

File 82-712. 档案82-712
Agent Rick Dicker interrogating . 里克.迪克特工进行讯问
Agent:n.代理人,代理商;药剂;特工;v由…作中介;由…代理;adj.代理的; Dicker:vi.易货;做小生意;讨价还价;n.小生意;十张;十个; interrogating:v.讯问;审问;盘问;查询;(interrogate的现在分词)
State your name, please. 请说出你的名字
Uh, Tony. Tony Rydinger. 托尼 托尼.莱丁杰
Tell me about the incident. 告诉我发生了什么
Well, there's this girl, um, in my class. 我班里 有这么一个女孩
I saw her at the track meet. 我在田径运动会上看见她
You're, uh, Violet , right? - That's me. 你是小倩 对吗 -是我
I sort of knew her, but she'd changed. 我本来就知道她 但是她跟以前不一样了
Relaxed . She was more sure of herself. 更放松 更有自信了
Cool, cute. 很可爱
I asked her out to a movie. 我约她出去看电影了
So, Friday? 那么就星期五
Friday. - Friday. 星期五 -星期五
And I went to watch the track meet. 然后我就回去看田径比赛了
Not long after, this thing happened in the parking lot . 过了不久 停车场里出事了
parking lot:n.停车场;
Behold ! The Underminer! 且看 挖地超人登场
I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! 我总是在你们的脚下 但现在无人在我之上
As if things aren't weird enough, 要是这还不算奇怪的话
I look over and I see these boots. 我眼前出现了几双皮靴
You two, stay here. 你们俩留在这里
Wait. Should we be doing this? 等等 我们该插手吗
It is still illegal . 我们现在还是违法的
They looked like superheroes . 他们看起来就像是超级英雄
We're gonna lose him. - Oh, all right. 我们要跟丢他了 -好吧
One of you patrol the perimeter , keep the crowds back and safe. 你们一个巡查周边 让人群远离现场 保证安全
patrol:n.巡逻;巡逻队;侦察队;vt.巡逻;巡查;vi.巡逻;巡查; perimeter:n.周长;周界;[眼科]视野计;
The other, watch after Jack-Jack. 另一个看好小杰
But I thought we were gonna go with... 可我以为我们要去...
You heard your mother. 听妈妈的话
Trampoline me. 变成蹦床送我上去
I call perimeter! 我去巡查四周
You're not going anywhere, you little maggoty creep ! 你哪儿也不许去 你这个小鬼
maggoty:adj.多蛆的;狂想的;生虫的; creep:v.爬行;蔓延;慢慢地移动;起鸡皮疙瘩;n.爬行;毛骨悚然的感觉;谄媚者;
I see my chance to get out of there. 我看到了离开的机会
But there's something familiar about one of the kids' voices. 但我听到其中一个孩子的声音有点耳熟
The girl, she's upset and she throws down her mask... 那个女孩 她不高兴 她把她的面罩扔到了地上
upset:adj.沮丧; v.打乱; n.苦恼; (意外的)混乱;
and it's her! 是她
Oh. Tony! 托尼
Hi. 你好
Uh, this isn't what you think it is. 事情不是你想象的那样
It was just getting too freaky . 当时的情况太诡异了
I couldn't handle it and ran off. 我接受不了 于是我就跑走了
I feel kinda bad about it. 现在想来有点内疚
Maybe I should've said "Hi" or something? 也许我应该回个 你好 什么的
It's not her fault superheroes are illegal. 超级英雄不合法并不是她的错
And it's not like I don't like strong girls. 我也不是不喜欢强大的女孩子
I'm pretty secure manhood-wise. 我对我的男子气概有信心
What is that? 这是什么
Have you told anyone else about this? Your parents? 你有把这件事告诉过别人吗 你父母知道吗
No, they'd only think I was hiding something. 没有 他们单纯以为我在隐瞒什么
You know what I mean? - Sure, kid. 你懂我的意思吧 -懂 孩子
I like this girl, Mr. Dicker. 我喜欢她 迪克先生
I'm supposed to go out with her Friday night. 我本来星期五晚要跟她出去的