

Why not call itthe Big Chill or the Nippy era ? 为什么不管这叫“大寒”或者“寒冷时代”
Chill:n.寒冷; adj.寒冷的; v.冷冻,冷藏; Nippy:adj.刺骨的;锐利的;凛冽的;漂亮的; era:n.新时期;纪元;年代;新时代;
I'm just saying,how do we know it's an ice age? 我是说我们怎么知道这是“冰河世纪”?
Because of all the ice. 因为四周全是冰!
Well, things just got a little chillier . 就连说话也冷冰冰的
Help. Help. 救命,救命啊!
Come on, kids, let's go. The traffic's moving. 来吧,孩子们,我们走啦,大伙儿都在走呢!
But, but, but, Dad. 可是,可是,可是,爸爸
No buts. You can play extinction later. 别说“可是”,还轮不到你绝种呢
OK. Come on, guys. 噢,OK,走吧,伙计们
So, where's Eddie? 我说…艾迪在哪儿?
He said he was on the vergeof an evolutionary breakthrough . 啊,他说他马上就要出现一个“进化上的突破”了
evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的; breakthrough:n.突破;开始取得成功之时;adj.突破性的;
Really? 是吗?
I'm flying. 噢,我在飞!
Some breakthrough. 的确是蛮有突破的
Look out.- You're going the wrong way. 小心! - 你走错方向了!
Crazy mammoth . 你这毛象疯子!
Do the world a favor.Move your issues off the road. 嘿!帮帮忙!别挡着道妨碍交通!
If my trunk was that small,I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal. 如果我也是短鼻子,我就不会那么抢眼了,老弟!
draw attention to:吸引对;吸引注意力;指出;对;
Give me a break.We've been waddling all day. 别臭我了我们…都挪了一整天了
Go ahead. Follow the crowd. 那就接着走吧,随大流吧
It'll be quieter when you're gone. 你们走了就清静了
Come on. If he wants tofreeze to death, let him. 走吧,他要冻死就随他去
I'm up. I'm up. 嘿,嘿,我醒了,醒了
Rise and shine , everybody.Huh? Zak? Marshall? 大家都快起来吧!呃?扎克?马歇尔?
Rise and shine:太阳都很高了(该起床了);
Bertie? Uncle Fungus ? 伯蒂?“真菌”叔叔?
Where is everybody? Come on, guys,we're gonna miss the migration . 大家都去哪儿了?来吧,伙计们,我们该迁…该迁…迁徙了
They left without me.They do this every year. 扔下我就走了他们每年…都这么干!
Why? Doesn't anyone love me? 为什么?谁都不爱我了吗?
Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth ? 难道谁都不关心我这可怜的树懒希德了吗?
All right, I'll just go by myself. 好吧,那我就自己走
Sick. 噢,恶心!
Wide body, curb it next time. 嘿,巨无霸!别随地大小便!
Oh, jeez. Yuck . 噢,天,噢,唉唷!噢!
I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens. Frank , where did you ever...? 真不敢相信,新鲜绿叶菜弗兰克,你在哪儿找到的?
Go ahead. Dig in.- A dandelion . 好了,快吃吧 - 是蒲公英?
I thought the frost wiped 'em all out.- All but one. 还以为都被冻死了 - 就剩下这一棵
It makes me so... I wanna... Yuck. 唷,唷,这实在让我太我要咬他的…啊
This has definitely not been my day.You know what I'm saying, buddy ? 我呸!今天我算是倒霉透了我的意思你应该懂吧?
definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; buddy:n.伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩;v.做好朋友,交朋友;
What a mess . You rhinos have tiny brains. Did you know that? 简直一团糟,你们犀牛的脑袋实在是小,你们知道吗?
mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺; rhinos:n.(非正式)犀牛;[俚]钱;现金;
It's just a fact. No offense . You probably didn't even know what I'm talking about. 这是事实,我没有恶意也许我的话你们根本不懂
Yummo. 呵呵呵呵,噢,美味呀!
A dandelion. Must bethe last one of the season. 是蒲公英呀!一定是最后一棵了
Carl.- Easy, Frank. 卡尔? - 冷静,弗兰克
He ruined our salad. 他糟蹋了我们的色拉
My mistake. That was my mistake. Let me... 呃,呃,噢,噢,是我错了
No, no, seriously, let me take care of this. What is this? 伙计们,我错了,我赔我赔呃,这是什么?
Pine cones . Oh, my goodness.They're my favorite. 是松果啊!噢,老天,我最爱吃了!
Pine:n.松木;松树;vi.难过,悲伤 cones:n.视锥细胞(cone的复数);锥形体;v.使成锥形;使成斜角(cone的三单形式);
Delicious. That's good eating. 唔,味道好极了嗷,这真…呃,真好吃
But don't let me hog them all up.Here, you have some. 你们可不能让我独享了你们也吃点
Now? 上吗?
Just pretend that I'm not here.- I wanted to hit him at full speed. 假装我不在 - 我是想全速把他撞倒
That's OK. We'll have some fun with him.- Don't let them impale me. I wanna live. 别急,我们“玩玩”他 - 别让他们刺穿我,拜托了,我想活命
Get off me.- Come on, you're making a scene. 你走开! - 行了,你就别撒泼了
We'll just take our furry pinata and go. 我们只要把那毛小子戳爆然后就走