

Twelve years ago, I was in the street writing my name to say, "I exist." 十二年前,我在街道上写下我的名字 以此证明,我活着
Then I went to taking photos of people to paste them on the street to say, "They exist." 然后我转为给人们拍照并将照片贴在大街上 以此证明,他们活着
paste:v.粘贴; n.面团; adj.人造的;
From the suburbs of Paris to the wall of Israel and Palestine, the rooftops of Kenya to the favelas of Rio, paper and glue -- as easy as that. 从巴黎的郊区到以色列和巴基斯坦的街墙 从肯尼亚的屋顶 到里约的贫民区 我只用了纸和胶水,就这么简单
suburbs:n.郊外(suburb的复数); Israel:n.以色列(亚洲国家);犹太人,以色列人; rooftops:n.屋顶;adj.屋顶上的; favelas:n.(巴西)贫民窟(favela的复数); glue:n.胶;胶水;v.粘贴;
I asked a question last year: 我去年发现了一个问题
Can art change the world? 艺术能改变世界吗
Well let me tell you, in terms of changing the world there has been a lot of competition this year, because the Arab Spring is still spreading, the Eurozone has collapsed ... what else? 让我告诉你吧 在改变世界这方面,今年涌现了很多竞争场面 因为“阿拉伯之春”还在蔓延 欧元区开始崩溃,还有...
competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; Eurozone:n.欧元区; collapsed:v.倒塌,坍塌;倒下,昏倒;坐下;(collapse的过去分词和过去式)
The Occupy movement found a voice, and I still have to speak English constantly . “占领运动”掀起了抗议 而且我还得不断地说英文
Occupy:v.占据,占领;居住;使忙碌; constantly:adv.不断地;时常地;
So there has been a lot of change. 所以这个世界有太多的变化
So when I had my TED wish last year, 当我去年在“TED愿望”时
I said, look, I'm going to switch my concept. 我说,看,我要扭转我的观念
You are going to take the photos. 你们把照片拍下来
You're going to send them to me. 然后发给我
I'm going to print them and send them back to you. 我会打印出来然后再发回给你
Then you're going to paste them where it makes sense for you to place your own statement . 只有你找到可以发表你感想的地方 你就把照片贴上去
This is Inside Out. 这个就是“颠覆计划”(Inside Out)
One hundred thousand posters have been printed this year. 今年已经打印了十万张海报了
Those are the kind of posters, let me show you. 这里有些海报,我给你们看下
And we keep sending more every day. 而且我们每天都在不断增加发送量
This is the size. 就是这个尺寸
Just a regular piece of paper with a little bit of ink on it. 就是一张正常的纸张,上面再加点油墨
This one was from Haiti . 这张是来自海地的
When I launched my wish last year, hundreds of people stood up and said they wanted to help us. 在我去年发表愿望的时候 数以百计的人们都站起来说想帮我们实现
But I say it has to be under the conditions I've always worked: no credit, no logos , no sponsoring . 但我说 这必须得按着我一直以来的方式才行 不要贷款,不要徽标,不要赞助商
logos:n.理念; sponsoring:v.赞助;主办;促成;为慈善活动捐资;(sponsor的现在分词)
A week later, a handful of people were there ready to rock and empower the people on the ground who wanted to change the world. 一周以后,有些人已经开始摩拳擦掌了 并且当场授权了 那些想要改变世界的人
These are the people I want to talk about to you today. 这些人是我今天想跟你们提一提的
Two weeks after my speech, in Tunisia , hundreds of portraits were made. 我的演讲后的两周,在突尼斯 他们制作了数百张肖像
Tunisia:n.突尼斯(非洲国家); portraits:n.肖像;半身照;详细的描述;描绘;(portrait的复数)
And they pasted [over] every single portrait of the dictator 而且他们将这些自己的肖像
pasted:adj.膏的(胶的;浆糊的); dictator:n.独裁者;命令者;
[with] their own photos. 贴在每一张独裁者肖像海报上面
Boom ! This is what happened. 哇!就是这样发生了
Slim and his friends went through the country and pasted hundreds of photos everywhere to show the diversity in the country. Slim和他的朋友们走遍了整个国家 在这个国家到处粘贴了数百张的海报 以此展示它的多样性
Slim:adj.苗条的;纤细的;单薄的;微薄的;n.(非洲用语)艾滋病;v.减肥; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化:
They really make Inside Out their own project. 他们确实把“Insight Out计划”当作自己的事业
Actually, that photo was pasted in a police station , and what you see on the ground are ID cards of all the photos of people being tracked by the police. 事实上,那张照片是贴在警局的 另外你看看地面 都是警局通缉照片里的人的身份证
police station:n.警察局;派出所; tracked:v.跟踪;追踪;(track的过去分词和过去式)
Russia. Chad wanted to fight against homophobia in Russia. 在俄罗斯,Chad想对同性恋恐惧症表示抗议
He went with his friends in front of every Russian embassy in Europe and stood there with the photos to say, "We have rights." 他和他的朋友前往了欧洲的各个俄罗斯大使馆 带着照片站在那 说,“我们拥有权利。”
They used Inside Out as a platform for protest . 他们借“颠覆计划”作为抗议的平台
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; protest:n.抗议;抗议书(或行动);反对;v.(公开)反对;抗议;申辩;
Karachi , Pakistan. 在巴基斯坦的卡拉奇
Sharmeen is actually here. Sharmeen今天也在这儿
She organized a TEDx action out there and made all the unseen faces of the city on the walls in her town. 她在那里组织了一场TEDx行动 在家里那个镇上,她把这个城市鲜为人知的面孔 都粘贴到了墙上
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) unseen:adj.看不见的,未看见的;未经预习的;n.(事前未看过原文的)即席翻译;
And I want to thank her today. 今天我想借此对她表示感谢
North color ="Black"> Dakota . Standing Rock Nation, in this color ="Black"> Turtle Island, [unclear name] from the Dakota Lakota tribe wanted to show that the color ="Black"> Native Americans are still here. 北达科他州立岩印第安保留区 在龟岛上,来自达科拉科塔族的人(姓名不详) 想要告诉大家美洲原住民仍在这儿
color:颜色 Dakota:n.达科他(美国过去一地区名,现分为南,北达科他州);adj.达科他人的; Turtle:海龟,乌龟
The seventh generation are still fighting for their rights. 第七代的子孙依旧在为他们的权利而争取着
He pasted up portraits all over his reservation . 他在这个保留区贴满了海报
And he's here also today. 他今天也在现场
Each time I get a wall in New York, 每次我在纽约拥有一面墙可以创作时
I use his photos to continue spreading the project. 我都会用他的照片继续传播这个项目
Juarez: You've heard of the border -- one of the most dangerous borders in the world. 墨西哥华瑞兹市,你们应该听过这个边界 世上最险恶的边界之一
Monica has taken thousands of portraits with a group of photographers and covered the entire border. Monica已带着上千幅海报和一个摄影师团队 将海报贴满边界
Do you know what it takes to do this? 你知道这要付出什么代价吗?
People, energy, make the glue, organize the team. 人力,精力,粘胶,组队
It was amazing. 很了不起
While in Iran at the same time 与此同时,在伊朗
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
Abololo -- of course a nickname -- has pasted one single face of a woman to show his resistance against the government. Abololo——绰号而已 他贴上一张女人单人照 以表达他对政府的反抗
nickname:n.绰号;昵称;v.给…取绰号;叫错名字; resistance:n.电阻;抵抗;阻力;抗力;
I don't have to explain to you what kind of risk he took for that action. 我不需向你们解释太多他这么做所冒的风险
There are tons of school projects. 在学校里也有很多项目
Twenty percent of the posters we are receiving comes from schools. 我们收到的海报20%是来自学校的
Education is so essential . 教育是如此的重要
Kids just make photos in a class, the teacher receives them, they paste them on the school. 孩子们在课堂上做出照片,老师们则将之收集 然后贴在校园里
Here they even got the help of the firemen . 他们甚至得到了消防员的帮助
There should be even more schools doing this kind of project. 学校应该更多地推广这些项目
Of course we wanted to go back to Israel and Palestine. 我们当然想回到以色列和巴基斯坦
So we went there with a truck. This is a photobooth truck. 所以我们坐上一辆货车,这是一辆快照屋货车
You go on the back of that truck, it takes your photo, 30 seconds later take it from the side, you're ready to rock. 你从货车的后面上去,它就能给你拍照 30秒后从车侧取照,你就能大展身手了
Thousands of people use them and each of them signs up for a two-state peace solution and then walk in the street. 使用它的人多不胜数 他们每个人都签署了两国和平共处的解决方案 然后就走上街头
two-state:双稳;双态; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答;
This is march, the 450,000 march -- beginning of September. 这是游行,45万人的游行,在九月初
They were all holding their photo as a statement. 他们都举着自己的照片作为宣言
On the other side , people were wrapping up streets, buildings. 另一方面,人们把照片贴满大街和高楼
On the other side:另一面;在另一边; wrapping:n.包装材料;包装纸;v.包,裹(礼物等);用…包裹;(wrap的现在分词)
It's everywhere. 到处都是
Come on, don't tell me that people aren't ready for peace out there. 拜托,别告诉我那里的人们不渴望和平
These projects took thousands of actions in one year, making hundreds of thousands of people participating , creating millions of views. 这些项目每年都有成千上万次活动 有数以万计的人们参加其中 制作出无数的景观
This is the biggest global art participatory project that's going on. 这是目前进行的最大规模的全球性艺术合作项目
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; participatory:adj.供人分享的;吸引参与的;
So back to the question, "Can art change the world?" 所以回到那个问题,“艺术能改变世界吗?”
Maybe not in one year. That's the beginning. 也许一年改变不了,它才刚起步
But maybe we should change the question. 但或许我们稍微改一下问题
Can art change people's lives? 艺术能改变人的生活吗?
From what I've seen this year, yes. 从我今年看到的成果,答案是肯定的
And you know what? It's just the beginning. 你知道吗?它也才是刚刚开始而已
Let's turn the world inside out together. 让我们一起“颠覆”这个世界吧
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)