

Kids, I'm going to tell you an incredible story. 孩子们,我要给你们讲一个美好的故事
the story of how I met your mother. 是关于我和你们母亲相遇的故事
Are we being punished for something? 我们是不是做错什么事情了?
Is this going to take a while? -Yes. 这会不会讲很久 -是的
25 years ago, before I was dad, I had this whole other life. 25年前,我还没当父亲的时候 我的生活可大不相同
It was way back to 2005. 这可要回到2005年
I was 27,just starting to make it as an architect and living in New York with Marshal , my best friend from college. 我还只有27岁,有一份建筑师的工作 和我大学时代最好的朋友Marshal合住在纽约
architect:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者; Marshal:n.元帅;司仪;执行官;v.收集;安排;控制人群;
My life was good, and then uncle Marshal went to screw the whole thing up. 本来我的生活一切OK 然后你们的Marshal叔叔把一切都搞砸了
Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?
Yes, perfect, and you're engaged . 太好了,完美,你要订婚了
engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式)
You pop up the champagne . You drink a toast . You have sex on the kitchen floor. 你开香槟,祝酒辞,然后在厨房地板上嘿咻
pop up:v.突然出现; champagne:n.香槟酒;香槟酒色; toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯;
Don't have sex on our kitchen floor. 别在厨房地板上嘿咻
Got it. 明白
Thanks for helping me plan this out, Ted. 谢谢你帮我这个忙,Ted
Are you kidding? It's you and Lily ! 开什么玩笑,这可是你和Lily!
I've been there for all the big moment of you and Lily. 你们俩所有的关键时刻 我都在一旁帮助你的
The night you met, your first date, other first things. 你们第一次相见,第一次约会…… 还有其他的“第一次”……
Sorry, we thought you were asleep. 呵呵,不好意思 我们还以为你睡着了呢
It's physics, Marshal. If the bottom bunk moves, the top bunk moves, too. 这就是物理学,Marshal 下铺摇动,上铺也会跟着摇动
My God! 上帝啊
You're getting engaged tonight! 你今晚就要订婚了
Yeah. 是啊
What are you doing tonight? 你今晚有什么计划?
What was I doing? 我那晚干什么了来着?
Your uncle Marshal was taking the biggest step of his life. And me? 你们的Marshal叔叔踏出了人生的关键一步 而我呢……?
I'm calling up your uncle Barney. 我给你们的Barney叔叔打了电话
Hey, see, you know, however, I thought I had a thing for half Asian girls? 嘿,伙计,还记得我说过 我对一半亚洲血统的小妞有偏好吗
Well, now I've got a new favourite, 现在我有新爱了
Lebanese girls. 黎巴嫩妞儿
Lebanese girls are the new half Asians . 黎巴嫩妞儿代表了新的半亚洲血统
Hey, you want to do something tonight? 嘿,今晚有什么计划没?
OK, meet me at the bar in 15 minutes, and suit up! 好的,15分钟后酒吧见 记得穿西服!
Where is your suit? 你的西装呢?
Just once when I say 'suit up', I wish you'd put on a suit. -I did, that one time. 我跟你说穿得好一点,就是说要你穿上西服! -我穿过……一回
It was a blazer . 那是件夹克!
You know, ever since college it's been Marshal and Lily and me. 你知道吗,从大学开始 一直都是Marshal,Lily和我
Now it's going to be Marshal and Lily, and me. 而以后就会变成 Marshel和Lily……和我
They'll get married, start a family. 他们就要结婚,成家了
Before long I'm that weird , middle-aged bechalor, their kids call 'uncle Ted'. 以后我就是他们家小孩眼里 古怪的中年单身汉Ted叔叔了
Before long:不久以后; weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; middle-aged:adj.中年的;具有中年人特点的;适合于中年人的;
I see what this is about. 我知道这是怎么回事了
Have you forgotten what I said to you the night we met? 你忘记我们第一回见面的时候 我怎么跟你说的了吗?
Ted, I'm going to teach you how to live. Ted,我来教你怎么享受生活
Barney. We met at the urinal . 我是Barney,我们刚在小便池边认识的
Alright. 你好
Lesson one, lose the goatee . 第一课,跟你的山羊胡子说再见
It doesn't go with your suit. 它和你的西服不搭配
I'm not wearing a suit. -Lesson two, get a suit. 我没穿西服 -第二课,穿上西服
Suits are cool, exhibitive . 西服很好,有模有样
Lesson 3, don't even think about getting married till you're 30. 第三课,千万别想结婚的事情 ……三十岁以后再说
30, right, you're right. 三十岁,是的,你是对的
I guess that just your best friends get engaged, you start thinking about that stuff . 我想当你最好的朋友订婚的时候 你难免考虑一些有的没的
I thought I was your best friend. 我以为我才是你最好的朋友
Ted, say I'm your best friend. Ted,说我才是你最好的朋友