

A famous man one said: 一位名人曾说
We create our own demons . 我们总会亲手种下自己的祸根
Who said that? What does that even mean? 谁说的这句话 它又是什么意思
Doesn't matter, I said it cause he said it. 这不重要 我这么说是因为他这么说了
So now he was famous and that's basically get said by two well known guys. 既然他也是个名人 那这话现在就有两个名人说过了
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; well known:adj.著名的;众所周知的;清楚明白的;
I don't, uh...I'm gonna start again. 我不 还是重讲一遍吧
Let's track this from the beginning. 一切还得从最开始说起
Half hour till the ball drops. 还有半小时就到新年了
Hey, do you want...? - Tony Stark, great speech , man! 你想不想... -托尼.斯塔克 演讲真棒
great speech:讲得很好;
I got it. - I gave a speech? How was it? 交给我 -我演讲了吗 讲得怎样
Pitiful . - Unintelligible . 就是个悲剧 -莫名其妙
Pitiful:adj.可怜的,令人同情的; Unintelligible:adj.莫名其妙的;无法了解的;
Really? 真的吗
It's my favorite kind, a winning combo . 是我最爱的风格 百试不爽
Where are we going? 我们现在去哪
Uh...to town on each other, probably back in your room. 爽一炮吧 去你房间就行
Cause I also wanna see your research. 我还想看看你的研究成果
Okay, you can see my research, but thats... I'm not gonna show you my town. 好 研究成果可以给你看 不过那件事你就不要妄想了
Mr. Stark, Ho Yinsen. 斯塔克先生 我是侯殷森
Oh, I finally met a man called Ho. Come here. 终于遇到一个姓侯的人了 过来
I would like to introduce you to our guest, Dr. Wu. 向您介绍一下我们的客人 吴医生
Oh, this guy. - Mr. Stark. 这家伙 -这位是斯塔克先生
You're a heart doctor. 你是心脏科医生
She's going to need a cardiologist . 她一会就爽到需要看医生了
Bye. - Perhaps another time. 再见 -还是下次再说吧
It started in Bern, Switzerland, 1999, 一切都始于1999年 在瑞士伯尔尼
the old days. - Mr. Stark. 那段旧时光 -斯塔克先生
I never thought they'd come back to bite me. 我从未料到当时的举动会招致如此后果
Why would they? 怎么会知道呢
Hey, Tony! Aldrich Killian. 托尼 我是阿德里奇.基里安
I'm a big fan of your work! 我是您的研究的大粉丝
My work? - Who isn't? He means me. 我的研究 -我粉丝多了去了 他是说我
Well, of course. 当然
But, Miss Hansen, my organization been tracking your research since year two of MIT. 不过汉森小姐 我们组织自您在麻省理工读大二时 就开始关注您的研究了
organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词)
Yeah, we're full. 电梯满员了
Oh, wow. He made it. He made the cut. 他真棒 居然塞进来了
What floor are you going to, pal? 你要去哪一层 伙计
Oh, now, that is an appropriate question. 这问题可问对了
The ground floor , actually. I've a proposal . 我有意创建一番事业 我有个提议
ground floor:n.底层; proposal:n.提议,建议;求婚;
I'm putting together with myself. 是我自己策划的
It's a privately funded think tank called, 是私人集资的智囊机构
privately:adv.私下地;秘密地; funded:adj.提供资金的;v.提供资金;积存;提供资金偿付的本息;(fund的过去式); think tank:智囊团、思想库;
Advanced Idea Mechanics . 叫尖端创意科技
Advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) Mechanics:n.机械师;机械修理工;技工;力学;机械学;(mechanic的复数)
She'll take both. One to throw away and one to not call. 两张都给她 一张扔了另一张留着攒灰
throw away:adj.信口开河的;用后可扔的;n.废品;
Advanced Idea Mechanics, or AIM for short. Do you get it? 尖端创意科技 简称AIM 明白吗
I see that, cause it's on your t-shirt. 知道了 你T恤上就有
Ladies, follow the mullet. 女士们 跟着那个鲻鱼头
Ladies first. 女士优先
Thank you, I'll call you. 谢谢 我会联系你的
I'm titillated by the notion of working with you. - Yeah? 要是我们能合作还真叫人激动 -真的吗
titillated:vt.使觉得痒;使高兴;vi.感到兴奋;被激发; notion:n.观念;信念;理解;
Yeah, cheese clown . I'll see you up on the roof in five minutes. 对 小丑兄 我五分钟后到楼顶找你
I'm just going to try to get my beef wet real quick. 我去赶紧来一发
Okay. - You know what I'm talkin' about? 好的 -你懂我意思吧