

Our face is hugely important because it's the external visual part that everybody else sees. 我们的面部十分重要 因为它是身体外部可视的部分 所有人都可以看见。
external:n.外部;外观;形式;外部情况;adj.外部的;外面的;外界的;外来的; visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的;
Let's not forget it's a functional entity . 我们别忘了它也是一个功能实体。
functional:adj.功能的; entity:n.实体;存在;本质;
We have strong skull bones that protect the most important organ in our body: the brain. 我们有坚固的头盖骨 用来保护我们身体中最重要的器官:大脑。
skull:n.头盖骨,脑壳; organ:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴;管风琴;嗓音;
It's where our senses are located , our special senses -- our vision , our speech, our hearing, our smell, our taste. 我们感官也位于面部,我们的一些特殊感官 -- 我们的视觉,我们的言语, 我们的听力,我们的嗅觉,我们的味觉。
located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式) vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
And this bone is peppered , as you can see , with the light shining through the skull with cavities , the sinuses , which warm and moisten the air we breathe. 这块骨头 布满了 正如你看到的 穿透过头盖骨的光线 还有空腔, 鼻窦, 使我们吸入的空气变的温暖和湿润。
peppered:adj.用胡椒调味的; v.在(食物上)撒胡椒粉(pepper的过去式); as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; cavities:n.腔(cavity的复数形式);[医]空洞;蛀牙;插线孔; sinuses:n.鼻窦;鼻窦炎; moisten:v.(使)变得潮湿,变得湿润
But also imagine, if they were filled with solid bone, our head would be dead weight, we wouldn't be able to hold it erect , we wouldn't be able to look at the world around us. 但想象一下,如果这全是实心的骨头, 我们的头会变得非常重, 我们将不能抬起头, 我们也不能看到我们四周的世界。
This woman is slowly dying because the benign tumors in her facial bones have completely obliterated her mouth and her nose, so she can't breathe and eat. 这个女人正在慢慢的死去 因为她面颅骨里的良性肿瘤 已经彻底毁坏了她的嘴巴和鼻子, 所以她不能呼吸也不能吃东西。
benign:adj.良性的;和蔼的,亲切的;吉利的; tumors:n.肿瘤(tumor的复数); facial:adj.面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用的;n.美容,美颜;脸部按摩; obliterated:v.涂去;消灭…的痕迹;使消失;除去;(obliterated是obliterate的过去分词)
Attached to the facial bones that define our face's structure are the muscles that deliver our facial expression , our universal language of expression , our social signaling system. 依附于面颅骨 用来勾画我们面部结构的 是传递我们面部表情的肌肉, 我们通用的表情语言 我们的社会信号体系。
Attached:adj.依恋;v.重视;把…固定;(attach的过去分词和过去式) define:v.定义;使明确;规定; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; muscles:n.肌肉(muscle的复数); expression:n.表现,表示,表达; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的; signaling:n.发信号;打信号;
And overlying this is the skin drape , which is a hugely complex three-dimensional structure -- taking right angled bends here and there , having thin areas like the eyelids , thick areas like the cheek, different colors. 覆盖其上的是皮肤褶皱, 它是个极其复杂的 三维结构 -- 在这里那里会有各种角度的弯折 有薄如眼睑的区域, 有厚如脸颊的区域和不同的颜色组成。
overlying:n.上覆盖,叠加(overlie的现在分词);adj.上覆盖的; drape:vt.用布帘覆盖;使呈褶裥状;vi.成褶皱状垂下;n.窗帘;褶裥; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; here and there:各处,到处; eyelids:n.[解剖]眼睑;[解剖]眼皮(eyelid的复数);
And then we have the sensual factor of the face. 我们的脸上也有官能要素。
sensual:adj.感觉的;肉欲的;世俗的;感觉论的; factor:n.因素;要素;[物]因数;代理人;v.做代理商;v.把…作为因素计入;
Where do we like to kiss people? 我们喜欢亲吻别人什么地方?
On the lips. Nibble the ears maybe. 嘴唇上。也许在耳边轻咬。
It's the face where we're attracted to with that. 这正是因为我们被面部所吸引。
But let's not forget the hair. 不过我们也不要忘记头发。
You're looking at the image on your left-hand side -- that's my son with his eyebrows present. 你现在看一下你左手边的图片 -- 这是我儿子有眉毛的照片,
left-hand:adj.左手的;左侧的; eyebrows:n.眉;眉毛;(eyebrow的复数)
Look how odd he looks with the eyebrows missing. 而他没有眉毛的照片看起来是不是很奇怪。
There's a definite difference. 这有着决定性的差异。
And imagine if he had hair sprouting from the middle of his nose, he'd look even odder still. 想象一下他如果从鼻子中间有毛发 他会看起来更加奇怪。
sprouting:n.发芽;催芽;抹芽;v.萌芽;开始生长;除去…的芽(sprout的ing形式); odder:adj.奇怪的:反常的:偶尔发生的:(odd的比较级)
Dysmorphophobia is an extreme version of the fact that we don't see ourselves as others see us. 曲影症 是一个事实的极端特例 我们看我们自己 和别人看我们是不同的。
It's a shocking truth that we only see mirror images of ourselves, and we only see ourselves in freeze-frame photographic images that capture a mere fraction of the time that we live. 这是个让人震惊的事实 我们只能看到我们的镜像, 我们只能看到我们自己 在定格的照片中 这些照片只能捕获我们生活中的短暂瞬间。
images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) freeze-frame:n.定格;vt.把(图像)定格; photographic:adj.摄影的;逼真的;(尤指记忆)详细准确的; capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获 mere:adj.仅仅的;只不过的;n.小湖;池塘; fraction:n.分数;小部分;小数;少量;
Dysmorphophobia is a perversion of this where people who may be very good looking regard themselves as hideously ugly and are constantly seeking surgery to correct their facial appearance . 曲影症 是这一事实的反常行为 有些相貌很好看的人 认为自己面目狰狞 并且不断寻求通过手术 来矫正他们的容貌。
perversion:n.反常行为;(性)变态;颠倒;歪曲;颠倒是非; hideously:adv.可怕地;非常讨厌地;荒谬可笑地; ugly:adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的; constantly:adv.不断地;时常地; seeking:v.寻找;寻求;谋求;争取;(向人)请求(seek的现在分词) surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室; appearance:n.外貌;外观;外表;
They don't need this, they need psychiatric help. 他们并不需要手术, 他们需要心理辅导。
Max has kindly donated his photograph to me. 马克斯好心的把他的照片捐赠给我。
He doesn't have dysmorphophobia, but I'm using his photograph to illustrate the fact that he looks exactly like a dysmorphophobic. 他没有曲影症,但我用他的照片 来说明他看起来跟一个曲影症患者一样。
In other words, he looks entirely normal. 换句话说,他看起来完全正常。
Age is another thing when our attitude toward our appearance changes. 年龄是另外一个因素 在我们对待自己容貌态度的改变之中。
So children judge themselves, learn to judge themselves, by the behavior of adults around them. 所以孩子们自我衡量,学习自我衡量 是通过他们身边成年人的行为。
Here's a classic example: Rebbecca has a benign blood vessel tumor that's growing out through her skull, has obliterated her nose, and she's having difficulty seeing. 这是个经典案例:丽贝卡的良性血管瘤 从她的头骨中长出来,并且毁坏了她的鼻子, 她看东西已经成问题。
classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的; blood vessel:n.血管;
As you can see, it's blocking her vision. 你可以看到,肿瘤阻挡了她的视线。
She's also in danger, when she damages this, of bleeding profusely . 如果她弄破了肿瘤她的生命也会 因为大出血而有危险。
bleeding:n.出血;渗色;adj.流血的;同情的;v.出血;渗出;(bleed的现在分词) profusely:adv.丰富地;
Our research has shown that the parents and close loved ones of these children adore them. 我们的研究表明 这些孩子们的父母和亲近的人们 极其喜欢他们。
They've grown used to their face; they think they're special. 他们已经习惯了这些孩子们的脸;他们觉得这些孩子很特殊。
Actually, sometimes the parents argue about whether these children should have the lesion removed. 其实,有的时候父母们会讨论 是不是要把这些孩子的病变除去。
And occasionally they suffer intense grief reactions because the child they've grown to love has changed so dramatically and they don't recognize them. 偶尔的,他们会难过 因为他们心爱的孩子 会有如此大的变化以至于都不能认出他们来了。
occasionally:adv.偶尔;有时候;偶然; intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; grief:n.悲痛;忧伤;不幸; reactions:n.反应;回应;抗拒;生理反应;副作用(reaction的复数) dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地; recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;
But other adults say incredibly painful things. 但另外的成年人 会说一些让人难以置信的心痛的话。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; painful:adj.痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的;
They say, " How dare you take this child out of the house and terrify other people. 他们会说,“你们怎么敢把这个孩子带出家门 这会吓到其他人的。
How dare you:你怎么敢…!; terrify:vt.恐吓;使恐怖;使害怕;
Shouldn't you be doing something about this? Why haven't you had it removed?" 你们难道不应该做些什么么? 为什么不把这些病变除去?”
And other children in curiosity come up and poke the lesion, because -- a natural curiosity. 其他的孩子们会好奇的上来戳一戳, 因为一种自然的好奇心。
curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩; poke:v.刺,捅;戳;伸出;刺探;闲荡;n.戳;刺;袋子;懒汉;
And that obviously alerts the child to their unusual nature. 这当然会让这个孩子意识到 他不寻常的特质。
alerts:n.警报; v.通知(alert的第三人称单数);
After surgery, everything normalizes . 手术之后,一切归于正常。
The adults behave more naturally , and the children play more readily with other children. 大人们的举动更自然, 这些孩子和其他孩子也更玩的来。
behave:v.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用; naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地; readily:adv.容易地;乐意地;无困难地;
As teenagers -- just think back to your teenage years -- we're going through a dramatic and often disproportionate change in our facial appearance. 作为青少年-- 回想一下你们的青少年时期-- 我们经历着戏剧性的 时常是不成比例的 面部变化。
We're trying to struggle to find our identity . 我们努力的寻找自己的身份
We crave the approval of our peers . 我们渴望得到同龄人的认可。
crave:v.渴望;恳求; approval:n.批准;认可;赞成; peers:n.平辈,同事(peer的复数);v.凝视;比得上(peer的三单形式);
So our facial appearance is vital to us as we're trying to project ourselves to the world. 所以我们的面容对我们来说极其重要 当我们努力的向世界展现自己。
Just remember that single acne spot that crippled you for several days. 还记得吗?一个青春痘 就可以让你好几天都精神萎靡。
acne:n.[皮肤]痤疮,[皮肤]粉刺; crippled:v.使残废;使跛;使成瘸子;严重毁坏(或损害)(cripple的过去分词和过去式)
How long did you spend looking in the mirror every day, practicing your sardonic look, practicing your serious look, trying to look like Sean Connery, as I did, trying to raise one eyebrow. 你每天花多长时间盯着镜子, 练习讽刺的表情,严肃的表情, 尝试看起来更像肖恩·康纳利,像我小时候一样。 尝试着扬起一只眉毛。
It's a crippling time. 那是个让人束手无策的时期。
crippling:adj.残废的; v.使残废; (cripple的现在分词)
I've chosen to show this profile view of Sue , because what it shows is her lower jaw jutting forward and her lower lip jutting forward. 我选择给你们看苏的侧面像, 因为这样可以看出来她的下颚向前凸出 她的下唇也向前凸出。
profile:n.轮廓;简介;形象;外形;v.扼要介绍;概述;写简介; Sue:v.控告;提起诉讼;(尤指在法庭上)提出请求; jutting:v.使突出;突出(jut的ing形式);
I'd like you all in the audience now to push your lower jaw forward, turn to the person next to you, push your lower jaws forward, turn to the person next to you and look at them -- they look miserable . 我想让你们在座的每一位现在把你们的下颚推向前, 然后转向旁边的人, 把你们的下颚推向前,然后转向你旁边的人 看着他们 -- 他们看起来很忧愁。
That's exactly what people used to say to Sue. 正如所有人告诉苏的一样。
She wasn't miserable at all. 她一点也不忧愁。
But people used to say to her, "Why are you so miserable?" 但是大家以前都会问她:“为什么你那么难过?”
People were making misjudgments all the time on her mood . 人们总是错误的判断 她的情绪。
misjudgments:n.估计错误;判断错误(等于misjudgement); mood:n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛;
Teachers and peers were underestimating her, she was teased at school. 她被老师和同学低估,在学校被取笑。
underestimating:v.低估;对…估计不足;轻视;(underestimate的现在分词) teased:v.取笑;戏弄;寻开心;招惹;挑逗;(tease的过去分词和过去式)
So she chose to have facial surgery. 所以她选择了面部手术。
After the facial surgery, she said, "My face now reflects my personality . 手术之后, 她说:“现在我的脸是我的个性的写照。
reflects:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达;(reflect的第三人称单数) personality:n.性格;个性;人格;魅力;气质;名人;特色;
People know now that I'm enthusiastic , that I'm a happy person." 人们现在知道我很积极, 我是个很幸福的人。”
And that's the change that can be achieved for teenagers. 青少年们可以实现这样的改变。
Is this change though a real change, or is it a figment of the imagination of the patient themselves. 这样的改变到底是真实的改变, 还是只是虚构的 病人自己的想象?
figment:n.虚构的事;臆造的事物; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物; patient:adj.有耐心的,能容忍的;n.病人;患者;
Well we studied teenagers attitudes to photographs of patients having this corrective facial surgery. 我们考察青少年们 对矫正面部手术患者照片的态度。
attitudes:n.态度,看法(attitude复数); patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) corrective:adj.矫正的;惩治的;n.矫正物;改善法;
And what we found was -- we jumbled up the photographs so they couldn't recognize the before and after -- what we found was that the patients were regarded as being more attractive after the surgery. 我们发现 -- 我们把这些照片混杂在一起 所以他们不能识别哪些是手术前那些是手术之后 -- 我们发现这些病人们 在手术之后被认为更加有吸引力。
jumbled:adj.乱七八糟的;vt.搞乱(jumble的过去分词); attractive:adj.吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的;
Well that's not surprising, but we also asked them to judge them on honesty, intelligence , friendliness , violence . 这并不让人惊讶, 但我们继续让这些青少年们对 诚信度,聪明程度, 友善度,暴力程度进行评判。
intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报; friendliness:n.友谊;亲切;亲密; violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲;
They were all perceived as being less than normal in all those characteristics -- more violent , etc. -- before the surgery. 在手术之前的病人们都被认为 在这些品质上不够正常 比如更暴力,等等。
perceived:v.注意到;意识到;将…视为;认为;(perceive的过去式和过去分词) characteristics:n.特征;特点;品质;(characteristic的复数) violent:adj.暴力的;猛烈的;
After the surgery, they were perceived as being more intelligent , more friendly, more honest, less violent -- and yet we hadn't operated on their intellect or their character. 手术之后, 病人们被认为更聪明, 更友好,更诚实,更平和 -- 可是我们并没有对他们的智力 或者性格动手术。
intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 intellect:n.智力,理解力;知识分子;思维逻辑领悟力;智力高的人;
When people get older, they don't necessarily choose to follow this kind of surgery. 当人们的年龄增长, 他们不一定选择这类手术。
Their presence in the consultation suite is a result of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune . 他们对咨询室的光顾 是被厄运打击的结果。
presence:n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态; consultation:n.咨询;磋商;[临床]会诊;讨论会; suite:n.套房;一套家具;组曲(由三个或更多相关部分组成);套装软件; slings:n.[机]吊索; v.用投石器投掷; outrageous:adj.粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的; fortune:n.财富;命运;运气;v.给予财富,偶然发生
What happens to them is that they may have suffered cancer or trauma . 他们正在经历的 可能是癌症或者创伤的折磨。
cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤; trauma:n.[外科]创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤;
So this is a photograph of Henry to weeks after he had a malignant cancer removed from the left side of his face -- his cheekbone , his upper jaw, his eye-socket. 这是亨利的一张照片 在他把恶性肿瘤 从他左侧的脸上 - 他的颧骨, 他的上颚和眼窝上切除几周之后照得。
malignant:adj.[医]恶性的;有害的;有恶意的;n.保王党员;怀恶意的人; cheekbone:n.颧骨;颊骨; upper:adj.上面的;内陆的;n.靴面;兴奋剂;
He looks pretty good at this stage. 他这个时期看起来还不错。
But over the course of the next 15 years he had 14 more operations, as the disease ravaged his face and destroyed my reconstruction regularly . 但是接下来的15年,他接受了14次手术, 因为疾病毁了他的脸 也毁了我定期对他面部的整容。
disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; ravaged:v.毁坏;损坏;严重损害;(ravage的过去分词和过去式) reconstruction:n.再建,重建;改造;复兴; regularly:adv.经常地;有规律地;定期的
I learned a huge amount from Henry. 我从亨利那里学到了很多东西。
Henry taught me that you can carry on working. 亨利告诉了我 我还可以继续工作。
He worked as an advocate . He continued to play cricket . 他是个辩护律师。他还在继续打板球。
advocate:v.拥护;支持;提倡;n.支持者;提倡者;辩护律师;出庭辩护人; cricket:n.蟋蟀;板球;
He enjoyed life to the full . 他全心全意地享受生命。
to the full:充分地;完全地;
And this was probably because he had a successful, fulfilling job and a caring family and was able to participate socially. 这可能因为他有一份成功的令他满意的工作 一个充满关爱的家庭 他也可以参与社会活动。
fulfilling:adj.让人感觉有意义的; v.实现; (fulfill的现在分词) participate:v.参加;参与;
He maintained a calm insouciance . 他依旧镇定自若。
maintained:v.维持;维修;保养;固执己见;(maintain的过去式和过去分词) insouciance:n.无忧无虑;漫不经心;满不在乎;
I don't say he overcame this; he didn't overcome it. 我并不是说他战胜了肿瘤;他没有。
overcame:v.克服(overcome的过去式); overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜;
This was something more than that. He ignored it. 但重要的是:他忽略了它。
He ignored the disfigurement that was happening in his life and carried on oblivious to it. 他忽略发生在他脸上的毁容 他忘却疾病, 继续生活。
disfigurement:n.缺陷;毁容;外形的损毁; oblivious:adj.遗忘的;健忘的;不注意的;不知道的;
And that's what these people can do. 这是这些人可以做到的。
Henriapi illustrates this phenomenon as well. 亨利阿皮也阐述了这个现象。
illustrates:v.阐明;举例说明(illustrate的三单形式);给…加插图; phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物);
This is a man in his 20s whose first visit out of Nigeria was with this malignant cancer that he came to the United Kingdom to have operated on. 这是个二十多岁的年轻尼日利亚男子 他第一次出国是因为他的恶性肿瘤 他需要到英国做手术。
United Kingdom:n.英国;
It was my longest operation. 这是我最长的一次手术。
It took 23 hours. I did it with my neurosurgeon . 历时23个小时。我跟我的神经外科医生一起。
We removed all the bones at the right side of his face -- his eye, his nose, the skull bones, the facial skin -- and reconstructed him with tissue from the back. 我们把他右脸的所有骨头都除去 -- 他的眼睛,鼻子, 头骨,面部皮肤 -- 用他背部的组织给他整容。
reconstructed:adj.重建的;改造的;v.重建;改造(reconstruct的过去式); tissue:n.纸巾,手巾纸;(人、动植物细胞的)组织;
He continued to work as a psychiatric nurse. 亨利阿皮继续着他精神科护士的工作。
He got married. He had a son called Jeremiah . 他结了婚,他的儿子叫耶利米。
And again, he said, "This painting of me with my son Jeremiah shows me as the successful man that I feel that I am." 他说, “这幅我跟我儿子耶利米的画像 告诉我我觉得到我是个成功的人。”
His facial disfigurement did not affect him because he had the support of a family, he had a successful, fulfilling job. 他的面部畸形 没有影响到他 因为他有他家人的支持, 他有一份成功的令他满足的工作。
So we've seen that we can change people's faces. 所以我们看到我们可以改变这些人的面部。
But when we change people's faces, are we changing their identity, for better or for worse? 但当我们改变人们的面部时, 我们同时也改变了他们的身份, 这到底是好还是不好?
For instance , there are two different types of facial surgery. 比如说, 有两种不同的面部手术。
We can categorize it like that. 我们可以这样归类。
We can say there are patients who choose to have facial surgery -- like Sue. 我们可以说一种是病人选择进行面部手术 -- 正如苏.
When they have facial surgery, they feel their lives have changed, because other people perceive them as better people. 他们进行面部手术之后, 感觉到他们的生活改变了, 因为其他人认为他们 是更好的人。
They don't feel different. 他们本身并没感觉有什么不一样。
They feel that they've actually gained what they never had, that their face now reflects their personality. 但他们觉得他们获得了一些 他们曾经没有的东西, 他们的面部现在反映了他们的个性。
And actually that's probably the difference between cosmetic surgery and this kind of surgery. 这可能是整容手术 和这些手术的不同之处。
Because you might say, "Well, this type of surgery might be regarded as cosmetic." 因为你可能会说,“这种手术 也可以被认为是整容性质的。”
If you do cosmetic surgery, patients are often less happy. 如果你进行整容手术,病人们通常不会那么满意。
They're trying to achieve difference in their lives. 整容手术病人想要改变生活。
Sue wasn't trying to achieve difference in her life, she was just trying to achieve the face that matched her personality. 苏并没有想改变生活, 她只是想让她的面部 和她的个性相匹配。
But then we have other people who don't choose to have facial surgery. 也有其他一些人 他们没有选择面部手术。
They're people who have their face shot off. 这些人的面部被严重毁坏。
I'll move it off, and we'll have a blank slide for those who are squeamish amongst you. 我还是赶紧把图片移开,为了你们中感觉不舒服的人我们还是看着这张空白的幻灯片吧。
squeamish:adj.易呕吐的;易生气的;神经质的;过于拘谨的;洁癖的; amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among);
They have it forced upon them. 但是他们被迫要做面部手术。
And again, as I told you, if they have a caring family and good work life, then they can lead normal and fulfilled lives. 正如我告诉你的, 如果他们有个关心他们的家庭 好的工作和生活, 他们可以过正常和满意的生活。
fulfilled:adj.感到满足的; v.实现; (fulfill的过去式和过去分词)
Their identity doesn't change. 他们的身份并没有变化。
Is this business about appearance and preoccupation with it a Western phenomenon? 这样的 关于外表和对其专注的行业 是一种西方的现象么?
Muzetta's family give the lie to this. Muzetta一家的经历说明并不是这样的。
This is a little Bangladeshi girl from the east end of London who's got a huge malignant tumor on the right side of her face, which has already made her blind, and which is rapidly growing and is going to kill her shortly. 这个住在伦敦东部的孟加拉国小女孩 她右脸上巨大的恶性肿瘤, 已经使她看不见东西, 并且还在急速生长,在不久的将来会杀死她。
After she had surgery to remove the tumor, her parents dressed her in this beautiful green velvet dress, a pink ribbon in her hair, and they wanted the painting to be shown around the world, despite the fact that they were orthodox Muslims and the mother wore a full burqa. 在她手术移除肿瘤之后, 她的父母给她穿上漂亮的绿色天鹅绒连衣裙, 用粉色丝带装饰她的头发, 他们希望全世界都可以看到这个画像, 虽然他们是正统的穆斯林教徒 她的母亲一直穿罩袍。
velvet:n.天鹅绒,丝绒;天鹅绒似的东西;adj.天鹅绒的; ribbon:n.丝带; v.用丝带装饰; despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; orthodox:adj.正统的;传统的;惯常的;东正教的;n.正统的人;正统的事物;
So it's not simply a Western phenomenon. 所以这并不只是一个西方现象。
We make judgments on people's faces all the time. 我们根据人的面部做判断 每时每刻。
It's been going on since we can think of Lombrosso and the way he would define criminal faces. 从Lombrosso 和他定义罪犯脸部方法开始。
He said you could see criminal faces, judging them just on the photographs that were showed. 他说你可以 只从照片就看出来哪些是罪犯的面孔。
Good-looking people are always judged as being more friendly. 好看的人们 总是会被认为更加友好。
We look at O.J. -- he's a good looking guy. 当我们看到O.J (O·J·辛普森) -- 他长的不错。
We'd like to spend time with him. He looks friendly. 我们愿意花时间和他相处。他看起来挺友善。
Now we know that he's a convicted wife batterer, and actually he's not the good guy. 我们现在知道他因为殴打他的妻子而判有罪, 他其实并不是个好人。
And beauty doesn't equate to goodness, and certainly doesn't equate to contentment . 美貌并不等同于善良, 更不等同于满足。
equate:vt.使相等;视为平等;vi.等同; contentment:n.满足;满意;
So we've talked about the static face and judging the static face, but actually, we're more comfortable with judging the moving face. 我们谈了静态的面部 和对静态面部的判断, 事实上,我们更习惯于 从动态的面部来判断。
static:adj.静止的; n.[物]静电(干扰);
We think we can judge people on their expressions . 我们觉得我们可以从人们的表情进行判断。
U.K. jurors in the U.K. justice system like to see a live witness to see whether they can pick up the telltale signs of mendacity -- the blink , the hesitation . 英国法律体系下的陪审员 喜欢见到现场目击者 这样他们可以看出来是否有泄露真相的迹象 -- 眨眼,犹豫。
jurors:n.[法]陪审员(juror的复数形式); justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判; witness:n.证人;目击者;证据;v.目击;证明;为…作证; telltale:adj.报警的;泄密的;搬弄是非的;n.迹象;指示器;搬弄是非者; mendacity:n.谎言;虚伪;撒谎癖; blink:vt.眨眼;使…闪烁;vi.眨眼;闪烁;n.眨眼;瞬间;闪光; hesitation:n.犹豫;
And so they want to see live witnesses . 所以他们想见到现场目击人。
witnesses:n.[法]证人; v.作证;
Todorov tells us that, in a tenth of a second, we can make a judgment on somebody's face. 托多罗夫告诉我们,只用十分之一秒, 我们就可以根据他人的面部来做判断。
Are we uncomfortable with this image? Yes we are. 我们对这个画面感觉的不舒服么?确实是这样。
Would we be happy if our doctor's face, our lawyer's face, our financial adviser's face was covered? 如果我们的医生,律师, 金融顾问的脸被遮起来,我们会开心么?
We'd be pretty uncomfortable. 我们会挺不舒服的。
But are we good at making the judgments on facial appearance and movement? 但是我们能够很好的 根据面部外观和活动做判断么?
The truth is that there's a five minute rule -- not the tenth of a second rule like Todorov, but a five minute rule. 真实情况是有一个五分钟准则 -- 并不是托多罗夫所说的十分之一秒,但是是一个五分钟准则。
If you spend five minutes with somebody, you start looking beyond their facial appearance, and the people who you're initially attracted to may seem boring and you lose interest in them, 如果你和某个人相处五分钟, 你会开始注意到他们面部外观之外的地方, 这些一开始吸引你的人 可能会让你觉得很无聊,你对他们不再有兴趣,
initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词)
and the people who you didn't immediately seek out, because you didn't find them particularly attractive, become attractive people because of their personality. 然后有些并没有立刻就引起你注意的人, 因为你一开始并没觉得他们特别有吸引力, 变得更加引人瞩目 是因为他们的个性。
So we've talked a lot about facial appearance. 我们谈了一些面部外观。
I now want to share a little bit of the surgery that we do -- where we're at and where we're going. 现在我想和你们分享 一些我们做的手术 -- 我们现在和未来在做的手术。
This is an image of Ann who's had her right jaw removed and the base of her skull removed. 这是一幅安的图片 她的右下颚和头骨底部被移除了。
And you can see in the images afterward , we've managed to reconstruct her successfully. 你可以看到手术后的图片, 我们对她整形的很成功。
But that's not good enough. 但依旧不够好。
This is what Ann wants. She wants to be out kayaking , she wants to be out climbing mountains. 安想要到外面去划皮划艇, 她想去爬山。
And that's what she achieved, and that's what we have to get to. 这些她曾经都做过,而这是我们现在需要努力的方向。
This is a horrific image, so I'm putting my hand up now. 这是一张恐怖的图片, 所以我把我的手盖在上面。
This is a photograph of Adi, a Nigerian bank manager who had his face shot off in an armed robbery . 这是阿迪的一张照片, 一位尼日利亚的银行经理,他的面部 在一起持枪抢劫中被严重毁容。
And he lost his lower jaw, his lip, his chin and his upper jaw and teeth. 他失去了下颚,嘴唇,下巴 还有上颚和牙齿。
This is the bar that he set for us. 这是他对我们的期望。
'"I want to look like this. This is how I looked before." “我想看起来像这样。这是我以前的样子。”
So with modern technology , we used computers to make models. 使用现代技术, 我们用电脑做出模型。
We made a model of the jaw without bone in it. 我们做了个无骨的的颚部模型。
We then bent a plate up to it. 然后我们折弯一块薄板。
We put it in place so we knew it was an accurate position. 放入适当的地方 这样我们可以知道一个精确的位置。
We then put bone and tissue from the back. 之后我们把骨头和组织放在其后。
Here you can see the plate holding it, and you can see the implants being put in -- so that in one operation we achieve this and this. 你可以看到薄板支撑着它, 植入体正在被放进去-- 在一次手术之中 我们做到了这个 还有这个。
So the patient's life is restored . 这位病人恢复了正常生活。
That's the good news. 这是好消息。
However, his chin skin doesn't look the same as it did before. 虽然如此,他下颚的皮肤 看起来跟以前不一样。
It's skin from his back. 这是他背部的皮肤。
It's thicker, it's darker, it's coarser , it doesn't have the contours . 所以更厚,颜色更深,更粗糙一些,也没有应有的轮廓。
coarser:adj.粗糙的;粗俗的;下等的(coarse的变形); contours:n.轮廓(contour的复数); v.画等高线;
And that's where we're failing. 这些是我们不足的地方。
And that's where we need the face transplant . 这时候我们需要面部移植。
The face transplant has a role probably in burns patients to replace the skin. 面部移植手术 可能在更换烧伤病人的皮肤中扮演了一个重要角色。
We can replace the underlying skeletal structure, but we're still not good at replacing the facial skin. 我们可以替换底层的骨骼结构, 但是我们对面部皮肤的替换还很不足。
underlying:adj.根本的; v.构成…的基础; (underlie的现在分词) skeletal:adj.骨骼的,像骨骼的;骸骨的;骨瘦如柴的;
So it's very valuable to have that tool in our armamentarium . 所以 在我们医疗设备中有这样的工具是十分重要的。
valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; armamentarium:n.全部设备;医疗设备;
But the patients are going to have to take drugs that suppress their immune system for the rest of their lives. 可是病人们会终身需要服药 用来抑制他们的免疫系统。
suppress:vt.抑制;镇压;废止; immune system:n.免疫系统;
What does that mean? 这说明什么呢?
They have an increased risk of infection , an increased risk of malignancy . 他们会更可能被感染,有更大风险使病情恶化。
infection:n.感染;传染;(身体某部位的)感染;传染病; malignancy:n.恶性(肿瘤等);恶意;
This is not a life-saving transplant -- like a heart, or liver , or lung transplant -- it is a quality of life transplant, and as a result , are the patients going to say, if they get a malignant cancer 10 or 15 years on, 这并不是一个挽救生命的移植 -- 比如心脏,肝脏,肺部移植 -- 这是一种生命质量的移植, 移植的结果 是这些病人们是不是会说,如果他们十年或者十五年后会罹患恶性肿瘤,
life-saving:n.救生;adj.救生的; liver:n.肝;(动物供食用的)肝; as a result:结果;
'"I wish I'd had conventional reconstructive techniques rather than this, because I'm now dying of a malignant cancer?" We don't know yet. “我还不如当时用常规的整容方法而不是用这个, 因为我现在正在死于恶性肿瘤?”我们还不清楚。
conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的; reconstructive:adj.重建的;改造的; techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数)
We also don't know what they feel about recognition and identity. 我们也不知道他们 对此的认可度和认同有什么感受。
Bernard Devauchelle and Sylvie Testelin who did the first operation are studying that. 首先尝试此类手术的伯纳德·德沃谢勒和塞尔维·泰斯特兰 对他们进行了研究。
Donors are going to be short on the ground, because how many people want to have their loved one's face removed at the point of death. 接受手术的人不会很多, 有多少人愿意自己关爱的人的脸部 在他/她过世的时候被移除。
Donors:n.捐赠人(donor的复数);[电子]施主; at the point of:靠近;正要;
So there are going to be problems with face transplantation . 所以会有很多的问题 对于面部移植。
So the better news is the future's almost here -- and the future is tissue engineering . 所以更好的消息是 未来即将到来-- 这个未来就是组织工程。
Just imagine, 想象一下,
I can make a biologically degradable template . 我可以做一个生物上可降解的模板。
biologically:adv.生物学上,生物学地; degradable:adj.可能降解的; template:n.模板,样板;
I can put it in place where it's meant to be. 我可以将它放在它应该在的地方。
I can sprinkle of few cells, stem cells from the patient's own hip , a little bit of genetically engineered protein , and low and behold , leave it for four months and the face is grown. 我可以随机分配一些细胞, 从病人髋关节抽取一些干细胞, 一些转基因的蛋白质, 然后瞧,四个月后面部就长好了。
sprinkle:v.撒;洒;把…撒(或洒)在…上;用…点缀;下小雨;n.小雨; hip:n.臀部;蔷薇果;忧郁;adj.熟悉内情的;非常时尚的; genetically:adv.从遗传学角度;从基因方面; protein:n.蛋白质; behold:v.看;注视;把...视为;int.瞧;看呀;
This is a bit like a Julia Child recipe . 这有些像一份朱莉娅的儿童菜谱。
But we've still got problems. 但我们还有很多问题。
We've got mouth cancer to solve. 我们需要解决口腔癌。
We're still not curing enough patients -- it's the most disfiguring cancer. 我们仍然没有治愈足够多的病人--这是最严重的癌症毁容。
We're still not reconstructing them well enough. 我们的整容术还是不够好。
In the U.K. we have an epidemic of facial injuries among young people. 在英国 面部创伤在年轻人中很普遍。
epidemic:n.流行病;蔓延;adj.传染病;流行性的; injuries:n.伤害,损伤;挫伤;(injury的复数)
We still can't get rid of scars. 我们还是不能消除疤痕。
We need to do research. 我们需要研究。
And the best news of all is that surgeons know that we need to do research. 最好的消息 是医生们知道 我们需要做研究。
And we've set up charities that will help us fund the clinical research to determine the best treatment practice now and better treatment into the future, so we don't just sit on our laurels and say, "Okay, we're doing okay. 我们已经建立慈善组织 给予我们 临床试验资金方面的帮助 用来测定目前最好的理疗实践 和将来更好的治疗方法, 所以我们不能安于现状说,“我们做的还不错。
charities:n.慈善机构;宽大(charity的复数); fund:n.基金;资金;存款;v.投资;资助; clinical:adj.临床的;诊所的; determine:v.决定;确定;测定;查明;形成;影响;裁决;安排; treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; laurels:n.荣誉(laurel的复数); v.戴桂冠;
Let's leave it as it is." 我们就这样算了吧。”
Thank you very much indeed. 十分感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)