urban and the rural . 你知道吗,郊区的惨败最大的问题就是它毁掉了我们 对于乡村和城镇区别的界限,城市和田园的界限
fiasco:n.惨败; suburbia:n.郊区;郊区居民; distinction:n.区别;区分;差别;卓越; rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的;
They're not the same thing. 它们不是同一物
And we're not gonna cure the problems of the urban by dragging the country into the city, which is what a lot of us are trying to do all the time. 把乡村拉到城市里并不是解决问题的办法 而我们很多人一直以来都在这么做
Here you see on a small scale -- the mothership has landed, 这是一个小规模的——母机登陆
R2-D2 and C-3PO have stepped out to test the bark mulch to see if they can inhabit this planet. (Laughter) R2-D2和C-3PO开始测试树皮覆盖物 看看能不能在这个星球上定居(笑)
bark:n.树皮; v.(狗)吠叫; mulch:n.覆盖物,护盖物;护根;vt.做护根;以护盖物覆盖; inhabit:v.居住在;栖居于;
A lot of this comes from the fact that the industrial city in America was such a trauma that we developed this tremendous aversion for the whole idea of the city, city life, and everything connected with it. 这都是因为美国的工业化为我们带来如此大的伤害 以至于我们形成了对城市、城市生活、 以及相关一切的极大厌恶
industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; trauma:n.[外科]创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤; aversion:n.厌恶;讨厌的人;
And so what you see fairly early, in the mid-19th century, is this idea that we now have to have an antidote to the industrial city, which is going to be life in the country for everybody. 所以你可以看到早些时候,在19世纪中期 我们就要找到解决工业城市问题的解药 那就是每个人都生活在乡间
And that starts to be delivered in the form of the railroad suburb: the country villa along the railroad line, which allows people to enjoy the amenity of the city, but to return to the countryside every night. 这种想法是以铁路市郊的形式来实现的: 铁路沿线的乡村别墅, 可以让人们享受到城市的便捷设施的同时 能够每晚回到郊外
villa:n.别墅;郊区住宅; amenity:n.生活福利设施;便利设施;舒适;礼仪;
And believe me, there were no Wal-Marts or convenience stores out there then. 相信我,那时候那儿既没沃尔玛又没有便利店
So it really was a form of country living. 所以这是真正的乡居生活的一种方式
But what happens is, of course, it mutates over the next 80 years and it turns into something rather insidious . 但是接下来发生的是,我们都知道,接下来80年里就变异了 变成了相当阴险的状况
mutates:vi.变化,产生突变;vt.改变,使突变; insidious:adj.阴险的;隐伏的;暗中为害的;狡猾的;
It becomes a cartoon of a country house , in a cartoon of the country. 变成了漫画乡间中的漫画乡间别墅
country house:n.别墅;
And that's the great non-articulated agony of suburbia, and one of the reasons that it lends itself to ridicule . 那就是市郊最主要而又表达不清的困扰 也是它将自己变成笑柄的原因之一
agony:n.苦恼;极大的痛苦;临死的挣扎; ridicule:vt.嘲笑;嘲弄;愚弄;n.嘲笑;笑柄;愚弄;
Because it hasn't delivered what it's been promising for half a century now. 因为它并没有能够给予人们半个世纪以来向往的生活
And these are typically the kind of dwellings we find there, you know. 这些就是我们能在市郊找到的典型居所
Basically a house with nothing on the side, because this house wants to state, emphatically, "I'm a little cabin in the woods. There's nothing on either side of me. 基本上是四周空无一物的房子 因为这栋房子想要发出明确声明: ”我是林子里的一间小屋。周围什么也没有。
Basically:adv.主要地,基本上; cabin:v.把…关在小屋内; n.(轮船上生活或睡觉的)隔间; (通常为木制的)小屋;
I don't have any eyes on the side of my head. I can't see." 我头上没长眼,我什么也看不见。”
So you have this one last facade of the house, the front, which is really a cartoon of a facade of a house. 所以你还剩下房子的最后一面, 前面,其实是漫画般的房子的正面
Because -- notice the porch here. 因为——注意看这儿的门廊。
Unless the people that live here are Munchkins , nobody's gonna be using that. 除非是莫西干人住在那儿,不然没人会用它。
This is really, in fact, a television broadcasting a show 24-7 called "We're Normal." 这真是像一台电视全天候播放一个叫做“我们很正常”的节目
We're normal, we're normal, we're normal, we're normal, we're normal. 我们很正常,我们很正常,我们很正常,我们很正常,我们很正常
Please respect us, we're normal, we're normal, we're normal. 请尊敬我们,我们很正常,我们很正常,我们很正常
But we know what's going on in these houses, you know. 但是我们知道这些房子里在上演着什么
We know that little Skippy is loading his Uzi down here, getting ready for homeroom . (Laughter) 我们知道小斯基皮正在这儿卸他的乌兹枪 为当天的第一节课做好准备(笑)
Skippy:n.日本女人(尤其指妓女); homeroom:n.(美)年纪教室(学生定期接受导师指导的教室);
We know that Heather, his sister Heather, 14 years old, is turning tricks up here to support her drug habit. 我们知道西瑟,他的姐姐西瑟,14岁 在这儿卖身以维持自己的毒品供应
Because these places, these habitats , are inducing immense amounts of anxiety and depression in children, and they don't have a lot of experience with medication . 因为这些地方,这些居所 会给孩子带来极大的焦虑和忧郁 他们并不熟悉应对的方法
habitats:n.[生态]栖息地;(动植物的)[经]产地(habitat的复数形式); inducing:v.劝说;引起;引产;催生;(induce的现在分词) immense:adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的; anxiety:n.焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事; depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁; medication:n.药;药物;
So they take the first one that comes along, often. 所以他们通常来什么用什么
These are not good enough for Americans. 这些对美国人来说不够好
These are the schools we are sending them to: 我们把孩子送进这样的学校:
The Hannibal Lecter Central School, Las Vegas, Nevada. 内华达州拉斯维加斯的汉尼拔莱克特中心学校
This is a real school! 这可是一所真的学校!
You know, but there's obviously a notion that if you let the inmates of this thing out, that they would snatch a motorist off the street and eat his liver . 但是肯定有人会想如果你放这里边的犯人出来 他们就会把一个过路司机拽下车,吃了他的肝脏。
notion:n.观念;信念;理解; inmates:n.被收容者;居民(inmate的名词复数); snatch:n.抢夺;抓举;小量;vt.夺得;抽空做;及时救助;vi.抢走;很快接受; motorist:n.驾车旅行的人,开汽车的人; liver:n.肝;(动物供食用的)肝;
So every effort is made to keep them within the building. 所以只能尽力把它们关在楼里
Notice that nature is present. (Laughter) 看,大自然还眷顾这儿呢!(笑)
We're going have to change this behavior whether we like it or not. 不论我们怎么想,都必须改掉这样的举动
We are entering an epochal period of change in the world, and -- certainly in America 我们正在迈入世界划时代的变革时期,而且——在美国毫无疑问
- the period that will be characterized by the end of the cheap oil era. ——这个时期的特征将是低价石油时代的终结
It is going to change absolutely everything. 一切都将变化
Chris asked me not to go on too long about this, and I won't. 克里斯让我在这点上不要说太多,我就不多说。
Except to say there's not going to be a hydrogen economy . 我只想说未来不会是个氢能源经济——
hydrogen:n.氢;氢气; economy:n.经济;节约;理财;
Forget it. It's not going to happen. 把它忘了吧,不会有的——
We're going to have to do something else instead. 我们必须向别的方向努力
We're going to have to down-scale, re-scale, and re-size virtually everything we do in this country and we can't start soon enough to do it. 我们必须缩小规模、重新规划、重新调整 这个国家的一切,而且我们快来不及了
We're going to have -- (Applause) -- we're going to have to live closer to where we work. 我们必须——(鼓掌)——我们必须住到离工作更近的地方
We're going to have to live closer to each other. 我们必须住得离彼此更近
We're going have to grow more food closer to where we live. 我们必须在离住处更近的地方种粮食
The age of the 3,000 mile Caesar salad is coming to an end. 三千里外的凯撒沙拉时代即将终结
Caesar salad:n.凯撒沙拉(用生菜和油炸小面包块等制成);
We're going to have to -- we have a railroad system that the Bulgarians would be ashamed of! 我们必须——保加利亚人都会为我们的铁路系统感到羞耻!
We gotta do better than that! 我们必须干得更好!
And we should have started two days before yesterday. 而且大前天我们就应该开始干
We are fortunate that the new urbanists were there, for the last 10 years, excavating all that information that was thrown in the garbage by our parents' generation after World War II. 我们应该庆幸新城市规划家们十年前就开始 挖掘被我们的父辈在二战后 扔进垃圾堆的信息
fortunate:adj.幸运的;交好运的;吉利的; urbanists:n.城市规划专家;城市计划者;(urbanists是urbanist的复数); excavating:v.挖掘(excavate的现在分词);
Because we're going to need it if we're gonna learn how to reconstruct towns. 因为如果我们想要学习如何重新建造城镇就会需要它们
We're going to need to get back this body of methodology and principle and skill in order to re-learn how to compose meaningful places -- places that are integral . 我们将要回到方法论,以原则和技能为主题的时代 来重新学习如何构建有意义的空间——整体的空间
methodology:n.方法学,方法论; integral:adj.积分的;完整的,整体的;必须的;n.积分;部分;完整;
That allow -- that are living organisms in the sense that they contain all the organs of our civic life, and our communal life, deployed in an integral fashion. 那将是一个活跃的机体,是一个包含了市民生活、社区生活 所有功能的空间,一切都按整体布局
organisms:n.[生物]生物体(organism的复数);[生物]有机体; organs:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴(organ的复数); deployed:v.部署(deploy的过去式);展开;
So that, you know, the residences make sense deployed in relation to the places of business, of culture, and of governance . 那样,居住才有了意义 在商业、文化、以及政府所在的空间展开
residences:n.住宅(residence的复数);居住; make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理; governance:n.管理;统治;支配;
We're going to have to re-learn what the building blocks of these things are. 我们必须重新学习建造这样的地方的基本组成部分
building blocks:(儿童玩的)积木;建筑砌块;堆积木;建筑砖块;基石;
The street. The block. How to compose public space that's both large and small. 街道,街区。如何营造大大小小的公共空间
The courtyard . The civic square. 天井,市民广场
And how to really make use of this property. 而又如何利用这些资源
make use of:使用,利用;
We can see some of the first ideas for retro-fitting some of the catastrophic property that we have in America. 我们可以看看这些点子 来改造美国糟糕的建筑
The dead malls. What are we going to do with them? 死去的购物中心。我们将如何利用它们呢?
Well, in point of fact , most of them are not going to make it. 事实上,他们中的大多数撑不到以后
in point of fact:adv.事实上;实际上;
They're not going to be retro-fitted; they're going to be the salvage yards of the future. 它们不会被重新改造 它们将要成为未来的回收厂
Some of them we're going to fix, though. 然而有些我们要改造
And we're going to fix them by imposing back on them street and block systems, and returning to the building lot as the normal increment of development. 我们要将街道、街区系统重新植入它们来完成改造 还原以建筑块为单位的正常发展建设
imposing:adj.壮观的; v.推行,采用; (impose的现在分词) increment:n.[数]增量;增加;增额;盈余;
And if we're lucky, the result will be revivified town centers and neighborhood centers in our existing towns and cities. 如果我们幸运的话,结果将是已有的城镇中 复活的城镇中心和居民区中心
And by the way, our towns and cities are where they are, and grew where they were because they occupy all the important sites . 顺便说一点,我们的城镇之所以在它们所在的地方成长 是因为那儿有所有的重要地点
occupy:v.占据,占领;居住;使忙碌; sites:n.网站(site的复数);遗址,举办地点;v.使...位于(site的单三形式);
And most of them are still going to be there, although the scale of them is probably going to be diminished . 而且它们大多都会留在那儿 尽管它们的规模可能会缩小
diminished:adj.减少的; v.减少; (diminish的过去式和过去分词)
We've got a lot of work to do. 有很多工作在等着我们去做
We're not going to be rescued by the hyper-car; we're not going to be rescued by alternative fuels. 我们既不会被氢动力汽车拯救,也不会被替代燃料拯救
rescued:v.营救;援救;抢救;(rescue的过去分词和过去式) alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择;
No amount, or combination of alternative fuels is going to allow us to continue running what we're running, the way we're running it. 没有任何一种或几种替代燃料 能够将我们的生活花费以现在的水平维持下去
We're going to have to do everything very differently. 我们必须彻底改变
And America's not prepared. 而美国还没准备好
We are sleepwalking into the future. 我们正在梦游着走向未来
We're not ready for what's coming at us. 我们对即将面临的挑战还没准备好
So I urge you all to do what you can. 所以我强烈要求你们大家尽己所能
Life in the mid-21st century is going to be about living locally . 21世纪中期的生活将是本地生活
Be prepared to be good neighbors. 准备好做好邻居
Be prepared to find vocations that make you useful to your neighbors and to your fellow citizens. 准备好找到让你能对你的邻居和其他市民 有所裨益的才能
One final thing -- I've been very disturbed about this for years, but I think it's particularly important for this audience. 最有一点——我一直被这点困扰多年 但我觉得这对这儿的观众尤其重要
disturbed:adj.不安的; v.干扰; (disturb的过去分词和过去式) particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地;
Please, please, stop referring to yourselves as " consumers ." OK? 请你们,请你们,停止称自己为“消费者”,行吗?
referring:v.引用;提到;将…归因于…;把…提交;(refer的现在分词) consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数)
Consumers are different than citizens. 消费者与市民不同
different than:不同于;
Consumers do not have obligations , responsibilities and duties to their fellow human beings. 消费者对于其他人类个体 没有职责、责任和义务
And as long as you're using that word consumer in the public discussion, you will be degrading the quality of the discussion we're having. 只要你继续在公共对话中用“消费者”这个词 你就给我们的对话质量降了一个档次
degrading:adj.降低身份的; v.降低…身份; (degrade的现在分词)
And we're gonna continue being clueless going into this very difficult future that we face. 我们就会继续像没头的苍蝇 跌跌撞撞进入我们面对的艰难未来
So thank you very much 非常感谢
Please go out and do what you can to make this a land full of places that are worth caring about, and a nation that will be worth defending. (Applause) 请在外面的世界做你力所能及的事情,将这里变得值得爱护 让这个国家值得捍卫。(掌声??)