

You'll never find 此生此世
As long as you live 你不会再遇到谁
As long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
Some one who loves you 会像我那样
Tender like I do 温柔爱你
You'll never find 此生此世
You'll never find 此生此世
It'll take the end of whole time 即使到时间尽头
It's happening! 马上要生了
Wait up guys! 等等我
It's coming, it's coming. - Watch it! 要出生啦 - 看着点
I'm having a baby! 我要有宝宝啦
Comon, Coblue! - Or a pig, if it's a girl. 科芒 科布鲁 - 或者小猪 如果是个女孩
Having a baby, having a baby. I'm coming! Ellie! 有孩子啦 我来啦 艾莉
We got it! 我们来接
Ellie! Ellie! Where are you? Where am I? 艾莉 你在哪 我在哪
Manny? I told you, it was just a kick. 曼尼 我告诉你了 只是踢了一下
Oh! Right, right. Ooh, Woww. 哦是啊
You really gave daddy a scare. Dad got silly 你真是吓了爹地一大跳跳
Daddy fell down a cilff and got BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.. 爹地从山崖上掉下来啦 然后梆梆梆
Ha, silly daddy. Yeah.. 哈哈 呆呆爹地
Sorry, folks. False alarm . It was just a kick. 抱歉啦大家 诈胎 踢了一下而已
False alarm:假警报;虚警;
Do you know who I like to kick? - That's the third false alarm this week! 你知道我想踢谁吗 - 这礼拜都诈了三次了
Alright, show's over. Break it up, break it up. 好啦 演出结束 散了散了
Ah, I see someone else has a buddy in the oven ? - I am not pregnant ! 某人肚肚里也有宝宝啦 - 我没怀孕
buddy:n.伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩;v.做好朋友,交朋友; oven:n.炉,灶;烤炉,烤箱; pregnant:adj.怀孕的;富有意义的;
It's too bad, you could make a wonderful mother. 太可惜了 你本会是个好妈妈的
Manny I know you are excited, I am too. 曼尼 我知道你很激动 我也是
But you get a little carried away. 但是你都魂不守舍了
Okay, Okay. Oh boy, I'm starting to sound like Diego. 知道啦 天 我听起来像迭戈
Wait a second... Where is Diego? 等等 迭戈去哪了
My hooves are burning baby, they are burning! 我的蹄子好烫啊
Look at this, I got a tip-toe! I got a tip-toe! Eat my dust , dingo ! 看 我踮起脚啦 吃我的灰吧 野狗
Eat my dust:望尘莫及,不是我的对手; dingo:n.澳洲野狗;
Now? Get out now? - Easy.. Don't freak out the baby. 现在能看了吧 - 别急 别惊着孩子了
The baby is fine. It's the freaked-out daddy I'm worried about. 孩子很好 但是惊着了的爸爸让我担心
Ahh ahh! No peeking . 不许偷看
A playground for the junior . 给宝宝的乐园
It is amazing. 这太不可思议了
Manny... - I made it myself. Our family. 曼尼 - 我做的 咱们的一家
Why are I up there? 我怎么不在那上面
You can be on ours. You fit right in. 你可以在我们这里 正好放下
Thanks! 谢了
Of course, it is still in working progress. A few reforges. Here and there . 这还在建设中 很多地方还需要装潢
Here and there:各处,到处;
I don't believe it, you try to baby proof nature. 我不敢相信 你居然这么细心 还怕树扎着宝宝
Baby proof nature? Get out of here ! 我细心 别逗了
Get out of here:出去(表示气愤或不耐烦等)
That's ridiculous . 太荒唐了
Manny, this is the world our baby's gonna grow up in, 曼尼 咱们的孩子必须面对现实成长
You can't change that. 你不能永远护着她
Of course I can, I am the biggest thing on earth. 我当然可以 我是世界上最大的生物
Okay, big daddy, 行啊 万能老爸
I can't wait to see how you handle the teen years. 我都等不及看你如何调教青春期少年呢
Come on, Sid. I do not want you touch anything. This place is for kids. 出来希德 这是孩子乐园 别乱碰
Are you a kid? 你是小孩吗
Don't answer that. 别回答
Diego! There you are. You missed the big surprise. 迭戈 你在这啊 你错过了个大惊喜
Oh, right. I'll check it out later. - Okay, see ya. 唔 我一会再看吧 - 好呀 回见
You know, I think there's something bothering Deigo. 我觉得迭戈有心事