

There are no bad buttons, there are only bad people. 没有不好的扣子,只有不好的人。
How does that sound? OK? 那听起来真么样?可以吗?
[Small thing.] “小物件”
[Big idea.] “大想法”
[Isaac Mizrahi on the Button] “Issac Mizrahi 谈纽扣”
No one knows who invented the button. 没有人知道是谁发明了纽扣。
It might have shown up as early as 2,000 BCE. 早在公元2000年前纽扣就有可能出现了。
It was decorative when it first started, just something pretty sewn onto your clothes. 开始时它是用于装饰的, 就是一种缝在衣服上好看的东西。
decorative:adj.装饰性的;装潢用的; sewn:v.缝纫,缝上;装订(sew的过去分词);
Then about 3,000 years later, someone finally invented the buttonhole , and buttons were suddenly useful. 大概3000年以后, 人们最终发明了扣眼, 然后纽扣就突然有利用价值了。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; buttonhole:n.扣眼;钮孔;vt.强迫听或谈;
The button and the buttonhole is such a great invention. 纽扣和扣眼是伟大的发明。
Not only does it slip through the buttonhole, but then it kind of falls into place, and so you're completely secure, like it's never going to open. 不仅纽扣可以滑入扣眼, 而且还固定在位。 因此你会感到很有安全感, 就像它永远不会敞开一样。
The design of a button hasn't changed much since the Middle Ages . 从中世纪以来,纽扣的设计 并没有发生多么大的变化。
Middle Ages:n.中世纪(欧洲历史上从公元1000年到1450年);
It's one of the most enduring designs in history. 这是历史上经久不衰的设计之一。
For me, the best buttons are usually round. 对我来说, 最好的纽扣是圆的。
There's either a dome button with a little shank , or there's just this sort of round thing with either a rim or not a rim, either two holes or four holes. 不管是带有小柄的 钟形纽扣, 亦或是这样圆的带边或不带边的, 有两个洞或四个洞的。
dome:n.圆屋顶;vi.成圆顶状;vt.加圆屋顶于…上; shank:n.柄;小腿;[解剖][脊椎]胫; rim:n.边,边缘;轮辋;圆圈;vi.作…的边,装边于;vt.作…的边,装边于;
Almost more important than the button is the buttonhole. 比纽扣更为重要的是扣眼。
And the way you figure that out is: the diameter of the button plus the width of the button, plus a little bit of ease. 你可以通过以下方式知道扣眼长度: 扣子的直径和厚度, 再留上一点儿空隙。
diameter:n.直径;对径;放大率;放大倍数; width:n.宽度;广度;某一宽度的材料;(游泳池两长边之间的)池宽;
Before buttons, clothes were bigger -- they were more kind of amorphous , and people, like, wriggled into them or just kind of wrapped themselves in things. 在扣子出现以前 衣服都显得很大—— 他们就是一些没有形状的东西, 人们就转进衣服里去, 或者将他们缠在身上。
amorphous:adj.无定形的;无组织的;[物]非晶形的; wriggled:vi.蠕动;蜿蜒而行;vt.使蠕动;蠕动到;不知不觉地潜入;n.蠕动;扭动; wrapped:adj.极高兴的;十分满意的;v.用…包裹;用…缠绕;(wrap的过去分词和过去式)
But then fashion moved closer to the body as we discovered uses for the button. 当我们开始使用扣子的时候, 时尚悄悄的接近我们身体。
At one time , it was the one way to make clothes fit against the body. 一时间,纽扣可以让衣服更合身。
At one time:曾经,一度;同时;
I think the reason buttons have endured for so long, historically , is because they actually work to keep our clothes shut. 我认为,纵观历史, 纽扣之所以经久不衰, 是因为它能够 扣住我们的衣服。
endured:v.忍耐;忍受;持续;持久;(endure的过去分词和过去式) historically:adv.历史上地;从历史观点上说;
Zippers break; 拉链会坏;
Velcro makes a lot of noise, and it wears out after a while. 粘扣有噪音,并且 用一阵子后也会坏。
If a button falls off, you just literally sew that thing on. 如果扣子掉了, 你把他们缝上就好了。
A button is kind of there for the long run. 扣子的发明就是 为了长久使用的。
It's not just the most elemental design ever, it's also such a crazy fashion statement . 它不仅是最基本的设计 也宣告了一个时尚风潮的开始。
elemental:adj.基本的;主要的;自然力的;四大要素的(土,水,气,火); fashion statement:n.时尚宣言(为引人注目而穿戴或拥有的奇装异服);
When I was a kid, my mom knit me this beautiful sweater. 我小时候,我母亲 给我织了这件漂亮的外套。
I didn't like it. 我不喜欢它。
And then I found these buttons, and the minute the buttons were on the sweater, I loved it. 但是我发现了这些纽扣, 当毛衣缝上了纽扣, 我立马就喜欢上它了。
If you don't have good taste and you can't pick out a button, then let someone else do it, you know? 如果你没什么品味 你也不会挑选纽扣, 那就让懂行的帮助你吧,你明白吗?
I mean that. 我就是那个意思。