

Hot in Cleveland is recorded in front of a live studio audience. 《燃情克利夫兰》是在摄影棚观众前现场录制的
Airplane mirrors aren't accurate , are they? 飞机上的镜子会把人照变形 对吗
Airplane:n.飞机; accurate:adj.精确的;
Of course not. - They got them from Fine Houses. 当然了 -造飞机的尽买便宜货
Excuse me, 打扰下
Are you... - Yes, yes. 您... -是的 是的
I am Victoria Chase. 我正是维多利亚.蔡斯
One tries to be inconspicuous . 我已经尽量低调了
Yes. 是啊
That hat screams, " Ignore me." 那顶帽子在尖叫「无视我」呢
You know, some fans are reluctant to approach me ever since the Edge of Tomorrow was cancelled. 自从《明日边缘》被砍后 某些粉丝就不太敢接近我
reluctant:adj.不情愿的;勉强的;顽抗的; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
Playing Honor Saint Raven for the past 27 years has been a privilege and it is always so gratifying to meet those that I have moved and touched. 扮演了27年的欧娜.圣瑞雯让我无比荣幸 并且 我总是很开心 能见到那些被我启发感动的人
Saint:n.圣人;圣徒;道德崇高的人;adj.神圣的;v.成为圣徒; Raven:v.掠夺;狼吞虎咽地吃;adj.乌黑光亮的;n.渡鸦; privilege:n.特权;优待;v.给与…特权;特免; gratifying:adj.令人高兴的;使人满意的;v.使高兴;使满意;满足;(gratify的现在分词)
Actually, what I was going to ask was, "Are you comfortable?" 其实 我是想问 您感觉舒服吗
No, but I will be when you bring me a drink. 不 但你给我端杯酒来我就舒服了
Champagne , three. - Right away . 三杯香槟 -马上来
Champagne:n.香槟酒;香槟酒色; Right away:立刻;
Okay, Victoria, put away your phone. 好了 维多利亚 放下电话
Joy, put away your spreadsheets , 乔依 放下电子表格
I want to have a toast . Thank you. 我要祝酒 谢谢
toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯;
Thank you. 谢谢
Here's to number 122. 敬第122件事
Cash in your miles and fly to Paris with your best friends. 兑现飞行里程 与好友一起飞往巴黎
Vive la France! 法国万岁
This is gonna be fun. - Yes. 一定会很好玩的 -是啊
Oh, I'm gonna get a napkin . Be right back. 我去拿餐巾 马上回来
Anders is on the plane. 安德斯在飞机上
Your husband, Anders? 你老公安德斯吗
Oh my God! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 天呐 天呐 天呐
Just calm down. 淡定
You didn't know he was going to Paris? 你之前不知道他要去巴黎吗
We haven't spoken to each other in months. 我们已经好几个月没说话了
Our lawyers told us not to. 律师让我们不要说话
Your lawyers are right. Ignore him. 律师说得没错 无视他
It's just a hideous coincidence . 只是一个讨厌的巧合罢了
hideous:adj.可怕的;丑恶的; coincidence:n.巧合,巧事;同时存在;并存;相同;
But what if it's not a coincidence? 但如果不是巧合呢
what if:如果…怎么办?
What if he's missing me too? 如果他也想我呢
And Los Angeles was filled with so many sad memories, he's flying to Paris to fill a void in his life? 洛杉矶满是伤心的回忆 他飞去巴黎填补生命的空虚
What if this is our "Meet on top of the empire state building" moment? 如果这是我们 「帝国大厦楼顶见」的梦幻时刻呢
Have you been watching Sleepless in Seattle again? 你是不是又看了《西雅图未眠夜》
Sleepless:adj.失眠的;不休息的;警觉的;永不停息的; Seattle:n.西雅图(美国一港市);
Yes. 是的
But I got it down to once a month. 但已经减到每月看一次了
You know, I was up for a part in that movie. 话说 我本来有机会出演那个电影
Of course you were. 那是 当然 啦
I'm gonna go talk to him. 我要去找他聊聊
Remember, romantic comedies are like cellulite cures. 记住 浪漫爱情喜剧电影就像去脂疗法
romantic:adj.浪漫的;爱情的;n.浪漫的人;耽于幻想的人; comedies:n.喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情(comedy的复数形式); cellulite:n.(胖女人臀腿部的)脂肪团;
Every one of them is a lie. 全是骗人的
Oh, my goodness. 我的天呐
Wow. Melanie. - Anders. 天呐 梅兰妮 -安德斯
I didn't see you get on the plane. 我没见你上飞机啊
What a surprise. 真是意外啊