

? Where do we go from here? ? 我们要前往何方
? How do we carry on? ? 我们要怎样继续
? I can't get beyond the questions ? 我看不到答案
? Clambering for the scraps ? 为了一些琐碎而攀登
Clambering:vi.攀登,爬上;vt.爬,攀登;n.攀登,爬上; scraps:n.残羹剩饭;刮屑(scrap的复数);
? in the shatter of us, collapsed ? 我们崩塌在碎片中
shatter:n.碎片;碎块;落花(叶等);v.(使)破碎,碎裂;粉碎,破灭;给予极大打击; collapsed:v.倒塌,坍塌;倒下,昏倒;坐下;(collapse的过去分词和过去式)
? It cuts me with every could have been ? 每一块曾经的回忆
? Pain on pain on play, repeating ? 痛苦反复演奏
? With the backup , makeshift life in waiting ? 在只剩下等待的日子里
backup:n.后援;增援;(文件等的)备份;adj.后补的;支持性的;伴奏的; makeshift:n.权宜之计;凑合;临时措施;将就;adj.临时的;权宜之计的;凑合的;
? Everybody says ? 每个人都说
? time heals everything ? 时间治愈一切
? What of the wretched hollow ? ? 但是心中这痛苦的空虚怎么办?
wretched:adj.可怜的;卑鄙的;令人苦恼或难受的; hollow:n.孔; v.挖; adj.中空的; v.彻底;
? The endless in between? ? 这漫长的旅途要怎么走?
? Are we just going to wait it out? ? 我们只能等待了吗?
? There is nothing to see here now ? 前方什么也看不到
? Turning the sign around ? 翻开标志
? We're closed to the Earth till further notice ? 不经意间就靠近了大地
? A crumbling cliche case ? 破碎的陈词滥调
crumbling:v.(使)破碎,成碎屑;坍塌;损坏;崩裂;(crumble的现在分词) cliche:n.陈词滥调;[印刷]铅版;陈腐思想;adj.陈腐的;
? crumpled and puffy faced ? 浮肿的脸庞
crumpled:adj.摺皱的,弄皱的;v.弄皱(crumple的过去分词); puffy:adj.一阵阵吹的;胀大的;喘气的;
? caught dead in the stare of a thousand miles ? 无助地望着远方
? All I want, only one street level miracle ? 我只希望有一个小小的奇迹
? I'll be an out and out born again ? 我会再一次变笨
out and out:adj.完全的;彻底的;公开的;
? from now on more cynical ? 并且更加愤世嫉俗
from now on:从今以后;从现在起; cynical:adj.愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的;
? Everybody says ? 每个人都说
? that time heals everything ? 时间治愈一切
? But what of the wretched hollow? ? 但是心中这痛苦的空虚怎么办?
? The endless in between? ? 这漫长的旅途要怎么走?
? Are we just going to wait it out? ? 我们只能等待了吗
? And sit here cold? ? 坐在寒冷之中?
? We will be long gone by then ? 在那之前我们将会消失吧
? In lackluster ? 在沉闷之中
? In dust we lay around old magazines ? 在灰尘中我们翻开老杂志
? Florescent lighting sets the scene ? 华丽的灯光打开
? for all we could and should be being ? 为了能做的和应做的
? in the one life that we've got ? 在这仅有的一生中
? Everybody says ? 每个人都说
? time heals everything ? 时间治愈一切
? And what of the wretched hollow? ? 但是心中这痛苦的空虚怎么办?
? The endless in between? ? 这漫长的旅途要怎么走?
? Are we just going to wait it out? ? 我们只能等待了吗?
? Just going to sweat it out ? ? 只能苦苦煎熬了吗?
sweat it out:忍受下去;苦熬;
? Just going to sweat it out? ? 只能苦苦煎熬了吗?
? Wait it out ? 等待
(Applause) (掌声)