

(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Music) (音乐)
? Slide into the shimmering surface ? ? 慢慢陷入那微微发光的表面 ?
? between two worlds. ? ? 恍如两个世界 ?
? Standing at the center of time ? ? 站在时光中间 ?
? as it uncurls. ? ? 看着它无限延展 ?
? Cutting through the veil of illusion . ? ? 透过幻觉的面纱 ?
veil:n.面纱;面罩;遮蔽物;托词;v.遮蔽;掩饰;以面纱遮掩;用帷幕分隔; illusion:n.幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰;
? Moving beyond past conclusions . ? ? 抛开过去的论断 ?
? Wondering if all my doubt and confusion will clear. ? ? 不知能否解开我的困惑 ?
? If I could be anywhere, ? ? 如果我能到任何地方 ?
? if I could be anywhere, ? ? 如果我能到任何地方 ?
? if I could be anywhere right now, ? ? 如果我此刻能到任何地方 ?
? I would want to be here. ? ? 这里便是我愿去的地方 ?
? Searching for the future ? ? 在我们抛弃的事物中 ?
? among the things we're throwing away. ? ? 寻找未来 ?
? Trying to see the world ? ? 试着透过我们每天?
? through the junk we produce everyday. ? ? 产生废弃物来看这个世界 ?
? They say nothing lasts forever, ? ? 都说没有什么可以永远 ?
? but all the plastic ever made is still here. ? ? 但塑料垃圾却一直存在着 ?
? And no amount of closing our eyes ? ? 在怎么闭上我们的双眼 ?
no amount of:即使再大(或再多)的…(也不);
? will make it disappear . ? ? 也无法让它消失 ?
? If I could be anywhere, ? ? 如果我能去任何地方 ?
? if I could be anywhere, ? ? 如果我能去任何地方 ?
? if I could be anywhere in history, ? ? 如果我能穿越时空,到达任何地方 ?
? I would want to be here. ? ? 这里便是我愿去的地方 ?
? The Romans, the Spanish ? ? 罗马人,西班牙人 ?
? the British, the Dutch , ? ? 英国人,荷兰人 ?
Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
? American exceptionalism , so out of touch . ? ? 美国例外,所以我们不谈 ?
exceptionalism:n.例外论;例外主义; out of touch:失去联系;不来往的;
? The folly of empire repeating its course, ? ? 荒唐的故事还在一遍遍上演 ?
? imposing its will ? ? 强加意愿 ?
imposing:adj.壮观的; v.推行,采用; (impose的现在分词)
? and ruling by force ? ? 暴力统治 ?
? on and on through time. ? ? 不断上演 ?
on and on:继续不停地;
? But the world can't take it very much longer. ? ? 但我们的世界已无法承受 ?
? We're not going to make it ? ? 除非我们能更加聪明强大 ?
? unless we're smarter and stronger. ? ? 否则我们将无法幸免 ?
? The world is going to shake itself free of our greed ? ? 世界将通过它的方式 ?
? somehow . ? ? 摆脱我们的贪婪 ?
? If I could be anywhere, ? ? 如果我能去任何地方 ?
? if I could be anywhere in time, ? ? 如果我能立刻到达任何地方 ?
? if I could be anywhere and change things, ? ? 如果我能去任何地方,改变些什么 ?
? it would have to be now. ? ? 我必须立刻启程 ?
? They say nothing last forever, ? ? 都说没有什么可以永远 ?
? but all the plastic ever made is still here. ? ? 但塑料垃圾却一直存在着 ?
? And no amount of closing our eyes ? ? 即使你闭上双眼 ?
? will make it disappear. ? ? 也无法让它少一点点 ?
? And the world can't take it ? ? 我们的世界 ?
? very much longer. ? ? 已无法承受多久 ?
? We're not going to make it ? ? 除非我们能更加聪明强大 ?
? unless we're smarter and stronger. ? ? 否则我们将无法幸免 ?
? The world's gonna shake itself free of our greed ? ? 世界将通过它的方式 ?
? somehow. ? ? 摆脱我们的贪婪 ?
? And the world can't take it, that you can see. ? ? 你会看到我们的世界已无法承受 ?
? If the oceans don't make it, neither will we. ? ? 如果海洋都束手无策,我们也将无法拯救 ?
? The world's gonna shake itself all the way free ? ? 世界将通过它的方式 ?
? somehow. ? ? 摆脱我们的贪婪 ?
? If I could be anywhere, ? ? 如果我能去任何地方 ?
? if I could be anywhere in time, ? ? 如果我能立刻到达任何地方 ?
? if I could be anywhere and change the outcome , ? ? 如果我能去任何地方,改变结果 ?
? it would have to be now. ? ? 我必须立刻启程 ?
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)