

So, a big question that we're facing now and have been for quite a number of years now: 我们现在面临一个大问题 这个问题已经持续了很多年:
Are we at risk of a nuclear attack? 我们是否处于遭受核袭击的危险之中呢?
Now, there's a bigger question that's probably actually more important than that, is the notion of permanently eliminating the possibility of a nuclear attack, eliminating the threat altogether. 现在,有一个更大的问题 这个问题可能比刚刚提到的那个问题更重要 那就是,我们能不能永久地消除 核袭击的可能性 能不能将这种威胁完全消除
notion:n.观念;信念;理解; permanently:adv.永久地,长期不变地; eliminating:v.排除;清除;消除;淘汰;(eliminate的现在分词)
And I would like to make a case to you that over the years since we first developed atomic weaponry , until this very moment, we've actually lived in a dangerous nuclear world that's characterized by two phases , which I'm going to go through with you right now. 我想给大家举个例子 从核武器被发明以来的这些年间 直到此时此刻 我们其实一直生活在一个危险的核世界 这可以分为两个阶段 我现在和大家一起来回顾一下
atomic:adj.原子的,原子能的;微粒子的; weaponry:n.兵器,武器(总称); characterized:adj.以…为特点的; phases:n.阶段,时期(phase的复数形式);v.逐步实行(phase的三单形式); go through with:完成,实行;把…进行到底;
First of all , we started off the nuclear age in 1945. 首先,我们从1945年开始正式进入核时代
First of all:adv.首先;
The United States had developed a couple of atomic weapons through the Manhattan Project, and the idea was very straightforward : we would use the power of the atom to end the atrocities and the horror of this unending World War II that we'd been involved in in Europe and in the Pacific. 美国通过曼哈顿计划 成功研制出了核武器 目的非常明确 我们将动用核武器的力量 来结束无休止的二战 所带来的残暴与恐惧 我们当时被卷入了欧洲和太平洋战场
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) straightforward:adj.简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的;adv.直截了当地;坦率地; atrocities:n.暴行(atrocity的复数);残忍; horror:n.恐惧;厌恶;震惊;对某事物的强烈畏惧(或憎恨); unending:adj.不断的,无止境的;经常被重复的; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
And in 1945, we were the only nuclear power . 在1945年 我们是唯一的有核国家
nuclear power:na.核大国;
We had a few nuclear weapons, two of which we dropped on Japan in Hiroshima, a few days later in Nagasaki, in August 1945, killing about 250,000 people between those two. 我们有一定数量的核武器 其中一枚投在了日本广岛市 另一枚几天之后扔在了长崎,这些发生在1945年8月 这两枚原子弹一共造成25万人死亡
And for a few years, we were the only nuclear power on Earth. 之后的一些年间 我们一直是地球上唯一的有核国家
But by 1949, the Soviet Union had decided it was unacceptable to have us as the only nuclear power, and they began to match what the United States had developed. 但是1949年,苏联认为 只有美国拥有核武器是一件无法接受的事情 他们开始和美国一样发展核武器
Soviet:adj.苏维埃的;苏联的;n.苏维埃(前苏联的各级代表会议);苏联人; unacceptable:adj.不能接受(或允许、同意)的;
And from 1949 to 1985 was an extraordinary time of a buildup of a nuclear arsenal that no one could possibly have imagined back in the 1940s. 从1949年到1985年 这是一个特殊时期 一个核武器逐步发展的时期 如果是在40年代 没有人可能会想到
extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; buildup:n.增强;发展;形成;组合;树立名誉; arsenal:n.兵工厂;军械库;
So by 1985, each of those red bombs up here is equivalent of a thousands warheads . 到1985年的时候,地图上每一个红色炸弹标志 都代表着1000枚核弹头
equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; warheads:na.弹头;(warhead的复数)
The world had 65,000 nuclear warheads, and seven members of something that came to be known as the "Nuclear Club." 整个世界 一共有65000枚核弹头 有7个国家先后拥有了核武器 成为了一个叫做“核俱乐部”组织的成员
And it was an extraordinary time, and I am going to go through some of the mentality that we -- that Americans and the rest of the world were experiencing. 这是一个特殊时期 我一会儿将讨论一下 美国人以及其他国家的人对此的思考
I am going to:我将要做什么事情 mentality:n.心态;[心理]智力;精神力;头脑作用;
But I want to just point out to you that 95 percent of the nuclear weapons at any particular time since 1985 -- going forward, of course -- were part of the arsenals of the United States and the Soviet Union. 但我想先向大家指出 自1985年以来的任何一个时间点 全世界百分之九十五的 核武器被储存在 美国和苏联的军火库中
point out to:指出;使注意; arsenals:n.军械库(arsenal的复数);
After 1985, and before the break up of the Soviet Union, we began to disarm from a nuclear point of view . 从1985年到苏联解体的这段时间 我们在核武器这方面 开始削减军备
disarm:vt.解除武装;裁军;缓和;vi.放下武器;裁减军备; point of view:观点;见地;立场;
We began to counter-proliferate, and we dropped the number of nuclear warheads in the world to about a total of 21,000. 我们开始反核扩散 我们全世界的核弹头数量减少到了 大约21000枚
It's a very difficult number to deal with, because what we've done is we've, quote unquote , " decommissioned " some of the warheads. 这是一个非常难理解的数目 因为我们所做的 只是使一些核弹头“退役”了
quote unquote:引述引文结束;者引述旁白;流行英语; decommissioned:v.正式停止使用(武器、核电站等);(decommission的过去分词和过去式)
They're still probably usable. They could be " recommissioned ," 它们可能还可以使用,并且可以“再次服役
but the way they count things, which is very complicated , we think we have about a third of the nuclear weapons we had before. 但是军方用一种很复杂的技术方法统计得出结论: 我们以为全世界只留有相比以前 三分之一的核武器
But we also, in that period of time, added two more members to the nuclear club: 但与此同时,我们的 ”核俱乐部“又新增了两个成员
Pakistan and North Korea. 巴基斯坦和北朝鲜
So we stand today with a still fully-armed nuclear arsenal among many countries around the world, but a very different set of circumstances . 因此我们今天仍处于一个 很多国家都拥有核武器的时期 但情况却和以前非常不同
So I'm going to talk about a nuclear threat story in two chapters. 我接下来会分两个时期讨论 关于核威胁的历史
Chapter One is 1949 to 1991, when the Soviet Union broke up, and what we were dealing with at that point and through those years was a superpowers nuclear arms race . 第一个时期从1949年到 1991年苏联解体 我们要关注的是在这些年间 有一场超级大国之间的核军备竞赛
superpowers:n.超级大国;超能力;超级强权;(superpower的复数形式) arms race:n.军备竞赛;
It was characterized by a nation-versus-nation, very fragile standoff . 这场核军备竞赛最主要的特点就是 国家之间的对立导致 核战争一触即发
fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; standoff:n.和局;僵持;冷淡;平衡;adj.冷淡的;有支架的;
And basically , we lived for all those years, and some might argue that we still do, in a situation of being on the brink , literally , of an apocalyptic planetary calamity . 基本上 可以毫不夸张地说 我们那些年就像走在 世界末日的悬崖边 有些人认为 直至今日情况仍然如此
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; brink:n.(峭壁的)边缘; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: apocalyptic:adj.启示录的;天启的; planetary:adj.行星的; calamity:n.灾难;不幸事件;
It's incredible that we actually lived through all that. 我们能活到现在简直是难以置信
We were totally dependent during those years on this amazing acronym , which is MAD; it stands for Mutually Assured Destruction . 这些年我们(之所以能活下来)完全是依赖于 这个神奇的叫做MAD的东西 它是“确保相互毁灭”的缩写
dependent:adj.取决于;依靠的;依赖的;有瘾的;n.受赡养者;扈从;依存[从属]物; acronym:n.首字母缩略词; Mutually:adv.互相地;互助; Assured:adj.确定的;自信的;n.被保险人;v.保证;确实;(assure的过去分词和过去式); Destruction:n.破坏,毁灭;摧毁;
So it meant if you -- if you attacked us, we would attack you virtually simultaneously , and the end result would be a destruction of your country and mine. 它的意思是,如果... 如果你袭击我,我也会袭击你 双方几乎同时发动袭击 这样做的结果就是 你我两国同时被摧毁
virtually:adv.事实上,几乎;实质上; simultaneously:adv.同时地; end result:n.最终结果;
So the threat of my own destruction kept me from launching a nuclear attack on you. That's the way we lived. 因此由于担心我自己被毁灭 我不会发射(核武器) 来对你进行核打击。这就是我们为什么能活下来
And the danger of that, of course, is that a misreading of a radar screen could actually cause a counter-launch, even though the first country had not actually launched anything. 不过这么做的危险就是 雷达的一次误报 就可能引发一次反击 即使另一个国家事实上根本没有发射任何东西
misreading:n.读错;误解;v.误解;读错;误读;(misread的现在分词) radar:n.雷达; launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词)
During this Chapter One, there was a high level of public awareness about the potential of nuclear catastrophe , and an indelible image was implanted in our collective minds that in fact a nuclear holocaust would be absolutely globally destructive and could, in some ways, mean the end of civilization as we know it. 在这个时期 民众很清楚地意识到 确实可能发生潜在的核灾难 一个难以抹掉的画面出现在 每个人的脑海中 那就是一次核灾难 将带来全球性的毁灭 而且,从某个角度来说,这也意味着人类文明将走到尽头
awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; catastrophe:n.大灾难;大祸;惨败; indelible:adj.难忘的;擦不掉的; implanted:植入的; collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; holocaust:n.大屠杀;毁灭; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; destructive:adj.破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
So this was Chapter One. 这就是第一个时期
Now the odd thing is that even though we knew that there would be that kind of civilization obliteration , we engaged , in America, in a series -- and in fact, in the Soviet Union -- in a series of response planning. 不过奇怪的是,即使 我们知道可能会发生 这种文明灭绝 我们美国人正忙于一系列- 事实上苏联也一样- 一系列应对措施
odd:adj.古怪的;奇数的;n.奇数; obliteration:n.闭塞;涂去,删除;消灭; engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式) series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; response:n.响应;反应;回答;
It was absolutely incredible. 这简直让人难以置信
So premise one is we'd be destroying the world, and then premise two is, why don't we get prepared for it? 一方面是我们随时都可能毁灭世界 另一方面我们却在考虑如何为此做好准备?
So what we -- what we offered ourselves was a collection of things. I'm just going to go skim through a few things, just to -- to jog your memories. 所以,我们- 我们提出了 一堆方案。我将只回顾其中的几个 只是为了唤起你们的回忆
skim through:v.浏览;掠过;滑过; jog:v.慢跑(尤指锻炼);(偶然地)轻击;轻碰;n.轻推;慢跑(尤指锻炼);轻碰;轻击
If you're born after 1950, this is just -- consider this entertainment, otherwise it's memory lane. 如果你是1950年之后出生的,你可以把这些 当作娱乐,或者是怀旧
This was Bert the Turtle . 这是那只叫贝尔的乌龟
This was basically an attempt to teach our schoolchildren that if we did get engaged in a nuclear confrontation and atomic war, then we wanted our school children to kind of basically duck and cover. 这个算是尝试着 教正在上学的孩子们 如果我们真的被卷入 一次核冲突或者核战争 我们希望我们的孩子们 迅速躲到桌子下面
attempt:n.企图,试图;攻击;v.企图,试图;尝试; schoolchildren:n.学童;(schoolchild的复数) engaged in:从事于;忙于; confrontation:n.对抗;面对;对质;
That was the principle . You -- there would be a nuclear conflagration about to hit us, and if you get under your desk, things would be OK. 这就是基本的原则 核突击袭来时 如果你趴在桌子底下 一切就没事了
principle:n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉; conflagration:n.大火;快速燃烧;突发;冲突;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I didn't do all that well in psychiatry in medical school, but I was interested, and I think this was seriously delusional . 我在医学院的时候 “精神病学”学得并不是很好,但是我很感兴趣 而我真的认为这样的措施完全是患有妄想症的表现
psychiatry:n.精神病学;精神病治疗法; delusional:adj.妄想的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Secondly, we told people to go down in their basements and build a fallout shelter. 另外,我们告诉人们 躲到地下室去 把那里作为一个放射性微粒掩蔽所
Maybe it would be a study when we weren't having an atomic war, or you could use it as a TV room, or, as many teenagers found out, a very, very safe place for a little privacy with your girlfriend. 也许我们可以好好研究研究,如果没有发生核战争 我们也许可以把那里当作看电视的房间,又或者,很多青少年会发现 这一个绝佳的和女朋友呆在一起的私密环境
And actually -- so there are multiple uses of the bomb shelters. 事实上,这个防空洞可以又很多用处
Or you could buy a prefabricated bomb shelter and you could simply bury in the ground. 或者你可以买一个组装式的防空洞 你需要的只是把它埋到地里
prefabricated:adj.预制构件的;v.预先建造组合(prefabricate的过去分词); bury:v.埋葬;隐藏;
Now, the bomb shelters at that point -- let's say you bought a prefab one. It would be a few hundred dollars, maybe up to 500 if you got a fancy one, yet what percentage of Americans do you think ever had a bomb shelter in their house? 说到防空洞 假如你买了一个组装式的,这可能要花几百美元 如果你买一个好点儿的可能要花掉500美元 但是你们认为有百分之多少的美国人 曾经在他们的房子下面建有一个防空洞呢?
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象; percentage:n.百分比;百分率;利润的分成;提成;
What percentage lived in a house with a bomb shelter? 有百分之多少的人住在有防空洞的房子里呢?
Less than two percent. About 1.4 percent of the population, as far as anyone knows, did anything -- either making a space in their basement or actually building a bomb shelter. 少于总人口百分之二,只有大概百分之一点四的人 就我们目前所知 曾采取过措施 不管是腾出地下室作为避难所也好 或者是真的建了一个防空洞也好
as far as:至于…;
Many buildings -- public buildings around the country -- this is New York City -- had these little civil defense signs, and the idea was that you would run into one of these shelters and be safe and be safe from the nuclear weaponry. 很多建筑-全国各地的公共建筑 这是在纽约-有这样的民防系统标志 这个想法是说如果大家 跑到这些避难所里就会安全 不会受到核武器的威胁
And one of the greatest governmental delusions of all time was something that happened in the early days of the Federal Emergency Management Agency , FEMA as we now know, and are well aware of their behaviors from Katrina. 政府有史以来 最大的幻想之一 是由早期的 联邦紧急情况管理署(FEMA)提出的 我们在卡特里娜飓风的时候已经领教过FEMA的本事了
governmental:adj.政府的;政治的;统治上的; delusions:n.[内科]妄想;错觉(delusion的复数形式); early days:初期;为时尚早;前期; Federal:adj.联邦的;同盟的;联邦政府的;联邦制的;adv.联邦政府地; Emergency:n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的; Management:n.管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段; Agency:n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处;
Here is their first big public announcement. 这就是第一次 大范围的公告
They would propose -- and they -- actually there were about six volumes written on this -- a crisis relocation plan that was dependent upon the United States having three to four days warning that the Soviets were going to attack us. 政府提出 事实上他们给出了一个长达六本书的预案 一个应急转移计划 这个预案的前提是 美国能够提前三到四天得知 苏联将要对我们发动袭击
propose:v.建议;提议;求婚;打算; volumes:n.卷;体积;容积;大量;(volumes是volume的复数) crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; relocation:n.重新安置;再布置,变换布置; dependent upon:取决于; Soviets:n.苏联人(soviet的复数);苏联政府;
So the goal was to evacuate the target cities. 预案的目标是从这些可能遭到袭击的城市中撤离
We would move people out of the target cities into the countryside. 将这些城市的居民转移出来 转移到乡村
And I'm telling you, I actually testified at the Senate about the absolute ludicrous idea that we would actually evacuate, and actually have three or four days warning. 我可以告诉大家,我曾经在参议院作证 对于这个荒谬至极的想法 如果我们真的有能力疏散群众 并且可以提前三到四天预警
testified:v.(尤指出庭)作证;证实;证明;见证;(testify的过去式和过去分词) Senate:n.参议院,上院;(古罗马的)元老院; ludicrous:adj.滑稽的;荒唐的;
It was just completely off the wall . 这也太扯了吧
off the wall:adj.异乎寻常的;疯狂的,疯疯癫癫的;
Turns out that they had another idea behind it, even though this was -- they were telling the public it was to save us. 其实政府有另一个目的 虽然对公众说 这是为了保护大家
The idea was that we would force the Soviets to re-target their nuclear weapons -- very expensive -- and potentially double their arsenal to not only take out the original site, but take out sites where people were going. 其实真正的目的是逼迫苏联 重新设定核袭击的目标-这是一笔非常大的开销- 甚至逼迫他们将核武器数量提升一倍 从而(使核武器的攻击范围)不仅覆盖以前就覆盖到的地方 还覆盖到那些人们前往避难的地方
potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; sites:n.网站(site的复数);遗址,举办地点;v.使...位于(site的单三形式);
This was what apparently , as it turns out, was behind all this. 这显然就是这个计划背后的目的
It was just really, really frightening . 这实在是太可怕了
The main point here is we were dealing with a complete disconnect from reality. 我主要想说明的一点是:我们一直都在做一些 和现实情况不相关的事情
The civil defense programs were disconnected from the reality of what we'd seen in all-out nuclear war. 民防系统和一场全面爆发的核战争 完全不相符合
disconnected:adj.分离的; v.切断(煤气、水或电的供应); (disconnect的过去式和过去分词) all-out:adj.全部的;竭尽全力的;毫无保留的;
So organizations like Physicians for Social Responsibility, around 1979, started saying this a lot publicly. 因此,一些组织,比如“社会责任医师组织”(PSR) 在1979年左右,开始向公众进行宣传
organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构; Physicians:n.[内科]内科医生(physician的复数);
They would do a bombing run. They'd go to your city, and they'd say, "Here's a map of your city. 他们会做轰炸演习,比如来到你的城市, 给你一张城市的地图,
Here's what's going to happen if we get a nuclear hit." 如果我们被核弹袭击了这里都会发生什么”
So no possibility of medical response to or meaningful preparedness for all-out nuclear war. 告诉你:如果真的发生一场全面的核战争 医疗救援将根本不可能实现 而且也无法实现进行有效的准备
meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的; preparedness:n.有准备;已准备;做好准备(尤指作战准备);
So we had to prevent nuclear war if we expected to survive. 所以我们必须避免发生核战争 如果我们想活命的话
This disconnect was never actually resolved . 这个方案与现实脱节的问题一直没有得到根本解决
resolved:adj.下定决心; v.解决; (resolve的过去分词和过去式)
And what happened was -- when we get in to Chapter Two of the nuclear threat era, which started back in 1945. 而现实是 当我们进入1945年开始的 核威胁时期的 第二阶段
Chapter Two starts in 1991. 第二个阶段是从1991年开始的
When the Soviet Union broke up, we effectively lost that adversary as a potential attacker of the United States, for the most part . 当苏联解体之后 美国实际上上失去了竞争对手 这个长久以来潜在的袭击者基本不复存在了
adversary:n.对手;敌手; attacker:n.攻击者;进攻者; for the most part:adv.在极大程度上,多半;
It's not completely gone. I'm going to come back to that. 但苏联的威胁也不是完全消失了,我一会儿会再提到这一点
But from 1991 through the present time, emphasized by the attacks of 2001, the idea of an all-out nuclear war has diminished and the idea of a single-event act of nuclear terrorism is what we have instead. 从1991年开始 直到现在 尤其是2001年的”9.11“事件说明 全面爆发的核战争的可能性 已经逐渐减小, 取而代之的 是单独的核恐怖袭击活动
emphasized:v.强调,着重(emphasize的过去式); diminished:adj.减少的; v.减少; (diminish的过去式和过去分词) terrorism:n.恐怖主义;
Although the scenario has changed very considerably , the fact is that we haven't changed our mental image of what a nuclear war means. 情况虽然和以前大不一样 但事实是 我们头脑里对于核战争的理解 并未改变
scenario:n.方案;情节;剧本; considerably:adv.相当地;非常地;
So I'm going to tell you what the implications of that are in just a second. 我一会儿会说明这意味着什么
So, what is a nuclear terror threat? 那么,什么是核恐怖袭击呢?
And there's four key ingredients to describing that. 它有四个关键组成部分
ingredients:n.成分;(尤指烹饪)原料;(成功的)要素;(ingredient的复数) describing:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的现在分词)
First thing is that the global nuclear weapons -- in the stockpiles that I showed you in those original maps -- happens to be not uniformly secure. 第一个是全球范围内核武器 就是我之前给大家看的那张地图所显示的核武器储备 其实并不是全部都处于安全状态
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; stockpiles:v.储备;储存(stockpile的三单形式);n.库存(stockpile的复数); uniformly:adv.一致地;
And it's particularly not secure in the former Soviet Union, now in Russia. 尤其是那些前苏联所拥有的核武器 现在这些核武器在俄罗斯手中
There are many, many sites where warheads are stored and in fact, lots of sites where fissionable materials, like highly enriched uranium and plutonium , are absolutely not safe. 这些核弹头储存在很多地方 可事实上,这其中又很多地方对于储存 如高浓缩铀和钚这样的裂变物质而言 并不安全
fissionable:adj.可分裂的;可作核裂变的;n.可裂变物质; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; enriched:v.使丰富;使饱含(某物);使富有;(enrich的过去分词和过去式) uranium:n.[化学]铀; plutonium:n.[化学]钚(94号元素); absolutely not:绝对不会;绝对不是;绝对不行;
They're available to be bought, stolen, whatever. 这些核弹头可能被贩卖或是被偷窃
They're acquirable, let me put it that way. 换句话说,它们可以被其他人得到
From 1993 through 2006, the International Atomic Energy Agency documented 175 cases of nuclear theft, 18 of which involved highly enriched uranium or plutonium, the key ingredients to make a nuclear weapon. 从1993年到2006年 国际原子能机构 记录在案的核失窃案件就有175起 其中18起和高浓缩铀和钚有关 这些是制造核武器的关键原料
Atomic Energy:[核]原子能,核能;
The global stockpile of highly enriched uranium is about 1,300, at the low end, to about 2,100 metric tons. 全球的高浓缩铀储备 大约为1300吨 到2100吨之间
More than 100 megatons of this is stored in particularly insecure 其中至少有100吨 储存在非常不安全的
megatons:n.兆吨;百万吨;百万吨级; insecure:adj.不安全的;不稳定的;不牢靠的;
Russian facilities . 俄罗斯的储备设施中
How much of that do you think it would take to actually build a 10 kiloton bomb? 大家觉得造一个一万吨级当量的核弹 大约需要多少高浓缩铀呢?
Well, you need about 75 pounds of it. 你需要大约75磅高浓缩铀
So, what I'd like to show you is what it would take to hold 75 pounds of highly enriched uranium. 所以,我想给大家展示一下 那就是 75磅高浓缩铀 大约是多少呢?
This is not a product placement . It's just -- in fact, if I was Coca Cola, I'd be pretty distressed about this, but -- 我这可不是在做软广告。这只是... 事实上,如果我是可口可乐公司,我一定为此非常郁闷
product placement:n.植入式广告; Coca:n.古柯,古柯叶; distressed:adj.烦恼的; v.使忧虑; (distress的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) 笑声
but -- but basically, this is it. 但是 基本上,就是这么多
This is what you would need to steal or buy out of that 100-metric-ton stockpile that's relatively insecure to create the type of bomb that was used in Hiroshima. 你只要从那100吨没有被安全储存的原料中 偷取或者购买这么多就够了 储存设施偷取的高浓缩铀总量 从而制造出一个核弹 威力相当于在广岛爆炸的那枚核弹
Now you might want to look at plutonium as another fissionable material that you might use in a bomb. 现在你们可能想看看如果是钚 另一种可用于制造核弹的裂变物质
That you'd need 10 to 13 pounds of plutonium. 你需要10到13磅钚
Now, plutonium -- 10 to 13 pounds -- this. This is enough plutonium to create a Nagasaki-size atomic weapon. 钚,10到13磅 这是这么多,这些钚足以 制造一个威力相当于在长崎爆炸的那枚原子弹
Now this situation, already I -- you know, I don't really like thinking about this although somehow I got myself a job where I have to think about it, so -- the point is that we're very, very insecure in terms of developing this material. 对于这个情况 你们知道,我并不愿意去想这个问题 虽然我阴差阳错地得到了一份工作 使我不得不去想 重点是,我们发展这些裂变物质是 非常非常不安全的
The second thing is, what about the know-how ? 第二个组成部分是,制造技术
And there's a lot of controversy about whether terror organizations have the know-how to actually make a nuclear weapon. 有很多关于恐怖组织 是否真的掌握了 核武器制造技术的争论
Well, there's a lot of know-how out there. 好吧,其实到处都能找到制造技术
There's an unbelievable amount of knowhow out there. 而且关于这些制造技术的资料多得令人难以置信
unbelievable:adj.(非正式)难以置信的;不可信的 knowhow:n.诀窍,技巧;情报;实际的能力;专门技术;
There's detailed information on how to assemble a nuclear weapon from parts. 这其中有如何将各个部件组装起来 成为一个核武器的详细信息
There's books about how to build a nuclear bomb. 有教你如何制造核弹的书籍
There are plans for how to create a terror farm where you could actually manufacture and develop all the components and assemble it. 甚至还有建造一个“恐怖农场”所需的详细计划 在那儿你可以加工制造 所有的部件并进行组装
manufacture:v.(用机器)大量生产; n.大量制造; components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数);
All of this information is relatively available. 所有这些信息都是相对而言容易找到的
If you have an undergraduate degree in physics, 只要你有一个物理学本科学历
I would suggest -- although I don't, so maybe it's not even true -- but something close to that would allow you, with the information that's currently available, to actually build a nuclear weapon. 我猜- 虽然我没有...所以我说也不一定对- 不过我想有一定物理水平的人 在这些可获得的信息帮助下 事实上是可以制造出核武器的
The third element of the nuclear terror threat is that, who would actually do such a thing? 第三个核恐怖袭击的要素是 谁可能会做出这样的事情?
Well, what we're seeing now is a level of terrorism that involves individuals who are highly organized . 我们现在面对的是恐怖主义已经进入一个新的阶段 他们有严密的组织
involves:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加,加入(involve的第三人称单数) individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式)
They are very dedicated and committed . 他们极具献身精神并且异常忠诚
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式) committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
They are stateless . 他们没有国籍
Somebody once said, al Qaeda does not have a return address, so if they attack us with a nuclear weapon what's the response, and to whom is the response? 有人曾说,“基地”组织 并没有一个“回信”地址 那么如果他们向我们发射核武器 我们怎么反击?反击谁?
And they're retaliation-proof. 他们不怕报复
Since there is no real retribution possible that would make any difference, since there are people willing to actually give up their lives, in order to do a lot of damage to us, it becomes apparent that the whole notion of this Mutually Assured Destruction would not work. 因为要对他们进行有效的惩罚 事实上是非常困难的 由于有人愿意牺牲自己 去摧毁别人 情况变得显而易见 “确保相互毁灭”这个概念 将不再适用
Here is Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, and Sulaiman was a key lieutenant of Osama Bin Laden . 这是苏莱曼·阿布·吉斯 苏莱曼是乌萨马·本·拉登的左膀右臂
lieutenant:n.中尉;副官;助理人员; Laden:adj.负载的; vt.装载(等于lade); vi.装载(等于lade); v.装载(lade的过去分词);
He wrote many, many times statements to this effect: "We have the right to kill four million Americans, two million of whom should be children." 他发表过很多言论说: ”我们有权利杀死四百万美国人, 其中两百万是儿童。”
statements:n.说明; v.(英国)对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定; (statement的第三人称单数和复数)
And we don't have to go overseas to find people willing to do harm, for whatever their reasons. 我们不用出国门都能找到 愿意发动袭击的人,不管是他们这么做的目的是什么
McVeigh and Nichols and the Oklahoma City attack in the 1990s was a good example of homegrown terrorists. 麦克威和尼克斯,俄克拉荷马城恐怖袭击 发生在90年代 这是一个很好的关于在美国长大的恐怖分子的例子
Oklahoma:n.美国俄克拉荷马州; homegrown:adj.国产的;自家种植的;
What if they had gotten their hands on a nuclear weapon? 如果他们手中有核武器会发生什么?
What if:如果…怎么办?
The fourth element is that the high-value U.S. targets are accessible , soft and plentiful . 第四个要素 那就是袭击对美国而言重要的目标 这些目标不仅可以靠近,而且脆弱,数量众多
high-value:n.高位值; accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的; plentiful:adj.丰富的;许多的;丰饶的;
This would be a talk for another day, but the level of the preparedness that the United States has achieved since 9/11 of '01 is unbelievably inadequate . 这可以作为另外一个演讲来讨论,但只在如何应对这个层面上来说 美国在2001年“9/11”之后 所做的努力 简直是难以置信的不足
unbelievably:adv.难以置信地;不可信地; inadequate:adj.不充分的,不适当的;
What you saw after Katrina is a very good indicator of how little prepared the United States is for any kind of major attack. 我们所看到的在“卡特里娜”飓风过后的情况 就能很好地说明 美国的准备是何等地不充分 在面临任何大规模地袭击的时候
Seven million ship cargo containers come into the United States every year. 每年有七百万集装箱货船 驶入美国
Five to seven percent only are inspected -- five to seven percent. 其中只有百分之五到七接受了检查- 百分之五到七
This is Alexander Lebed, who was a general that worked with Yeltsin, who talked about, and presented to Congress , this idea that the Russians had developed these suitcase bombs. They were very low yield : 0.1 to one kiloton -- 这是亚历山大·列别德 他是和叶利钦时代的将军 他向国会介绍并展示了 俄罗斯设计的一种方案 这些手提箱炸弹似乎并不厉害 每个只有0.1到1千吨当量
Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交; suitcase:n.[轻]手提箱;衣箱; yield:n.产量;产出;利润;v.屈服;让步;放弃;提供;
Hiroshima was around 13 kilotons -- but enough to do an unbelievable amount of damage. 在广岛爆炸的那枚可是一万三千吨当量的 但它们还是足以造成难以想象的破坏
And Lebed came to the United States and told us that many, many -- more than 80 of the suitcase bombs were actually not accountable . 列别德曾来到美国 告诉我们有很多很多的- 超过80个这样的手提箱炸弹 事实上是不受控制的
And they look like this. They're basically very simple arrangements . 它们看起来就是这个样子。本质上来说结构非常简单。
You put the elements into a suitcase. 你把这些部件放进一只手提箱
It becomes very portable . 炸弹就变得非常便携。
The suitcase can be conveniently dropped in your trunk of your car. 这些手提箱非常容易就能放入 你的汽车后备箱
You take it wherever you want to take it and you can detonate it. 你可以把它带到任何你想去地方然后引爆它
You don't want to build a suitcase bomb, and you happen to get one of those insecure nuclear warheads that exist -- this is the size of the "Little Boy" bomb that was dropped at Hiroshima. 如果你不想制造这种手提箱炸弹 而你又碰巧得到了一个因为安全措施没做好 而被人偷出来的核弹头 这是那枚在广岛爆炸的 “小男孩”核弹的大小
It was 9.8 feet long, weighed 8,800 pounds. You go down to your local Rent-a-Truck and for 50 bucks or so, you rent a truck that's got the right capacity and you take your bomb, and you put it in the truck and you're ready to go. 长3米 重达4吨。你可以联系 你周围的卡车出租公司 花大概50美元 租一辆容量正好的卡车 你带上你的核弹 把它装进卡车,然后你就可以出发了
bucks:n.元;雄鹿;(buck的复数) capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力;
It could happen, but what it would mean and who would survive? 这些是可能发生的。但重要的是这意味着什么,以及谁可以逃过这一劫
You can't get an exact number for that kind of probability , but what I'm trying to say is that we have all the elements of that happening. 你没法得知这件事的可能性究竟是多少 但是我要说的是 以上所说的所有要素现在其实都满足了
Anybody who dismisses the thought of a nuclear weapon being used by a terrorist is kidding themselves. 任何对自己说 核武器不会被恐怖分子使用的人 其实是在欺骗自己
I think there's a lot of people in the intelligence community , a lot of people who deal with this work in general , think it's almost inevitable unless we do certain things to really try to defuse the risk, like better interdiction , better prevention , better fixing -- you know, better screening of cargo containers that are coming into the country and so forth. 我想很多情报部门的人 那些经常和这些工作打交道的人 都认为这些袭击是不可避免的,除非我们采取某些措施 去尽可能地规避危险 比如更好的管制,更好的防范 更好的监测-或者说,更好的筛查 那些进口货物集装箱等等
intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; in general:总之,通常;一般而言; inevitable:adj.必然的,不可避免的; defuse:v.平息;去掉…的雷管;使除去危险性; interdiction:n.禁止,制止;封锁; prevention:n.预防;阻止;妨碍;
There's a lot that can be done to make us a lot safer. 许许多多能让我们变得更安全的举措有待实施
At this particular moment, we actually could end up seeing a nuclear detonation in one of our cities. 此时此刻 我们完全有可能 目睹核弹在我们的城市中爆炸
I don't think we would see an all-out nuclear war any time soon, although even that is not completely off the table. 我不认为我们在近期内会遇到全面爆发的核战争 虽然这也不是完全不可能
There's still enough nuclear weapons in the arsenals of the superpowers to destroy the earth many, many times over. 各个超级大国里的军火库里 有足够的核武器 可以毁灭地球很多很多次
There are flash points in India and Pakistan, in the Middle East , in North Korea, other places where the use of nuclear weapons, while initially locally , could very rapidly go into a situation where we'd be facing all-out nuclear war. 印巴冲突一触即发 在中东,在北朝鲜 或者其他地方 虽然刚开始可能只在区域范围内使用核武器 但有可能很快地 发展并上升到 一场全面核战争
flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的; Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部); initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; locally:adv.在本地;局部地;在地方上;
Very unsettling . 非常让人不安
OK. Here we go. 好的,我们来亲眼看看吧
I'm back in my truck and we drove over the Brooklyn Bridge. 回到我刚才提到的卡车,我们把它开到布鲁克林大桥
We're coming down, and we bring that truck that you just saw somewhere in here, in the Financial District. 我们一路开往市中心 我们把车开到 你刚看到的 金融区的某个地方
This is a 10-kiloton bomb, slightly smaller than was used in Hiroshima. And I want to just conclude this by just giving you some information, I think -- "news you could use" kind of concept here. 有一个一万吨级当量的核弹 只比广岛爆炸的那枚核弹小一点 我希望通过下面这个总结 提供给大家一些信息,我想- 可以说是一些“实用新闻”
slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地; conclude:v.断定:得出结论:终止:达成:缔结(协定)
So, first of all, this would be horrific beyond anything we can possibly imagine. 首先,这可能听上去有些吓人 这可能超越了我们能够想象的范围
This is the ultimate . 这是终极的危险
And if you're in the half-mile radius of where this bomb went off, you have a 90 percent chance of not making it. 如果你位于距离爆炸中心 半英里的范围内 你面临的将是九死一生的情况
half-mile:半英里;半英里赛跑; radius:n.半径,半径范围;[解剖]桡骨;辐射光线;有效航程;
If you're right where the bomb went off, you will be vaporized . And that's -- 如果你就位于爆炸中心 你会被汽化,而这-
I'm just telling you, this is not good. 我不得不说,非常遗憾
(Laughter) (笑声)
You assume that. 假设
Two mile radius, you have a 50 percent chance of being killed, and up to about eight miles away -- now I'm talking about killed instantly -- somewhere between a 10 and 20 percent chance of getting killed. 在半径两英里的范围内, 你有百分之五十的机会生还 如果把范围扩大到八英里- 我现在讨论的是立刻死亡的情况- 估计死亡的概率 在百分之十到百分之二十之间
The thing about this is, that the experience of the nuclear detonation is -- first of all, tens of millions of degrees Fahrenheit at the core here, where it goes off and an extraordinary amount of energy in the form of heat, acute radiation and blast effects. 事情是这样的 关于核弹爆炸, 首先,爆炸中心温度高达 数千度,并且以 极高的热能 强烈的辐射 以及剧烈的爆炸等形式扩散
Fahrenheit:adj.华氏的;华氏温度计的;n.华氏温度计;华氏温标; core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; acute:adj.严重的,[医]急性的;敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的; radiation:n.辐射;放射线;放射疗法; blast:n.爆炸; v.爆破;
An enormous hurricane-like wind, and destruction of buildings almost totally within this yellow circle here. 在这个黄色区域内会产生 一股像龙卷风一般的风暴 所有建筑将几乎被全部摧毁
And what I'm going to focus on, as I come to conclusion here, is that, what happens to you if you're in here? 在这个总结中我要重点强调的是 如果你在这儿 将会发生什么
Well, if we're talking about the old days of an all-out nuclear attack, you, up here, are as dead as the people here. So it was a moot point. 如果我们说的是以前 所面临的那种全面核战争 你,如果站在这儿 和黄圈里的人一样难逃一劫。所以,(但对于现在而言)这是一个值得讨论的地方
My point now, though, is that there is a lot that we could do for you who are in here, if you've survived the initial blast. 我现在所讲的重点是 如果你身处这个区域内并在最初的爆炸中生还 我有很多可以教你的东西
You have, when the blast goes off -- and by the way , if it ever comes up, don't look at it. 当爆炸过后- 顺便说一句,如果这些真的发生了,千万别用肉眼去看
by the way:顺便说一下;
(Laughter) (笑声)
If you look at it, you're going to be blind, either temporarily or permanently. 如果你用肉眼去看,你将会失明 不管是暂时性的还是永久性的
So if there's any way that you can avoid, like, avert your eyes, that would be a good thing. 因此,如果可能避免的话 比如,把目光移开,那将是一个很好的选择
If you find yourself alive, but you're in the vicinity of a nuclear weapon, you have -- that's gone off -- you have 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the size and exactly where it went off, to get out of the way before a lethal amount of radiation comes straight down from the mushroom cloud that goes up. 如果你发现自己还活着,但是 你处在一个核武器爆炸中心的附近 你有-在爆炸发生之后- 你有10到20分钟的逃生时间 具体时间取决于爆炸规模以及爆炸地点 在升起的蘑菇云所带来的 致命的强辐射到来之前 逃离那个区域
vicinity:n.邻近,附近;近处; lethal:adj.致命的,致死的;n.致死因子; mushroom cloud:n.(核爆炸形成的)蘑菇云;
In that 10 to 15 minutes, all you have to do -- and I mean this seriously -- is go about a mile away from the blast and what happens is -- this is -- 在这10到15分钟内,你唯一需要做的- 我说真的- 就是跑一英里 远离爆炸点 接下来将要发生的-这是-
I'm going to show you now some fallout plumes . Within 20 minutes, it comes straight down; within 24 hours, lethal radiation is going out with prevailing winds, and it's mostly in this particular direction: it's going north east. 我现在要向大家演示放射性坠尘。在20分钟内 坠尘直线下落;24小时内, 致命的辐射将随着盛行风飘散 基本上沿着某一特定方向 向东北方飘去
plumes:羽状物; prevailing:adj.流行的;一般的;占优势的;v.盛行,流行;获胜;(prevail的现在分词形式)
And if you're in this vicinity, you've got to get away. 如果你在这附近,就得设法逃离
So you're feeling the wind, and this tremendous wind now, that you're going to be feeling, and you want to go perpendicular to the wind or downwind , if you are in fact able to see where the blast was in front of you. 如果你感觉到了风 感觉到这股强劲的风 你就应该 沿着垂直与风向的方向逃走 或者顺着风的方向 如果你能看到爆炸发生的地方的话
tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的; perpendicular:adj.垂直的,正交的;直立的;陡峭的;n.垂线;垂直的位置; downwind:adv.顺风;在下风;adj.顺风的;
You've got to get out of there. 你必须赶快离开那儿
If you don't get out of there, you're going to be exposed to lethal radiation in very short order. 如果你没有迅速离开,你很快就会近距离 暴露在致命的辐射中
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式)
If you can't get out of there, we want you to go into a shelter and stay there. 如果你无法离开那里 我希望你能找一个避难所躲起来
Now, in a shelter in an urban area means you have to be either in a basement as deep as possible or you have to be on a floor -- on a high floor if it's a ground burst explosion , which it would be, 躲在城市里的避难所指的是 要么躲在地下室,越深越好 要么躲在楼上,越高越好 如果是爆炸发生在地面上(通常都是如此)
urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; burst:v.破裂;爆炸;突破;冲进;n.爆发;点射;释放;(情感的)迸发; explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增;
higher than the ninth floor. So you have to be tenth floor or higher, or in the basement. 辐射尘可能会到达9楼。所以你需要跑到10楼或者更高的楼层 或者躲到地下室
But basically, you've got to get out of town as quickly as possible. 但总的来说,你需要尽快离开这座城市,越快越好
And if you do that, you actually can survive a nuclear blast. 如果你这么做了 你其实是可以在一次核爆炸中生还的
Over the next few days to a week, there will be a radiation cloud -- again, going with the wind, and settling down for another 15 or 20 miles out -- in this case over Long Island. 在之后的几天到一周内 如有辐射云- 同样随着风,然后下落 继续往前推进15到20英里 在这个例子中会飘过长岛
And if you're in the direct fallout zone here, you really have to either be sheltered or you have to get out of there, and that's clear. But if you are sheltered, you can actually survive. 如果你处于放射性坠尘经过的区域 你真的需要躲进避难所或者尽快离开 这很明显。但那是如果你能躲进避难所 你确实可以生还
The difference between knowing information of what you're going to do personally , and not knowing information can save your life, and it could mean the difference between 150,000 to 200,000 fatalities from something like this and half a million to 700,000 fatalities. 每个人是否知道 应该如何逃生 所带来的区别 影响了最终的死亡人数 是15万还是20万 在这个例子中 将意味着死亡人数能否从70万减少到50万
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; fatalities:n.灾祸;命运;意外的的死亡事故(fatality的复数);
So, response planning in the 21st century is both possible and is essential . 所以,21世纪的核应急预案 不仅是可能的而且是必须的
But in 2008, there isn't one single American city that has done effective plans to deal with a nuclear detonation disaster . 但是直到2008年,全美国没有一个城市 拥有有效的应急预案 来应对一次核爆炸灾难
effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; disaster:n.灾难,灾祸;不幸;
Part of the problem is that the emergency planners themselves, personally, are overwhelmed psychologically by the thought of nuclear catastrophe. 部分原因是 应急预案的制定者,他们自己 都已经被核灾难这一想法 从心理上击溃了
planners:n.规划师;规划人员(planner的复数);计划人员; overwhelmed:v.受打击,压倒;淹没;(overwhelm的过去分词和过去式) psychologically:adv.心理上地;心理学地;
They are paralyzed . 他们不知所措。
You say "nuclear" to them, and they're thinking, "Oh my God, we're all gone. What's the point? It's futile ." 你如果和他们说起“核”,他们会想, “天啊,我们全都得死。还有什么可说的呢?这都是徒劳。”
And we're trying to tell them it's not futile: we can change the survival rates by doing some commonsensical things. 我们所尝试的就是告诉他们这其实并非徒劳: 我们可以通过做一些常识普及的工作 来提高生还比例
survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物; commonsensical:adj.有基本常识的;明白事理的;
So the goal here is to minimize fatalities. 我们的目标是将死亡人数降至最低
And I just want to leave you with the personal points that I think you might be interested in. 我希望留给大家一些个人的看法 我认为你们可能会感兴趣的。
The key to surviving a nuclear blast is getting out, and not going into harm's way. 在核爆炸中生存的关键 就是逃出去 并且不要误入危险区域
That's basically all we're going to be talking about here. 这基本上就是我们接下来要讨论的全部内容
And the farther you are away in distance, the longer it is in time from the initial blast, and the more separation between you and the outside atmosphere , the better. 你距离爆炸点的距离越远越好 距离爆炸的时间 越长越好 尽可能地将自己 和外界隔绝开来
separation:n.分离;分开;分割;隔离; atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格;
So separation -- hopefully with dirt or concrete , or being in a basement -- distance and time is what will save you. 所以,与外界隔绝隔绝-最好是用泥土和水泥隔绝 或者躲在地下室- 保持距离,长时间远离,这些可以拯救你
dirt:n.污垢;尘土;下流话; concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖
So here's what you do. First of all, as I said , don't stare at the light flash if you can -- I don't know you could possibly resist doing that. 这些是你应该做的。第一, 正如我所说的,不要用肉眼看爆炸发出的光 如果可能的话-我其实不太相信你们能忍住不看。
as I said:正如我所说的 stare:v.凝视;盯着看;注视;n.凝视; resist:v.抵制;阻挡;反抗;回击;抵抗;忍住;n.防染剂;防蚀用涂料;防腐剂;
But let's assume, theoretically , you want to do that. 让我们假设,从理论上而言,你会很想看。
You want to keep your mouth open so your eardrums don't burst from the pressures. 你最好让嘴巴保持张开的状态,这样你的鼓膜 不会在压力下破裂
If you're very close to what happened, you actually do have to duck and cover like Bert told you -- Bert the Turtle. 如果你距离爆炸发生的地方很近,你需要迅速低头并且找掩体躲起来 正如贝尔告诉你的那样-就是那只叫贝尔的乌龟
And you want to get under something so that you're not injured or killed by objects, if that's at all possible. 可能的话,你最好躲在某些东西下面 避免受伤或致死
injured:adj.受伤的:委屈的: v.伤害,使受伤: n.伤员;
You want to get away from the initial fallout mushroom cloud, 你需要远离最初爆炸形成的放射性坠尘蘑菇云
I said, in just a few minutes, and shelter and place. You want to move downwind or crosswind for 1.2 miles. 我刚刚说过,这些必须在几分钟内完成 并且躲到合适的地方。你需要沿着风的方向 或者垂直于风的方向跑1.2英里
You know, if you're out there and you see buildings horribly destroyed and down in that direction, less destroyed here, then you know that it was over there, the blast, and you're going this way, as long as you're going crosswise to the wind. 你们知道,如果你看到在那边的建筑 发生严重的损毁 但是这边的建筑损毁得没有那么严重 那么你就可以知道爆炸发生在那边,而你应该朝着这个方向走 同时注意垂直于风的方向走
horribly:adv.可怕地;让人吃惊 as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; crosswise:adv.横向;交叉地;斜地;成十字状地;
Once you're out and evacuating , you want to keep as much of your skin, your mouth and nose covered, as long as that covering doesn't impede you moving and getting out of there. 每当你在户外或者在转移过程中 你需要尽可能地用东西盖住自己的皮肤 以及口鼻,只要这些覆盖物 不会影响到你的移动和撤离
evacuating:v.疏散;撤出;排泄(evacuate的ing形式);adj.疏散的;排出的;排气的; impede:v.阻碍;妨碍;阻止;
And finally , you want to get decontaminated as soon as possible. 最后,你需要尽快去除身上的放射性污染
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; decontaminated:vt.净化,给…去污; as soon as:一…就;
And if you're wearing clothing, you've taken off your clothing, you're going to get showered down some place and remove the radiation that would be -- the radioactive material that might be on you. 如果你穿着衣服,最好找个地方把衣服脱掉 并且洗个澡 从而去除辐射污染 这些辐射物质这时候可能已经附着在你身上
And then you want to stay in shelter for 48 to 72 hours minimum , but you're going to wait hopefully -- you'll have your little wind-up battery-less radio, and you'll be waiting for people to tell you when it's safe to go outside. That's what you need to do. 之后你需要在避难所里呆上至少48到72小时 接下来就是等待了,最好的情况你能有个小型的 不需要电池的发条式收音机 一直等到有人告诉你 什么时候外面已经安全了。然后再走到外面来
minimum:n.最低限度;最小值;最少量;极小量;adj.最低的;最小的;最低限度的; wind-up:n.结局;结束;故意激怒或招惹某人;adj.要上发条才能运转的;
In conclusion , nuclear war is less likely than before, but by no means out of the question , and it's not survivable . 总结一下, 核战争已经不想以前那样了 从前的核战争是几乎不能从中生还的。
In conclusion:总之;最后; by no means:决不; out of the question:不可能;不知底细;根本谈不上; survivable:adj.可生存的;
Nuclear terrorism is possible, it may be probable , but is survivable. 现在的核恐怖袭击是可能发生的,甚至可以说很有可能发生的 但是我们是有可能生还的
And this is Jack Geiger , who's one of the heroes of the U.S. public health community. 这是杰克·盖格, 他是美国公众健康界的英雄之一
And Jack said the only way to deal with nuclear anything, whether it's war or terrorism, is abolition of nuclear weapons. 杰克说解决核问题的 唯一方法 不管是核战争还是核恐怖袭击 就是废除核武器
And you want something to work on once you've fixed global warming . 如果你想在全球变暖被解决后找点事情做
global warming:n.全球(气候)变暖;地球大气层变暖;
I urge you to think about the fact that we have to do something about this unacceptable, inhumane reality of nuclear weapons in our world. 我强烈建议你思考一下这个事实 我们必须采取一些行动来解决 这些不能被容忍的,不人道的 核武器给我们这个世界 所带来的问题
Now, this is my favorite Civil Defense slide, and I -- 这是我最喜欢的民事防御的宣传画
(Laughter) (笑声)
-I don't want to be indelicate , but -- this -- he's no longer in office. We don't really care, OK. 我不想成为一个粗鄙的人,不过- 这个- 他已经不在任了,所以我们没必要认真,对吧。
This was sent to me by somebody who is an aficionado of civil defense procedures , but the fact of the matter is that 这是某个人给我的 这个人非常热衷于民事防御建设 但真正重要的事实是
aficionado:n.迷;狂热爱好者; procedures:n.程序;规程(procedure的复数);
America's gone through a very hard time. 美国已经经历了一段非常艰难的时期
We've not been focused, we've not done what we had to do, and now we're facing the potential of of bad hell on Earth. 我们没有能够专注地去完成那些我们必须完成的事情 而现在我们面对的是 可能将人间变成地狱的潜在危险
Thank you. 谢谢大家。