

Peek-a-boo ! 看是谁!
No, no, no, no, no. 别别别,别,别
I didn't mean to startle you, my little baby. 我不是想吓你,我的小宝贝儿
Shh, Shh, shh.
A-bitty goo-bah!
I vant to kiss your tush . 我要亲亲你的小屁屁
I vant to kiss your tush! 我要亲亲你的小屁屁!
Nice, but maybe a little more square footage . 很好,不过再建得大一点儿
I want a lot of monsters here. 我希望这儿能住很多怪物
I'm gonna get you, little Mavis. 我要抓住你,小梅薇思
I'm gonna get you! Oy. 我要抓住你
What out there? 那外面是什么?
Oh, we never go out there. 我们永远都不能去那里
Ever. 永远
'"But Harry the Human found them and jumped out from under their bed." “但哈里找到了他们,从他们的床下蹦出来”
I'm scared! "And burned their clothes and bit their toes !" 我怕! - “烧了他们的衣服…” “…咬他们的脚趾!”
'"And took their candy!" “还抢走他们的糖果!”
Don't take my candy. 别抢我的糖果
Babyclaws, you don't need to be frightened . 小东西,你不需要害怕
I promised your mommy I would protect you forever. 我答应过你妈妈要永远保护你的
Just bend the legs and push off. 就一弯腿,跳下来
Trust me, mouse. 相信我,小家伙
Ha-ha! I can fly! I can fly! 我会飞了!我会飞了!
Look at you! 看看你自己!
Faster, baby! Faster! 飞快点,宝贝儿,飞快点!
Whoo-hoo! You got it, my little voodoo doll! 你做到了,我的小魔女!
Excuse me, sir. 打扰,大人
What? What? 怎么了?怎么了?
Ow. I'm okay. 我没事儿
It's ready. 竣工了
Looks good. 看起来不错
Only monsters can get in? 只有怪物能进来吗?
Oh, absolutely . 没错
It's hidden real nicely . 它相当隐蔽
You got 400 acres of haunted forest in front of you. 前面有四百英亩闹鬼的森林
You got the Land of the Undead on the perimeters . 周边是不死亡灵的领地
Undead:adj.不死的; perimeters:[数]周长;
Any humans daring to even look over there will run away real quick. 人类只消看上一眼,便会拔腿就跑
But, of course, be smart. 但当然,聪明起见
No bonfires , no firework shows. 没有营火,也没有烽火台
bonfires:n.篝火;营火(bonfire的复数); firework:n.烟花;烟火表演;激烈的言辞;令人激动的行动;
Yeah, yeah, no, no. No fire, I get it, I get it. 嗯嗯,不不,不要火,我知道,我知道
It's time, my darling Martha. 是时候了,我亲爱的玛莎
The place we always talked about for Mavis. 我们总说要为梅薇思建造的城堡
No one will ever harm her here. 在这里没人可以伤害她
Yeah, it's a mess back there. 车上一团糟
Welcome to Hotel Transylvania! 欢迎来到精灵旅社!
Human-free since 1898. 从1898年起就无人类骚扰
Your safest destination. 你们的安全首选
Take an itinerary . 拿好节目单
I have personally designed a spectacular schedule of events, all leading to my daughter's birthday extravaganza tomorrow. 为了我女儿明天的生日盛典… …我亲自设计了一场盛大的演出
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; spectacular:adj.壮观的;壮丽的;令人惊叹的;n.壮观的场面;精彩的表演; schedule:工作计划,日程安排 extravaganza:n.狂妄的言行;内容狂妄的作品;铺张华丽的表演;
We always look forward to coming every year, Count. 我们每年都盼着来呢,大人
look forward to:盼望,期待;
We enjoy the safety so much. 我们太喜欢这种安全感了
Of course. That's why we built it. 当然了,那正我们建城堡的目的
Yes, good evening. 晚上好