

You may be wondering why a marine biologist from Oceana would come here today to talk to you about world hunger. 为什么一位来自奥西安纳的海洋生物学家 今天会来到这里 和你们讲述世界饥荒的问题。
marine:adj.海的;海产的;海生的;海船的;n.(尤指美国或英国皇家)海军陆战队士兵; biologist:n.生物学家;
I'm here today because saving the oceans is more than an ecological desire. 我今天来到这里是因为 拯救海洋不只是一个生态愿景。
It's more than a thing we're doing because we want to create jobs for fishermen or preserve fishermen's jobs. 这不只是单一的一件事情, 因为我们想要为渔民创造就业机会 或是说保护他们的职业。
It's more than an economic pursuit . 这也不只是一个经济追求,
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; pursuit:n.追求;追赶;追捕;跟踪;
Saving the oceans can feed the world. 海洋还可以为全世界提供食物来源。
Let me show you how. 让我展示给你们看这是如何实现的。
As you know, there are already more than a billion hungry people on this planet. 如你所知,这个星球上 已有超过 10 亿饱受饥荒的人类。
We're expecting that problem to get worse as world population grows to nine billion or 10 billion by midcentury , and we can expect to have greater pressure on our food resources . 我们预计到21 世纪中期 当人口达到90 亿 至 100 亿时 饥荒会变得更加严重, 到那时, 我们也会给食物来源施加更大的压力。
midcentury:n.本世纪中叶; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
And this is a big concern , especially considering where we are now. 根据我们现在的状况, 这是一个很大的忧虑。
concern:v.涉及,关系到;使担心;n.关系;关心;关心的事; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
Now we know that our arable land per capita is already on the decline in both developed and developing countries. 我们知道现在不管在发达国家还是发展中国家 人均耕地面积
arable:adj.适于耕种的;可开垦的;n.耕地; per capita:adj.每人的;人均的; decline:v.下降;衰退;减少;谢绝;n.下降;
We know that we're headed for climate change, which is going to change rainfall patterns, making some areas drier, as you can see in orange, and others wetter, in blue, causing droughts in our breadbaskets , in places like the Midwest and Central Europe, and floods in others. 我们还知道我们正经历着气候变化, 气候变化会改变降雨模式, 导致部分地区更加干旱,如地图中的橘色部分, 而其他一些地区则更加潮湿,如地图中的蓝色部分, 这将会在我们的产粮地区造成干旱, 比如,在欧洲中西部和中部, 而别的地方则会遭受洪水。
rainfall:n.降雨;降雨量; as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; droughts:n.[气候]干旱(drought的复数);旱灾灾情; breadbaskets:n.胃;面包篮;产粮地区;大型空投炸弹; Midwest:n.美国的中西部;
It's going to make it harder for the land to help us solve the hunger problem. 因此,耕地将越来越难以解决 我们的饥饿问题。
And that's why the oceans need to be their most abundant , so that the oceans can provide us as much food as possible. 这也是为什么海洋必须拥有最丰富的资源, 从而能为我们提供 尽可能多的食物。
And that's something the oceans have been doing for us for a long time. 一直以来,海洋也的确扮演着 我们最丰富的食物来源。
As far back as we can go, we've seen an increase in the amount of food we've been able to harvest from our oceans. 回顾历史,我们发现 曾经我们可以从海洋中收获的食物总量 呈现过增长趋势。
It just seemed like it was continuing to increase, until about 1980, when we started to see a decline. 直到 1980 年, 这样的增长趋势停滞了, 从此我们经历了下降的过程。
You've heard of peak oil. 你们都听说过“石油峰值论”。
peak:n.高峰; v.达到高峰; adj.最高度的;
Maybe this is peak fish. 海洋食物资源的下降也许意味着”鱼类峰值“已经过去。
I hope not. I'm going to come back to that. 我希望事实不是这样的。我会再详细说明这一点。
But you can see about an 18-percent decline in the amount of fish we've gotten in our world catch since 1980. 你们可以从图中看到 从1980年至今 捕鱼量大约有 18% 的下降。
And this is a big problem. It's continuing. 这样的趋势还在持续,造成了严重的问题。
This red line is continuing to go down. 这条红线在持续下降。
But we know how to turn it around, and that's what I'm going to talk about today. 好在我们知道怎样才能逆转它, 这也就是我今天想要说的。
We know how to turn that curve back upwards . 我们知道如何将那条曲线变为向上的趋势。
curve:n.曲线;弯曲;曲面;弧线;v.(使)沿曲线移动;呈曲线形; upwards:adv.向上;在上部;向上游;
This doesn't have to be peak fish. 这幅数据图不会应验”鱼类峰值论“。
If we do a few simple things in targeted places, we can bring our fisheries back and use them to feed people. 我们只需要对目标地区做一些简单的事, 便可以挽回渔业, 并使他们为人类提供食物来源。
First we want to know where the fish are, so let's look where the fish are. 首先,我们要知道鱼类生活在哪。 让我们看一下。
It turns out the fish, conveniently , are located for the most part in our coastal areas of the countries, in coastal zones, and these are areas that national jurisdictions have control over, and they can manage their fisheries in these coastal areas. 结果显示, 鱼类大多聚集在 各国沿海地区的 海岸区域, 而且这些区域 都是涵盖在国家管辖区域内的, 他们可以在这些 沿海地区治理渔业。
conveniently:adv.便利地;合宜地; located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式) for the most part:adv.在极大程度上,多半; coastal:adj.沿海的;海岸的; jurisdictions:n.司法管辖区;行政辖区(jurisdiction的复数);
Coastal countries tend to have jurisdictions that go out about 200 nautical miles, in areas that are called exclusive economic zones, and this is a good thing that they can control their fisheries in these areas, because the high seas , which are the darker areas on this map, 沿海国家可以管辖 从海岸线起 200 海里的范围, 这些地区叫做专属经济区。 这是一件好事, 因为沿海国家可以管理这些区域的渔业。 而想要管理那些深海区域 却要难得多。
nautical:adj.航海的,海上的;船员的; exclusive:adj.独有的;排外的;专一的;n.独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者; high seas:n.公海;
the high seas, it's a lot harder to control things, because it has to be done internationally . 请看地图上深色的区域。 因为深海区域的管理必须在国际上进行。
You get into international agreements, and if any of you are tracking the climate change agreement, you know this can be a very slow, frustrating , tedious process . 你会涉及到国际协议, 如果你关注气候变化协议的话, 你知道这会是一个非常缓慢、 令人沮丧、并且无聊的过程。
tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词) frustrating:adj.令人沮丧的;v.使沮丧;(frustrate的现在分词) tedious:adj.沉闷的;冗长乏味的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
And so controlling things nationally is a great thing to be able to do. 所以能够在国家范围内进行 控制管理是一件好事。
How many fish are actually in these coastal areas compared to the high seas? 那么,和深海相比 海岸区域究竟有多少鱼呢?
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
Well, you can see here about seven times as many fish in the coastal areas than there are in the high seas, so this is a perfect place for us to be focusing, because we can actually get a lot done. 在这你可以看到 海岸区域的鱼类数量 是深海区域的七倍。 海岸区域完美得成为了我们的重点管理对象, 因为在这里我们可以完成很多事情。
We can restore a lot of our fisheries if we focus in these coastal areas. 如果我们专注这些海岸区域 我们可以挽回大量渔业。
But how many of these countries do we have to work in? 有多少这样的国家需要我们这样去做呢?
There's something like 80 coastal countries. 世界上共有约80个沿海国家。
Do we have to fix fisheries management in all of those countries? 那么我们需要在所有这些沿海国家 实现相同的渔业管理么?
So we asked ourselves, how many countries do we need to focus on, keeping in mind that the European Union conveniently manages its fisheries through a common fisheries policy ? 我们需要自问,我们究竟需要专注于多少沿海国家的渔业管理? 要知道,欧盟使用了 同一个通用的政策 便利地管理了
European Union:n.欧洲联盟; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单;
So if we got good fisheries management in the European Union and, say, nine other countries, how much of our fisheries would we be covering? 假设我们在欧洲和别的 9 个国家 都拥有好的渔业管理, 我们将覆盖多少范围的渔业?
Turns out, European Union plus nine countries covers about two thirds of the world's fish catch. 结果是,欧盟加上其它 9 个国家 占据了世界约2/3的捕鱼量。
If we took it up to 24 countries plus the European Union, we would up to 90 percent, almost all of the world's fish catch. 如果我们把 24 个国家和欧盟一起算上, 我们将会覆盖 90%的捕鱼量, 这几乎是全世界的捕鱼量。
So we think we can work in a limited number of places to make the fisheries come back. 我们认为我们可以在有限的地方 使养鱼业复兴起来。
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
But what do we have to do in these places? 但是在那些地方我们需要去做什么呢?
Well, based on our work in the United States and elsewhere , we know that there are three key things we have to do to bring fisheries back, and they are: 基于我们在美国和其它地区的研究, 我们得出了 复兴渔业的 三个核心要点。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) elsewhere:adv.在别处;到别处;
We need to set quotas or limits on how much we take; we need to reduce bycatch, which is the accidental catching and killing of fish that we're not targeting, and it's very wasteful; and three, we need to protect habitats , the nursery areas, the spawning areas 首先,我们需要设定 捕鱼的配额和限制; 其次,我们需要减少对非目标鱼类的 捕获与杀害, 这是非常浪费的; 最后,我们需要保护那些 可以让鱼类健康成长、成功繁衍、
quotas:n.配额(quota的复数);[经管]定额,[经]限额;v.分配(quota的第三人称单数); accidental:n.偶然;[乐]临时符;adj.不测的;非本质的; habitats:n.[生态]栖息地;(动植物的)[经]产地(habitat的复数形式); nursery:n.苗圃;托儿所;温床; spawning:v.播种,产卵;大量生成(spawn的现在分词);n.产卵;增殖;
that these fish need to grow and reproduce successfully so that they can rebuild their populations. 并壮大群体的栖息地、 育苗区、以及产卵区。
If we do those three things, we know the fisheries will come back. 如果我们做这三件事,渔业一定会复兴。
How do we know? 我们是如何知道这些的呢?
We know because we've seen it happening in a lot of different places. 因为我们已经在 很多地方目睹了捕鱼业的复兴。
This is a slide that shows the herring population in Norway that was crashing since the 1950s. 这一页幻灯片展示了 从 19 世纪 50 年代开始, 挪威的鲱鱼数量急剧减少。
It was coming down, and when Norway set limits, or quotas, on its fishery , what happens? 那段时间都呈下降趋势, 但是当挪威设定限制和配额后,发生了什么?
The fishery comes back. 渔业复兴了!
This is another example, also happens to be from Norway, of the Norwegian Arctic cod. 这里又有一个 挪威北极鳕鱼的例子。
Norwegian:adj.挪威的;挪威人的;挪威语的;n.挪威人;挪威语; Arctic:adj.北极的;北极地区的;极冷的;严寒的;n.北极;北极地区;
Same deal. The fishery is crashing. 同样的情况,渔业在衰败,
They set limits on discards . 之后他们在非目标鱼类上设定限制。
Discards are these fish they weren't targeting and they get thrown overboard wastefully . 非目标鱼类的捕获 通常是一种浪费。
overboard:adv.自船上落下;向船外;adj.极其热心的;全身心投入的; wastefully:adv.浪费地;挥霍地;
When they set the discard limit, the fishery came back. 当他们设定了限制以后, 渔业回来了。
And it's not just in Norway. 这不仅仅发生在挪威。
We've seen this happening in countries all around the world, time and time again . 我们一目睹这类案例 在世界各地一次又一次地发生。
time and time again:一次次;一次又一次;多次;不断地;
When these countries step in and they put in sustainable fisheries management policies , the fisheries, which are always crashing, it seems, are starting to come back. 当这些国家介入并开始 采用可持续的渔业管理政策, 看起来面临崩溃的渔业 便都开始恢复元气。
sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; policies:n.政策;方针;原则;为人之道;保险单(policy的复数)
So there's a lot of promise here. 因此,渔业的复兴是充满了希望的。
What does this mean for the world fish catch? 这对世界捕鱼业有什么意义呢?
This means that if we take that fishery catch that's on the decline and we could turn it upwards, we could increase it up to 100 million metric tons per year. 这意味着,如果我们 使不景气的渔业再次复兴起来, 我们可以 将渔产量增加到每年一亿吨。
So we didn't have peak fish yet. 所以,我们还没有经历“鱼类峰值”。
We still have an opportunity to not only bring the fish back but to actually get more fish that can feed more people than we currently are now. 我们仍有机会 去复兴渔业, 甚至获得更多的鱼类 为比现在更多的人口 提供食物来源。
How many more? Right about now, we can feed about 450 million people a fish meal a day based on the current world fish catch, which, of course, you know is going down, so that number will go down over time if we don't fix it, but if we put fishery management practices like the ones I've described in place in 10 to 25 countries, we could bring that number up and feed as many as 700 million people a year a healthy fish meal. 那么鱼类究竟可以增加多少呢? 现在,我们可以用鱼类 为约4.5 亿人提供食物。 这个数据是基于 现在呈下降趋势的鱼产量而得出的。 如果我们不去进行对渔业的管理 这个数字还会继续下降。 但是,如果我们 将刚才所描述的渔业管理 在 10 至 25 个国家中施行, 我们可以将鱼的产量增加 并可以每年用健康的鱼肉 喂饱足足 7 亿人。
We should obviously do this just because it's a good thing to deal with the hunger problem, but it's also cost-effective . 很显然,仅仅是为了很好得解决饥荒这一件事情, 我们也应该去管理和治理渔业, 并且这是经济高效的。
It turns out fish is the most cost-effective protein on the planet. 研究结果显示,鱼类是世界上 性价比最高的蛋白质食物。
If you look at how much fish protein you get per dollar invested compared to all of the other animal proteins , obviously, fish is a good business decision. 如果你去比较花费一美元 能从肉类食品中得到的蛋白质的量, 你会发现,鱼类比其他任何肉类食品都含有更多的蛋白质。 很明显,鱼类是很好的商业选择。
invested:v.投资;投入;(invest的过去分词和过去式) proteins:n.[生化]蛋白质(protein复数);
It also doesn't need a lot of land, something that's in short supply, compared to other protein sources. 鱼类养殖比起其它动物养殖 不需要大片的 处于稀缺状态的土地。
And it doesn't need a lot of fresh water. 而且养鱼还不需要很多淡水。
It uses a lot less fresh water than, for example, cattle, where you have to irrigate a field so that you can grow the food to graze the cattle. 举个例子, 养育的淡水需求量比起养牛 需要灌溉草地 所需要的水量少得多。
irrigate:vt.灌溉;冲洗;使清新;vi.灌溉;冲洗; graze:vt.放牧;擦伤;vi.吃草;擦伤;n.放牧;轻擦;
It also has a very low carbon footprint . 同样养鱼只产生很低的碳排放。
carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; footprint:n.足迹;脚印;
It has a little bit of a carbon footprint because we do have to get out and catch the fish. 唯一的一些碳排放 是我们出海捕鱼所造成的。
a little bit of a:一点点了;
It takes a little bit of fuel, but as you know, agriculture can have a carbon footprint, and fish has a much smaller one, so it's less polluting. 不过,出海捕鱼只需要很少的燃料, 相比起农业的碳排放量, 捕鱼产生的碳排放要少得多, 所以捕鱼造成的污染更少。
It's already a big part of our diet, but it can be a bigger part of our diet, which is a good thing, because we know that it's healthy for us. 鱼肉已是我们的日常饮食的很大一部分, 但它可以占据更大的比重, 这也是一件好事, 因为鱼肉有益身体健康。
It can reduce our risks of cancer , heart disease and obesity . 摄入鱼肉可以减少癌症、 心脏病,以及肥胖的风险。
cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; obesity:n.肥大,肥胖;
In fact, our CEO Andy Sharpless, who is the originator of this concept, actually, he likes to say fish is the perfect protein. 事实上,我们的CEO安迪·夏普勒斯 也就是这个想法的创始人, 他喜欢说,鱼肉是理想的蛋白质来源。
Andy also talks about the fact that our ocean conservation movement really grew out of the land conservation movement, and in land conservation, we have this problem where biodiversity is at war with food production. 安迪还说, 海洋保护运动的力度 已经超过了土地保护运动, 在土地保护运动中 生物多样性与食品生产 有非常大的矛盾。
conservation:n.保存,保持;保护; biodiversity:n.生物多样性;
You have to cut down the biodiverse forest if you want to get the field to grow the corn to feed people with, and so there's a constant push-pull there. 如果你想要得到田地 来种玉米去喂饱人类, 你必须得砍伐有着生物多样性的森林, 而且这是一直都会存在的一个矛盾。
biodiverse:生物多类状态的;生物多样的; push-pull:n.推挽式的连接;adj.推挽式的;
There's a constant tough decision that has to be made between two very important things: maintaining biodiversity and feeding people. 我们总要面临在两件非常重要的事情之间 做出一个困难的抉择: 保持生物多样性, 还是喂饱人类。
But in the oceans, we don't have that war. 但是,在海洋中我们不会有这样的矛盾。
In the oceans, biodiversity is not at war with abundance . 在海洋中,生物多样性 与食物资源的富饶程度不相矛盾。
In fact, they're aligned . 事实上,他们是一致的。
When we do things that produce biodiversity, we actually get more abundance, and that's important so that we can feed people. 当我们做有益生物多样性的事情的时候, 我们会得到更加丰饶的资源, 那是非常重要的,因为富足的鱼类资源能为人类提供食物。
Now, there's a catch. 这里有一个小小的陷阱。
Didn't anyone get that? (Laughter) 有人理解我的意思吗?(笑声)
Illegal fishing. 我想说的是:非法捕鱼。
Illegal fishing undermines the type of sustainable fisheries management I'm talking about. 非法捕鱼会破坏 我刚才所描述的可持续的渔业管理。
It can be when you catch fish using gears that have been prohibited , when you fish in places where you're not supposed to fish, you catch fish that are the wrong size or the wrong species . 非法捕鱼可以是: 使用被禁止的工具捕鱼; 在禁捕区捕鱼; 或者是,捕获错误的尺寸或种类的鱼。
gears:n.[机]齿轮,[机]传动装置(gear的复数形式); v.以齿轮连起,安排(gear的三单形式); prohibited:v.禁止(prohibit的过去分词形式);adj.被禁止的; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
Illegal fishing cheats the consumer and it also cheats honest fishermen, and it needs to stop. 非法捕鱼迷惑了消费者, 也欺骗了诚实的渔民, 这需要被阻止。
The way illegal fish get into our market is through seafood fraud . 非法捕获的鱼是通过海产品欺诈进入市场的。
seafood:n.海鲜;海味;海产食品; fraud:n.欺骗;骗子;诡计;
You might have heard about this. 你也许听说过海产品欺诈。
It's when fish are labeled as something they're not. 它是指,鱼类在销售时被贴上了错误的名称标签。
labeled:adj.有标签的; v.示踪; (label的过去分词和过去式)
Think about the last time you had fish. 请你想想上次吃鱼的时候,
What were you eating? 你到底在吃什么鱼呢?
Are you sure that's what it was? 你确定你吃的鱼是你所想的那个种类吗?
Because we tested 1,300 different fish samples and about a third of them were not what they were labeled to be. 因为我们抽取过 1300 种不同的鱼类样品来做过测试, 在这些鱼类样本中, 大约有三分之一是名不副实的。
Snappers , nine out of 10 snappers were not snapper. 九分之十的“鲷鱼”不是真的鲷鱼。
Fifty-nine percent of the tuna we tested was mislabeled . 百分之五十九的“金枪鱼” 也并非是真的金枪鱼。
And red snapper, we tested 120 samples, and only seven of them were really red snapper, so good luck finding a red snapper. 而在 120 个红鲷鱼样品中, 只有 7 个是真正的红鲷鱼。 如果你想买到真的红鲷鱼,那么我祝你好运。
Seafood has a really complex supply chain , and at every step in this supply chain , there's an opportunity for seafood fraud, unless we have traceability . 海鲜产品有着非常复杂的供应链, 在供应链的每一个环节中 都有海产品诈骗的机会, 除非我们有追踪系统。
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; supply chain:n.供应链; traceability:n.[统计]可追溯性;跟踪能力;可描绘;
Traceability is a way where the seafood industry can track the seafood from the boat to the plate to make sure that the consumer can then find out where their seafood came from. 追踪系统是海鲜产业中被用于 追踪海鲜产品从上岸到进入消费市场上的整个过程, 这保证了消费者能够知道 他们购买的海鲜来自哪里。
This is a really important thing. 这是一件非常重要的事情。
It's being done by some in the industry, but not enough, so we're pushing a law in Congress called the SAFE Seafood Act, and I'm very excited today to announce the release of a chef's petition , where 450 chefs have signed a petition calling on Congress to support the SAFE Seafood Act. 这种方法在一些产业中已经被运用,但这是不够的, 所以我们正在向国会争取通过一项法案, 这项法案叫做“海鲜安全法案”。 我今天能够在这里公开厨师们的请愿书,让我非常激动。 已经有450 个主厨 签署了这个请愿书, 要求国会对“海鲜安全法案”给予支持。
Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交; release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; petition:n.请愿;请愿书;祈求;[法]诉状;vi.请愿;请求;vt.请愿;请求;恳求;
It has a lot of celebrity chefs you may know -- 他们中有一些是你们可能听说过的有名的厨师,
Anthony Bourdain, Mario Batali, 比如,安东尼伯尔顿、马里奥巴塔利、
Barton Seaver and others — and they've signed it because they believe that people have a right to know about what they're eating. 巴顿西弗,等等。 他们签署了这个请愿, 是因为他们相信 人们有权利知道他们吃的是什么。
(Applause) (掌声)
Fishermen like it too, so there's a good chance we can get the kind of support we need to get this bill through, and it comes at a critical time, because this is the way we stop seafood fraud, this is the way we curb illegal fishing, and this is the way we make sure that quotas, habitat protection, and bycatch reductions can do the jobs they can do. 所以我们很有信心能得到来自国会的支持, 来促使法案被通过。 现在是非常关键的时刻, 因为这是我们停止海产品欺诈的途径; 是抑制非法捕鱼的途径; 也是我们确保 捕鱼配额、鱼类栖息地保护,和减少鱼类误捕这些措施 能够发挥作用的途径。
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; curb:vt.遏制;控制,限定,约束;n.起控制(或限制)作用的事物 reductions:n.减少;缩小;降低;减价;折扣;缩图;(reduction的复数)
We know that we can manage our fisheries sustainably . 我们知道我们能够可持续地管理渔业。
We know that we can produce healthy meals for hundreds of millions of people that don't use the land, that don't use much water, have a low carbon footprint, and are cost-effective. 我们知道我们可以 为上亿人类生产健康的食品的同时, 不去使用田地,不消耗大量水资源 同时维持低碳排放量, 并且做到经济有效。
We know that saving the oceans can feed the world, and we need to start now. 我们知道拯救海洋 可以喂饱全世界, 我们现在就得开始去做。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢(掌声)