

This global warming is killing me. 靠 这全球暖化真是要命
global warming:n.全球(气候)变暖;地球大气层变暖;
This is too hot, the Ice Age was too cold. 这样太热 冰河时期又太冷
What would it take to make you happy? 哪件事是你满意的?
This I like. 这样我爽多了!
Oh, no, you won't catch me. 来呀 你追不到我的
No running, James. Camp rules. 不要跑 詹姆士 守规矩!
Make me, sloth . 谁鸟你 树懒?
Make me, sir. It's all about respect. 谁鸟你 先生! 一点都不懂敬老尊贤
Water ball. 水罗
Sammy, you just ate. Wait an hour. 山米 刚吃饱 休息1小时 赫克特 不可以在那里尿尿
Hector , no, no, no, you can't pee-pee there. 不可以在那里尿尿
Hector:n.赫克托耳;虚张声势的人;v.吓唬;威吓;欺负;(向…)虚张声势; pee-pee:n.尿尿;小便;
OK, there is fine. Ashley, stop picking your... 那里可以 艾希莉 别挖鼻孔
Piata! 打礼物罗!
Stop! You're supposed to wear blindfolds . 等一下!眼睛要先蒙起来
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) blindfolds:vt.蒙住…的眼睛; adj.轻率的,盲目的; n.障眼物,眼罩; v.盲目地;
Hey, it's my turn to hit the sloth. - Mine. 轮到我打! - 轮到我!
Mine. - Mine. 轮到我! - 轮到我!
Hey, you didn't have any candy in you. 你身上根本没有糖果
Let's bury him. 把他埋起来
Hey, whoa. Who said you kids could torture the sloth? 嘿!谁说可以虐待树懒?
Manny, don't squash their creativity. 曼尼 不要扼杀他们的创意
Hey, Manny, Diego, my bad mammals-jammals. 曼尼!狄亚哥! 我的道上兄弟
Wanna give a sloth a hand? 帮帮可怜的树懒吧?
Look, I opened my camp. " Campo del Sid". It means Camp of Sid. 我开了一个营地 喜德之乡 就是 喜德营地 的意思
Congratulations. You're now an idiot in two languages. 哇咧 你的西语跟英语一样烂
Not in front of the k-i-d-z. These little guys love me. Right, Billy? 不要在小鬼面前取笑我 他们喜欢我 对吧 比利?
Don't make me eat you. 不要逼我吃掉你!
They kid. That's why they're called kids. 爱鬼扯 所以他们叫 小鬼
I told you, Sid. You're not qualified to run a camp. 喜德 你没有经营营地的资格
qualified:adj.有资格的; v.合格; (qualify的过去分词和过去式)
What do qualifications have to do with childcare ? 照顾小孩需要什么资格?
qualifications:n.资格证书;任职资格;职位要求;限定性条件(qualification的复数形式); have to do with:与…有关; childcare:n.儿童保育;儿童照管;adj.儿童保育的;托管的;
Besides , these kids look up to me. I'm a role model to them. 再说 这些小孩都崇拜我 我是他们学习的榜样
Besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; look up to:尊敬; role model:n.榜样;崇拜对象;
I can see that. 看得出来
You guys never think I can do anything, but I'm an equal member of this herd . 你们以为我什么都不会 我跟大家都是同伙的一份子
I made this herd, so you need to start treating me with some respect. 没有我哪有今天的我们 你们最好给我放尊重一点
Come on, Sid. - Sid, we were just kidding. 回来啦 喜德 - 开个玩笑都不行
Hey, let's play pin-the-tail-on-the-mammoth. - Sid! 嘿!我们来玩帮长毛象钉尾巴 - 喜德!
I can do stuff . 笑我笨是吧?
Won't give me their stupid respect. 不知道什么叫尊重
I'll show 'em. 我就给他们点颜色瞧瞧!
And so, in the end, the little burro reached his mommy. 就这样 最后… 小毛驴终于找到了妈妈
And they lived happily ever after. 从此过着幸福快乐的生活
Good job. - Question. 还真能掰 - 我要发问
Why does the burro go home? Why doesn't he stay with the rabbits? 小毛驴为什么要回家? 怎么不跟兔子一起生活?
Because... because he wanted to be with his family. 因为他想跟家人在一起
He should go with the girl burro. That's a better love story. 如果跟小母驴私奔会比较精彩
OK, well, when you tell your burro story, that's what he'll do. 你有你的版本 这是我的版本
Burro is a demeaning name. Technically, it's called a wild ass. 小毛驴 有蔑视的味道 严格来讲应该称他 野驴
Fine. The wild ass boy came home to his wild ass mother. 于是野驴回到野驴他妈的身边
See, that's why I called it a burro. 懂了吧?是不是更难听?
Could the burro have a grazing problem? Then he'd be more relatable. 如果他有进食困难会更感人
Boring . - It's not believable. 无聊 - 没有说服力
Do burros eat their young? - It's not a good ending. 母驴会吃小驴吗? - 结局不过瘾
Sometimes I throw up. 有时候我会吐!
They lived happily ever after. You can't get more satisfying than that. 从此过着幸福快乐的生活 还有什么比这更好的结局?
One big, happy family. That's the way it's supposed to be. 幸福的大家庭!这样多好!