

Welcome! Welcome! 欢迎! 欢迎!
Congrats , Drac. 恭喜 德古
Holy smokes, everybody's here. 天呐 大家都来了
Mr. and Mrs. Loughran, the parents of the groom , and family. 洛克伦夫妇 新郎的父母 携家人出席
Mom and Dad! - Johnny! 爸爸 妈妈! - 约翰尼!
I can't believe you're all here. 真不敢相信你们都来了
Yo, how hot is my date? 我的女伴火不火辣?
So hot. Wow. 火辣爆了
How 'bout how hot mine is? 我的女伴呢?
You got a date? 你带了女伴?
Yeah. She's invisible . That's why you can't see her. 是啊 她隐身了 所以你们看不见她
Oh, right. This is the one from "Canada"? 是哦 从 加拿大 来的那位?
Wedding's starting. 婚礼开始了
Great. 真棒
True. So true, Marty. 说的太好了 马蒂
Aw. How sweet. 好贴心
Oh, my. Look at you. 天啊 看看你
Oh, my gosh. 我的天呐
Is it everything you wanted, my little poisonberry? 这一切你满意吗 我的小毒果?
Oh, it is, Daddy. 满意 爸爸
Except where's Grandpa Vlad? 不过瓦拉德爷爷在哪里呢?
Honey, your gramps would not have been cool with this. 亲爱的 你爷爷可不会接受这场婚姻
He's old-school . 他很守旧
How do we know? If he could just meet Johnny... 我们怎么知道他接受不了? 如果他能见见约翰尼...
He would have eaten him. 他会吃了他的
He's not as enlightened as your hip Daddy. 他跟你的时髦老爸比还是不够开明啊
enlightened:adj.开明的; v.启发; (enlighten的过去分词和过去式) hip:n.臀部;蔷薇果;忧郁;adj.熟悉内情的;非常时尚的;
So, you're really okay with him not being a monster ? 那老爸你能接受他只是一个人?
Human, monster, unicorn , as long as you're happy. 管他是人 怪物 还是独角兽 只要你幸福就好
unicorn:n.独角兽;麒麟; as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢 爸爸
# And you'll always be my moonlight # # 你永远是我皎洁的月光 #
# But now on wings of love you soar # # 如今你乘爱的翅膀翱翔 #
# Now that you're Johnny's girl # # 你已成为约翰尼的妻子 #
# Johnny's girl # # 约翰尼的妻子 #
# And kind of Daddy's, too # # 也是爸爸的乖乖女 #
# Your mom would be so happy # # 你妈妈肯定会很高兴 #
# 'Cause she always knew # # 因为她一直明白 #
# Love is making room for all the best in you # # 爱是在为你们的完美铺路 #
Hey, Dad. 老爸
Oh, hey, guys! 两位好!
Todd , take a break. 托德 休息下
So, what's up? 有事吗?
Mavis was wondering if maybe you wanted to go for a fly. 梅菲斯想问你要不要出去兜兜风
Oh. We haven't done that in forever. Any special reason? 我们好久没兜风了 有什么特别的原因吗?
No special reason at all. 没有啊
Right, Mavey? 对吧 梅菲?
What's his deal? 他打的什么主意?
He's silly. 他在犯傻
It's just a beautiful night, and... 今晚夜色很好啊...
Well, if you don't want to... 当然 如果你不想...
No, no! Are you kidding? 不 不! 你在开玩笑吗?
I would eat a bucket of garlic to fly with you. 只要能和你出去飞一圈 让我吃一桶大蒜都行
bucket:n.大桶状物; v.拼命划桨; garlic:n.大蒜;蒜头;
Oh, honey, look at those fluffy clouds. 宝贝 看那些松软的云团
Remember what we played when you were little? 还记得小时候你和我一起玩的游戏吗?
Hide and Go Seek Sharp Objects? 利器捉迷藏?
Seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; Sharp:锋利的,尖的
Okay. Regular Hide and Go Seek. 好吧 正常的捉迷藏啊