

Do you ever look at someone and wonder, "What is going on inside their head?" 你是否也曾看着某人想过 他们脑子里到底在想什么
Well, I know. Well, I know Riley 's head. 我知道 我知道莱莉在想什么
And there she was... 就是这个可爱的小家伙
Hello. 你好吗
Riley. 莱莉
Look at you. Aren't you a little bundle of Joy? 看啊 真是个快乐的小天使
bundle:n.包; v.匆匆送走; (成群地)匆忙赶往;
Aren't you a little bundle of Joy? 真是个快乐的小天使
It was amazing. Just Riley and me. Forever. 真好 就这样 只有我跟莱莉
Er, for 33 seconds? 只持续了33秒
I'm sadness. 我是忧忧
Hello. I... I'm Joy. So... 你好 我是乐乐
Can I just... if you could... I just want to fix that. Thanks. 能不能让让 我不想让她伤心 谢谢
And that was just the beginning. 而这一切仅仅是开始
Headquarters only got more crowded from there. 总部一天比一天拥挤
Very nice. Okay, looks like you got this. Very good. 很好 看起来你能应付得了 棒极了
Sharp turn! No! Look out! No! 快转弯 不 小心 天啊
That's fear. He's really good at keeping Riley safe. 这位是怕怕 他总能确保莱莉的安全
Easy, easy. We're good. We're good. 慢点 慢点 没事 没事
Good job. - Thank you. Thank you very much. 干得好 -谢谢 非常感谢
And we're back! 继续玩
Here we go. All right, open. 好了 吃饭了 张嘴
This looks new. - You think it's safe? 这个没见过 -你觉得安全吗
What is it? 这是什么
Okay, caution. There is a dangerous smell, people. 小心 我闻到了危险的气息
Hold on. What is that? 等等 这是什么
This is disgust . 这位是厌厌
She basically keeps Riley from being poisoned. 她主要是防止莱莉惨遭毒害
Physically and socially. 不管是身体方面还是社交方面
That is not brightly colored or shaped like a dinosaur. 颜色不艳丽 样子也不像恐龙
Hold on, guys. 等等 各位
It's broccoli ! 是西兰花
Yucky ! 不要
Well, I just saved our lives. Yeah. You're welcome. 我刚刚救了大家的命 不客气
Riley, if you don't eat your dinner, you're not gonna get any dessert . 莱莉 如果你不吃晚餐 就没甜点吃
Wait. Did he just say we couldn't have dessert? 等等 他是说我们不能吃甜点吗
That's Anger. 他是怒怒
He cares very deeply about things being fair. 他很在乎公平这件事
So that's how you want to play it, old man? No dessert? 老家伙 你真要这样做吗 不给甜点
Sure, we'll eat our dinner! 我们会吃晚饭的
Right after you eat this! 不过让你先尝尝愤怒的滋味吧
Riley, Riley, here comes an airplane ! 莱莉 莱莉 飞机来了
Airplane. We got an airplane, everybody. 飞机 有飞机啊 各位
Airplane. 飞机
And you've met sadness. She... well, she... 你们已经见过忧忧了 她嘛
I'm not actually sure what she does. 我也不太明白她的职责
And I've checked, there's no place for her to go, so... 我确认了下 她也没有地方去
She's good, we're good. It's all great! 她还不错 我们也是 大家都不错
Anyway, these are Riley's memories, and they're mostly happy, you'll notice. Not to brag . 不管怎样 这里存放着莱莉的记忆 我可不是吹 大多数是快乐的回忆
But the really important ones are over here. 但真正重要的都摆在这边
I don't want to get too technical , but these are called core memories. 我不打算说得太复杂 这些被称之为核心记忆
technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;
Each one came from a super important time in Riley's life. 每一个都记录着莱莉生命中的重要时刻