

I hope you'll understand my English. 我希望你们能听懂我的话
In the mornings it is terrible, and the afternoon is worst. 早上我说的就挺糟糕,下午就更别提了
(Laughter) (笑声)
During many years, I made some speeches starting with this saying: "City is not a problem, it's a solution ." 很多年以来,我以这个为开头,做了一些演讲 “城市并不是一个难题,而是一种解决方案”
And more and more, I'm convinced that it's not only a solution for a country, but it's a solution for the problem of climate change. 我越来越相信 这不仅仅是一项针对某个国家的解决方案 而且是应对气候改变的办法
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式)
But we have a very pessimistic approach about the cities. 但是我们对于城市却持有一种非常悲观的态度
pessimistic:adj.悲观的,厌世的;悲观主义的; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
I'm working in cities for almost 40 years, and where every mayor is trying to tell me, oh, his city is so big. 我在城市中工作了将近40年 每个城市的市长都试图告诉我,哦,他的城市太大了
Or the other mayors say, we don't have financial resources . 或者另一些市长会说,我们没有财政来源
mayors:市长; financial:adj.金融的;财政的,财务的; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
I would like to say, from the experience I had, every city in the world can be improved in less than three years. 我想说 从我的经历来看,世界上的每个城市 都能在3年之内得到改善
There's no matter of scale , it's not question of scale , it's not question of financial resources. 规模大小并不重要,并且这跟规模无关 这也不是财政来源的问题
Every problem in a city has to have its own equation of co-responsibility. 城市中的每个问题都必然有形成它的诸多原因
And also a design. 当然,还有城市的设计
So to start, I want to introduce some characters from a book I made for teenagers. 我想以一些作图片为开始 这些图片来自一本我为青少年写的书
The best example of quality of life is the turtle , because the turtle is an example of living and working together. 要说明生活质量,最好的例子是乌龟 因为乌龟是一个将工作和生活结合在一起的例子
And when you realize that the casque of the turtle, it looks like an urban tessitura, and can imagine if we cut the casque off the turtle, how sad she's going to be? 当你们看到乌龟壳 他看起来像是市区 我们可以想象,如果我们把龟壳从乌龟身上拿走,那乌龟得多难过啊
casque:n.盔;盔状隆起; urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的;
And that's we're doing in our cities! 然而这就是我们对我们的城市所做的!
Living here, working here, having leisure here. 住在这里,在那里工作,又在这里休闲
And most of the people are leaving the city, and living outside of the city. 并且大多数人正准备离开城市 然后在市区之外住
So, the other character is Otto , the automobile . 另一张图片是Otto,就是汽车
Otto:n.玫瑰油; automobile:n.汽车;v.开汽车;坐汽车;adj.自动的;
He is invited for a party. He never wants to leave. 他被邀请去一个派对,他根本不想离开
The chairs are on the tables and still drinking, and he drinks a lot. (Laughter) 椅子放在桌子上,然后还在喝酒 还喝了不少(笑声)
And he coughs a lot. Very egotist . 他咳嗽得很厉害,还很自大
He carries only one or two people. 他只能载一到两个人
And he asks always for more infrastructure . 但是他总是要求更多的基础建设
Freeways . 高速公路
He's very demanding person. 他有很多要求
So -- and on the other hand , Accordion , the friendly bus, he carries 300 people, 275 in Sweden, 300 Brazilians. (Laughter) 然后,另一边,像手风琴一样的,友好的公交车 可以载300人 在瑞典的话是275,进了巴西就能载300
on the other hand:另一方面; Accordion:adj.可折叠的;n.手风琴;
Speaking about the design, every city has its own design. 谈到规划,每一个城市都有它自己的规划
Curitiba, my city, three million in the metropolitan area, 1,800,000 people in the city itself. 库里蒂巴(巴西南部巴拉那州首府),我的城市,市内住着30万人 总共1,800,000人住在这座城市
Curitiba, Rio: it's like two birds kissing themselves. 库里蒂巴,里约热内卢:它就像两只互相亲吻的鸟
Oaxaca, San Francisco -- it's very easy. 瓦哈卡(墨西哥)、旧金山--图形很简单
Market Street, Van Ness , and the waterfront . 市场街、凡尼斯大道还有滨水地区(均位于旧金山)
Van:n.厢式货车;客货车;v.选矿;用车搬运; Ness:n.海角;突端; waterfront:n.滩,海滨;水边;adj.滨水区的;
And every city has its own design. 每座城市都有自己的设计
But to make it happen sometimes, you have to propose a scenario . 但是为了使它实现,有时候你不得不提出一个方案
propose:v.建议;提议;求婚;打算; scenario:n.方案;情节;剧本;
And to propose a design, an idea that everyone, or the large majority , they'll help you to make it happen. 并且准备好一个设计 还有一个能令所有人,或者是大多数人满意的主意 使得他们能够帮助你实现
And that's the structure of the city of Curitiba. 这是库里蒂巴的城市结构
And it's an example of living and working together. 这就是一个工作与生活在一起的样本
And this is where we have more density; it's where we have more public transport . 这是这个城市中人口密度最大的地方 也是公共交通最集中的地方
public transport:n.公共交通;公交车辆;
And so this system started in '74. We started with 25,000 passengers a day, now it's 2,200,000 passengers a day. 这个交通系统在74年开始建设,我们计划每天运载25,000名乘客 现在,这个数据变成了2,200,000人每天
And it took 25 years until another city, which is Bogota , and they did a very good job. 这个过程花费了25年的时间,知道另一个城市 就是波哥大,他们做的也非常好
And now there's 83 cities all over the world that they are doing what they call the BRT of Curitiba. 现在,全世界有83个城市正在应用 他们所谓的库里蒂巴快速公交系统
And one thing: it's important, not for only your own city. 还有一点:这很重要,不仅是针对你们的城市
Every city, besides its normal problems, they have a role -- a very important role -- in being with the whole humanity . 每个城市,不仅是那些普通的问题 城市有它们的角色--一个非常重要的角色-- 它们伴随着人类
besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
That means mostly two main issues , mobility and sustainability , are becoming very important for the cities 这意味着两个主要问题 灵活性和可持续性,正在成为对城市而言非常重要的因素
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) mobility:n.移动性;机动性;[电子]迁移率; sustainability:n.持续性;永续性;能维持性;
And this is an articulated bus. Double-articulated. 这是一辆铰接式的公交车,是二级链式的
articulated:adj.铰接式的; v.铰接(articulate的过去分词);
And we are very close to my house. 这个地方离我家非常近
You can come when you are in Curitiba and have a coffee there. 要是你来到库里蒂巴,你可以到我家喝杯咖啡
And that's the evolution of the system. 这张图是库里蒂巴交通系统的发展
What in the design that made the difference is the boarding tubes. 那些设计真正成功的 是那些便捷登车通道
The boarding tube gives to the bus the same performance as a subway. 它使的公交可以向地铁一样工作
That's why, I'm trying to say, it's like metro-nizing the bus. 这就是为什么我说 这是种地铁化的公交
And this is the design of the bus. 这就是公交的设计
And you can pay before entering the bus you're boarding. 并且,你可以在登车前购买车票
And for handicapped , they can use this as a normal system. 对于残障人士,它们可以利用这个进出站
handicapped:adj.残疾的; v.妨碍; n.残疾人; (handicap的过去分词和过去式)
But what I'm trying to say, is the major contribution on carbon emissions are from the cars. 然而,我所试图表达的是 碳排放主要排放来源是汽车
contribution:n.捐款;捐资;定期缴款;贡献;促成作用;稿件; carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数)
More than 50 percent. So when we depend only on cars, it's 50%以上是这样的。所以当我们只依靠我们的汽车时
- that's why when we're talking about sustainability, it's not enough, green buildings. 这是为什么我们讨论可持续性是不够的 绿色建筑?
It's not enough, a new materials. 也不够,新型材料?
It's not enough, new sources of energy. 不够,新能源?
It's the concept of the city. The design of the city. 是城市的理念,市城市的设计
And that's also important too -- and also, how to teach the children. 而且这也是非常重要的,教育儿童的方法
I'll speak on this later on. 我之后还会讨论这个
Our idea of mobility is trying to make the connections between all the systems. 我们对于交通的构想是尝试 在各个系统之间建立联系
We started in '83, proposing for the city of Rio how to connect the subway with the bus. 我们在1983年开始,为里约热内卢计划 连接地铁和公交的方式
The subway was against, of course. 地铁公司当然很反对这个
And 23 years after, they called us to develop -- we're developing this idea. 然后,23年之后,他们叫我们去开发--我们的计划正在进展中
And you can understand how different it's going to be, the image of Rio with the system -- one-minute frequency . 你能理解这将会有多大的不同 当里约热内卢有了这个系统 每分钟一趟车
And it's not Shanghai, it's not being colored during the day, only at night it will look this way. 这不是上海 在白天,她并非五颜六色,只有晚上这样 她看起来是这样的
And before you say it's a Norman Foster design, we designed this in '83. 在你说这是Norman Foster的设计之前 我们在83年设计的这个
And this is the model, how it's going to work. So it's the same system; the vehicle is different. And that's the model. 并且这就是 她如何工作的模式。所以说这是相同的系统 交通工具并不相同。而且这是
What I'm trying to say is, I'm not trying to prove which system of transport is better. 我所试图表达的。我并没有试着 证明哪种运输系统更好
I'm trying to say we have to combine. 我尝试表达出我们需要结合
To combine all the systems, and with one condition: never -- if you have a subway, if you have surface systems, if you have any kind of system -- never compete in the same space. 将所有的系统结合起来,有一个条件 永远不要--如果市内有地铁,如果还有地面交通 如果市内有任何交通系统-- 永远不要在同一空间内竞争
And coming back to the car, I always used to say that the car is like your mother-in-law . 回到汽车,我总是说 汽车就像是你的岳母
You have to have good relationship with her, but she cannot command your life. 不不得不和她建立良好的关系 但她不能左右你的生活
So when the only woman in your life is your mother-in-law, you have a problem. (Laughter) 当你生活中唯一的女性是你岳母的时候 你就遇到问题了 (笑声)
So all the ideas about how to transform through design -- old quarries , and open universities, and botanic garden -- all of it's related to how we teach the children. 所以所有通过设计来改进的设想-- 采石场、开放式的大学,还有植物园 所有这些与我们教育孩子的方式有关
transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; quarries:n.采石场;猎物(quarry的复数);v.采石;搜寻(quarry的三单形式); botanic:adj.植物的;植物学的;
And the children we teach during six months how to seperate their garbage . 如果孩子们在六个月里学习如何分类垃圾
And after, the children, they teach their parents. 这之后,孩子们会教他们的家长
And now we have 70 percent -- since 20 years, is the highest rate of separation of garbage in the world. 现在有70%-- 近20年中,是世界垃圾分类率中最高的
Seven zero. 七十
(Applause) (掌声)
So teach the children. 所以,教育孩子
I would like to say, if we want to have a sustainable world, we have to work with everything what's said. 我想说,如果我们想拥有一个可持续的世界 我们就必须改善我所提到的一切
But don't forget the cities and the children. 但是,不要忘记城市和孩子们
And I'm working in a museum, and also a multi-use city, because you cannot have empty places during 18 hours a day. 我在博物馆工作,同时也在一个多功能的城市里工作 因为你不可能在一个空空如也的地方每天呆18个小时
You should have always a structure of living and working together. 你总需要 一个工作与生活相结合的地方
Try to understand the sectors in the city that could play different roles during the 24 hours. 尝试理解城市的部分区域 那些可以在24小时内扮演不同角色的区域
sectors:n.部门; v.把…划成扇形;
Another issue is, a city's like our family portrait . 另一个问题是,城市就像是我们的家庭照
We don't rip our family portrait, even if we don't like the nose of our uncle, because this portrait is you. 我们不会把家庭照撕裂 即便我们不喜欢叔叔的鼻子 因为这照片就像是你
And this are the references that we have in any city: this is the main pedestrian mall; 所有城市都可以这样比做一张照片 这是步行大街
references:n.提到; v.查阅; (reference的第三人称单数和复数) pedestrian:adj.徒步的;缺乏想像力的;n.行人;步行者;
We did it in 72 hours. Yes, you have to be fast. 我们在72小时内建成的。是的,你的速度必须很快
And this are the references from our ethnic contribution. 这些是参照不同民族建设的
This is the Italian portal , the Ukrainian park, the Polish park, the Japanese square, the German park. 这是意大利式的大门 乌克兰式的公园、波兰式的公园、日式广场、德国风格的公园
portal:n.大门,入口; Ukrainian:adj.乌克兰的;乌克兰人的;n.乌克兰人;乌克兰语; Polish:n.磨光,擦亮;擦亮剂;优雅,精良;v.磨光,使发亮;使完美;改进;adj.波兰的;
All of a sudden , the Soviet Union, they split . 突然之间,苏联解体了
All of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地; Soviet:adj.苏维埃的;苏联的;n.苏维埃(前苏联的各级代表会议);苏联人; split:v.分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解;n.劈开;裂缝;adj.劈开的;
And since we have people from 由于我们这有来自
Uzbekistan , Kazakhistan, Tajikistan, [unclear], we have to stop the program. 乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、[说的不清楚] 我们不得不停止这个计划
(Laughter) (笑声)
Don't forget: creativity, it starts when you cut a zero from your budget . 不要忘记:创意源于从预算表里去掉的一个零
If you cut two zeros, it's much better. 如果少了两个零,创意会更多
And this is the Wire Opera theater. We did it in two months. 这是Wire歌剧院,我们在两个月内建成
Parks -- old quarries that they were transformed in parks. 公园--由旧矿场改建成的公园
Quarries, once made in nature, sometimes we took this and we transformed. 矿场,曾经是自然的一部分 有时,我们接手然后加以改造
And, every part can be transformed -- every frog can be transformed in a prince. 并且,每部分都能改变 每只青蛙都可以变成王子
So in a city, you have to work fast. 所以,在城市中,你的动作必须快
Planning takes time. And I'm proposing urban acupuncture . 规划需要时间。我正在做城市针灸计划
That means me, with some focal ideas to help the normal process of planning. 意思是我,用一些焦点问题来帮助日常规划工作
focal:adj.焦点的,在焦点上的;灶的,病灶的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
And this is an acupuncture note -- or I.M. Pei's. Some small ones -- they can make the city better. 这是一份针灸的记录-- 或是贝聿铭的建筑,一些小的-- 她们可以使城市更好
Or the smallest park in New York, the most beautiful: 32 meters. 或者是纽约最小但是最美的公园: 只有32米长
So I want just to end saying that you can always propose new materials, new sustainable materials, but keep in mind that we have to work fast. 所以,我想在结尾说 你们可以经常研发新材料,新的可持续性材料 但是记住,我们必须快点行动
keep in mind:记住;
To the end, because we don't have the whole time to plan. 在最后,因为我们没有那么多时间去计划
And I think creativity, innovation , is starting. 我认为创造性和革新是开端
And we cannot have all the answers. 而且我们不会找到所有的答案
So when you start -- and we cannot be so prepotent on having all the answers. 那么,当你开始的时候-- 另外,我们也不会因为又有所有的答案而拥有什么优势
It's important starting and having the contribution from people, and they could teach you if you're not in the right track . 人们的贡献是非常重要的 他们可以教你 如果你没有走上正轨
At the end, I would like if you can help me to sing the sustainable song. 最后,我希望你能帮我唱可持续之歌
OK? 好么?
Please, allow me just two minutes. 请允许我再给我两分钟
You know, you're going to make the music and the rhythm . 你们来打拍子、唱旋律
? Toonchi-too! Toonchi-too! Toonchi-too! ? ?咚咚! 咚咚! 咚咚!?
? Toonchi-too! Toonchi-too! Toonchi-too! ? ?咚咚! 咚咚! 咚咚!?
? It's possible! It's possible! You can do it! You can do it! ? ?这是可能的!这是可能的!你能做到!你能做到!?
? Use less your car! Make this decision! ? ?少点开车!下定决心!?
? Avoid carbon emission! It's possible! It's possible! ? ?避免碳排放!这是可能的!这是可能的!?
? You can do it! You can do it! ? ?你能做到!你能做到!?
? Live closer to work! ? ?住处离工作更近?
? Work closer to home! Save energy in your home! ? ?工作离家更近!在家节约能源!?
? It's possible! It's possible! You can do it! ? ?这是可能的!这是可能的!你可以做到!?
? You can do it! Separate your garbage! ? ?你可以做到!分类你的垃圾!?
? Organic , schmorganic! Save more! Waste less! It's possible! ? ?有机的,还是有机的!节约更多!减少浪费!这是可能的!?
? You can do it! Please! Do it -- now! ? ?你可以做到!快点!现在-就做!?
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)