

I wanna start today -- here's my thing. Hold on. There I go. 我今天要说的,就是……稍等。行了。
Hey. I wanna start today -- talk about the structure of a polypeptide . (Laughter) 嘿,我今天要说的,是关于多肽化合物的组织结构。(笑)
structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; polypeptide:n.[生化]多肽,缩多氨酸;
I get a lot of people asking me, in terms of "Lost," you know, "What the hell's that island?" You know, it's usually followed by, "No, seriously, what the hell is that island?" 有很多人问我,关于电视剧《迷失》, “那岛到底是什么玩意儿?“ 然后他们通常还会接着说, “真的,那个岛到底是大爷的什么玩意儿?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Why so many mysteries? What is it about mystery that I seem to be drawn to? 哪儿那么多奥秘?最吸引我的又是什么?
And I was thinking about this, what to talk about at TED. 我刚就在想,在TED大会上说些什么。
When I talked to the kind rep from TED, and I said, "Listen, you know, what should I talk about?" 我跟TED大会代表谈话的时候,我说, “问你噢,我到底应该谈点什么?”
He said, "Don't worry about it. Just be profound ." 他说,“别担心,装深沉就行了。”
(Laughter) And I took enormous comfort in that. (笑声)然后我就觉得巨爽无比。
So thank you, if you're here. 所以感谢在座的各位。
I was trying to think, what do I talk about? It's a good question. 我刚刚想,我要说点什么呢?
Why do I do so much stuff that involves mystery? And I started trying to figure it out. 为什么我要做这么多神秘的东西呢?然后我就开始努力去想个结果出来。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: involves:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加,加入(involve的第三人称单数)
And I started thinking about why do I do any of what I do, and I started thinking about my grandfather. 然后我就开始想为什么我做我要做的, 我又开始想到了我的外公。
I loved my grandfather. Harry Kelvin was his name, my mother's father. He died in 1986. He was an amazing guy. 我爱我的外公。他叫Harry Kelvin。 我母亲的父亲。他1986年去世。他是个了不起的人。
Kelvin:n.开尔文(英国物理学家,数学家); adj.开氏度的(常作K-);
And one of the reasons he was amazing, after World War II he began an electronics company. 他之所以了不起,其中一个原因是, 二战以后,他开了一家电子器件公司。
He started selling surplus parts, kits , to schools and stuff. 他开始卖一些备件,成套工具给学校之类的地方。
surplus:n.剩余;[贸易]顺差;盈余;过剩;adj.剩余的;过剩的; kits:n.装备;小桶;锦囊(kit的复数);
So he had this incredible curiosity . As a kid I saw him come over to me with radios and telephones and all sorts of things. 所以他有着难以置信的好奇心,我小时候看到他 向我走过来时手里总拿着收音机,电话之类的。
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩;
And he'd open them up, he'd unscrew them, and reveal the inner workings -- which many of us, I'm sure, take for granted . 然后他就打开他们,他把它们都拧开,然后呈现出其内部运转…… 我们当中的很多人,我确信,对那些毫无兴趣。
unscrew:vt.旋开;旋松;从...旋出螺丝; reveal:v.显示;透露;揭露;泄露;n.揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧; inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的; workings:n.作用;工作方式;操作(working的复数); take for granted:认为…理所当然;
But it's an amazing gift to give a kid. 但是对于小孩子来说那却是神奇的礼物。
To open up this thing and show how it works and why it works and what it is. 打开某个东西,展示它如何运作,什么驱使它运作。
He was the ultimate deconstructer, in many ways. 他在很多方面都是一个终极破坏者。
And my grandfather was a kind of guy who would not only take things apart, but he got me interested in all sorts of different odd crafts , like, you know, printing, like the letter press. I'm obsessed with printing. 而且我外公他不光自己拆东西, 他也使我对乱七八糟不同的手工制品十分感兴趣, 比如,印刷,铅印机,我超爱印刷。
odd:adj.古怪的;奇数的;n.奇数; crafts:n.工艺品,手艺(craft的复数形式); obsessed:v.使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷;(obsess的过去式和过去分词)
I'm obsessed with silk screening and bookbinding and box making. 我对丝网遮蔽法,装订和做盒子十分着迷。
When I was a kid, I was always, like, taking apart boxes and stuff. 我小时候,经常玩弄盒子之类的东西。
And last night in the hotel, I took apart the Kleenex box. 昨天晚上在酒店,我就在玩克里斯内克斯的纸巾盒。
I was just looking at it. And I'm telling you ... (Laughter) It's a beautiful thing. 我就这么看着它,告诉你们,它真美。
I swear to God. I mean, when you look at the box, and you sort of see how it works. 我发誓,当你看着盒子的时候,你就好像知道它如何运作的。
Rives is here, and I met him years ago at a book fair; he does pop-up books. Rives在这,我几年前在一个书展上认识他,他是做立体书的。
And I'm obsessed with, like, engineering of paper. 我很欣赏他,他就像纸的工程师。
But like, the scoring of it, the printing of it, where the thing gets glued , you know, the registration marks for the ink. I just love boxes. 那些刻痕,印刷,粘合, 还有那些墨水印记,我就是喜欢盒子!
glued:v.(用胶水)粘合,粘牢,粘贴(glue的过去分词和过去式) registration:n.登记;注册;挂号;
My grandfather was sort of the guy who, you know, kind of got me into all sorts of these things. 我的外公是那种, 让我对这一切产生兴趣的人。
He would also supply me with tools. 我也为我提供工具。
He was this amazing encourager -- this patron , sort of, to make stuff. 他是个了不起的赞助人,有点像吧,鼓励我做乱七八糟的东西。
And he got me a Super 8 camera when I was 10 years old. 他在我10岁的时候送了我一个Super8相机。
And in 1976, that was sort of an anomaly , to be a 10-year-old kid that had access to a camera. 当时是1976,这简直太拉风了。 一个10岁小孩竟然有一个相机。
And you know, he was so generous; I couldn't believe it. 我简直无法相信他竟然那么慷慨!
He wasn't doing it entirely without some manipulation . 他做这些也不是完全自发的。
I mean, I would call him, and I'd be like, "Listen, Grandpa, I really need this camera. 我的意思是,如果我打电话给他,求他买, “外公,我真的要这个相机。
You don't understand. This is, like, you know, I want to make movies. 你不明白的,我想拍电影,
I'll get invited to TED one day. This is like -- " (Laughter) 有一天TED会邀请我。就像这样”(笑)
And you know, and my grandmother was the greatest. 我外婆简直是最伟大的。
Because she'd be like, you know -- she'd get on the phone. 因为,比如她接电话的时候,
She'd be like, "Harry, it's better than the drugs. He should be doing -- " 她会对我外公说,“相机总比毒品好,他该找点事做做。”
She was fantastic . (Laughter) 她太好了!(笑)
So I found myself getting this stuff, thanks to her assist, and suddenly, you know, 我发现自己得到这些东西, 多亏了她帮忙,
I had a synthesizer when I was 14 years old -- this kind of stuff. 我14岁的时候就喜欢把乱七八糟的东西搞在一起。
And it let me make things, which, to me, was sort of the dream. 它使我有机会自己做东西,这是我的梦想。
He sort of humored my obsession to other things too, like magic. 我外公也钩起我对别的东西的兴趣,比如魔术。
humored:n.幽默,诙谐;心情;vt.迎合,迁就;顺应; obsession:n.痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理]强迫观念;
The thing is, we'd go to this magic store in New York City called Lou Tannen's Magic. 我们常去纽约的Lou Tannen魔术店。
It was this great magic store. It was a crappy little building in Midtown , but you'd be in the elevator , the elevator would open -- there'd be this little, small magic store. You'd be in the magic store. 它很神奇,在市中心的一撞小破楼里。 但你会看到电梯,并且它能用。 然后上去,你就能看到这家店。
crappy:adj.蹩脚的;糟糕的;没价值的; Midtown:n.市中心区;商业区和住宅区的中间地区;adj.市中心区的;位于市中心区的; elevator:n.电梯;升降机;升降舵;起卸机;
And it was just, it was a magical place. 真是个神奇的地方。
So I got all these sort of magic tricks . Oh, here. I'll show you. 所以我学会了这些魔术,show给你们看看。
magic tricks:n.魔术;
This is the kind of thing. So it would be like, you know. Right? 就像,
Which is good, but now I can't move. 好,现在不能动了。
Now, I have to do this, the rest of the thing, like this. 我可以这样,
I'm like, "Oh, wow. Look at my computer over there!" (Laughter) 我可以“噢,看我那边的电脑!”(笑)
Anyway, so one of the things that I bought at the magic store was this: 好吧,我在魔术店买了个这个:
Tannen's Mystery Magic Box. Tannen的神秘盒子。
The premise behind the mystery magic box was the following: 15 dollars buys you 50 dollars worth of magic. 它的精妙在于, 15元买到了值50元的魔术。
Which is a savings . (Laughter) 真省钱啊。(笑)
Now, I bought this decades ago and I'm not kidding. 我几十年前买的这个,我不是开玩笑的。
If you look at this, you'll see it's never been opened. 但我从来没有打开过它,
But I've had this forever. 已经很久了。
Now, I was looking at this, it was in my office, as it always is on the shelf, and I was thinking, why have I not opened this? 现在它还在我的办公室,一直在架子上。 我在想,我为什么不打开它呢?
And why have I kept it? Because I'm not a pack rat . I don't keep everything but for some reason I haven't opened this box. 那我为什么留着它?我又不是收破烂的,我不是什么都留着的。 但出于某些原因,我没有打开这个盒子。
a pack rat:什么东西都不肯扔的人;
And I felt like there was a key to this, somehow , in talking about something at TED that I haven't discussed before, and bored people elsewhere . 我总是觉得它有一把钥匙。 再来TED之前, 我没有对别人说过这些,他们肯定觉得很无聊。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; bored:adj.无聊的;厌倦的;烦闷的;v.使厌烦;钻,凿,挖;(bore的过去分词和过去式) elsewhere:adv.在别处;到别处;
So I thought, maybe there's something with this. I started thinking about it. 然后我开始想,到底是什么那么神奇。
And there was this giant question mark . I love the design, for what it's worth, of this thing. And I started thinking, why haven't I opened it? 有个巨大的问号。我喜欢这设计,因为它也值得我喜欢。 对于这个,我开始想,为什么我从来没有打开过它?
giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 question mark:abbr.(=questionstop)疑问号;n.问号;
And I realized that I haven't opened it because it represents something important 然后我意识到我从未打开它是因为它代表了某些重要的东西
- to me. It represents my grandfather. 对我而言,它代表了外公。
Am I allowed to cry at TED? Because -- no, I'm not going to cry. But -- (Laughter) 我可不可以在这里哭?不,我不会哭。(笑)
- the thing is, that it represents infinite possibility. 关键在于它给了我无限的遐想空间。
infinite:adj.无限的,无穷的; n.无限;
It represents hope. It represents potential . 它代表了希望,代表了潜力。
And what I love about this box, and what I realize I sort of do in whatever it is that I do, is I find myself drawn to infinite possibility, that sense of potential. 我最喜欢这个盒子之处, 就是我意识到我可以做任何我想做的事情, 发现我自己沉浸在那种无限的可能和潜力中。
And I realize that mystery is the catalyst for imagination . 然后我意识到那份神秘就是想象力的催化剂。
catalyst:n.[物化]催化剂;刺激因素; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
Now, it's not the most ground-breaking idea, but when I started to think that maybe there are times where mystery is more important than knowledge, I started getting interested in this. 现在,这已不是最具开拓性的想法。 但我开始意识到或许有的时候, 神秘感比知识重要,我渐渐开始对这个感兴趣了。
And so I started thinking about "Lost," and the stuff that we do, and I realized, oh my God, like, mystery boxes are everywhere in what I do! 然后我开始构想《迷失》,以及我们后来做的一些东西。 然后我意识到,我的天啊,我工作中充满了这种神秘盒子。
In how -- in the creation of "Lost," Damon Lindelof and I, who created the show with me, we were basically tasked with creating this series that we had very little time to do. We had 11 and a half weeks to write it, cast it, crew it, shoot it, cut it, post it, turn in a two-hour pilot. 比如在《迷失》的创作过程中。 Damon Lindelof和我一起创作了这部剧, 我们当时时间很紧,只有11周半, 要写,要招演员,组织剧组,拍摄,剪辑,然后把它变成2小时的试播片。
creation:n.创造,创作;创作物,产物; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书;
So it was not a lot of time. And that sense of possibility -- what could this thing be? 所以时间很少。然后出来一个问题,这能拍成什么样?
There was no time to develop it. 我们没有时间来发展故事情节。
I'm sure you're all familiar with those people who tell you what you can't do and what you should change. 我肯定你们一定记得那些, 告诉你们你不可能做什么,或者你需要改变什么的人,
And there was no time for that, which is kind of amazing. 但我们没有时间去想那些,真奇迹。
And so we did this show, and for those of you who, you know, who haven't seen it, or don't know it, I can show you this one little clip from the pilot, just to show you some stuff that we did. 然后我们做了这部剧,对于你们之中一些没看过, 或者不知道这部剧的人,我可以放一小段。 只是稍微让你们看一段。
Claire: Help! Please help me! Help me! Help me! Claire: 过来帮帮我!
Jack: Get him out of here! Get him away from the engine! Get him out of here! Jack: 把他弄出来,让他远离引擎!
C: I'm having contractions ! C: 我宫缩了!
J: How many months pregnant are you? J: 你怀孕多久了?
C: I'm only eight months. C: 只有八个月。
J: And how far apart are they coming? J:宫缩的频率是怎样?
C: I don't know. I think it just happened. C: 我不知道,我刚发现。
Man: Hey! Hey! Hey, get away from -- Man: 嘿!嘿!嘿!离那儿远点!
JJA: Now, 10 years ago, if we wanted to do that, we'd have to kill a stuntman . JJA: 好,10年前我们如果要拍这个,估计得弄死这哥们。
We'd actually -- (Laughter) (笑声)
it would be harder. It would take -- Take 2 would be a bitch . 那肯定很难拍,如果我喊重拍一次那简直是人渣。
So the amazing thing was, we were able to do this thing. 而现在,我们可以做到了!
And part of that was the amazing availability of technology , knowing we could do anything. I mean, we could never have done that. 除了技术上的先进, 知道我们可以做这个,我的意思是,我们以前不能。
availability:n.可用性;有效性;实用性; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
We might have been able to write it; we wouldn't have been able to depict it like we did. And so part of the amazing thing for me is in the creative process , technology is, like, mind-blowingly inspiring to me. 我们以前或许能写出剧本,但拍不出来。 所以对我而言,创新的过程很神奇。 技术的进步鼓舞着我,
depict:vt.描述;描画; creative:adj.创造性的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; mind-blowingly:引起幻觉地;使人兴奋地; inspiring:adj.鼓舞人心的;灌输的;v.鼓舞;激发;使感悟;(inspire的现在分词)
I realize that that blank page is a magic box. You know? 我意识到神秘盒子就像一页的空白,
It needs to be filled with something fantastic. 需要一些奇特的东西来填充它。
I used to have the "Ordinary People" script that I'd flip through. 我曾经想用”Ordinary People“的剧本,
script:n.剧本;电影剧本;笔迹;广播(或讲话等)稿;v.为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本; flip:n.浏览;空翻;轻抛;捻掷;v.迅速翻动;按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等);
The romance of the script was amazing to me; it would inspire me. 那爱情故事太美好,很鼓舞我,
romance:n.爱情;恋爱;风流韵事;传奇故事; inspire:v.激发;鼓舞;启示;产生;使生灵感;
I wanted to try and fill pages with the same kind of spirit and thought and emotion that that script did. 我想尝试用那些精神,想法以及情绪来 写出那些剧本。
So, that -- you know, I love Apple computers. I'm obsessed. 所以,你知道,我喜欢苹果电脑。我对它着迷。
So the Apple computer -- like those -- the PowerBook -- this computer right -- like, it challenges me. It basically says, you know, what are you going to write worthy of me? (Laughter) 所以苹果电脑 -- 像这台PowerBook笔记本 -- 这台计算机 这对我来说是个挑战。你知道。 我有什么好写的?(笑声)
worthy:adj.值得的; n.杰出人物;
I guess I feel this -- I'm compelled . 我有这种感觉-- 我是被迫的。
And I often am like, you know, dude , today I'm out. I got nothing. You know? (Laughter) 并且我经常是,你知道,哥们,我土憋了,我什么也没有。你知道吗?(笑声)
So there's that. In terms of the content of it, you look at stories, you think, well, what are stories but mystery boxes? 所以,按照它的内容来说,你看读这些故事的时候, 神秘的盒子之外故事是什么?
There's a fundamental question -- in TV, the first act is called the teaser . 这是一个基本的问题 -- 在电视里,第一个动作被叫做难题。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; teaser:n.戏弄者;强求者;
It's literally the teaser. It's the big question. 字面上叫难题。这是个大问题。
So you're drawn into it. Then of course, there's another question. And it goes on and on . 所以你去研究它。之后则是必然, 还有另一个问题,就是它会不断有续集出现。
on and on:继续不停地;
Look at, like, "Star Wars." You got the droids; they meet the mysterious woman. 看看,比如“星际迷航”,你会发现新机器人,他们遇到了神秘的妇人。
Who's that? We don't know. Mystery box! You know? 那是谁?我们不知道,神秘的盒子!知道吗?
Then you meet Luke Skywalker . He gets the Droid , you see the holographic image. 然后你会看到天行者.路克(Luke Skywalker),他得那了机器人,你看全息图像。
Skywalker:n.天行者(星球大战中的人物名); Droid:n.机器人; holographic:adj.全息的;全部手写的;
You learn, Oh, it's a message, you know. 你发现,哦,这是个讯息,你知道。
She wants to, you know, find Obi Wan Kenobi. He's her only hope. 她想要让你发现欧比旺(Obi Wan Kenobi),他是她唯一的希望。
But who the hell's Obi Wan Kenobi? Mystery box! 但谁是见鬼的欧比旺(Obi Wan Kenobi)? 神秘的盒子!
So then you go and he meets Ben Kenobi. Ben Kenobi is Obi Wan Kenobi. 所以你继续看然后他见到了班(Ben Kenobi)。班就是欧比旺。
Holy shit! You know -- so it keeps us -- 太牛X了!你知道--就是吸引着我们--
(Laughter) -- have you guys not seen that? (笑声)-- 你们就没有发现吗?
(Laughter) It's huge! Anyway -- (笑声) 它太明显了! 不管怎么说--
So there's this thing with mystery boxes that I started feeling, like, compelled. 因此我的神秘盒子让我开始感觉,像是被迫的感觉。
Then there's the thing of, like, mystery in terms of imagination -- the withholding of information. You know, doing that intentionally is much more engaging . 然后这样的事就像是,想像力的神秘-- 拒绝把信息给你。你知道, 故意去那样设计是为了让故事更迷人。
withholding:v.拒绝给;不给;(withhold的现在分词) intentionally:adv.故意地,有意地; engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词)
Whether it's like the shark in "Jaws" 就像是电影《大白鲨》里的鲨鱼一样
- if Spielberg's mechanical shark, Bruce, had worked, it would not be remotely as scary; you would have seen it too much. --如果斯皮尔伯格的机械鲨鱼Bruce当时可以使用, 它就不会离老远都很恐怖;你会花更多的时间看它
mechanical:adj.机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的; remotely:adv.遥远地;偏僻地;(程度)极微地,极轻地;
In "Alien", they never really showed the alien: terrifying ! 在《外星人》里,他们从来没直正给你看过外星人:太恐怖啦!
Even in a movie, like a romantic comedy , "The Graduate," 就算是在一部电影里,比如浪漫喜剧片《毕业生》
romantic:adj.浪漫的;爱情的;n.浪漫的人;耽于幻想的人; comedy:n.喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情;
they're having that date. Remember? 他们有那样的约会,还记得吗?
And they're in the car, and it's loud, and so they put the top up. 并且他们在车里,声音很大,所以他们开了顶棚。
They're in there -- you don't hear anything they're saying! You can't hear a word! 他们在那儿-- 你听不到任何他们说的话!你听不见一个字!
But it's the most romantic date ever. And you love it because you don't hear it. 但那却是最浪漫的约会,并且你爱看因为你什么也听不见。
So to me, there's that. 于是对我来讲,就是那种感觉。
And then, finally , there's this idea -- stretching the sort of paradigm a little bit -- but the idea of the mystery box. 最后,那就是这种想法-- 用一个例子展来来讲-- 这个神秘盒子的想法。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; stretching:v.拉长;撑大;有弹性;拉紧;拉直;(stretch的现在分词) paradigm:n.范例;词形变化表;
Meaning, what you think you're getting, then what you're really getting. 然后,你觉得你得到了什么,你真正得到了什么。
And it's true in so many movies and stories. 在这么多的电影和故事里。
And when you look at "E.T.," for example -- "E.T." is this, you know, unbelievable movie about what? It's about an alien who meets a kid. Right? 当你看〈外星人〉时,比如〈外星人〉这种 难以置信的电影是在讲什么? 它讲述的是外星人遇到一个小孩子对不对?
Well, it's not. "E.T" is about divorce . "E.T." is about a heartbroken , divorce-crippled family, and ultimately , this kid who can't find his way. 好吧,它不是,〈外星人〉是在讲离婚。〈外星人〉是讲了一个心碎的, 支离破碎的家庭,并且最终,这个孩子找不到他的路。
divorce:n.离婚;分离;v.与某人离婚;使分离; heartbroken:adj.悲伤的,伤心的; ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究;
'" Die Hard ," right? Crazy, great, fun, action-adventure movie in a building. 〈虎胆龙威〉对吧?疯狂,伟大,搞笑,动作冒险的大作。
Die Hard:na.壮烈牺牲;难断气;难绝灭;
It's about a guy who's on the verge of divorce. 讲的是一个面对离婚的男人。
on the verge of:濒临于;接近于;
He's showing up to LA, tail between his legs. 他夹着尾巴出现在洛杉矶。
There are great scenes -- maybe not the most amazing dramatic scenes in the history of time, but pretty great scenes. 那些是很棒的场景--也许不是历史长河里 最惊人的戏剧作品,但一定是非常非常棒的场景。
There's a half an hour of investment in character before you get to the stuff that you're, you know, expecting. 在你真正入戏之前,花半个小时在角色上 你知道,让你开始期待。
When you look at a movie like "Jaws," 当你看电影《大白鲨》的时候,
the scene that you're, that you expect -- we have the screen? 你期待的场景--我们看屏幕?
These are the kind of, you know, scenes that you remember and expect from "Jaws." 他们有点,你知道,《大白鲨》的这些场景给你造成了一种期望。
And she's being eaten; there's a shark. 她被吃掉了;那儿有条鲨鱼。
The thing about "Jaws" is, it's really about a guy who is sort of dealing with his place in the world -- with his masculinity , with his family, how he's going to, you know, make it work in this new town. 其实《大白鲨》真正讲的是一个男人 用他自己的方法跟世界沟通--大男子气概, 跟他的家庭沟通,他最后怎么样?你知道,在这个新城镇里吃的很香。
This is one of my favorite scenes ever, and this is a scene that you wouldn't necessarily think of when you think of "Jaws." 我最喜欢的一个场景, 就是当你去想像《大白鲨》你不会想到,
But it's an amazing scene. 但又很妙不可言的一个场景。
Father: C'mere. Give us a kiss. 父亲:来亲一亲。
Son: Why? 儿子:为什么?
Father: 'Cause I need it. 父亲:因为我想亲你。
JJA: C'mon. "Why? 'Cause I need it?" Best scene ever, right? JJA: 拜托,“为什么?因为我想亲你?” 最妙的场景,对吗?
Come on! So you think of "Jaws" -- so that's the kind of stuff that, like, you know, the investment of character, which is the stuff that really is inside the box. You know? 拜托!你觉得《大白鲨》-- 就是这一类的东西,你知道,角色的这些时间, 是你真正在盒子里的东西。你知道吗?
It's why when people, like, do sequels , or rip off movies, you know, of a genre , they're ripping off the wrong thing. 这就是为什么人们喜欢看续集或者外传,你知道,是一个类型的, 他们剽窃错误的事情。
sequels:(书,电影,戏剧等的)续篇,续集;结果;后续的事(sequel的复数); rip off:v.剥削;抢劫;强奸; genre:n.类型;种类;体裁;样式;流派;风俗画;adj.风俗画的;以日常情景为主题的; ripping:adj.极好的;美妙的;v.撕破,裂开;突然拉开;(rip的现在分词)
You're not supposed to rip off the shark or the monster . 你不应该去剽窃鲨鱼或者怪物。
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) monster:n.怪物;恶魔;庞然大物;adj.巨大的;
You gotta rip off -- you know, if you rip something off -- rip off the character. 你剽窃它,你知道,如果你剽窃一个角色。
rip something off:把某个东西撕碎;
Rip off the stuff that matters. I mean, look inside yourself and figure out what is inside you. 使用一些其它的东西,我是指,好好想想自己并且明白你心里想的是什么。
Because ultimately, you know, the mystery box is all of us. So there's that. 因为最后,你知道,神秘的盒子是我们所有人的。所以它在那儿。
Then the distribution . What's a bigger mystery box than a movie theater ? 然后是传播。比影院更大的神秘盒子是什么?
distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销; movie theater:n.电影院;
You know? You go to the theater, you're just so excited to see anything. 知道吗?你去影院的时候,你看什么东西都很兴奋。
The moment the lights go down is often the best part, you know? 灯光暗下的那一该往往是最好的时刻,知道吗?
And you're full of that amazing -- that feeling of excited anticipation . 你会充满那种惊人的-- 参与其中的兴奋的感觉。
And often, the movie's, like, there and it's going, and then something happens and you go, "Oh--" and then something else, and you're, "Mmm." 然后,这电影开始,然后一些情节发生, 然后你入戏,“哦~~” 然后其它情节跟上,你说“嗯嗯~~”
Now, when it's a great movie, you're along for the ride 'cause you're willing to give yourself to it. 如果是一个很棒的电影,你会很入戏 因为你希望入戏。
So to me, whether it's that, whether it's a TV, an iPod, computer, cell phone. 对我来说都一样,不管是在电视,Ipod,电脑还是手机上。
It's funny, I'm an -- as I said , Apple fanatic -- and one day, about a year or so ago, 搞笑的是,我是一个苹果迷--一年前的某个早晨,
as I said:正如我所说的 fanatic:n.狂热入迷者;盲信者;盲信;adj.狂热的;盲信的;
I was signing on online in the morning to watch Steve Jobs' keynote , 'cause I always do. And he came on, he was presenting the video iPod, and what was on the enormous iPod behind him? 我正上网去看乔布斯的主题演讲, 因为我一直看他的主题演讲。然后他出来了,他展示了Ipod的视频, 猜他身后的很多iPod上放的是什么东西?
'"Lost"! I had no idea! And I realized, holy shit, it'd come full circle . 《迷失》 我不知道!然后我发现,太牛X了,它会周而复始的出新产品。
come full circle:绕了一圈;"come/gofullcircle"的变体;周而复始;回到原地;兜了一圈;
Like, the inspiration I get from the technology is now using the stuff that I do, inspired by it, to sell technology. I mean, it's nuts! (Laughter) 就像是,我从技术上的灵感就是从现有的东西得到的, 它激励我,去卖技术。我是指,很疯狂!(笑声)
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
I was gonna show you a couple of other things I'm gonna skip through. 我要给你看一些其它的东西,把这段略去。
I just want to show you one other thing that has nothing to do with anything. 我只是想让你看另一个东西,和任何事都没啥关联。
This is something online; I don't know if you've seen it before. 这是在线的一个视频;我不知道你以前看过没有。
Six years ago they did this. This is an online thing done by guys who had some visual effects experience. But the point was, that they were doing things that were using these mystery boxes that they had -- everyone has now. 他们6年前做的这视频。这个在线视频是被一些 有些视觉效果经验的人用计算机做出来的。 这点上来讲,他们在使用的神秘的盒子-- 每个人现在都拥有。
What I realize is what my grandfather did for me when I was a kid, everyone has access to now. 但我意识到我爷爷在我小时候给我做。 现在每个人都能用到了。
You don't need to have my grandfather, though you wished you had. 即使你希望,但你不是非得有这样的爷爷。
But I have to tell you -- this is a guy doing stuff on a Quadra 950 computer 但我告诉你,他当时还玩Quadra 950电脑。
- the resolution's a little bit low -- using Infinity software they stopped making 15 years ago. 分辨率有点低-- 使用15年前就停止销售的infinity 软件。
He's doing stuff that looks as amazing as stuff I've seen released from Hollywood. 他做的东西看起来相当酷,我看到在好莱坞发布。
The most incredible sort of mystery, I think, is now the question of what comes next. 最难以置信的神秘,我觉得,是下一个问题。
Because it is now democratized . So now, the creation of media is -- it's everywhere. 因为它是民主化的。现在,媒体无处不在。
democratized:vt.使民主化;使大众化;vi.民主化;大众化; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
The stuff that I was lucky and begging for to get when I was a kid is now ubiquitous . 我很幸运并且我小时候想得到的东西现在无处不在。
And so, there's an amazing sense of opportunity out there. 于是,那是最令人惊奇的事情.
And when I think of the filmmakers who exist out there now who would have been silenced, you know -- who have been silenced in the past -- it's a very exciting thing. 当我想我是电影制作人,以后会保持安静。 你知道--过去电影制作人都很安静。 这是非常令人兴奋的事情。
I used to say in classes and, you know, lectures and stuff, that -- to someone who wants to write, "Go! Write! Do your thing." It's free, you know, you don't need permission to go write. But now I can say, "Go make your movie!" There's nothing stopping you from going out there and getting the technology. 我过去常在班里说,你知道,讲座和材料, --对想写作的人“去!写去!做你的事。” 多自由, 你知道,你不需要批准才去写作。但现在我可以说, “去做一个电影!” 没能东西能阻止你 从外拍到使用相关的技术。
You can lease, rent, buy stuff off the shelf that is either as good, or just as good, as the stuff that's being used by the, you know, quote unquote " legit people." 你可以租,借,买… 那相当不错,这些东西被使用为,你知道, 加引号的合法人士。
quote unquote:引述引文结束;者引述旁白;流行英语; legit:adj.合法的;n.正统剧;正统剧院;
No community is best served when only the elite have control. 最好的服务不是给社区,而仅仅提供给懂得克制的精英。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; elite:n.精英;精华;杰出人物;
And I feel like this is an amazing opportunity to see what else is out there. 这是一个特别好的机会出现看看别人。
When I did " Mission : Impossible III," we had amazing visual effects stuff. 当我完成《碟中谍3》的时候,我们有很令人吃惊的视觉特效。
ILM did the effects; it was incredible. ILM做的特效;那效果真难以置信!
And sort of like my dream to be involved . 有点像我的一个梦。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
And there are a couple of sequences in the movie, like these couple of moments I'll show you. 这个电影里有一连串的镜头, 我给你看看。
There's that. 这就是,
Okay, obviously I have an obsession with big crazy explosions . 好吧,很显然我对疯狂大爆炸很困惑。
So my favorite visual effect in the movie is the one I'm about to show you. 现在我们看我在这部电影中最喜欢的特效。
And it's a scene in which Tom's character wakes up. He's drowsy . He's crazy 是汤姆克鲁斯醒来的镜头。他被麻醉了。
- out of it. And the guy wakes up, and he shoves this gun in his nose and shoots this little capsule into his brain that he's going to use later to kill him, as bad guys do. 然后这哥们把他弄醒, 他要用气钉枪塞到他的鼻子里,然后把胶囊射到他的脑子里。 之后Tom用这玩意把那哥们干掉了,就像坏蛋一样。
shoves:vt.挤;强使;撞;猛推;n.推;挤; capsule:n.太空舱;荚;航天舱;(装药物的)胶囊;adj.简略的;小而结实的;v.节略;
Bad Guy: Good morning. 坏蛋:早上好。
JJA: OK, now. When we shot that scene, we were there doing it, the actor who had the gun, an English actor, Eddie Marsan -- sweetheart , great guy JJA: 好吧,现在,当我们拍开枪的场景时,我们做的是, 这个拿枪的英国演员,叫Eddie Marsan--热心肠的好男人
- he kept taking the gun and putting it into Tom's nose, and it was hurting Tom's nose. 他拿着这把枪并放汤姆克鲁斯的鼻子里,然后弄疼了汤姆克鲁斯的鼻子。
And I learned this very early on in my career : don't hurt Tom's nose. (Laughter) 在我职业生涯的早期我就学过:千万别弄伤汤姆克鲁斯的鼻子。(笑声)
There are three things you don't want to do. Number two is: Don't hurt Tom's nose. 有三件事情绝对不能干。第二条就是:别弄伤汤姆克鲁斯的鼻子。
So Eddie has this gun -- and he's the greatest guy -- he's, like, this really sweet English guy. He's like: "Sorry, I don't want to hurt you." 所以Eddie拿着这把枪-- 他也是个好人--他就像 非常贴心的英国男人。他说:“抱歉,我不想伤害你。”
I'm like -- you gotta -- we have to make this look good. 我说--你知道--我们不得不让电影看起来更逼真一些。
And I realized that we had to do something 'cause it wasn't working just as it was. 我意识到我们必须做一些事情来让这个场景更真实。
And I literally, like, thought back to what I would have done using the Super 8 camera that my grandfather got me sitting in that room, and I realized that hand didn't have to be Eddie Marsan's. It could be Tom's. 于是我认真的想我们应该怎么去拍 用这种爷爷用的Super 8大相机 然后我意识到,不一样非得是Eddie Marsan的手去握枪。也可以是汤姆克鲁斯的。
And Tom would know just how hard to push the gun. He wouldn't hurt himself. 然后汤姆克鲁斯非常用力的拿着枪。他当然不会伤害自己。
So we took his hand and we painted it to look a little bit more like Eddie's. 于是我们把他的手画的更像Eddie的手。
We put it in Eddie's sleeve , and so the hand that you see -- I'll show you again, that's not Eddie's hand, that's Tom's. 又把他放在Eddie的袖子里, 所以你现在看到的手--我再给你放一下, 不是Eddier的手,那是汤姆克鲁斯的。
So Tom is playing two roles. (Laughter) 所以汤姆克鲁斯演了两个角色。(笑声)
And he didn't ask for any more money. 并且他并没有要求多付钱。
So here, here. Watch it again. 这里这里,我们再看一遍。
There he is. He's waking up. He's drowsy, been through a lot. 这就是他。从昏迷中醒来,昏昏欲睡,受了很多折磨。
Tom's hand. Tom's hand. Tom's hand. (Laughter) Anyway. 汤姆克鲁斯的手,汤姆克鲁斯的手。(笑声)
So. 所以,
Thanks. 谢谢。
So you don't need the greatest technology to do things that can work in movies. 在电影中你不需要用伟大最牛的技术去实现。
And the mystery box, in honor of my grandfather, stays closed. 还有神秘的盒子,为纪念我的爷爷,仍然不会打开。
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢你。(掌声)