

Well we all know the World Wide Web has absolutely transformed publishing, broadcasting, commerce and social connectivity , but where did it all come from? 我们都知道万维网 已经绝对地改变了出版、广播、 商业和社交的联通性, 但是它是从哪儿来的?
World Wide Web:n.万维网; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式) commerce:n.商业;(尤指国际间的)贸易;商务; connectivity:n.[数]连通性;
And I'll quote three people: 在此我要引用三个人:
Vannevar Bush , Doug Engelbart and Tim Berners-Lee. 范尼瓦尔?布什,道格?英格尔巴特和蒂姆?伯纳斯李。
Bush:n.灌木; v.以灌木装饰; adj.如灌木般长得低矮的;
So let's just run through these guys. 那么我们一个一个地说说这些人。
run through:n.贯通;从头到尾读一遍;排练;
This is Vannevar Bush. 这是范尼瓦尔?布什,
Vannevar Bush was the U.S. government's chief scientific adviser during the war. 范尼瓦尔?布什曾经是美国政府在战争时期的首席科学顾问。
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; adviser:n.顾问;劝告者;指导教师(等于advisor);
And in 1945, he published an article in a magazine called Atlantic Monthly . 在1945年的时候, 他在一本名为”大西洋月刊“的杂志上公开发表了一篇文章。
Atlantic:adj.大西洋的;巨人阿特拉斯的;n.大西洋; Monthly:n.月刊:adv.每个月:每月一次:adj.每月的:
And the article was called "As We May Think." 这个文章就叫做”像你可以想的那样“。
And what Vannevar Bush was saying was the way we use information is broken. 范尼瓦尔?布什想表达的 是我们使用信息的方式是破碎的。
We don't work in terms of libraries and catalog systems and so forth. 我们没有根据图书馆 和目录系统等等那样做。
The brain works by association . 大脑是通过联合协作来工作的。
With one item in its thought, it snaps instantly to the next item. 当它在想一个主体的时候,它就立即会去连接下一个主体。
item:n.条款,项目;一则;一件商品(或物品);adj.又,同上; snaps:n.纽扣; v.猛咬;
And the way information is structured is totally incapable of keeping up with this process . 并且,信息构造的方式 是完全无法把我们限制在这个过程中的。
structured:adj.有结构的;有组织的;v.组织;构成(structure的过去分词);建造; incapable:adj.不能的;无能力的;不能胜任的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
And so he suggested a machine, and he called it the memex. 所以,他提议了一种机器, 他把它叫做麦麦克斯。
And the memex would link information, one piece of information to a related piece of information and so forth. 麦麦克斯可以连接信息, 一条信息连到一条与之有关的信息,并以此延续。
Now this was in 1945. 现在这是1945年。
A computer in those days was something the secret services used to use for code breaking. 一台电脑在那个时候 是机密服务部门用来破解密码的东西。
And nobody knew anything about it. 并且没有人知道关于它的任何事。
So this was before the computer was invented. 所以这是电脑被发明之前。
And he proposed this machine called the memex. 他提议把这个机器命名为麦麦克斯。
And he had a platform where you linked information to other information, and then you could call it up at will. 并且他有一个可以让你把信息与其他信息连接起来的平台, 然后你就可以随意调用它。
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
So spinning forward, one of the guys who read this article was a guy called Doug Engelbart, and he was a U.S. Air Force officer. 所以向前旋转一点, 在这些读过这篇文章的人中,有一个人叫道格?英格尔巴特, 他曾是美国空军的军官。
spinning:n.纺纱(手艺):纺线v.(使)旋转:纺线:纺纱;(spin的现在分词) Air Force:n.空军;
And he was reading it in their library in the Far East. 他当时正在他们在远东的图书馆里阅读这篇文章。
And he was so inspired by this article, it kind of directed the rest of his life. 并且这篇文章曾让他很受鼓舞, 一定程度上指示了他的余生。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
And by the mid-60s, he was able to put this into action when he worked at the Stanford Research Lab in California. 在60年代中期的时候,他得以把想法付诸于实践, 当他在加州斯坦福研究实验室工作的时候。
He built a system. 他建立了一种系统。
The system was designed to augment human intelligence , it was called. 这种系统是设计来增强人类智力的,据说。
augment:vi.增加;增大;vt.增加;增大;n.增加;增大; intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报;
And in a premonition of today's world of cloud computing and softwares of service, his system was called NLS for oN-Line System. 在对今日世界上 云计算和服务软件的预感里, 他的系统被称作 为oN-Line系统设计的NLS。
premonition:n.预告;征兆; computing:n.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术;v.计算;求出;(compute的现在分词) oN-Line:adj.在线的;即时的;
And this is Doug Engelbart. 这是道格?英格尔巴特。
He was giving a presentation at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in 1968. 他当时正在秋季联合电脑会议上做一个演讲, 那是1968年。
presentation:n.展示;描述,陈述;介绍;赠送; Joint:n.关节; adj.共同的; v.连接,贴合; Conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会)
What he showed -- he sat on a stage like this, and he demonstrated this system. 他展示的是—— 他坐在一个像这样的舞台上,演示这个系统。
He had his head mic like I've got. 他有他的头戴式话筒,就像我得到的这个。
And he works this system. 他操作了这个系统。
And you can see, he's working between documents and graphics and so forth. 如你所见,他当时正在文件 和图解计算等等之间操作。
And he's driving it all with this platform here, with a five-finger keyboard and the world's first computer mouse, which he specially designed in order to do this system. 他完全掌控它 用这里的这个平台, 一个五指的键盘, 和这个世界上第一个电脑鼠标, 这个他特别为了这个系统设计的鼠标。
So this is where the mouse came from as well. 所以这也是鼠标的来源。
So this is Doug Engelbart. 这是道格?英格尔巴特。
The trouble with Doug Engelbart's system was that the computers in those days cost several million pounds. 道格?英格尔巴特的系统的问题在于 那个时代的电脑都有几百万磅重。
So for a personal computer , a few million pounds was like having a personal jet plane; it wasn't really very practical . 所以对一个个人电脑来说, 几百万磅就像是拥有一架私人飞机; 它不是非常实际。
personal computer:n.个人电脑;个人计算机; practical:adj.实际的;真实的;客观存在的;n.实习课;实践课;
But spin on to the 80s when personal computers did arrive, then there was room for this kind of system on personal computers. 但是转到80年代, 当个人电脑确实到来的时候, 这种在个人电脑上的系统就有了空间。
And my company, OWL built a system called Guide for the Apple Macintosh . 我的公司,OWL 建立了一种名为”苹果麦金塔电脑指南“的系统。
OWL:n.猫头鹰;枭;惯于晚上活动的人; Macintosh:n.苹果公司生产的一种型号的计算机;
And we delivered the world's first hypertext system. 并且我们发表了世界上第一个超文本系统。
And this began to get a head of steam. 这个为潮流开了个头。
Apple introduced a thing called HyperCard, and they made a bit of a fuss about it. 苹果介绍了一种叫”超卡“的东西, 并且他们对此有点小题大做。
fuss:n.大惊小怪; v.瞎忙一气; (为小事)烦恼;
They had a 12-page supplement in the Wall Street Journal the day it launched . 在它发布的当天,他们做了12页的华尔街日报增刊。
supplement:v.补充;增补;n.补遗;增补(物);补充(物);添加物; Wall Street:n.华尔街(美国纽约金融中心和证券交易所所在地); Journal:n.杂志;日记;日志;(用于报纸名)…报; launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词)
The magazines started to cover it. 杂志们开始涉及它。
Byte magazine and Communications at the ACM had special issues covering hypertext. 字节杂志和在ACM的通讯杂志 有涉及超文本的特殊期刊。
Byte:n.字节;8位元组; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
We developed a PC version of this product as well as the Macintosh version. 我们开发了这种产品的个人电脑版本 和麦金塔版本。
as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
And our PC version became quite mature . 并且,我们的个人电脑版本变得十分成熟。
mature:v.成熟; adj.明白事理的;
These are some examples of this system in action in the late 80s. 80年代后期,有一些这个系统工作的例子。
You were able to deliver documents, were able to do it over networks. 你可以传输文件,可以通过网络来做。
We developed a system such that it had a markup language based on html. 我们开发了这样一个系统, 它拥有一个基于html的标记语言。
We called it hml: hypertext markup language. 我们称之为hml:超文本设置语言。
And the system was capable of doing very, very large documentation systems over computer networks. 这个系统能够通过计算机网络, 做非常,非常大的文件系统。
So I took this system to a trade show in Versailles near Paris in late November 1990. 所以我带着这个系统去了一个在巴黎附近凡尔赛的贸易展览, 在1990年11月下旬。
trade show:na.[影视]试映; Versailles:n.凡尔赛(法国城市);
And I was approached by a nice young man called Tim Berners-Lee who said, "Are you Ian Ritchie?" and I said, "Yeah." 我接触了一位友好的叫蒂姆?伯纳斯李的年轻人, 那个说“你是伊恩?瑞彻吗?“ 的人,我说“是。”
And he said, "I need to talk to you." 他说,”我需要和你聊一聊。“
And he told me about his proposed system called the World Wide Web. 于是他告诉了我关于他提议的万维网系统。
And I thought, well, that's got a pretentious name, especially since the whole system ran on his computer in his office. 然后我就想,好吧,那是一个自命不凡的名字, 特别是整个系统不过只是在他办公室里的电脑上运行。
pretentious:adj.自命不凡的;炫耀的;做作的; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
But he was completely convinced that his World Wide Web would take over the world one day. 但是他完全确信他的万维网 总有一天会占领这个世界。
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式) take over:接管;继承;接收;接任;接替;
And he tried to persuade me to write the browser for it, because his system didn't have any graphics or fonts or layout or anything; it was just plain text . 并且他试图说服我去为它写一个浏览器, 因为他的系统没有任何图解或者字体或者布局或者其他事情; 它只是简单的文本。
persuade:v.说服;劝说;使信服;使相信; browser:n.[计]浏览器;吃嫩叶的动物;浏览书本的人; layout:n.布局;规划;设计;版面设计; plain text:n.明文;
I thought, well, you know, interesting, but a guy from CERN, he's not going to do this. 我觉得,好吧,你知道的,挺有趣, 但是一个从CERN来的人,他不会做的。
So we didn't do it. 所以我们没有做。
In the next couple of years, the hypertext community didn't recognize him either. 在之后的几年中, 超文本团体也没有承认他。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;
In 1992, his paper was rejected for the Hypertext Conference. 在1992年,他的论文被”超文本会议“否定了。
In 1993, there was a table at the conference in Seattle , and a guy called Marc Andreessen was demonstrating his little browser for the World Wide Web. 在1993年, 西雅图的会议上有一个展台, 和一个叫马克?安德森的人 来展示他那关于万维网的小浏览器。
Seattle:n.西雅图(美国一港市); Marc:n.机读目录;(水果,种子等经压榨后的)榨渣; demonstrating:n.演示;v.证明;示威;显示;(demonstrate的现在分词)
And I saw it, and I thought, yep, that's it. 我看到了,我认为,就这样了。
And the very next year, in 1994, we had the conference here in Edinburgh , and I had no opposition in having Tim Berners-Lee as the keynote speaker. 就在下一年,1994年,我们在爱丁堡这里开了个会议, 我对让蒂姆?伯纳斯李做主讲人没有任何意见。
Edinburgh:n.爱丁堡(英国城市名); opposition:n.反对党;对立;在野党;对抗; keynote:n.基调;主旨;主音;vt.给…定基调;说明基本政策;vi.作主旨发言;
So that puts me in pretty illustrious company. 因此我进了非常著名的公司。
There was a guy called Dick Rowe who was at Decca Records and turned down The Beatles . 曾经有个人叫迪克?罗, 这个人曾经在迪卡唱片工作并且拒绝了甲壳虫乐队。
Dick:n.阴茎,鸡巴;侦探;誓言; Beatles:n.披头士合唱(摇滚乐队);
There was a guy called Gary Kildall who went flying his plane when IBM came looking for an operating system for the IBM PC, and he wasn't there, so they went back to see Bill Gates. 曾经也有个人叫加里?希达尔, 这个人去驾驶他的飞机, 当IBM为了IBM个人电脑 寻找一个操作系统的时候, 他当时不在那里,所以他们回去见了比尔?盖茨。
operating system:n.(计算机)操作系统;
And the 12 publishers who turned down J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter, I guess. 还有12家出版商, 那些拒绝了J.K 罗琳的哈利波特的人,我想。
On the other hand , there's Marc Andreessen who wrote the world's first browser for the World Wide Web. 从另一方面来说,还有马克?安德森, 这个写出了世界上第一个万维网浏览器的人。
On the other hand:另一方面;
And according to Fortune magazine, he's worth 700 million dollars. 根据财富杂志, 他现在身价7亿美元。
according to:根据,据说; Fortune:n.财富;命运;运气;v.给予财富,偶然发生
But is he happy? 但他快乐吗?
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)