

Thing of beauty. 多漂亮啊
Good morning, sir! 早上好 先生!
Yet another on- time delivery from... 您的订单已经及时送到...
Get the hell out of my face, canner . 让开 铁皮人
Have a nice day ! 祝您今天愉快!
Have a nice day:过得愉快;
And we believe our Destination Anywhere package to be the best value. 我们相信我们的 梦想目的 套票是您最好的选择
Let us take you to your dream destination aboard our orbital spaceplane, the x-82. 星际旅行机X-82 能把您送到梦想中的目的地
aboard:adv.在飞机上;[船]在船上;在火车上;prep.在…上; orbital:adj.轨道的;眼窝的;
Try Jazztown 's synthetic Chicago-style pizza. Tastes as good as you remember. 试试爵士城的合成芝加哥口味比萨饼 就像您记忆中的味道一样
Glowfish! The world's hottest-selling transgenic treats . 荧光鱼! 世界最热卖的转基因礼物
transgenic:adj.转基因的;基因改造的; treats:v.以…态度对待; n.乐事;
Your children will love the new colors too! 你的孩子也会喜欢新的颜色的!
Excuse me, sir. - Total performance . 对不起 先生 - 最强性能
Total readiness . Total security. 完全准备就绪 绝对安全
So goodbye to upgrades and service calls. 向无休止的升级和服务电话说再见吧
upgrades:n.[计]升级; v.[计]升级(upgrade单三形式);
An uplink to USR's central computer... 和USR中央电脑连线
uplink:n.上行线路; v.向上传输; adj.上行线路的;
...provides this state-of-the-art robot with new programs daily. 提供每天实时更新超级机器人服务
The Nestor Class 5 is tomorrow 's robot today. 内斯特5型机器人 明日技术 今日奉献
Spoon! Spoonie! 斯普恩! 斯普那!
Hold up. Hold on! Excuse me, excuse me. 等等 等等! 对不起
Spoon, where you been at? - Just away, Farber. 斯普那 你最近去哪儿了? - 离开了一阵子 法伯
Oh, yeah, away? Like vacation? That's nice. 是吗 离开 度假吗? 真不错啊!
I got a favor to ask. I need to borrow your car. 我要你帮个忙... 我要借你的车
This is different. I got this fine-ass yummy ... She is complete and agreeable . 这次不同了 我弄上了这个 热辣的小妞
yummy:好吃的,美味的 agreeable:adj.令人愉快的;适合的;和蔼可亲的;
I mean, ass-hot spankable. 绝对不错
What does that even mean? - You know what it means. 你说什么意思呢? - 你知道我什么意思的
Let me get the damn-ass keys. - First of all ... 让我借你的钥匙一用... - 首先来说...
First of all:adv.首先;
...stop cussing . You're not good at it. - Give me 1 0 for the bus, then, man. 不要说脏话了 你说的完全不对 - 那给我十块钱坐公车行吗
Go home. - That's strike one, Spoon. Strike one! 回家去吧 - 好吧 算了
This is such a valuable day.... 多么美好的一天...
You talk to Marci? 你和马茜谈过了吗?
No, Gigi, I haven't talked to Marci. 还没 琪琪 我还没和马茜谈过
When I was coming up, we didn't just marry someone... 我们那个时代 我们可不会 和某人结婚
...then divorce them, then not talk to them. 离婚之后就不和他说话了
Del, don't play with me. 德尔 不要耍花样
I bet if I stopped cooking, you'd call Marci. 我打赌如果我不做饭了 你就会打电话给马茜
Boy, what is that on your feet? 啊 你脚上穿的那是什么?
Converse All Stars, vintage 2004. 康佛斯全明星鞋 2004年行货
Converse:adj.相反的,逆向的;颠倒的;vi.交谈,谈话;认识;n.逆行,逆向;倒;相反的事物; vintage:n.葡萄收获期; adj.古老的; v.采葡萄; vi.采葡萄;
Don't turn your face up. I know you want some. Just ask. 不要做那种表情 我知道你想要 开口就行了
No, thank you very much. 不 谢谢你了
Sweet potato pie. - Put that on a plate. 甜土豆饼啊 - 放在盘子上吃
I've seen on TV they're giving away some of them new robots in the lottery . 电视里说他们在抽奖赠送新型的机器人
You know, Gigi, those robots don't do anybody any good. 你知道 琪琪 那些机器人干不了什么好事
Of all the people on God's earth, you should know better. 在这世界上 你应该比谁都清楚
Sometimes the stuff that comes out of your mouth! 有时候你说话完全不经过大脑
You listening to me, Del? 你在听我说吗? 德尔?
Hey! 嘿!
Hey! 嘿!
Hold my pie. Sir, hold it or wear it. 拿着我的饼 先生 不然我就扔到你身上了
Move! 让开!
Freeze! 不许动!
Hey! Stop! 嘿! 停下!
Stop! 停下!
I said, stop! 我说了 停下!
Relax . Relax . 放松 放松
I'm a police officer . 我是警官
police officer:n.警官;警察;警务人员;