

(Music) (音乐)
Rainn Wilson: It takes its toll , being alone. 瑞恩 威尔森(RW):孤独是有代价的。
toll:n.伤亡人数; v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲(钟); (尤指)鸣(丧钟);
I'm a little bit lost, and it's finally time to make a real connection. 我有点迷失了, 是时候建立真正意义上的联系了。
Who am I? 我是谁?
(Drums) (鼓声)
I'm a single white male, 45 years of age. 我是一个单身白人男子。 45岁。
I love animals. 喜欢动物。
Gainfully employed . 工作还不错。
Gainfully:adv.有收入地;有利益地; employed:v.雇用:应用:运用:使用(employ的过去分词和过去式)
I'm a people person . 喜欢交朋友。
people person:有人缘的人;善于与人打交道的人;受欢迎的人;
I keep fit. 坚持锻炼。
Who am I looking for? 我在找谁呢?
I'm looking for my idea mate . 我在找我的灵感伙伴。
mate:n.助手,大副; v.使配对;
Are you that idea that matches with who I really am? 你有什么灵感是跟我相配的吗?
(Video) Ron Finley: How would you feel if you had no access to healthy food? (视频)Ron Finley(RF):如果你连健康食物 都接触不到,会是什么感受?
Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do. 种菜是你可以做的最健康也最富有挑战的活动。
therapeutic:adj.治疗的;治疗学的;有益于健康的;n.治疗剂;治疗学家; defiant:adj.挑衅的;目中无人的,蔑视的;挑战的;
RW: Wow, we sure are getting our fingers dirty for a first date, huh? RW:我们的第一次见面就要把手弄脏了,是吧?
RF: Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do. RF:种菜是你可以做的最健康也最富有挑战的活动。
People in these areas -- they're exposed to crappy food. 这片地区的人们吃了太多垃圾食品。
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式) crappy:adj.蹩脚的;糟糕的;没价值的;
I want people to know that growing your own food is like printing your own money. 我希望让人们了解到自己给自己种菜 就像给自己印钱一样。
RW: You're like a food superhero! RW:你就像一个保卫食物的超级英雄!
RF: Food is the problem and food is the solution . RF:食物是难题,也是解答的关键。
Erin McKean: I'm a lexicographer . Erin McKean:我是搞词典编纂的。
Erin:n.爱尔兰; lexicographer:n.词典编纂者;
My job is to put every word possible into the dictionary. 我工作就是把所有词汇尽可能地放进词典里。
RW: I love words, too -- just as much as any lexi-ta-tographer. RW:我也喜欢词汇—— 跟你们一样喜欢。
What if you love a word that you've just made up, like -- I don't know -- "scuberfinkles"? 假如你喜欢一个词汇,还把它创造了出来, 就像 “游山玩水的芬格尔”?
What if:如果…怎么办?
Beau Lotto : Do you think you see reality? Beau Lotto(BL):你觉得你看得到现实吗?
Beau:n.花花公子;喜修饰者;情郎;adj.美的;好的; Lotto:n.一种对号码的牌戏;
RW: Well, I'm a little nearsighted , but yeah. RW:虽然我有点近视,但我可以。
BL: Well, you can't -- I mean, your brain has no access to this world. BL:其实你并不能——我是说, 你大脑是访问不了这个世界的。
In fact, even the sensory information that your eyes are receiving, your ears are receiving, is completely meaningless because it could mean anything. 事实上,哪怕是感知的信息,那些你眼睛接收到的, 你耳朵接收到的, 都没有任何意义,因为它可以表示一切。
That tree could be a large object far away or a small object up close, and your brain has no way of knowing. 这棵树可能是远处一个很大的物体, 也可能是近处一个小不点儿, 你大脑对此无法进行判断。
RW: Once I thought I saw Bigfoot but it was just a German shepherd . RW:有次我以为我看到野人,但其实是一个德国牧羊人。
Bigfoot:n.大脚;传说中生存于北美洲西北部太平洋沿岸森林中的野人(等于Sasquatch); German shepherd:n.德国牧羊犬(常训练成警犬,看家护院,尤其在美国用作导盲犬);
Isabel Behncke Izquierdo: Bonobos are, together with chimpanzees , your closest living relatives . (IBI):倭黑猩猩和黑猩猩 是活着的和你亲缘关系最近的物种。
Bonobos:n.倭黑猩猩(bonobo的变形); chimpanzees:n.[脊椎]黑猩猩(chimpanzee的复数); relatives:n.亲戚;亲属;同类事物;(relative的复数)
Bonobos have frequent and promiscuous sex to manage conflict and solve social issues . 倭黑猩猩通过疯狂地做爱 来处理纷争和社会问题。
frequent:adj.频繁的;经常发生的;v.常到(某处); promiscuous:adj.混杂的;杂乱的;adv.偶然地;胡乱地; conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
RW: I'm just curious : RW:我只是好奇:
Do we have any conflict that needs managing or social issues to resolve ? 我们俩有什么纷争 和社会问题需要解决吗?
resolve:vt.决定; vi.解决; n.坚决;
IBI: Remember -- you're on a date with my idea, not me. IBI:记住——你是在跟我的想法约会, 不是我哦。
Jane McGonigal: This is the face of someone who, against all odds , is on the verge of an epic win. Jane McGonigal(JM):这是一张在历尽艰难险阻后 即将获得史诗般胜利的脸。
against all odds:克服一切困难、出乎所有人的意料而完成某事; on the verge of:濒临于;接近于; epic:adj.史诗的,叙事诗的;n.史诗;叙事诗;史诗般的作品;
RW: An epic win? RW:史诗般胜利?
JM: An epic win is an outcome so extraordinarily positive , you didn't even know it was possible until you achieved it. JM:史诗般胜利是一种结果,它非常积极, 你没有想到它会成为现实,直到你完成它。
outcome:n.结果,结局;成果; extraordinarily:adv.非常;格外地;非凡地; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
You're not making the face. 不是这种表情。
You're making the "I'm not good at life" face. 你现在是 “我活得不怎么好” 的脸。
RW: Arthur, I want to be really honest with you. RW:亚瑟,我对你说实话。
I am seeing other ideas. OK? 我在寻找更多的想法。
I'm dating around. 我在四处和想法约会。
That's the situation. 就是这种情况。
Arthur Benjamin: I'd say this: 我会说:
Mathematics is not just solving for x, it's also figuring out why. 数学可不只是解方程, 它还会告诉你为什么。
RW: Do you want to get some pie? RW:你想来点派吗?
AB: Pi? AB:派?
3.14159265358979 --
Reggie Watts : If we're going to do something, we've got to just make a decision. Reggie Watts:如果我们要做点什么, 那我们就要下决定。
Because without a decision we're left powerless. 不下决定会让我们显得很无力。
Without power, we have nothing to supply the chain of those who are truly curious to solve all of our current conditions. 无力的话, 我们就不能 跟那些真正感兴趣解决我们 目前情况的人建立联系。
RW: And, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" -- Rush. R Wilson:“如果你选择不做决定, 那也是做了一个选择”——匆促乐团。
JM: Yes! JM:对!
This is the face we need to see on millions of problem solvers worldwide , as we try to tackle the challenges of the next century. 这就是当我们 尝试迎接下世纪挑战的时候, 要在整个世界数百万的问题解决者当中要看到的脸。
solvers:n.解决者(solver的复数形式); worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; tackle:v.处理; n.用具;
RW: So, are we going Dutch ? RW:所以,我们AA制吗?
Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
AB: 3846264338327950 28841...
RW: One night, want to go to a movie or something? RW:今晚想去看电影或者做点其他事吗?
RF: Hell, no! Let's go plant some shit! RF:不要!我们还是种点东西吧!
RW: Let's plant some shit! RW:种点东西!
Good, now what is this that I'm planting? 好的,那我现在种的这个是什么?
Bonobos! 倭黑猩猩!
IBI: Bonobos! (Laughs) IBI:倭黑猩猩!(笑)
Bonobos. 倭黑猩猩。
RWatts: Um, interested much? R Watts:怎样,感兴趣吗?
RW: I want to have your idea baby. R Wilson:我想跟你的灵感生个小孩。
RWatts: Well, you know what they say in Russia. R Watts:好吧,你知道他们用俄语怎么说吗?
RW: Hm?
RWatts: "scuberfinckle." R Watts:“游手好闲的芬格尔”。
(Bottles clink) (碰酒瓶)