

Fee-fi-fo-fum 费伐弗方
Ask not whence the thunder comes. 不要去追溯雷声的来源
whence:n.根源;adv.从何处;pron.何处;conj.由此; thunder:n.雷;雷声;轰隆声;v.打雷;发出雷鸣般响声;
Ask not where the herds have gone. 不要去找寻羊群去了何方
Nor why the birds have ceased their song. 鸟儿为何不再歌唱
When coming home, don't take too long. 早早回家 不要逗留
For monsters roam in Albion . 因为阿碧昂有怪物游荡
roam:vi.漫游,漫步;流浪;vt.在…漫步,漫游;在…流浪;n.漫步,漫游;流浪; Albion:n.阿尔比恩(英格兰或不列颠的雅称);
Jack, you're still up. 杰克 你还没睡
Sorry, Father. 抱歉 爸爸
The giants woke me. 巨人把我吵醒了
Jack, heh, it's a thunderstorm . - Mother used to say... 杰克 那是雷声 - 妈妈以前说过...
the giants made the thunder. 雷声是巨人弄的
Look. 你看
Where did you find that? 你从哪找到的?
Along with her old things. 就在妈妈的一些旧东西里
Will you read the rest to me? 能给我讲完故事吗?
All right. 好吧
Where're we up to? 我们从哪开始?
The monks were trying to find God, so they made magic... 僧人们为了能见到上帝 他们制造了魔法...
Magic seeds. Aye. 魔法种子
I remember now. 我想起来了
'"With seeds they pulled from a magical pod... 他们从魔豆里获得种子...
the monks grew a pathway to seek out their God." 种子长出了一株巨大的豆蔓 形成寻找上帝的路径
pathway:n.路,道;途径,路径; seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求;
'"When they came to what they thought... 当他们以为自己来到了...
was heaven's gate..." 天堂之门的时候...
'"they met with a terrible, grisly fate." 厄运降临
'"For between heaven and earth was a... 在天地之间 有一个...
perilous place." 恐怖之极的地方
'"Gantua, home to a fierce giant race." 那就是巨人族的领土 刚图阿
'"With a bridge now before them to the world of men... 有了眼前这条通往人类世界的桥梁...
a plague of giants descends ." 巨人们肆意横行
plague:n.瘟疫;灾祸;麻烦;讨厌的人;vt.折磨;使苦恼;使得灾祸; descends:下降;
'"Taking a cue from the richest of kings... 从最富有的国王身上得到启发...
they acquired a taste... 他们尝到...
acquired:adj.习得的; v.获得; (acquire的过去分词和过去式)
for acquiring things." 掠夺 占有的快感
'"But the one taste that caused them to lose all control..." 但有一种快感让他们失去控制...
'"Was a taste for the mankind ... 那就是人类的味道...
blood, bones and all." 鲜血 骨头 所有的一切
Well, that's revolting . 真令人反感
Too scary, Isabelle? 害怕了 伊莎贝尔?
Giants aren't scary. 巨人并不恐怖
Not even their terrifying leader, a monstrous giant... 他们的首领也不吓人吗 一个长着两个...
terrifying:adj.令人恐惧的;骇人的;极大的;v.使害怕,使恐怖;(terrify的现在分词) monstrous:adj.巨大的;怪异的;荒谬的;畸形的;
with two heads? 脑袋的怪物?
Keep reading, Mother. It's just a story. 接着念吧 妈妈 只是个故事
Is it? 真的只是故事那么简单吗?
'"King Erik... 国王艾瑞克...
bade the monks return to dark arts... 命令僧人使用黑魔法...
to find some way... 找出可以...
to rule giant hearts." 控制巨人心灵的办法
'"So they melted one down... 于是僧人们融化了一个巨人的心脏...
mixed in magic and more... 与魔法和众多东西混合在一起...
and they crafted a crown unlike any before." 造出一个前所未有的皇冠
crafted:adj.精心制作的;v.精巧地制作(craft的过去分词); crown:王冠
King Erik's magic crown. 属于国王艾瑞克的魔法皇冠
This is my favorite part. 这是我最喜欢的情节
'" As soon as the king took the crown in hand... 只要国王带上皇冠...
As soon as:一…就;
the giants were slave... 巨人们任他奴役...
to his every command." 臣服他的一切命令