

Air and naval forces of the United States launched a series of strikes against terrorist facilities ... 美国空军及海军 对恐怖组织发起了一系列攻击
naval:adj.海军的;军舰的; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; facilities:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;(facility的复数)
Pan Am Flight 103 crashed into the the town of Lockerbie. 泛美航空103号班机于洛克比失事
This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait. 我们不容科威特遭受侵略
We will make no distinction . 我们将一视同仁
The USS Cole was attacked while refueling in the port of Aden. 美国军舰科尔号 在亚丁湾港口加油时遭到袭击
Cole:n.油菜; refueling:n.再加燃料;再加油;v.给…再加燃料(refuel的ing形式);
This was an act of terrorism . 这是恐怖主义行动
It was a despicable and cowardly act. 这是可鄙懦弱的行动
despicable:adj.卑劣的;可鄙的; cowardly:adj.怯懦的,懦弱的;胆小的;adv.胆怯地;
The next song we're going to play for you is one of the good old favorites. 下面为您演奏的 是一首经典曲目
Until something stops him. 直到他受到了阻击
I'm just making sure we don't get hit again. 我只想确保我们不再受到袭击
That plane crashed into the World Trade Center. 该飞机撞向了世贸中心
Thousands of people running. 成千上万的民众东奔西逃
We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad . 我们必须 也将在国内外保持警惕
vigilant:adj.警惕的;警醒的;注意的;警戒的; abroad:adv.在国外;到海外;adj.往国外的;n.海外;异国;
What the fuck are you doing? 你到底想干什么
God! 神啊
Fuck! I missed something once before. 操 过去我曾漏掉过线索
I won't... I can't let that happen again. 我不会... 不能让悲剧重演
It was ten years ago. 那是十年前的事了
Everyone misses something. - Everyone is not me. 很多人都遗漏过线索 -但我不能
Previously on Homeland... 《反恐危机》前情提要
What did you say? 你说什么
I'm an American. 我是美国人
It turns out he's one of ours. 结果发现 他是自己人
Marine Sergeant Nicholas Brody, 陆战队中士尼古拉斯.布洛迪
Marine:adj.海的;海产的;海生的;海船的;n.(尤指美国或英国皇家)海军陆战队士兵; Sergeant:n.军士;警察小队长;海军陆战队中士;高等律师;
MIA since early 2003 and presumed dead... 03年在战场失踪 被推定为死亡
until now. 直到现在
Hi, Dad. 爸爸
Did you ever meet him? - Abu Nazir ? 你见过他吗 -阿布.纳齐尔吗
Was he ever present during any of your interrogations ? 在你受审期间他出现过吗
No. 没有
So Abu Nazir's resurfacing just as Brody's miraculously returned home means nothing? 那阿布.纳齐尔的重现人间 与布洛迪奇迹般的重返家园就无任何联系吗
resurfacing:v.再次浮出;重铺路面;(resurface的现在分词) miraculously:adv.奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地;
Dad... 爸爸
If he is a terrorist, we need eyes an ears on Brody from the minute he steps off that plane. 如果他真是恐怖分子 从布洛迪下飞机的那一刻起 就需要寸步不离地盯着他
Oh, I'm sorry. - Hey, I know you. 不好意思 -我记得你
Hey, look, I'm not going back in if it means you can't go back in. 如果你不去 那我也不回去了
That's not necessary. 没这必要啊
Maybe we can hold our own private meeting out here. 或者我们俩可以在这开个私人会议
How's that sound? 怎么样
It's tempting . 很吸引人
How about your wife? 你妻子呢
I can't be with her, but I can with you. 我没法跟她在一起 但我能跟你在一起
The fucking CIA thinks I'm working for al-Qaeda ? 傻逼中情局认为我为基地组织卖命吗
I think you're working for al-Qaeda. 是我这样认为的
I was broken, living in the dark for years, and a man walked in. 我身心俱疲 暗无天日地过了多年 这时他来了
And he was kind to me. 他对我很好
And you became his follower ? 你成了他的追随者