

I have, like, a thing about sleeping. 我,好像,对睡觉有点看法。
I don't sleep that much, and I've come to this thing about, like, not sleeping much as being a great virtue , after years of kind of battling it as being a terrible detriment , or something. 我睡得不是很多。 而我已经把睡得少这件事 视为一个很大的美德,经过多年 的思想斗争,因为我一度认为睡眠不足是有害健康的。
virtue:n.美德;优点;贞操;功效; detriment:n.损害;伤害;损害物;
And now I really like sort of sitting up, you know. 而现在我在某种程度上真的很喜欢坐着熬夜,你知道。
But for years I've been sitting up and I think that, like, my creativity is greatly motivated by this kind of insomnia . 但是这么多年,我都这么坐着熬夜, 我想大概我的创造力在很大程度上是被这种失眠症所激发出来的。
greatly:adv.很,大大地;非常; motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机; insomnia:n.失眠症,失眠;
I lie awake. I think thoughts. I walk aimlessly . 我清醒的躺着,我考虑各种想法,我漫步目的的走着。
Sometimes I used to walk more at night. 有时候,我很习惯在夜里散布。
I walk during the day and I follow people who I think look interesting. 在白天走路,而且跟着那些看起来很有趣的人。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And sometimes -- actually, once it was on Page Six in The Post, that I was cruising this guy, like, sort of, whatever, but I was actually just following because he had these really great shoes on. 而有时候--事实上,曾经登载The Post的第六页上, 像是在跟踪这个男的,不管怎样, 而我跟着他的真正原因是他穿着一双真的很好的鞋。
And so I was following this guy. 所以我就跟着这个男的。
And I took a picture of his shoes, and we thanked each other and just went on our way. 然后给他的鞋子照了一张相, 还互相握了手然后就各走各的了。
But I do that all the time. 而我一直都是这个样子的。
As a matter of fact , I think a lot of my design ideas come from mistakes and tricks of the eye. 事实上,我想很多我的设计理念 都来自于错误和眼睛造成的错觉。
As a matter of fact:事实上;
Because I feel like, you know, there are so many images out there, so many clothes out there. 因为我觉得好像,你知道,到处都有很多画面 到处都有很多服装。
And the only ones that look interesting to me are the ones that look slightly mistaken , of course, or very, very surprising. 而仅有的那些让我感兴趣的 就是看起来好像有点错的,当然, 或者非常非常令人惊叹的。
slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地; mistaken:adj.错误;不正确;被误解的;v.弄错;误解;误会;(mistake的过去分词)
And often, I'm driving in a taxi and I see a hole in a shirt, or something that looks very interesting or pretty or functional in some way that I'd never seen happen before. 而且经常,我在出租车里, 看到衬衫的一个洞,或者别的什么东西, 那看起来很有趣,或者说好看或者很实用的设计 从某种意思上我以前从来没有见过。
And so I'd make the car stop, and I'd get out of the car and walk, and see that in fact there wasn't a hole, but it was trick of my eye, it was a shadow, you know. 于是我让车停下来,然后下了车走路, 后来发现实际上没有洞,而仅仅是眼睛的错觉, 那不过是一个影子,你知道。
Or if there was a hole I'd think like, oh damn , there was actually someone thought of that thought already. 我又想或者真的是有一个洞,啊完了, 已经有人想到过这个想法了。
Someone made that mistake already so I can't do it anymore. 有人已经犯了那样的错,所以我不能再那么做了。
I don't know where inspiration comes from. 我不知道灵感是从哪里来的。
It does not come for me from research. 对于我来说,它不来自于研究。
I don't get necessarily inspired by research. 我不必需要研究来激发我的灵感。
necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
As a matter of fact, one of the most fun things 事实上,最好笑的一件事,
I've ever, ever done in my whole life, was this Christmas season at the Guggenheim in New York. 我曾经,曾经在我整个生命里做过的, 是在圣诞节期间在纽约的古根海姆
I read Peter and the Wolf with this beautiful band from Juilliard. 我在来自朱利亚德的完美乐团的陪伴下读了比特和狼
And I did like, you know, the narrator , and I read it. 你知道,我像一个讲述者一样,读了它。
And I saw this really smart critic who I love. 我发现了这个我喜欢的极其聪明的评论家
This woman, Joan Acocella, who's a friend of mine, and she came backstage and she said, oh, you know, Isaac, did you know that, talking about Stalinism, and talking about, you know, like the '30s in Russia. 这个女的叫琼 艾克希拉,我的一个朋友, 她来到后台,说 哦,你知道, 艾萨克,你知道吗,说道斯大林主义, 还提到,你知道,大概三十年代的俄国。
And I said, how do I know about Stalinism? 我说,我怎么可能是到斯大林主义呢?
I know about a wolf and a bird and, you know, he ate the bird, and then in the end you hear, you know, you hear the bird squeaking , or something, you know? 我知道哦一只狼和一只鸟,你知道, 他把鸟吃了,然后最后你也听到,你知道, 你听到鸟吱吱的叫,或者别的什么,你知道?
So I don't really know that. I don't really -- actually I do my own kind of research, you know. 所以我不是很清楚那个,真的不是很清楚-- 事实上我会做我自己独特的研究,你知道,
If I'm commissioned to do the costumes for an 18th-century opera , or something like that, 如果我受托为18世纪的歌剧或者别的类似的场合做服装,
commissioned:adj.受委任的;v.正式委托;任命…为军官;(commission的过去式和过去分词) costumes:n.服装,装束; v.给(某人)穿上特殊服装; (costume的第三人称单数和复数) opera:n.歌剧;歌剧院;歌剧艺术;歌剧剧本;
I will do a lot of research, because it's interesting, not because it's because what I'm supposed to do. 我会做很多研究,因为那样很有趣, 不是因为那是我应该做的才去做。
I'm very, very, very inspired by movies. 电影特别,特别,特别能激起我的灵感。
The color of movies and the way light makes the colors, light from behind the projection , or light from the projection , makes the colors look so impossible. 电影里的颜色以及灯光照亮颜色的方式, 来自放映机后面的光线, 或者来自于放映机本身的光线,让这些色彩看起来这么的不真实。
And anyway, roll this little clip , I'll just show you. 不管怎么说,放一下这个小片段,给你们看看,
I sit up at night and I watch movies and I watch women in movies a lot. 我在晚上坐着看电影, 在电影里经常观察女人。
And I think about, you know, their roles, and about you have to like watch what your daughters look at. 我会思考,你知道,她们的角色, 你也要试着喜欢看你女儿看的电影。
Because I look at the way women are portrayed all the time. 因为我总是会去观察描绘女人的方式
Whether they're kind of glorified in this way, or whether they're kind of, you know, ironically glorified. 不管是对她们是赞美, 或者,你知道,对她们是具有讽刺意味的赞美。
glorified:adj.吹捧的;美化的;v.吹捧;美化;颂扬;(glorify的过去式和过去分词) ironically:adv.讽刺地;说反话地;
or whether they're, you know, sort of denigrated , or ironically denigrated. 或者她们,你知道,在某种程度上被诋毁,或者讥讽地毁谤。
I go back to color all the time. 我永远都会再回到色彩上来。
Color is something that motivates me a lot 色彩是非常能激发我灵感的事物。
It's rarely color that I find in nature, although, you know, juxtaposed next to artificial color natural color is so beautiful. 我在自然界中很难发现的色彩, 尽管,你知道,与人造色并列在一起 自然的颜色是如此的美丽。
rarely:adv.很少地;难得;罕有地; juxtaposed:v.并列(juxtapose的过去式); artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的;
So that's what I do. I study color a lot. 所以那就是我做的。我对色彩做了很多研究
But for the most part , I think, like, how can I ever make anything that is as beautiful as that image of Natalie Wood? 但是大部分时间,我想,似乎,我怎么可能做出 像娜塔莉伍德的画面那样美丽的事物呢?
for the most part:adv.在极大程度上,多半; Natalie:n.纳塔莉;[女名]女子名;
How can I ever make anything as beautiful as Greta Garbo ? 我怎么可能做出想葛瑞塔 嘎博那么美丽的事物呢?
I mean, that's just not possible, you know. 我的意思是,那是不可能的,你知道。
And so that's what makes me lie awake at night, I guess, you know. 所以那就是让我在夜里躺着不睡的原因吧,我猜,你知道。
I want to show you -- I'm also like a big -- 我想给你们看看--我也想一个大--
I go to astrologers and tarot card readers often, and that's another thing that motivates me a lot. 我常常会去找占星家和塔罗牌算命者。 那也是另一件激发我灵感的事。
astrologers:n.占星家(astrologer的复数形式); tarot:n.塔罗纸牌(共78张牌,其中大阿尔克纳牌22张,小阿尔克纳牌56张);
People say, oh, do that. And astrologer tells me to do something. 人们说,噢,做那个。而占星家告诉我做一些事。
So I do it. 所以我做了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
When I was about 21, an astrologer told me that I was going to meet the man of my dreams, and that his name was going to be Eric, right? 我21岁的时候,一个占星家告诉我 我会遇到我梦寐的男人 而他的名字将会是艾瑞克,是吗?
So, you know, for years I would go to bars and sort of anyone I met who's name was Eric 所以,你知道,很多年我都应该到酒吧 然后我遇到的任何叫艾瑞克的人
I was humping immediately, or something. 我都会立即XX一下或者什么的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And there were times when I was actually so desparate 有时候我实际上是很绝望的
I would just, you know, walk into a room and just go like, Eric. 我会就,你知道,走进一间房然后就喊“艾瑞克”
And anybody who would turn around I would, sort of, make a beeline for. 然后任何回头看的人,我差不多都会径直走过去。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I had this really interesting tarot reading a long time ago. 很久以前我有这么一个读塔罗牌的有趣经历
The last card he pulled, which was representing my destiny was this guy on like a straw boater with a cane and you know, sort of spats and this, you know, a minstrel singer, right? 他最后拉出来的卡,代表我的命运 画着一个戴草帽,拿手杖的男人 脚上带着类似鞋罩的东西,像一个吟游诗人
representing:v.代表;维护…的利益;等于;相当于;(represent的现在分词) destiny:n.命运,定数,天命; straw:n.稻草; adj.稻草的; boater:n.硬草帽;乘船的人; cane:n.手杖;藤条;细长的茎;v.以杖击;以藤编制; spats:n.护脚;争执(spat的复数);v.溅;轻打;争吵(spat的第三人称单数); minstrel:n.歌手,艺人;吟游诗人;
I want to show you this clip because I do this kind of crazy thing where I do a cabaret act. 我想想大家展示一个片子,因为我在做歌舞表演的时候 做了这样疯狂的事
So actually, check this out. 看一下就知道了
Very embarrassing . 很丢脸的。
embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词)
(Video): Thank you. We can do anything you ask. (视频):谢谢,我们能做一切你要求的事情
The name of the show is based on this story that I have to tell you about my mother. 这个节目的名字是源于这样一个故事, 是关于我母亲的,给你们讲讲。
It's sort of an excerpt from a quote of hers. 从某种程度上来说像是出自自她说的话。
excerpt:n.摘录,引用;vt.引用,摘录;vi.摘录,引用; quote:v.引用;报价;举例说明;开价;为(企业的股份)上市;n.引用;
I was dating this guy, right? 那时候我在和一个男的约会。
And this has to do with being happy, I swear. 只是因为和他在一起很开心,我发誓。
I was dating this guy and it was going on for about a year, right. 我和他交往了差不多持续了一年
And we were getting serious, so we decided to invite them all to dinner, our parents. 我们彼此都很认真。 所以我们决定请我们的父母一起共进晚餐。
And we, you know, sort of introduced them to each other. 我们就,介绍他们互相认识。
My mother was, sort of, very sensitive to his mother, who it seemed was a little bit skeptical about whole alternative lifestyle thing. 我母亲对于他的母亲有点太过敏感。 他母亲对于整个非主流的生活方式秉持着怀疑的态度。
sensitive:adj.敏感的;感觉的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人; skeptical:adj.怀疑的;怀疑论的,不可知论的; alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择;
You know, homosexuality , right? 你知道,就是同性恋。
So my mother was a little offended . She turned to her and she said, "Are you kidding? They have the greatest life together. 所以我母亲感觉被冒犯了。她就转过去对着她说, “你是在开玩笑吗?他们是天生的一对。
They eat out, they see shows." 他们一起吃饭,一起看表演。”
They eat out, they see shows. 他们一起去吃饭,他们一起去表演。
(Laughter) (笑声)
That's the name of the show, they eat out, they -- that's on my tombstone when I die. 这就是这个节目的名字。他们一起去吃饭,他们-- 我死了以后就会在我的墓碑上刻这句话。
'"He ate out, he saw shows," right? “他曾经去吃饭,去看表演”,是吧
So in editing these clips , I didn't have the audacity to edit a clip of me singing at Joe's Pub. 在剪辑这个片子的时候,我没有这么厚的脸皮 去把我在Joe*s 酒吧里面唱歌的片段剪出来。
editing:v.编辑,校订(文章、书籍等);编选;(edit的现在分词) clips:n.夹子; v.夹住; audacity:n.大胆;厚颜无耻;
So you'll have to, like, go check it out and come see me or something. 所以你们可能得亲自去看我的表演
Because it's mortifying , and yet it feels ... 因为有点羞耻,而感觉像是...
I don't know how to put this. 我不知道怎么去形容这个。
I feel as little comfort as possible is a good thing, you know. 我觉得越不自在,反而是一件好事。
And at least, you know, in my case, because if I just do one thing all the time, 至少对于我来说是这样的, 因为,如果我一直都在做同一件事,
I don't know, I get very, very bored . I bore very easily. 我不知道,我就会非常非常的无聊。我很容易变得无聊。
And you know, I don't say that I do everything well, 我不是在说我能把每一件事都做好。
I just say that I do a lot of things, that's all. 我只是说我会做很多的事,仅此而已。
And I kind of try not to look back, you know. 我会试图不去回顾以前的事。
Except, I guess, that's what staying up every night is about. 除非...我猜,我每晚不睡觉就是为了这个,
Like, looking back and thinking, what a fool you made of yourself, you know. 像,回顾和思考,你把你自己变得如此的傻逼。
But I guess that's okay. Right? 但是我想这还是可以的吧,是吧?
Because if you do many things you get to feel lousy about everything, and not just one, you know. 因为如果你做很多事, 你就会对每一件事都感到糟糕, 而且不是只有一件。
You don't master feeling lousy about one thing. 你不会精通于对一件事感到恼人的。
Yeah, exactly. 是的,确实是这样的。
I will show you this next thing, speaking of costumes for operas . 接下来我给你们看看这个, 说到歌剧的服饰
I do work with different choreographers . 我和很多不同的编舞家合作过。
I work with Twyla Tharp a lot, and I work with Mark Morris a lot, who is one of my best friends. 像是Twyla,Tharp,很多 还和马克莫瑞斯合作了很多, 他是我最好的朋友之一。
And I designed three operas with him. 我和他一起设计了三部歌剧。
And the most recent one, "King Arthur." 最近的这个是,“亚瑟王”
I'd been very ingrained in the dance world since I was a teenager. 我和舞蹈世界的渊源很深 我还是青少年的时候,
ingrained:adj.根深蒂固的; v.使根深蒂固(ingrain的过去分词形式);
I went to performing arts high school, where I was an actor. 我在高中读了演绎艺术 那时候我是个演员
performing arts:n.表演艺术;
And many of my friends were ballet dancers. 我很多的朋友都是芭蕾舞者
Again, I don't know where inspiration comes from. 我还是不是到灵感是从哪里来的。
I don't know where it comes from. 我不知道它从哪里就冒出来了。
I started making puppets when I was a kid. 我还是个小孩的时候我就开始做玩偶。
Maybe that's where the whole inspiration thing started from, puppets, right. 可能那就是我灵感开始的地方,玩偶!
And then performing arts high school. 然后就是表演艺术高中
There I was in high school, meeting dancers and acting. 那时我在高中, 认识了一些舞者也做了表演。
And somehow , from there, I got interested in design. 不知道怎么的,从那时候开始我就着迷于设计。
I went to Parsons School of Design and then I began my career as a designer. 我去了帕森斯设计学院学习, 后来我就开始了我设计师的职业生涯。
Parsons:n.教区牧师;教士(parson的复数); career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
I don't really think of myself as a designer, 我不太认为自己是一个设计师。
I don't really think of myself necessarily as a fashion designer . 我也不太认为自己是一个时尚设计师。
fashion designer:n.时装设计师;
And frankly, I don't really know what to call myself. 坦白讲,我也不知道应该怎么称呼我自己。
I think of myself as a ... I don't know what I think of myself as. 我觉得自己是...我不知道我认为自己是做什么。
It's just that. 就这样咯
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I must say, this whole thing about being slightly bored all the time that is what -- I think that is a very important thing for a fashion designer. 但是我必须要说,老是觉得有点无聊这件事, 我想那是一件对于时尚设计师来说非常重要的事。
You always have to be slightly bored with everything. 你应该要去对每一件事都感到那么一点乏味。
And if you're not you have to pretend to be slightly bored with everything. 如果你不是,也要装着对每一件事都觉得有点乏味。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I am really a little bored with everything. 但是我是真的对每一件事都觉得有点乏味。
I always say to my partner, Marissa Gardini, who books everything -- she books everything and she makes everything happen. 我总是会对我的工作伙伴说--玛丽莎 嘎迪尼, 她会预订所有的事-- 她安排所有的事而且能把所有的事都办好。
And she makes all the deals. 所有的生意都是她打理的。
And I always tell her that I find myself with a lot of time on the computer bridge program. 我总是给她说,我发现我 花很多时间在电脑上玩桥牌
Too much time on computer bridge, which is, you know, like that's so ... somehow, like, about ten years ago 花太多时间在电脑桥牌上,就像, 太...不知道怎么的,像是十年前
I thought that the most unboring place in the world would be like a TV studio , like for a day show. Some kind of day talk show . 我想世界上最不无聊的地方 会是一个电视中心, 制作每天都会播出的节目,像是一些脱口秀。
studio:n.工作室;[广播][电视]演播室;画室;电影制片厂; talk show:n.脱口秀;
Because it's all of these things that I love all kind of in one place. 因为都是一些我喜欢的事情, 都放在了一个地方。
And if you ever get bored you can look at another thing, and do another thing and talk about it, right? 而且如果你觉得无聊了,你可以去看其他的事情 做其他的事,谈论它,是吧?
And so I had this TV show. 所以我就做了这个电视节目。
And that was a very, very, very big part of my process . 那是在我生涯中的一个非常,非常,非常重要的一部分。
Actually, could you roll the clip, please? 事实上,能放一下这个片子吗?谢谢
This is one of my favorite clips of Rosie. 这是我若斯的片子里我最喜欢的几部之一。
(Video) Isaac Mizrahi: We're back on the set. (视频)艾萨克 米兹拉稀:我们回到现场。
Hi there. 嗨,大家好。
Rosie O'Donnell: Hello Ben. 若斯 欧 唐娜:你好,本。
IM: Look how cute she looks with this, just a slick back. IM:看她梳个油头看起来有多可爱
slick:adj.光滑的; n.[机]平滑器; v.灵活地; v.使光滑;
Man: Her mother says, " Delish !" 男的:她妈妈说:“可口!”
IM: Ah, wow, delish. All right. So now where should I position myself? IM: 啊,哇噢,可口。好吧,现在我要坐在哪呢?
I want to stay out of the way. 我不要来碍事。
I don't want to be -- okay. Here we go. 我不想--好吧,我们开始吧。
Do you get nervous, Ashleigh? 你觉得紧张吗,阿希利?
Ashleigh: Doing what? 阿希利:紧张什么?
Cutting hair. 剪头发。
A: Cutting hair? Never, never. A:剪头发?从来不,从来不。
I don't think there was ever a day where I cut hair I was nervous. 我剪头从来没有一次紧张的。
You look so cute already, by the way . 你看起来已经很可爱了
by the way:顺便说一下;
You like it? All right. 你喜欢吗?好吧
Do you have a problem with looking cute? You want to look cute. 你不想看起来很可爱吗?你希望看起来很可爱吧。
ROD : Of course I want to look cute. ROD:当然,我希望看起来可爱啊。
IM: Just checking, because some people want to look, you know, aggressively ugly . IM: 只是确认一下,因为有的人希望看起来, 丑的吓人。
aggressively:adv.侵略地;攻击地;有闯劲地; ugly:adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的;
ROD: No, not me, no. ROD:不,我不。
IM: You read about all these people who have a lot of money and they have kids and the kids always end up somehow, like, really messed up, you know what I mean? IM: 你会读一些报道关于那些有钱人 他们有孩子,但是这些孩子总是最后都, 非常糟糕,你知道我的意思吧?
And there's got to be some way to do that, Rosie. 总会有解决的办法,若斯
Because just because if you're fabulously rich, and fabulously famous, does that mean you shouldn't have kids, because you know they're going to end up getting messed up? 因为仅仅因为你超级有钱,超级有名, 那就意味着你不能有孩子吗? 因为你知道他们的生活可能最后会一塌糊涂?
ROD: No, but it means that your priority has to be their well-being first, I think. ROD: 不,但是那意味着你要把 他们的幸福生活放在第一位,我想。
priority:n.优先;优先权;[数]优先次序;优先考虑的事; well-being:n.幸福;康乐;
But you have to make the decision for yourself. 但是你需要自己来做决定。
My kids are seven, who the hell knows. 我的孩子7岁,谁知道呢。
They're going to be like 14 and in rehab . 他们会不会14岁进戒毒所
And they're going to be playing this clip: "I'm such a good mother." 也许他们会观看这个片段。 “我是这么一个好妈妈。”
My God, this is the shortest I've ever had. 天哪,这是我剪得最短的一次。
IM: It looks good, yeah? IM:看起来不错,是吧?
A: I was going to ask you, you hair -- A:我正要问你,你的头发--
ROD: No! It's all right -- go crazy. ROD:不,挺好的--疯了。
IM: I feel like it needs to be a little closer down here. IM:我觉得这边需要下来一点。
A: Oh no, we're just staging, A:哦,不,我们会一步一步的来。
ROD: We're just staging it. ROD:我们正在分段。
IM: Are you freaking out? You look so cute. IM:你害怕吗?你看起来太可爱了。
ROD: No, I love it. It's the new me. ROD: 不,我喜欢这样,这是一个新的我。
IM: Oh, it's so fabulous! IM:噢,太棒了!
ROD: Flock of Rosie. Wooo! ROD:若斯的短毛,喔!
So by the way. Of all the most unboring things in the world, right. 所以,全是些最不无聊的事。
I mean, like making someone who's already cute look terrible like that. 我是说,像是把某些人本来已经很可爱了弄得很可怕。
That is not boring . That is nothing if it's not boring 那不无聊。这都不无聊,还有什么是有趣的事呢。
Actually, I read this great quote the other day , which was, "Style makes you feel great because it takes your mind off the fact that you're going to die." 有天我读到一句很好的话,说, ”时尚让人觉得很棒是因为它让你忘却你即将死去的这个现实。“
the other day:不久前某一天;几天以前;
Right? And then I realized, that was on my website, and then it said, like, you know, the quote was attributed to me and I thought, oh, I said something, you know, in an interview . 是吧?然后,我发现,那是我的网站, 上面写,这句话是我说的。 然后我就想,啊,我在一个采访的时候说了这么些东西。
attributed:v.归于(attribute的过去式,过去分词);属性化; interview:n.接见,采访;面试,面谈;v.采访;接见;对…进行面谈;
I forgot that I said that. But it's really true. 我忘了我说过那些话,但是那是真的。
I want to show you this last clip because it's going to my last goodbye. 我想给你们看看最后一段片子,用这段片子来说再见吧。
I'll tell you that I cook a lot also. I love to cook. 我告诉你们我常常做菜,我喜欢做菜。
And I often look at things as though they're food. 我常常把很多事物比作食物来看。
Like I say, oh, you know, would you serve a rotten chicken? 比如我说,噢,你会把腐烂的鸡端上餐桌吗?
Then how could you serve, you know, a beat up old dress or something. 你怎么去服务呢,穿一件破烂的就洋装吗
How could you show a beat up old dress? 你怎么能穿一件破烂的洋装呢?
I always relate things to kitchen-ry. 我总会把食物和厨房的东西联系起来。
And so I think that's what it all boils down to. 我想这就是最后的结论。
Everything boils down to that. 所有的事都归于食物。
So check this out. 就来看看这个吧。
This is what I've been doing because I think it's the most fun thing in the world. 这是我一直在做的事,以为我觉得这是世界上最有趣的事。
It's, like, this website. 像这个网站。
It's got a lot of different things on it. 在上面有很多不同的东西
It's a polymathematical website. 一个很多元化的网站。
We actually shoot segments like TV show segments. 我们拍摄了很多像是电视节目的短片
segments:n.片段; v.把…分割成段;
And it's kind of my favorite thing in the world. 算是世界上我最喜欢做的事情了。
And it just began like in the beginning of February. So who knows. 大概今年二月初才开始。谁知道呢。
And again, I don't say it's good, I just say it's not boring, right? 再说一次,我没有说这个很好,我只是说它不无聊。
And here is the last bit. 这是最后一小段。
Video: IM: I have to tell you, I make buttermilk pancakes or buttermilk waffles all the time. 视频:IM:给你说,我常常做白脱牛奶薄饼或者白脱牛奶瓦夫。
buttermilk:n.酪乳;白脱牛奶;脱脂乳; pancakes:n.薄饼; v.(使)(飞机)平降; (pancake的第三人称单数和复数) waffles:n.华夫饼; v.胡扯; (waffle的第三人称单数和复数)
Chef: Do you? 厨师:是吗?
IM: Yeah, but I can never find buttermilk, ever. IM:是的,但是我从来没有找到过白脱牛奶,从来没有。
Chef: Oh. 厨师:噢。
IM: You can't find buttermilk at Citarella; you can't find buttermilk. IM:你在Citarella里找不到白脱牛奶,你根本找不到。
Chef: You can't? 厨师:你找不到吗?
IM: It's always low-fat buttermilk. IM:都是低值的白脱牛奶。
Chef: No, but that's all it is. 厨师:不,但是就是那样啊。
IM: Is that all it is? IM:都是低脂的的吗?
Chef: Oh, you don't know? Let me tell you something. 厨师:噢,你不是到吗?我告诉你吧。
Let me tell you something interesting. 给你讲讲一些有趣的事。
IM: You know what? Stop laughing. It's not funny. IM:不要笑,一点都不好笑。
Just because I don't know that whole -- that there's no such thing as whole buttermilk. 我知道不知道没有全脂的白脱牛奶这种东西。
Sorry, what? 不好意思,你说什么?
Chef: Well, here's the deal. Let me tell you the deal. 厨师:好吧,是这样的,我给你讲讲是怎么回事。
In the old days when they used to make butter, you know how you make butter? 在以前他们做黄油时候, 你知道怎么做黄油的吗?
IM: Churns ? IM:用搅乳器?
Chef: For cream? 厨师:奶油?
IM: Yeah, exactly. IM:没错。
Chef: So you take heavy, high-fat milk, which is cream, and you churn it until it separates into these curds and water. 厨师:把高脂的奶油, 搅拌到水乳分离
high-fat:高脂肪的; curds:n.[食品]凝乳(原形为curd,但常用复数); v.使成凝乳(curd的第三人称单数形式);
The liquid is actually that clear liquid. 液体实际上就是那个纯的液体。
If you've ever overbeaten your whipped cream, it's actually buttermilk. 如果你给奶油打泡打过了头, 就成了白脱牛奶了。
And that's what it was in the early days . 那就是很久以前这么做的。
early days:初期;为时尚早;前期;
And that's what people used for baking and all sorts of things. 可以用来做烘培和其他的东西。
baking:n.烘焙,烘烤; adj.烘烤的; v.烤,烘焙; (bake的现在分词)
Now, the buttermilk that you get is actually low-fat or skim milk. 现在,你买到的白脱牛奶实际上就是低脂或者脱脂牛奶。
skim:v.浏览; n.撇去浮沫; adj.撇去奶油的;
IM: Excuse me, I didn't know. All right? IM:不好意思,我以前不知道,好吧。
Chef: The reason he thought that is because buttermilk is so wonderfully thick and delicious. 厨师:他这么想是因为白脱牛奶很浓稠也很好喝。
IM: Yeah, it is, exactly. IM:是的,就是。
So who would think that it was low fat? 谁会想到那是低脂的呢?
Well, that's it. Thank you very much. 好,就这样,非常谢谢你。
Happy TED. It's so wonderful here. I love it. I love it. I love it. 来TED非常高兴,来这里太棒了,我喜欢这,我爱这里。
Thanks. Bye. 谢谢,再见。