

From all outward appearances , 从所有的表象上
outward:n.外表; adj.表面的; v.同"outwards.outwardandhomeward"; appearances:n.露面;外观;出现;表面的迹象[征兆];(appearance的复数)
John had everything going for him. 约翰是事事顺心的
He had just signed the contract to sell his New York apartment at a six-figure profit , and he'd only owned it for five years. 他刚刚签下了售出 他纽约住宅而带来 6位数利润的合同 他只用了5年的时间就做到了
contract:v.收缩;感染;订约;n.合同;婚约; profit:n.利润;利益;v.获利;有益;
The school where he graduated from with his master's had just offered him a teaching appointment , which meant not only a salary, but benefits for the first time in ages. 他硕士毕业的学校 刚刚提供给他一个教书的职位 这代表的,不仅仅是工资, 还有随之而来的各种福利。
And yet, despite everything going really well for John, he was struggling, fighting addiction and a gripping depression . 然而,尽管对于约翰来说事事顺心 但是他却在挣扎 与毒瘾和严重的抑郁症在战斗
despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; addiction:n.瘾;嗜好;入迷; gripping:adj.激动人心的; v.紧抓; (grip的现在分词) depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁;
On the night of June 11th, 2003, he climbed up to the edge of the fence on the Manhattan Bridge and he leaped to the treacherous waters below. 2003年6月11日,夜 他跨过了 曼哈顿大桥边缘的围栏 跳进了下方危险的激流中
leaped:v.跳跃;急速移动;剧增;突然移动; treacherous:adj.奸诈的,叛逆的,背叛的;危险的;不牢靠的;
Remarkably -- no, miraculously -- he lived. 不可思议般的-- 不是,是奇迹般的 -- 他生还了。
Remarkably:adv.非常;极为;格外;出乎意料地 miraculously:adv.奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地;
The fall shattered his right arm, broke every rib that he had, punctured his lung, and he drifted in and out of consciousness as he drifted down the East River, under the Brooklyn Bridge 坠落的力度粉碎了他的右臂 打断了他所有的肋骨 刺穿了他的肺部 当他的意识时有时无 他顺流漂到东河 直到布鲁克林大桥下
shattered:adj.受到严重打击的; v.(使)破碎,碎裂; (shatter的过去式和过去分词) rib:n.肋骨; v.嘲笑; punctured:v.在…上扎孔;刺破;挫伤;(puncture的过去分词和过去式) drifted:v.漂流;漂移;缓缓移动;缓慢行走;(drift的过去分词和过去式) consciousness:n.意识;知觉;觉悟;感觉;
and out into the pathway of the Staten Island Ferry, where passengers on the ferry heard his cries of pain, contacted the boat's captain who contacted the Coast Guard who fished him out of the East River and took him to Bellevue Hospital. 到了史泰登岛渡轮的入船口 渡轮上的乘客 听到了他痛苦的叫喊 报告了船长 船长报告了海岸巡逻队 巡逻队把他从东河打捞了起来 并安置到了贝尔维医院
pathway:n.路,道;途径,路径; Staten:n.斯塔恩(岛); contacted:v.联系,联络(如用电话或信件)(contact的过去分词和过去式) Bellevue:n.贝尔维尤;
And that's actually where our story begins. 这事实上就是估计开始地方
Because once John committed himself to putting his life back together -- first physically, then emotionally , and then spiritually -- he found that there were very few resources available to someone who has attempted to end their life in the way that he did. 因为一旦约翰决心把自己 拉回到原来的生活的时候 -- 起先生理上的,然后心理上的, 接着精神上的 -- 他发现只有极少的可用资源 来帮助那些像他一样曾经尝试 自杀的人
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式) emotionally:adv.感情上;情绪上;令人激动地;情绪冲动地; spiritually:adv.在精神上地; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); attempted:adj.未遂的;v.努力;尝试;试图;(attempt的过去分词和过去式) in the way:妨碍;挡道;
Research shows that 19 out of 20 people who attempt suicide will fail. 研究显示 20个试图自杀的人中 有19个 会失败
But the people who fail are 37 times more likely to succeed the second time. 但是失败的人 有37倍的可能性 第二次自杀成功
This truly is an at-risk population with very few resources to support them. 不可否认 这是一群高危人士 但却只有很少的资源去支撑他们
And what happens when people try to assemble themselves back into life, because of our taboos around suicide, we're not sure what to say, and so quite often we say nothing. 当他们试着 回到原有的生活的时候 因为我们的自杀所带来的禁忌 我们不确定应该说什么 很多时候我们选择沉默
assemble:vt.集合,聚集;装配;收集;vi.集合,聚集; taboos:n.禁忌(taboo的复数形式);v.禁忌(taboo的第三人称单数形式);
And that furthers the isolation that people like John found themselves in. 未来像约翰这类人 就会发现他们被孤立了
I know John's story very well because I'm John. 我十分了解约翰的故事 因为我就是约翰
And this is, today, the first time in any sort of public setting 今天 是我第一次
I've ever acknowledged the journey that I have been on. 在公共场合 讲述我的经历
But after having lost a beloved teacher in 2006 and a good friend last year to suicide, and sitting last year at TEDActive, 但是2006年失去了一位敬爱的师长 和去年自杀的好友之后 在目睹了去年TEDActive活动之后
I knew that I needed to step out of my silence and past my taboos to talk about an idea worth spreading -- and that is that people who have made the difficult choice to come back to life need more resources and need our help. 我认识到我需要打破我的沉默 无视我的禁忌 讲述一个值得传播的想法 就是对于那些 作出困难选择的人来说 回到过去的生活 需要更多的资源以及我们的帮助
As the Trevor Project says, it gets better. 正如特雷弗项目所提倡的:一切都会好起来的
It gets way better. 会变得更好的
And I'm choosing to come out of a totally different kind of closet today to encourage you, to urge you, that if you are someone who has contemplated or attempted suicide, or you know somebody who has, talk about it; get help. 今天我选择述说 一个完全不同的人生 来鼓励大家,来力劝大家 如果你们中有谁 正计划或者试图自杀 或者你知道有谁想的话 说出来,寻求援助
closet:n.贮藏室;壁橱adj.隐藏(身份等)的;v.把…关在房间里; contemplated:v.考虑;思量;深思熟虑;沉思;(contemplate的过去式和过去分词)
It's a conversation worth having and an idea worth spreading. 这是一个值得讨论的话题 也是一个值得传播的想法
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)