

It has been one tough year for our school, but that all ends this Saturday! 对我们学校来说今年是艰难的一年 但是到这个周六一切都要结束了
Because that's when this team, my Warriors , are gonna burn those pansy-ass Ohio players right to the ground! 因为到那个时候 我们的勇士们 会把那支娘娘腔的俄亥俄队 打得落花流水
And stop acting like a little bitch baby. 别再像个熊孩子一样了
Do not tell me how to feel right now! 别对我指手画脚
Sorry it took so long. 抱歉这么久才来
I went back for this. 我回去拿这个了
Now, you -- you take that back right now! 你 你马上把那个放回去
No. It's smart. 不 很聪明
Commonwealth v. Deloatche - 联邦诉迪洛奇案
A case the prosecution should've won but lost because there was no murder weapon. 一个公诉方本该赢下却输了的案子 就因为没找到凶器
So, what are you saying? - We clean it and we put it back. 那你怎么想 -我们把它擦干净放回去
Hide it in plain sight. 大隐隐于市
After we bury the body. 但是要先把尸体埋掉
No, absolutely not . 不行 绝对不行
absolutely not:绝对不会;绝对不是;绝对不行;
Yeah, I-I-I-I'm with Michaela. 我赞同米凯拉
No, Connor, think. 不 康纳尔 好好想想
The trophy we need, yes. But the body stays where it is. 我们要处理奖杯 没错 但我们不动尸体
No, the body is what gets us caught. 不 尸体会害我们被抓的
You are not thinking straight. 你脑子不清醒了
What do you suggest?! 那你有什么建议
Something that doesn't involve carrying a body across campus on the busiest night of the year! 起码不是在一年中最热闹的夜晚 扛着一具尸体穿过校园
involve:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加; campus:n.(大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地;
She's right, Laurel . 她说的对 劳拉
Even if we get it out of the house, unseen , the ground is frozen! 就算我们能够把尸体弄出来 也没人看到 可土地已经冻结实了
We have all night to dig. 我们可以挖一晚上
You don't know what you're talking about! 你根本不知道自己在说什么
This is murder! None of us know what we're talking about! 这是谋杀 我们谁都不知道自己在说什么
Please, just yell that a little louder! 你声音再大点
Honestly, you're all dumber than 说实话 要是你们都觉得
I thought if you think we should go back there. 我们应该回去 那你们比我想的还蠢
Look, I'm agreeing with you -- - Going back is an idiotic ... 我同意你的话 -回去太傻...
You two need to man up and think because we're going to jail . 爷们点 动动脑子 不然我们都得进监狱
Shut up! Shut up! 闭嘴 闭嘴
It's two against two. 现在是二对二
We have no other choice. We flip a coin. 没办法 扔硬币吧
That is the dumbest thing - I'm not letting a freaking coin you've ever said. 这是你说过的 -我才不会让一枚硬币 最蠢的话
dumbest:哑的;蠢的(dumb的最高级); freaking:adj.该死的,他妈的;v.(使)强烈反应,畏惧;(freak的现在分词)
decide whether or not I go to jail tonight! 决定我今晚会不会进监狱
whether or not:是否…;
We don't have time to fight! 我们没时间再吵了
We need to make a decision and commit to it. 我们得作出决定 赶快实行
So if someone has a better idea, say it now! 如果谁有什么好主意就赶快说
Heads, we get the body. 正面 我们就去搬尸体
Tails, we leave it where it is. Okay? 背面 我们就把尸体留在那儿 好吗
I threw up four times this morning 我今天早上吐了四次
worried she's gonna call on me. - Yeah, she's a ballbuster, sure, but I spent my summer interning for Chief Justice Roberts, 担心被她点名 -是啊 她确实很可怕 不过我在罗伯茨审判长那里做暑期实习
interning:v.拘留,禁闭,关押;(intern的现在分词) Chief Justice:n.首席法官;(尤指)美国最高法院首席法官;
so I know how to - Dershowitz has the upper hand 所以我知道 -德肖维茨在学术界
upper hand:上风;优势;先手;占上风;
handle a big personality . - in the academic world, but Keating's clearly the better defense attorney . 怎么跟大人物打交道 -地位更高 但基廷显然是个更优秀的辩护律师
handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸; personality:n.性格;个性;人格;魅力;气质;名人;特色; academic:adj.学术的;理论的;学院的;n.大学生,大学教师;学者; attorney:n.律师(尤指代表当事人出庭者);(业务或法律事务上的)代理人;